In March this year, Icon alleged that 2face committed adultery by impregnating a 'Lagos top banker' who is supposedly his account officer in one of the new generation banks and that infact, the lady had every intention of keeping the baby. The story went viral, which 2face later denied.
A source close to the music icon said the story, which was found to be false, made 2face lose a very lucrative deal and caused ripples between him and his wife. Icon weekly is said to have approached 2face’s team for discussions on a possible out of court settlement.
Ghen ghen!
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Good one 2Face,, Haba! We know you have a MAD DICK but that was so wrong! :)
Pls Dont agree 2baba to settle out of court
Talk of serious Gobe!
Lets watch and see how this ends and at the same time hope Tubaba is as innocent as his name suggests.
Tuface is a nice guy and he knows how to take a punch, but for him to have instituted a 100m lawsuit, that issue must have being very touchy! that magazine wouldn't be the first to write rubbish about him! Well I hope they can settle out of court, cos I am very certain they do not have a 100m, cos if they did, they would have to write sensational stories for a living.
Clunker tabloids and their quest for huge sales with the business psyche that "bad news is a big deal in the news business", sue their sorry a** bro!
Hmmmmmmmmmm ( meemee ).
Sue them. We take things for granted way too much in this country. Hopefully, they won't print shit again.
That serves dem right next tym dey wnt publish wat dey re nt sure of . Dat y I dnt believe in Evry tin read in paper. A lesson 2 dem 2 baba no mercy 4 dem oo
weather truth or lie, pay him his money
So Annie didn't even trust him not to have done it. After she will come on social media and make mouth. Rubbish
1 kobo dem no go pay you. Na only beg dem go beg
That serves dem right next tym dey wnt publish wat dey re nt sure of . Dat y I dnt believe in Evry tin read in paper. A lesson 2 dem 2 baba no mercy 4 dem oo
Iconic Weekly the pay the dam money stupid soft sell mag, making money at the expense of others
Good for them,he shouldn't agree to any out of court settlement. Some people just enjoy tarnishing other people's image..
If na me,na,N500m dem go pay me...hungry magazine owners.
nice one MR.idibia
nice one MR.idibia
nice one MR.idibia
Please 2baba take it very personal. They can't publish any trash they want ----C21
serves them right, rumor mongers.Bad belle. All in d bid to sale n make money. Ntoooo yiii. hahahahahahahah.
Hahaha...mercy my lord 2face, mercy...hian, aw much is d magazine itself worth 2 slam dem a #100million suit-won ma run down niyen ke
Why is't taking so long to file a suit, maybe the has gone for abortion
I tot d wife stood by him den cos she evn posted on twitter den sayin smtin lyk *sm1 is trying to remove d sugar frm deir tea.. 2face shld nt do dis.. he is a celebrity so u expect tins lyk dis after all if he never impregnated girls b4 nobody wil believe it.. hes evn d cause of d rumour. . 2baba I love u soo much bt dis is rubbish. . Media always lie abt celebrities nd dats wat comes wiv fame. . Biko 100m is too much.. he shld go nd rest
That's a good move Tubaba but i will like u to settle d case out frm court..
Even without advert garri still sell ahead of indomie ~Onahboy
fuck any kindda outside court settlement. icon mag, you guys must go in for messing with the Legendary 2baba.
He should maintain his stand, no withdrawal.
Yes! Next time they'll learn not to write. Shit about people.
big up bro..festac gat ur back any day any time.
Now dia fake news hs landed dem in trouble..gud 4 dem
Stupid pple with dia fake news. Even if she's pregnant, did 2face force her! She shld b ashamed of herself for opening her legs to a father of seven.
Bring back NL!!!
I pity people who waste time reading trash.
Wot useless sort of out of court settlement do dey want now? Y didn't dey endure their info wz correct b4 broadcasting it? Tuface shud go ahead and sue their sorry ass jare
No settling out of court pls. Sue their muderfucking ass.... What a scandal !!
Well thats the price one pays being a celebrity.... Sorry dude....
Sorry bro..I feel ur pain..sue dia ass..they gon learn today..magazines publish all sort of trash jst to sell...........................#KingOfKings
Sorry bro..I feel ur pain..sue dia ass..they gon learn today..magazines publish all sort of trash jst to sell...........................#KingOfKings
Good fr them and they must pay for the trash they published. Others will learn from this.
Linda pls report this Asap, the Sudanese woman sentence for apostasy is freed, saw it now on CNN. Thank God!
For the sake of God 2baba please settle out of court, otherwise they go bankrupt. Good for them though.
Don't agree 2baba, that's how they go about carrying fake information when they know his married.. Stupid people, they must pay 4 damages
They must pay. Why publish a story ure not sure of, even without confirmation. Having kids from different women is his past life, he's married now and he intends to keep this marriage ever strong. I wonder why pple can't see this
2baba no gree ooo..dos pple use ur name hamma pepper,mak dey bring all d proceeds frm d sales of d@ edition den outta court settllement may commence.
Wow!!! That's too much.
Yes,don't! For the sake of your fans,don't! I was blank 4 weeks when I heard that false news,I can imagine how ur wife will feel abt it,oh!my poor annie.
Tuface please sue them to pieces jare, out of court settlement ke?
Choi! Dem don make tuface vex o,and d guy hardly get angry...where dem one see 100milla? I laff in spanish* wel,tuface seems nice n frendly I'm sure he's gona forgive dem n move on....
We all know 2face is broke.is not really doing well again in the music industry.
Good for this hungry journalists......2baba u for mk am #200 million naira sef nd pls no settlement outside court o. Linda u must publish my comment o before wat happened in 2020 go cum repeat itself in 2014 o. Lol
Pls my dear 2face don't agree to settle out of court. We need to teach all this soft-sell magazine a lesson. They can't damage someone image all in the name of making money. It is unacceptable.
Naija media!
Good! Make dem leave dis boi dem no gree. Let dem face him now. But I knw my brother from another mother with his soft mind might settle with dem. Now, all dis over night journalist and bloggers be warned.
I dont blame d magazine.its his modus operandi.so what will 2baba do abt d ida true stories? I will accuse him if I find my dog pregnant.no be my fault.
2 things happened,Tuface definately slept with the banker,just like paul of psquare slept with Elshamah Igbanoi,cuz if there was no sex,the ladies involved cant come out from the blues to say de were impregnated,secondly d banker in question probably is pregnant and dznt know the father is,we all know how female bankers sleep with customers in order to meet their targets!!! Well whatevet the case,adultery was involved period,i sha support his lawsuit,but wr should dress how we want to be addressed,if tuface dressed his joystick,he would be scandal free today
2baba no vex o! do not mind those MONKEY magazines, they are all looking for popularity.
These people are so crazy as they are, nonsense. 2face, 2face, 2face, na beg I day take God beg u, them don to take u for granted, every time, u give belle, every time u give belle, and u self go keep quite. Abeg no gree, make sure say u collect that peper
He had better...
Why Annie go quarrel? Is that not how she knew him spreading sperm all over?
Why she go dey vex now?
Oh I like dis. Maybe they'd learn a litu lesson, to alwys get thr facts right b4 publicatn
Gud for them this will teach others a lesson to mind their business
Sue the bastards and let them pay with their last card....
No to any out-of-court settlement...
These arses will go any length to destroy just to Tuface...
They are being sponsored....
So annie is human afta all. With all d consolation she was giving herself on twitter she no stil trust d guy oooo.... Datz bad sha y wrirte sometin just to sell bt 2face just bone dem ok, u big pass am.....
Linda this should also teach u a lesson to know the authenticity of information before giving it a fucking post
##############GOD bless##################################Naija
Sue dem!!!! Supported.
False news here and there... This is gonna be a lesson.. Let's see how it ends!
Kindly visit www.mapleservices.com.ng today #recruitments #opportunities
I thought Annie said she 'trust' her husband? Why would such a news cause rift between her and Tuface when she doesn't think he's guilty of anything? I begiii...make dem let us hear word! If it quacks like a dork, and walk like a dork...guess what it is....a dork! Why do I get a feeling that the banker lady have been paid heavily to hide and keep her mouth shut and her pregnancy quiet? Na today? Na dis news cause am make 2face lose big contract or na all him past and even present ruff riding? Make una dey fool una self... Linda post my comment. But if you don't, well, diaris Godooooooo!
Owoicha 'Da! @ Doby Doby, ur such a gulible and squirt fellow. So coz ur a celeb means any unfortunate, frustrated and low life Rat can rob his/her Bole' oil on ur head after eating it.
2baba, settle nothing out of court. Atleast with this, we can eliminate Fake media houses like this very one. U have my full support man.
Ahiya kocho Oine kum. Alachi Ache!
And your are the MAD WOMAN on this blog.
Mystique, se k'osi? U sound a little out of ur depth...
'cause ripple btw him and his wife or wives' rme
It's becos of stupid retarded comments like these that things keep going wrong in our country. Someone has committed libel and is being sued and you are saying it is rubbish, he should take it bcos he is a celeb? How retarded and redundant is that? So magazines should go about printing thrash about people bcos they are celebs? Or bcos they 'brought it on thermselves'? Don't be silly joor!
seven in deed.
2baba, bcos u are innocent on dis one u wan sue abi? Wat of d oda's u are guilty of? Make sure u sue oh.
2face Idibia suing for being branded a rampant sex maniac is like Boko Haram suing for being blamed for a bomb that exploded in Pakistan. Boko Haram exploded nothing in Pakistan and 2face Idibia probably did impregnate the said banker, but based on 2face Idibia reputation for sleeping around, he ought to take it on the chin, shut it and not profit from the news article. 2face Idibia is not the Pope, and does not a squeaky clean image when it comes to women. He knows it. Everybody knows it. The truth must be told.
2face Idibia can never swear that he's never cheated on Anne Macauley before and after they married. A leopard can never change its spots. 2face Idibia is who he is: a cheater. Period. He'll always shamelessly cheat and sleep around.
2face Idibia, about your lawsuit, go sit your arse down. Se nah now you suddenly care about your image / reputation? How about the times you slept around in LONDON? We know your secrets. How about the women you got pregnant? How about the numerous women and girls you slept with?
2face Idibia, I go slander, libel and defame you and you can't do Jack about it. I dare you to come London and try your stupid litigation and see if I no go bankrupt your silly arse. You're a disgrace to black men and black people. You're a BAD ROLE MODEL. Shame on you and sex maniacs like you. It's about time you act your age, stop sleeping around and keep you d!ck inside your trouser. Smh.
He shud av employed a private investigator to find out their net worth, and stripe dem of all their penny...
See wahala
Linda dis 1 old news now... dis sue was done abt a Mnth agooo... my Anuty boss is 2 face personal lawyer.. dey handle many of 2 face case.... digg dip... 2 face hv so many cases in court. even one of is baby mama sued him... n I think she won d case. 2 face is to be paying a very huge amount to her account monthly, for d up keep of d kids... I saw d file of this case.. and am 100% sure if wat am sayin... will hv love to snap pics of d case file to u... bt my Anuty may end up losing her job if I do dat... dig deep... no 1 amebo of Africa...
Via BlackBerry z10
2baba I knw say the storÝ mu§t be true.......abi u don forget ur journey on tryn to achieve Umuidibia village...
Go after them! Yeye journalists...Bloggers watch-out too.
2baba m na one of ur die fans bt abeg on dis b considerat
Scene 1 part 2! Let's see how it goes
A story goes out that Tuface got yet another woman pregnant and he is upset. Hmmmm.
A story goes out that Tuface got yet another woman pregnant and he is upset. Hmmmm.
Linda, you are next.
You better start screening information you put out
Kamikel or whatever u call urself, u r very stupid 4 such a useless comment.
linda ikeji will be sued next for writting a fake story about kim k
It is called claims..his law suit needs enough claims to make it worthwhile. Leave Annie alone. Bad belle.
Hehe! Lobatan!
Proved false by way of a DNA test?
Stupid media! Serves dem well
2Baba if you wan kill ur enemy kill am totally na. Na like 500m suit you for file against them so that the company will vanish without any trace and den others will learn to stay off your track for once...but you sef make u dey use your head well. No dey do again. Face ur wife and she alone cos she sef don try for you.
Una mumu sha..... Even if Annie no vex sef, this na court case oh. All hands must be on deck. To win the case, they gats say e affect their marriage and even the children self because them don sabi read and their classmates dey use am mock them lol.. see gobe. Yeye dey really dey worry all these publishes oshi
Lol.weyrey.I bet u've not eaten today
Jog on already pple...he's changed and moved on.do pple evn understand 'past' @ all in dis country?Illiterate
Faceless oloribuu...I don't understand why pple make other pple's life their headache.for God sakes he's living for him not for u....even if all ur accusations are true..what's ur father's business?some comments just make me sick.if I'm to see d writer of dis comment walahi I go almost wound u with beating.so annoying
Shhh bitch.It's non of ur business and u shouldn't be worried.now go and get a job!
Well...u can say cos dats how ur father does too...we understand
Na wa o.. so many ways to make money.
Am sure you are one pain in the ass somewhere!! So coz of his past he can't live his life anymore and people will drag his name to the mud ? My friend you are just a mofo.
Good for them. Tubaba dont agree to settle out of court (I know your kind heart might push you to), but fuck sentiments and sue their sorry Asses...So others can learn too
@Nduka....u are such a foolish selfish bastard becos u also wan to comment u decieded to sell ur aunty out to make a point. Weldone u try ur aunty already lost her job. Foollllllllllllllll. Tubaba I love u n ur family God bless ur home.
After d moni what happens? As if he didt hav an affair wit d said banker! remember in every rumour, dere is atom of truth! 2baba be wise and settle dis out of court #derissnemesisoooooooo#
Seconded! I don't know why we like to pull others down spreading falsehood round the place.
2 baba carry go.i support u.at least some1 shd b made a scape goat.we cnt continue ds form of impunity n cheap publicity on d part of junk press
Please he should sue the hell out of them and use them as an example to all those other useless soft sells. He should not settle out of court oh!!! he must publicly and visibly embarrass them the way they sought to do him. Then he can share d 100 million with me!!!!! Aeg SUE THEM 2Baba
Very good for them. When Apple begin to sue them, they will stop writing rubbish. They are in for it. Nice1 2 baba.
He shld sue every single penny off their pockets. Stupid road-side magazine publishers looking for who to bring down inorder to rise... 2Baba pls I beg in in God's name SUE THUNDER COMMOT THEIR NYASHES... At least it will serve as a deterent to others.
They put ALLEGEDLY in their headline. This case would be thrown out of court just cos of that word.
U are nuttin but a pirated photocopy of a fake toilet roll!! Idiot... Anumanu!!
Who is dis used tampon? Am sure tuface is richer than Anything dat Has ur surname.useless Hyena Mmsscheeew!!
The only intellegent response so far, besides, that the plaintiff sued does not mean the story is false or the defendant is guilty. Except they are bringing in sherlock holmes to investigate the story,then its just a save face move. No smoke without fire
pls miss linda can u pls post 2face's new track 'GO' featurin machel montanno. Thanks,i only love downloading frm this ur blog link.
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