Videos will be judged by celebrity panel, Tonto Dikeh, Uti Nwachukwu, Falz TheBahdGuy and SHiiKANE!
In the spirit of fun and love YOU have a chance to get creative and get involved and win up to $1500 cash by entering the "Sweedim Competition" follow the rules below:
1. Follow @the3amigas on Instagram and @SHiiKANE on Twitter
2. Like @SHiiKANE Facebook page
3. Post a video of you singing the chorus to “Sweedim” on Instagram and hashtag the video #SHiiKANESweedim
The Instagram VIDEO WITH MOST LIKES AND MOST CREATIVITY WINS!!! No Cheating or buying likes.
Fake votes will be discounted!
Download link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ album/sweedim-single/ id973599523
1st Prize $1500
2nd Prize $700
3rd Prize $250
A special prize for the MOST CREATIVE video also Competition Ends March 27th 2015 the winners will be announced on March 31st 2015.
Have fun with it .... there will be a special prize for the most interesting video!
IG @the3amigas
Not interested. Lindaobsv
Goodluck to dem!
Linda why is it difficult to comment? Pls do sometin.
Thats nice but no network down here for stuff of that nature.....
Okay na!
Linda why is it difficult to comment? Pls do sometin.
Okiie seen, thanks for the info. Linda take note!
Linda dis looks familiar lik sth u hav posted b4. All d same goodluck to those dat put in for it. Thumbs up to them.
Okiie seen, thanks for the info. Linda take note!
Seeing the judges alone is making me lose interest already.
Okiie seen, thanks for the info. Linda take note!
Okiie seen, thanks for the info. Linda take note!
Nice, good luck to those that will participate
Nice, good luck to those that will participate
Dis can change ur life. Give it a try.
Let it change your 100k awaiting result of a life
The twins are bleachers of lige Shirley id Tango colored. Nkem has a jaw as if she practised with Mike Tyson in the ring. The Nkadi sisters are almost forty too old to br forming girl band let thrn go and marry before menopause eats the few remaining eggs.
good luck ya'll
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