Tweet of the day! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 31 December 2015

Tweet of the day!



Davido's driver said...


Blog It With Olivia said...


#iT wiLL only gEt beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAise

Unknown said...

KEEPING UP WITH THE ADELEKE'S. Now airing on DSTV. Subscribe premium to catch every detail.

Unknown said...

A thousand kisses for you Mr Ben Bruce.............#GLORY2GLORY#

Davido's driver said...

How much is really hard earned?

Unknown said...

A thousand kisses for you Mr Ben Bruce.............#GLORY2GLORY#

Unknown said...

A thousand kisses for you Mr Ben Bruce.............#GLORY2GLORY#

fresh presh said...

freshpresh says please help me ask FG

doraDora said...

Is it not wen u earn d money sef. For some of us derz nothing to spend and we wrk hard though. My country my country #investingForEasterGiveAway

Ella said...

Real gbam

Ella said...

Real gbam

Unknown said...

Men! This guy they talk am as e day hot.

Unknown said...

As in eh!I wonder!!!

Unknown said...

As in eh!I tire for Nigeria

Unknown said...

Nice question
Keep asking dem Oga
Linda dont take note!


Unknown said...


tosisochukwu said...

Am kinda dnt undastnd o

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...

I'm sorry,but most new commenters here can be ignorant, the restriction is necessary considering how much money goes out and how lil or nothing comes in! Yes of course its d fault of our visionless corrupt leaders,but wetin we go do? If harsh precautions aren't taken now the economy will collaspe,diversify the economy, encourage local producers and business ,lets stop depending on oil,then things will get better,for now until oil price is up,we need to restrict d amount of cash that goes out of Nigeria. Economics people! Economics!

beauty said...

Abi.......o na u sabi dat one

Unknown said...

Someone should tell Ben Bruce to take his crusade to his colleagues in the Assembly on all the wasteful expenses they are approving for themselves for doing nothing

Unknown said...

GBAMEST. This man na real “brain" ur first name is solomon,
Still blame it on Jonathan.

Unknown said...

Someone should tell Ben Bruce to take his crusade to his colleagues in the Assembly on all the wasteful expenses they are approving for themselves for doing nothing

Unknown said...

Govt are some how sick

Unknown said...

Someone should tell Ben Bruce to take his crusade to his colleagues in the Assembly on all the wasteful expenses they are approving for themselves for doing nothing

Unknown said...

Someone should tell Ben Bruce to take his crusade to his colleagues in the Assembly on all the wasteful expenses they are approving for themselves for doing nothing

Unknown said...

Someone should tell Ben Bruce to take his crusade to his colleagues in the Assembly on all the wasteful expenses they are approving for themselves for doing nothing

Anonymous said...

I can't waste my time asking a useless govt that question

talk2frankky said...

Oga you too talk self.

Unknown said...


aunty linda Enter your comment...

Unknown said...

And u don't want to tell us about ur Oga's palaver with his baby mama abi?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

The thing tire me ohhhhhh....

~Make I go drink one bottle of beer~

Anonymous said...

Exactly. U work hard and now they wanna dictate how you should spend it.

Unknown said...

My cousin in India is also suffering this ATM wahala!! Please it should be lifted for the sake of Nigerians studying outside

Unknown said...

This government is confused

~Make I go drink one bottle of beer~

Unknown said...

Shey you are part of the government. Abi your contribution no matter for there?

iamjavademon said...

Linda, how come na only you dey see FFK and Ben-Bruce? The way they both talk, its obvious they are self-centered and know nothing about economics, same goes to most of LIB readers. I cannot waist my precious time to explain how the ban is expected to work, wait n see. Losers!!!!!

Unknown said...




Unknown said...

I tire for them oo

Anonymous said...

This doesn't even make any sense , this government has to be the worst ever. Bunch of clueless people

Sandra said...

Linda be careful of this your gbam oh. Just saying....

Unknown said...

My brother ooooooo

Victor Emeka Isaac said...

Abeg ask them oh

Also Check Vabadon's Blog

Sam said...

Linda stay neutral and stop this your "Gbam" that you always add to post. Sincere advise from the heart

Anonymous Personified said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Murray Bruce it is a temporary measure to correct the messy situation of the economy. It is only for a short while. It wont last forever

Unknown said...

Linda would love this
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

Murray Bruce it is a temporary measure to correct the messy situation of the economy. It is only for a short while. It wont last forever

optimisticlady said...

When elephants figt,the grass suffers.
For now,those that made money 'legitimately' will suffer along with the corrupt.

After all ....we are one Nigeria.

gentle said...

Honestly...please help me ask this useless government.

Unknown said...


lala giggs said...

I so like this man... He is realistic.. Seem to tell the truth about things.. . Thumbs up Ben***checked

Techpill said...

Very good! i like that......... dont waste money on data, Get MTN Unlimited free browsing With Just N100 to Download, Stream and surf

Unknown said...

Good question.

lala giggs said...

Thumbs up Ben bruce.... . He is good at what he says..

Unknown said...

True talk

Henry said...

Make u dey dia dey gbam all BMBs tweets

wendytricia said...

God bless you Ben

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't they????? If it's in the interest of the total economy why not?? If China can restrict how many children a family can have what's the big deal about this? Mr commonsense, instead of your constant critisms identify opportunities and encourage people to take advantage. We should come together to build this nation such that soon we can take naira out and exchange it for other currencies.
Things are bad because we were soooo badly behaved and squandered what we should have been keeping from our oil revenue surplus for such a time as this! Let's stop bitching. We're not the only country going through tough times.
When others were tightening their belts we were largessing with our ministers buying jets and mansions! Now we must face reality. We all have to accept we must adjust our habits a bit. Let people get ingenous and begin to produce and think outside the box positively.
Most of the e complaints I hear are from people that wonder how they will shop. Abeg wear the clothes you've been buying and have not yet worn. You don't have to eat Kellogg's. Eat Akara and pap etc If you must trade and go to school abroad cbn will provide fx for you. You don't have to take your kids abroad every year. Try obudu cattle ranch. Take them to grandma in the village. Just stop whining everyone. Gosh!

Unknown said...

OK....Did you know that you can clean your car's stained headlights with toothpaste?....hurry to to learn how. Click on the Christmas message.

Unknown said...

Ben make sense always..pls ask o..

Unknown said...

I don't get that? #Oooooole

Anonymous said...

This Linda is against Buhari Govt. but she's scared to admit it

Unknown said...

Kisses Mr Ben Bruce. On point#Lindangwanu#

Unknown said...

I wonder o mr bruce help me ask them. 3 gbosa 4 u gbosa! gbosa!! gbosa!!!

Pearlie said...

Gbamest gbam!!

Unknown said...

This is teerible. My consins outside the country are really suffering. Government really need to luk into this situation.......

Anonymous said...

Why did he not direct the question to the president?

Anonymous said...

Why did he not direct the question to the president?


I wonder oh.

Unknown said...

i just tire for our government

AGB said...

Answer:The government owns all of us and the money we spend. If the value of the money is good,the glory goes to the government. If the value of the money is bad,the shame goes to the government.

Unknown said...

One would presume Mr. Murray-Bruce is referring to the restrictions on dollar denominated transactions. If this is the case and hopefully not, I must respectfully opine that he is misguided. No one stops you from spending your Naira if that's what you earn, but a Government reserves the right not to trade the nation's dollars for your 'hard earned' naira. If you need foreign currency, you are free to legally earn it or buy it, and save it or spend it in the places where it is legal tender.

Anonymous said...

If you fail to understand Baba's grammar and logic on forex restriction. Listen, he is simply telling you to sit down at home and grow our economy, no more Dubai vacation go to obudu ranch, no more educational tourism abroad Unilorin and Unilag are to be developed, no more medical excursion in India and USA, LUTH and UCH must be developed. GBAMGBAMGBAM

Unknown said...

One would presume Mr. Murray-Bruce is referring to the restrictions on dollar denominated transactions. If this is the case and hopefully not, I must respectfully opine that he is misguided. No one stops you from spending your Naira if that's what you earn, but a Government reserves the right not to trade the nation's dollars for your 'hard earned' naira. If you need foreign currency, you are free to legally earn it or buy it, and save it or spend it in the places where it is legal tender.

Unknown said...

One would presume Mr. Murray-Bruce is referring to the restrictions on dollar denominated transactions. If this is the case and hopefully not, I must respectfully opine that his is a misguided view. No one stops you from spending your Naira if that's what you earn, but a Government Central Bank may reserve the right not to trade the nation's dollars for your 'hard earned' naira. If you need foreign currency, one is free to move to places where (s)he can legally earn it or buy it, and also save or spend it in the places where it is legal tender.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly!

<< LIB Addict >>

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

You need to understand the economics of money. I dislike when people that have more information than an average nigeria choose to lie to us. Government fiscal policies most of the time affect the way you spend your money, that is the major reason why those policies are in place in the first instance. Dont let any decieve you.

Anonymous said...

so u won't turn to beggar on LIB...dee

Unknown said...

Ask them...

Unknown said...


Lily of Nigeria said...

God bless you Mr Bruce for this tweet. All these their new regulations affect to a great extent the working class, or people still climbing to the top. Not the crooks.
Compliments of the season LIBers

KING Nwa AMAKA said...

Thanks for this intelligent question.

Anonymous said...

It is not enough to rant on social media and generate support. Mr Bruce is a senator, let him summon the cbn governor and have him explain and reverse this situation

Unknown said...

Ben Bruce is truly a good democrat...I like his way of thinking...

Anonymous said...

R u back?,welcome back. I guess u also went to settle d case in ur oga's house.

Anonymous said...

Linda stick to gossip and leave politics. Pdp is dead, there is nothing you can do for them. Just enjoy ur loot and sit quuetly

Angel said...

Yes oooo,I luv dis man. Kisssssss

Unknown said...

Plz add BBM; 2ADE41F3 and whatsapp; 08050941651 for your quality et affordable handbags

Anonymous said...

I so concur to the tweet, not the tweeter

Unknown said...

The government have no right to dictate how you spend your money, but if the money is truly hard-earned, it won't be spent recklessly.

Wild flowers!

Unknown said...

I wonder oooooo

Anonymous said...

The way you this lindaikeji support the pdp senators/fools (ffk, bruce) one will know u collected that millions allegation from dat politician. #gbam #well

Frankarh said...

He's more than right!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gbam. We all know the thieves so pick them up and persecute them not the innocent citizens

Anonymous said...

Abi oooo

Gbam! Gbammer!! Gbammest!!!!!

Unknown said...

We will have to endure till 2019.


Anonymous said...

The criteria to qualify one to contest for a public office in Nigeria should be made to fulfil some specific qualifications,experience and special trainings.Most of our leaders are just intellectually too empty to lead a people. Leadership is a high job not meant for everybody. Too many people who do not have any business to do with leading people have found themselves doing so in so sad.

Unknown said...

For trillers & spanking new music visit

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Why is ur tweets of d day always against d govt? Sure u r against dis govt progress. #antibuharilinda#

Seun Adegbite said...

The question to ask is why government should be responsible for sourcing FX for the money you earned in Naira.

Unknown said...

True Talk !

Unknown said...

Yes ooh. Help me ask!

Unknown said...

Murray, you dey worry sha!!

Unknown said...

My best senator always right.

Anonymous said...

Lolss*@quincy na only go dey kip up with dem me they dnt knw wat to do with their time...

soyombo oluwaseyi said...

Usually i dont do this, this is the most important tweet of all year, thanks ben bruce for voicing the mind of millions of nigerians in diaspora at home

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

He just looked like Obama wit Obama sense today.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me. Buhari is killing the economy!

Unknown said...

Gom gom

Anonymous said...

Little wonder you are a driver

Unknown said...

#CommonSense Senator. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

The thing sef yaff tire me... blocking international atm's for hardworking Nigerians. Kai buhari #udo

GALORE said...

Seconded Sir


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

oga na true talk.

Unknown said...

At times he speaks the reality

Unknown said...

True talk my man

Esther said...

True Talk.

Unknown said...

Abi Mr Senator, u always make sense

My view not urs!!!!

Fakency Alexander said...

we are here already

Unknown said...

As in ehh

Anonymous said...

True talk

Anonymous said...

Zombie o! Zombie in Felas voice

Unknown said...

True Talk!

Gasmien Global Resources said...

Mr Ben Bruce your comment are not common sense but over sense which most of our senators and executives lack

I B M bolubantin said...

Good question

Unknown said...

Nna nawaaa o confam Gbamest

Unknown said...

Mr commonsense always making sense.
Ben 4 president 2019


Anonymous said...

According to the president,there is no money in Nigeria so taking money out affects the economy.So now I cannot take my own money out because I and Nigeria own am together.I don't understand how long this is supposed to be for?wont people do business anymore or go on vacations?

Dennis Prosper Chijioke said...

Ben speaks common sense

Dennis Prosper Chijioke said...

Ben speaks common sense

Unknown said...

Economically its reásonable

Anonymous said...

you can only voice out on social media and you are a senetor, Mr Bruce please voice out in the red chamber if you are not part of the goats that have eaten the nations yams.

Unknown said...

Gbam!!!!! Learned man , should be at the helm of affairs of this nation rather than our retarded grandfathers

Unknown said...

Hello sir, you are a lawmaker answer the question yourself or ask your colleagues.

Enter your comment...

Pearlie said...

Gbamest gbam

Anonymous said...

The answer is your party PDP depleted our Reserve. Imagine the propaganda of Nigeria being the biggest economy in Africa

Unknown said...

He knows the road to ask rock..he and mumu Linda should go and ask..

Unknown said...

Ma broda ooo.. change z here

Anonymous said...

Can't you voice your opinion put in the Senate rather than on Twitter? You are outperforming on social media than in Senate. You are as quiet as Lexus 330 on Senate floor but once you grab ur phone, you become a noise maker. Get busy dude, you are part of the government regardless of your party.

Anonymous said...

And you to you Linda that use gbam for everything this man say, exposure is knocking your door, open it. You need one

Anonymous said...

I never see much like this Davido driver his comments are always off point, without reasoning and so myopic abeg make una borrow me adjective

Unknown said...

This man is always on point.

Anonymous said...

Raw fact!!

Anonymous said...

Did you earn the money in nature or dollars,for 16yrs ,you people can't diversify the economy, even when oil remains at over 100dollars,now it is less than 40dollars,where will the dollars come from, .Bruce was busy making our girls prostitutes. Now he is talking about dollars,this is not a readymade economy, think,think,thinkprostitution master

Ethel said...

Hehehehhe this man ready for this administration oooo! Gbam gbamm gbamest!

Unknown said...

Lol... I luv dz man!

some said...


Unknown said...

I am speechless honestly how can a Govt tell me how and where to spend my hard earn money???? How how how

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Ben your head dey dere

Unknown said...

Linda... Almost all your tweet of the day is from Ben Bruce... Find another, Am getting bored.

Unknown said...

The most funny aspect of this presidential media chat PRESIDENTIAL MEDIA CHAT
QUESTION : (by Mr Ibanga of Premium Times):MR president, the DSS under your watch has consistently disobeyed court orders. Dansuki has had 3 court orders asking for his release. And Nnamdi Kanu. And many other cases. Court orders which your DSS has not obeyed
ANSWER : (by Buhari on national TV) :How can they be released? Do you know that Kanu has passports of 2 different countries? Do you know the billions that Dansuki stole? And you are talking of court order for release. I hope the judges are watching this!
ME :Buhari is now the accuser and the judge. He has already convicted his victims. He openly approves the disobedience of court orders, and dares the court openly. And who told him that it is a crime to have the citizenship (passport) of two countries? Lols abeg to get brain good oo

Unknown said...

Am very sure smtin fishy is BTW linda nd the so called pdp team, nemesis will surely catch up on smday

Unknown said...

Am very sure smtin fishy is BTW linda nd the so called pdp team, nemesis will surely catch up on smday

Unknown said...

He try.......ts all Good


Unknown said...

g gbam!! to that also

Anonymous said...

If Ben Bruce doesn't understand the Economics of it, then it's already too late. As for all the "gbammers" commenting, it seems u all don't realise how bad a shape this economy is in. We r in for a veeeerrrry rough ride, people. Buckle up!

Anonymous said...

Well maybe cos y'all sat around while the money launderers, forex destroyers and naira devaluers were running the country bankrupt while window dressing the treasury accounts. Well this is the price we have to all pay cos to repair the damages we'll all be affected on way or another. @least we have a genuine president on the mantle now.

Sublime said...

Junkie Tweet!!!

Anonymous said...

The legal tender in Nigeria is Naira and I don't think the Govt is restricting how you spend Naira in Nigeria. We are suffering because we kept quiet when the foreign exchange receipts were being recklessly spent by previous Govt.

Arsenal said...

How is that tweet of the day?

Unknown said...

Locquacious Bruce.. tryin so hard to tarnish buhari. It's a temporary measure ok. Grow up bruce!

Anonymous said...


Morlard said...

Genuine president Noni ... *holds lauff*

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Making sense

Unknown said...

This guy likes to talk. But I think he also made some extra cash under OBJ.

Anonymous said...

How about you go spend Naira in UK or USA , Earn your legit money in Naira and spend it in Nigeria .Enough of all this anomaly which is seen as a Norm. ...

Ruby Owanate said...

Certified tweet!!

Anonymous said...

Tell me who in Nigeria is clean making their money Nigeria died a long time ago when you have fools like this in power

yinka ola said...

Ben murray bruce, you made your money by looting NTA treasury when you were DG. So how come you claim to have earned your money. Jibiti man.

yinka ola said...

Ben bruce is an illiterate oyinbo look alike. Because he speaks english does not mean he is educated. he has only demonstrated his ignorance of economic issues. he should ask his fellow looters how we got here and CBN will educate him only the forex restriction. I wonder how this illiterate even became a senator.

Jesus Reigns said...

No doubt u are very intelligent and confident too.

Unknown said...

Alwz tweeting. #IamMe

Unknown said...

Gbam..... U make sense die bro.


Anonymous said...

People attacking Ben Bruce here are missing the point.
You do not grind your economy to a halt just because you ant to block some leakages. Most of the money stolen are government money. that is where the government should be focusing on if they want to tighten.
If you want industries to grow, you must put in place the infrastructure or at-least some measures to stimulate it. We are basically a trading nation which means alot of livelihood is tied to the buying and selling of goods (especially goods not produced here). These are the people being hit by the ban. we are not talking about people going on vacation here.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This is the trouble with Nigerians, they want change but not willing to sacrifice for it. Until this self mentality stops, nothing will change in the country. As for People like Ben Bruce and others who rile citizens up with their BS, they are self-serving and full of double standards. They tell you one thing whilst doing something else. People need to be a lot savvier in understanding Politics and Economics. With an Economic understanding, you know that sometimes, tough Fiscal and monetary policies which people need to endure in the short term for longer term benefits and not always seeking short term gains.

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