Exactly two months after her death, her friends, who have been investigating her death, have written an open letter to her in laws, accusing them of negligence that led to Nike's death. The letter below...
It’s no news to every born Nigeria; home & abroad the standard processes involved in a marriage. Where there are cultural standards, there are also religious standards. In most parts of the world, either culturally or by virtue of religion when a woman marries a man she automatically adopts her husband’s family name. In exceptional cases, the couple may decide otherwise. The Ogungbe family, without doubt are Yorubas and they have proclaimed long enough to be Christians. Unfortunately, the recent events following their actions and contributions to Adenike Ogungbe’s death has proven this bunch otherwise.
In the course of our investigation, some people actually
questioned and wondered if Adenike ordinarily moved in with Abidemi without
formal/religious ceremony. Adenike got married to Abidemi legally and traditionally.
Some of us were there to grace the occasion. Adenike was a legal, faithful,
dedicated and committed wife to the Ogungbe family. In Yoruba culture, during the
traditional wedding ceremony, the bride is made to sit on the laps of her newly
acquired parents. This is only to confer their acceptance of the child as their
own and welcome her into the family. Unfortunately, the Ogungbe family failed
Adenike in this regard.
She was denied of adequate medical needs by being taken to a
quack doctor in an occultic hospital in Sagamu, Ogun State.
Today, 3rd
of September 2013 marks the 2nd month anniversary of Adenike’s
depart and sadly up until this very moment NOT ONE single member of the entire
Ogungbe family have gone to pay respect to the Kareems’ family (Adenike's biological parents) neither have
they been allowed to see the child Adenike left behind. Worst still not even Adenike’s estranged
husband Bidemi has gone to see his in-laws! What a shame!
They have lost a child, a successful, young, vibrant woman
for that matter. How evil could the Ogungbe’s be? We believe there is no adult or
elderly person or anyone with wisdom or human conscience left in the ogungbe family,
that is why we decided to write an open letter to the OGUNGBE FAMILY OF AGO – IWOYE
and let them know that they’re a big shame and disgrace to the entire Yoruba
culture, Christian world and human race. Shame on them!
It’s only human to pay honour to whom honour it is due. Adenike
might have died as Mrs Ogungbe, it does not change the fact that she has
parents and siblings who deserve to be honoured having given their
away in trust to this evil family that not only controlled, manipulated
purposely led her to her death.
Friends of Ewar
1 – 200 of 343 Newer› Newest»*investigating* not investing...u r welcome!
May her soul continue to RIP
Very terrible!so the biological parents didn't get a chance to see their daughters corpse!Hmmmmmm
awwww datz xo sad nd uncalled 4 buh whu im i 2 judge anyway......
Please respect her last wish
click HERE for more gist
This is touching..
some people are just too useless for my liking.
they probably never supported their union from the start.
may God keep the baby she left behind
This is rili bad. Such beauty cut down in her prime. + the husband family no try o.
Hmmm such is life..may her soul rest in peace..amen..
Some in-laws ehhh.. Tufiakwa
Mcheeew these girlz na wanna be famous.
By: @sandy_maqhubela
That's so bad of d ogungbe's,they are just heartless....I pray their daughters in d family are treated same way n see how they would feel too
Quack occultic doctor?
Its a Shame the grooms have not visited their late bride's family up until now but to entirely conclude that they orchestrated her death is preposterous.
The health care system in Nig should be held responsible,isn't there a body that's supposed to regulate the establishment of hospitals?
The concerned authorities should be blamed for the increase in mother/infant mortality rate.
But then again,what do I know?
Na wa o! It is well!
Eyaaaaa I feel ur pain,God is in control
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm no comment yet until the ogungbe family speaks.
when i first heard , i thought there was something STRANGE about the hospital she went to . Who leaves lagos and goes there to give birth ....... Especially when she has previously lost a child.
Very sad to hear that her parents have not seen the child she left behind or get a visit from her husband Bidemi . WHO DOES THAT .....WiCkedness of the highest order
GIRLS open ur eyes well before you marry ooooo........Waka better waka blc some families are just wicked
What's all these nah? They shud let the lady RIPP..... We can't judge if we don't hear d oda side of d story..... Has d kareem family gone 2 see d ogungbes? Have they gone 2 see d baby or they are expecting d ogungbes 2 come n see dem 1st... Everyone is hurt!!! They are 2 go n see her husband not him going 2 see them... Then which hospital are we talking about? (Though I also wondered why she went 2 ogun 2 have a baby and why she was buried in ago-iwoye where her dota won't have access to easily when she grows up)
Any sha, friends na family mata stop defaming ppl
Queen B, you should be called queen olodo. Where did you gather this inference you have made here?
Na wa o may God keep d baby she left behind.....back to ur post "investing" bawo abi investigating abeg change am sharply.
Speehless, God! What a wicked world
Our prayers should go to the child she left behind. Judgement for anyone responsible for her death should be left in God's hands cuz no wicked deed is left unpunished. So if her death could have been avoided and wasnt, only God would judge, and if she died cuz God said it was time, then may her soul cont to rest in peace......
Wonders shall neva end!
OMG! Her friends sound so pained and heartbroken.. If this is true then This is really bad! Am not yoruba but i understand perfectly the picture painted here and this here,is too bad..May the soul of Adenike continue to Rest in Peace.
@wet pussy n male stripper! See ur names sef n una get d nerve 2 mention God. May God himself have mercy on d 2 of u!
May her soul rest in peace........
Hmmmmmmm,the Ogungbes are intellectual,enlightned n highly respected clan in Ago iwoye, no comment until when the family speaks.
Smh why are men wicked?
It is well...linda u ve not heard pastor Biodun of COZA has finally spoken as regards to his sex scandal wit Nse Walter..dat Nse walter's lips were soft and succulent his weakness arose" no be me talk am oo...my mouth plz shut up.
Calling a Gynecologist, that various people from different states consult and recommend QWAUCK.... is far from the TRUTH. Let the dead be dead. I am quite sure the person writing this has no facts.
My sister went to OSUTH and lots of brilliant doctors went there. this is an insult to a Teaching Hospital.
Because of this i debunk this story.
May her soul rest in perfect peace
God will surely punish the evil doers
The friends writing this are very wrong. As badly as they feel, they are in no position to make such accusations. Why hasn't her family come forward? How come it is friends carrying out investigation and not her own people? I know some elderly people still hold on to alternate medical practise but i do not know of anyone who will be forced into such. As a learned person, a successful entrepreneur, how could she have agreed to go with traditionalists for child birth, occultic for that matter? By the way, where was her family and the overly righteous "friends" at that time? The young woman is gone, may her soul rest in peace
Mich exactly my point,its not ryt to put all the blame in the grooms' family,the health care system has to be improved
I just believe diz is medicine after death
Dear Wet Pussy, ur name drives me wild.Pls leave more clues as to get to u... Urs truly, Hard-Dick.
Wonders shall never end!well I feel their is no smoke without fire and d saying goes "d guilty are always afraid" why won't they do what is a generally accepted practice? A beautiful promising daughter. If na me be her mama I no go take this lying down ooo,cos why my pikin go born for a questionable hosiptal?
I knew der was more to it.........leaving d whole of lagos to put to bed in sagamu. Is it dat der are no good hospitals here ni........God bless her soul
Are u crazy?
Three sides to a story. This is just one side. Estranged husband?
This is totally absurd! Ehya I really pity d Kareem's Family. Hmmmm....... God help us o
See una names @wet pussy n male stripper n na una call God pass. God save u 2 sha!
Its so sad though may her soul find solace in d Lord.
@wet pussy n male stripper! See ur names sef n una get d nerve 2 mention God. May God himself have mercy on d 2 of u!
Investigating Lindz! Weird culture... Hmm!
~D great anonymous!
Ds is so sad nd heart breaking, even if the inlaws refuse to go n c her parents, d husband shld go n c dem cos dey lost deir daughter too. What happened to d luv dey once shared,he shld try n repect her. God plsss I wana marry a white man ,I can't stand all des traditional problems,goush!!
U r a mad person..biggest fool on eArth..r d kazeem's meant to go visit or rather d ogungbes are meant to visit the dead's parents..cant u read it,they lost a child nd havent even seen any of d ogungbe nt to mention of their grand child..i just pray ur stupidity doesnt cause havock for u...they r wicked ppl and very cruel to the kazeem's..my dear anon pls wisen up next time..just an advice
I keep saying this to ladies!!! No matter what stage you have gotten to in the process of marriage, you can still back off if you ain't comfortable with the family you are moving into...
No matter how much the man has gone to convince you, Don't look down on BLOOD. No woman is short of options, you are one man's MISSING RIB and he's gonna be sick until he finds you, that's the faith.
Your Life is more precious!!!
Did u c d part where they sed she was taking to a quack hospital?
You must be very sick and dumb... sure u are a member of d ogungbes... the Lord will avenge her
... Every story has different sides.... it is just wrong when you read one side and begin to form conclusions. if all these is true, may it be so for Bidemi but if it so happens that you have cursd n innocent soul, then all these curses you have placd ere and more would come back to visit you and all yours.
of the so called friends, how many of them were there when she lost her babies or how many even deemed it fit to attend her funeral and pay their last respects??? Don't go putting up stories to attract traffic to your block Linda.
no evidence by friend to back up their sayings. what is friend affair in anothers man family. they should let the dead rest. if u check all this write up it will be base on them say them say talk. make una go sit down. the Best the friend should have done is to do a kind of write up on d blog in her honour.
Dear friends of Ewar, I doubt your friend would appreciate the effort you have made in calling out her in laws,mind your frigging business,let her family speak if there is something to be said, una dey for house know wetin dey happen for market,o di egwu
Good things really don't last, may her soul keep RIP.
Etihad Airways Introduces Nannies Onboard
I keep saying this to ladies!!! No matter what stage you have gotten to in the process of marriage, you can still back off if you ain't comfortable with the family you are moving into...
No matter how much the man has gone to convince you, Don't look down on BLOOD. No woman is short of options, you are one man's MISSING RIB and he's gonna be sick until he finds you, that's the faith.
Your Life is more precious!!!
what goes around comes around if they actaully did this then they should expect return in another form.
Why are they accusing the husband's family? Have they been barred from seeing the widower and half-orphaned child? Those were Ewar's immediate family and everyone should be going to console the hubby and see the child and not the other way round. If the Kareem family feel left out, they should approach their son-in-law because they accepted the marriage of their daughter and once a woman leaves her parents she belongs to her husband.
Any woman no matter ur status can fall a victim of such cos as mention by one above she had lost a child previously. The pressure she wld have gone thru wld have compelled her to agree to it. I'm speaking frm expirence.what wld have helped her resist, is if her husband was against it. I lost my first child there was nothing I didn't hear frm my in-laws that I had to do to prevent a repeat of it.
Dear mr/ mrs know all, what tribe are you from? Cos in yoruba land, the aggrieved family dont pay condolence visits, its not right. I understand they're both grieved, but it's still the right of the grooms family to pay them a condolence visit and also have them see the chil
She probably agreed to go to Sagamu cos of past experience,she lost her first pregnancy @ eight month, d 2nd pregnancy was also stressful,she was addmitted since wen d pregnancy was 2months till she gave birth and lost the child 2years later.
Dear mr/mrs know all, what tribe are you from? Cos in the yorubaland, the aggreived family dont pay condolence visit. It is the right of the grooms family to visit the bride and have them see the child the deceased left behind. The ogungbe are just full of "pride" . I smell something fishy about the whole mess!!
Adenike, a loving woman. So sad to hear such tales being put out loud. God knows all. Please, rest in peace. See Tribute to Adenike - htt;//jidealara.blogspot.com
I don't understand the story. Rip dear
Are u okk? Or jus plain stupid?
Adenike, a loving woman. So sad to hear such tales being put out loud. You would never have wanted this. God knows all and always guards his own. Please, rest in peace. See Tribute to Adenike - htt;//jidealara.blogspot.com
@ you ur response depicts you ain't yoruba, cultured or African. For Una house Shey na Una wives's family dey come visit? Pls it is right time you learn about culture. *oro ni ana* worship inlaws Thank me later.*Flo Moris*
Pls shut that hole in ur face up if u dnt know what to say!! That's d height of disrespect, how can d kareem's go n see d Ogungbe's? Where is it done? Its unheard of! How can d bereaved go n see those who are sopose to come and pay their last respect to them. There is really more to ds story, till we get d full details of what really happened anon 10:46 shut up. Ur comment is so pathetic n stupid.
In Yoruba culture the husband families are the ones to go to their Inlaw and console them. She is the only one in a better postion to say the truth of what really went wrong. If this story is true, the Kareem family should leave everything to God and pray for the innocent soul she left behind..
You are mad!! Which tribe are you from? You take a family's daughter's hand in marriage and you won't formally go and inform them of her demise. Once again, I say you are mad. NONSENSE
Haba chill nah. They didn't say the hospital was osuth. Dey jst said occultic hospital in sagamu.
May her gentle soul continue to rest in peace!! I feel so pained, that such a lovely lady with a promising career will jus go to d great beyond @a vry young age, its so painful, I dnt know her, but I feel so much pain in my heart, but I know that only God understands y, it is well. May God console d family sh left behind n may HE strenghthen them. I wish d lil baby sh left behind all d best, it is well.
Thank God for this revelation, cos anytime I think of her I wonder why a lady who says she makes at least 500k monthly will opt for an hospital in Abk,when even average income earners goes abroad and what is wrong with st Nicolas n all, marrying a bad husband is far better than terrible in laws,God will comfort her family n be with her daugther.
I dont judge one side story,,,may her soul continue to rest in piece
This is just a whole bunch of BS. Abeg make the friends take several seats. The baby girl she left behind is being taken care of by Bidemi's elder sister per Nike's request before she passed on. I know everyone is still pained but please let her rest in peace. May God give her friends the fortitude to bear the loss.
So d family dd nt accept her nd coz she luvd d man,she married em now see wat has happend 2her.d husby is a big dsgrace 2human race,wickedness does nt add life,moni or glory 2ur name.U ve sistaz nd sumbodi wil treat dem diz way too.is a promise coz d Word "karma'workz
Don't personally know the parties involved on this but please i know it truly hurt the bereaved but let's allow the dead to rest in peace,,the mistake was made and if you truly love your friend please make her happy wherever she is right now by not stirring these trading of blames(May her soul rest in peace)
Lmao at ur's truly,hard dick.
Pls which friends gathered to write this rubbish. Im also her friend and I dont think this is right. Although I believe that something fishy might have gone down who am I to judge ot write letter? This is wrong on all levels
I no blame d husband, maybe na d way d lady in question present her family to him. Girlssssssssss pls becareful who u get married to oooooo *all guys re nt husbands and no be every family person dey enter* may her soul rest in peace GBAM!!
I am a close friend of the family and contrary to the rumours that was spread, she did not give birth in Ogun state teaching hospital (OSUTH) or Lantoro in Abeokuta. she was taken to a private hospital that looked like it was a former brothel. With the name Teddy Top or something like that. To think that her sis in law works in the Laboratory in Osuth, yet they couldn't take her there. To make matters worse, she the sis in law we were told was the one who purchased blood that wasnt the same as the deceased's type for her . Meanwhile, Bidemi specifically told Nike's mum not to come and see the child yet as its his child and he will decide when they can see the baby.
I hereby wed male stripper to wet puss y. May you continue to knack each other till waist break or pussy dry like sand paper.
The "health care system" in 9j is not proper, agreed! Na why dem carry her go quack? It's one thing to go to a reputable hospital and not get d necz care, it's another to go to a quack. Quacks exist in every country, point here is dey shudda taken her to a good hospital and maybe she wud have survived. #JayBeyBlu
May her soul continue 2 RIPP. #TOK#
The family are solidly behind the friends putting it out as they have been instructed not to fight by their church. Now if the guy and his family are not happy about the death, how come, a day after the girl died the husband quickly went to obtain her computer and other valuables from her office and he has been driving the girls car since a car he didn't put i 1 Nair a into. Under normal circumstances this won't be so as he should have sent everything to her parents but some 1 who still withdrew money from the deceased acct last month is not normal or is he?
This is one side of the story and a story that is one sided is not complete! And by the way who are these friends of Ewar?
Leaving Lagos to ogun state to give birth is the part i don't understand, I will reserve my comment until i hear from the Ogungbes.
I keep saying this to ladies!!! No matter what stage you have gotten to in the process of marriage, you can still back off if you ain't comfortable with the family you are moving into...
No matter how much the man has gone to convince you, Don't look down on BLOOD. No woman is short of options, you are one man's MISSING RIB and he's gonna be sick until he finds you, that's the faith.
Your Life is more precious!!!
I'm Adenike's friend and I've said that I would let this matter die and not say anything but each time I remember... gosh! its way too painful to bear.
I didn't even know when this letter was done and sent out. Trust me, this letter doesn't even cover an inch of the issues on ground. What I do know is that the 'hospital' was not a real one. It was more or less a herbalist's clinic where all sorts of fetish things were done to her before and after she died (I will spare you the gory details). I also know that my friend's body was NOT put in a mortuary from the day she died till she was buried. I will again spare you details of the state her body was in when she was to be prepared for burial... what kind of husband does that, pls?
This is not a plan to make her in-laws look bad. I guess the grief her friends felt has worn off and is now replaced with anger.
A lot of families do this and get away with it cos everyone wants the dead to RIP but was Ewar ready to 'rest' in d first place?!!! She was so full of life! So selfless! She WANTED to LIVE!!!
Nothing will come out of this but I'm relieved its all out in d open. The Ogungbes do have a lot of questions to answer.
Adenike, continue to RIPP. God will reward us all according to our deeds. Good or otherwise.
We r nt oblivious to d fact most human beings will rather confide in their friends Dan their families. I want to belive something prompted them to write dis letter,something Ewar had told dem in d past abt her inlaws.so it's possible her frnds knw more Dan her family concerning her marriage(jst a hunch). However,as much as I dnt want to jump into conclusions,it wil be a very horrible thing if it's true dat Ewar's(may her soul rest in peace) parents have not actually seen her baby nd hv not received any condolence visit from the ogungbes....it shudnt be so. u dnt expect a family who is mourning d loss of a daughter to start paying visits. Dey wil visit later to thank every1 who was there 4 them during their mourning period.
.... I beg to defer. this is a malicious letter and sadly Linda has refuses to learn to think before blogging.
Queen Bee, FYI parents do not see their Children's corpses nor know where they are buried.
I was at Nikes funeral.... How many of these so called friends came there? You have no right to judge a story you are only in the know of the surface facts. May God forgive you all.
p.S... I write with Authority as a close friend of Adenike and Abidemi.
She didn't have d baby in Osuth na,she had d baby at a private hospital owned by a gynecologist dt also works in Osuth.
@anon 10:46, are you yoruba? if not, if the yoruba culture, when some one has lost a child or a family member, the rest of the family including the inlaws are meant to go and visit them and support them. It is simple courtesy. Point of correction, the husband is meant to go and see them and tell them.
I knew Ewar to be very opinionated and very intelligen. The question is, was she moved to Sagamu without her consent?
I knew Ewar to be very opinionated and very intelligen. The question is, was she moved to Sagamu without her consent?
You can just imagine.. A big disgrace to the yorubas.. If your bf family no like you, carry your load and go,don't manage with him. this is not a joke, bcos you'll jst die b4 your time..
Hahahahaa! You people are sick..
You can just imagine.. A big disgrace to the yorubas.. If your bf family no like you, carry your load and go,don't manage with him. this is not a joke, bcos you'll jst die b4 your time..
So Sad, God @ work.
Read Juicy Gist HERE
Wow!!!! So it's the parents that lost a daughter that should go and visit abi? Wonder what planet you fell from.
I op its not them Kenny Ogunbe's family abi which one was she married to?
@randy,u must be very stupid.we are talkin abt d death of an innocent young lady and ure here commentin on sometin else,dat shows ao useless and fearless u are.may her soul rest in peace*crying*
very sad
Let d ogungbe family hve it in mind dat wat goes around cums bck around I'm sure dey hve daughters as well. May God hve mercy on dem, n may her beautiful soul RIP
The story sounded bias. Really, no one should say anything until the Ogungbes' come talking.
Not dia daughter's corpse but d baby she left behind.
Hmmmmmmmm,such a world! In-laws can be wicked but nobody know what transpire between the two family.continue to rest in peace damsel.
I'd like to see some names behind this "Friends-of-late-Nike-Ewar-Ogungbe" I'd also advise them to allow Nike rest in peace, and not stir a situation they will never understand, even on the most insightful days of their lives.
They don't know the half of what they are saying and I make this submission, AUTHORITATIVELY!
This linen they want to commence washing in public will only serve to dishonour Nike's memory;
I say stop it!!!
What are you on about? So if you marry(I'm assuming you a are girl) and God forbid this happen to you. So your parents will go and visit ur husband's family abi first abi??
I guess u r frm d ogungbes family too.or u r a wicked soul to say d girls family shud go n see d ogungbes! Pls shut whole on ur face if ur parents dnt teach u tradition.d man goes to d womans family to inform dem officially dat der daughter whom dey gav him in marriage is dead.#tnkmelater#
Not fair,it's beginning to look like all wasn't well before her death.
Fyi I was a friend to the family but d truth needs to be told. Everything her friends have said is true n u pple should also know that'd hospital she was taken to was teddy top in Sagamu and not Osuth. Someone said that d ogungbe family is well learned yes but respected, I don't know abt. As in know its public knowledge that the guys father is an occult member. Incase u dont know, go and ask about d husbands brother n sisters marriages. Why should a grandchilds burial be carried out by d granpa and his son in yorubaland where it should have been done by the father of the baby and his friends? There is a lot of messy details that i'm sure d friends are scared to start detailing. Now d baby, d husband, d husband family all are yet to be seen by d girls parents and all effort made to see them most xpecially d baby have been turn down. God is watching
Pls re-read.
Emi naa n so....why would this Lagos chic go one shack for Abeokuta go deliver baby? Better hospitals in Lagos and she could av afforded delivery abroad sef....I heard she died due to complications from general anaesthesia...but I know most private hospitals and even govt hospitals sef use spinal anaesthesia these days...just sounds like an avoidable death....and I trust naija....we no dey like autopsy...autopsy fit help here o..
Yoruba??????!!!! Tufiakwa! God forbid dat I marry a yoruba man.... Dis is how d killed my friend IJEOMA! I wonder wat will carry any sensible girl to dat stupid,diabolic,wicked,mean tribe!
Thunder go fire whom ever dat opens its trash to curse her mother.... Arrant Nonsense!
Linda ga'm gara icho comment'm acho O!
I just want to put somethings straight. 1. knowing Ewars history with pregnancies, she had to be taken to a professor of gyneacology with more than 30 years experience who has trained many doctors and still trainnig them , she had eclampsia and so had to be taken care of by an experienced doctor. 2. The Ogungbes went to greet the Kareems more than twice and the kareems were even the once that picked the date for the burial and sent the names they'll want the baby called. 3. The Ogungbes i know are a noble and well respected christian family. 4. It is on record that Tise, Nikes deceased boy died when he was taken to Nikes family house under strange circumstances. 5. It is also a known fact that there are occultic issues in the Kareems house that they need to sort out. No family will endanger a childs life by placing her in their care. Do you all realise they attend this malaika shrine? Pls let us be cautious in what we write and make sure we do proper investigation and not hearsays. Friends of ewar should allow her rest in peace.
Madame pls open ur eyes & read again! Wot u wrote wasn't wot the letter reads.... The Ogunbe family hasn't allowed Nike's family to see the CHILD Nike LEFT BEHIND!!! Biko, dnt cause a war with your own twisted version
May her soul RIP
may her soul rest in peace
Hhhmmmnnn,a lot of comments here n dre,I don't want 2 side any families bcos d truth lies wit dem....either way yeah,hw ws d death of Ewar annonced 2 d family,ws it thru d phone or tex....I'm 4m a yoruba path n it is d Ogungbe's dat ws meant 2 visit d kareem bcos if it ws d ogungbe's son dat died....wit wat am seeing ooooo,Ewar will be held responsible dat she killed dre son n use her 4 sacrifice...n again som1 made mention dat d Ogungbe's r respectable people....''to hell wit dre respectability''who r dey,who dem be dat dey had 2 4get tradition....Do u kw wheather dis respectable poeple u r talkn about av a negative influence on dre son on hw 2 treat his wife,abeg oooo dat idiot wey talk respectable shld be slapped,I swear if I kw u I go slap u...Ewar Dear, May ur Soul rest in peace.
Nigerians like to suspect everything. Who does not know that the health care system in the country is terrible. I think that people need to be careful about making false accusations in the time of grief. On the one hand, the friend starts with Christianity, and then goes on to say that traditional practices were not adhered to. We all know that Christianity is not always compatible with traditional beliefs. If there is a problem, it should be settled between the inlaws. Friends should not wash peoples linens in public whether they are dirty or clean.
what a wicked world
Ewar left Lagos 2 put 2 bed in Sagamu....dat shows d level of positive or negative influence d Ogungbe's family had on Ewars marriage,maybe dem no let Ewar get peace of mind in her marriage,we kw?n dre's little 2 d way Kareems family can say 2 dre daughter bcos dey don't want her unmarried...Maybe Late Ewar ws fraustrated n wanted 2 kip 2 marriage n den succumb 2 d wish of her inlaws...Hmmm wonders shall neva end... But Ogunge's family una no try @ all...abii r dey hausa niii bcos dey seems not 2 be yoruba 2 me...bcos if dey r,dey won't behave dis way....ws her death annouced formal or informal,bcos formal way,d Ogungbe's whr 2 go 2 d kareems family 2 announce her death,so hw did dey annonce her death....Oga ooo,some families r terrible.RIP Ewar
Well that's the whole point. They didn't take her to OSUTH. She didn't Die in OSUTH. It was in a Quqck hospital in Shagamu
I feel truly sorry for how this ended what ever the situation was between her and the Ogungbe. But In-laws can be terrible especially when the wife is so independent. Lessons for every Naija woman out there. I commend the friends for this letter and their courage, this is a revolution coming for women, let's speak up as many such cases abound.
Na wa o. Wonders shall never end in this country Only in Nigeria. Teddy Top hospital in Sagamu? Why? People should be careful what they say. Even if Nike's family were Malaika worshippers, why would they harm their own daughter? Its irresponsible of the Ogungbes not to have honoured Nike's parents. Its really a shame!
It's not funny at all. Feels so bad......How I wish she didn't die. May her soul rest in d perfect peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amaen
I feel truly sorry for how this ended what ever the situation was between her and the Ogungbe. But In-laws can be terrible especially when the wife is so independent. Lessons for every Naija woman out there. I commend the friends for this letter and their courage, this is a revolution coming for women, let's speak up as many such cases abound.
Heard her in-laws are justifying their ignorance by blaming her parents. Whatever the story is, they should still show them some respect for loosing a daughter. Her mother in-law is a control freak and she makes decisions for all her children. Nike had a hospital she was using in Lagos they shouldn't have taken her to Sagamu. Let the doctor too speak now. abi?
Teddy Top hospital in Sagamu.....let the doctor too speak now. Really who leaves Lagos to give birth in Sagamu? The Ogungbe's obviously have questions to answer. Just because they're educated does not mean they're not wicked. Its wickedness not to honour the parents of the deceased. Her parents should not be the one to go and see them. RIP Adenike
a lot of people here dont know tradition. The Child was not buried by the Granpa. The child was an ogungbe and was buried by the Ogungbes. The Husbands Father is not an occult member so, you dont know what youre talking about. The Husbands brothers and sisters are all happily married. and Nikes Family were physically informed of her demise not by phone.
Abeg. What planet are u from? The family that lost a child will go and greet d family that still has their son? Plus a grandchild?
Moreover a friend of mine saw her husband a few days after her death and he didn't look as if he was hurting so don't give me that flimsy excuse.
Friends of Ewar? who are they? where dem be? People who just want to use her death to achieve cheap popularity. God punish them! where were they when she wanted to deliver her first child and she was being taken to different hospitals in Lagos before she finally had a still born at jolad. where were this faceless friends during Tise's pregnancy that she had to be rushed out of Lagos to scared heart hospital at Lantoro and she was there for about 6months. where were these friends when she was battling with eclampsia and she had to be rushed to Sagamu from Lagos. where were this faceless groups during the burial. and where are these friends now after the burail when it comes to taking care of the baby she left behind. Of course, they are no where to be found except on the internet looking for glory .
Its so funny how much people think they know about others. I pray a lot of people will not miss heaven simply because they decided to put their mouth into something they know nothing about.
These so called friends have no point. Allow the families to mourn there loss and the lady to rest in peace. Nike cannot come back but her child needs to be loved and prayed for.
Abeg commot, make we hear word jare. Which kain glory? The friends of Ewar obviously know a lot and are just relating what they could publicly declare. Why would the in-laws not pay respect to the bride's family? Who do the Ogungbes think they are? Most people from Ago already know that the mother is the one controlling her children's lives even though they're all married. Who needs an overbearing mother-in law? Abeg go siddon joor make we hear word
If the Husband doesn't look as if he was hurting pray that something like that should happen to you and lets see how hurting you'll look.
Im very angry that people think its only the Kareems that lost someone. The Ogungbes too lost a someone very dear to them . we are all grieving. After more than 3 visits to Nikes family they should return at least a visit to the Ogungbes too.
You are so dumb! Her parents lost a daughter barely two months ago and u expect them to come forward?! She was just trying to be a good wife to her inlaws that was why she had to go to their. Suggested hospital is sagamu which she shouldn't have agreed to and cost her precious life. So please STFU cos its not by force to comment.
Friend of ewar, abeg stop writing what you don't know. Did the Kareem family tell you the Ogungbes didnt visit them after Nikes demise? The Ogungbes Visited them more than thrice (3). and it was even the Kareem that gave a date for the burial, and the names for the baby. Abeg stop letting people commit sin by peddling falsehood.
faceless groups!!!! smmmsh
hmmm! Oku nsunkun oku. meaning the dead crying for the dead. we all are walking corpse and we know not when, how and where our own death will happen.Its Nikes own that we have seen. Do we know whose is next? Thats a question nobody can answer except God. I know the Family did the best they could have done for her.
I don't believe some of the things here, no youruba parent will choose a date for their grown child's burial! Never heard of that.
Check your information well before talking nonsense .., hope you all will stand up in court when you are litigated
Nonsense your head no correct as upu no ss I the whole truth. Na only God fit help all your lies as no base for am
Nonsense your head no correct as upu no ss I the whole truth. Na only God fit help all your lies as no base for am
Nonsense your head no correct as upu no ss I the whole truth. Na only God fit help all your lies as no base for am
So as a frd , u like d way d inlaws don't wanna visit Ewars family. Dat's so bad n disrepectful. I support dem 100%, nonsense!
Friends of Ewar don't know jack shit. They are just bunch of fools looking for cheap popularity. A good friend will not want to smear her friends memory, especially when you know you don't have anything concrete to defend yourself when the chips are down. What kind of friend will want to give her Friend a public disgrace with this kind of roforofo comments.
This is soo sad!
R I P!
Praying Annonymous... ''I pray a lot of people will not miss heaven simply because they decided to put their mouth into something they know nothing about''. Which ones? Obviously if the Friends of Ewar'' are not saying anything, the fact that the woman died in Sagamu already exposed the family. Heaven is not against justice. Will you let you or your sister or wife go and give birth in Sagamu? Shio. Pray for yourself to know and do what is right. Friends of Ewar..God Bless all of you wherever you are. Now that's a prayer you should be praying
This is just a reply to your comment. U got me laughing. .. so the husband should send his wifes belongings to her parents after her demise? Unbelievable. ..n when a husband dies d wife will cargo her husbands stuff to his family. ..lol na wa
Annoymous@...''her child needs to be loved and prayed for'' By who? the people camping her and preventing her other grandparents from seeing her,is that love? Don't get me started..I know the family Nike married into, well enough to know they were intimidated by her success, her eldest sister-in-law was a nuisance in her life even though Nike helped her with business. The so called husband...needs to grow up and show some respect to Nike's parents even he does not have responsible adults or parents to guide him.He's a law graduate and should know that Ignorance is no excuse
Ok dear.u are not a close family friend at all cos u are clueless.
I concur wit all u hve said as a close friend 2 d late Ewar. D family of Ewar chose 2 d name for baby Ewaoluwa. Pls friends of Ewar, leave Nike 2 rest in peace. Her family got their issues, if u neva knew Ewar as in well enof 2 her family, pls don't say wat u don't know. She nids 2 rest... D Kareems know beta, pls we shd respect d dead. Nike deserves dis.
Annonymous @ ''Friends of Ewar? who are they? where dem be?''...you are out of control. you sound like you're one of those in-laws because you obviously know the details people don't want to hear. How do you know they were not there at the burial? If they were not around much, how do they know much? Go their blog and read their post before this open letter. Carry the baby to Nike's family and then you will know people are waiting to take care of her. The main thing in this post is that the ogungbe's have not honoured Nike's parents..shikenna. You sit down there yanning about going from hospital to hospital. You knew she had pre-emclampsia and still took her to sagamu. You be wicked people joor
@ curse urself out. don't even try going tribalistic. i'm guessing u r ibo. my dear, when it comes to Families trying to control their sons wives to the point of being wicked and heartless to them irrespective of what ever tribe she is, you know where to look. so please keep mute if you have nothing tangible to contribute.
Even in death nike will be ashmed of u. U are a bad friend.were u in the motuary or do u knw d hospital.may God forgive u for saying all these. U are a tatal disgrace to nike and u dnt even knw one thing abt her.
Anon 2:14pm....u ve succeeded in twisting the whole story..
It's really painful that Ewar's life was cut short...She had a very bright future ahead of her...really painful.May her gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace and may heaven console her parents and siblings.
Ladies...pls let's be prayerful..the heart of man is desperately wicked,u really never know if ur in-laws genuinely like u or not but if u 're a prayer warrior ,u 'll conquer all.
Ewar made 3 attempts to have children but this was challenged by the enemy...the 2nd child died mysteriously,the 3rd child is alive now but where is beautiful Ewar to take care of her baby?may God's judgement be released on evil doers...may their ways be slippery...Rest on dearly beloved..
The ogungbes hav sent pple to nikes place afta she died before the funeral.
Olorun maje ki a shi ile wo ooo,amin!
Thank u so much. Pls stop this. Its annoying and u all dnt knw nike at all.
Dnt allow d wrath of God fall on u pls. Stop dis nonsense u are sayin.
Adenike lived a peaceful, loving & committed life. she didn't allow her in-laws to stop her despite their constantly being intimidated by her being a celebrity. She's resting in peace and cannot fight for justice. I'm just as angry at the in-laws as ''The Friends of Ewar''.Not all of us are cowards that gather and speak and not take action. The Friends & Fans of Ewar are a group of people including friends, clients, admirers, fans,colleagues that believe Justice should be served. If you don't want Justice for Adenike and prevent other women from falling victim, please go & have your baby in Sagamu in the same hospital. Important thing here is, the ogungbe family should not be so ignorant and not allow Nike's family to see their grandchild or pay them respect for loosing their daughter. Truly, if there's no adult with wisdom in that family, this open letter should knock some senses into their deranged minds. Shame on them
If u neva knew Ewar n her life's battles, pls kip quiet n don't bring a curse upon urself. Der r mysterious circumstances u may neva know, her pains, her aches. I believe she has rested now, Ewar is free frm all her travails. Pls pray for baby Ewaoluwa, wher eva she is, may d evil ones not cut her in her prime. Leave Nike 2 rest in peace, we shd respect d dead, speak no evil abt d dead. Ewar deserves dis.
These her friends are bastards o. Awon tatafo. Fools that wont remove the log from their own eyes while giving medicine to the dead. What rubbish. Which one consine una this much. You smear a whole family in the mud based on hear-say or did EWAR come from her grave to tell any of you anything and ask her to fight her battles? wonders dont end sha. Can you imagine. All these fools will not go and look for a good home to settle down o or find out how to perfect their own marriages. It is another woman's marraige they are fighting battle for. And No I am not an ogungbe. Couldnt give two flying fucks about the family but the story just irritated the crap out of me.
Its a shame if the ogungbe's have indeed not let ewar's family see the new born but no one knows what their reasons are. What if ewar herself had beef with her parents or requested the baby not be taken to her own family. Look we all make weird choices sometimes. I think the friends shld let God fight this battle o
o my goodness naijas! stop it. pls just stop it now. Ofcourse the Kareems would be suspicious. They are frigging muslims!.... this poor woman(may she RIP) obviously had high risk pregnancies her whole child bearing adult life. So for her to have succumed at some point is not surprising. The healthcare system in naija is one of the worst the world over so why must we always connect bad healthcare or lack of basic amenities that can help save lives to juju or voodoO. The kareems and so called friends of Adenike should GTFOH with their dumb accusations jare. Hissssssssss
Foolish person. Ur abode is hell! No doubt u are one of the ogungbes' if not you won't be talkin like Sm1 that ran away from retard home. Which popularity are they seeking for? Is thier picture in the open letter or is there any name mentioned in the open letter? Ode get a life b4 God starts punishing you *lips sealed*
These friends will just make both sides of the family spill dirt on themselves o. Cos I am almost sure the Ogungbe's have a lot to say and so will the Kareem's... Friends you may want to stay out of this. I am sure the Nike girl would not want either families being disgraced and embarrased like this cos I just read on here now that Tise, the first born of the Nike woman died in the care of the Kareem's so what does that tell us? Friends stay out
... You ars a blockhead that writes with so much malice
.... So shall it be to your family and all yurs too.
... Thank you for the senseless epistle. I hope Adenike can bitch slap you from the great beyond.
... Thank you for this thoughtful piece.
... May you live long..
U are a fool. GODs wrath will def fall on u cos u are stupid and u dnt hav a clue.
I saw that obituary in the papers and I was moved! So young, so beautiful. And part of the words that accompanied it were "..... and It really hurts". RIP to You and God grant your hubby the fortitude to bear this loss. And the child you left behind. God keep and guide, amen. When I lost my dear mum, I was bitter. Very bitter. Bitter towards certain people I felt had done wrong. But I have learnt to forgive. To let things go. To forge ahead with my life. My pastor says that when you bitter towards people, it means the devil has got your heart!
The in-laws rep that are abusing the Friends & Fans of Ewar, go read their blog before this open letter. Obviously, the main concern is that..the ogungbes have not gone to see the family. If its their own daughter will they not give her the best medical attention? Moved her to sagamu for their own convenience and selfish reason is enough grounds to blame them. Reason before you pass comment biko
people are so quick to judge sha, who are we to pass our comments? what will our comments result in? pls people, let Adenike sleep in perfect peace and leave the rest to God. For all that are judging please note that you will be accountable for your comments on the day of reckoning.....
How does all this story help anybody? Is it not better to report to the police or petition the IG if anybody suspected any foul play??
Nigeria is fast becoming a very dangerous place these days! I just paid about 500k as hospital bill of a friend's wife. The guy was scared he would be accused of not taking care of the wife, yet he struggles so much.
I feel pity for everybody and hope some people can retrace their steps. Life was more fun in the days of our fore fathers. Our sins are too many now.
Sagamu is not a village. It is a town that has a University teaching hospital in it. The Professor who treated Nike is a consultant at that same university teaching hospital. Nike had a peculair problem which required a specialist attention, she could have been flown abroad but the embassies refused her visas. So they decided to put her into the best hands they could. A professor of gynecologist and obstetric is not a quack by any standard. And the Husbands family visited the Kareem family after her demise. The kareem family were the ones that even picked the date that she was buried. They also gave the name for the baby. Nobody asked them not to visit the baby, but the baby is still in the hospital. Pls let's stop saying what we don't know anything about.
Let it then be said: Yoruba culture is barbaric and their Christianity is a sham. You can't worship God Almighty and satan.
So Lagos is now the center of excellence where people don't die abi? It only shows how ignorant and miss informed you people are as a people. Abeg if you are really her freind and you're so sure of what you're saying show your face now and stop hidind under anonymous. And tell Nikes family that if they want to see her baby they know where to see her, not on the Internet.
Annoymous...''Husbands brothers and sisters are all happily married''...this is the biggest joke and lie of all time. Where do you want me to start? The older brother is separated from his family because of their evil mum. He doesn't even know where his family is. Even the husbands to the two sisters are fearing for their lives. Two wives in a family...they killed one and the other left them. So, which happily married are they with an overbearing & controlling mother like that.Get your stories straight o.
This letter sounds like they bundled her to death. I beg to differ on some issues pls. She was pregnant for nine months, was she not attending ante-natal clinics? She knew where she wanted to have her baby months before it came! Did her inlaws impose a clinic on her.....??? Concerning visits, are they not grieving too...??? Questions only God can answer. God help us all.
Sparkles speaking
Ify Ejim...obviously Nike is resting in peace. The family have not done her well and her parents deserve better. Even if they gave her baby a name, it doesn't mean they should not be allowed to see the baby or that ogungbes should not show them some respect by visiting them.Simple
U idiot. Intimidated by her success did u say. U are a fool and d wrath of God will fall on u.u are clueless. Fool.
For the record, i guess you all are referring to MedyTop hospital in Sagamu. That is a very good hospital owned by Prof/Dr Odusoga - a renowned OBGYN
if a woman was already convulsing in a pregnancy (Eclampsia) and her ignoramus in laws transported her all the way from Lagos to Sagamu, pls then dont blame the doctor; blame the in laws. Shikkena!!!
Linda bia biko post my comment!!!
For the record, i guess you all are referring to MedyTop hospital in Sagamu. That is a very good hospital owned by Prof/Dr Odusoga - a renowned OBGYN
if a woman was already convulsing in a pregnancy (Eclampsia) and her ignoramus in laws transported her all the way from Lagos to Sagamu, pls then dont blame the doctor; blame the in laws. Shikkena!!!
Linda bia biko post my comment!!!
shut ur mouth anon 4;46pm, u yorubas r d most tribalistic people on earth, always insulting ibos as if u r better than us, now som1 has called u out and u want to cry cuz u people dont like hearin d truth..with all you r babalawo tinz...rubbish!
May her soul rest in peace.
Take the baby to her parents.
Ladies open your eyes. You marry a man you marry his family.
Do not marry because society expects that of you. Do not marry into a clan that will always see your star as overshadowing.
We ask God to save and protect us but God aslo tells us to act with wisdom.
Ladies be wise, This world is a wicked one.
See how they rubbished this defenceless woman.
Rest in peace.
Real friends are not anonymous. People who tell the truth don't hide under the blanket. And for your info, nobody is hiding the baby from Kareems, they know where to see her if they really want to. Friends of ewar abeg show your faces if you want us to take you seriously. In Africa the Child belongs to the Husband family and not the other way round.
I said it in the post you put when she died, that death was hovering over her. It was either she would not have a child or for her to have a child that would live, she would have to lose her life.
Nike rest in peace but she must have been complicit to agree to what her husband's family asked her to do. Why didn't she inform her parents if she was opposed to it? Maybe she was told she was an emere and sacrifices had to be done for her to live and for her child to live.
I also believe both families are occultic. They are both trading blames because they are not clean. Malaika is a cult. Do you know the types of covenants they sow there?
I'll add this comment someone used on MM blog and I believe it applies to Nike - Oni nkan tan gbojule
A lot of women go into marriages even when they know ad can see that their husbands families are not clean but they use agbari and believe they can pray such things away or fight such things away.
They were intimidated by her success? this statement just showed you definitely dont know the family as you claim. The family are a success on their own, and they helped Nike achieve the success you people are now screaming about. do you know that ewar was managing an open space at sweet sensation before she married into this family. The mother-in-law rented her first office for her at Maryland business plaza (i'm sure you the faceless friends don't know that). she paid the rent until Nike moved to her new office. Ewar was completely re-branded by this same family you people are crucifying now. Abeg get your facts straight and stopping misleading people with your false information.
The Family knows where to visit the Baby if they really want to. Abeg let the poor lady rest in peace.
stop spreading lies, the family was informed in person after Nikes demise. and they visited them more than thrice. what more do they want them to do. They also lost someone really dear to them, remember. lets stop being unnecessarily sentimental.
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