A music critic from the Miami Times writes,
"...at times, it felt a bit like the Carters' chemistry wasn't all it could be. With the media caught in a putrid hailstorm of rumors and accusations, we couldn't help noticing the way Bey shook off his kisses or turned away from his doting playfulness."Beyonce also raised eyebrows by including a cover of Lauryn Hill's heart break anthem Ex-Factor in her set. I think they are fine and will be together for a long time to come...
mtchwww.... dey shud liv my beyonce alone oo!!
Who cares?
D media shd leave their marriage alone na shuo
May God never bring solange into the marriage of anyone
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Mehn Jay Z is really getting old gradually. Noting good lasts forever. I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Nonsense.... Am really not seeing anything but all this things is a way of making off money frm their crisis.... All this people should just chill abeg and stop stemming up rubbish that isnt there....
Nawao world people, the,other day they were kissing on stage, now cold kwa.
U'll just stay ur own and people will release sex tape for u.
Today she's all over him on stage,next shes cold??? Abeg na their biz jere
Pple jus wan to talk. . Dey shld free dem.. deir is no perfect marriage
Nawa oh people nd their speculation#bebo#
There must be ups and down in marriage, bcs no marriage is perfect. Pls they should leave them alone to face their lives.
Una wan use bad mouth destroy this marriage.
like I said b4""they should go en sleep already""... m so fed up with their news!!
Trouble in paradiso
The critic's rumor mongering. They're professional and wouldn't take their problems on stage. If they can put their best foot forward after that volatile elevator ride, they won't let the public see any chips in their armor.
Leave this marriage alone nah and what is Solange even doing with them. After the elevator incident? She should get her own life abeg
Yes, Bey abi wetin una dey call am surely put her hand in his chest and pushed him off. Jay-z is overbearing...always wanna hold her on stage n act like its all lovey-dovey. Dude get real...u have been solanged-kicked like a bitch ass nigga n ur marriage is fucked-up. Ugly ass morrofuckers dem two!
Is there any perfect marriage , they should free this couple jare
The more they talk about them the more money they'll make
Na wha o, I don tire o. diffrents story about this couple everyday. I beg bele make una free Jay Z and his wife nah. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Even being married to a rich guy with d biggest celebrity status & big dick like Jay-z wont guaranty u a happy forever lasting marriage! Linda take note!!!...cuz I know dose are the 'quantity' u seek in ur future husband!!!
D media shuld leav dem alone 2 fix dia marriage.....haba oyibo jst enjoy 2 de hear brkup.
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Like u would...
Haba, i read another review yesterday which said they owned the stage together and brought the house down. Now this rubbish, these critics or whatever they call themselves should go and take several back seats abeg afterall marriage is not all about kisses and hugs all the time.
Bey and Jay are a money hungry power couple. All the dollars "they are sharing" wont allow them to seperate too quickly but they are human and they will go their seperate ways eventually once 1 party or the other has had it. I will refer u to this post when it happens. Beyonce is a fake bitch. She isnt happy but she will fake it for the cameras, money and fame to the end
Fake couple to the core. Real couple is michelle and obama, patience and jonathan(that man loves his wife like crazy) and believe it or not kim and kanye although i would say theirs is more 1 way. Kanye is a bitchass nigga whippd by kims pussy. All kim sees in kanye are dollar signs and someone to keep her in the news for now. She will be his downfall eventually and move on to the nxt
Hian! Person go just wake up one morning and write nonsense all for attention. Please leave them be. Every couple on this planet fights.
May God bring a thousand Solange for men that misbehave----C21
Dats wat dey have to suffer as celebrities.
They shld leave this couple alone na...no be here I read say them kiss for stage? Awon aye sha! There is God oooooo
They should free them joor
He lost some weight actually
You should get your own sister abeg ----C21
Looool, I swear
Dude, its not only beyonce now, its the both of them and yes i think they should leave them alone, because celebrity marriages fail because of all these kind of attention and criticism. #clickonmyname :)
The media doesn't rest. They are good at breaking marriages.....
Nothing last forever...except the love of GOD...................................NEXT OF KIN
Linda abeg abeg pls be posting my comment I donot know if u want to uSe it and cook soup
Linda which one be ur own...if they like they should act hot to themselves afterall it's their home.
Will ppl eva learn to mind thr biz's??? Just ystday, a pic of dem kissin on stage was all ova d place, and now its dis. Let ppl liv dis ppl alone. I think dey ar kul. U cant alwys expect dem to act d way u want or expect
How do you know that Jay Z has a big dick? Tell us please.
Abi oo!! #smiles
Lol nothing can ever come between them, except for ninja Solange, every marriage needs a Solange!!! Come on since that elevator incident, they have been trying to convince their fans that, their marriage is solid!!! But we cannot be deceived, they are only staying together because of the money and Blue Ivy, I give them, another 1-2 years, after that, Beyonce would be with her bodyguard, and Jay Z would hook up with Racheal Roy or any hot mama, that wants him and his thick lips lol!!! Every marriage has its ups and downs, Linda post my comment o!!!Whizman
All dis monitoring spirit followin bey and jay up nd down diaris God o
u ar such a cloun.. Like seriously i mean u bonario
Bey cold on Jay how? They have no point whatsoever...The media should leave this couple the hell alone...HA!
Like seriously,u mean if bey,or kim Kanye or jay isn't smiling on pix means automatically something is wrong? World pple wish pple well,wat will u gain if their marriages fail???
It is so obvious. Once a partner cheat's that is what happen's
LINDA, DREAM ON DREAMER................
Public opinion alone can destroy a marriage. These pple r still humans at the end of the day. pple shld leave them alone to work it out haba
this babe get killer hip sha ooh
Linda d way u dey carry dis pple 4 head ehnnn I dey weak 4 u ooO....is deir lyfs let dem leave it d way dey so choose...
Nice picture Onyx.
Who cares divorce him 4 all dat I care! Fake ass ! Fake couple! Fake marriage! ADA
As in
none of my business tho
And why didnt you finish the entire comment, you left out the most important part that clarified it was all part of the performance they were doing it as it was leading to 2 key songs ..... You are a piece of work, this is not journalism good God!
Dis Linda, I tot u rock b4. U dnt evn hv any gist about Justice Oputa's burial. Mtcheew
Please let em sort this whole issues, I love them 2geda.
Chairman ndi gay! Who told u he has Anaconda in between his leg
Bey n jay its ul lookin bad now.up kimye.
Liars...!!!!!!!!!! Jez, pls leave them alone oooo. Is it bad to have a
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