Must read! Chimamanda Adichie writes on the anti-gay law | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Must read! Chimamanda Adichie writes on the anti-gay law

Article written by award winning writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie titled 'Why can’t he just be like everyone else?'  Find it below...
I will call him Sochukwuma. A thin, smiling boy who liked to play with us girls at the university primary school in Nsukka. We were young. We knew he was different, we said, ‘he’s not like the other boys.’ But his was a benign and unquestioned difference; it was simply what it was. We did not have a name for him. We did not know the word ‘gay.’ He was Sochukwuma and he was friendly and he played oga so well that his side always won.
In secondary school, some boys in his class tried to throw Sochukwuma off a second floor balcony. They were strapping teenagers who had learned to notice, and fear, difference. They had a name for him. Homo. They mocked him because his hips swayed when he walked and his hands fluttered when he spoke. He brushed away their taunts, silently, sometimes grinning an uncomfortable grin. He must have wished that he could be what they wanted him to be. I imagine now how helplessly lonely he must have felt. The boys often asked, “Why can’t he just be like everyone else?”

Possible answers to that question include ‘because he is abnormal,’ ‘because he is a sinner, ‘because he chose the lifestyle.’ But the truest answer is ‘We don’t know.’ There is humility and humanity in accepting that there are things we simply don’t know. At the age of 8, Sochukwuma was obviously different.  It was not about sex, because it could not possibly have been – his hormones were of course not yet fully formed – but it was an awareness of himself, and other children’s awareness of him, as different. He could not have ‘chosen the lifestyle’ because he was too young to do so. And why would he – or anybody – choose to be homosexual in a world that makes life so difficult for homosexuals?

The new law that criminalizes homosexuality is popular among Nigerians. But it shows a failure of our democracy, because the mark of a true democracy is not in the rule of its majority but in the protection of its minority – otherwise mob justice would be considered democratic. The law is also unconstitutional, ambiguous, and a strange priority in a country with so many real problems. Above all else, however, it is unjust. Even if this was not a country of abysmal electricity supply where university graduates are barely literate and people die of easily-treatable causes and Boko Haram commits casual mass murders, this law would still be unjust.  We cannot be a just society unless we are able to accommodate benign difference, accept benign difference, live and let live. We may not understand homosexuality, we may find it personally abhorrent but our response cannot be to criminalize it.

A crime is a crime for a reason. A crime has victims. A crime harms society. On what basis is homosexuality a crime? Adults do no harm to society in how they love and whom they love. This is a law that will not prevent crime, but will, instead, lead to crimes of violence: there are already, in different parts of Nigeria, attacks on people ‘suspected’ of being gay. Ours is a society where men are openly affectionate with one another. Men hold hands. Men hug each other. Shall we now arrest friends who share a hotel room, or who walk side by side? How do we determine the clunky expressions in the law – ‘mutually beneficial,’ ‘directly or indirectly?’

Many Nigerians support the law because they believe the Bible condemns homosexuality. The Bible can be a basis for how we choose to live our personal lives, but it cannot be a basis for the laws we pass, not only because the holy books of different religions do not have equal significance for all Nigerians but also because the holy books are read differently by different people. The Bible, for example, also condemns fornication and adultery and divorce, but they are not crimes.
For supporters of the law, there seems to be something about homosexuality that sets it apart. A sense that it is not ‘normal.’ If we are part of a majority group, we tend to think others in minority groups are abnormal, not because they have done anything wrong, but because we have defined normal to be what we are and since they are not like us, then they are abnormal. Supporters of the law want a certain semblance of human homogeneity. But we cannot legislate into existence a world that does not exist: the truth of our human condition is that we are a diverse, multi-faceted species. The measure of our humanity lies, in part, in how we think of those different from us. We cannot – should not – have empathy only for people who are like us.

Some supporters of the law have asked – what is next, a marriage between a man and a dog?’ Or ‘have you seen animals being gay?’ (Actually, studies show that there is homosexual behavior in many species of animals.) But, quite simply, people are not dogs, and to accept the premise – that a homosexual is comparable to an animal – is inhumane. We cannot reduce the humanity of our fellow men and women because of how and who they love. Some animals eat their own kind, others desert their young. Shall we follow those examples, too?

Other supporters suggest that gay men sexually abuse little boys. But pedophilia and homosexuality are two very different things. There are men who abuse little girls, and women who abuse little boys, and we do not presume that they do it because they are heterosexuals. Child molestation is an ugly crime that is committed by both straight and gay adults (this is why it is a crime: children, by virtue of being non-adults, require protection and are unable to give sexual consent).

There has also been some nationalist posturing among supporters of the law. Homosexuality is ‘unafrican,’ they say, and we will not become like the west. The west is not exactly a homosexual haven; acts of discrimination against homosexuals are not uncommon in the US and Europe. But it is the idea of ‘unafricanness’ that is truly insidious. Sochukwuma was born of Igbo parents and had Igbo grandparents and Igbo great-grandparents. He was born a person who would romantically love other men. Many Nigerians know somebody like him. The boy who behaved like a girl. The girl who behaved like a boy. The effeminate man. The unusual woman. These were people we knew, people like us, born and raised on African soil. How then are they ‘unafrican?’

If anything, it is the passage of the law itself that is ‘unafrican.’ It goes against the values of tolerance and ‘live and let live’ that are part of many African cultures. (In 1970s Igboland, Area Scatter was a popular musician, a man who dressed like a woman, wore makeup, plaited his hair. We don’t know if he was gay – I think he was – but if he performed today, he could conceivably be sentenced to fourteen years in prison. For being who he is.) And it is informed not by a home-grown debate but by a cynically borrowed one: we turned on CNN and heard western countries debating ‘same sex marriage’ and we decided that we, too, would pass a law banning same sex marriage. Where, in Nigeria, whose constitution defines marriage as being between a man and a woman, has any homosexual asked for same-sex marriage?

This is an unjust law. It should be repealed. Throughout history, many inhumane laws have been passed, and have subsequently been repealed. Barack Obama, for example, would not be here today had his parents obeyed American laws that criminalized marriage between blacks and whites.
An acquaintance recently asked me, ‘if you support gays, how would you have been born?’ Of course, there were gay Nigerians when I was conceived. Gay people have existed as long as humans have existed. They have always been a small percentage of the human population. We don’t know why. What matters is this: Sochukwuma is a Nigerian and his existence is not a crime.


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Anonymous said...

Am really impressed a true Nigerian is writing and standing up for the gay right..."let and let live"...that's a good one. Go girl!!!

Anonymous said...

And it has nw caused some mobs to start molesting d gays,eg in Ph they were disgraced... Ezinne

Anonymous said...

very intelligent. very intriguing. very deep!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's a spiritual crime my dear

Anonymous said...

Chamamanda should shut up and do what she is known for. Because she is now an international figure,she wants to follow the whites by supporting what God has condemned. For this, she has betrayed my love and trust for her.....WORLUTING

Anonymous said...

Mthew! I hope this adds to PR Chi, u shut up!

Anonymous said...

Atleast dia are pple who tink wel

Addyfel said...

@Anon 2:26am; Stick to the topic and stop with the insults. Insults imply you lack intellectual reasoning.

Chimamanda you have spoken well. While I find it difficult to comprehend homosexuality, I do not support criminalizing it. People like you belong in the Senate.

Anonymous said...

Nice article and sincerely speaking I very much understand your plight but, let put it these way in my own view if our parents were gay? How would we have been in existence? Let say you adopt some1 else child, do u know what it takes to have that child?

Anonymous said...

Amanda has a point where she wrote against sentencing likes of sochukwuma to jail for that long, for a crime which should be judged by God.
But let us remember(for christians) that In d sight of God gay is evil, I do not believe God made anyone gay or else why did he wipe away sodom and gomorah.
one becomes gay by his own will, and I believe it is because of inferiority complex.
For example; a guy notices he behaves less like a man due to less testosterone(in many cases) in him, then he sees himself as an inferior being who is laughed @by fellow males and turned down by some females(that's if he's courageous enough to ask dem out), he then sorts out his type and they end up consoling themselves with being gay.
My opinion; do what is right, we all have consciences, let it speak to us positively, no matter your belief or religion, we are gods ourselves, we should know what is good or bad.

Anonymous said...

This is very true..shame on us!!

Unknown said...

Let's call a spade a spade.@Chiamamanda forget ur western Ideologies and whether the bible conderns it or not. Deep down within you search ur self and tell yourself the truth if its right or not if you think it Is can you give me three reasons why you think it is? Your birth alone is a reason why you should condern it with the whole of your heart. Homosexuality is mean and evil because if its allowed humans will go into extinction.(Remember sodom and gomora)

rainbow hearts said...

As an LGBT youth in nigeria this lady gives me hope thank you forr this piece ma'am bless ur heart :) ' I am a nigerian and my Existance is not a crime'.

Anonymous said...

I write in dismay to this preposterous argument posted by Chimamanda. I wonder why Chimamanda has allowed her success and deferment to the West to taint and becloud her sense of good judgement and the fear of God. The law is about right and wrongs which is usually widely acceptable. It may not be universally accepted but the majority of the people agree to it. In this case, most Nigerians agree we dont a gay society. Looking at the process of law making, unanimity is rare to achieve yet the law gets passed.

We can not sit on the fence. It is either we are for it or against it. Our values and beliefs therefore shape our opinion and decision. For those who believe in God, it is very clear. God condemns it and such people are described as having a reprobate minds. To contest this is to challenge the Wisdom.

For Chimamanda to say this, I think she is may be trying to lauder her image by aligning with the west. If she is a confessed atheist, I may cut her some slack. The question is: would she be proud to raise gays and lesbians as children. If yes, I rest my case.

There is no vice or abnormality that is not injurious. Gay may noy be overtly injurious but offends the minds of the kids we all protect. it is biologically abnormal. It hurts humanity in the long run; it is the beginning of the extinction of the human race. As a matter of the preservation of the human race, it is indeed the greatest crime of all!

Unknown said...

Dear Chimamanda, You didn't say Sochukwuma was a gay just that he play with ladies and played Oga with you. The Mark of democracy is not the defence of the minority but the Majority opinion. i am sure you know that abnormality is a deviation from normality, therefore the act of homosexuality is abnormal Aunty Amanda, you live in America and may have been initiated into the stupidity of American lifestyle, but you must understand this, leadership is not about taking the people where they want to go, but where they ought to go. the Nation Nigeria which you might have not been part of for a long time now has taken a decision, and i advice you to respect that, keep on gathering your supporters in your area and we shall keep doing our best. Gay is anti-God, Anti Humans, and we stand against it.

Anonymous said...

Chei! Igbo women are fineee. I must find myself one.

Anonymous said...

there is a lot in this, but it doesn't disprove the fact that humans are subject to beliefs that result in their cultural values. which is one of the things i believe the law protects. obviously being gay doesn't go too well with our cultural values, we cant blame the majority for choosing to protect their belief. all the minority need to do is convince the majority about the sanity of their own beliefs (which is very unlikely). until then, being gay in Nigeria wouldn't be legal. lets be fair to human reason and not just act like the law wasn't driven by a good purpose for the majority, and this is because democracy has its limitations. democracy cant be fair to all.

Unknown said...

You said it all, I used to kn a guy like Sochukwuma when I was a child, he act, talks, walk and dresses like a woman. Anytime he passes, I say to my self how can a full grow man dress and walk like tis, my Aunt will always say to me " he was born different" we all need to show them love nt hate.

Anonymous said...

lynda, are you gay? Am really suspecting you.

Eesah 26E90A24 said...

So in her mind she's tryg na convince us dt gay pple are born that way right? Well FYI that's a lie from d pit of hell and a strategy adopted by d west in trying na lure pple in2 dz God forsaken act. Well I don't blame u 4 thinking dz way since u've started mingling wid d westerners. Who knows if she has not being initiated already. She's gotta kno dt dz is Nigeria and it's an act 95% of us say no to.

Unknown said...

Truth!!!Linda fax this to Jonathan

Unknown said...

Bunch of rubbish.......Gay is an abomination! Gay is a crime!! Gay is a sin.. The Holy Bible and Quaran condem gay reletionship PERIOD. God distroyed sodom and gomorrah b/c of dis if ur a gay mi advice for u is to commite suicide so that in ur next world u will be a real human being which will be attracted by the opposite sex. I don't want the anger of God to befall on this country pls oooooo

Mystic Falls said...

This is quite true,but laws are always subject 2 change. The gay community in the US started protesting since in the 90s but their legislators put on deaf ears untill a significant number of the population came out as gay b4 the anti-gay bill was amended. So untill the Nigerian gay community are ready 2 come out,their struggle is still far from reality..and for other crimes I strongly believe that people who are into drugs and smoking are not criminals bcos it doesn't affect anybody but themselves dats why countries like Uruguay & even Washington have legalised marijuana,columbia have legalised cocainne etc...So law is a heteregeneous concept.

Anonymous said...

God bless you chimamanda, most people won't even bother to read, research or observe or see reasons why some people are genderly Fluid. I have seen young boys who were so effeminate when I was a young child in primary school-girls loved them, because they will not beat us up, but will play and share our foods with us. Those young tomboy girls were always a replacement for our bothers we wished were a little bit more nicer to us, they always were so good in sports. Instead of murdering gay people-why don't you get on your knees if you feel they need help, pray for them, or if your hate is just unfounded, Mind your business. We all have at least one gay person in our lives - your best friend, sister, brother, uncle, aunty, father, mother etc. Ever wondered why your thirty something year old uncle ain't married yet?? Even though he has money and is really comfortable socially?? That uncle of yours may just be a gay guy who has decided never to marry a woman. Get over it, some people just can't stomach heterosexual relationships.

Anonymous said...

This is what I tag an intelligent, unassuming and well informed write up. I hope our leaders make out time in their ever BUSY SCHEDULES to read nd digest this.....that is if they read at all. I think they are more interested in learning new money laundering tatics while they keep Nigerians busy with a crazy nd ill timed piece of legislation. Well done Chimamanda

Anonymous said...

Being gay is like being left handed or left footed. Why is one left handed? We cannot say but to our culture it was criminal and a child gets mercilessly beaten by the parents for being left handed. Something he had no control over.

The most annoying thing is that Nigerians have failed to bring any scientifically proven evidence to support their assertions against homosexuality which is typical of very ignorant people. What you hear is, "it is against our culture". What culture, the one that criminalizes left handed people and twins?

Anonymous said...

Its Chimandas business not all laws in a country is fair to everyone since dey r minority dey better migrate to countries dat support dier cause and bestiality! Chimandas sabi sabi is too much shei she's d same person dat said weavons or permed hair is insecurity or politics! In life ur play ur part, d same way is a crime to take a bible into some countries, NIGERIA GOVT SAYS ITS AN OFFENCE! ITS AN OFFENCE! Moreova u r based in US leave us here,we r coping jus fine,u want to fight d cause come down here and fight for d minority

Anonymous said...

I agree totally wit u, I av a frn born in d 80's, we grew up togeda n we used to tease him n call him woman wrapper cos he ws effeminate, bt I knw he never chose to b dis way, d feelings n hormones may b strange 4m wt oda "normal" boys felt, bt he was n still is our frn, I remember on many occassions when he wld cryt o me n say he wnts to b lyk oda pple n all I wld say wld b "ur normal bt play wit girls too much" bt he cld never change even if he wnted.
He nw tries to live lyk every "normal" man, bt jst lyk u said, d law shd b reviewed, nt gay though, bt having read ur write up, I tink it shd b looked into so dt my "innocent" frn who didn't creat himsef will nt b harrased or arrested unjustly

Unknown said...

nice but.......

Anonymous said...

Hmm there is a lot of sence made

Blazing said...

Anonymous 3:13...and may God forgive u for appointing urself judge n being born brainless. Hypocrites are the worst sinners, they judge n insult n still ask God. To condemn someone. God forgive u too cos not everyone who can write has intellect

Anonymous said...

you guys shut up! you're all just giving the devil an avenue to dominate the earth. God surely knew what he was doing when he sent eve to adam and also when he said be fruitful and multiply. if a child is born gay it should be corrected because its not just right. why then do we treat children who were born with a weird disease? why do we treat siamese twins i mean they were born like that and we just cant leave them to live like that the same way children born gay should be corrected. we should NOT support homosexuality it is certainly NOT right!!

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt ur educational background and upbringing. U sound more like a tout...pls take a seat

Anonymous said...

Its Chimandas business not all laws in a country is fair to everyone since dey r minority dey better migrate to countries dat support dier cause and bestiality! Chimandas sabi sabi is too much shei she's d same person dat said weavons or permed hair is insecurity or politics! In life ur play ur part, d same way is a crime to take a bible into some countries, NIGERIA GOVT SAYS ITS AN OFFENCE! ITS AN OFFENCE! Moreova u r based in US leave us here,we r coping jus fine,u want to fight d cause come down here and fight for d minority

A maker said...

Beautiful mindpiece artfully executed, typical of chimamanda. But sochima's case should be a totally different view wen looking @ d anti gay law and dis is bcos sochima's is a hormonal disorder which cld have been caused by some aromatase(enzyme in d production of hormones) activity leading 2 d production of excess estrogen- too bad 4 him and cannot be compared to d absolute man who's choice of homosexuality is free willed. Notwithstanding the promptness with which the anti gay bill was passed into law depicts a high level of misplaced priorities on d part of our law maker. I very well believe dat as a nation we are faced with more pressing issues dat ultimately d passing of this bill would even compound 4 us. And dis I say not because the absurdity of wanting to b intimate with some1 of d same sex is depict of a society with high moral judgements but because its presence or absence should be the least of our worries in this thriving economy.

Anonymous said...

Many who have come on this blog to outrightly express their support of the anti-gay laws are the same ones on here now claiming different just cos Chimamanda has written this excellent piece.
It amazes me how hypocritical a whole lot of people can be.
Well written Chimamanda. God's blessings always!

Anonymous said...

Chimamanda dalu god wil bless u tank u for educating the fools. Once somtin is diffrent and nigerians don't understand it dere answer is to call it evil. I am not gay but I love gay people dey are not hurting anyone so let dem be. If u want to send anyone to prison send yarima he is the one who is a child molester. Not gay people biko nu

Anonymous said...

True talk,we nigeria's shuld understand b4 criticizing.

Anonymous said...

stupid write up from a confused mind

Anonymous said...

Dear Chimamanda,

What about Mr Simpson?

Mr Simpson has been made a criminal by the law banning polygamy in your beloved United States and United Kingdom. His crime is his passion; his crime is his willingness to share his love with multiple women who gave him consent. Those women are old enough to chose for themselves, so I wonder whose interest the law against polygamy was aimed at protecting. Is it a crime to love more than one woman? Is it a crime to want to share your love between women of like minds; working together to achieve a common goal? The answer is no! But your beloved Us did pass a law preventing Mr Simpson from marrying more than one wife.

Simpson is a christian and would to follow the legacies of his christian forefathers; Jacob, David, Solomon and others.

They said it was human right abuse to marry more than a wife: who is being abused here? The wife that gave consent to marry a polygamous man? Your beloved west made polygamy illegal with minimum of 5 years imprisonment! Other countries followed suit; with Canada making it a whooping 7 years! Do you know what that means for Mr Simpson? His fundamental human right and freedom has been utterly abused! He has no freedom of expression and coexistence! He is treated like a curse and locked up in the dungeon for 5 years just for loving in 3-dimensions. I ask again, what crime has Mr Simpson committed? Why is Somto's case unique and deserves the world's outcry while Simpson is left to perish?

If Nigerians should allow Somtochukwu to enjoy his love for other men; the west should allow Mr Simpson to enjoy his love for multiple women. Afterall, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Anonymous said...

I agree as I do not in any way belief that imprisoning or jailing anyone living this lifestyle will do anything to change them. Neither do I condone bullying, or street justice. We are all God’s children that need direction. I mean someone imprisoned for robbery or murder doesn't really mean that 100% when they get out they will not do it again. They may be remorseful and never again or might just be smarter next time.

I however applaud the government particularly President Goodluck for taking this stance on the matter and doing something. I believe it’s not so much about the criminalization as it is trying to stop a trend of continued influence by a rather corrupt/perverse western world, and their encroachment on our God given sense of morality. This doesn't take away from my belief that God is the only one that can change someone, not some law.

About the animals, of course there will always be some person somewhere coming up with research about animals doing homosexual stuff. Do these same research tell you all the health/medical risks people living this lifestyle are exposed to? Do they show you the mortality statistics? Of course they would never because being gay is “cool” & anybody that talks the truth against it is “bashful”/“judgemental”. God help us.

The defence for homosexuality is "love" and "feelings". How about Paedophilia, some people "love"/”have feelings" for children, what is the defence? Talk about "Consent", now that's just semantics, what we are talking about here is actions, whether mutual or not. Or have you not heard of children who actually consent to, even instigate and engage in sexual practises with older people. That's consent. It doesn't make it any better though, and neither does the older person get acquitted say in a court of law.

Ok how do you defend Bestiality uh? It's all feelings and love, isn't it? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Truth is humans from history always try to come up with excuses to defend their actions/beliefs especially the bad ones. I mean, even I writing this am struggling with some sins, I’ll however not try to excuse it, but pray & seek help.

Chimamanda is just another product of the agenda of the US, UN, external influences & a sexually perverse people. I respected her a lot and I think she’s one of the brilliant writers of our time, but I’m really disappointed in her. This article although looks well articulate is very bias & as such is very contradictory to the ideals of her profession. This article and its arguments, I dare to say, is not fully educated. She should just go and sit down, stick to writing books that actually inspire people as you she’s been doing in the past and not try to put her hand where she’s not called, trying to excuse rubbish, all in the name of the new age/civilization. She’s brainwashed by her American ideas and philosophy. I thought she was a Christian or at least had some ethnic morals/values/beliefs. Its this same America that’s caused of a lot of problems in the world especially in Africa and Middle East. WAKE UP PEOPLE! and realize the atrocities America has caused us, both visible & undercover. They are continuing what the Colonists started.

God has always shown as shown both in the O.T and N.T Bible, (and in all religious books, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, etc.) not condoned any of these lifestyles - homosexuality, bestiality, paedophilia and the likes. Jesus never spoke about homo but mostly about adultery, but this indicates the normative. Man and woman. Mind you (if you argue against religion), that means you argue more than 80-90% of laws & constitutions of nations all over the world that are inspired by these Religious books/ideals. the very ideals societies and civilizations are built upon – Even this same America. Take out morality and religion, this world will be chaotic.

Unknown said...

I dey suspect this girl.

Anonymous said...

Again I do not endorse the criminalization of homosexuals in Nigeria, God is the only to punish any sin/unrighteousness, but I do applaud President Ebele and his cabinet, cos this is a show off against further influence by the western world. Today is one thing tomorrow they'll try to legalize paedophilia & the cycle never ends. I'm however, disappointed cos there are many things that could be done in Nigeria. But then again, it’s better to fix the roof while it’s raining then continue your cooking, than to continue cooking but end up with a flooded house.

Chimanada & everyone, no amount of literary skill would change God’s law or the way God wants things to be done, final. WE MAY NOT LIKE IT, BUT IN THE END, IT’S FOR OUR GOOD. Jesus is the only one that can save and deliver us. The world is really getting messed up day by day. I can't wait to see what's next.

Anonymous said...

This girl has an exceptional gift n she has spoken d minds of a lot of people. Ds law shld be repealed!! We hv more to worry bout than same sex marriage

Anonymous said...

Lazy goat. How is it too long? Did you graduate from school?

Toronto Finest said...

I'm so impressed

bimi said...

this lady's article makes sense,we do jail or kill the cos they r gay,it just does not make sense most especially when we dont kill people that fornicate or commit adultery according to the bible

Anonymous said...

People like Linda should also advocate for the gay rights as a journalist or blogger that she is because what is wrong is wrong. The law is unjust. Am not gay but I for sure know they are not less human.

Toronto Finest said...

Bad English for God sake

Acho17 said...

This is all BS
Chimanda no put eyes where you no sabi!

You are a writer. So write books.

No one is refuting the existence of gays. We acknowledge that they are different just as mad people are different.

The difference is that mad people are treated whereas gays refuse to accept that they are sick in the first place.

Heck. Even a mad man will tell you that he is mentally ok.

I guess you have to pander to your oyibo sponsors to keep the milk flowing.

Anonymous said...

It is very unfortunate that even the so called intelligent one has no wisdom that rise the slightest beyond the surface. He who made them, made them Male and female. Not Male and male or female and female. Whether you believe it or not, it is the Creator's design. It is the order of nature. You did not create yourself, your opinion about yourself does not count at all. So don't tell me you are Gay because you are wired that way. That is just a lie you have chosen to believe. And you should be made responsible for that. Gays are outliers. They are aberration, a distortion, an abnormalities like you have in dysfunctional genetic coding. They are human but sick and very hopelessly sick. They should be admitted for proper rehabilitation.

Dear Chimamamnd, as much as you write very well, but you will never be able to justify this. You went overboard for attempting this. It is a misuse for the One who gave you the gift. Or you don't even believe He exists and you are just what you are all by yourself?
Easy! That is a slippery way to Go! You cannt really understand this world and her content outside Him, it will be more questions than answers in your life. But the fact that you don't have answer does not mean there is none. Gays are not created like that. They are malfuntioning pieces, they need repair or return.

Anonymous said...

wat is wrong is wrong! use all the fancy words u want. I pray all u faggs burn in hell.

Anonymous said...

Very well said Chimamanda! Not legalizing gay marriages would have just been fine, now 2 guys can't even share a hotel room without the fear of been mistaken for a couple.

Anonymous said...

U idiot. Go fuck ur mama since being gay is normal to u. Same to u, Cmima wetin

MissBusyBody said...

At Anon: 3:13AM, You must be very daft for calling someone else stupid because they have a different opinion from yours. People like you are the real criminals, Daftness should be the crime here, punishable by 14YEARS

Blazing said...

There is humility and humanity in accepting that there are things we simply don't know. Education doesn't mean u're brilliiant nor Christainity means u're a saint. This is by far the most brilliant write up on gay issue

Blazing said...

Anonymous 3:13...and may God forgive u for appointing urself judge n being born brainless. Hypocrites are the worst sinners, they judge n insult n still ask God. To condemn someone. God forgive u too cos not everyone who can write has intellect

jibby said...

Don't care if you are gay...huge fan of chimamanda Ngozi Adichie but this is politics am sure

Unknown said...

Chimamanda, i hope you know that even in your US quoted free society, Homosexuals are only allowed in only 13 out of 50 states. please, we are africans and that is who we are.

Unknown said...

I understand all her points ... What Nigeria should do is ..,ban homosexuals from displaying their love in the open and shouldn't adopt any child and der should be no church joining them together as couples ... That wud be fair enuf ... So as not to use the law to lead to crime by killing or imprisoning the wrong set of people

chica Dim said...

Brillaint write up,it indeed made me have a rethink about my opinion of the anti-gay right bill....

vanilla25th said...

Chima.. u just want the western world to recognise u. Prove me wrong pls. Well Hating the sin n loving the sinner is fine by me. Stop sounding more American than the Americans. .. do u know thieves were born that way or influenced too? Do u also know serial killers were born that way or influenced by thier environment. ... plsss cut the sentiment.
Well I bet Obama will see ur article and grant u Citizenship. Lol

Anonymous said...

Why are u people commending her cos she used her eloquence to pschye our minds,nature made the 'v' for the 'p'.what about the leakage gay men suffer in old age,hiv,hepatitis b alot of diseases are associted with guy,google is ur best friend.chimamda stop promotional evil,u just lost a fan tody.disgusting act.

cyrus maxi said...

So foolish a write up. .. One question for you , if your parents were gay/ lesbian would you call mother / father ?..... or never mind you'll probably be a BASTARD .. .... BE WISE LEST FOOLISHNESS ENSLAVES YOU...... YOU HAVE FAILED THE PEOPLE !!

Anonymous said...

"If we are part of a majority group, we tend to think others in minority groups are abnormal, not because they have done anything wrong, but because we have defined normal to be what we are and since they are not like us, then they are abnormal." This is a very power one! great write-up Ma'am!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm deep. May God help us

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your points...Iet all of us think right and not be brainwash by some delusional writers,she might be a good writer but let us not forget about the HOLY BOOK(BIBLE). Gay is a sin before God and as a normal humanbeing don't see those practising this act as normal:then why pretending In asmuch as I don't support 14yrs or jungle juctice on them please accept the law it has come to stay that my own opinion tnx.EBY

sylvia said...

Hmmm So touching and thought provoking...

Anonymous said...

We shouldn't be bias concerning certain issues pertaining to individual personality..Nigerians are judgmental..lets get real if what you do in secrete is passed into law,you all b facing the firing squad by now..

truth hurts!! said...

You r really very shallow and unintelligent. From your English and ur thinking, ur ignorance shows. Take this as an advice and not a curse... you shld think before you talk. remove the block in your eyes first. Don't cast that stone if u too are not sinless in God's sight.

Anonymous said...

I stand against gayism&Lesbianism its wrong..of recent a man got married to his dog what else are we gonna hear.curse me out if u like na u gt ur mouth.May GOD help US! #Obehi#

Anonymous said...

You are simply an illiterate!!!

Anonymous said...

Ori e linda!

Gee said...

God Bless u Chimamanda 4dis write up. I sincerely hope Jonathan sees this. We seriously need 2undastnd as she said "A crime is a crime for a reason. A crime has victims. A crime harms society. On what basis is homosexuality a crime? Adults do no harm to society in how they love and whom they love. This is a law that will not prevent crime, but will, instead, lead to crimes of violence."

Anonymous said...

uuum your absence will so not be lost, bye ignorant one.

Anonymous said...

Ur write up is vry nice and wonderful.But y is every1 taking the gay issue as if is the most important issue we have to deal with in d country.since u ar a good writer i suggest u write more about how we cn stop corruption,how we cn ve good electricity,how we cn stop boko-haram terrorist e.t.c.pls channel ur talent towards smthg better

Otunba Folammy said...

Chimamanda , have you asked yourself if your Father was gay would you be conceived?? if Nigerians forefathers were gays would there still be human existence???..............come on think twice.

Anonymous said...

GEJ do not reverse the law o soon y people will say he should also approve human and animal wedding

sucre said...

Ur an idiot!!! Shut the fuck up illiterate

seunLondon said...

If this piece cannot change your orientation about gay folks, nothing will. Thabk you chiamanda........#SeunLondon

seunLondon said...

If this piece cannot change your orientation about gay folks, nothing will. Thabk you chiamanda........#SeunLondon

Anonymous said...

In Leviticus 18 and 20, the bile talks about all the various sexual abominations which includes homosexuality, adultery, sleeping with mother and child, sleeping with animals, sleeping with family related ones etc but in the same bible in the book of John 8:3-11 when a crowd of people caught a woman who had committed adultery and they asked for Jesus' input since the law of moses says people who commit such sins should be stoned to death, Jesus said "whoever is without sim amongst you should cast the first stone".
Lesson - we are all guilty of one sin or the other, it is really unfair that we treat gays the way we do, no one is saying it is good but like this article says we don't know why they are like that. We shouldn't just pick one part of the bible and run away with it.

sucre said...

Ur a moron a big moron of the highest order!!! Ur parents should be ashamed of giving birth to a shameless idiot like u! Anu ofia

Unknown said...

Amen ...

Anonymous said...

In Leviticus 18 and 20, the bile talks about all the various sexual abominations which includes homosexuality, adultery, sleeping with mother and child, sleeping with animals, sleeping with family related ones etc but in the same bible in the book of John 8:3-11 when a crowd of people caught a woman who had committed adultery and they asked for Jesus' input since the law of moses says people who commit such sins should be stoned to death, Jesus said "whoever is without sim amongst you should cast the first stone".
Lesson - we are all guilty of one sin or the other, it is really unfair that we treat gays the way we do, no one is saying it is good but like this article says we don't know why they are like that. We shouldn't just pick one part of the bible and run away with it.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are the most gullible people i have ever seen. So just bcos the article was written by well known writer, we should all welcome the right for gay. Adichie can never say anything against the wishes of western world, if her parents were homo then, she would not be here in this world today to convince Mumu People from Mumu kingdom.

Unknown said...

Fellow gay member, one day left for u!!!

Anonymous said...

Anybody dat support gay is very foolish, God said man & woman not man & man. Fornication is not d issue here. D issue is why should a man lost over his fellow man? Men don't hv time 4 women again b/cos of gay issue, is a big problem in Nigeria 2day men are not thinking of getting married again b/cos they don't hv interest on woman. With or without law it should stop. We know our country is bad b/cos of dis evil old men dat are leading us. They should impose dis law on oda things. Like boko haram, kidnapping, money laundering & other corruption in our country b4 holly ghost fire will destroy them

sucre said...

Shut up in hate foolish illiterates like u!! I'd u have nofin meaning full to say use ur data and download porn sure ur very good @ that let intelligent pple speak!!!

Anonymous said...

Lmfaoooo so true and em bikinis too

Anonymous said...

Yes CHIMAMANDA......A vry succint account u gav there, I wud say dis story came @ d ryt time, it just sent cold chill down my spine.....d essence of passing a Law should be due 2 d menace and probs emanating 4rm dat particular issue......can d presidency and Nigeria lay dia hands on any???? I guess d answer will be collectively NO......we only passed d law due to d rave of d moment.....gayism is gainin grounds in UK nd d US......but its of essence we do d needful......Lemme quickly remind us dat Nigerian gay men cannot be found within d sphere of paedophiles,criminals,murderers,kidnappers,ritualists, rada u"ll find dem amongst Dooctors,engineers,lecturers,pastors,gospel singers,Models,fashionistas etc......these are ppl with extraoordinary talents,contributin 2 national growth n dev in dia own me a MAN with successful career and I will show u a GAY MAN besyd him,givin him useful nt here 2 blow dia trumpets but really am talkin 4rm encounters I've had with dem......wot more can I possibly say....wen a country decides 2 criminalise its own citizen just 4 d mere reason of sexuality....wot is sexuality anyway???? Ppl now live in dispair,anguish,untold fear of repraisal, with mob attacks gaining grounds on 2days news......this is wot happens wen a nation has totally lost its focus....(More like a plane in d Bermuda triangle)...dis ppl are our brothers,sisters,uncles,aunties,cousins, wot will Nigeria achieve in subjecting dia citizens 2 permanent self arrest,yes Nigerian ladies condem gays....nt knwin dey will turn out 2 be ur husbands and keep dia illicit lifestyle away 4rm u....wich is beta???? its entirety d law is simply not neccesary.....

Anonymous said...

See this ngbeke I'm sure you are gay sef u r just hidin in USA and I hope u have a gay son one day

sucre said...

U would die first because we can't loose and intellectual buh pple like u need to vanish from the surface of the earth!!!

sucre said...

Ur father should be killed!!! Maybe ur kid brother is also Gay he should be killed and wait u don't know yet cos his in the closet... mindless fools

Anonymous said...

this is my first time here,and i think its very interesting but not suprising to me that one way or the other american gay society will bully chimamanda into writing this :but to chi:i want her to know that evil spread faster and wider than good just like wild fire slowly and innocently ontill it becomes big and uncontrollable:in the vampire movie series,the real born vampires are few(maybe in 100s)but the turned vampires are more in thousands,hence i see the future like this if we continou to encourage them..

Anonymous said...

This lady here as just used intellect to confound the minds of the simple.

If anyone can search their hearts and not feel conviction for this words, then you must dig deeper and ask where your humanity resides.

Are we not tired of hatred? Are we not spent of negative emotions? Are our eyes not heavy reading of pain, misery and sadness?

If we could do more than wish ill in others, If we could help the broken and build up the lowly, the benefits it would bring to our lives would astound in its multitudes.

But then maybe wickedness and bloodlust is more akin to our cultures and religions and nature, than the love of another for another.

The Psychoanalyst

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that anon 2.26 is LIBs one and only fairy...Onyx Godwin. He comments under anonymous whenever there is a gay news.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous 6:05. Ur business....she doesn't really need you. Amd as for willadebo....obviously you haven't really studied the content of that law.waht chiamanda is saying is what a hand full of Nigerians have in mind but because of being tag or labeled gay or satanic they refuse to voice such opinion. can not and shouldn't jail pple merely for what they feel naturally from birth that you do not understand. And yes to those that will say some pple kill cuz they bliv is you I will say.....use your brains. Well......we all know the truth....and it isn't what the Bible says or other holy is that one dear humanity that binds us together. ..tolerance and will yo accept and understand others....not to think the law also bans any gay support or even encouraging the course....That's sickening in a democracy. ...THE LAW ISN'T RIGHT. And to those quoting the bible same also says do not judge....and also do not forget that God loves these pple irrespective ....I just pity those of you with hate in your hearts and those preaching hate too.

Unknown said...

I like what Frank said, and he is right. To me, The problem here is how to prevent generations after us from accepting Homosexuality as a norm. I personally do not support or understand or like the idea of homosexuality, but i also believe some people are born with such tendencies. Criminalizing homosexuality is however unfair. like she stated adultery and fornication are sins but nobody criminalizes them just because they are sins. the laws of a nation must also protect the minority. This law will lead to violence because the uneducated and intolerant average Nigerian will want to visit justice on those they Think are gay and may do so even without proof, and the government who passed this law omitted to ensure that nobody goes Scot free from visiting jungle justice on those they feel may be gay.

Anonymous said...

This lad(Chimamanda) is suffering from Schizophrenia. I can confidently tell u that. So is anyone who's in support if fay practice.

To Chimamanda, if your parents were engaged in fay practice,they wouldn't have given birth to u.

Secondly, don't be deceived by the western education and practice,all laws and custom gas it's primary source from the bible. That us why in the law court, authorities from the bible are held in high esteem( u are daft and I don't expect u to know all these).

Thirdly,nobody should bring God into this evil practice called "homo" because it is for this act that God decided to destroy the city of Sodom and Gommorha.

Dear Linda, what is your obsession about this guy thing?! Please give us some break, the law has been passed and we all are satisfied with it. Anyone who doesn't like it should go and kiss the closest transformer to u.


Eugenia Ekeji said...

I love this woman not because she's a writer but because she's got brains.

chuka said...

Someone please get this to chiamanda. I have always respected you but reading this,made me think twice about the respect. We have our culture,like the whites have theirs. Have u ever seen a white man eating with bare hands,they can't but we do,its in us. We can't see something as good because they are doing it. If you are writing this to keep your popularity with the western world,its mediocrity. I don't want my male children to grow up being scared of rape from same sex,or my female children. Same sex marriage is the rearrangement of the divine order.
I don't concur with you,even lower animals don't do such

Anonymous said...

I'm a gay Nigerian and when I turn to a boss in this company I work for any employee ranting any homophobic statements can be sure he won't be promoted #ggbam and he will be frustrated

Okwute said...

This article is deceptive. Chimanda wants to accept homosexuality as a normal behavior. I disagree with this. HomosexuLity is abnormal and also a crime to the society. This is becos it affects the family unit and this in turn will have disasterous effect in our society. If gays Are allowed to marry and enjoy social benefits, what do you think will happen to the family and the society. The failed western marriage and family should be lesson to to us. What I don't support is the jailing of gAy men. I think that they should be rehabilated.

Anonymous said...

Chimamanda Adichie is very complete gay. I dislike her henceforth. Am gonna throw away all her books in my possession. A complete disgrace to African womanhood.

Janelicious said...

Thanks Chimamanda
How can one face 14th years in prison for being gay,like she said a crime is a crime for a reason. A crime has victims. A crime harms society. So on what basis is homosexuality a crime? Instead of them to laws into more pressing issues.

Social Therapy by Babatunde Scott said...

Nice word play by Chimamanda, But this is just what it is( a word play)we can not change what we believe in because we want to create a fake world for ourselves(a world where everything is right, a world where we want to copy the west)- Well maybe 14years is too much(Maybe not) But its still not right! I once know a little boy who wants to be an aeroplane, because He was fascinated with what makes them fly, i know one who want to be a thief because E watched a hollywood movie of an intelligent thief- The truth is we can just let children be what they want to be- Sochukuma should av been tot d way of God and encouraged to live like a man that E is.....We are not Gay...No one is born Gay, we turned ourselves to ASS-F**KING monsters here on earth-Our GOD is a God of Man vs Woman union. However maybe we cant kill them( bcos we don't own their lives),maybe we cant imprison them(Because they av right to freedom)-But we should let them know that we don't like them, and we wont support them, we don't av a place for them in our society.We should fix culpability where culpability is and culpability is that of the Gay man and not the Federal Govt.
We are Muslims, Christians and Africans. THEY ARE AGAINST WHAT WE BELIEVE IN.This is my Humble Logomachy, and the logomachia are made without any Logaphasia.
Thank ya'll

Anonymous said...

Lmao....this person you're silly o

Anonymous said...

Excelent write up,buh am nt suprised "for in d last days evil shaLl abound"says d scriptures..*j-baby*

Unknown said...

It doesn't matter what you are, after all it's your life. But saying you would be proud if your child is gay is idiotic.

Anonymous said...

Yes I have seen my male dog going at it

Unknown said...

U made loads and lots of points, but sincerely i still disagree with U on the issue of accepting and encouraging the gay in our society.

Anonymous said...

Do not be deceived, this perverse people will subtly lure you away from God. Gay is condemabale in all ramifications as well as other sins like rape child abuse etc. One day they will tell you to start raping others, start taking drugs before you know it the will turn the whole society into perversion. Chimamanda, am you fan but am disappointed in this write-up

Anonymous said...

U hv a point there buh I just can't support homosexuality...can neva seem right 2 me

Anonymous said...

And you feel its cause she mingled with "The west " that's what what she's in support of it? Why can't she be in support because she reason The way she does on her own accord?

Aymii said...

Willadebo, God bless you! objections were valid and beautifully put together.

The Essence of that law is to "DETER".........Yes!!!!!! ....Effectively checkmate such UnAfrican habits from gaining ground here!.This is not Europe/USA ..Please our children can't grow up with the idea that man mating with man/ woman doing woman is in anyway acceptable......

This law nips it in the bud,and that very promptly too! ..

As for chimamanda, she's just trying to gain more international appeal....let one of her sons turn gay first then we can know her real position.....cos TALK IS CHEAP! #linda of life pls post#

ON 2 the Next!

Sabrina said...

Well written article...I've always respected chimamanda...but on this gay issue...I do disagree with some things in it...the comparing of man to an animal is not science has proven that man is a higher animal..hence the intelligent we for gays could be true but that those not make it okay...Now these same gays follow the natural way of birth..if we were design to love same sex..then same sexes should be able to reproduce without the help of heterosexuals..that said..the bases of the bible and it laws are to guide the human race...yes there are some unwritten laws in the bible but we know them by heart and our conscience decides where we turn to...true being gay is not a crime..but it isn't the natural order of things..hence the term 'abnormal/abnormality'.lastly we are multifaceted species true but that doesn't mean that we should condone homosexuality..

Anonymous said...

Some people are foolish,they don't see sense where sense lies. Those of you that are homophobic, have you ever ask yourself why somebody will want to be different from others? Is fornication not a sin? Divorcing, adultery? Why r all these not been passed into law,as in jail for all these?.Being gay is not a choice, if u don't find out yourself, another person can make u realise who you are sexually.
Somebody saying how can u explain this to children unborn, don't u know that being gay is not a present thing? Who explained it to u before u know it.
Instead for that man calling himself president to find a lasting solution to the issue of Boko Haram killing people as if they r killing goat, just because none of his family is among those killed, he is busy enjoying jailing those that are happy in being themselves.
Leave God to judge gays by himself, and face the issue of insecurity facing us in this country. The blood of all those people killed by those animals called Boko Haram is on your head. Your stupid law jailing those people who didn't do anything more than being themselves should be reversed and let us live as one.
If being gay is a sin, is it jailing gays that will wash away the sin? Or cure it because most of u believe that it is a disease(LOL)

Anonymous said...

Linda; one Chimamanda will come up with on e epitle that support human beings haveing s#x with animal and still tell us it is education or one thing that should make us to accept it.... we dong hear my sister writer; you try ...

Anonymous said...

Dear you didn't actually make any sense but that's for she being married...YES SHE IS WITH FOUR CHILDREN.

Anonymous said...

The way I interpret this law is that if you are gay be gay in the privacy of your home and no one will bother you. Don't advocate it, publicise it or make any demand.

The problem I have with homosexual people is the way they try to force their lifestyle on everyone,trying to make us accept it as a social norm. I'm sorry,this is Africa, they are a minority group and their lifestyle falls outside of the social norm. The anti-gay law will not stop anyone from being gay it will just deter them from going public with it.

Anonymous said...

I must say the level of hate on homos on lib is reducing gradually articles like this are enlightening Nigerians on thoughts gay people are not asking for marriage they just don't wabt to be criminalizes it's painful what effeminated male kids go through while growing up .

whitefalcon said...

Thumbs up for u my brother.@Sunmola.

Who no like d law, make him go hug transformer.

Anonymous said...

Dis law generally is nt riili based on criminalising gay pple per se, I tnk d main intentn is to discourage d gay ish. D whole problem with dis gay thing is dat d main pple wo encourage it r nt christians or rada religiously inclined, while dose wo discourage it r mre religiously inclind(cos no religion supports homosexuality). D adv of dis law is dat, it'l decrease d whole gay prevalence, imagine takin ur kid to skul chimamanda n seeing two men kissing, n ur son 'chooses' to b like dat. Westerners n free d way, nt all westerners support d gay stuff, it all rests on hw close u r to God.
By d way again chimamanda, d boy in ur example dint necessarily turn out gay, we too hd sme guys like dat in our skuls, nd d main cause of dat effeminate behaviour is being born in d midst of so many girls, dat sme guys mke hair n evn dress ladies' hair doesn't mke dem gay, so nxt tym pls get ur point ryt. (Linda post dis comment n stop promoting gay rights, we all need to tell ourselves d truth, yea fornicatn is prevalent buh do we need to add to d 'abominatn' linda ikeji, in as much as I like u o, I serzly pity u, u dnt knw hw much ur blog affects the thinkin f youths, der r things u jst leave d way dey r for d fear f God, for evry mind u've swayd with dese whole gay writeups may God rili 4give u, in case u've 4gotten, evn if u rnt a lez, d amount f pple u've swayd to being gay n lezbians ,u'l account for it on d last day)

Anonymous said...

Well said! Nigerians love to judge others for something their peanut brains can't understand, bunch of hypocrites

Anonymous said...

maybe if you actually learned how to speak and type proper english people would take your point more seriously, your initial racism is just evident of your ignorance and so everything else in that post is ignorant.

Anonymous said...

sheer brilliance....good write up, Democracy is all about human rights, and not marginalizing.... dnt judge because they sin differently than u do....#CEO

Anonymous said...

We don't need a chimamanda of our time to blindfold our beliefs and trusts, we virtually do not need her opinion as regards whats good and whats bad.... you might be where you are today with the help of your gay friends and mates, but the truth still remains that,the shenanigans this will cause in our society is something you might not withstand solemnly in ages to come.. I still and will always support Mr President on his decisions cos i want to grow up and see my children's children.

I cant and wont sit and watch my beliefs twisted just cos 'you' know how to use your pen and delve into peoples artistic mind.If only we want to be realistic we would call a spade a spade.

talking about Sochukwuma need i call mine too Chukwuemeka,he was aswell jovial and loved by all,had some of these features 'you' talked about, an unflinching similarity with Sochukwuma , what happened at the end, Emeka lost his life in the quest of survival, trying to keep up with his "homo" kind of life, having to make sure he keeps his sexual life alive with his fellow men and along the line Emeka contracted AIDS.

I am not trying to be pragmatic here or sentimental after all we all are prone to these disease but i think research has shown that the highest carrier are such men, and this experience whether good or bad has depleted my interest to this unholy act, alot of ppl have lost their lives in this manner and a lot of ppl have lost their roots, and what you want us to do, is applaud whats wrong to be right.

Then if this should be the case , i think, we do not have to condemn our sisters who stand on the road for survival, or the arm robbers whose belief at the point of action is doing what pleases them.Its so painful that this is happening in our generation in a time where if most energy is put together, will result to a lot of positivity.Than talking about irrelevances.

Anonymous said...

Illiterate only 15 out of 50 endorse gay marriages but gay union is allowed

Miss X said...

I'm not shocked about her support actually. I heard she doesn't believe in God.

That said, I choose to stand by the word of God but God gave man free-will so everyone should do whatever they want. On the last day we shall all give account. Shikena!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice write up. But written without full knowledge of the recently passed bill. The bill does not criminalise homosexuality. But criminalizes marriage btw same sex couples. It also criminalizes "open display" of homosexuality.

Aymii said...

Mr Mmunwa lol. I feel ur vex!....Easy on the Simpleton!...... Access to mobile devices has given lots of dimwits the opportunity to join talk on matters wayyyyyyyy above thier position on the intellectual strata!

ON 2 The Next!

Anonymous said...

Chimamanda, well analysed and well written but how can you be able to convince pedophiles who have subjected themselves to marrying 13 years old children. and least to say that the democracy you are talking about is all theory and not in practice. I will disagree with you on the biblical aspect because strictly speaking the bible says that a man must leave his parents and marry a wife ( and not another man or a dog or a thing) and they shall live together and become one. fine we all tend to read and interpret rules according to our comfort and the way it justifies our action but the bible is a book that should not be mingled with our emotions or sympathy.

Unknown said...

wow i agree with you.this has to be looked into.u go girl

yawagas said...

is it just me or did anyone else notice the number of anonymous comments for this post? hide hide thinz

Anonymous said...

Speaking of being educated,that's what some of leaders lack..I really love this write up because she addressed the issue with intelligent words without abusing anybody.and she still made her not gay,I know none but am in total support of her view.

Angel Judith said...

Nice writeup but I don't agree with the premise. Sochukwuma obviously needs help psychologically n other ways 2 correct such imbalances if not, he would definitely sort after able-bodied and virile men who will love him like a woman.
The problem now is the growing % of such able-bodied and virile men that would be engaged to Sochukwuma and co to the detriment of the essence of creation.

You r still a favourite writer Adichie.


Anonymous said...

by their comment we shall know them. see all Nigerian gays supporting the gay writer. why not her uncle or one of her brothers marry the gay guy, since she is askin men to leave all those beautiful women God creat to follow man. absolutely nonsens article Naija 4 life

Anonymous said...

Chimamanda, Perhaps you didn’t know about Sochukwuma’s cousin, Ozoemena, who came into the world harmlessly as his other siblings. As YOU may not know part of the reasons why some individual s turned gay, the entire Iruka family was at complete loss for words on how a CUTE, young son could develop a very abhorrent behavior at such tender age of 6.

Labeling Ozoemena, “A CHILD THAT KNOWS NOT WHAT HE’S DOING” almost cost the family the life of the very EXCEPTIONALLY BRILLIANT Ozoemena.
Ozoemena did not only indulge in lustful gaze at the Butts of his own sisters, but with time, graduated into smacking and squeezing that of his mother at the slightest chance. You may still ask me why Mr. Iruka the father took a drastic measure on him when he eventually “molested” his female teacher at such tender age.
It looked “harmless” that a boy of 6 was HARMLESSLY fondling the Butts of his sisters whenever he has the least opportunity but to the Irukas, the behavior was TOTALLY OBJECTIONABLE by all standards and Ozoemena’s right to chose the kind of life he wanted even as a “MINORITY”, was NEVER an option. That Mr. Iruka had other PRESSING needs at that time was relegated to secondary level. “MENDING” a BELOVED, erring SON was primary and paramount.

The good news is, the Iruka family succeeded in bringing a ‘WONDERING” son back. Whatever measure the parents took in re-directing him remains applauded.


Anonymous said...

Parents should take the blame in most gay people. Reseach shows that a home in which the mother is domineering and the father relegated to the background produces unbalanced kids that tends towards "gayism". A lot of people have had problems with sexuality at a young age, good role models will set such kids on the right path. I pity chiamanda, she knows she will lose virtually ALL her foreign fans if she wrote against gays. Let he who has wisdom count his teeth with his tongue. If being gay is what you think yo were created for i pity you, a note of warning: have had two gays "toast" me in the past, the next time any of you tries that around me you will find yourself behind bars

Anonymous said...

Parents should take the blame in most gay people. Reseach shows that a home in which the mother is domineering and the father relegated to the background produces unbalanced kids that tends towards "gayism". A lot of people have had problems with sexuality at a young age, good role models will set such kids on the right path. I pity chiamanda, she knows she will lose virtually ALL her foreign fans if she wrote against gays. Let he who has wisdom count his teeth with his tongue. If being gay is what you think yo were created for i pity you, a note of warning: have had two gays "toast" me in the past, the next time any of you tries that around me you will find yourself behind bars

Anonymous said...

She should worry more about getting married rather than writing about homosexuals. How old is she again? 36?? Hmm, i don't think any man in his right thinking mind should marry a cougar like her.

Ufuoma asamaigor said...

Parents should take the blame in most gay people. Reseach shows that a home in which the mother is domineering and the father relegated to the background produces unbalanced kids that tends towards "gayism". A lot of people have had problems with sexuality at a young age, good role models will set such kids on the right path. I pity chiamanda, she knows she will lose virtually ALL her foreign fans if she wrote against gays. Let he who has wisdom count his teeth with his tongue. If being gay is what you think yo were created for i pity you, a note of warning: have had two gays "toast" me in the past, the next time any of you tries that around me you will find yourself behind bars

Anonymous said...

she is only writing this article to gain support from the gay community...Animals don't show gay tendencies...that's a lie..Animals (except dolphins and humans) have sex for reproduction strictly..
This so called gay community are even more agressive than any anti-gay want the world to accept you as gay(abnormal)..(they did) yet when someone is homophobic which is's a crime??

Anonymous said...

it's amazing how people come here and insult this lady. i didn't see in any part of her write-up where she supported gays, but the truth is who are we to judge. most people here forming gay eradicators are most likely the closet ones among us. in my secondary school i had a classmate that behaved and acted like girl, although i found that quite disgusting and irritating, one could see that he didn't choose to act that way. all i know is that a lot of innocent people might die because of this bill. In Nigerian universities and boarding schools, boys share a bed and no one raises an eye brow, with this law, if you see 2 guys sharing a bed like we all did back in uni would you feel awkward about it. just asking

Social Therapy by Babatunde Scott said...

Nice word play by Chimamanda, But this is just what it is( a word play)we can not change what we believe in because we want to create a fake world for ourselves(a world where everything is right, a world where we want to copy the west)- Well maybe 14years is too much(Maybe not) But its still not right! I once know a little boy who wants to be an aeroplane, because He was fascinated with what makes them fly, i know one who want to be a thief because E watched a hollywood movie of an intelligent thief- The truth is we can just let children be what they want to be- Sochukuma should av been tot d way of God and encouraged to live like a man that E is.....We are not Gay...No one is born Gay, we turned ourselves to ASS-F**KING monsters here on earth-Our GOD is a God of Man vs Woman union. However maybe we cant kill them( bcos we don't own their lives),maybe we cant imprison them(Because they av right to freedom)-But we should let them know that we don't like them, and we wont support them, we don't av a place for them in our society.We should fix culpability where culpability is and culpability is that of the Gay man and not the Federal Govt.
We are Muslims, Christians and Africans. THEY ARE AGAINST WHAT WE BELIEVE IN.This is my Humble Logomachy, and the logomachia are made without any Logaphasia.
Thank ya'll

Anonymous said...

She must be very stupid....
Extremely stupid!
Is she a Christian?
Crimes are Sins, Sins are Crimes
Is Gayism a Sin? If Yes, its a Crime and must be punished!
Shut ur trap there, and I tot u had sense!
The bible says THINK b4 u talk

Anonymous said...

Well she is only writing this to be more accepted by the world. She knows the truth. i don't know if you have a brother but advice him to go marry his fellow guy since you see nothing wrong with it. For God sake lets face facts. its homosexuality, fornication, adultery is wrong. we should get that into our head. and for our information God didn't create them to be like that lets don't speak what we don't know. He created Adam and Eve. Let the the TRUTH BE TOLD.

Anonymous said...

Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"

1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

Homosexuality is clearly condemned by the Bible. It goes against the created order of God. He created Adam and then made a woman. This is what God has ordained and it is what is right. Unlike other sins, homosexuality has a severe judgment administered by God Himself. This judgment is simple: They are given over to their passions. That means that their hearts are allowed to be hardened by their sins (Romans 1:18ff). As a result, they can no longer see the error of what they are doing. Without an awareness of their sinfulness, there will be no repentance and trusting in Jesus. Without Jesus, they will have no forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there is no salvation.

What should be the Christian's Response to the Homosexual?

Just because someone is a homosexual does not mean that we cannot love him (or her) or pray for him (her). Homosexuality is a sin and like any other sin, it needs to be dealt with in the only way possible. It needs to be laid at the cross, repented of, and never done again.
As a Christian, you should pray for the salvation of the homosexual the same you would any other person in sin. The homosexual is still made in the image of God -- even though he is in grave sin. Therefore, you should show him same dignity as anyone else you come in contact with. However, this does not mean that you are to approve of their sin. Don't compromise your witness for a socially acceptable opinion that is void of godliness.

Anonymous said...

same sex marriage should never be allowed but imprisoning gays and lesbos, i feel is wrong and would definitely give rise to mob lynching. and any man that has anal sex with a woman is gay in the making.

JOE said...

whether the write was made here or authored by some writers from another far it negates God's word..THE BIBLE..its an Heresy...stop fooling yourself..Sexual perversion remains what it is...

Anonymous said...

Being gay is in fact not normal. The primary purpose of sex is procreation. Sex is pleasurable to encourage this. Humans (and evidently a few other species) have turned it into a recreation. Gay/lesbian sex (and masturbation) does not produce a child. Why change the primary purpose of a thing and then intend to make the tertiary purpose primary? If nature gave me a d**k and gave someone else a pu**y, why turn an anus into a pu**y and 'pu**yfy' a d**k? All these and more are just for some twisted pleasures that is insanely unimaginable!
Miss Adichie, you have spoken well, but what I see is the grudge against the law passed in Nigeria. That is democracy in action. The minority will have their say while the majority will have their way. It's the beauty of democracy.

Anonymous said...

What bullshit is this punk of a lady ranting above? I can summarize chimamanda as following the global unpopular opinion. No need reading the entire when the first lines summarizes the body. Rubbish!

Anonymous said...

It is so silly to imply that she has been brainwashed just because she stated her opinion... I get it you are homo phobic, but just as you have the right to remain that way, she has the right to be open minded... you talk about the forgiveness of God, but he also says we shouldn't judge... you could do with some forgiving too

Anonymous said...

And you think you wont rot in hell too? Get ready for hell too. Its compulsory for you.

Anonymous said...

What qualifies one to go to heaven or hell? I can see you don't knw anything @all. Chimamanda, made a very good point. She's not supporting gays, neither is she supporting the anti-gay bill. She's making clear statements... use your No. 6 and read and understand and don't judge her blindly

LalArh said...

devil is seriously using so call public figure to confuse nigerians...i hate this article

Anonymous said...

Saying No to gay doesn't prevent you from going to hell. You will be there.

Anonymous said...

Hell awaits you.

Anonymous said...

Must you be stupid?

Anonymous said...

Have you asked for forgiveness too? Cause hell awaits you.

Anonymous said...

But why are you stupid?

that girl said...

Most pple on dat comment on dis blog are so inhumane, and lack home training... So becos she spoke her mind and supports pple who r different, and she isn't married, she is a lesbian, and u throw insults at her? Someone who is way beta Dan a lot of us (yes I say us). She is an important person in d world, like it or not, if she dies today, d world will morn her, if most of u die, u won't even make ur freakin local news. Now u guys just dnt hate gays, u now hate pple who dnt hate guys... And den u guys Wud open ur mouths and preach about d bible and love. Your country men steal from u, men sleep around, women as well, youths rape young girls, divorces everywhere and ya'll are bitching about one girls opinion? In one of d post made be Linda, a white woman got scammed by a young Nigerian man, and u guys laughed at her, including u Linda, saying wat is a 56yr old woman doing wit a 28yr old man? Buh older men can marry girls old enuff to be their grand daughters,yerima changes lil girls like no man's bizness and u all say its an Islamic allowance. Buh wen a woman marries a man, an adult for love, u praise d fraudster and insult d woman. Nigerians, God will not destroy us becos he knows how useless we r and wudnt waste his time on us. U guys need a new school of tot.

Anonymous said...

I think this is an intelligent and articulated write-up by Chimamanda.
But reflecting on my experience/contact I had with gay/homosexuals, they usually go after little boys who have no will of their own as it will be difficult to convince an adult into it. A man has abused me when I was 5 year old. again where I was leaving in Aba, there was this man that always do night shift and in the daytime abuse children while their parents are away to work. I, personally have not met a grown up partner of a homo. I will like Chimamanda to tell us Sochukwuma's victim whether kids or grown-ups.


Unknown said...

Interesting argument,brilliant write up..i love some of the comments i read as well,Indeed some people are really intelligent in our nation while some are just so daft..As for me,i m indifferent about this anti-gay law...but i think imprisoning them or killing them for their sexual preference is inhumane,If the govt can find a means of educating gays probably they could have a change of mind for those are gay as a result of lifestyle just as a pastor would preach to sinners in the church and not chasing them away nor condemning them...Jesus wont condemn gays EVEN if they are sinners and moreover we re all sinners and the bible says Judge not and love your neighbours as yourself,aint gays our neighbours? or they are from another planet??

Anonymous said...

Chimamanda never fails! all i'm saying... two CONSENTING adults of the same sex cant love each other in this country but its okay for a pedophile to defile a young girl?

if its that being gay is a sin, 80% of Nigerian youth today fornicate. why aren't they put in jail for sinning too?

this whole anti-gay law is just the most unnecessary law ever. we have more pressing issues to take care of but its the gays that are bugging them.

Miyanda said...

A beautiful composition of words, well drafted but without depth and any obvious folly of adichie
Governance protects morales and that is why stealing something you did not work or give value for is punishable by law.....yet a moral position
You say being gay does not affect another man, neither does it affect the society, but you forget that very soon
1. we would require 4 toilet compartments and not 2.....Imagine the economic implication that would incur
2. Raising a child would be impossible as the scietifically born todlers would not be able to differentiate between the father or the mother

Indeed the list goes on...if we all think well enough we would realize how much we could still achieve remaining the sex that we trully are, rather than settle for this cheap glory of being gay.

The nigerian government may have a lot of problems, but in all these we are not loosing our morals, the platform uponwhich we hope to build this beautiful nation

Anonymous said...

I believe this is the first time that someone has written about this and i say it makes sense. As much as i do not support being gay,it is not a crime and treating it as such is just unfair! Thank you Chimamanda,this is really cool

ADAMMA said...

d anti-gay bill doesnt even spell doom d way God commanded cos God spelt death for whoever engaged in d act n who are we to question or argue wit d Almighty who created everytin n knoweth d end from d beginnin n also has a reason for decreein death for such offence. very soon dis westerners will approve rape n other related cases claimin dat rapists were born like dat n shoulnt be seen as abnormal,dats xactly were we are headed if we continue supportin evil. As For Chimamanda,all i can say is what do we xpect from someone who partners wit an illuminati queen, notin good can come out from anytin or anyone who has attached strings wit illuminati cos their sole aim is REBELLION against God.

Anonymous said...

The law does not, does not, DOES NOT criminalize being a homosexual. It criminalizes contracting same sex marriages and carrying out same sex activities in the open. Please download a copy of it and read.

Chynaija said...

I am not support Gay but my point is Nigeria as a nation has a lot of problem on their neck. Gay or Not Gay should't be an issue period.

Sealed Chynaija

White Gardenia said...

Nne, u fall my hand well well.Why did u not answer the last question? Probably their might be studies which will also show that children can be born by the GAY themselves.SAY NO TO GAY / LESBIANISM

Unknown said...

eloquent and explicit......i like the fact that she has a voice and she is using it.

Anonymous said...

Willadebo or whatever you call yourself, as you rightly said it ia abnormal. But sonis giving birth to a child who has a defect is. Someone born blind is abnormal, someone born witg two heads is abnormal. I can gonon and on with all the abnormalities we have in our society today. But have they been jailed? No so why is another group of people who are abnormal being jailed. Even some of iur politicians are abnormal. Are they being jailed. I do no support being gay but I believe it's God that will judge them. Its sin against Him like lying and fornication and adultery. So let God be the judge. You say its not morally right, is smoking morally right? Is drinking achohol and getting drunk morally right? Is teenage pregnancy morally right? But doing these things does not bring about a jail term. The law is unconstitutional and that is it!

Unknown said...

eloquent and explicit, i like the fact that she has a voice and she is using it. no ass-kissing or hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad when a human-being turns out this way but have seening harmophodite i know that nature can be funny at times Imagine some African countries jailing their citizen for life on gay practice.they did not hurt you neither do they beat anybody why jailing somebody for some private matter which nature impose on sure our lord Jesus will not support sending a gay to prison to die with his sin ,instead he will recommend prayers,it's been esterblished that most gay practice are homonual in balance and biological ,it is not right to jail somebody that come out this way in life instead of helping him to turn straight.but here in African we don't understand many things even with mordern education just like the days of twins killings.we thought its inhuman to have twin just because its abnormal with few cases twins are living ,bible talk about it but did Jesus said send them to jail,

Anonymous said...

Your thoughts are myopic and an educated mind shouldn't put up such comment.we talking about africanism,if you support the anti-gay law and criminalising the act,u shud also support boko haram and the fight against western education.Biblical,the act is a sin,but I don't see why it should be criminalised.we commit so many other acts contrary to what the bible says but ,they have not been passed into law or criminalised.I'm no gay,neither do I support the gay movement,but I see no reason how two mature individuals of same sex who claim they love each other,shouldn't be left to live in peace without being victimised or termed is a total violation of their human rights.Every individual has a right to choose who he or she would love and I don't see how it affects the government

Bimpe A said...

pls chiamanda, just to make it clear because a person is camp doesnt mean they are gay. you can become camp by living with a bunch of women. and ppl are not born camp, its something develop over a time being. FYI i aint never seen an 8yrs old camp. make your literacy skills more realistic pls. aside that i absolutely agree with your point.

Anonymous said...

Really?? That will be an end to your biological lineage from that son/daughter's line. That's how homosexuality harms society. If given free rein and everyone chooses to be gay, biological reproduction will be at risk. Not every gay person will be able to afford artificial insemination or surrogacy.

Anonymous said...

I have hated myself all my life becos I'm attracted to same sex as myself. I did not wish for it I have always been different. The day I heard about the new law I started contemplating killing myself becos I don't see why I'm existing.... Why was I even born??????? I want to be straight just like you BUT I JUST CAN'T DO IT.

Anonymous said...


Eesah 26E90A24 said...

FYI Chimamanda, not all boys dt dresses like girls in childhood r gonna b gays and vice versa. Dt's y we have cross dressers, transsexuals, transvestites and so on which are even sins according 2 my religion. The bible and the Qur'an is clear in d prohibition of homosexual acts as it clashes wid d natural order in which God created human beings. It brings destruction of d family and the institution of marriage. It leads pple 2 ignore God's guidance in other areas of life. The Quran describes dt everything has been created in pairs which complements one another. Pairing of male and female is part of human nature and thus, the natural order. Heterosexual marriage is d only religiously acceptable way for a persons emotional, physical and psychological needs 2 be met. Procreation is another way of fulfilling human needs 2 those whom God blesses with children. 95% of Nigerians say no to dz shameless and ungodly act. So chimamnda, u need 2 change yr perception abt this and think twice b4 u put out somthg like dz next time coz jes a piece like this can guarantee yr one ticket 2 hell coz u R a xtian and christiany condems dz act.

Unknown said...

I have a lot of respect for Chimamanda Adiche, but I'm very very disappointed by her position on the anti gay law. She has lost her respect for supporting gay practices in the name of human right. Well she has succeded in engaging herself in an academic excercise, but the truth is that Nigerians have totally rejected this same sex marriage and no amount of preaching will change the perceptions of Nigerian. If there are people who wants to practice this stupid act, they should go to those part of the world that accept such rubbish

CANDIDO said...

Long ago, I remember children being punished for being born "leftists." By that I mean children that eat and right with their Left hand instead of the Right hand. The question then was ..."why can't you be like other children?" Things have changed a lot since then but I just can't help but wonder which parent would want a child to be sent to prison for using left. Right now, it's happening...we are sending our children to prison for being GAY - their rightful sexual preference. Only God knows where we're headed #SOCHIMA !

Anonymous said...

True! U cannot fault her. I have tried.

Unknown said...

What Chimamanda has written is rubbish. Nigerian have rejected gay marriage and that is final. No amount of acadamic discourse will change that position.

Anonymous said...

That law was to protect vulnerable virgins from selfish men who only wanted sex without marriage. Because no other man could marry her after her defilement. Christ nullified most of the laws that were only given specifically for the Israelites eg a man dismissing a wife for reasons other than adultery; and animal sacrifices. In the New Testament, homosexuality is condemned so it applies today. But it doesn't encourage hating homosexuals, we're to love our neighbour.


@willladebo.....Yur soooo on point bruh!!!!
One word...Word...!!!!

Anonymous said...

Afer all that have been aid we 4get 2 understand dt amanda only made. Reference to someone whose perceived to bé naturally abnormal but what happens to those who wil get influenced by this? What will bé d possible state of the nigeria society?
What what happens to the natural norms,values and customs of the african people. In my humble opinion it is morally ill,mentaly unballanced,psychologically unfit to permit gays in our societies i stand to tell u that i have severally escaped from there harrassment and consistent persuation if i wasnt rigidly willed i could by now bé preaching d gay gospel so Amanda ur write up was good but in the wrong pont.

Unknown said...

Chinamanda is right but that doesn't mean she is a people we know where we stand but I blame the government for bringing it to the front burner when we have pressing national issues

Anonymous said...

When you get raped, be sure to marry the monster that raped you

Anonymous said...

This write up is brilliant. People are so judgmental and naive in Nigeria and quite frankly contradict themselves, the law that legalized the marriage of children is one which is acceptable based on the Quran...however they complained and said it was a bad law. But it is allowed in their religion so why not make one religion be the basis of governing a state of more than 168 million people, how is that unfair. The law legalizing child marriage is way worse than the gay law so Why can't we just leave the gay people alone. Why are we so judgemental and afraid. Is it possible for a gay man to turn straight simply because they have criminalised it. The same people who steal and misuse our resources(which is a sin of choice) are the same ones who would say being different being gay should be criminalised. Criminals determining the faith of the Nigerians and we are just nodding our heads in accepteance because we are afraid to accept differences in the world. How can we as a nation progress with this mind set. This is why I know we as Nigerians are naive. Repeal this law, I am neither muslim nor christian and as such I do not want to be bound by the laws of Muslims and Christians.

Anonymous said...

Are u for real? You are hopeless! And just so you know, she wont even miss you.

Anonymous said...

Your dumbness is the reason we cant stand you, not cos you guys just love shitholes.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Chamamanda should shut up and do what she is known for. Because she is now an international figure,she wants to follow the whites by supporting what God has condemned. For this, she has betrayed my love and trust for her.....WORLUTING"
I don't know who you are and I mean no disrespect but the fact that your God has condemned it does not mean that mine has. I believe in my God as much as you believe in yours and He has not condemned it.

Anonymous said...

Ori ee baje, how can u even understand half of what she read when you are so ignorant

Anonymous said...

Ori ee baje, how can u even understand half of what she read when you are so ignorant

Anonymous said...

Mr mmunwa God bless you

Anonymous said...

stupid girl, stupid thought from a stupid mind.i no blame u no be your faulth shabi u too don win award abi.GOD PUNISH YOU CHEAP FOOL.

Unknown said...

Chiamanda, u should know that 99.9% of Nigerians declare that, they are either Christians, muslims or traditional religions and none of these religions support gay. Are we not practicing democracy again? Must we imitate the westerners by abandoning our cultural heritage? why are you worried?

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