17 year old Bowen Student killed for rejecting sexual advances | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 19 February 2014

17 year old Bowen Student killed for rejecting sexual advances

For not accepting sexual advances from boys in her neighborhood and being 'too proud', 17 year old Opeyemi Odusanya (pictured above) was killed at her parents house in the Alakuko area of Lagos on the 3rd of February by boys believed to be cultist.

Beautiful Opeyemi who was a 300 level student of Biochemistry at the Bowen University was to be raped but according to police report made available to Punch, she fought against it and was sadly stabbed to death, with her intestines ripped out. Continue...

Punch newspaper gave the account of the story as offered by an anonymous Police Officer
"In the afternoon of February 3rd 2014, the deceased went to buy to airtime for her phone. As she was returning, a group of cult members trailed and entered the house with her. Opeyemi was alone in the house when the boys entered. They instructed her to turn on the generator so that if she screamed no one would hear her. We believe they wanted to rape the girl but she must have put up a fierce struggle as the whole house was scattered. They guys subsequently stabbed her in the stomach several times and ripped out her intestine. After killing her they took her phone and the keys to her parent's vehicle, a jeep, which was on the table. They stole the jeep which was parked in the compound after killing the girl".
"By all indications, the girl was not raped because her clothes were intact. The knife used in killing her has been recovered.
After the murder, the guys used her phone to send her mother a text message saying "Your child has been proud. We have been toasting her, but she has refused to accept. We have killed her to teach a lesson. We have also driven your car away. If you want your car back, come to Lakas Hotel or Cele Bus Stop around Mile 2 to pick it up. If we see policemen around, we will kill everybody.”
The victim’s mother, Olayinka, had a panic attack after reading the message and quickly told those around her. Then the family’s housemaid called the mum to confirm what had happened. The woman returned to the house to meet the lifeless body of her child.

Punch reports that the distraught mum who is a senior official at the Mushin Local Government Council has gone into great shock over the incident has since been relocated to the camp ground of the Redeem Christian Church of God.

The police are investigating the case. Too sad. May her soul rest in peace...amen.


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Anonymous said...

My god.! People are so wicked. Sad loss. May her soul rest in peace


Anonymous said...

Speechless. God bless your soul.

daniel ugande said...

kai! Haba!


May her soul rest in peace.
But no peace for the weekend,the perpetrators of this evil act will be arrested in no distant time and made to face the full wrath of the law.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Unknown said...

dats just cruel....rest her soul.....

Unknown said...

ah is a wow oh

Anonymous said...

This is so sad, may her soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

nawa oh wat a wicked life... rip 2 her and may the balls of her murderers explode and turn into dust...amen

Anonymous said...

Too bad to love na by force

Unknown said...

haaaaaa, this wicked world. People are just so wicked without conscience. may the wrath of God catch up the unjust.

Unknown said...

OMG!!!... This is wickedness. My her soul RIP

Unknown said...

Sad things r happening. These boys might be found or not. And the parents would v to nurse their pain just like that. And we say we have a govt. RIP gal.

Anonymous said...

Jesus...soo sad...may her soul rip.wishn her mum quick recovry

Anonymous said...

She went to home science secondary school.I was so shocked wen I heard,didn't rili want to blive,may her soul rest in peace.nd may justice prevail in dis matter cos she didn't deserve it.may God avenger her death himself

Anonymous said...

So sad...the wicked will not go unpunished.

Anonymous said...

oh, My Heart bleeds for her.May her soul rest in perfect peace.

Unknown said...

WhAat !i read sum stuff n i weep 4 our "future leaders" !!!wtf !killed a gal cos she refused sexual advances ??results of illiteracy n dysfunctional families

Anonymous said...

Wicked world full wiv wicked people... too sad...may ha gentle soul RIP nd may those evil people get caught

Anonymous said...

Omg lord have mercy may her soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace amen #bright bravo#

riri pacesetter said...

my God ...dis is so sad, what a sad end opeyemi....but God will receive ur soul in heaven, but those guys behind dis, God of justice is not asleep, he will fight for ...may God give d mum fortitude to bear d loss* still weeping*

Anonymous said...

Bad world

Anonymous said...

the police should arrest the criminals.rip

@BOBO_EDO said...

OwWwww Sweet saviour... This is sad!!! What is their gain now for killing the fine girl??? God's wrath is so sure for those boys for causing such pain!!! Guys should learn how to walk away and keep their cool if they approach a girl and she says NO... Ahnn ahnnn... May her soul rest in peace!!!


Anonymous said...

This is pure madness....what's this world turning into. When there is alot of girls on the streets bagging for sex. Why kill her bcos of sex for christ sake

Anonymous said...

Eyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!wot a sad story.....some people in dis world ar still living like humans whereas there ar devil themself.R.I.P 4 u gurl,God will never allow them 2 go unpunished

Anonymous said...

Hmm Oga Oº°˚˚° May her soul Rip.... In sha Allah those devil wll be caught. **Bj toh Quality

Anonymous said...

Dy will nva knw peace!!!

Anonymous said...

God this is painful

Anonymous said...

Rip opeyemi. May does guy never find peace in der entire. Life. Der generation will not enjoy d good of dis land.

Anonymous said...

The evil that men do come back to destroy them. A lot of people do stupid things when they are young. They will surely regret it even if they are not caught. A wicked world indeed

Anonymous said...

This is really sad :( And the audacity of the boys to send a text to the mum... Now when they get caught, what will they say..."We are sorry", "Its the devil"

Anonymous said...


Willadebo said...

The height of cold heartless barbarism. I heard about it earlier but hoped it was untrue.
RIP Opeyemi, I pray justice comes to your killers.

Anonymous said...

This is horrible. May dey be caught and punished severely. May her soul rest in peae.

Unknown said...

What a sad loss?Rest in peace dear.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This is just mad!! Like wtf? There r hoes everywhere. God!

Anonymous said...

oh damn. some people just cant make heaven. not to judge or anything.

Unknown said...

OMG, dis is a sad news. God ll xpose her killers sooner Dan they think. May her soul rest in peace. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Na by force to follow boys. Una toast am, she no gree, why not leave her. If to sey she agree to follow una now, d same guys go call her cheap prostitute.
Hopeless fools.

Anonymous said...

Peace shall be far from them until they pay for this inhumane act. My heart goes out to the girl's family. God would surely work this out n bring that family justice

Anonymous said...

opeyemi, this is so painful.....rest in peace!we love you but God loves you more!....

maryann said...

Hmmm,dis na serious mata o...

Doubra So Papaz said...

Those boys must not go unpurnished, karma wil definitely catch up wit dem. May her gentle soul rest in peace.

Ezinne Dewdrops said...

My goodnesss. .....what is this world turning into? May God deliver and protect us all oh.its so sad.may her beautiful soul rest in perfect peace. Amen

Unknown said...

Omg dis is pure wickedness.

Anonymous said...

Not cool mehnn...horny bastards

Gentlemara said...

My prayer is that the perpetuator of this evil act be caught, and given their deserved punishment

Anonymous said...

Pathetic story. May her soul rest in peace and give the parents strength to bear the loss

Livvsreamblog said...

Sad story,may her soul rest in peace

Gentlemara said...

My prayer is that the perpetuator of this evil act be caught, and given their deserved punishment

Unknown said...

So sad. Speechless

Anonymous said...

Omg! Wat an awful act...they just killed a human being just like dat...just 1 year left for her to graduate...anð they waste the girl life...even if she ha§ done somethin wrong...killing her wont solve anythin...police should try ha§ much as possible to get the culprit..may her soul rest in perfect peace.

Pastor caught with another man’s wife in Hotel room

Man tried to Rape a little Girl but got beaten in the proccess

SEE what this guy and his girlfriend are doing

OMG! Girl opens beer with her breast

Mab said...

this beautiful girl is dead bcos of touts that call themselves cultists, imagine the reason bcos she is too proud, only God can judge this evil.

Mabel Dufegha: Close Up: Top Nigerian Entrepreneur, Richie Sparks... http://mdufegha.blogspot.com/2014/02/close-up-top-nigerian-entrepreneur.html?spref=tw

Anonymous said...

Where was the maid when all this happened.

Wale of Life said...

Sad, Terrible, insane....I pity the generation coming up...

Unknown said...

Omg...dis is reli bad...dis world self...being spoilt is bad..being gud...u get killed. ..Fuckup world

#epiphany #

Unknown said...

May she rest in Peace.....Amen.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God. I'm crying. This is so inhuman. The people who did this are worse than animals. They will not see another year on this earth in Jesus name. Their families shall be desolate and their generation wiped out. They shall die horrible and painful deaths.

How can people be this evil?

Cute G said...

*chills running down my spines*Omg!!!!!.
Don't even knw wat to type.God pls console her family and bring an indefinite calamity to the lives of the perpetrators.

nella said...

You have killed her to teach her what lesson? I've come to accept the fact that things are getting worse and the worst things are yet to come.

Unknown said...

My dear, when I read about it, I was really dumbfounded and shocked, things are really happening, may God help and save us from wicked people.

Unknown said...

too bad,what is dis country turning out to be wen one cannt leave his /her child alone in the house.

OPE said...

The problem stems from the police not being able to do their job. The government is rubbish. No training for the cops. No exposure. No nothing. Everything is rubbish.

Beautiful girl. May her soul rest in peace. May the tormentors and frustrated youth that carried this vile act upon such an innocent soul for saying no!; Suffer here on earth and in the hereafter. AMEN!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God!!! was crying over my late sister (who was 21,a graduate,waiting 4 her call up letter) who passed on may 6th last year 2013,when I decided to come here to shift my focus and this is what I c. @ just 17? Chai! What a wicked world. I pray ur killers have no peace till they are caught. May the sweet souls of my late sister Kaycee and Opeyemi Rest in Peace,Amen!! *crying*
~Divada~ 26e66572

Bonita Bislam said...

Imagine killing a girl who believes in what is right.This guys are insanely insane.I pray they meet their waterloo today and not just soon.Rip dear

Anonymous said...

this is cruel, so sad.

Anonymous said...

Dis is really weird,may God fish dem out. Mrs Chukwu

Unknown said...

What a world. A world where girls with good morals are killed as a lesson instead of applauded. Smh... We are decaying gradually.

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace. But God will surely punish these bastards in a way they'll never forget. This crime will haunt them and their future kids as well. What manner of heartlessness is this? Is it by force to date her? If only the ghost of this girl can terrorize them till the run mad. Linda you've been swallowing my previous comments. Better post this one! :/ **kween**

Anonymous said...


Tollie said...

Is being Proud a basis for raping or killing someone..I am not supporting the fact that she was proud, this is tragic and may her soul rest in peace. Parents please learn to know your children and teach them well...Cultism is a bad thing, rejecting sexual advances from men in an arrogant manner too is nt good....this is Nigeria, they don't investigate cases for long.

Anonymous said...

RIP 2 d deceased buh police plz fish out those bastard killers...#blackmamba

Anonymous said...

This guys r heartless, how can you kill a girl just because you made advance at her and she said no. May God comfort her family. Very sad.....

Mystic Falls said...

Amen..Oya all u beautiful proud girls be warned if a guy toast u,just put a smilling face @ least it won't cost u a thing. May her muderes never find peace.

Anonymous said...

Sally p said in this case there no need to say much buh they be alive n reap what they av sown a hundred fold..AMEN.

Unknown said...

May Her soul RIP, this what our tertiary institutions have become.Is this the Govt's fault?

LilkoyeBlog said...

They must be caught. We are trying to eradicate the evil ones in the society and young ones are joining in. Soooo sad

Unknown said...

So sad! Human beings can be callous indeed. Rest In Peace dearie.

Anonymous said...

GOD will verdict them and bring them to book

Justyswt said...

What a wicked world. They just cut short her life just becos of 2minutes pleasures. May her soul RIP.

Alloy Chikezie said...

Good gracious! When will barbaric acts like this ever stop? The culprits must be arrest and beheaded

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Anonymous said...

This brought tears to my eyes... Damn sad!

Anonymous said...

RIP dear girl. this is so sad. Some people are really heartless.

Unknown said...

May her gentle soul rest in pease, n God almighty will punish those foolish idiot

Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking. God will locate and destroy the heartless animals behind this.#karma.wait for it.

♠ V•!•©•T•O•R•!•O•U•$ ♣ said...

Oh dear, very sad. RIP

Amarachukwu. said...

God! What is their heart made up of?they will surly rape what they sow.RIP

peperina said...

No peace 4 d wicked. May her soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

May her gentle soul rest in peace,enternal rest grant unto her oh lord,this is sooo sad.NGO

Anonymous said...

She is 17 and in 300lvl? Wow.

Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking. God will locate and destroy the heartless animals behind this.#karma.wait for it.

Yoma said...

Dis is inhumane nd evil, nobody shuld even try 2 justify dis, nowadays doing right is now d wrong tin...May God avenge her death, later on d hoodlums will say dey av repented...can't even imagine wat d Mother is going tru

peperina said...


James said...

I'm just about a year older than her, she died on my mother's birthday.

Whatever has happened, she died a hero refusing to succumb to evil men. It may have cost her her life but I know the killers will not go free no matter how long it takes. Human blood is to precious for them to escape without consequences.

lovlyivon said...

Chei na wah o Pipo shud try and hv the fear of God Wht humans do this days surprises even the devil himself RIP girl

And Who Approves Linda

Anonymous said...

What's going on in this world
Its cruel

Valerie said...

Dear Opeyemi, May God fight for you as you sleep in peace away from the madness of the this world and the evil men that thought they extinguished the flame of beauty in you. You remain beautiful, proud and pure for all who knew and all who wish they did. RIP little one

Anonymous said...

too bad...so sad#RIP

Unknown said...

Omg!!!how can people be so inhuman and wicked...RIP

Anonymous said...

Dis aint rite, guys haba na, hw does d death of diz inocent girl satisfies ur urge for her body? Leavn d mum in a devastatin sate, may God ve mercy on u guys, bt sure karma would take its place.RIP hun#wat a wicked place we live in#linda if u lik, chop ma comnt

Anonymous said...

May these guys never know peace in their lives, what a wicked act on a fellow human being, May u people weep all d days of ur lives Amen! Rest in peace innocent n pretty one n May d Lord give d family u left behind d fortitude 2 bear ds lost. I grieve with her mother, ikunle abiyamo ooooooo.

Apple said...

What a waste! R.I.P

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

When those idiots are found there would be no point sending them to jail... they should be killed via firing squad or hanging.

Heartless animals.

Anonymous said...

Sally p said this is too sad...the heart of man is desperately wicked.how can people do this when there is cheap sex every where?....my prayer is let the lord send his comforter to her mom. R.I.P

Peejay said...

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Such a promising future cut short by mindless beasts. They will certainly not get away with it.

mz vee said...

Eya, may her soul rest in peace. Some guyz can b wicked all in d name of SEX

TEEDEE said...

Lord there shall be no rest for the wicked.... Those boys will rot in hell....OMG this is just sad....such pointless killings... may her soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

A similar incident happened in ma area though d girl was nt killed but she was raped severally.Girls pls také a cue from dis,if dat bricklayer on d road greets u,pls answer back or dat school drop out,i understand d need to be cautions xo as nt to be labelled a street girl but dat could be done modestly,nt to xcuse d acts of these boys here but i can only imagine d way she must av carried herself in d area dat led to this,i know sometimes guys can get carried away when dey think u giving them attention,but as a woman,i think der r better ways to ward a guy off without bin insultive,u can let a boy know he isnt ur type or class without bin haughty.i am rili sori for d mum's loss n i hope d culprits will be apprehended n guys please NO means NO,if u. Think a girl is bin too proud,upgrade urself,its dat easy!JAY NONI#

Valerie said...

Dear Opeyemi, May God fight for you as you sleep in peace away from the madness of this world and the evil men that thought they extinguished the flame of beauty in you. You remain beautiful, proud and pure for all who knew and all who wish they did. RIP little one

Thelma said...

What a wicked act!

Anonymous said...

Those cultists should be murdered,is it by force to date someone.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a wicked world some idiot boys has no human sympathy I pray that justice be done and those bastards will spend their life in jail!!! RIP darling...

#Mr Coded PEN

Anonymous said...

I salute u for standing ur ground.my heart weep for ur on timely death Rest in peace and know dat justice shall prevail

Anonymous said...

na wa o, is not every toaster one will agree to. i dont think she was being proud, she was young and probably wasnt ready. this is not fair, i hope she gets justice. Sad story. RIP.

Anonymous said...

D perpetrators of ds can neva free.
By d next 49 days, sometin strange will start happening to dem.
By next year d remaining ones will b insane.


This is just babaric.so a girl cannot say she is not interested again?we do need to pray. For children in this country. So sad.RIP dear. God will avenge your death.

NMA said...

Nawah ooo,may her soul rest in peace...God will judge d killers

Unknown said...

This boy must surely suffer for there bad deed.they will never go unpunish.what a wicked world

Anonymous said...

What a sad story! May her soul RIP, God will give her parent fortitude to bear the loss. Amen

Topebrass said...

Н̍̊̍̊α̇̇̇α̍̍̊. Too too bad of t̶̲̥̅̊ђε̲̣̣̣̥ killer. T̶̲̥̅̊ђε̲̣̣̣̥ wrath of GO̶̲̥̅̊D̅ wil catch up with t̶̲̥̅̊ђε̲̣̣̣̥ killer wherever they re. R ℓ̊. P Opeyemi n may thy good Lord forgive U̶̲̥̅̊ all Ūя̲̅ sins.........Amen

Unknown said...

This na serious matter the evil that men do dis days is alarming God help us. RIP

Unknown said...

Those guyz are deadly ...bcos she didn't date u .... U ve to take her life ...... All d pple involve wil ve no rest untill der are arrested and kill d way dey kill d innocent girl

winniekoko said...

I hate hearing news like this,too bad to be true. What a wicked World.... RIP beautiful Opeyemi

Anonymous said...

Very sad indeed...may dose who committed this heinous crime know no rest.

motunrayo said...

This is so sad. May God be with her mum n may her soul rest in peace

Janelicious said...

Rip beautiful OPEYEMI

Anonymous said...

A country filled with sexual perversions where everybody is a sexmaniac: pastors, politicians, lecturers, students,
What is it about sex that will make people act like animals?

Anonymous said...

Its really sad dez our nigerians youth are so bad...shez 17 and 300l student wow dats nice but 2 bad dey cut her life short....shaydee

Toyin said...

This breaks my heart and pisses me off at the same time. The victimization and assault on women in nigeria has to stop! Rape, sexual assault and harassment are becoming the order of the day- and we as a country are becoming desensitized to these atrocities! Opeyemi is dead-we lament, cry and next day, it's business as usual. What a beautiful girl, killed at such a young age for a completely senseless reason. My heart goes out to her family. May God grant them the fortitude to bear this loss. I hope the culprits are apprehended and brought to justice- but knowing the nature of the justice system in Nigeria, I might be a tad too optimistic.

Anonymous said...

what a wicked world. Is it a crime to be virgin. RIP Ope. Tears rolling

BLAJO said...

Nigerian youths are really turning to something else. Evil act and they have parents and sister. These parents will come forward to say they never knew their wards to be evil. This is very bad, they cut short the life of a promising girl. They will reap what they have sown.

Anonymous said...

Sad story indeed! I pray dat her killers should be arrested nd senteced by hagging.RIP Opeyemi (Tessykul)

Anonymous said...

Sally p said in this case there no need to say much buh they be alive n reap what they av sown a hundred fold..AMEN.

Erhire Egbegbedia said...

This is serious oo, fine girl. May her soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

That is really unfair...she was just seventeen...may God punish them and their generations to come!

Anonymous said...

This is really bad! Goshhhh!!

Anonymous said...


KAYOBAYO said...

may her soul rip and may God console her family

fran tanzania said...

Very sad! May her beutiful soul rest in peace! I pray whoever responsible to be caught and punished



jay junior said...

i am really really feeling bad! What do they gain from this nw? God will act

Anonymous said...

she's a friend of mine, RIP Opeyemi

Anonymous said...

Dis is terrible! Some of u guys r jst bastards!!! Arghhhhhhhhhh! Y in d world shuld dat make dem kill her?? Seriously? Gosh! Rest on pretty girl

Anonymous said...

There shall be no peace for the wicked!

saucekidd said...

Xo xo terrible and shocking....
Imagine a young gurl with xo much aspiration and potential in her....
Dunno y some pple find joy in taking other pple's life @ will.....
May d lord heal d wound of d family..
RIP opeyemi

Anonymous said...

May her death not be in vain. May God console her family & bring justice to her her family.

miss J said...

It's soo sad..

Dee Brown said...

All cultists, no matter what they bloody call themselves, are all bloody evil lazy cowards.

kiki said...

This is so sad.oh,poor child!those boys will never know peace and the same will happen to their daughters and sisters!

oilandgasdissertation said...

So sad, God Go Judge dis Evil Men , IJN

Unknown said...

Wow this is really sad, too much evil in this world of ours...most likely no one will be arrested for this tragedy Nigerian police y'all can do better Dan collecting 20naira @ bus stops o Wow Wow Wow

kiki said...

She wasn't proud,she just had taste.

Olubukola Ozone said...

Read dis on a blog earlier 2day, i felt so sory for d gurl, especialy after reading msgs frm her class mates nd former teacher. May God let her rest in his bossom eternerly

Anonymous said...

Sorry about ur loss madam. But I want to bliv there is a hospital at d camp ground

Jumadi said...

it is very tragic that once, let alone happen to girls 17 years of age. Greetings ..

Miss Bee said...

OMG!!! This is so terrible and sad! How will her mum ever get over this, dear Lord!......where was the housemaid when all this went down by the way??

Anonymous said...

Those boys I̶̲̥̅̊ℓℓ die one by one they wld go free . She I̶̲̥̅̊ℓℓ not rest until she kill them one after the other. Rest IN̶̲̅» peace girl

Anonymous said...

Omg wot kinda world z dis,if ur tew loose dey wil Cal u olosho, if u stay on ur own dey wil say ur PROUD....xcept if her killers Wil nt giv birth 2 a girl Child dey wil neva go unpunish....Rip

Anonymous said...

This is so disgursting i thought crimes of this kind only exist in movies i cat believe it happening very close to my neighbourhood this insane. What more can bé aid than her gentle soul should rest in peace while the cychopaths involved in these r at large. God should help us

Unknown said...

Wolves in sheep's clothing....omg! They stabbed her to the Extent of ripping out her intestine, sons of Lucifer.

chincobee said...

Geezzzz....oh why???Aw can people be this wicked?

Anonymous said...

This is barberic, her killers must not Go un punished. Dats my prayer.

Tecnology News said...

Very Sad story, disheartening.

marieblac said...

OMG, may her gentle soul rest in peace and I pray those hoodlums will be caught soon. So sad.

Unknown said...

wickedness of the highest order. may God give the parents d fortitude to bear the loss. May we never loose our children in Jesus name and our parents will not cry over us in Jesus name. Amen! cruel world indeed. God have mercy.

hills said...

I don't knw Dis girl BT I am proud of her actions. as 4 those useless things DAT did this 2 her, u shall knw no peace. u wil go tru literal hell on earth n u will beg 4 death BT won't see. I curse u.

Anonymous said...

Happy kill them bck

Anonymous said...

this story is sooo feb 3.


Damn RIP BEAUTIFUL, PLZ FORGIVE THEM, crying right now

Unknown said...

Awwwww..see what proudness has gotten her into..May her soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

May God neva forgive d people wu did dis nd all of them wil b caught nd punished by God nd human law....I pray dat ur soul will rest in peace dear

Anonymous said...

Oh God, so sad

Unknown said...

what a pity, really SAD

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.....just short of words...devils living in the midst of humans.....R I P opeyemi

Unknown said...

such wickedness

Anonymous said...

Omg I'm really glad dat dis story is on lib .those guys must be caught her mother is my mums colleague at work it was terrifying and she'll av been 18 march 1st

John Ikhena said...

This is so sad Linda. those bastards that did this will not go unpunished. May her Gentle soul rest in PEACE. Amen.

ritzysmac said...

RIP God pls shield us from this wicked world.

Waz said...

So sad! What is really happening in this country?...may her soul rest in peace!

Anonymous said...

May her suol rip

Anonymous said...

Datz bad...nothin can be done to please pple. If u accept dey'll say u'r loose,if u dnt u'r proud. May her soul RIP amen.

Unknown said...

what a pity, really Sad and disheartening

Anonymous said...

Oh no...not again!!! Devils living in the midst of humans...RIP opeyemi

ritzysmac said...

RIP God pls shield us from this wicked world.

Unknown said...

What a pity, really sad and disheartening

Anonymous said...

how can these bastards be so wicked to kill an innocent girl

adediana said...

i am literally in tears

sahnzylyn said...

Damn!! This is really sad..how wicked people can be. ..I feel sick toy stomach just reading about it. ..RIP dear,I hope the perpetrators of this ugly act are brought to justice. ..very callous beings

Unknown said...

What a pity, really sad and disheartening

Unknown said...

What a pity, really sad and disheartening

Walata said...

Wow so terrific and barbaric R.I.P young girl

charles said...

oh lord!!! why?????

Anonymous said...

Ohhh so so sad Rip pretty. God will avenge ur death

Unknown said...

What a pity, really sad and disheartening

Anonymous said...


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