The coordinator of the protest Davis Mac-Iyalla said he knows a few Nigerian leaders who are gays and lesbians "I know at least seven in both the Senate and House of Reps. They are in the minority and it will be wrong of me to mention their names, but they are there"
Some of the homosexual men even kissed in front of the embassy during the protest. Lol. See more photos after the cut.

1 – 200 of 445 Newer› Newest»We the polygamist are coming to protest at the British Emsassy!
God have mercy on us. when abnormality becomes normal. sodomy generations......
Lol Nigerians can do anything for a green card. LMAO
And how do they feel this will affect us here? Abeg they should try go sleep, make them come here come protest na, dem dey dere dey protest and thinking it will affect one person,
See dem as dey ugly... Sagba oshi come Nigeria con protest na aturugba.. Oshi abese aja
Why they go use Jesus for this one na?!
Y'all should be locked up...especially the yellow-teeth lesbo with the 'Jesus paid it all' sign.
Mark their faces, wen eva dey come 2 Nigeria, we burn nd jail dem!
People will alwayz av diff opinion abt all diz gay some pple is good and 2 some is bad but being gay isn't a crime,they shouldn't make it look like one. *««*CROWD PULLER PLEASER*»»*•
Jesus paid what?.....gays pls get a life(confuse ppl)
Jeeez.. i'm shocked to see how far they're taking this gay thing... Quoting the scriptures as well. Don't bring Jesus into this, he didn't send you to be gay mehnn..
Oya, fat,ugly,obese nigerians start insulting gay people.
Stupid pple..tnk God for Goodluck Jonathan stand
Hmmm dis is serious!
Useless set of animalz! evin Coatin som screptures in d. Bible thurnda wil strik u all very soon! Y nt come to 9jiria n protest n ur stinky gay asses get rousted confused. Fools!
Jesus go soon come. With wetin dey happen, i feel is end time. Lol after creating adam why God nor creat adam. Why eve?
Goodluck is bad luck for everything :|
I am not in the right position to judge anyone but nawah for these people oh
Deutronomy 22:28-29 if a woman gets raped, she should marry her rapist, why don't we practice that one, don't take what you like from the bible and leave the rest, if you want to obey the bible,obey everything, don't take what's suits you and leave the rest,hypocrites
May u all
GEJ keep embarrassing us nigerians on an international level,I'm ashamed to be nigerian
Lmao ........idiots!!!! Com and do dat ova here and 14yrs in kirikiri go be ur surname Fags.................
Ejòr elo nà nokia charger..
Don't just fucking open your useless mouths to say gay is not in our culture, cause bleaching of the skin is not in our culture and all you goats have rushed dencia's whitelicious till it sold out.
Feel for dem sha,but ur plan(linda)and their plan(LGBT)nor go work,they should remain in europe and practice whatever they want there.
End tym tinz,jesus is coming soon
they all look weird,like sociopaths…e ma lo wa ise se #hiss
Them for come nja come protest.
Who is using bible 2 defend dis
So ashamed of you all , why not go and demonstrate in Nigeria!
Slavery of a fellow man was biblically correct...Homophobia and hate ain't the answer. If you believe homosexuality is wrong, pray for them, but don't be hateful, they are humans like us who have done no wrong than love the same sex...Ask Jesus, Jesus paid it all, he reduced homosexuality to the normal sin, like lying. But homosexuality hurts no one, except for your pride and Hate which make u see others as less human beings.
The lady wit d post*Jesus paid it alll,luk sick 2 me,she nid jesus in her lyf,such a face
Holy shit. Wat are d citizens of ds country turnin 2, protestin 4 same sex marriage. Chai! Dey are nt even ashame again 2 cme out in d public. Dey re bold. Na wa ooooo
Nigeria is 10 times worse than sodom and gomorrah, raping under age girls, marrying under age girls, divorce everyday,money rituals etc,so sharrrap there. Don't let me catch all you ignorant mumus at american or uk embassy, stay in your God fearing country nigeria.
make all dis Nigerian gay guys jus pack well dere ...make dem no come bak.....
Oya, bonarios and his gang of ignorant idiots start insulting gay people
See re mouth like Hebrew..smh
Yuck... Did they just have to kiss in public? God help us all
All you foolish girls, saying you hate gay people,let me ask you, who do you think designed you wedding gown.
Na wetin una go obodo onyibo go dey do, make money be that ehn make una no come back come find lucreative biz.
yeye shame; idiot ... lol
I love that picture of that black man and white man kissing, so passionate. Lol
tunder go fire all of dem(gays and lesbians) may dem enter niger na may we pack dem go jail .idiots .tunder rape dem there
Smh...just ruined my breakfast..
Just 5 grenades only.. Drop for there mist there!!! Demons!
Good people,standing up for what is right,gay rights is human rights.
Awon o ni ranu gbogbo !Why is that white guy kissing different guys?
They should just die in Diaspora. Nonsense.
What's the big deal, two men kissing,or two girls kissing, nigerians are ignotant,period
GBAM. God bless you people for standing up
Ds pple ar soo sick...gush! dey ar so disgusting
Yes!!!! The law should be REPEALED. Stop the hate.
The End time is sooo close! JESUS! Watashame.. D lady in d 3rd photo looks like jezebel
Come make this people no try am ooooo.... If u wan do ur LGBT 4 diaspora u ar on ur own ooooo... No try am come here.... 14yrs no b joke...
WoW.....Luvly!!! GEJ needs to Repeal dis Anti-Gay Law Criosly!! Chimamanda Write-up made me Understand dat its btr to be Ursef dan Fakin wat u are not!!! I wudnt want a Gay Guy to marry My Innocent Daughter bcos of one Stupid Law dt wil Shatter My Daughters Happiness for d rest of her Life bcos of wat d Society is Expectn of him!! #LiveandLetLive#LovenotHatred#
Jesus paid what all,look @ dos mumu white pple o!
Idiots! Shameless animals
Yeah,he who's without sin should cast d 1st stone. But wat is with those whites with them,are d Nigerians too? In as much as they'r protestin their ryt,Nigeria will not allow any foreigner interfere in our internal affair.... I'm as straight as a ruler bt am Anti anti-gay law! Shikena.....
#SMH# am just speechless. let's see how this unfolds.
Stupid people...........
rubbish tins, #zerotolerance
Arsenal player caught cheating on his wife
Mthew they not cwioss,eeew how can a man b screwing another man can't even imagine it so gross nd they proud of it.mthew
End of the world.
Look at them instrument of d devil. Say no to gayism but whoever wishes to turn from fatai to fatimo or daniel to daniella is he or she fu-cking business.
Lmao!....look @ how disgustin doze two idiotz kissing,lookz like....d foolz are even quotin bible verses......oya come to Nigeria n protest nau
They should come to Nigeria and protest. Ndi iberibe
the protest won't change anything... pls guys find something meaningful to protest for. It will never be a rightful law in this nation.
una head no correct o, ema pe ni garage. naija las long moved on on gay ish!
They are all bunch of junks.
Thier rewards awaits them.
hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa. imagine isirabogo! una no come get anything imporant to do abi? not even a single fine person among them. as for doz idiots kissing, i know u gat no future. kip screwing urselves till u die.
waste of energy.
what is written is written.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Their Fada! Make them come here come protest nah! Abegi!
Even the old man that is very close to the grave.. ..repent now stupid pple.....with jonathan i stand
Pls buy tickets and come to Nigeria and find yourselves in jail. Stupid people.
Nonsense ...see dem stLl dy use bible verse..#Tslicky
Nawa ooo so wetin them think Nigerian embassy go do about it? My advice is to not even think of going to naija after this display. The bill has been signed unfortunately, I feel bad for them cos all human beings should be free to love whoever they want but then Naija presido no go wan hear this one so make dem park well and all these kissing now how e suppose solve the problem? Protest no de work for naija so make them just manage themselves for here biko
Mr ugly, fat, obese n miserable Nigerians, where are you? Ur only line of defense. I de wait 2 see ur comment o, miserable fool.
How many of these people look normal self? SMH!!! Subversion of God's Natural Law and they say JESUS PAID IT ALL? CRAZY!!!
Lolssssssssssssss......funny and annoying at the same time. let them step their stupid gay foots in NAIJA. shameless HE-GOATS and SHE-GOATS.
God have mercy! christy
See that one teeth, @JESUS PAID IT ALL.......the new pick up line, lmao.
If they are bold enough, let them come home and protest. Devils in human flesh.
@Goodluck is bad luck 4 gay Nigerians, Lol. Ds gay peeps are desperate o, I love their spirit, one 4 all, all 4 one.....hahahahahaha.
You cant subvert what God himself stated explicitly in the Holy Bible and have the nerve to say JESUS PAID IT ALL! SMH. That's blasphemy.
UTTERLY DISGUSTED!!! pls they should check out Leviticus 20:13 which says "if a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them"! I'm so repulsed by all of them! if their dads had married a fellow man would they be here today to say this rubbish? gay Nigerians in diaspora you are all a disgrace to yourselves, your families and your country! shame on you all! you had better run to Jesus for your salvation and get delivered! - #irritatedMother
See them looking like homeless people. That you're gay or lesbian doesn't mean you should look shabby naaaaa. Ewwww
Serious something. ..but its a stupid law tho....they should repeal it
So all those good looking Naija guys are gay? hmmmmmm! Jesus paid it all for sinners does not mean you shld continue in sin
D white guy n black guy are not even kissing properly, they are just kidding around, no proper exchange of saliva, God abeg oooooo.
Jesus paid what? So your plan is to crucify him a second time huh? C her rotten teeth sef phew disgrace to mankind
Jesus cometh soon, change your ways and give your life to christ......caused by joblessness. If every one is gay, who would give birth?
Are we not done with all these gay news and headlines? Enough jor...
Linda fear God, what the heck is wrong with u? Please stop rubbing this gay thing on our faces, dont let fame and wanting to be like the whites get into your head. If you are gay or support gays, come out and say it and stop beating around the bush. Each time one opens ur blog is gay this or gay that, is very irritating dont you have other things to blog about? Gay rights, gay rights, let me ask are gays untouchables that no one can speak against them? Me as a non gay dont i have rights not to accept them? Must i be forced to love them agains my will? Wont that be going against my own fundamental human rights as well? Am not against gays because i know they are sick and need help let them just accept it and get treatment. Then again the law didnt forbid them from doing there shit in their houses, the law says they shouldn't get married as man and wife because they are actually man and man or woman and woman so Linda deal with it. I knw some people will argue that they are adults and therefore should be allowed to love who they want, then i will ask when an adult loves an animal and decides to sleep with it or even marry it there shouldnt be anything wrong with it because he is an adult. Okay, what about incest, if a man and her adult daughter decides to fall in love i guess they should be left alone because they are both adults. You can choose to agree or disagree with me but a spade should be called a spade. Am sick and tired of this gay thing. It is just against the law of nature, and Linda stop promoting this daylight madness. Post if you like, thats your business linda, curse me out with your comments thats your business as well, i have said my mind and thats my opinion and am entitled to it.
Eya,I actually saw it n chuckled.those white men are nigerians livin in diaspora too (lol,I know I know just kiddin),am I d only one that noticed president Jona is deaf?he no dey hear @ all
Let them come down to Nigeria and protest. LMAO
Foolish people no doubt. If their morale high make dem come Nija come protest if we nor light fire for dem body
Hunger finished some of my country men site dry join this group. No be lie say Dem pay Una to rally. Poverty no be small see those two kissing they be like rag. Some even join in order to live abroad no be say dem really be gay or les. Na hunger and ambition to live abroad . However una way be gay for real heavens will destroy your generations. @lillypearl
They can as well have sex there 2 show their level of stupidity. I detest homosexuality. Stupid fools
please we dont need it here in nigeria
Disgusting people,I spit on u all.
Na wa o. Jesus paid it all, I think it is high time Christians stop hiding behind the phrase "Jesus died for my Sins", to me I believe everyone one will be held accountable for their actions.
I honestly just don't know what to say.If they are bold enough let them come to Nigeria and do their protest.Imagine a man passionately kissing a fellow man.
True that some leaders are gay,I know 1 from Cross River State。
Please come and try dis rubbish in nija ,leave london and come to ur daeth ,faggots
Lol. ....
They can go on with their wat ever LGBT there but not in nigeria
Wow. So confused. 'Sergio Frankie'
If they wanna make a difference they should go and protest in naija!! All this wan na long story!
I laugh u all
This is a show of serious decadence in moral of the society. U guys can go ahead and practice what you believe in other countries but not in Nigeria.
Go and check the account of Sodom and Gomorrah
I have regained my composure,the anti-gay law has come to stay,if you people like protest all day,there is no going back. Imagine these heretics blaspheming the name of our Lord and Saviour,Jesus Christ.If the organiser of this rally is man of,he should mention the names of the gay legislatures.
ndi ala . . . . . . . stay dia and dont come home!
How i wish i can spray them with bullets,to make hell fast. Heavens will destroy their generations. Hunger waya my country pipu sote Dem pay Dem to rally for gay . Una see those kissing dey be like rag. See clothes wey ne dem wear. Una wey won live abroad by force now u no get food una turn cock to cock. Una go peme
This whole anti gay thing is kind of annoying which actually goes to show that a lot of us do not actually know our laws and read our laws when they are actually available on the streets of Lagos and even on line.
Chapter 21 of the CRIMINAL CODE ACT of Nigeria talks about OFFENCES AGAINST MORALITY and against the ORDER OF NATURE.SECTION 214 states that any person who has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature or has carnal knowledge of an animal or permits a male person to have carnal knowledge of him or her against the order of nature is guilty of a felony and liable to imprisonment for fourteen years. This is what our legislators have just worked on and modified it has been here for a long time and I wonder why its now that a fuss is coming out of it. So you all should go and read that section of the CRIMINAL CODE.
they look irritating,feel like throwing up
Mr p. G. L. Don't mind they. They generation have end. Because when man marry man and woman marry woman there be no fruit to born. Satan want to use them to destory this world for second time but pray it not work for them at all. The word of god must obey.
Make that protest remain for there sha.. Because if u bring am come naija 14YEARS in prison life and direct. People who are not gay but support gay.. Only one prayer for you.. May all your children become gays and lesbians so that no grandchildren for you, therefore your generation don finish. Better say a big AMEN!! to that... Nonsense
The bible is clearly against homosexuality
Why the 'Jesus paid it all'
aunty lin pls tel em nt to step their feets here o..cos our president is nt smiling ooo
Fruitless protest.
My heart just goes out to our little children and those unborn. God help them.... i still cannot understand why people choose same sex. i cannot fathom it.
They all need deliverance
I don't like bashing anyone's sexual preferences, but i absolutely don't like the sight of two men kissing themselves. Seriously, how could 2 men be attracted to each other? it beats my imagination. There are way too many women in this world, why would a man wanna settle with another man? Not when pussy feels so good...Like i said earlier, i am not bashing anyone's sexual preference, but two men kissing themselves is a no for me..
Jonathan is really bad luck!!!! Other presidents let the gay pple be.. why did his own governance have to come and start jailing Gay pple it's just so inhumane!
I have nothing against gays... I think the law should be amended, amended in the sense, that only adults are allowed to participate in the act consentually. Any man or woman caught violating the rights of a minor, should be killed. I only fear gays, because they can easily infect our young ones and children. Tho its a forbidden and careless act. But if they think it is love. Then no wahala. Let God be their judge. But I believe the law should be amended. But if the law is amended like they seek, hope they won't rise up again tomorrow to request for marriage. Cos that's one thing that I can't and won't stand in this country...
these people are sick!!!!
Lol... dey shud knw protests dnt mov d Nigerian govt,muchless wen its nt done in Nigeria...
These ones look hungry and homeless. They won't protest to get shelter,clothing and food naa LGBTI dem dey protest for. What's wrong with that lady's teeth? The one with the cardboard placard. Ewwww....
well they have thier own life to leave!!!...seriously
Nawa o. What is this world turning into.
well they have their own lives to leave... seriously!!!
Rest in peace, y'all!!!
Crazy people
Thunder fire them, they are free to stay over there, but why is it that some are hiding their face?
If it is not evil that is in the heart of men. You are not gay, you would obviously not want your children to be, but you are supporting it in other people's children.. PURE EVIL
Linda, which side of d divide r u? Methink u r giving unnecessary publcity 2 these confused pple. Let dem (even u) get used 2 d fact dat 9ja is a no no area 4 dem.
In Rome u romance like Romanus. Let d British govt deal 1st with polygamy.
Thunder go fire all of una...if God wanted same sex mariage, there wouldn't have been Eve for Adams or Adams for Eve.
Now you know where Hebrews 10:9 and Galatains 3:13 are in the Bible...for your info, it has come to stay..if you there it, 14yrs for @ Gudluck is Badluck for 9ija gay!
Ahahhahaahahaha nothing pson no go ever hear for dz world.
Awwww disgusting... Thunder fire the devil, they should enjoy their life over there and never come back again.
Can't believe this, choi they even had a poster of Jesus paid it all??? May God come to our aid fast.
You can only show your faces in the diaspora. Come and show you ugly faces here in Nigeria and collect 14 yrs with hard labour. Lol
Gbobgo oshi
If una get head, try and do that protest here in Nigeria, 14 years awaits. Awon Oponu oshi. Please you people should GAY inside your rooms and not shove it in our face. What rubbish!!!
Lord hav mercy.aunty linda post my comment for ones*who kias*
Linda na high commission not embassy. Dis mac yellowe broda na gay?? Davis na wetin u dey do for UK? Jesus take the wheel.
ndi ara dat is in London
There really should be some limit of years you spend in Diaspora that makes your nationality void.... a typical Nigerian cant be gay..all these 'never been home dudes'.... *smh
There really should be some limit of years you spend in Diaspora that makes your nationality void.... a typical Nigerian cant be gay..all these 'never been home dudes'.... *smh
Sick idiots!
dese pple re big fools
See their faces shame no they catch them they want the law repelled thunder fire dem if their papa and their mama no marry dey for born dem soon dey will ask dat they legalize union of man and animals.
Africans need to work homosexuality and lesbianism is not an african culture it is an inherited culture that will bring doom to this world
Dis pple don't av work at all
Abeg diz activists shd go hug a transformer tink itz abt staging a protest in d uk let dem cm 2 9ja n protest na n b thrown into jail den de'l kno khaki no b leather
To best of my knowledge, Goodluck Jonathan and other leaders(past and present) don't care about the Nigeria but their fucking pockets. Why enact a law to criminalize gay people? Is that Nigeria's priority? Gay people are normal people just as heterosexual people are...these gays are harmless to society, they haven't stolen $20 billion of Nigeria's oil revenue yet you criminalize them. Judge not lest you'll be judged.
I pray Nigeria will focus on her priorities so that the country will become a better place to live in...I see doom coming if nothing is done on time. Nigerians have to also purge themselves off religious indoctrination. A Nigerian American has spoken
Woww dats soo do I get 2 dis ppl 2 help me leave dis God 4saken country.
Fuck sick!they should all rot in hell.faggots linda enough of ds gay sure ure one.long hiss
The picture of two men sharing mouth odour is disgusting.
Ds pple are fucking mad,may God deliver dem
Oshi ara-ta ma ra-salt
Hell awaits u all............
Dat lady is stupid for misinterpreting d books of hebrews n galatians, God wl so punsh ds pple
Na wa o.
Fools dey shud come n protest in niqeria naw.
Thunder way no get break go fire all of dem one after d other #beyparis
One of the major tools of the devil is deception. He has full deceived these people to think they are gay and they met themselves that way. Its the same with kleptomaniacs and all. You believe what you want to believe. If you are gay i'm sorry but ure under serious demonic influence to make you think and act the way you act. To whoever you yield to, you become slaves. Try and sincerely ask God to be delivered from the influence of the devil and see if He won't answer you. You were not created that way. Do not be deceived by the devil. Selah
They can only stay there & do that not here in Naija. Cos if they do nah 14years
See Nigerians taking the opportunity to seek asylum. I bet half these people are not even gay! Lmao
Bastards see wat diz stupid foreign culture has done 2dem d law has been passed notin will change it in Jesus name#Gem saiz so#
Hehehe...u people r not serious
U r styl in London protesting abi...y dont u guys come down here in naija nd protest nah lets see wat will happen since u r so brave nd fearless. shameless maggots
And dat lice infected woman carrying dat 'Jesus paid for it all' sign...wat do u mean by dat sef
Since u r so sure dat Jesus paid for it, den dat means u know dat homosexuality is a sin; my question to u now is
Why den do u keep committing dat same sin and then keep claiming that it is right at the same time
For a moment I paused 2 fink and for sure all the signs are here before our own eyes.
End time is here , this is a call for repentance. Its all written in d holy bible.may God v mercy on all of us and save dis generation
Remember the woman i asked what was wrong with her teeth? I figured it out. Shez a crack-head. Hehehe
Lolzzzzzz, God will deliever dem 4 even qouting d bible in der sins, make una enter plane comeoo backoooo. Make e end 4 d airport,
Why una dey do am for the overseas nah,make una con here protest so we would know you are serious about your equality plea.Mistchew,rubbish,abeg make una go sit down with all your licking anuses.It has been passed, it has been passed,face it!
Man kissing man... Now that's bonkers. But who are we to judge
God punish dem............they should practice it there, not here in Nigeria.
Say whatever u want, but bringing the bible and jesus into play is just plain wrong..
Let them go and have sit, all these are the fulfilment of end time ,God pls save us this devilish act
Na wa ooooo
Make una dey London dey Protest! Come Naija whether we no go slam u guys
E don do. Protesting will not change anything as it is now. And see how disgusting those two kissing are looking sef. Smh. All the more reason y the stamp and seal is on the paper. This govt has already moved past this gay thing. The latest trending is sacking, replacing, resigning in top places. They have so forgotten they passed the bill.
I guess all of them are wearing diapers there. They all look like aliens.
No go better for all of una
I hate it wen these guys use the bible in their defence..smh.. God is truely Merciful
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