Most gifted rap list; rappers Godwon and Sinzu come at each other | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 7 September 2013

Most gifted rap list; rappers Godwon and Sinzu come at each other

You know, everyday I pray that celebs give me something to write So rapper Godwon wasn't happy that his name was not included in NotJustOk's list of the Top 10 Most Gifted Rappers in Nigeria, and instead of taking it like a soldier, he took to twitter to diss some of the other rappers on the list. He called Sinzu a bitch. Ouch! Sinzu replied him. See their tweets and Godwon's opinion of other rappers in Nigeria, after the cut...

 Godwon disses other rappers...


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Daniel O. said...

LOOOOL! Abeg who get BB charger?

Anonymous said...

Pls linda don't post my comment pls....idont wanna b d 1st 2 comment ...I beg...#nd u did ...vexin mode...

Rough Diamond said...

He shld goan take several seats biko!
My first time to hear dat name godwon.

Anonymous said...

Pls weh is phenom on dis list..

Anonymous said...

Godwon STFU... No1 f**kn knws u!!! Stop hating!!!

Anonymous said...

Wahala dey ooooo......

Anonymous said...

Wat's dis nigguh bitching about! Just heard like two of his joints n bliv me nigguh has shallow punches! Fuck outta here in (sinzu's voice!)

Anonymous said...

Oya take...

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Hehehehe!! Bring it on guys! I can't wait for other celebrities to buy into this diss game about that list, more to come for sure! Godwon, go learn some punch lines pls, when dissing you gotta attack with good punch lines.

dr p said...

 :D. Correct. <//=
\\_.. @BB charger. Cm collect abeg. Na person wey chop dey find beef.

Mich said...

This dude should catch a bullet already.
Both he and Saucekid are in the same category;commercial rappers.
Saucekid just spoke like an emcee would asking Godwon to put his grievance on wax.
If Godwon is as dope as he claims he is,then he should call Sauce out for a one on one battle,that's how real heads show their superiority Not on Twitter.

tharnar said...

NA wah oh seee bEefing oh..... Hnm better nxt tym bro *tongue out

Anonymous said...

Lol, abeg hu dey sell recharge card?

Anonymous said...

Ehya! I smell frustration, @Godwon take heart! Wait o! U be rapper? Na wa o! A ko eran mo'ero

Anonymous said...

But seriously who is dis Guy self?Abeg who knw where i fit get Alomo Bitters 4 VI?my uncle jst cage me here since 3days...Linda if i knw do u God no go ever cum again!

MeenatNigeria said...

Godwon is a noise creator

Unknown said...

Who is Godwon plz?

Anonymous said...

I get Bb charger o...where u wan charge ur fone?

ST said...

Godwon's actually preety good tho...d nigga aint just got recognition atm..his too much money video with sinzu and ikechukwu was dope as fuck...the nigga's good..#ST93

Unknown said...

10 Most gifted rappers in nig season2..Starring Godwon,SinzuSmz n introducing...

Anonymous said...

Who be dz one abeg?mtcheww there is painment pill so jeje goan tk panadol...who sabi u

ST said...

Godwon's actually preety good tho...d nigga aint just got recognition atm..his too much money video with sinzu and ikechukwu was dope as fuck...the nigga's good..#ST93

Anonymous said...

Thanks for introducing him Linda. I never heard of this suker!! Sorry nigga,nobody's fault mahn. Happy Mourning!! In as much as I don't agree with the list, I dislike his type.


ST said...

Godwon's actually preety good tho...d nigga aint just got recognition atm..his too much money video with sinzu and ikechukwu was dope as fuck...the nigga's good..#ST93

Anonymous said...

Who d TF is godwon, neva heard of d n*gga. linda stop helpin dis unknown rapper (dats if he's one) bcom popular overnite. #ACE-D

Anonymous said...

No be only Godwon na Devillost,abeg go chop well before u beef sinzu and 6Ix

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha I get M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ broda oº° ...story very boring..

Anonymous said...

Haha!fool!who da fuck is godwon??yeye boy

Anna said...

Who dash that monkey banana?

Unknown said...

abeg pass me pop corn and cold drink, this is getting interesting..... lol!

OMG!WOMAN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
spunkyliciouz said...

Abeg hu b Godwon? What is talking? #flips hair and walks away# *comes back* love ds beef sha #walks witowt lookin bak# (˘̯˘ )( ˘˘̯ )

Anonymous said...

Go fuck yourself godwon, trynna pull some Kendrick ish. You wouldn't even make the list of top 20 female rappers doofus!

Unknown said...

LOL who is Godwon tho??
Wack dead struggling rapper! Tshew
Abeg who get 50naira make I use buy Utaba (snuff) biko -_-

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hehehe..... the talk down ur bb?well have got porch(wink)and I don't think my charger will charge urs hehehe

ary said...

I get come collect. Godwon? When he sing last?

OMG!WOMAN said...

LMAO boys being bitches, Aha! Who is who? Godwon, Sinzu I don't bloody know 'em.

Anonymous said...

Unknown nigga tryna get noticed

Anonymous said...

Na wah b small thing

Anonymous said...

@ Godwon,I smell frustration

beesh said...


Unknown said...

D nigga sound so pained!

Anonymous said...

Buh who truly is this Godwon?? Havn't heard any of his song on local channels talkless...

Anonymous said...

Guess Godwon printed two records. His mum bought one and he bought the second to keep it off the shelf. #soldout

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha MI is NO1

Anonymous said...

Linda;pls wats d latest on d kidnapped lagos Lawyer Mike Ohzekhome(ope I got is last name rite)

Anonymous said...

Godwon you a fukin broke ass..Go make money or work on your self ok..Nobody. Even knws you..@dapsondee

Anonymous said...

pained niccur

Unknown said...

Godwon is bitter, someone should give him 'aporo epa ijebu'.... Next

Anonymous said...

Hehe... As expected.
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Na nokia charger I get

Anonymous said...

Abeg who is Godwon! Nvr heard of him!

Anonymous said...

So childish.

Anonymous said...

I don't even knw dis nigga...Sinzu is tha Man.luv u linda

Anonymous said...

Lol...mumu Godwon...if u gd...d street shud recognise u!

YoungingGettinMoney said...

@Damiel I do, btw WHAT/WHO/WHERE is GODWON????

Anonymous said...

Too funny that I forgot to laugh.
Dry joke

Anonymous said...

Lol as in ehn pass the mic

Anonymous said...

Lmfao........Abeg when Asuu strike dey end???

Anonymous said...

Mtchew!!!!!!!!!!! Oma

Anonymous said...

Cry baby

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahhahaha....I get oh buh e no good like dat...u want?

Obazee Osazee said...

Niggas trying to stay relevant

Anonymous said...

Linda u read peoples comments and u don't post. That's some rude+annoying shit!

Anonymous said...

Never heard of him or d sinzu. Sorry, NEXT!

Anonymous said...

Lmfaoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!@daniel I get abeg.*yawns*

Anonymous said...

I get o make I give u?

Anonymous said...

Attention seeker

Davies said...

Lol linda don't mind dis stupid money miss road fools

Unknown said...

linda...abeg who be this clown????

ST said...

The nigga's saying the truth....his too much money video with ikechukwu and sinzu was dope...lyrically sound..he's a good rapper,cos he doesn't have hits after hits doesn't means he's nt good..he's a great Emcee

Gemzy said...

Wow. Thank you Godwon for making our naija rap life interesting once again...

Adanna said...

hahaha dis is crazy anyways gowon abi godwon i no knw u, but @lst yungsix cn mime 2 his tracks anytym of d day he killed iceprince's oleku, his own version of dnt judge me was also mad. Weneva u start get ur face off nta n play ur tracks on gud music channels we myt notice ur works

Anonymous said...

How this 1 take make ASUU call Off this strike

Anonymous said...

i think i will agree with him on 6,cos i have an experience.

eddiee said...

Lol. Immature dude.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense ane rubbish. Useless peeps all dem all!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol watcanfa

Chisom Okoroji said...

auntie linda........ U are the best. Love u!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Clearing my throat. Emmmmm o Goddy ne kwu. Who be dat sef? I no know am. Park well jare MI would say, have you eaten today? So why are yiu hating?

BadGuy said...

LWKMD @ Naeto C being "Naija's Pitbull". I agree with him here. I've never seen Naeto as a rapper. He's just a rhymer. He's got no punchlines at ALL!!!

Anonymous said...

Pls wen is asuu callin of strike

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nigga sounds pained. Whining like a lil biiaatch. Man up,its just a "some" list.

Hybrid Plus said...

Godwon or wetin be dat him name sef?,u nid 2b skooled on some issues bro,Sinzu or any other rapper on dat list ain't ur mate,#skelewu

nkem said...

Dudes right!! That list is fucked I mean come on?! When was d last time m.i dropped a non-commercial track?! Now adays rappers just try to commercialise errything just for the cash! #Sad

Hybrid Plus said...

Godwon or wetin be dat him name sef?,u nid 2b skooled on some issues bro,Sinzu or any other rapper on dat list ain't ur mate,#skelewu

nkem said...

Dudes right!! That list is fucked I mean come on?! When was d last time m.i dropped a non-commercial track?! Now adays rappers just try to commercialise errything just for the cash! #Sad

Anonymous said...

Who's Godwon?

Anonymous said...

Ok! Who the hell is this Godwon dude? Seems like he is on his period or something.......talking like a sissy. Main reason he wasn't on the list. Kenny

bitchplis said...

Pls who's godwon?never heard of him...he's trying to be popular abi?like dat young6 dat pulled a 'kendrick lamar-type publicity stunt last week... btw,even eedris remedy d wacka wicky mc wit his bigririgriwigri rap style is stil better dan some of these so-called rappers

Bloomandgrownaija said...

Who is this Godwon again. Is he a hairdresser. Never heard of him.

Anonymous said...

I Get BB Charger,come River come take am.

dannydrey said...

Who d hell is dis fucker never heard of d bitch before @ godwon

Hybrid Plus said...

Godwon or wetin be him name sef,u seriously tink dissin Sinzu wud get u some cheap fame?...dnt tink so bro,b4 u can reach him level or dat of anyone on dat list,na like year 2090

Anonymous said...

I get for Bold one...

Anonymous said...

Oga dem no nominate U̶̲̥̅̊,Ŋ☹ b fight...δ☺ well and maybe the nex 365 days will b U̶̲̥̅̊Я turn...a mighty long time if u ask me.valetino

Anonymous said...

Am sooo ashamed to ask this exp cos I love rap but....... Who is Godwon?

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ who get bb charger

Anonymous said...

Pls dat list frm the book of life?
Ori awon eleyi o pe o?

Anonymous said...

Lmaooooo @Daniel
I was just crying and your comment made me burst into laughter..

Anonymous said...

Buhahahahahahah!! The nigaa is pained

EZENTA said...

hahahahaha hatrz hav u eatin 2day and why re u bfin chrman lol

Anonymous said...

lmao @daniel... u no well.

Anonymous said...

i don't even know u Godwon **tongues out**

Anonymous said...

Ouch!!! Nigga z hurt!! Lol!! Naeto c's 9ja's pitbull!!!!!! Hehehe!lwkm oOo!

Anonymous said...

Wen is Asuu callin off biko

EZENTA said...

hahahahaha hatrz hav u eatin 2day and why re u bfin chrman lol

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Godwon? Nigga shut your mouth!

Anonymous said...

Abeg who's this "GODWON" I don't know him

The Ato Nigeria Limited said...

Abeg who is this guy sef?("-")

Anonymous said...

Daniel why r u begging for insults? Is this the appropriate place to look for bb charger? Bored much?

Anonymous said...

Biko who be godwon???lol!!!when his father's are talking,he shuld go nd learn nd make history,linda berra post my comment....

Anonymous said...

Abegi who be godwon

Anonymous said...

na dem know instead make beta pple dey complain some wack dudes r complaining.#dgentlelord#

Anonymous said...

War among rapper abeg if ur name no D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ among d list jst keep on n put more hard work so it can appear on d next list.

Chicadimples said...

Linda u dey make celebs dey fight abi? Lol

Anonymous said...

Bt who z dz Godwon??! Since he z d best, hw come have neva heard of him, he shld take several sits and let us hear word joor

Anonymous said...

Make I borrow u my spare ba3 instead

Unknown said...

Pure beef

Anonymous said...

Vector deserves to be there sha

Queen Bee said...

Lol@who get charger!
Where ur own charger?u thief the pone be dat.
Btw who is this guy Godwin?what has he rapped,how many times did dey play his track on the wackest fm?
hmmmm thank God he's not on the list cos it will seem like a mistake!
Go get famous guy,it will speak itself!

Anonymous said...

And who is Godwon biko?

judith hanrankis said...

Awwww,let them fight,jawe,all ℓ̊ knw is m.ℓ̊ is the only chairman A̶̲̥̅n̶̲̥̅̊d africa best rapper,shikena

Anonymous said...

When frustration sets in lmao,Godwon stop hating,M.I will alwaya be d best and Godwon stop displaying ur immaturity 4 d world to see

judith hanrankis said...

Awwww,let them fight,jawe,all ℓ̊ knw is m.ℓ̊ is the only chairman A̶̲̥̅n̶̲̥̅̊d africa best rapper,shikena

Chicadimples said...

Linda u dey make celebs dey fight abi? Lol

Anonymous said...

I am Nneka,
Dude does have a point. He dint diss sinzu self. Naeto C shldnt b on top 10. Raps lyk his reciting rhymes

Anonymous said...

End time tinz

Anonymous said...

SlEep dey worry m abeg!

Anonymous said...

Danny,take charger I beg. Can't stop laughing at GODWON the K Lamar wannabe! Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Abeg Asuu strike still dey

Anonymous said...

Who is Godwin plz?

Unknown said...

D dude is just lookin for attention, all tnx to Linda

Anonymous said...

Nigga sounds pained,hehehe. Notjustok,dnt start a war with this ur crazy AF list please.

Unknown said...

D dude is just lookin for attention, all tnx to Linda.

Yungstarry said...

Can't believe yung6ix didn't make the list!!! That dude is good or maybe it'$ nt based on punch lines sha oooo!!!

Anonymous said...

Who b dis guy sef,guy go rest,some
guys dey behave like woman sha.mumu boy

Anonymous said...

¸.•´ ¸.ℓoℓ •*¨) ¸.•*¨)
‎​=)) ¸¸.•´=D(¸.•´(¸.• =)) Daniel dats all u cud write

Anonymous said...

Who is dz godwon sef?av neva heard his song b4..y is it pinchin him dat his name wasn't on d sinzu said "get moni or kil ursef"

Anonymous said...

Who is dz godwon sef?av neva heard his song b4..y is it pinchin him dat his name wasn't on d sinzu said "get moni or kil ursef"

Unknown said...

Na wah, why diss other's cos u weren't incuded in d list. Guy u dey do like woman jor! BTW, lol @ "getmoney, orkillurself"

Anonymous said...

This Godwon na hater o.....chai...#painment things#

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!! BRos I get Å̶̷̩̥͡•̸Ϟ but abeg return Å̶̷̩̥͡•̸Ϟ after use na carry cum charger

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mtshewwwwwwwwwwwwwww........... Next plzzzz

Anonymous said...

Daniel,ur own don finish,lol,gtfoh

Unknown said...

Godwon? Damn, I dont evn kno d guy. Bt I think he's dreal bitch here. Dis's surely his own publicity stunt. We shud've ignored modafucker.

Nel said...

Godwon shouldnt have an opinion... Why on earth will he be dissing Naeto?

Anonymous said...

Lol haters gonna hate

Anonymous said...

Who is this fuck? Just wondering!!!!!

Aphrodite said...

One question pls......Who Da Fuck is Godwon? All dis Bitch Ass Niggas Dissing Cool Dudes jux to be relevant tho! I've neva heard of Him, dis is my First tym of hearing abt Godwon nd he's insulting Sinzu nd MI? He wants em to Diss him bak so he can be popular By force! Retarded He goat!

Anonymous said...

Hehehehehe,Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ δε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ vex say U̶̲̥̅̊я̩̥̊ name no comot for list, wait for ur trun. Ơ̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴͡ U̶̲̥̅̊я̩̥̊ face, thin cow crossing the street. Hehehehehehehe

Anonymous said...

Godwon is seriously pressing P!!! C'mon get a grip and accept defeat

duks said...

Who's Godwon? Never heard him oo

Chicadimples said...

Linda u dey make celebs dey fight abi? Lol

Anonymous said...

Vector should top dat list evn mode9 confirmed it..Best Lyricist 2012.!

Anonymous said...

Vector should top dat list evn mode9 confirmed it..Best Lyricist 2012.!

Belemzy said...


Anonymous said...

OMG! Can't believe am first to comment thanks to all my peepz who stood by me and believed I could make it, without u guys out there praying 4 me I wouldn't ave achieved.
Chinedu, chioma, elizabeth am really grateful coz u guys stood by me and to all my fans out there I love U all lastly MTN am grateful for d speed #linda oya post kia kia

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is this dude by the way @godwon? This guy sucks like a babies diaper. Late lloyd Michael raps way better than this panzy. RIP lloyd. You Live on....

juicyhawtstuff said...

Why is he so bitter eh?and acting like a bitch he shud take several seats abeg.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahahaha... I get small pin my broda

sparkz said...

LMAO! Pained ass motherfxcker!

@EDDYSYFAR said...

Who I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ godwon please

@EDDYSYFAR said...

Who I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ godwon please

Anonymous said...

Funny guyz, soon they will start rapping against each other. Who even listings to rap anymore. Rap is for children and pple that sag their trousers. Mature minds listen to songs other than rap. Asa,2face, majek fashek,p-sqaure, they are the best naija artist.

Anonymous said...

nah force dem dey take mention people.. go to bed man sorry (boy)

Anonymous said...

Yawns.......I just chop indomie/egg/plantain finish,abeg wu get purewater mak I drink?

Anonymous said...

I think GODWON just need something to talk about.... never heard of him until now

Anonymous said...

See him sound like rap creator critizing others ....can sumone remind me who he was?

Anonymous said...

Who is Godwon?

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha @BB charger. More important than the list

Lannister said...

Abeg enter studio, drop some bars about these naija rappers, then we go know say u dey vex.
Come to think of it, calling out popular naija rappers on one track will turn you into a mega star. You go blow die! Ask ruggedman.

Anonymous said...

Godwon u low class hater!!! #STFU & #GTFOH

Anonymous said...

Godwon just received free publicity.
Twitter beef works!

Unknown said...

this guyz are crazy

mrs bloglord said...

At least now I know who Godwon is....prior to this..I had not one fucking clue

Anonymous said... right here...lolz

Anonymous said...

Who is Godwon biko?...*hiss

Anonymous said...

@ daniel LOL

Anonymous said...

Ice prince is d best rapper alive, vector I luv u,Mi is grt too nd mr msc is good dey rest of ya all sori... I dnt knw what ya sayin

Anonymous said...

Abeg who is this Godwon???

Anonymous said...

I beg I get.but e no de charge curve 2.mine is a Q10.

Anonymous said...

Abeg who is Godwon?mcheww sinzu is gud mehn

Anonymous said...

Ekwe lol

Anonymous said...

Is Godwon tryinna make himself relevant??? Cos I don't even know him, He should take several seats behind \_____, and I totally agree wiv Linda.. M.I is d Undisputed Chapion, Africa's best rappers! PERIOD.. And sinzu is just a STUD #fab?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As in serious bbm charger

Anonymous said...

Loool!Let the hating begin!!

emi noni said...

can someone remind me who this godwon is? haven't heard of him in a lifetime

Anonymous said...

If u are Gud,u re gud u dnt nid to make noise!

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahaha... But who's Godown????? Na name of biscuit???? He shld gaaaaan grab back seat and relax jorr ( ˘˘̯) \______


Jennifer Anyiam said...

I get bb charger@ Daniel ~ =))˚°◦hahahaha

_\\_. I never hear the name godwon b4 chei the nicca is so pained

chinenye said...

Pls who is Godwon?? Prior 2 dis av never heard dat name,no wonder his seeking 4 cheap attention

Anonymous said...

Aladanwo godwon

Anonymous said...

Wia is ur sense of humour?odeh.

Mai Reke said...

He aint a bad rapper but I feel he's too American. If you wan chop for naija, make music the naija way. Maybe he expects naija rappers to talk about the 'streets'. Na shops and koisks full naija streets ooo!

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