Beyonce wore hers back in February for a pre-Super Bowl show in New York. Mariah Carey wore hers to perform at the World Music Awards in May. Katy Perry wore hers to the NARM Music Biz Awards dinner party back in 2012 while Ghanaian actress Juliet Ibrahim wore hers to the City People Awards which held yesterday in Lagos. Who rocked it?
Juliet ibrahim!!
Juliet rocks it better oh but Lindodo, dere re different dresses na
Juliet and beyonce killed it for me no doubt.....
queen bey of course
Mariah Carey
Juliet killed it!!! Even blind Bartimaus can attest to that.
Suits all 4 of em!
Juliet makes the dress look more sexy on her body, but that colour of hairdo messed it all up.
Juliet and Mariah
I think beyonce coz the exposure was not much compared to the others!!
I jus knw bey is d worst dressd in d pix mayb cos of her posture cos her tommy came out in d dress.. odas look good bt juliet shape killd it
Uhhm definitely juliet but she needs to throw that red wig out of the window,not a good look for her.
Beyonce di ka onye nsi na akpa, mariah is fat in hers, katy kwu ka osisi apiri api! Juliet rocked it!
Juliet Ibrahim rocked it better with her seductive curves, red hair and geentel expression...
Beyonce get thin legs nd vry small ass, Buh she no go gree. Mariah's below is tiny,Katie is average. Juliet is beautiful except 4 dat hair colour. So I'll giv it 2 Juliet.
why the hell should a grown woman dress like this to public?see photo!
I love it on queen bey
Juliet Ibrahim. I know she won't fall my hand
Mariah n Bey rocked it beta
Juliet Ibrahim rocked it best... Superb!
Katy Perry
beyonce same ol' stale shit
Mariah aunty u don dey old
katy looked good
Juliet killed it
Juliet Ibrahim. #Glophil
Juliet all d way!
Juliet ibrahin obviously
Katy plz,juliet's waist s Xcess.
I dnt like dis juliet Ibrahim, bt I guess she rocked it best
Julie baby
it's between beyonce and mariah carey
Juliet Ibrahim,of course!
Linda I dnt understand d concept of d dress tho,and all d hair color.but juliet nailed it with her beautiful curve.
Beyoncé and Mariahs dress differ from katy and juliets. While Beyoncé is the better of the two above, Juliet rocks it better than katy, but that red haïr on juliet is hideous tho! Damn
Juliet rock it better
Beyonce and Juliet
Juliet rocked it! perfect curves,hair & shoes..
Katty Perry wore it better.
Of course Juliet did i give it to her on this one though she gets on my nerve sometimes
Juliet rocked it better. yes i give it to her this time though she gets on my nerves sometimes.
No doubts...juliet, u rock gal
Juliet rocked it better. yes i give it to her this time though she gets on my nerves sometimes.
juliet mehn! damn sexy
obviously Juliet
Posing and performing re different tho...I prefer Beyonce cos of her shoes
And d award goes 2,,,,,,Miss Ibrahim!!
Juliet of course
Juliet! Is that u commenting as anonymous and Naomi?
Juliet of course.. baad to di bone!!
of course our own juliet ibrahim.
juliet ibrahim........she looks take away.
Juliet off course...wif her curves
Juliet bt d shoes didn't work wit it! Ds Juliet n Jackie dey dress funny *thinking* fine n ugly shoe or fyn shoe n ugly cloth. Always not blending.
Mrs DAvido
Mariah carey did it for me
Juliet did
Juliet na !
Juliet did.superb
Juliet did
Juliet rocked it best.
Juliet did.superb
Mariah ova rocked it
as funny as it sounds this Juliet chick luks wey beta dan all
Mariah and juliet
Beyonce wore it better with free carriage #flawless
It's not like all four dresses are the same though. It's 2/2. Juliet rocked the second one better.
none jare lol..... beeeeeeeefing tinz ok Beyonce
I think its Juliet... She has dat marvelous shape. Damn!
Let me just give it to JuLiet.
1st place - Beyonce
2nd place - Katy Perry
3rd place - Juliet
4th place - Mariah Carey
Juliet did
Na juliet ibrahim abeg
Juliet ibrahim
Juliet Ibrahim
To me its queen B...cos it suits her well,same goes 2 mariah but juliet hairdo isn't just right but she's really sexy
Juliet rocked it better, love her red hair.
Mariah Carey and Katy Perry
Mariah Carey and Katy Perry
i think katy
Mariah and Juliet Ibrahim
Juliet n bey. Love bey shoes
In my opinion, Katy Perry wore it est. Next is Juliet Ibrahim opinion tho.
Don't care.
Dat one na lie abeg!!!Juliet nailed it!!
Bey is very much sexy.. she's rocks.....
Via BlackBerry z10
Juliet rocked it better, but for me, personally I like Katy's dress. It is sexy and I love black n sexy...:)
Julietttyyy killed it..damn curvy
Linda , I don't get your basis for comparing all four ladies when its glaring just two in each have the same dress on....Mariah looked a huge mess in hers so Bey won her hands down, her shoes, poise,body...and while Juliet has a nicer figure , her hair totally ruined the outfit and her shoes didnt really work it for me too ,so Kathy did it for me...
Juliet. Simple!
Juliet and Mariah Carey
Not desame cloth .bey woud hav rock it better with juliet own blc juliet own is straight cut.
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