Photo: Davido pictured kissing a mysterious girl | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 17 February 2014

Photo: Davido pictured kissing a mysterious girl

Davido himself shared the photo on his instagram page but deleted it almost immediately. Anyone know who the girl is?


Unknown said...

Celebs and dere stunts,y did he delete it now??Linda I like you,kip up d good work.

Alloy Chikezie said...

Flexing things on point

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Anonymous said...

C d geh looooooooog mouth sef!

Anonymous said...

If money wasn't 'money'...who in their right senses would like to give this mickey mousa davido a shugar????pukes# cheezyjayne

Willadebo said...

Sure boy. I can even spot a rolex on her wrist. His life, his rules. #WorkHardPlayHard

Anonymous said...

The girl is your sister
Now use my comment mastubate

Anonymous said...

good for them, and no, i don't know her

Anonymous said...

Linda why are you asking us you rather you should be telling us who the girl is. Post my comment

Anonymous said...

Omo baba olowo nawa 4 O°˚˚˚˚˚°o?

Unknown said...

Mysterious again!!!person no fit kiss babe..well see as d babe dey kiss guy lips lik say na horney pot she dey cool pic tho

Anonymous said...

Why should we know na Linda??

Unknown said...

Its just a kiss right? ;)

Juliana Omolayo said...

Maybe his gal friend.......... Omo no dulling, u rock man

Unknown said...

tonto dike

Unknown said...

Haba linda... U nor dey sleep?.. Nah funke be her name

Anonymous said...

â„“oâ„“ ...dis pikin sha no D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ rest 4 woman matter.

Unknown said...

She even looks like Primary 6A student , .....who taught her about kissin ? And as for u davido ......#keep on ....kiss on

Unknown said...

He is probably banging her now !!!!badt guy!

Anonymous said...

She is miss mysterious and guess (1world♥)

Unknown said...

Linda I like u,you no dey carry last @all.

sunday otuns said...

I always mistake davido for opc leader,gani adams.Are they related?

pwitie B said...

Linda which one is mysterious again is she a ghost ad y did he delete it immediately stupid lad

May said...

Davido! That dude can kiss for Africa! #kiddin#

Anonymous said...

Lindodo na me ooo#winks#

Anonymous said...

His baby mama

Anonymous said...

Is me

Anonymous said...

Wizkid's girlfriend. Hahahahahahaha

DatCalabarBabe said...

Linda, don't tell me u're going blind already. Don't u recognize me again?

Unknown said...

This girl is really in love see as she kept her hand on his chest.

Anonymous said...

Linda wich 1 b mysterious now? Re u jealous or woh?

Anonymous said...

she looks like dat girl that was datin skales

Olubukola Ozone said...

Not suprised @all, Davido kisses evrygurl he sees... If our vry own sista Linda sef no take time, uhnnn...

AnnMarie said...

He deleted it almost immediately. so how did u get it Linda? #AmeboTinz#


That's me*love is a beautiful thing*that awesome moment,wen ur boo is proud of u

Anonymous said...

What a stupid senseless comment that isn't relating to this article at all if you don't have what to type move on don't post stupid shit you sound so stupid how can u maturbate to your gullible comment? Use your head & think before you type & post shi*t like this next time & as for davido its his life no one should get judgemental on him he had his reasons for deleting the pic not everyone wants their relationship or personal life public he deleted d pic bcus he didn't want bloggers to see n spread news about his private life so anonymus be reasonable with ur comment next time don't sound perverted I want to believe you're not an illeterate so post comments that make sense

Unknown said...

Linda how we won take know na, na u go tell us who she be

Anonymous said...

Aye, aaaaaayeeeeee....*sighs* aye, ewu Gambia


GISTMEE said...

Davidio of LIFE, underage girl :(..

Anonymous said...

Lindodo, Allah I dey fear u, kai, u be real monitoring spirit, u dey baff at all, ur battery must be made from Germany, am sure Lindodo, the day wey one person go leak ur secret, u go waan enter ground, I dey fear u, even punch news paper no current pass u, chaaai, Linda make I ask u sef, how u dey pray for church on sunday.??????

Anonymous said...

Cute gehl sha, be like small girl,davido nor fit post pics wit standard babe , SMH

See sport played by Nakkid people..

Anonymous said...

U dey craze for dat comment.. abi u wan tell me say a 22years old fit get gf. Even Abi hin mate neva dey giv gals belle..beta tink b4 u comment atyms..smh idiot

Anonymous said...

@Bunmi Amebo is now a good work abi? More blessing.

Anonymous said...

@wade u dey find trouble abi?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm wizkid s galfrn

ary said...

The girl he is kissing.

PAVOUR said...

That's moi wink.

Anonymous said...

Ur girlfriend own no worse pass the girl own if she dey kiss u...mtcheew.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If they dash me a million dollars to kiss ds dude I rather remain wretched 4 d rest of my life. Can't stand him

Walata said...

Linda said he also deleted it immediately okay he don't want the original GF to see am nah

Anonymous said...

Ehhhm all these small children. See the small gal, sure she won't be more than 15. Without punany hair sef. See her life. O ma se o

Anonymous said...

maybe its uhmm funmi aboderin........linda pls post my comment

Luchiano said...

Hahahaha, LIB readers sha. Linda u sharp die joor... The gal wan bite Davido mouth comot. lolzzz

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

He hz strt again l8a he wil com nd sai he wz'nt d 1 who postd it,d@ it wz d grl while he wz slpn

Harnikky said...

Maybe his twinS babymama i guess........

Wealth B... said...

Dis looks like Chidinma artist too

Anonymous said...

Ashewo davido.. Linda use my comment prepare semo..

jenny said...

Aproko. radio without wire how u take dey get network? lol
d gossip sweet sha

Anonymous said...

She looks like a child... #pedofile

Anonymous said...

That's Funmi Aboderin

Anonymous said...

She looks like someone's babe. Linda weldon

Anonymous said...

She looks underage. More like a 14 year old girl.

Dee Tee said...

Welldone ooo, omo baba olowo. u kiss dis n dat. not everyfin get cure oooo


Unknown said...

He's kissing Chidinma Kedike

Anonymous said...

celebs always doing the wrong thing, if not for money why would a 20years old be displaying such attitude..........

Unknown said...

That's my girlfriend. Davido whyyyyyyyyyyyy?

gloria said...

I think I know de girl,don't know were she is 4m but her name on intsagram is queentwerk

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hahahaha ... Olamide go sing about it later, na fear catch am!


last baby said...

That's their business and not mine. Y should I know them or the girl

Amarachukwu. said...

See their mouth but the girl fine sha.

Anonymous said...

She belongs 2 him n he belongs 2 her ooo


And whts dat girl's age...

Mystic Falls said...

Hope it ended with just a kiss cos 9months 4rm now we fit come hear sey Davido has joined the dady/baby mama conglomerate.

Igor said...

Is that the girl that claims to be carrying his baby.

yusuf said...

Na him sabi

Anonymous said...

See her long jaw sef like duck own, davido kissing underage girls, I feel for lil girls that are star strucked shaaa, they will never take advice from there elder sis or aunties!

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ monitoring spirit,d thing tire me wit Linda,sharp babe.

flante said...

Gal looks underage n from my thoughts he must have disvirgined her making him so excited to post her pics. Guardyourjuvefamilywithalldiligence#

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:40am, leave Linda outta ur childish comment, she is way beyond ur league, idiot! Hw do u urself pray in church on Sundays after taking hemp? Daft tin.

Anonymous said...

Lol@Mickey thoughts exactly

Anonymous said...

I know that girl now that's Davido's kid sister same mama same papa, oh my God what a shame...

Anonymous said...

Dis dude is nut I can bet wif my mama's life dis tin called babe is underage y in devils name wuld he do dt and guy u nahhh dey rest ontop woman matter ni r u dt good on bed if u r reading dis dude I don't nid ur moni just a nyt and I am ready to pay if u can bang pass ferari lobatan name ur price#straight face

haters-slayer said...

u all wanna know the,well the girl is me.

Anonymous said...

Lmao... you are just mean! Of all ppl Gani adams.. smh

Anonymous said...

Missed U.

Anonymous said...

Linda dat's me na

#That happy sister!

Anonymous said...

nw u hatin

Anonymous said...

Das skelewu master on point

Unknown said...

Y r u asking us na u we 4 ask.

Anonymous said...

All I see in dis pic is her watch!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dis girl looks like skales ex girlfriend........nd I won't b surprised if shez reli d one.

Anonymous said...

Is she up to 10?

Anonymous said...

Who snapped d pix? Arrangee things!

Unknown said...

#crying#davido ma crush.jezz linda I don't knw buh d gal is sharp tooo

LammyLuge Made It said...

Linda just dey close mark dis celebs like kilode...............Thanks 4 d effort anyways
Life of a STAR!

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Cheezy said...

Na honey pot na. Shey u knw no wetin money fit push some girls to. Do? DDDD! Lol!

Unknown said...

I know her, he picked her from the Place night club. Lol

Unknown said...

Later ... He wld take to his twitter and deny it..

Anonymous said...

na Sonia Jumbo b dis oh!

Anonymous said...

ah prefer watching guys kiss

Unknown said...

Dis kind kiss self,anyway gudluck 2 dem. @linda ,do u kip a tab on dem all day long

Ike Nicholas said...

My brother / sister, very good question! What are the topics of Linda's prayers? That God should put f**kups in people's life just so she can have something to share on her blog?

Anonymous said...

Y are u asking if anyone knows d gal?must she be in d lime light..stuffs n shit happens..besides he is single n an artist for dat matter.u shdnt xpect any less

Anonymous said...

Lolzzzz to ur comment anon 12:40AM...lindodo i knw d girl her name na tunmise...

Unknown said...

Flexing things buh I guess the girl wud be like..gussh,he kissed me

jbankzE said...

Linda d Gal is Me

Anonymous said...

Hehehehe. ..guy u nor funny abeg leave Linda make she dey do her work ooooo looooool

Anonymous said...

Dat gal lukz under aged....

Anonymous said...

WHAT! That's my girl! Nkiru we're breaking up!!!!!!!! Loooooooooooool!

Anonymous said...


JOYCHY said...

Foolish Kid...and y should it be posted for all 2 see.....

Anonymous said...

I must admit he has dis mickey mouse look buh am very sure he is better look dan d almost bar headed sean tizzle.......!!!!

Anonymous said...

U wish it was you he was banging. Don't u? Fairy.

Anonymous said...

U wish it was you he was banging. Don't u? Fairy.

Anonymous said...

OBO himsef...pls do wah plss yu....NO tym 4 dull moments #SHUGA lee

Almahroof Mubaraq said...

Dope Girl

Anonymous said...

#If u ask me,na who I go ask....the matter wen we see oo...e heavy for mouth....#singing#.......JONATHAN GOODLUCK

bucheey09 said...

Dats Tolani. D lady frm he's beach parry.

Anonymous said...

Help me ask linda o, cos I wonder wen she. Dey get time rest, tatafo tins, mor muscle to your bone. I even thank God cef, linda don begin post ma comment, I return all glory to God.

Anonymous said...

You tom n jerry show ur face let's c,Ode wetin davido do you........pretty T

Unknown said...

@Anonymous 12.02am,u re a fool,If davido na mickey mouse,then who the hell are you??..Asshole....Davido rocks #TeamDavido#

Anonymous said...

She looks like Chidinma

Unknown said...

How this take Concern Us ? make we allow the guy enjoy him life na

Unknown said...

i wonder how you take dey sleep for night

Anonymous said...

Na wizkid babe Loolzzz..

Vicky said...

Thats the girl that doesnt want a Ferrari but his love...hehehe.. "AYE"

Unknown said...

I tot a lady said she's pregnant for omo baba Olowo ......I gust u want to take after someone in d industry....

Anonymous said...

Linda na me be DAT girl.oga remove d picture Bcos my guy dey vex with u
JJ wafi babe

Unknown said...

geez i see no reason y dis shud be news a dude making out with his chick...well d babe ia my twin sis i wud call her now to stop shebe with davido #duhhhhhh

Unknown said...

his life, his loss, his mysterious chick, his broadcast, ....

Unknown said...

omo baba olowo

Apple said...

Women and money!!!

Unknown said...

i wonder how so much hatred that are flying here cos of a boy kissing another girl. see how stupid and senseless and illiterate and the like are flying from readers who probably never met in life. it shows how much we regard ourselves. #justmyworriessha#

Jay said...

Hahahaha@anon 10.03am.u dey wicked.

Anonymous said...

@Wande your so right, na wizkid girlfriend oh. Hahaha O.B.O of life

Anonymous said...

Mystery girl indeed... she looks underage.

Anonymous said...

Devil.... u DAT fuck around wit men in deir 90s. u sef nah under age.

Anonymous said...

She looks really young

Unknown said...

@Joychy or whatever,shut up your stinking trash u call mouth,whether he posts a pic on his page or not,thats non of your business...@anon 10.03am,u can help whisper to her ears that davido doesnt do dirty thingy....#TeamDavido#

Anonymous said...

Go ask ifa then..

Anonymous said...

doesnt look like davido tho, more like tunde ednut


Anonymous said...

U want make em papa disown am?

Tecnology News said...

@Lindaikeji Blog The Cinderella In The Picture With Davido is @Mercyigbokwe on Instagram... Confirm that Dearie

lady kim kim said...

What is wrong wit wot he did@22,it was his choice to put the pic there n to remove it too.linda u can as well ask who u know in his camp(like u always say)

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