Three young men named Femi, Tunmise and a third unidentified guy were caught yesterday June 10th as they tried to escape in their Mazda car with a school girl they had kidnapped who was in the booth of their car. The young men are alleged to be final year students of the
prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University.
Some suspicious people alerted police to the guys after suspecting they had taken the girl. The police then chased and caught them around Makuro road in Ile-Ife, where the kidnapped girl was found
inside the booth of their car, bound. An angry mob descended on them but they were rescued before they could be killed. Their car was however badly damaged. They boys are currently in the state Police headquarter Oshogbo. More photos after the cut...
Thank God for this. Let others learn. Lindaobsv
Senate should pls sign a death penalty bill on kidnapping
Evil doers.... see as one carry face like that lib idiot misbehaving lately!
Evil doers.... see as one carry face like that lib idiot misbehaving lately! shud be punished. All same tnk God de didn't kill them. Useless boys!
omg what is this world turning into? look at how this young and able guys were involved in such a devilish act. God have mercy
I feel pained looking at these young handsome boys... Why would they indulge in this kind of act? God help us all!
Serves them right. They should be killed Oooo
Why kidnapping among all other things in your final year...too bad, wonder the motive behind this
Yeye people.
God have mercy, kidnappers are increasing day by day.Always pray b4 u step out.We and our families will never be victims of circumstances Amen
I hate censored pictures... Ugh
It serves them right, they abandon they education for kidnapping
But do dey have to parade them naked, that is too bad
What we get when youths become so desperate in the naming of making money be it legal or illegal. May God help us.
Linda why did you sensor their egg plants?
How true can dis be mbok?
Serves them right.
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What is with Africans and stripping people naked once its alleged a crime is committed. Thank God they were caught. we need to be civilized a bit. Let them rot in jail anyhow.
serves them right
but seriously linda why did u cover their small small dick na?
Oh Linda why did you cover the most important part naaa?
i hope they will be dealt with seriously so that others can learn. end of the road for them
Cant this Kids Get a job,instead of kidnapping for money,i am just being amazed at how much they can invest planning evil.than investing that same time planning something that will yield great and longer Benefit,its a pity they will Roth in jail!
Can U imagine???? Final year students? I'm sure they are Yahoo + boys! They probably wanna use the girl for ritual, these are the boys that's will be oppressing others in school with fleet of cars and throwing money about! It's a shame though.
oh yahoo boys, is there anything you guys won't do to fulfil's Babalawo's command? ann na because una wan drive big cars and screw fine babes, so you must kidnap school girls. She would have been killed for nothing by pounding of her head to give Babalawo
OMG! Na wa o! Nywaz, thank God dey were apprehended before dey could harm the girl. Linda take note!
OMG! Na wa o! Nywaz, thank God dey were apprehended before dey could harm the girl. Linda take note!
Wht on earth wil drive dis students into dis crazy act. Wht a shame, and pity. Its well wit us.
Only God knows what they wanted to do with the girl? They need to ask more questions
U shldnt ve covered it Linda so dat LIBERs wld also see
These are the sort of people that should have been beaten to death. They were caught red handed!
And why will they parade them naked tho. The police shud av taken them to the station and investigated properly
Their cup is full
Evil men
Its only in Nigeria you will see rubbish like this
i dey always fear osogbo, ife and ilesha boyz hmmmmmmm life is vanity take it easy mi brodas we aint gonna take anything along
See their ugly faces....don't blame them though, na unemployment dey cause am...check now, one of them might be a frustrated graduate
Ntorrrrrrrrrrrrrr, una wan make fast money
Imagine nonsense, na wetin dem send u to school to do??? Tank God they caught the fools, bunch of oloshi's
youths of now adays are something else imagine how cute the one in the middle look socute and innocent lind abeg i wan see their prick ooo
Linda y cover their D. We Are Above18
Linda don look the egg plant well well she com covaram make we no see abi...
nawa ooooo
Students also need fast money. Yahoo boys are oppressing then I think. Shame on them. Engr Emy
what greedy & stupidity causes
good 4 them anyway
linda y u go hide their ojolo jolo is the root of some evil
so even students who are supposed to be educated and less animalistic are kidnappers. God save nigeria. this poverty and bad mentally must end. Nigeria needs a mentality re boost to rmemeber what is right and what is wrong and that hard work pays better than corruption and crime. God save the next generation. Geez!
Madam Lin Lin y u nor want Mk we c der john Thomas naaaa kia kidnapping everywhere lord help us oooo.
atimes I support this jungle justice thing oo, assuming de succeed nkor? who knows if the person de kidnapped was to b sold off to ritualists. u take dem to police, de get bail and go free
Hmmm thank God they where caught. They should kill them all!
They will riot in hell as they dnt want to change
look at their faces.Hope they gave them thorough beating coz they don't deserve mercy
with their tiny egg plant and evil faces. God don catch them.
Maybe they are doing field work for a tough course in kidnapping, KID 9F9...
That's very good for them. I hope the girl is still alive sha.
Now, that's what you call sharp sharp nemesis.
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This is what Nigeria has finally turned to. A country where the youth wants to hammer rather than work hard to make money. We all contributed to it by parading wealth on the news media. An average kid now want to pop champagne since that is the new sign of success.
Genuine innovators are leaving our country in their thousands. Today a sizeable percent of medical workers in US are Nigerians who migrated out of frustration. Our society celebrate mediocres and looters. Every young girl wants to do runs to make money and the boys are into yahoo++. Their mates are inventing new technologies from China to US and making mega billions all over. But our own youths are hell bend on destroying their future. What a wasted generation of evil children and wicked parents. Linda this is a write up that you must post as it also concerns you.
Omg!!! What is this world turning into?
I just hope the girl didn't die..
@Daavido's Driver look again, these are Yoruba boys. #JustSaying.
Serves them right.
Look at their evil faces. God punish them
my GOD! wat do they have to gain? such wasted lives, THANK GOD the innocent Girl is alive and well, mehn! i tire for this country, kidnap story everyday!
Straight to jail
They are very lucky they weren't burnt alive,wicked young boys. Thank God 4 d gal and her family.
Idiot boys. They are so lucky they were not burnt to dead.
hmmmmmmmmmmm,na wah o
Linda!why re u blocking d kokoro?
See how our educated boys are misbehaving. Tanting the name of their parents and that of their beautful school.
Now let them face the music.
Linda cogitate
Linda, I thought you love Eggplant, why covering it? They are ordinary Kidnappers, they deserve no mercy!
Serves them right.
ooh Lawd Jesus.. i really hate Kidnappers! & to even think that they're students ! Thank God they were caught
All cos of Quick money,why dint there baba give them protection,see as they just wasted there life
My Year Of Linda's 100k
Final year students chai this is horrible. Because of money I suppose.
That vuvuzela P guy
Please update me on this story.
they deserve more harm than dis
Good for them ! They habeas been killed, who knows if they want to use the girl for rituals.
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Ha such young guys,wetin dem.won take d already doing evil dis young,
Stupid boys, dey must confess n tell us who sent dem o. Den never comot sch den don dey kidnap, if den comot sch na 2 dey do hired assassin abi? Thank God dey were caught
Stupid boys, dey must confess n tell us who sent dem o. Den never comot sch den don dey kidnap, if den comot sch na 2 dey do hired assassin abi? Thank God dey were caught
...and thus ends their journey as students. the old fools who sent them will get them out before they confess though. May God help us in this country.
This happens very close my mother in-laws house... and it's Mokuro @linda
One day be one day monkey go go market.....
All this cult guys. There is no gain in doing all this parole. If not for the police they would've been chilling 6fit down.
Thank God they haven't kill d girl....
na wa o yoruba boyz easy now smh
it should be for ransom not rituals
This says a lot about tomorrow...Such young chaps.
Serves them right.
Lord av mercy...undergraduates!!!dey shud be killed by hanging, animals....
Last year my mum was kidnapped and we paid the ransom till date we haven't heard anything about her whereabouts .. Its terribly painful. This people do not deserve any mercy they are evil.
They were caught red handed with the girl in the booth of their car. Were chased and caught by the police. What other proof do u need?
Serzly????without proof?
Isn't dis proof evident enuf?
Wot oda proof do u nid?
Through the mercy of God this evil boys have been.
Lord please expose more evil and have mercy on us.
Very good.
~D great anonymous!
If properly investigated, this is probably a case of jilt gone bad. The girl is either a girl friend who wants out of the relationship. But it's so inhuman of them to have gone to this extreme. Such acts is very common among students in schools up country. There are lots of gang rapes by students that were never reported. They are currently reaping from what they sow. No sympathy for them. I hope they wouldn't be killed like the ALLU 4 students.
Shout up, what other evidence do u need the girls head in d boot? they r very lucky it was just stripping not their brunt body
Shut up, what other evidence do u need the girls head in d booth? If it's ur sis will u b talkin this trash? They r lucky it's just stripping they got not them been burnt aliv
Shout up, what other evidence do u need the girls head in d boot? they r very lucky it was just stripping not their brunt body
U smoke kai kai? Dint u read dis post well?
Na wa ooo... she this small small boys ooo
Wat oda proof do u nid? U c a gal in d booth of their car with hands tied u stil dey yarn dis kin tin
Without proof? Are you kidding me? The girl tied in the booth of the car is what? Evidence?
Government should trace their godfathers.. those boys where sent by some big shots.
Your Yoruba brothers. ..
Are you blind didn't you see the girl tired in the boot of the car you're a suspect talking about nakedness.
I pray what happened to that girl in the boot of that car is your portion
Good for them..
That is Jehovah God at work. See young n educated fools.
They probably kidnapped her for rituals. God has caught you. If this was in Port Harcourt, una for done reach where una suppose reach.
This really is the problem. Parents have made a big mistake. And people try to justify it with poverty. But poverty has been there since day 1. Big mens/government thieves kids carrying chanel bags they probably wouldn't be able to afford with their salary for the next 5 yrs. and an average girl sees it and wonders why her mate is carrying that and she can't do the same. Then she goes finds a rich man and spreads her legs. And the pattern continues. Sad! Everyone wants to drive a range or a benz. You see people who drive these but don't have houses to live in.
Even a-list celebrities kids still work for their money.
You must be very stupid angela or what ever your name is.are you blind and at the same time dumb that you can't clearly see they are guilty as charged.what other proof do you need ehh?the least they could do to them is to strip them naked before meting out the punishment they deserve
How you use know madam amibo?this is a clear case of ritual
I'm guessing you are blind and the story is being read to you. otherwise, you would have seen the photo with the girl in the trunk
Idiot, must you be tribalistic and is it only Yoruba guys that do things like this. Think before you talk or in this case write. Mtsheew.
Heheheeeee...after they will say, "Yoruba no like money, na Igbo man"
Mtcheeeew...ndi uchu eligwe ga akpo oku!!!
Proof? Are u blind? Didn't you see the girl tied up? Well well if it was ur sis u wudnt say dis trash...FYI tell ur bf's 2 stay off kidnapping so dey wudnt be stripped
Haha. Students kwa? WTH!?!?!?
Yahoo boys(yahoo plus) on rampage....The Baba told them to go bring a school girl I can understand.
Shet.. Nigerian youths don't wanna work anymore... Sigh
Wetin u wan see wey u no get? Na wa oooh
One of their faces look familiar...... One of these yahoo boiz I used to know back in skool *the one in Afro (Femi), & I doubt if he'll still b a student, & definitely not OAU....
Yoruba boys again.... ***NewBukachillng***
Stupid driver, I didn't hear u mention Yoruba wicked act, if naa Igbo u will type stupid tin wit ur filthy fingers..... Ewu ofia, aturu awusa, ezi Yoruba
Remove d handsome abeg.. put Legsome dere
@ Mira Cookie and the rest. i think what some people are trying to say is that until they are proven guilty in the court of law, they should be treated as innocent. now dont get me wrong, civilians/passers by and others that do not hold a governmental position can react by beating and stripping etc (deosnt make it right). yes there will be mobbed and beaten by them but it is the duty of the police to ensure that they are stopped once they get to the scene and not join the beaters and strippers. that can be seen as a form of torture to confess and can be argued as a defense in the courts. it is about time we start to react civilised.. even though the crime is not.
the reason i say this is because, i have seen cases where innocent people have been lynched for beng at the wrong palce at the wrong time. most memorable case for me was a group of boys shot dead by the police only to find that one of the boys was actually a secondary school student driving hes father car to go get fuel that morning. the thieves had changed their getaway car to distract the chasing police by stopping another car and forcing the boy in with them. basically kidnappped the boy. of course the police said they had killed 5 thieves all over the news and refused to retract the statement. but i knew the family and the boy. so somethings may appear one way when in truth they can be another way. which is why we live in a democracy. and we should let our laws prevail!!!
Every day for the thief...karma' got yall. 👌✌
This cult boys are now taking their activities beyond the campus. What is their motive? Who is their sponsor? Are putting into practice what they watch in a film or learn in the school? Are they ignorant of the consequences of their actions? Do they know what the future hold in stock for them for getting themselves involved in this type of mess? These are questions we need to ponder on, otherwise our nation will continue to breed hoodlums who will destroy us. God help us.
I thank God for the girl, God is really on her side.
OMG!these two idiots are my secondary school mates.femi olayade{maneymaker} and tunmise abiri. They are just 21.wonders shall never ever ever end.God this is so unbelievable. Anywayz I'm not surprised they were the dullest in class team {nfa} no future ambition..may God help them in the mess they put themselves in.
I'm appalled by the absurdity of your comment @Angela.. u nid JESUS!!!
I am appalled by the absurdity of your comment @angela
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