Photo on the right shows '12 Years a Slave' director Steve McQueen and star of the movie Michael Fassbender kissing on the lips after winning Best Film at Sunday's Oscars award. The men are known to be straight men with women in their lives (Steve has two kids with long-time girlfriend, Bianca Stigter. Michael has a girlfriend) but it didn't stop people from insinuating they are gay because 'no straight man kisses another man on the lips'.
I personally would not be comfortable with some girl kissing me on the lips, but for someone who is comfortable with it, is it a big deal? Can't two straight men kiss each other? Pls share your thoughts..
Kissing ur SEX on the lips is really grosse unless between moda and child or fada nd child. I can't kiss someone I don't have a special emotional attachment with. Yuck!
i think it's wrong sha.
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I'm str8 and yes I can kiss a str8 woman lightly but I'll be selective though.
Shut up Linda!!! U r annoying me nowadays!!! Thats a way the Jews greet each other.... Smh
In Egypt, Italy & a lot of other countries around the world men hug n kiss as a form of greeting. Gosh!!! People and their mediocre minds. Lack of exposure is killing a lot of people.#smh#
Steve Mcqueen is openly gay. You could google it
We know about p daddy been bi guy on the DL same to 50 cent....and anyway I don't see anything wrong in it..... Nigerians with dirty minds......
They can't o aunty Linda it's not right
Linda its a big deal..
Is no big deal una too get dirty mind na wow for naija
Gay sheet #bright bravo#
It's not only wrong it is disgusting. Unknown anonymous.
It's called "bi-curious" honey. It's the latest trend in America which helps your sexuality to stay "undefined". Lol. You are basically not gay, not entirely straight and not bisexual all the time. Lol. These people are cray-cray
Ewwwwww! Pukes on my lunch.
Yuck! I can't even think of that its so irritating joor!
No lips compares to that soft pink/red lips of a lady
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
thats not cool..been straight means u aint Gay and u ve ur limit of showin ur affection to ur same sex..thats why u r straight..u dnt do what Gay do..xo is not cool!!!
As u ask me na who i go ask...? D picture wen i see heavy for mouth..
kiss ke? whatever for? a peck on d cheek is d limit, no matter how emotional. which kain dirty love be ds? they are either gay or practicing to become one. who is deceiving who?
Its not bad unless dey go Further
Ewwwwwwww yuckkkkkkkkkkk... Good God almighty... *spits*
Hmm...anyway I think it's really not nice for a straight guy to be kissing on another guy. .it might not mean much to them but people will definitely give it a different meaning. ..it's more acceptable with the ladies. .though it still shouldn't be encouraged..I mean,most guys actually get turned on watching gals make out. .I'm as straight as a ruler. ..but I remember kissing my bestie then in school on the full lips but that was during a 'truth or dare' game and we were really tipsy. .and the guys really enjoyed it. .lol
Its a big deal oh
is a big deal..u r straight so act like one..a hug wil do..u can kiss on d cheek..daz a lil fair..but when u kiss mouth-mouth..daz nt been straight n is a big deal..cuz nw u r actin like a Gay n sure eye bra wil be raise!
it looks gayish and i myself can't stand another man kissing me on the lip mehn it looks odd i rather kiss a female than a male for all the dollars in america
#milito da great#
Linda,they can't,its totally uncceptable. Usually,I keep quiet in matters like this,but I could not help commenting. And you had to report this?I donno where you stand o
It is a very big deal..Hell no to dat!
Dis is rubbish,a man kissin a man,wat is dz world turnin into?
it sucks.....can only kiss a woman on the lips...
It is a big deal!
Two straight girls kissing, it understandable, but 2 straight men kissing nah it gross... Dats my opinion
Linda for a woman is ok!u cn peck on d lips but for straight Men nah its gross, no straight man wld wnt dt oo!cnt even imagine dt wit al der bearbear (beards)yuck
It's some people's way of greeting. ow abt dt? so it's relative, and as such wont generalise as to If its a big deal or not. but to me personally, m cool wif it, it wnt be jst frm anyone.
It's some people's way of greeting. ow abt dt? so it's relative, and as such wont generalise as to If its a big deal or not. but to me personally, m cool wif it, it wnt be jst frm anyone.
Gay thinz on the pro
In dhz country, it sure is a big deal. However, Ion know why we keep on making things complicated for ourselves. We should embrace everyone's sexuality 'cause they dint make 'emselves that way! A kiss on the lips?? Ah sure won't mind that buh y'know how it is, what wif the "anti-gay" shit GEJ's so engrossed wif. Who knows, maybe he was molested as a kid and that's why he hates gay people.
Yuck.....so disgusting. Jade
No way! A straight man can never kiss anoda man,except his bi-curious,or bisexual!! I personally dnt see anytin wrng wit it,frm experience no straight man will kiss anoda man... by d way,dat diddy n rickross picture is gross !!!ewwwwww
There is nothing wrong. Itz a free world...
nahhhh mehnn.... can never fell comfortable wif dat @all
Its very wrong 4 straight men 2 kiss,its obvious they are it behind closed doors,no excuse they will give dat can justify their actions.
Anty linda I expect you to discuss dis fuel scarcity abeg cuz just from abulegba reach ikeja 200naira abeg discuss on it
Not even my "bestest" friend can kiss me on the lips, I will just kill her. If it were my family, no biggie.
But for men, if they aren't gay, then it will be awkward except if its all publicity (referring to Rick Ross and Diddy).
Anyone in his or her right sense should know that's it wrong.
nahhh... cant allow dat or even feel comfortable wif it.
For any straight man, This Is not allowed. But Linda be informed that the fact a man has a woman with kids in his life does not stop him. From going after his fellow guys. There are bi-sexual guys out there.
linda two straith men cannot kiss on d lips whoever does dat is a gay. #THAT AKWA IBOM BOY
BAD! BAD!! BAD!!! ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Linda u forgot to write "lupita was at their back while dey kissed" u knw lupita shud be in all news dis days...
Not at all!! my friend kisses me on the lip or rather pecks me on the lip. its ok. Its a normal way of life in countries like south Africa
Hmmmm..nna ehn
I don't see any thing wrong with it. I did it Once in my secondary school days. And still wil if i get so excited.
i see no reason why two straight men should kiss each other....if u r straight; kiss a woman, if u r gay; kiss a man, simple!!!
Dis is pure madness, oooo I see dis is Wat our Nigerias want to Emulate oooo Fucken Ass hole Nigas nd Bicthes, ok u just com nd kiss me I swear Paaa Am Gonna Blow ur fucken lips, lng Hissssss Njoku People.
I don't know what this world is turning into,now u can't even hug ur female friend tightly without people thinking you're lesbians.I love going out to restaurants with my cousin,it got to a point the waiters started giving us funny looks and giggling wen they see us.A man called us lesbians just because we didn't accept his offer to give us a lift.we cannot walk hand in hand anymore,take pictures with funny poses anymore just because of wat people might say.this gay and lesbians epidemic is really choking me,haba!!!!
There's no way in hell these men are straight. They are blatantly gays.
Ewww....... Is a fucking big deal... Even hug o, pecking on the chicks o and other related stuff, they are all big deal..... Lindiway, u wan spoil my afternoon o....
I had the opportunity to take a connective flight from Casablanca, Morocco to the US. There men greeted one another with light kisses on the lips or cheek.They did the same to women. My point is,it maybe a cultural thing and sometimes it my be out of playfulness, over-excitement or deep affection for the same sex in a non-sexual way. So, yes it is possible to be straight and kiss the same sex. But, no go try am for Naija oh!14 years things!
I tink its no big deal but alot of pple read unnecessary meanin into it..i once had a frnd(uju)during my university days..i stay off campus so each tym she c me off,i normally kiss her on d lips(no evil intention)pple started gossipin dat we are lesbians so i stop bt honestly den i dont evn knw d meanin of lesbian
The truth is some moments are like this, you just don't know wen dat big hug leads 2 kisses, y am I not against this is bcos sometimes I find mysef kissing my friends on d lips even my siblings. Some moments are priceless and you get carried away. And hey, am not bi nor gay.
What? Of course everything is wrong with it.
The truth is some moments are like this, you just don't know wen dat big hug leads 2 kisses, y am I not against this is bcos sometimes I find mysef kissing my friends on d lips even my siblings. Some moments are priceless and you get carried away. And hey, am not bi nor gay.
steve macqueen is a bisexual
I lI ask ♍γ Oga at the top then I ll let u kw
steve mcqueen is a bisexual
Linda get ur facts right diddy and rick were having a disagreement den rick jacked him.
Diddy myt be gay.... I remember one interview an america actor did, he said only if he is gay he will like diddy to be his partner(he doesnt mind banging diddy in the ass) and people were laughing, in no tym both diddy and the actor became frnds... So diddy myt be gay and kissing a man on the lips automatically makes yu gay..... full stop........
sOOOOO gay pls. That's my opinion.
Definitely gay,see lesbianism is understandable,but two grown men,geez it's disgusting,
No big deal
I don't really think it matters tho! But again it's possible dat there's just a tiny bit of homo in dem
Mamma mia luv
i don't know about men, but I kiss my very close female friends and my mum on the lips when we haven't seen in a long time, its a quick peck and I'm not a lesbian, im not sexually attracted to women...
It's so wrong.. what happened to giving pecks on d cheek?? Kissing on d lips shows dt they share an intimacy abeg so my one cent, they r frigging gay
It might not be a problem until you try it with me and loose ur most important set of teeth.... Disgusting!!
If its a peck,I'll unbdastand aferall its some form of greeting.But a kiss as deep as this by same sex spells GAY.so yea my guy 50cent is on point
Naaaah....its just passion for the moment...lol
Arrant nonsence.......
the african mentality has colonised and crippled our way of judgement and thinking,truthfully it shouldn't be a big deal if its casual,d romans did it as a formal way to greet royalty but regardless tho ...don't try that to me.
Pls wat happens 2 d chick again dat dey decided 2 go 4 d lips?linda dats gay dia is evryfin wrng wit it abeg
No big deal,I can kiss my girlfriend if I'm very excited a very light kiss on d lips not tongue twisting no big deal really it's nothing
Don't think its cool, what with d anti gay issue going on presently. Its a touchy issue to be avoided, so straight men don't put yourselves in tight corner by behaving queer.
Hnmmm,strange,nt ordinary abegiii...me no like....i suggest gay things
Public display of emotions especially as a result of joy or happiness cannot be quantified, stereotyped or streamlined. Ideally, its got nothing to do with sexual orientations.....#SeunLondon
So nt cool in da eyes,an eye sore!
So nt cool in da eyes,an eye sore!
Kissing same sex,haba this is so disguising
Which 1 b straight?,castraight,straightforward?wait make I ask Pastor Chris
I am gay, I luv to kiss hot men ... die homophobes. , you can make your anti gay laws into a fat dildo and shove it up ùr asses!! yes, back to the matter ... No straight man kisses another man on the lips...nope,its a gay mans thing. .. so if you find 2 men kissing on the lips even for rhe briefest of moments, thats a sign that they are gay .... not that theres anything wrong with that ... contrary to what trashy homophobic nigerians would have you believe ...
There's nthin dia,depends on hw u c it,it shows lov n gratitude,I kiss ma sisters on d lips
mkaysays:::D linda u like to cause trouble shaaa...... the us gay laws av left no restrictions
So disgusting
~Beautiful Lopez~
that's gay....period
Aru! I can't be 1minute comfortable.
Love and affection should not be boundaried. It's the bane of African culture that the show off affection leads to lack of compassion in wider context, fathers can't show affection to their kids, so they grow up emotionally stunted, in the place of discipline, wives and husbands can't show affection, so the relationship is often wrought with uncertainty, there is nothing wrong with affection, there is something wrong with people having a problem with it. The world has moved on.
The Psycholoanalyst
no its wrong please!!!
gay alert!!!
no its wrong please!!!
Linda, the Reply is HELL NO! Get it?!?
Its definitely an abnormal behavior, two men kissing on the lips!, if its not their culture then its freaking ABNORMAL
Linda its so abnormal..
It's even annoying to imagine.Gosh,one wohwoh guy go put e igboh lips for my own,God forbid.
Haaaa which knda play is dat???? Its nt even close 2 kk jor mmmh abegi jus d tot is makn M̶̲̥̅Ƹ feel like I hav 2 puck am comn oooh
WTF Looking at it alone is very disgusting omg what an eyesore linda it is really absurd for men to kiss each other, cos all i see in the pic is mouth-mouth kissing, unless its side peck then that's a simple greeting but nt kissing
I don't knw y I shud kiss a fellow man thou, a peck is even more reasonable. Am straight linda, I can't kiss a man on the lips(that's so so so so so so so so gay) #my opinion
As long as it aint in a movie its a NO NO NO !!!
no two straight men/women will kiss each other on the lips. if you kissing, then you fuckin or experimenting
Seriously,it isn't right
My God in the highest heaven..!!! what can dis be..? "I were not dey dere ooo"..lolzzz.. See here for better gist jawe
But, pictures can`t be wrong. For sure, there isn`t any photo manipulation here. so, those guys are suspects and cupable!
That's absurd mehn, can't take it.
Well, first, Linda, u shld not give ur own views in the matter as this would tend to sway the minds of your readers.
Second, there isn't anything wrong about giving a platonic kiss to sb of the same sex. Its a way of expressing joy and happiness.
Even in the bible, the disciples shared kisses among themselves to symbolise friendship.
So, a platonic kiss... okay!!
Are you kidding me, if anything is wrong with two men kissing, everything is wrong and we should not copy that useless thing
They can only be comfortable wt it cos they re gays, else why act suspiciously nd controversially in public knowin fully well that brows will be raised, esp wen they've got women in their lives. I once read dt most men in Hollywood nd American music industry get initiated into gayism nd must be bisexual bf they make it big, so dnt be surprised. Its a criterion they hav to meet to b successful
It is a very big deal o! I can't just imagine ma sef kissing a man let alone touching a man?!
To me, its Nt a big deal cos I can kiss my mum on her lip but two men doin/ dat sametin i did,will surely be embarassing 4 me.
Is not possible. Is either they are bysexual
Gay stories everywhere!!its their life.gay or no gay!
Straight men don't kiss like that.. I think its the Gay behavior in them gradually coming up.
hmm..thats there problem but i think its not normal cos if they want us to believe they're straight they shouldn't kiss, a hug is better. thats my opinion oh.. i don't know yours
Homophobia is what is wrong with the world today. if 50 cent is accusing Diddy of been gay all the time which i think is a lie may be he might be the one that is gay because he so into talking about who is gay and who is not. grow the fuck up people and have some open minded mentality.
It's no big deal...but our society has programmed our brain to think otherwise...I must say, I don't want to see rappers kissing... It's just a big no...they r suppose to be gangsters.... Ha. Dunno...
Except they are not judgemental Nigerians.. yes they can
If there is a need to to show how much you love the other, brothely. Buh the mouth should be neat, smelling and tasting nice. Cant deal with mouth odor mehn
Ewwww + Yuck
TF? It aint cool at all oh..
Kiss? Jews do that tho.. But no black nigga is gon want to do that shit..
Shorrr up you motherfuckers. I can't kiss my dad on the lips but will smith kisses his son on the lips..is that gay? My sisters kiss mumsy on the lips does it make them lesbians?
Whatever rocks everyone's boats Biko jor, live and let live. I will whoop the ass of any nigga dat tries to kiss me on the lips, I don't roll that way. But if they wanna kiss themselves, worries my own, is sit my mouth ni? Mtscheeew
Linda, pls it is not a kiss and it should not be addressed as one.
It is actually a peck on the lips, and there is nothing bad in it as far as it does not go beyond a peck.
When I was much younger, I peck all my siblings on the lips, except my father. His lips look strong.
For friends, it is not a bad idea, it is another level of friendship and a rare occurrence . But when it happens too often, then wahala dey oh
Most Nigerians find this hard to accept as our emotional allocation did not take care of this during out socialization process.
My honest opinion
To each his own.
What....? anufua...God forbid bad tin, that is an abomination. A big no to me.
Not only wrong,it is very disgusting. ### pukes###.
It's to get people talking.
a girl cn kiss my lips if na peck ooooo...or a second kiss....bt if the kiss is more dan 3sec am whooping her ass.....
Diddy is gay and so is Jamie Fox, I said this before and I'm saying it AGAIN...!!!
Linda d whites are know 4 kissing each oda on †Ð½Îµ lips...its like a greeting especially d italians so its normal 4 dem wen its french kissing dat its ñ✽t normal linda u know all dis tins yet u pretend ² be naïve abt dem JƱڪτ̲̅ ² get traffik...has it come ² dat? Tsw...u won't even enlighten ur readers first by doing research about kissing as a form σƒ greeting 4 d white b4 u ask 4 their opinion...u knw dat their first reaction will be gay dis, gay dat...sometimes eh â„“̊ don't think u re d real LI dat â„“̊ like her stuff
Honestly, I think its absolutely wrong for anybody of the same sex to kiss on d lips. Whatever happened to the cheeks jor? No idiot can kiss me on d lips without a dirty slap on his cheek. Its absurd to say d least. I remain anon.
Kiss me on the lips, I kick your ass.
Didi ur so senseless and backward! (Witty lady)
Idiot must u be rude....lyk u knw everything..
I av hrd stories of straight guyz who stil on d oda hand derives pleasure from kissing nd romancing anoda guy and vice versa... Evn som of ds ppl av thr spouses in thr lives nd yet hit d spot wit a same sex
Rubbish. Italians kiss on the lips and cheeks. Not like a tongue kiss or anything.
That's the nature of all the celebrities from around world; and not even that!, Birdman use to kiss his aborted child' lilwayne always.....does that mean they are Gay...? Yes! The fact is real.. *Well I dey pity dem*
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Wah dah fuck!!! Shut up fool
oh well...
Please straight men don't kiss men !
dis does nt make any sense 2 m
if a form of gesture for people from the middle east "Arabs"
Bonario, u mean say u no fit kiss ur guy onyx?
Thank you. I know the French and the Italians kiss on the lip or cheek as a form of greeting, its their culture, so should we call them all gay now?
yuck, e nor just gel at all
Secondary students taking turns to give B*J
Am vomiting here
A father kissing his 25yr old daughter on the lips sounds suspicious to me ma'am
Am vomiting here
You finally had your one second of fame. Oopss sorry nobody noticed
Nawa o!
Absolutely wrong! These are things u see in the U.S only. Do that in Nigeria and you're not only gonna spend the next 14 years of your life in jail. You're also gonna be criticised by the public. #EnoughSaid
If persons kissing same sex passionatly on the lips are not hidden gays then they re sure going to be soonest.its not normmal to me..............pretty T
No mind dem fools!!! If dem kiss nko!!! Is it our bizness! Wat abt does dt hide nd do it!!! Cnt we jst see dt dey mit be excited over d win!! Moreova,wwho mkes linda nd co a judge!!! Inshort,am suspecting linda seriously!!! Am coming to kiss you!!! Liarr u linda wey I go find!! Shior!!
U just use words without knowing their meanings obviously n after my comment, I said my one cent n dt means 'my opinion'... what r u so pained abt?
People are people, and shouldn't be put in a box in terms of stereotypes :- a man shakes hands, women hug, etc. One of the joys of my life in Europe was meeting male friends, both gay and straight and greeting them with hugs and sometimes with a kiss. It depends on the nature of the friendship. If it's warm and affectionate, those emotions should be expressed. Why should men be prevented from showing affection to their fellow men? It just diminishes the human race. Indeed, my joy in hugging a fellow man is increased when he wears an attractive after-shave lotion or cologne. Then I inhale happily. I don't like hugging people who stink or are unattractive though.
Hmm..@ "from experience"...
You be real homo
It is fully accepted in islam bt its cheek to cheek thou and mostly done among royals.
The bible said greet oneando wif a brotherly kiss,it dint say where d kiss should be sha.......TESSY
Steve Mcqueen is gay though! straight up...
Stop with this nonsense. What does bi-curious have to do with straight people kissing? It is not the latest trend by the way, just because you're just hearing about it doesn't mean it hasn't been around. Ease up on the ignorance chioma.
Aviky, u got issues. A father thats 90 can kiss his son thats 50 on the lips and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Im in my 30's, I kiss my sister in her late 30's on the lips, my dad, my mom, my brother (he is a bit standoffish tho bc he is wierd). Its a quick less than 1 second kiss. If you don't have the dynamism of saying "I love you" to your family on a regular basis or been very emotional, then yes, you could think its yucky. But there is nothing wrong with it.
Pluzzzzze pecks are different from full kisses. Tongues and all.
Shut up u too kendal flower stop displaying ur ignorance jewish men kiss other jewish men on the cheek not on the lips
There is every probability that two girls kissing each other on the lips r not lesbians.But the probability that two guys kissing each other on the lips are not gay is extraordinarily low
I see tongue in the Diddy Ricky Rozay pic. Dont be so sure about Diddy. He almost destroyed Wendy Williams' career for insinuations about his sexuality years ago.
the sight alone is disgusting
They belong to a fraternity. That's how they greet each other, just like Will Smith did to his Son.
To be honest thsyd hoe everybody does in d US. I was turned off initially when I came to d states in 2000, but i've adapted to d culture of kissing fellow men on d lips. Women do 2 here, m every naija huy I know is into it 2, but sabi sey if u dey for naija u no go understand am until u come here n live for a while
In hollywood if one is going to be mega successful one has to compromise one's sexuality it is a condition when one takes the OATH.
HELL TO THE NO!!! There's NOTHING right about that!Thank God you wrote "seemingly" straight. They don't look straight to me. They may have 100 wives n a gazillion kids but that doesn't count as being straight.
I've kissed some of my female friends before. I don't know about guys, but for girls, I think it's cool. Besides in some parts of the world, it's how you say hello to loved ones.
This is actually the most matured comment I have seen here, I totally agree with you
You are obviously educated... nice brief. ...
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