Gerald Ezekwem popularly known as Jerry Jack graduated on the 18th of July with a first class Honours in Mechatronics Engineering from Lancaster University in Lancaster UK. Gerald attended Evangel Secondary School in Kano. #Worthy of celebrating!
If any LIB reader or family/friends of LIB readers achieve any feat, please feel free to send it in so we can celebrate you.
Good one .Congrats to him and his household.
Congrat Bro. E no easy jor. But Linda, if we have to celebrate all First Classes awarded to Nigerians, there will be no space for other news here.
Awww well done to him!!!! His sister, cousin and I will send our own to u next year!!!!!
*bb dancing*
Congrats dearie
Aunty Lin my own has passed o so wish me congrats in arrears
Wow... Big boi tins ..
awwww Jerry happy for you
Top stuff my man...Congrats!
Yes, with God on our side, everything is possible.
Yes we can!!!
linda linda linda how many times did i call you?????? wen i collect my own distinction from cov uni dis november if u dont post my picsure wala talia i go boycott ur hear me so!!!!!!!
My naija pple no dey carry last @all....congratz my man!
Is just me or is every boy guy I kno graduating top of their u n igbo's Rock 24/7 365 days.we aint only bussiness smart
Wow!!ds is d kind of gist I like to hear..not perm sec gist..thumbs up 2 Jack..sweet!!......NEKS
Btw Linda,U no put d name of d guy for d first pic wey u cut im face..he seems like a cutie..u for leav d pic full na..shift jack inside small..rme..NEKS
I'm so so happy 4 him, I'm single if he is.....
Linda like criously u r jokin yh?am sure u know ths Dude then. Most nigerians i know that study abroad grad wth first class honours my sibling and cousins inclusive. Soooo plz this is not news.Goshh!!!
How do we get it across to you?
Congratulations!! May the Lord continue to crown your efforts with joy and success. This good work He has started in you, He will surely complete. AMEN.
Excelling as a parent-
God bless him for making us proud. Sometimes, good things emanate from Nazareth.
Long live Nigeria!
The type of man I want to marry!
I jst knew dat d guy must be using glasses. I'll mak sur ma children mak use glasses cz almst al dose dat use glasses re alwz brain boxes. I need to get 1 ma sef cz I wanna be d bst durin ma Msc.
This is truely an achievement. And i would really share it with our readers Here.
He shd frame dat certificate asap b4 pple stain it for him
Awesome. Well done lad.
and this is news bcos???
Dats how Nigerians are in diaspora......#demnodeytakelast
Because u came out with 2.2 or 3rd class.
DeMyk says Yayyyyyy!!!!. Dats my alma mata! Congrats boy. We rock!
From fedpoly Oko! Lol
4rm ur tenses,i'm preety sure u didnt attend a uni.....sooooo,SSHHHH!!!
At least there are still some of us out there willing to make Nigeria proud. Way to go brother!!!
Check out my blog;
Anonymous 4:06 carry your tribalism away from here joor. Igbos rock ko, igbos stone ni. I finished with first class LLB honours from LSE and I am a Yoruba girl. Go siddon for corner jare.
Dat's my boy
Anonymous 4.33pm, which of ur siblings and cousins?? Pls send their photos and I hope uve seen the certs and not dem say :-)
If its that easy, we'ld all have 1st. I graduated from a UK uni and trust me when I say my grades were SHARP but I still didn't get a 1st.
Let us learn to rejoice with those who rejoice. Ooh BTW, 1st is worth celebrating but might not guarantee the side office *wink*...
Im too proud of him. He graduated from my secondary school
Oh c'mon @Nawnie, don't b uptit, obviously she was jokn, dia wasn't any ish wit her tenses tho, she jst used pidgin, dats all...
U r on point dear... Igbo kwenu, Kwezuooo nu ooooo *thumbs up*
Ya dear, d gene dats responsible 4 myopia is also responsible 4 high IQ. Most -lens wearers r quite intelligent! It doesn't lie on d glasses tho, it lies on d defect... Bene says so!!!
big up cuzz.... got ur back
Am tellin u.. Dere really won't be space o ! I ve fiRst class and I ve a couple of fwends too!! So I shud be next ! Muhahaha
So what's ur point? We r trying to celebrate others, if u don't ur's celebrated then so be it, no need for the attitude!!
NICE! I tap into this for my kids & grand kids...AMEN!
Is it that Nigerian students abroad are soooooo smart or these white kids are just Dumb?Cos how come we never shine in Nigeria but abroad na so so First class. Anyway conrats dear keep flying.
congratulations my brother.igbo guypossibly an anamberian. Business pple, educated pple,419 ppl, home to everything good and some not so good.@logosfromdac
so happy for him!!!
It is becos everything in Nigeria is made more difficult than it actually is,†̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ education system is not an exception,there is a lot of pressure on students, from lecturers harrassing female students, to those that want u to block,some will tell u an A cannot be gotten by their student as it is reserved for their dead mother,†̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ list is endless. Thank God Nigerians are proving themselves in diaspora congrats!!
Congratulations Jerry, and well done. You deserve every success. You worked so hard for this. Very proud of you always...
Hahahaha! Meanies
Me too oo...AMEN
1st Class from a Uk uni,is nt easy! Learn 2 celebrate pple
WoW! Pretty cool. Looking Forward to more Nigerians making The country Proud Like This
Is there space for 2.1(eyes covered)
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