“It is time to demonstrate leadership"- Lagos pastor, Tunde Bakare tells President Buhari | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 9 January 2017

“It is time to demonstrate leadership"- Lagos pastor, Tunde Bakare tells President Buhari

Senior Pastor of the Latter Rain Assembly and former running mate to President Buhari in the 2011 general election, Pastor Tunde Bakare, Sunday had his annual state of the nation speech where he said that it is time for President Buhari to demonstrate leadership and lead Nigeria aright. He charged President Buhari to re-shuffle his cabinet and ensure that the right people with their expertise are placed in the right places.

“Mr. President must galvanise his team to get the job done; square pegs in round holes must be removed or put in appropriate places; the wicked who surround the righteous must be led away from the presence of the king. Those who cannot stand the heat must get out of the kitchen. It is time to demonstrate leadership, wise judgment and astute public policy that guarantees stable and prosperous nationhood upon a foundation of peace. 
It is time to build a well-ordered nation with strong institutions dispensing justice. It is time to arise with patriotic zeal to build a great nation such that, years from now, generations yet unborn will look back at their history, not with disdain, but with gratitude to God that our generation preceded theirs. May 2017 be the year we look into the future with the eyes of faith and take steps to accomplish all that we know is possible” he said.

He frowned at the foreign exchange policy that has led to the lingering scarcity of foreign exchange.
"To begin with, the confusing and discriminatory multiple dollar to naira exchange rates, favourable to some and not so favourable to others, and without doubt confusing for potential investors, must be discarded while a more reliable and predictable exchange rate, mutually beneficial to our people and economy and attractive to foreign investors, should be put in place. 
Similarly, prohibitive and punitive interest rates must be lowered in order to liberate the creative ingenuity of our people as well as encourage those who can access mortgages at affordable rates to become homeowners, especially if our Pension Scheme is up-to-date and robust. The multiplier effect of the removal of these bottlenecks in our economy will cushion the effect of the current recession on our people" he said.


Anonymous said...

State of the union address without mentioning the state of the union in Kaduna. Mighty man of God!! I'm guessing u want to address that all on its own, very soon. Abi?
Pastor Tunde Bakare...It's as if u are different. Where's all the fire na?

Anonymous said...

In aspect of the recession he mentioned, the talkative president brought the nation into that with his unguarded speeches on how he was going to fight corruption. The reccession is corruption fighting back. Take a look at this piece by former minister of finance, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala.

Fmr Finance Minister: Ngozi Okonjo Iweala.I still find it funny that most peopledon't know why Nigeria economywent into recession, they love theincompetent lies of Lai Mohammedabout the past government ruiningeverything. It's also myopic to thinkthat if Jonathan were to still be inpower, we would be worse off.The truth about Nigeria's recessionis this; it was caused by thepresident's unguided rhetoric anduncultured body language.Firstly, there is nothing we arebuying today that we weren't buying5 years ago, therefore it's not ourpurchase that put pressure on Nairabut withdrawal of funds by foreigninvestors.After the election, the presidentcreated instability with his unguidedstatements about how everyone iscorrupt and how everyone is going tojail. The instability made foreigninvestors to liquidate theirinvestment and change their moneyto dollars. In the process of trying toflee, they were willing to buy dollarsat any price, which lead to highexchange dollar rate.Even though some of them were notready to run away, but want theirmoney in dollars to save theirinvestments from devaluation, thepresident gave a bad signal bybanning deposit of foreign currencyinto dormiciliary accounts. That wasenough for free market believers tosee the draconian handwriting onthe wall, that was the beginning ofdollar rush.To make matters worse, thepresident came up with anotheroutrageous policy of rationing dollarto certain sectors and blocking manysectors out. That was the nail in thecoffin which facilitated theemergence of free FALL.In the end, foreign investors tookover $80B out of the economy withina short period and everything wentdown to free fall.To those who believe it will be worseif Jonathan is still there, you are allwrong. Policy continuity and politicalstability will not let billions ofdollars leave our shores within suchtiny time frame. Even though thegovernment might have incomeshortage, the private sector willweather the storm by theirconfidence in the market.The fear of the unknown created byPMB is responsible for the economicdownturn not low oil price. Interestrate in America is currently at 0.5%while it is 12% in Nigeria. JP MorganChase will not mind borrowing $50billion from Feds at 0.5 and put inNigeria for return of %2000 profit.Citi bank will do the same, likewiseUS Bank Corp. Chase gave Buhariwarning about the repercussions ofhis fixing policy before they pulledout, but his illiterate cyber warriorsand misseducated e-soldiers saidJPMORGAN can go to hell, they nolonger believe in economic metricssince their messiah is in charge.Funny enough they are all sufferingtoday because of the stupid policy,but they find relief by blaming it onpast administration and Gucciappetite of average Nigerians.For your information, if yourpresident "continues" with hisunguided rhetoric, Naira will godown to N1000/1 $. But we thankGod, he is no longer talking.

Unknown said...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...


...merited happiness

Emy said...

pastor, this Mr President has nothing to offer. He is just traveling all over the world. His next visit is to planet, Mars.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm,tell him o

Lib addict#just passing#

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmnnn! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

A spoken words artist once said " role models today, sixty years ago would be a good example of what not to be" we have totally lost how to do things right instead we do it the way it is done around us.
Should we call a man who surrounds himself with "evil men" saint? Or maybe we say it's ignorance so we can be nice on him!
My point;
What has happened to -"show me your friend and I will tell you who you are"? That is how I was brought up so I think what we need to understand is shaking his cabinet is not just the issue, perhaps he also needs to shake himself because you can not give what you don't have. He can't lead by example than he has been doing. THAT'S WHAT HE HAS GOT, it's an inborn thing. #PEACE.
NB: this is not targeted at anyone so don't take my word for it, take it for the word of an inocent man who needs clearity on issues.

OSINANL said...


Anonymous said...

Thunder will continue to fire buhari till he kicks d bucket in a gory way this year.. Educated pups should read up that report from Okonjo iweala on why we are really in recession .. Uneducated e- soldiers should continue hailing the dimbat and continue to languish in poverty.. Me I dey fast lane so all this one no disturb but favor me but I can't help but speak out about this dying system called Nigeria under buharishit and criminal osinbajo the mumu xtian vp

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