Twitter user Serina Mina shared these photos on twitter. She narrowly escaped with her life when the ceiling of her bedroom partially collapsed and a large slab of brick landed on her bed.
"If I hadnt got out of bed 5 minutes ago I would not be here right now clearly got a guardian angel" she wrote.
Lucky girl!
Jesus christ
Amber Rose puts her butt on display on
instagram (Photos)
wow! very fortunate indeed.
Omg! I'm so happy for her..we serve a living God
Was it a death trap or something?
There is more too this,how did the brick get there? How did the ceiling collapse?why can't we see the stones from the ceiling that crashed on the bed?and that hole is too small for a brick that big to fall through..don't be gullible people! Attention seeker!
Lucky you! thank God for life
Thank God.
Thank God she is safe
ThankGod for ur life. There's a reason for u to be alive to see today.
no single thanks to God
Thank God she's save..
Happy for her
#Hajia Mufliat
Happy for her
Jeez! She's one hell of a lucky girl
Thanksgiving is on point if I were her
Wao....the God you are serving gat you fa....lucky indeed fa
Thank God for your life
Thank your Stars Mam
Jesuuuu. Thank God
lucky she.
God is surely by her side..
She's really lucky.
Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha
Tank God 4 her life
Jesus christ.This is an amazing miracle
She really has a guardian angel. Thank God.
Very lucky indeed
Lucky 🍀 for her, God will be God in all our affairs. He is the divine protector. But Lind that block on the bed 🏨 or couch is not the exact same that fell from the ceiling. @securityman
thank God for your life...... It is really a narrow escape.
Congratulations dear..... Lindodo ¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucky girl
Enter your comment...tank God @Simoken
Tnk God for her life
Jeeees thank God
chaai witches don come oo
I thank God for your life.
Few days to 2016...... Lindodo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her God is not sleeping..
Thank God for her life
Tank God for her
Enter your comment...god luv am oh
Lucky gal chi ya mu anya 4 life #sneh
Lucky girl! TanGod 4 her
!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere
Thank God for her life
Omo! God is good o
#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE
Waoh!God is wit u o
ThankGod for your re indeed a lucky girl..
Jesus.... Her God nor dey sleep o...... Happy for her o
That's good
Thank God oooo.
That's shows her Guardian Angel is at work . We give thanks to God.
Thank goodness....Believe
happy not only in nigeria
just thank God
***我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ)***
Negodu lucky girl, thank God
Thank GOD
Narrow escape indeed.
Enter your comment...lucky girl indeed! Its guinness malt all d way.
That was God at work. He orders our steps. Thank God for your life
thank God for ur life
thank God for ur life
Thank God for her life
The bricklayers forgot the brick on the ceiling so it weekend the ceiling to fall. Thank God for your life. #IRepLIB
Thank God for her life. That's not LUCK it's GOD. Glory be to God
Very lucky to be alive
Angels on watch
The hand of God.
This shiii is fake..... HHow d fvuk do people use blocks in making ceiling...... Is it not supposed to be concrete floor..that's if the building is a storey building...... That thing us originally photo ppl like Onyx, Davido Driver, Bonaria etc that will believe this shiiii
Henry Eze
1. Thank God
What silly ceiling using block as deck. That's stupid from the builder
Thank God for her!!!!!! May our angels neva leave our sides!
Lindiway post Ma comment! Biko
Lucky girl indeed...Linda much Love/Linda take care
Tank God for her life.
Ladies!!! U see why it isn't adviceable to always sleep in?? U never know when a brick might land on ur bed... Pls form the habit of waking up early
Wow! That's dense.God saved her life truly.
Thank God for her life
you are indeed a lucky girl! Thank God for your life
Oh! Jesus Christ. Lucky gal indeed. Linda bestfrnd
Lucky girl! May we never run out of luck ooh
Dt block 4. Knack. Life out of her jesu!!! Lucky the drinks Is on ya dis xmas
Choi! Thank God #Linda's pearl #
Did dey use blocks for the decking or what?
Thank you Lord for this testimony.
Chai, ur time hasn't reached.Thank God
God is great
Mm.....thank God 4 her less thing 4 someone to weep over..........ts all Good
Praise be to the Lord.. ur really destined to see 2016
She's really a lucky girl.
Enter your comment...her name should be oriyomi
Go and give thanks with a seed to the lord for saving your life.
God works in mysterious ways
after dz just know if u couldn't die last nyt
then u shall live to see 2016
Thank God for her life..
Enter your comment...Awesome GOD! He raised a standard against d enemy & pulled His own away 4rm danger! He is worthy oof our Praise!!
Thank God for her..
Whaooo,thank God for safing her.imagine Dat big block..
Whaooo,thank God for safing her.imagine Dat big block..
I celebrate God with you...!
U are lucky indeed
C nok according to my URHOBO frend, yo head get #Ororo
Very very lucky!
Thank God
Thank God
Really lucky girl.
Omg this is serious
Thank Jesus!
1. Lucky her
God really loves her.
U are a lucky girl indeed..thank God for u..
~make I go take one bottle of beer~
Holy Fuck.
Bae needs 2 do some urgent thanksgiving ASAP.
Tnk God for her life...
God is faithful.My neighbor was lying in bed when I asked him to come help me run something,5mins later we walked into the room and saw several broken blocks;turned out the wind blew blocks from an uncompleted building right behind the house and it broke through the,that day him mama and grandmama cook better food make I chop.Pray without seizing o,God na protector of life...
Tank God o!!
...#Am Don jazzy's wife!!
God still saves
Tnk God 4 ur life.
Thank God for her life
Keep serving the Almighty God of heavens and earth. Ur not lucky but favoured.
Thank God she wasnt in bed ... God saves his own ...
Very very lucky
Wow thank God for her life
Linda next time you post a nude pix here and cover the nude, me and you go get problem.
show us everything o, nobody be small pikin here.
She was very lucky
God really saved her...happy last Sunday of the year aunty linda
Old testament stones mehnnnn.... Strolls away
God is great
Glory be to God
We thank almighty. ...
Oluwaseun ooo
Wtf!!!...thank God for her life, damn lucky
Lucky girl indeed! I'm happy 4 her.
Thank God for her
Love you linda
This one na testimony oo
Tnk God for her
Wow, God is with u.
Wow, God is with u.
Really lucky
Really lucky
Wow. Thank God for her life
Thank God she wasn't there
God is always watching
Eh...shez really lucky,she should be thankful to God.God save us all
Wow.. seems like a miracle. Buh given the size and proportions of the hole and d size of d brick (block).. i 'd say.. SCAM!!!... THERE'S NO WAY THAT BRICK COULD AV FALLEN THROUGH THAT HOLE JOOR!. people and creating internet drama. Hole is evn partly covered. And naturally if something dat heavy falls from that height , it would bounce off and end up on d floor not at where it is in d pic.... Mtschewww
I thank God for her life.
Thank God for her life. Death is not her portion. But she's really lucky. Who would have thought of this or predicted this? Life is a bitch!
Wild flowers!
You wont have died na. You skull go just break ni jare.
Chai! Thank you Jesus.
Thank God for her life
Luck u
Lucky u
Thank God for your life. He's awesome.
Thank God for life.
Enter your comment...
Thank God for her life which she escaped with, wondering if she would have left her life behind. She got out of her bed 5 minutes earlier not ago. Don't let pidgin destroy your correct English grammer, each has its place.
Tnk God 4 ur life
I thank God for sparing her twittering life.
But sha...all this twitter babes.......the room tho..
God really spare her life
Lucky you
wow....God is with u
Wow! dat was close !! u so lucky gurl ......cherryice
All thanks to Jehovah
Thank God.....
Really lucky girl.
Lucky you. #Linda'spal
ThankGod it wasn't more than this...
Wow we thank God for saving her . It could have been worse
For d Bible said - God shall show mercy unto whom He shall show mercy, fank God for u dearie!
Thank God for her life
Is not yet time for her to die God will continue to protect her always
Lucky you baby.
Lib baddoo
God spared your life for a reason
Wow,God is still at work for his children
Good God
Also Check Vabadon's Blog
Thank you Jesus
God saved her
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
baby girl, God really wants you to see the end of 2015, please this is a rare chance, repent and give your life to JESUS! there was a country
Great God
Go for thanks giving... You cannot die again. You will live long ehn
This is really a miracle
I bless the name of the Lord for this miracle.
What a miracle working God!
Thank God for her life
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