Daily Mail columnist: If LGBT people are a family, I’m a Nigerian lesbian | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 7 June 2015

Daily Mail columnist: If LGBT people are a family, I’m a Nigerian lesbian

Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn talks about the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender community, discussing a case of a family comprised of several LGBT people, and their 9 year old daughter. He expressed disbelief that such an arrangement could be considered a family, saying if it works, then he's a Nigerian lesbian. Read what he wrote below....
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. From yesterday’s Daily Mail: ‘A transsexual man went to court for the right to contact the child of his former lesbian partner.
‘He brought the civil case despite having no connection with the nine-year-old girl. Identified only as Alice, she was born to two lesbians who used donor sperm from a man also in a same-sex relationship.

‘The couple — known as Rachel and Helen — split up when Alice was three. Rachel, who was her natural mother, was sectioned with schizophrenia and Helen entered a relationship with Matthew, the man who has brought the case.’
Run that by me again.

And I’m not the only one confused. Several puzzled readers emailed yesterday morning in relation to this story. The reaction of Paul Oliver, from Ilford, was typical: ‘You’re an intelligent man, Rich. Can you explain this? I can’t keep up.

I’ll do my best, guv.
‘When he [Matthew, presumably] met Helen he was a woman having treatment to live as a man. They were together for four years — Alice living with them — and he claims she called him “Daddy” and he became her effective stepfather.
They [Matthew and Helen, do pay attention] split up in 2013 and Matthew has had no contact with Alice, who has been diagnosed with autism, for almost a year.
‘Having completed his gender reassignment, Matthew asked the Family Court to allow him to apply for an order for contact with Alice. His request was opposed by both Helen and Rachel, who said Alice had started to call herself Daniel and claim she was boy while living with Matthew.

‘Helen was said to be very concerned that he encouraged Alice [Daniel?] to wear boys’ clothes and told her to avoid playing with gender appropriate toys.’
I’m sorry if you read this yesterday, but it is worth repeating in some detail if we are to get any kind of handle on what on earth is occuring here. I’ll try to edit it as I go along.

Apparently, Helen claims that Matthew was ‘controlling and verbally and mentally abusive’ and became aggressive during his testosterone treatment.
As a result: ‘Helen, who suffers from personality disorder and has limited mobility, said she did not want Alice to stay overnight at the home of Matthew and his new partner James.’
Hi, James! Welcome to the House of Fun.
‘Rachel, who had been Helen’s civil partner, said Alice already had contact with both her mothers and her biological father, the gay sperm donor.’ Rachel now lives ‘in the community in supported accommodation’.

‘Matthew, who also has psychiatric problems, said Alice knew he used to be a woman but had only known him as a man.’
Hang on, when Matthew was living with Helen and Alice, he was still a woman undergoing gender reassignment treatment. We don’t know what his name was before he started calling himself Matthew, but it’s academic, anyway.

None of those involved can be identified for legal reasons to protect Alice’s (or should that be Daniel’s?) anonymity. And there’s the crux of all this. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that at the heart of this flying circus of selfishness is a vulnerable nine-year-old girl who has allegedly been encouraged to think of herself as a boy by a man who used to be a woman.

Is it any wonder Alice is confused, poor kid?
Alice was brought into this world by two lesbians, using sperm donated by a homosexual who was living with another man.

Her biological mother, Rachel, was subsequently sectioned with psychological problems and Alice was left in the care of Helen, the other half of the lesbian relationship, who suffers from a personality disorder and has limited mobility.
Helen took up with Matthew, who also has psychiatric problems and at the time was a woman undergoing gender reassignment treatment to become a man. Did no one at any stage stop to think what might be in the best interests of the child?

The lesbians were busy exercising their ‘right’ to have a baby by artificial insemination. Matthew was exercising his ‘right’ to become a man.
But what about their responsibilities towards Alice? Where the hell were social services in all of this? Celebrating diversity, probably.
No doubt in the authorities’ determination to be ‘non-judgmental’ any concerns about the welfare of this little girl went straight out of the window.

This is where the insanity of the ‘rights’ culture leads. And there is no group more militant or vituperative than the minuscule but totalitarian ‘trans’ lobby.
The BBC’s James Naughtie has been hounded into issuing a grovelling apology because he referred to someone called Caitlyn Jenner as ‘he/she’. Caitlyn used to be a male athlete called Bruce Jenner, and is apparently something to do with the American TV freak show, Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Jenner is featured on the cover of Vanity Fair in a strapless corset. Even though the athlete formerly known as Bruce has fathered children and is still, reportedly, in possession of a full set of male genitalia, his supporters insist ‘she has always been a woman’.
According to the new orthodoxy, people are allowed to self-define their gender. So if a man says he’s a woman, then the rest of us have to go along with it. There is no reasoning with these fanatics.
Presumably, then, I could announce that I was a Nigerian lesbian and no one would be able to argue with me. This is madness.
Look, I’ve written before that I support the right of the tiny number of people affected by gender dysphoria to receive treatment on the NHS. But there are other considerations, not least the impact on any children involved.
Children are moulded by their upbringing and environment. And in this case, it’s no surprise that Alice is such a crazy, mixed-up kid, given the adult role models in her life. She should have been taken into care years ago.

Fortunately, the Family Court turned down Matthew’s application for contact with her, on the grounds that it could be damaging to her wellbeing. How did this ever get to court and how much has it cost us?

After handing down his ruling, Judge Clifford Bellamy, an ordained Methodist minister, felt obliged to add: ‘Alice’s story is an example of the different ways in which modern family life is formed. It can be complicated.’
True, but please don’t try to pretend this is the new normal.
When Call Me Dave became Conservative leader in 2005, he insisted that we must support families of all shapes and sizes.

Fair enough. But I don’t think Alice’s dysfunctional ‘family’ — two lesbian mums with psychiatric problems, a gay sperm donor dad and a transsexual ‘step-father’ who encouraged her to become a boy — is exactly what he had in mind.

Source: Daily Mail


Unknown said...

Heheh wetin we nogo hear or see?

Davido's driver said...

Like seriously??

~album drops 8th June~

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Not keen in reading dis story am already put off by d caption. Hiss!

Biko let him park well.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Omg! Wow! What a story! The poor girl is confused due to the kinda family she has! Hmmmm! Pls, the court should allow the Social services to take the girl away from the "MAD FAMILY".


Long bt I read it.. Really sad happenings in d world ryt now... #LGBTISAPSYCHIATRYDISORDER.... Take it or leave it. Very annoying set of ppl who needs divine intervention.. Y dem no wake up one day n jus say dem b animal?? Like isn't it d same thing??

Unknown said...

Omg! Wow! What a story! The poor girl is confused due to the kinda family she has! Hmmmm! Pls, the court should allow the Social services to take the girl away from the "MAD FAMILY".

Unknown said...

Omg! Wow! What a story! The poor girl is confused due to the kinda family she has! Hmmmm! Pls, the court should allow the Social services to take the girl away from the "MAD FAMILY".

Unknown said...

Abeg, dis oyinbo people dey confuse person with their ways. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Abeg, dis oyinbo people dey confuse person with their ways. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Biko, I'm confused

Anonymous said...

Richard Littlejohn is a racist retard. Pay no attention to whatever he has to say. I think he used to work for that horrible and racist and crap newspaper called the SUN. I think he was sacked or so. I bet he feels at home working for the Daily Mail, another racist and shitty newspaper of Great Britain.

Unknown said...

Really really!! I don't understand what i just read.this is fuvked up

Unknown said...

I can seem to comprehend anytin bout this write up. Next pls

Anonymous said...

D Guy hit d nail on d head...stupid disillusioned whites...everything is freedom...very soon dey'll be looking for freedom to be allowed not to be free

Anita Nma said...

I wish everybody would read this to the end. Highly informative. Wonder what the world is turning into. He rili called d kardashian show a freak show, lol. Confused human beings

Anonymous said...

True talk, Alice should have been taken out of that family long time, now with the help or contributions of people like Jenner matters are worse. Anyways since she is still a little girl she can still be ironed out with psychiatric help. Anyways sorry for her and so called Matthew should not be allowed to go near her he will worsen her situation besides hr doesn't have any business with her, he was only her step father and bo other relations. Infact child support should carry the girl away from that crazy dysfunctional family

Juleslouis said...

WTH. D victim in ds story is alice y r all of them psychopaths? I really pity d little girl. All this will affect her psychologically.

Anonymous said...

So you see Linda,there are worse people than the kardashians that you continue to bash

Botto said...

This is Fucked up shit!!! Typical example of madness..

Geomantia said...

Crazy Fellows

andre kelvin said...

Too long abeg

Unknown said...

Plssss ds is confusing can any sane person interpret 4 mi cos I don't understand anytn o.

Unknown said...

What has this story got to do with this man
being a Nigerian Lesbian?....mtchewwwww

Unknown said...

That's a racist chant

ary said...

WTF is this sh+t was too confused to read through it! And this is the confusion they want to visit on the world?! Really?!!!! F*ck all of them!!! You can be gay but changing your sex? F*ck you that is confusing AF!!!

Jasmine Joseph said...

Damn I love this man's sarcasm, the story is so messed up. Feel sorry for d Lil gal

Jasmine Joseph said...

Damn I love this man's sarcasm, the story is so messed up. Feel sorry for d Lil gal

sweetdima said...

Hmmmmmm! Soooooo complicated!

Unknown said...

Hmm na wa ooo....true word

Troublemaker said...

Mehn that last paragraph lol... This is on a different level of messed up

Anonymous said...

The reference is appropriate in this instance.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Kodjo's Mum said...

Interesting piece. Brilliant piece. We need more of these people to speak sense into all this craziness.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...


Unknown said...

They have boring lives and just create mountains out of mole hills

Etsako Pearl said...

Iranu/Abasha Everywhere.God help us.

Unknown said...

Wow! What a crazy world we live in..God av mercy

Unknown said...

Na wa ooooo what kind of family is dis one

Fikol said...

Oh my my! This is a looooong thing.
Story for the gods.

Americannah said...

This has got to be the most confusing yet sensible thing i've ever read. Lool.

Unknown said...

Can u imagine the level of Dysfunctionality that LGBT are creating for already dysfunctional families;
You cannot go against Nature and argue that ish is right.
I ve never seen some sick shit in my Life than the one being excreted by this gay shit.
There is one Stupid Moron on this blog who goes by the acronym Onyx that luv cross dressing n commenting shit that the ill is game. Bollocks. You are very sick son n the earlier u get treatment, the better for u.
Same goes to all the other Sick Fucks out there: Get Help.
Retarded Mofos.
The world will never accept ur dysfunctionality.
Sick and Dumb Fucks.

Unknown said...

Can u imagine the level of Dysfunctionality that LGBT are creating for already dysfunctional families;
You cannot go against Nature and argue that ish is right.
I ve never seen some sick shit in my Life than the one being excreted by this gay shit.
There is one Stupid Moron on this blog who goes by the acronym Onyx that luv cross dressing n commenting shit that the ill is game. Bollocks. You are very sick son n the earlier u get treatment, the better for u.
Same goes to all the other Sick Fucks out there: Get Help.
Retarded Mofos.
The world will never accept ur dysfunctionality.
Sick and Dumb Fucks.

Anonymous said...

Poor Alice!

MEREZE said...

They know the rubbish they are doing is wrong but want to force it on our throats. Stupid westerners.

Anonymous said...

Ngwanu, where is that Alimi boy. Please explain how your life would have been with being born into a shithole like this. They fucked up the kid and they are fucked up themselves. What the fuck.

Anonymous said...

This is a clear case of God turning the so called wisdom of men into foolishness, see how the westerners are killing their society. A confused little Alice with no clear cut direction. Can they just stick with the original plan of God for Family and society?

Anonymous said...

Interesting, just had the laugh of my life. The human race is just starting,more confusion on the way. I guess the guy Is right. He is a Nigerian lesbian. Lol!!!

beecruising said...

All is vanity! May God help His children not to lose focus. Amen!

Goaldyn Boy said...

If white people like they can continue to confuse themselves! In fact, if they like they can start walking with their heads instead of their legs; but they shouldn't bring this their craze to Africa!

Also, it seems the word "Nigerian" connotes something different to the whites from what we Nigerians think! This journalist using the term, "Nigerian Lesbian" is depicting something I am trying hard to comprehend!!!

COLLIN said...

So hw did nigeria enter d gist

groovy said...

Omg!!!! What more can I say. These ppl are just as crazy as they come. Poor girl.

molebaba said...

Hmm... what a crazy!! selfish!!! And misleading!!! World we are. Everyone for there own good and don't even consider the other persons interest! Poor Alice! That girl must be a very confused child by now!!!


Personality disorder, schizophrenia, psychiatric problem, etc. That's to say in a nutshell that everyone caught in the web of this NEW NORMAL lifestyle is not very normal. Please repent and believe in God and Saviour Jesus Christ. THE VOICE OF THE PROPHETESS

Unknown said...

Wow! Disadvantages clearly setting in. Very sound piece I understood all through like a season movie. Conclusion, the new orthodoxy is crazy!

Diamond said...

I hv always believed every gay/lesbian/trangender has mental issues, dts d only explanation to their mad way of life

Mojisola Abegunde said...

Oh well! What do I know. Just the other day I got attacked for my "Dear Bruce, sorry Catilyn Jenner" article. There is a difference between humans exercising rights and being absolutely crazy. And these attention seeking apparently schizophrenic Kardashians are not helping one bit.

Mojisola Abegunde said...

Well, what do I know! Just the other day I was almost crucified for my "Dear Bruce, sorry Catilyn Jenner" article. Why can't the world just understand that there is a difference between rights and madness? These attention seeking schizophrenic Kardashians are not helping one bit!


Anonymous said...

He is just saying he can be white and wake up that he is Nigerian due to the way his people wake up and say dey are woman while they are really men.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you phrased that"freedom to be allowed not to be free"they have turned the world upside down.

Unknown said...

This man no get respect o,must he mention Nigeria,this people should let our country rest abeg enough already...Rubbish!

Elixir said...

No LGBT has the right to even think of a child how much more to own one! End of story!!!

Godson said...

He his not been racist. He is indirectly. saying he supports Nigerian anti gay right and that lesbians gays and transgender should not be allowed to have kids.

Anonymous said...

One of the many reasons I cant stand the gay, lesbian and the crazy other gender wanna be's" They have infiltrated the society so much that these days one has to drag a guy to d corner to make sure he is really a guy and vice versa. As for the confusionists (trannys) when there's nothing left to transition to, they can begin to transition to hell. Bunch of really crazy psychopaths (brain in d anus people)

Anonymous said...

Being racist does not mean he was wrong in anyway unless of course you're a pained homo

Anonymous said...

And I know you didn't really read thisuunless you don't understand English

Anonymous said...

Linda.... keep reposting this piece .....let everyone read it's informative.......menn nnnn linda that's the only information useful u ever posted j......jisieike

Asa chu said...

Wow,jst wow. Think of wat the world will be in the next 20years,think of wat our kids and grand kids will end up like with sane and normal (heterosexuals) actually supporting this. If wat dey r doing is so good,why do u drop ur heterosexual acts and become homosexuals? In the next 20years,we are going to have a lot of confused psychos everywhere. There is no way in the world dis is normal. With all dat is happening in the world and u think the world is not coming to an end? Think twice and read ur revelations. Linda post my comment

anonymous said...

I'Il explain it to you like you were a six old. What he is trying to get across is how ludicrous the whole thing is. If you can believe the so-called rights that these gay/lesbian/transgender/transsexual community think they are entitled to, then you might as well believe that he (a white English male) is a nigerian lesbian. Thank me later.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Christie has come with her sensless remarks

Anonymous said...

Nothing racist about his write up. Dont start pointing people in the wrong direction. Not racist at all

Unknown said...

Odikwa egwu ooooh!. If not for one thing and that is the death of Christ on the cross of calvary. God would have wiped out this world cause this present world has done things far more worse than the kingdom of Sodom and gomora.

Unknown said...

I weep for my generation. May God forgive us.

Unknown said...

We you see these things,you cannot help but imagine the world that will be there for our children. If your are a christian just don't give up praying for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ over your life and that of your children and to be protected from this madness.

Amakanwa said...

Just like you. Aturu

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm. He should come to Nigeria, and say dis words if he wil not spend years in jail.

Unknown said...

Linda Ikeji and her Campaign for Gays and Transsexuals

Linda Ikeji’s blog is no doubt one of the most widely read blogs in Nigeria and all over Africa. She has inspired lots of people all over the world to start blogs as well. She is a genius at what she does and she is a great inspiration to me.

However, I have been appalled in recent times by the campaign for gays and transsexuals Linda Ikeji has been promoting. Recently, she uploaded a story about a father and son who got married after the son’s adoption was dissolved.  Nigeria has made it clear that Nigeria is anti –gay, why does this woman continue to promote these obscenities? I am very disappointed at this woman who claims she comes from a good Christian family. There are lots of young people who read her blog and I suspect she has been approached by the gay community to clandestinely promote their cause through her blog.

I call on all bible believing Christians and all Nigerians and Africans who hold the sanctity of their children and generations yet unborn dear to call this woman to order, if she continues to post these stories unchecked, she will continue to influence the perception of Nigerian teenagers and youths who in the future will feel there is nothing wrong with being gay, the truth is that homosexuality is demonic and it only leads to destruction.

Let us speak with one voice and call to order this Jezebel who seeks to desecrate our nation through the promotion of sodomy and Babylonian tendencies.

Jesus is Lord in Nigeria.

Unknown said...

God help, and save people in dis act dat r abomination to u. We pray for their repentance.

Anonymous said...

Your first dumb comment. Tot u were one of the few intelligent and mature commenters here. The write-up is enlightening. Oya go back and read up and I'll be surprised how foolish this your comment is.

Unknown said...

This's what I call bad influence ugh, thank God gej did not sign the anti-gay law.

Unknown said...

Are u minding the dumb fool

Unknown said...

But u shouldn't be shocked nah, they r your family members, fag oshi

Unknown said...

Yea maryjane, it's fucked up!!! Aturu

gentle said...

Why won't it be fucked up to you. If your female or male child suddenly wants to change their gender,maybe then you will understand, and prolly go along with it sef, buh for dose of us that are still interested in being normal, we can't allow LGBT to become a normal stuff in nigeria. Heavens forbid it! Imagine my child being gay or wanting to change their God given gender? God forbid bad thing!!

gentle said...

@christie, he was basically trying to say that since the LGBT demands freedom for their sick life including changing gender at will, dt means he also has the freedom to want to be called a nigerian lesbian and every one will have to go with dat.

gentle said...

Nawa o. He mentioning nigeria wasn't insulting in the context he used. Why dnt you try reading it again and understanding it.
So dis stuff of africans and books is really true. Dis is serious o. ..and most of us av WAEC results???


***adult content***

His tryna say ur kind should not be allowed to av kids, cos u all re bunch of mad pple, tryna blame ur madness on freedom...

Sandy said...

U r a real idiot!

Bliss. said...

This made so much sense. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner will always be a man as long as s/he has his dick still intact.

Visages Parfait said...

Perfect caption "freedom not to be allowed to be free"......they'll soon get there

Anonymous said...

And that is why you refused to go to school

Unknown said...

He doesn't v a dick if they did d surgery well. #organ restructure- wat they call it

Joined d craze

Anonymous said...

Lol @gentle very well handled

dosh said...

I've always thought freedom comes with a price. It may be cheap at first. The law of diminishing returns will soon set.

Anonymous said...

Wat has dat got to do with dis story Gay Lord????? You better repent coz hell is real.

Anonymous said...

You won't understand pained homo. I pity pple wey own yu. Hell is real gay boi

Anonymous said...


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