Bruce Jenner is now known as Caitlyn Jenner and, for some reason, all media outlets have converged to turn this personal transformation into a massive, all-encompassing media event. Why is that? Because Jenner’s transformation was not personal, it is a planned event meant to support an ongoing agenda.
After the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games, Bruce Jenner was an American hero and was dubbed “the world’s greatest athlete”. He then embarked in a movie and television career, which solidified his near-superhero mystique in popular culture.
After his marriage with Kris Houghton and his involvement with Keeping Up with the Kardashians, most of that mystique was gone. He was part of the Kardashian experiment, the family that was built by mass media and for mass media, from absolutely nothing, to monopolize the attention of masses. From sex tapes to relationship rumors to butt pics that are supposed to “break the internet”, celeb marriages, and young girls becoming sexualized at a young age, the Kardashians constantly seek media attention for all kinds of purposes. Bruce Jenner’s story is yet another chapter in that story. And, like most of the “events” involving the Kardashians, Jenner’s transformation was meticulously planned with perfect mass media coverage to gain worldwide attention.
Before I go further (and because some people like to put words in my mouth), I need to emphasize that I do not think that all transgenders are “evil” nor that they are part of a sinister Agenda. If one feels more comfortable and happier living as the opposite sex, well that’s their business and not mine. As a staunch proponent of true freedom, I will never judge a person who took a personal decision to live a better life. Bruce Jenner’s sex change, however, was everything but personal. It was an orchestrated media event, blown-up to proportions so large that it has been turned into a grand ritual, a staged ceremony meant to push an agenda.
Following the Script
Like the rest of the Kardashians, Bruce Jenner’s fame in 2015 (almost 40 years after winning his gold medal), is solely due to mass media keeping him famous. In other words, he is famous because he’s famous. And he stays famous because the elite is using his family to push an agenda.In 2013, I published an article entitled The Kardashian 2013 Christmas Card: A Tribute to the Illuminati Entertainment Industry, where I analyzed a highly symbolic Christmas card created by David Lachapelle – a fashion photographer who is no stranger to the MK-Ultra based entertainment industry. That Christmas card was somewhat prophetic.
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The Christmas card features Kardashians
posing in a deserted movie theater that is replete with imagery
representing the true role and the true fate of that made-for-showbiz
Stuck in a what looks like a giant tube, Bruce Jenner is gazing at statue that is wearing a gold medal – but that is also dismembered. That statue clearly represents Bruce’s past self, which was, since then, broken and symbolically dismembered. Jenner is now trapped in the tube that is show-business, like some kind of lab rat.
His daughters, who were about 15 at the time, were also depicted in a near prophetic matter.
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Kylie and Kendall Jenner posing in front of
an Illuminati pyramid which strongly hint that they’re owned by the
occult elite’s system.
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The sisters often pose while doing the One-Eye sign, confirming that they’re owned by the system.
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In this picture, the sisters are holding the
hands of two invisible, “shadowy” men, representing the sinister unseen
handlers controlling their lives.
Perfect Media Storm
After his divorce, Bruce Jenner could have silently stepped out of the spotlight and lived his new life in relative privacy. But the exact opposite happened. Caitlyn saturated all major media outlets in a carefully orchestrated media storm. Here’s what happened in the span of a few weeks.Speaking of courage, in a rather absurd, almost forced, media move, Caitlyn Jenner will be receiving the Arthur Ashe Courage Award during the 2015 ESPY Awards in July 2015. Caitlyn’s “courage” was deemed superior to Lauren Hill, a college athlete who played basketball despite an inoperable brain tumor and who died earlier this year.
There is more: Caitlyn will be the subject of her own reality show … expect a whole lot of magazine photoshoots.
The Hidden Agenda
As stated above, Jenner’s transformation was not intimate nor personal. It was a grand, ceremonial, ritualistic event that symbolizes a change in society as a whole. An important part of the elite’s agenda is to debase, confuse and mix up the natural, harmonious order of things. It is about steering away from what is real, pure and authentic to move towards to the fake, artificial and the constructed. For this reason, there one aspect of the Agenda that is becoming increasingly apparent : The feminization of the male and the masculinization of the female. Under the guise of “empowerment”, men who act like females and females who act like men are not only accepted, but celebrated. I personally do not have a problem with that. I DO have a problem with the other side of this agenda: Men who act like traditional men (and do not feel the need to apologize for it) are now portrayed as evil and wrong. And, all of a sudden, portraying a stay-at-home mom who takes pride in cooking for her family is considered “sexist”.In other words, it is about a complete reversal of gender roles. Simply by looking at our genetic make-up and the behavior of most mammals, one can observe that males are engineered to hunt, provide and protect while females are made to “nest”, care and nurture, While modern living has made these traits less dominant, they are nevertheless part of our core being. And mass media is heavily focusing on promoting the exact opposite of this. It is about the attacking the mind with messages that conflict with our natural inclinations. If you look at what is happening right now in mass media, you have, on one side, the head of the Kardashian family putting on makeup and wearing dresses while, on the other side, you have Taylor Swift training for combat with big weapons, with a gang of tough, violent women (see the video for Bad Blood).
While Jenner is an all-American product, Europe also went through its ritualistic, transgender event.
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Conchita Wurst was the winner of Eurovision 2014. To further confuse everybody in the world (including other transgenders) Conchita wears a beard. |
In Conclusion
Because, simply touching on the subjects I discussed above leads to unwarranted accusations of sexism, “transphobia” and whatnot, I feel the need to emphasize one point: This article is not against transgender people who decide to make a change because it makes them happy. It is against the exploitation of transgender people to push an Agenda.The Caitlyn Jenner story was orchestrated to bring specific concepts to the forefront, notably the complete reversal of gender roles. Although the elite’s occult teaching are about complete equilibrium, they want the masses to be completely out of balance. That’s how you keep them confused and malleable.
This is really interesting... lindaobserve
I'm coming please
Woman sells everything she owns to go on a search for Mr Right( SEE HERE)
Jenner all over the place! Let people talk about you for good things my dears.. that is more honouring... Gal 6:10
Everything useless nothing useful
Abeg enough of all this hullabaloo ish...
I think I like this.
Interesting just dat I didn't finish reading it
May God help us and keep us away 4rm evil.
Am tired of this Bruce story o.
Linda live us with this story abeg.
Nah wa o...still expecting more theories
Too confusing. I prefer a simpler life thank you. With no reference to illuminati pls
Mehn! When world wan end sef?
Linda 1st Love
Alright. It's good to know
Hmmm really long speech but made a lot of sense
Am scared so scared were is my mum chiaaaa ds is awful.
I totally agree with this, however, they will all lose in the end. God is all powerful anyway. The devil is a liar.
I totally agree with this, however, they will all lose in the end. God is all powerful anyway. The devil is a liar.
Enjoyed reading it... I sense truth in what they wrote...
Let d truth b told, dis family r attention seeker's dat wil go d miles to do anytin, and everytin just to b in d news.
God help, and save them frm all dis rubbish moreso we should pray for them to b changed for d better thereof.
Linda abeg the thing too long, when I no dey write exam ontop... dee
This article is total rubbish. I refuse to believe dis nonsense
i dont know sha..but i sorta believe the article except for the fact that i am against transgenders.
really....keep them malleable?
I don't know why Linda is forming scary tins. Are you not part of the mass media supporting and celebrating this act of stupidity. Bruce shit, u carry am. Anoda idiot treks, u carry am. Important news is no longer important except what your dumb asses term as important. Carry on ooo sho gbo. Carry on.
OH lord have mercy!!! I want all the Christians in LIB to know that end time is here.the Devil know about this that is why he is working tooth & nail/overtime to deceive the world even the people of God especially. I know many of you will joke about it and say "end time will never come" God loves us so much that he gave us everything, he did not keep us ignorant on what to expect here on earth, he gave us the BIBLE which will direct and reveal to us God's mind to us par time. Each and every one of you should go reach the book of revelation in the bible and meditate on it. the world of God says "when we see all this signs,.. People being lovers of themselves, morality in its peak, wickedness in its totalty etc that will should know that the end is near...." please lets forsake that sin that easily beset us and ask the holyspirit to help live that life that is pleasing to God. That at the end of all, we will be present in heaven because hell is never a place anybody wants to be in God forbid!!! jesus loves us all and he is knocking at the door of your heart. Shalom!
End times...close up the gap btw uself and your God....God help me
Wow!..this is deep!!!!
hmmmmmmmm.....deep tho! therz no smoke wtout fire...
So true
Whew! At the end of the day who cares? certainly not Bonita
Na wa o, this is scary and kinda true. God help us o, don't know why am such a fan of keeping up with the kardashains
Somehow I buy this, I wouldn't put anything past this family or white people for that matter.
My world! This folks are getting all d attentions. I need to get closer to my maker.
God have mercy, I knew there was more to this so called transformation. Na wa o
This theory is nothing but true.... The families are deep into illuminati and the dude did this for the fame nothing else....
The kardashians stand for nothing but immorality.
Abeg, I don't believe all this crap. Linda take note!
I just love to read that site vigilantcitizen.....
Word for those keeping up with the Ks.... even without the illuminati bit, it has always been obvious that Bruce's sex change is mere propaganda for E!
Shit happens.
I totally believe this
av read this ish before......The Lord has given the to reprobate mind, that is to say dem no go hear anything
This is jst well said and i couldnt agree more. but I maintain my stand that thunder will fire all of them
Interesting........Linda really making her money with theories getting people 2 comment including me! I raise one ass 4 u ooooo!
Anything that is an affront to God's order would be met with commensurate wrath of God.
Let d truth b told, dis family r attention seeker's dat wil go d miles to do anytin, and everytin just to b in d news.
God help, and save them frm all dis rubbish moreso we should pray for them to b changed for d better thereof.
Let d truth b told, dis family r attention seeker's dat wil go d miles to do anytin, and everytin just to b in d news.
God help, and save them frm all dis rubbish moreso we should pray for them to b changed for d better thereof.
Let d truth b told, dis family r attention seeker's dat wil go d miles to do anytin, and everytin just to b in d news.
God help, and save them frm all dis rubbish moreso we should pray for them to b changed for d better thereof.
Read it all..I still don't believe in conspiracy
theory but the writer has a point.
Shit is real
hmmmm.. It is wa oh!! Linda this one long aha.
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You will believe one day.
Madam, you are right. Media hype and scary stories. @amfestus
What he his saying in summary is that there is a media agenda of letting the New World Order to confuse Gods Order, thereby making humanity to loose connection from its source.
I thought illuminati was going out of fashion.
It's an intelligent write up, couldn't agree more, the devil is out using this family mostly the young ones to destroy our growing teenagers.
Very dramatic and satanic family.. I pity any woman dat has kim as her role model.. Infact anybody dat kim is her role model is classless.. dis family has no morals, they are all about nudity, attention, fame and they ruin any man dat is with them..
Are you sure Linda Ikeji is not part of the Conspiracy Theory...she and this these Kadashians sef.
There seems to be a lot of merit in this theory. The enemy of this world is on the prowl with all his actors in play to drag as many people as possible to hell. May God open the eyes of His people to SEE...
i so much agree wit dis ideology even though it wasn't very spiritual.. this all shows end times. I stop watching #keepingupwitk.. so long time ago, when my spirit started realizing somethings where not jus right and from there i knew Bruce J was someone that can easily be manipulated/twisted arnd, he is never man enough... May God have mercy on those that are not aware of d damages done to their souls
My thoughts exactly. To complete the script Kris will not accept for sometime then after a lot of counselling she will accept Cathylin and starts shopping and lunching with her then another orchestrated scandal will break out . This family is classic Nollywood.
mtchewwww...who cares?
Well well well...
nice article....the Kardashians are really upping the game here.... I really liked the article especially the part where the males are gradually turned into females and the females becomes the's is funny how the society frowns at males who still try to own up to the fact that the are the head... But the Nigerians are picking this peeps as role models... the seem to like a generation where your wife is almost nude wearing nothing but according to the Americans a bikini which is really funny cause the husbands do not seem to care... infact the are absolutely OK with that.....Mehn the end is upon us......
Their business, their problem. I am not swayed at anything they do. I go look comot eye simple.
Linda!!! It is not a conspiracy theory, rather, the article made some salient truths. From my perception of this Jenner's family, most things about them encourages immorality. There is nothing about them that encourage decency. It will get to a time that the confusion will be so much, that a man will marry fellow man (transgender woman); and vice versa!
I always knew it's conspiracy theory. Their agenda is to recreate God's creation i.e New world order. So d decision of Bruce jenner to turn to a woman is not personal but rather he is being used as a tool to promote an agenda. He is being mind controlled wit MKULTRA by the illuminati.
This might not be completely true but nothing is absolutely right about those kardashian/Jenner family. A 65 year old man decides to be a she, what took him so long, does he even know what he is doing to his teenage daughters psyche and the world is so bad that nobody says the truth anymore, who is even normal in that family,
Deceive yourself. Symbolism is a non verbal language that we are only getting to know more about in recent times.
The veil has been lifted.
Life is not just in 3D.
Of course you dont believe ...u don't believe in witches too but they are real
We wrestle not against flesh and blood
Read it frm d beginning to d end 2 days ago on dt site nd I must really say ds has bn d best explanation so far.. Evil runs in dt family nd they are ready to spread der wings to every part of d world bt God will surely deal wt dem..
LMAOOOO.... e don end sef, just remainin d finishin touches
Interesting article jez dar I didn't finish reading it.. but like seriously I kind of buy d story.. d Kardashian 's r nothing but attention seekers.. silly family
mystery of iniquity.JESUS saves.
I so belive dis, Hw come kendal nd d othr one re so famous aall of a sudden, y re dey even famous? So many truth we dnt knw, d devil is rili workin hard. O lord help me nd. Gv me d grace to love nd serve u more so on d last day I will make it. Amen
God Punish Satan!
Pls I've jst a few questions troubling me bout his transitioning & d question is: After the "transition" wud he na date wmen as a lesbian or men & if he dates men does it mean he's bin bi all his life & if he dates men wud they b known as a straight couple or a gay couple??.lol.Pls knowledge is power. #jambQ #confusedmuch!
Read it half way and just couldn't go on.
Wetin this one teach Mr now?
After reading all D's long epistle...
I don chop?
Food dey my table?
My MB increase?
Na dem sabbi.
All this add up to making Him Famous
Serving popcorn to those that came to read comments on LIB
Say more n preach more.they really need it.God doesnt lie.his words must surely come to pass.#nothankyoui'llratherbeselfmade
Take it or leave it, There's sense in what this person wrote. The Kardashians and Jenner are evil and all they want is fame by all means and they're getting it. Can someone tell me what their job is? What is their PROFESSION. Like we know what Beyoncé, Rihanna, Mariah Carey does. what's theirs?
Jenner's Family are descendant of they devil. Illuminati is taking control of they world. God is bigger and powerful than them devils . #Mamie
Funny enough they pretend to go to church,what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his soul,this is damnation...
The end will tell
I think the summary of this epistle is that the Kardashians and Jenners just pulled another publicity stunt and called it "Living my Truth"
That, I believe!
so scared for humanity. it a crazy world. One thing i believe is illuminaty is real with unimaginable agenda.
God save us all.
The Bruce/Caitlyn media hype and madness really is wah!.
Miss bonita, I think you shouldn't have commented if you do not care. Just stay off. And for those who think the article is too long, well it just goes to buttress the statement that Nigerians have a poor reading culture. I read the article in less than five minutes so I'm surprised anyone would think it's too long. A time is coming when what used to be wrong will be pushed forward as right, and the right will be tagged wrong. Eventually what God sees as Right remains Right even if you are the only one who does it. It is left for us to draw the line and choose whose side we belong.
The world is full of mysteries so who knows.
Really interesting. I am convinced
Really interesting. I am convinced
end of time truly,i pray i make heaven,Bruce and his family can make all the fame,Christ is the key to all
Very interesting and worth giving some thought! I think the Jenner story may be to gain fame and money; the truth may not be far off that the Kardashian Family are tools to change the perspective of the world. In America, the people believe everything they see on TV and that is their Bible and religion. Opinions and lifestyles of celebs and tv moguls is what dominates their lives.
The world is turning upside and getting mixed up. There are almost no clear differences anymore. Everything even the Truth has been subjected to relativism.
It is now every confusion to meet who is real and who is fake. What we know traditionally for example as family - Man, Woman and children has changed to Man+Man+children; Woman+Woman+Children; Woman(formally Man)+Man (formerly Woman)+Minions). It is getting very twisted. The world is sleeping and in their slumber many strange, weird and evils things are slipping in and the whole world goes on as it is normal.
Let us return to the old path of Truth (absolute Truth). If we seek it with out whole heart we shall find. Let us depart from the path of neo-paganism (worshiping of falsehood in the form of wealth and fame) where many people have sold their souls to the devil in order to acquire wealth and the Churches help to propagate the lie that material possessions are signs of God's blessings.
End of age fast approaching, Jesus is coming soon. All should get prepared.
They want the masses to be completely out of balance.The devil is the author of confusion and the kardashian family is indeed doing his works. Be alert people. Don't emulate or praise them. Please repent and believe in God and The saviour Jesus Christ. THE VOICE OF THE PROPHETESS
The beginning of the end
I was believing him until he added illuminati to the article. Am not saying dat there's nothing like illuminati but the Kardashians are not an inch close to the way he presented them and am not saying dey might not belong tho.
The most interesting part was where he said that "the Kardashians are created by the media, for the media and from nothing"!!! Really nothing bcos nobody has any talent to show in dat ffamily apartfrom little Kendal who happens to be a model and modelling is not really a big deal as long as u have the connections for it which is where their "momager" mum comes in.
Linda, I hope u won't chew and swallow my comment bcos I added momager. I noticed u swallowed the one I mentioned Onyx bcos he happens to be one of ur favourite commenters!!!
u all need JESUS
u all need JESUS
Its true, having you heard of vigilante citizens , am sure that's where its culled from, you choose to know what you interested in , its all about percpective, its another world entirely
although this is quite enlightening, we should forget that these are the signs of the end times. be wise for anyone want to be free and happy by changing your original sex to what you want to be...God is a perfect God and created all things beautifully and perfectly. you do not know more than Him and correcting your sex in the name transgender is telling God that you know better....... be wise.
whoraeva, all na end time signs.. we don de see hem tei tei
Omg....this is horrible
I haven't posted a comment before but I find this very interesting and educational. He makes a lot of sense, something oprah and the rest that most people look upto for a sensible comment on this man's (BRUCE) theory.
Indeed the end is near, take heed.............. BLACKISBEAUTIFUL
Linda I love you and I love your posts..but this shii is true,its all a conspiracy to drive people from the real ills of d world, the USA creation of Isis the wars ind middle east started by USA, Libya is paying for d sins of Gaddafi,also Iraq is paying for Saddam's din..USA is d problem of d world,creating problems and sending help to those areas..your an ignorant fellow for not believing this I'm sorry to need to change your mindset.. the western countries are the problems of f world..all this conspiracies are real..I am an anonymous should not do what d main stream media are doing.. show what is happenin in the middle east,Sudan,Paraguay, ukraine,..the kardashian family is a very useless family, they are d agents of illuminati,.Linda change please, say what the western media aren't showing,long live valdmir Putin,bashar al assad..long live the Russian federation,peoples republic of China,Islamic republic of Iran,Syria,north Korea.and all anti west countries.. fuck the USA, UK Germany, France and all west countries.. IMF world bank,UN, AI..any African depending on d west would never be developed, they are still indirectly colonizing us through d IMF.. God would help our president not to brown ever to d west..and we would gain our position as giants of Africa.
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This might be true, this illuminati devils are everywhere oo and de r real
Linda I don't think you should be celebrating this people except if you are on the same page with them.
U obviously didnt read this bullshit cuz there's nothing scary about it!
Some days ago my sis insisted this whole caitlyn jenner issh was planned....just for high ratings and I know those folks can do anything for more fame and fortune!!
D person shld shut d fuck up dey re nt part of illuminati dey re natural attention seeker fool tswww
Makes sense
Wonders shall never end...
Very interesting
It's news...and informative actually. So u knw exactly hw weird d world is. Imagine if she dint carry d news, wnt u say that she's nt up to date.
Something is seriously sounding like Illuminati in another disguise or whatever the name is called.
Guys, we should open our eyes, for the surporters here. Exactly what happened in Noahs time.
Somebody is going to comit suicide on this very soon.
Yeah wow especially @d The feminization of the male and the masculinization of the female.
Isnt it obvious??? the world is at the verge of collapse
You all should google prophesies of the last days in Islam - how women will take over the male gender role and men will fill the traditional female role. This is just one of the signs. Search for verses of the Qur'an and Hadiths on the topic. You will be shocked at the accuracy.
Prepare, it will only get worse. As doing good becomes evil and the good becomes persecuted.
With our obsession with our devices and TV screen, the message is passed to your subconscious mind...
Now is time to think, battle between light and darkness.
people should open their minds and see o, my people perish because of lack of knowledge.
seek to know and be free to be ready for things to come.
I have always known that there's a demonic agenda behind this crap! The western elites and their media outlets are all agents of the devil!
It is not too late for them to Change now and accept CHRIST!
When something makes sense and explains in most didactic form the truth, that is when the prostitute Linda Ikeji will water the story down with her stupid editorial captions like, "you know how conspiracy theorist have explanation for everything" if its an evil story now, you will collaborate it. Mark my words, this same social media that made you will still whats gonna destroy you. Vincent said so. except if i am not called by God, or except you repent
The person asking if he will date men or woman. He said it dat he doesn't feel anytin for men,so in other words he/she is a lesbian
Don't just comment tak ur time and read diz article pastor. It will help u too abt D acknowledge of wat D devil is planing diz end time
This article couldn't have spoken my mind more. Its amazing how the media try to shove all this transgender, gay, lesbianism stuffs down our throats (Linda you inclusive). the media is now trying to make any one who isn't for this kind of thing a bad and negative person. Every day i think and fear for the future of our children. Parents try to bring your children up in the way of God Almighty.
story too long, pls who can summarize it for me?
Arise the New World Order!.... Fiat lux!
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