Dear LIB readers; I feel so bad for slapping my wife this morning | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 10 September 2014

Dear LIB readers; I feel so bad for slapping my wife this morning

From a male LIB reader
Something that has never happened to me happened this morning. I dated my wife for several years before getting married to her sometime last year. I am temperamental but patient but I have always been able to control my temper when dealing with my wife and I rather walk away or go hang out with friends or have a drink and sleep it off, but today it went beyond limit. My wife can insult Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ will slap her.
Last week I happened to throw some of my clothes in the washing machine with very few of her clothes that she said were in there earlier which I didn't take note and after her arrival from work, the next thing she could say was that I don't have a brain and that is why I could do that. Continue
I hate insults and my wife is the type that does not make her point without insults. I  was very angry and cautioned her not to speak with me in that manner again but she kept repeating it and I told her that the day she will talk to me like this and my brain receives it wrongly then she will hate herself.
Just this morning it happened again. We were both in the kitchen and we were both about preparing food, apparently she said I shouldn't do something and I told her that its not a big deal if I did it and if I don't see the wrong in it then I won't be able to handle the same incident when it happens again. Then she flew up again saying that I am brainless and I told her to stop it but she continued by saying I have the common sense and its because she has uncommon sense is why she can always detect me being brainless.Yet again I gave my warning to her that she should stop saying such and there will be a day when it will fall on my wrong side. She continued saying I am harmless and I should do my worst. She even dared me into doing anything. She said it several times and I got angry and pulled her shirt to warn her. Then she triggered and started roughing me then I slapped her and she slapped me a few times and I gave her one more and pushed her off.
Firstly this is not my character. For me to even fight with a male friend physically, it takes a whole lot, and I can count how many male friends I have had to fight while growing up on just one hand. I actually feel bad for hitting her even though I know the slap is not the normal slap I can give. There was emotions in slapping her but I wanted to prove a point to her that I chose not to ever hit a woman and its not something I can't do. I am writing this because I feel so bad. Do you think I went beyond lines by slapping her? How do I make up for it?


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Anonymous said...

I won't blame you some women gain pleasure by provoking people it's not abuse as she abused you too I hope you work it out me I can't marry a woman who only knows how to insult caste it will be violent

Unknown said...

Too bad but just let her know that its was a mistake. Mistake has no master. Apologize nd make her smile.

Alloy Chikezie said...

Seat down with your wife and the two of you should iron out issues, its about communications, she should know when to draw the limit, same goes for u also

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Ezera Emetu said...

Women have this rare gift of provocation. But then, restraint is key. You did wrong notwithstanding her actions. Apologise and seek her forgiveness. There is no justification to beating a spouse. God help you as you get back. EzeraTalk.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this story is real... Didn't he say she slapped him back a few times? A man who received a few slaps in return wouldn't feel guilty. If you want to cook a story, make it delicious

Unknown said...

U'll make up by kneeling down so that she'll slap uback 3times. Dis ur story sef get k leg....very childish.

Ezera Emetu said...

Women have this rare gift of provocation. But then, restraint is key. You did wrong notwithstanding her actions. Apologise and seek her forgiveness. There is no justification to beating a spouse. God help you as you get back. EzeraTalk.

Anonymous said...

Try to apologise to her #bright bravo# 269beb21

Unknown said...

Lol u ve to really do alot of making up women are crazy dats y we are different from men but make sure u smile e erotica she insult u she feel quilts and se sense by apologizing

Anonymous said...

Ooosh! D deed has been done already.It has been in records that u slpapped ur I think u did urbest to avoid dt,even if ur best was nt the best.u quys should settle it as we disagree in other to agree.

Anonymous said...

Did you not see that she had a big mouth beofore you married her?

Anonymous said...

Ur wife went too far, she does NT hv respect for u as a husband. She deserves d slap.

Anonymous said...

I know u are not at home right now. But just send her sms to tell her you are very sorry. Express it deeply when you get home.


Awww! I feel your pain.
The worst scenario a man could find himself is sharing the same roof with a nagging woman. You've already shown remorse for your action,try let her know that you're sorry. And she too should mind the way she talks to her husband. No good wife calls her husband brainless,she went too far.
Next time,instead of exchanging words with her it would do you so much good to ignore her rants. Your silence will speak to her conscience.


Anonymous said...

You are very wrong my brother... You should not have touched her for no reason, she said u re brainless you should have replied her by saying that is why you got married to her and calmly take a walk ...Asides whenever you guys are laughing or having fun you can remind her of how you dont like how she abuse/curse you whenever u guys r arguing... My broda, what you did is absolutely wrong... Trust me ! T.

Dr. ada said...

1) Go & buy uncommon Sense 2day.
2) buy her designer & ferrari

Anonymous said...

slap her more bro

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about how you feel, if you truly know the woman you married very well, there is something that makes her melt into your arms. you need to do that to win her back. But trust me she might have it in mind for a long time. Another option that can help you faster is to pray to God to step into the situation and you might be shocked that she will be the one to come back apologizing. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Fuck d hell out of her tonight. Simple

Tolu Taiwo said...

Nope, don't make up for that, clearly she will end up ruining your life and the relationship. If a woman cant respect her husband and call her husband brainless then kindly let her go or you will end up stabbing her or her stabbing you.

Anonymous said...

slap her more bro

Anonymous said...

il has entered into ur home through ur wife. Please always try to ignore her next time cus most times, devil enters a family through the woman. Try ur best to keep avoiding this kind of situation by not exchanging words with her. Next time she insults you just walk away n keep malice with her, dont eat her food or talk to her, that way it will pain her more.

Just apologise to her for now n buy her a gift, write her a letter and tell her how much you love her. You can take her on a romantic dinner too, am sure she will forgive you.

But we women sha, we need to control our tongue.

Anonymous said...

Take her shopping u sick moron!..Hw cld u lay ur hands on a woman.Shopping stills d fiercest rage in a woman...*thank me later*

Anonymous said...

You're obviously a good man and your wife is very rude! I think she's taken for granted your calm attitude. She's obviously used to having a fight and when she doesn't get it she gets frustrated. You guys should sit down and talk it sounds to me like she's frustrated about something. Don't feel too bad because in all fairness she asked for it, just don't let it repeat itself.

Unknown said...

Na wa o,she needs to calm down honestly,yes u should apologise bt also talk to her on her atitude,its not just it at all!

Unknown said...

Mehn! This is quite difficult....its good to feel bad when you hit a woman because you are not supposed to..never!

But clearly, your wife is not just any woman, she is very troublesome and annoying and I wonder how you cope with someone who sees you as brainless and always insulting you, but anywaiz,I think you should have a long talk with her....iron you issues out and take her to dinner.

Also, brother, I think you should change the way you do things at home, maybe you are typical nice and soft guy(she called you harmless), she might not like that you are too soft and in a bid to make you man up a bit, she deliberately annoys short just have a long talk and take hrr to dinner...simple!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bonita Bislam said...

Do nothing! You're most powerful when you're most silent.People never expect silence.They expect words,sorrys,sex,motion,defense,offense,back and forth.Just keep quiet and watch her as the reality dawns on her that you care not(even if you do).She'll realize here mistakes and quit the insults.Just control your hand next time


Sir, i beg you in the name of Almighty God who Made Heaven and Earth and All that resides in it, DO NOT BEG YOUR WIFE. I REPEAT, DO NOT BEG YOUR WIFE!!!Except if you hid some vital points that will clearly prove you are at fault. But from what you have posted, you did absolutely nothing wrong. First why should a woman insult her husband and see nothing wrong in it? only to keep doing it even afyet she was warned. Secondly, a woman has no right to dare her husband, from what you said, she dared you several times. Thirdly, she was also the one who gave more of the slaps than the "light" one you gave and the "finisging (closing)" slap. What am i trying to say, once a while (maybe once in a whole marital life) a man needs to show the Demon that exist in him so that she doesn't assume the Angel attitude the man puts up is a sign of weakness or stupidity. If you have used your whole strength to give her a single slap that will set both her canine and molars shaking for the next 2weeks and give her a constant migraine for the next one month (place her on a 2 months continuous calcium and panadol dosage)trust me you will never have to open your mouth t ever warn her again. Your body language will always send shivers down her spine for the rest of her life.

sweetie said...

She has pushed u to the wall, don't bother ursef she deserve hot slap cos she's brainless not u.I tink more hot slap we correct her brain so dat she can come to her senses

Anonymous said...

Guy, this your wife needs koboko .not the fancy one , the one made from horse tail .

Anonymous said...

She deserves the slap

Anonymous said...

There is something wrong somewhere bro. Was she like this while you were dating? There is something you are doing or not doing that is pissing her off. People change a lot but if there is no reason life partners do not change overnight. I am assuming that for you to have dated her for a while before marriage you either knew she was like this and went ahead or she wasnt like this but changed somehow somewhere down the lane. Take a look at the man in the mirror, evaluatr where you have gone wrong then make that change, then and only then should you talk to your wife on her behaviour. If i were you thats what i will do

SoftStudio said...

Revenge is an endless road that men take. Now that you've proved your point what next? Bro, you guys need counselling from a marriage expert.

Anonymous said...

oga ur wife nids prayer and counseling

Unknown said...

Some women can nag sha.just tell her ur sorry

Dinma said...

If you ask me, its very good for her. women have sharp mouth including me sef. Hwever men pls control ur temper cos if you follow our mouth una go kill us

Clintonspel said...

Oga please you did what you could. just leave her. you did the right thing and i think she will learn her lessons. How come you didn't notice the side of her before getting married to her?

leave her, if she is sensible, she will come to apologize.

Anonymous said...

First its totally wrong to slap a woman no matter how furious you get. My wife drives me nut at times but one way or the other I walk out of it. But then she slapped you back and that kind of neutralises the guilt to me. If she didnt slap you back then I would say do all it takes... Wonder who is the AlphaDog there.

dilinger said...

Path ways now or else you will find yourself in Ray Rice ' s shoes. If your partner is bringing out the worst in you, please leave that relationship. Remember the guy that stabbed his banker wife?? I am sure he is not a killer, but was provoked, now he has been condemned. A word is enough for the wise

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Obviously your wife has got attitude problems. Please who is footing the house bills???

Unknown said...

Kudos bro yu did the ryt thing.....

Anonymous said...

I am a lady. She deserved the slap fullstop!

Anonymous said...

she deserves more slap...dont know why some women behave like this.... not her fault because she see husband na why she dey do shakara

Anonymous said... brother, you did the right thing. There's nothing to make up for. She needs to be silenced once and for all. That's damn disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

She deserved d slap

Ms Bjay said...

She deserves just that if truly according to you she is that rude and saucy. Mehn, she needs some more resetting slaps pls. Next time she does that, please borrow her another sexy slap maybe she can be cautioned before she turns u to agbepo inside your own house or someone teaches her from outside for u. So many rude girls/women out there. oh Goodness!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Family wahala

Unknown said...

Please visit, you will find info on how to handle situations like this. all the best

Anonymous said...

take it easy with her and pray for change...also work on your temper

Anonymous said...

story for d gods part 4 u're a good composer. next story plssssss

Anonymous said...

well my dear have been in this situation before and i still fight my emotions up till now, never hit a woman no matter what goes wrong, my hitting my ex made me break up with her because i cant stand looking at her knowing that i hit her... just fight your emotion and try to pet her...

Unknown said...

Didnt u know who you were marrying? U gotta deal bruh...marriage aint no small issie

TemiAj said...

hmmn I am a woman and a wife and i know that there is a limit to which you can push your partner. Telling your spouse that they are brainless is porbably a bad idea and from your story it sounds like you were provoked (although this is just one side of the story)I think you both owe yourselves an appology and you need to work on your temper and her on her tongue. i would suggest you seat her down and you both talk though that might not be realistic because i can almost guarantee she will not take any part of the blame (i am a woman it is what we do) goodluck with your marriage and i wish you all the very best

Anonymous said...

U did well by slapping her, a wife is not to talk to her husband like that no matter how angry she might be.

Kola said...

Apologize to her rather than tell us here.

Anonymous said...

Ur wife is stupid shaa,atleast u av respect for ur hubby,why calling him brainless? Some women show shaa

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you slap her. Never let a woman take you for granted simply because of the "Its not good to beat women" thingy. She went beyond her limit and the best you could do was slap her. Next time she does something as worse as that, make sure you slap out the devil in her and give her another round of slap to install the Jesus into her decadent life.

Dozie said...

She pushed you till you lost it..why didn't you walk away as usual and cool off? Now you've hit her...its in the record. Women can make men do what they wont even dream of doing...You two should sit and talk. Make her understand it wasn't you. She should learn to talk to you as the man of the house not as a house boy. What ever makes her talk to you in the manner she does of recent should be addressed too.

Anonymous said...

i feel d anger in your comments,i am a woman n i knowwwww some women can just get on your nerves.she slapped u as well didn't she?send her a text msg 2 apologise 4 ds morning,if she is a GOOD WIFE & WOMAN she should have apologised 2 u already and if she hasn't,should do so once u do..end of fight.

Justyswt said...

She actually deserve the slap. Next time she will cautious when the talks or try to make her points.

Jasmyn said...

Am nt justifying ur act but ur wife is possess, annoying and disrespectful.. she wasn't trained to the fact that the man is the head of the house and should be treated as such... u knew her with such attitude yet went ahead to marry her.. take her for deliverance... I would recommend SCOAN.. am a lady, I dear not talk back at my husband not Becos am scared of him Becos he has my interest at hrt and respects me as well, above all I was trained to respect and adore my husband.. ther r one million and one ways of driving points home with out sounding insulting... a good wife keeps her home..

ary said...


Bookie said...

From what you have written, it shows your wife is manner less and does not respect you. She prolly pushed you to slapping her with her attitude and big mouth but I am not an advocate of men hitting their wives even if she deserves it like in your case.

You could have walked out like u always did.

You will definitely have a repeat of such attitude of hers. I will advise you do a video of this and report her to someone who is close to her in "her" family who can talk sense to her.

She needs to tame her tongue. Above all, you need to keep praying for each other that the devil will not come in between you two.

Apologise to her and when she is calm, let her know your hurts. Wish you all the best.

Kola said...

Go apologize to your wife rather than tell us here...ok?

Maha said...

Women and their bad mouth....
God help them!!

Anonymous said...

Lmaoooooooo @my wife can insult jesus christ nd jesus will slap her

Anonymous said...

You did well she deserves worse. No woman or man should use such insultive words on der partner

Anonymous said...

make it up by gettn pkankere against next time,she needs it.

A1 said...

Just ask her. For forgiveness. Although she really did wrong. Also next time try control ur anger or walk away like u said u always. No matter what a lady does,beating her is still a stupid act.

Anonymous said...

I tink u shld still be patient with her that is why u are a man. At times I used to act very stupid too bt tank God for my husband he is very patient and av bn praying 2 God to pls give me d spirit to stop that stupid behaviour so I wnt end been beaten one day.

Anonymous said...

I am not a party to that, but I know how we women can be, this one na just manual reset no be say you mean am, don't do it again, and as for your wife she should caution herself, we woman can provoke a dead man.

Unknown said...

Yeah,it's "lawfully" wrong to beat a woman..But a nagging and disrespectful type needs to be cautioned and thought some lessons at times,pending d time she changes her attitudes..Slapping her was just too ok! Next time,don't allow her to retaliate d slaps,run to room immediately when u sound her twice! If she comes to meet u there,dodge her own slaps and skillfully hold her and push her to d bed...What happens next would be fantastic.#wink

Anonymous said...

Some women can push you to the wall. You have been able to prove a point- the gentility of tiger is not because of timidity.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First of all feeling bad about for slapping her is a good sign that you regret what you did. And please, you are a man by natural and you don't need your wife to provoke you to do anything to show that you are. Please apologies to her and settle this issue today. And if possible talk to the person she listens to well to advice her on the insult thing because no man or never woman can leave with insults like that forever

Anonymous said...

she sounds like a hot tempered lady, just apologise to her and make her realise she was also wrong and aviod future confrontation betwen you guys. All the best bro

Unknown said...

Don't lament here.
Step I: Go and beg her to forgive you.
Step II: Pray to God so He could forgive u for hurting the gift HE gave to u.
Step III: get books on anger management and temperamental control

Anonymous said...

somes wife's lack d way d talk to their
husband's,been thru it

Jamiegold said...

Heheheheheheheh.. I rarely comment on this blog! But mehn, #pauses for a while to laff again! #okay u re a good man! Now understand that u re human and dats why u did that! But pls don't eva try it again! A real man never raises his hands against a woman! Pele!

Anthonia Davies said...

First things first, you knew your wife and her character before you married her. My point is certain things she does really shouldn't piss you off if you really love her. For me, when things like this happen, all you need do is press ignore and move forward. Pressing ignore is allowing her talk all she wants and letting her shut up when she is done. She will even be the one to feel stupid and apologize. I am saying this as a lady ooh, truth is that we can have issues and sometimes we just need to frustrate someone to feel better. So it left for you to understand. For this matter, you are totally at fault (for not understanding) and should go through heaven and earth to apologize. Anything you know she loves best, you better start doing and tell her that it will never happen again because ideally, it shouldn't. I really hope this helps. Good day.

Anonymous said...

CHAIIIYAH!!! the did is done already but u can buy her a special gift, take her to places she has never been before, or places she loves going to, remind her how much u love and cherish her, look straight into her eyes and tell her u are sorry. and after that dont try it again.

for the lady, she has to learn how to talk.

via official intercom

Anonymous said...

Finally, you have become a MAN.... Slapping women ain't wrong, if you need to put her to order. The world thanks you for growing some balls.


Anonymous said...

Dear poster abeg park well joor! You come here to paint your wife as the devil to justify ur slapping her and now u r asking us if we think you did the right thing? Mtscheew i'm sure if they ask your wife she will give a different account of what transpired. The deed has been done so live with it and move on.

Unknown said...

And yet we keep complaining about domestic violence. Seriously some gals can push u to the limit once they notice u are being too mild on them. I have no say in this matter.

I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

Anonymous said...

Dont be stupid. You've done it. You have to keep doing it to put her in line, because she would continue to push the limits. I sincerely wish you never slapped her at all. There are things men can do, that women would never, ever, be confrontational, ever. But, since you have crossed the line by going Physical, you have to continue on that Path, until you both understand you are not Animals but Human Beings, who should be reasonable at all times. I dont advise you to apologise, since she slapped you back. She would always take advantage of that forever. Dont be a sissy. Last note, you have to wait this out. Dont talk, Dont apologise, Dont eat at home, Dont pick calls, If possible, dont even sleep at home until she does apologise. Knowing women, if you put her through Hell now, she would never try it again. But if you become a sissy, and go loving up and all that; your imprisonment has just begun. I read you are newly married? The only downside is a seperation, in which case, the earlier the better. So cross your fingers and use your uncommon brain this time to defeat her emotionally, mentally and tackle her effectiveyl without going Physical. Stupid boy.

Head Honcho said...

You're a douche. Here is how it is 'That day you'll raise your hand and beat a woman be it wife,GF,mum,Sister,'ve lost what it is that makes a man a man. And u will never ever recover it'. I've watched my mum and dad quarel a lot of times. Never before has my dad ever raised his hand to hit her. You've failed Mr. YOU'VE FAILED AS A MAN!!!

Anonymous said...

I pray u dnt become aa woman beater becos dis is hw it start,a matured man wil ignore her completely ,wen she finish rantin she wil stp ,jst apologise to her nd dnt try it again#bebo

Anonymous said...

oboi u do correct tin

Anonymous said...

Biko help me slap her can she called her husband brainless and kips repeating it?

Anonymous said...

I want to ask you one question, is she the bread winner of the family? i know why i am asking this question, most women who are bread winners are not happy when they wearing a man's shoe whereas the man stays at home and do nothing! for her to be telling you that you have no common sense means a lot because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Please get something doing if u are not doing anything now because women respect men that takes care of them and their kids. You know the whole story i don't but from experience i know that most women who their husbands are breadwinners respect them a lot. Pls two of you should resolve whatever that is causing problem in your home, talk to her something about you is making her very angry. pls find out what it is and resolve it amicably. good luck!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad. Some women actually do enjoy being slapped around sometimes. She wanted it and that's why she pushed you into doing it. She's gonna want more I bet you.

#king said...

ermm well my bro..u made a point bt nxt time dont slap her..ignore her..If u wanna make it up to her..rush to d closest market n buy food stuff for her fav local dish..With enuff kpomo cos soon it will be scarce................................#KingOfKings

Kriss said...

I'd advise dt u go apologise to her. Hopefully, she'd undastnd considerin d fact dt u had neva treated her in dt manner b4. Nxt tym, always fink of d after-effect b4 acting. 1st to comment. Ask4kreesto

Olorun Loba $$ ... said...

Once a beater always a beater ... Apologize to her for hitting her even when she's wrong, after all you've know her for several years like you said ...

Debbie Chelsea said...

Women can over do tinz @ dear just apologize 2 her n let everytin just go,cos 2 wrongs cnt make a right.....n pls dnt beat her again biko....


I said it yesterday on Ray Rice's story that some women don't get turned on until you beat the demons out of them. My brother you should devise another disciplinary means to dealing with your wife, just avoid hitting her next time. I have some ego and if I'm wrong I apologize but not when I'm not wrong. She's your wife sha so deal very carefully! Wish u d best!!


Anonymous said...

You guys need marriage counseling

Anonymous said...

I am a lady, we run our mouths too much. Let this be the last tym u'll slap her. Good a thing u slapped her tho. the slap will teach her a lesson.
My suggestion is - close from work on time, drive to her office and pick her up for a special dinner. buy a red, white and pink rose rose flower.

Anonymous said...

Its good your feeling bad cos its not good to hit a woman not even Ur wife,but am sure she will forgive you,we must understand that women are very annoying and their greatest weapon is their mouth, so no matter how terrible you feel try not to hit her again. there are so many other ways u can get to her to make her stop talking to you any how.

Anonymous said...

U didn't do anytin wrong.d slap was needed.

Anonymous said...

my dear, you didn't a woman and i say well done at least for once you've made her understand that u aren't brainless...she pushed you to do it, not once but several times.

Funto said...

Wetin we no go see for all these blogs and people forming comig here to ask for advise... u slapped her, she slapped u back and ure coming to ask whether u crossed the do we know ur line, let alone know whether u crossed it...
Bros abeg park well... there are greater issues in the world to deal with... some of u just want to write something sha!!! Thats how yest i saw someone asking for help on a blog cuz she has been bleeding for days after having doggy with bf ad she didnt know wt to do... so she just dey house dey bleed dey ask bloggers for advise, hospital haff finish kwanu?

PURPLE said...

I commend ur patience. Damn. If that's d truth, then u tried

Anonymous said...

apologize....and leave your marital issues off social media!


Anonymous said...

some women are just DEVIL in disguise...u can tempt job in d bible to deny GOd.

Anonymous said...

No hun u did d right thing cus she went ovr board.although a man shld neva hit a woman but in dis case u are right bcus she saw u as a weak man dats y she had d guts to insult u.women shld respect their husbands nd according to dis message i think u re calm,a sweet husband too,mybe nw dat uve slapd her she ll ve a lil respect for u but dnt make it a opinion tho

Anthonia Davies said...

First things first, you knew your wife and her character before you married her. My point is certain things she does really shouldn't piss you off if you really love her. For me, when things like this happen, all you need do is press ignore and move forward. Pressing ignore is allowing her talk all she wants and letting her shut up when she is done. She will even be the one to feel stupid and apologize. I am saying this as a lady ooh, truth is that we can have issues and sometimes we just need to frustrate someone to feel better. So it left for you to understand. For this matter, you are totally at fault (for not understanding) and should go through heaven and earth to apologize. Anything you know she loves best, you better start doing and tell her that it will never happen again because ideally, it shouldn't. I really hope this helps. Good day.

Opeyemi obanewa said...

Every man has a snapping point. I can't even blame you cos your wife pre-empted it. Ask God for forgiveness, you don't owe your wife any apology, its only God .

Anonymous said...

She deserves it. you are soooooo not wrong.

cece said...

just apologize to her with a gift and a kiss

Anonymous said...

Nah I dont't think you went beyond. Your wife does not respect you and she should know her limit. You are a victim of domestic violence too. The slap is a warning shot that you are not harmless and just like she has emotions, you also do. I even think you should go back home today and give her another one - explain to her that you just feel like slapping her, just like it is so easy for her to insult you and call you brainless. Chop Knocku for the slap joor

Anonymous said...

Now I see why your wife said you are brainless because you feel bad after slapping did the right thing,I am not in support of a man hitting a woman, but you did the right thing and stop feeling guilty...why would a Wife fucking tell her husband he is Brainless...Even Prophet Moses in the Bible who is a meek man, will slap a lady if she tells him he is Brainless....from your story so far,I think your wife is the head of your me you are the Wife and she is your a man learn how to control your Home

Anonymous said...

...Well from your explanation I can only say yhu've proved ur point to her but it not Good to beat a Female not to talk of ones wife. Actually I wil want you to apologise to Her. Female(s) can frustrate sum1 to the point of doing sometin so drastic but a little patience could solve the whole issssh like yhu've always been during prior to 2day's incident. Pls Apologise to her.

Anonymous said...

She pushed u 2 doing it,if she is a reasoning type,she ought 2 accept ur apology if u apologies.

yoyo said...

1. You can't be temperamental and be patient
2. If truly she did what u said, then she deserves a slap.
3. I think u both should apologize.

Unknown said...

Hmm..can't believe I took my time to read this..well Mr Man just Man Up n apologise to her 4 hitting her n then find ways to b in charge of ur home bcos I clearly think u were never d head of d family if ur wife could insult u with those "heavy" insults..hmm "brainless"..I wil even loose my temper if my boss if he calls me that..

Walata said...

Mehnnnnn slapping is a way of cautioning her nna I ddnt see anyfin wrong with dat bcos u have been cwarning her to stop saying u are brainless but she refuse to stop so she deserved the slap not battery or bully at least she will know you are the man, but u can still pet her to calm everyfin

Anonymous said...

No you did all those 'I don't hit a lady' shit...sometimes its that she knows u can hurt someone,she wont use that line again...but try not to get into argument with her pls...apologise...

Anonymous said...

eventhough i do not condone your act, you didn't do badly.

this is just like what kaylah and freeze were saying yesterday on cool fm. women stop provoking your men just because you think if he retaliates, it will be term domestic violence and you win.

men are human too.

it is very wrong to hit anyone one (male/female)


Anonymous said...


She migt nt mean dem d way she say dem cus she knws ur harmless,silent wud hv hurt her mre.

Anonymous said...

Oga u are human, it is in ur nature to err. N then u r humane, u feel some remorse. We the womenfolk forgive u. Now apologise to ur wife, jst for d sake of peace. Be the bigger person.
Ehen, madam wife....ur mouth wey sharp like blade, I hope u reading dis. some men wud Hv dismembered u so nobody will find ur body. R u a christian? Or Muslim? Even traditional religion does not support disrespect to husbands. Learn now that a man's love language is respect, respect dis humble man n see if he will nt give u d world. If u choose nt to change, n d man run leave u, pls Dnt come here crying "fowl". For now u will b placed under probation n stripped of d title Virtuous Woman till further notice.

Unknown said...

actually,u did nothing wrong because you've endured so long & couldnt control ur temper......all you need do is sit her down & have a heart to heart talk with her......with that i hope she'll change.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hi Bro, in as much as i understand ur angle as a male, i'll recon you control ur self better next time. Decent men dont hit women!!! its not easy i understand. i wonder if ur woman gets loose wit her tongue outside and she gets beat up. that would still be devastating to u nid to sit her down to talk her into watching how she speaks. Also, try a soft refresher conversation during good times. i can recommend 50 better punishments for a woman instead of beating her. 1st is "IGNORE HER". email me for others.

Nil said...

A beg baba free, she had it coming. Next time try to walk away, but in the first place your wife is too troublesome. See finish too plenty for your relationship. Is she the one paying the bills in the home?

Anonymous said...

heyyy. The woman's mouth must be a razor blade. Insult Jesus!!.

Unknown said...

"She said I shouldn't do something and I told her its not a big deal if I did it"
no.1 what is the something
no.2 I see your EGO play out here
no.3 You feel guilty already
There are 2 sides to a story and judging from your own side u even know u are wrong,I'm not saying your wife is not at fault too but its a good thing u realise your mistake,sit her down and let her know u don't like her insults and its one thing she has to stop,as for making it up to her,u alone know her weakpoint,well i'll say get her a gift but again u know better plus u sound like a good man

Anonymous said...

first of all,what were you both doing in the kitchen this morning, una no dey work? secondly ur wife pushed too hard,it was wrong of u to have gotten violent ,it is infact criminal in lagos to get violent but she crossed the line also. I am a wife also,i insulted my husband one day and he slapped me out of anger,i got really mad moved out of the house with the kids, he came begging,really really remorseful,i forgave him and it has never and will never happen again but I learnt my lesson too,to make my point without insulting him. she will forgive u if its not something u often do.

bunmi said...

Kiss her, caresss her nd fuck her like u ve neva done b4. It will sure settle d score

Anonymous said...

Well, d secret is that u guys better learn to resolve ur arguments in creatively friendly manner instead of her insulting u and thus pushing u to d limit of slapping her. It's all about d art of communication, u guys should just learn how it can affect ur relationship

Anonymous said...

heyyy. The woman's mouth must be a razor blade. Insult Jesus!!.

Livvsreamblog said...

From your explanation there is nothing to make up,you are the husband and if your wife disrespect or talk to you in a dirty manner,a slap is okay to reset her brain back to me next time she will control her mouth

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say oh!! But your wife lacks manners... There are dozens of girls out here looking for husband and ur wife is behaving like dis. My dear she deserves more than slaps..biko CME ova I no get boyfriend n trust me NVR to insult you

Anonymous said...

A round of applause to the coward that slapped his wife for being human but can never and would never raise his hand on his female boss even when she bosses him around........ The thing is 'your wife have a higher iq and deduductive reasoning than you' and she wants you to step it up in "logical thinking".....There are some guys dt can never get it right, we all hv such male relatives and male frnds!!! They are slow,lazy and mentally useless....You slapped uR wife? Pray dt u r lucky as Ray rice, you hit her and she is alive...You might not be luCky nexttime, we hv too many men in prison dt hv killed dia wives through dometiC violence and leaving innocent children dt dy brought into this world to wallow in uncertainty and depression..... You wife can't make a point across without throwing insults and you too hv sucumbed to the level dt you can't make your point without using your fist- I feel bad for you!#cheEzyjayne

Anonymous said...

She deserve it. Pls apologize to her

Anonymous said...

i dont think you went beyond ur limit. that slap u gave her is called reset control file

Anonymous said...

i dont think you went beyond ur limit. that slap u gave her is called reset control file

Rhoda said...

'My wife can insult Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ will slap her' You made a wrong decision in marrying her in the first place going by the above definition of her...its your cross now..pray God grants you more patience that can cook a stone!

Anonymous said...

Hello Poster, First of all, i must commend you for owning up to your act of perpetuating violence against your wife because even though you call it a slap, it is what it is:"An act of violence" and in this case , domestic violence.

There are varying degrees of this issue and most times, it starts with just a nudge, a slap,insults etc.

Now, as a professional, please, permit me to tell you that you both need counselling and fast; because there is a fundamental problem already brewing its ugly head in your relationship which if not timely addressed, will further degenerate to something worse.

Yes, there always seems to be a reason for battering but the first duty you owe yourself, is to be accountable for any violent act of yours,irrespective of you wife's behavior which like you explained in your post,acts like a catalyst which triggers your own reaction. No, this is not the major issue unfortunately. You and you alone are responsible for this act. It is a choice you decided to make and carry out. If you have a boss at the office, no matter how he/she pushes you beyond your limit, you would control your emotions i presume?so you see, domestic violence or violence of any kind is a choice we as individuals make.

Your wife on her own part is also already exhibiting traits of domestic violence. Not only women are victims of domestic violence but they can also be batterers.So you see, having both of you playing out roles of both batterers and victims makes your situation as a couple kind of complex but not to worry, nothing the right approach and strategy will not rectify as long as their is mutual willingness on both your parts to correct this situation.

So without sounding like a broken record,i will strongly advice you and your wife look for the nearest professional to counsel with you two(and i don't mean a pastor, i mean a well trained and licensed counselor especially a domestic violence specialist; if such a person is a pastor also, all the better but be sure the person is properly certified to handle such cases and not just one basing his/her approach on religious sentiments) and i believe all will return to normalcy in your marriage.

I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

Olodo! Is she ur size?

For hitting her u have proven urself a weak man

Bibby Palace said...

To be sincere,Ladies statement at time can move to the extent of provoking partner,I dnt blame us that is how we are created it takes God grace to control the act..
My advise is Firstly Ask God for forgiveness becos is a sin for u to raise ur hand against ur wife, ask for the strength to accept individual differences,ask that God should take control of ur wife heart to realize her mistake and to control her power of tongue becos both of u are guilty of the act for her to slap u back....
Secondly..Ask ur wife for forgiveness and l pray God be,help and guide ur family....

Ladies pls let us note our words,statement and action.Dnt let us destroy our home with the power of our tougue,talkless wen u see ur partner is angry....And l pray may God help us..Amen

Anonymous said...

Awwww, you both should talk about it and maybe call in a counselor with the whole insult thing

Anonymous said...

Nawah o really feel ur pain bro, just let her know how sorry u her to have done dat also let her realise her words hitted u so bad dat u couldn't control ur temper after warning her. Also learn how to be patient no matter wat d situation is cos it might be in another case which is not involving ur wife and u will loose control n destroy everytin. But ur wife too get for hand sha wives learn how to be submissive and respectful to ur husband o just my own opinion

Anonymous said...

Nawah o really feel ur pain bro, just let her know how sorry u her to have done dat also let her realise her words hitted u so bad dat u couldn't control ur temper after warning her. Also learn how to be patient no matter wat d situation is cos it might be in another case which is not involving ur wife and u will loose control n destroy everytin. But ur wife too get for hand sha wives learn how to be submissive and respectful to ur husband o just my own opinion

Unknown said...

Oh my Lord, u r so wrong night.


We are human so will all hate insult,you should have known the kind of lady she is before you marry her.just let her known what you want and beg her to forgive you

Angie said...

First of all, what were you doing in the kitchen in the morning?. Don't you have a job?..
Biko egbukwana nwanyi mmadu out of frustration.

*My R1.50c comment*

Anonymous said...

some women shaaaaaaaaaa. I am a woman and i know some women can over do it sometimes. secondly, we are hearing it from one side sha so from this side i am hearing it, and if true, she pushed you to it. At the same time, there is no excuse for hitting a woman and you must have seen it before you married her and decided to live with it, so apologize and next time take the other alternatives you listed! Cheers!

wale said...

Yeah bro, u went too far. However I know how you feel. My wife is the same way. She can say the worst things without thinking and if u mistakenly say a word she doesn't like, she will have a fit!

Just try and make it up to her. Buy gifts if you can. Apologize to her. Let her know it isn't you and she shld pls help you by watching the kinda words she uses. And next time she does it, just leave the room for her. Apparently women have a crazy switch that takes a while to shut down.

Anonymous said...

Well, in as much as no one likes a nagging nor abusive person less your spouse, I still do not support your ever raising your hand on her. Learn to always ignore and when the urge to do something stupid like what you did comes up, just withdraw from that place and regain your sanity before returning.

Linda, how can I please make a post that you can publish?

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmn some woman can get bad mouth sha, u should have left her.

Anonymous said...

u shud have walked away as usual women are temptation, pls try and make up with her.

Anonymous said...

I usually do NOT comment on this blog, so linda pls pls pls, post this.
The first step is you even feeling bad about it, that shows remorse, it means you are not a monster and you recognize that what you did was wrong. While I am an ardent advocate against any sort of violence esp against women, I would say that some women can actually test the patience of a monk. Those women push you to the limit and force you to react.
I am sorry you took that step and lifted your hands against her, this may have opened a door you might not be able to close, you can however if you decide never to again. Please note that i'm not saying this because of your wife who clearly likes confrontations, this is for you, for your peace of mind, for who you are. Don't let any woman push you to the point of no return. It is absolutely wrong for her to hit you and vice versa. Calmly walk away the next time she does it. and I tell you there are many many more ways to punish her. Ignoring her is one of them. And I think you should sit and talk to her too

Anonymous said...

F*%k her hard, i mean make up sex always clear head, mind and heart plus it always fun. Just give it to her in a way she never had it before. #Shikena #Lobatan #Ijapari

ehinome said...

you did the right thing on no acc should a woman insult her husband for whateva time she wont try it.girls they causes all theses to themselves..mscheew

Anonymous said...

Women! We talk too much but that's not a yardstick for you to slap her. You shld apologize and she shld do same too.

Anonymous said...

Drink Origin, relax and watch Super sport 3 no need of making anything up....don't act brainless by saying sorry, Let her apologize first.....okunrinie

Anonymous said...

We women will complain about violent men but we won’t conduct ourselves as women should. Very rude behaviour.

Why will you push your man to the point of anger like this? Name-calling is very immature. You won’t even call your girlfriend “brainless” to her face. She will certainly slap you. Don't taunt your man. Respect him and let him respect you too. It’s that simple...
Sir, I forgive you but don’t let it happen again. When you notice her mood, please leave and get a cold beer as usual.

Anonymous said...

D deed has been done, just move on. She'll probably rub it whenever she gets a chance. Just ensure it never happens again.

Unknown said...

Some women can like to assist devil sha!!!!! If u feel like dis already, den apology is a small tin 4u... Make up sex is d answer noni

Anonymous said...

lolzzzz..husband and wife mara.... anyways the slap is good. she pushed u too it. I am a woman i know our mouth na wahala if e open. so i would rather u ignore her for a while she would arrange. if she get sense she would realize she is being stupid. trust me am talking from experience.

Anonymous said...

How could she have purposefully married a brainless husband, she must be the biggest dump for doing that.....I think her character shows the kind of woman that she is.....she even slap you back kekekekekekekek.....

Yinkadec10 said...

You guys should have a "make up sex" to get over it

Unknown said...

Long story
Anyway caution yourself man, some of them can be so annoying
Slapping her isn't the way out, talk sense into her often... She will change in matter of time


Cute G said...

Lmao @ the heading. Just apologise to her.Now that's she's seen proofs that she's been looking for all these while, she'll retrace her brain.

Anonymous said...

Even the bible condemns nagging, your wife needs Jesus...But Brotherly do u really act brainless, cos some men can be so urgggghhhhh. In any case, apologise,make your points valid tel her you hate insults...goodluck

Mr P said...

First of all you need to call her NOW, as in now now and give her the most sincere apology you have ever given.
You are apologizing, not because she is right, but because you are also wrong.
You see hitting a woman makes a man seem wrong in all context of the argument, even though, we can see from
your explanation that you have been provoked, but this is your side of the story, we havent heard hers.
From what you described, it seems you are the non-chalant/ flexible type of person, and your wife is a bit
more calculated and principled. Both characters are unique, have their advantages and also imperfections.
As different as this is, it is actually a blessing for both of u. Why? because life comes at us from
different angles, what you handle with principles and rigidity today, might require a whole lot of
flexibility tomorrow. Sometimes she takes the drivers seat, other times you do, its not a competition of who has more sense
Marriage life is all about harmonizing the differences. Your wife should however appreciate
your common sense and also be confident of her unique sense, your senses and approach to life should work
side by side, not on a head-on collision course against each other. You also need to cherish your wife's
pricipled ways, because I am sure her firmness would have saved your ass a lot of times, if you love her
and you know she sees an issue wrong in somethings, then you need to make all the conscious effort to see
things from her point of view and to understand her, and most importantly let her know you understand her.
It seems like provocation pushed you to hit her, but it is also provocation that is pushing her to abuse you.
Brother the most important part of a woman's communication is that which is not being said, so pay attention
to that woman well. The fact that you feel bad and talking about it LIB shows you are not too far down the
bumpy road of marital violence. Call her, apologize, tell her you love her and try to listen to her lower
voices. God bless your home.

Unknown said...

Ur wife obviously cant control her mouth..... Just be more careful nextime not to repeat it again.......... U cant collect d slap bak na... so just apologise nd be more careful wit her

Mr P said...

First of all you need to call her NOW, as in now now and give her the most sincere apology you have ever given.
You are apologizing, not because she is right, but because you are also wrong.
You see hitting a woman makes a man seem wrong in all context of the argument, even though, we can see from
your explanation that you have been provoked, but this is your side of the story, we havent heard hers.
From what you described, it seems you are the non-chalant/ flexible type of person, and your wife is a bit
more calculated and principled. Both characters are unique, have their advantages and also imperfections.
As different as this is, it is actually a blessing for both of u. Why? because life comes at us from
different angles, what you handle with principles and rigidity today, might require a whole lot of
flexibility tomorrow. Sometimes she takes the drivers seat, other times you do, its not a competition of who has more sense
Marriage life is all about harmonizing the differences. Your wife should however appreciate
your common sense and also be confident of her unique sense, your senses and approach to life should work
side by side, not on a head-on collision course against each other. You also need to cherish your wife's
pricipled ways, because I am sure her firmness would have saved your ass a lot of times, if you love her
and you know she sees an issue wrong in somethings, then you need to make all the conscious effort to see
things from her point of view and to understand her, and most importantly let her know you understand her.
It seems like provocation pushed you to hit her, but it is also provocation that is pushing her to abuse you.
Brother the most important part of a woman's communication is that which is not being said, so pay attention
to that woman well. The fact that you feel bad and talking about it LIB shows you are not too far down the
bumpy road of marital violence. Call her, apologize, tell her you love her and try to listen to her lower
voices. God bless your home.

Unknown said...

Ur wife obviously cant control her mouth..... Just be more careful nextime not to repeat it again.......... U cant collect d slap bak na... so just apologise nd be more careful wit her

Mr P said...

First of all you need to call her NOW, as in now now and give her the most sincere apology you have ever given.
You are apologizing, not because she is right, but because you are also wrong.
You see hitting a woman makes a man seem wrong in all context of the argument, even though, we can see from
your explanation that you have been provoked, but this is your side of the story, we havent heard hers.
From what you described, it seems you are the non-chalant/ flexible type of person, and your wife is a bit
more calculated and principled. Both characters are unique, have their advantages and also imperfections.
As different as this is, it is actually a blessing for both of u. Why? because life comes at us from
different angles, what you handle with principles and rigidity today, might require a whole lot of
flexibility tomorrow. Sometimes she takes the drivers seat, other times you do, its not a competition of who has more sense
Marriage life is all about harmonizing the differences. Your wife should however appreciate
your common sense and also be confident of her unique sense, your senses and approach to life should work
side by side, not on a head-on collision course against each other. You also need to cherish your wife's
pricipled ways, because I am sure her firmness would have saved your ass a lot of times, if you love her
and you know she sees an issue wrong in somethings, then you need to make all the conscious effort to see
things from her point of view and to understand her, and most importantly let her know you understand her.
It seems like provocation pushed you to hit her, but it is also provocation that is pushing her to abuse you.
Brother the most important part of a woman's communication is that which is not being said, so pay attention
to that woman well. The fact that you feel bad and talking about it LIB shows you are not too far down the
bumpy road of marital violence. Call her, apologize, tell her you love her and try to listen to her lower
voices. God bless your home.

Anonymous said...

Haaa,lyk seriously?u are feeling bad to jst slap her afta heaving insult on u?dey dia,one day she wil still insult u in public,in front of ha frnd nd den u will be labelled a weakling,I guess she wil be boasting to ha frnds dah she can stand up to ha husband nd no man can hit ha,d woman geh liver o

Anonymous said...

Tell her what u feel about hitting her and tell her u were provoked

Anonymous said...

divorce her ...kiding... Well its no big tym dnt slap her...just give it back to her like...u dnt really av much of a brain urself to av married a brainless dude like me....about making up its her a range rover...... @FJB

Anonymous said...

well if u ask me, i,ll say u did d right thing cos women somtimes we need somthin lik dt to bring us back to our senses. it nt right at all to call ur hubby names and even cum to think to it that u help her out wit d breakfast n she still naggs abeg jooh i hop d slap was a very hot one

Unknown said...

Seriously you come on Linda's blog to ask 4 advice? What happened to speaking to your mom, dad or someone who is mature in mind to help you out! Instead of an advice you might just receive insults worse than that of your wife's here #IAmJustSaying

Anonymous said...

What she said was terrible, slapping her is out of character also. U shld av headbutted her, her head wld av come back to normal.

Littlefinger said...

Brother, I know that feeling cos my ex gf was something similar to your wife. What I always do whenever her dark passenger arrives is I just walk out on her. Since you've always known this character of hers even before getting married to her then you should be able to endure the insults her dark passenger orders her to throw at you. Anyways sha, when you get back from work, try and get her something she really loves and apologize to her and calmly let her know what she did was wrong...
Good luck bro.

Anonymous said...

First of all Jesus can only slap her if she has insulted him 70 times 7 times in a day, Secondly, u should talk to her when she's in a good mood, tell her how you feel when she talks to you that way, finally, pray for her to understand, change and to also forgive you.
You are a reasonable man. Good luck!

Neekee said...

Hmm poster I feel ur pain but is it that u dint know this was her ch

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to the poster's wife, there are some women who just make it difficult for others who are genuinely facing domestic violence situations. The lady is probably telling friends and colleagues how her husband is a beast who hit her. To the poster, point is whatever you do is a choice that you made, regardless of the other person's conduct. As such, you have to take full responsibility for your conduct. It's good that you feel bad, it means that there is some good in you. Next time find your way around the situation; hitting a woman will always be cowardice and nothing else. Is she were your mother, do you think it would be permissible to hit her? Let that be the guide the next time you are about to flare up. Apologize and make up, it's marriage and it is for life.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to the poster's wife, there are some women who just make it difficult for others who are genuinely facing domestic violence situations. The lady is probably telling friends and colleagues how her husband is a beast who hit her. To the poster, point is whatever you do is a choice that you made, regardless of the other person's conduct. As such, you have to take full responsibility for your conduct. It's good that you feel bad, it means that there is some good in you. Next time find your way around the situation; hitting a woman will always be cowardice and nothing else. Is she were your mother, do you think it would be permissible to hit her? Let that be the guide the next time you are about to flare up. Apologize and make up, it's marriage and it is for life.

Monkey Face said...


I honestly think u reached Ur limit....

Go n sin no more***
Although that wife of yours deserved what she got.

Unknown said...

My dear u didn't go beyond anything. ...infact she deserves that and more

Neekee said...

Poster I feel ur pain buh is it that u dint know she was like dis before u married her cos obviously if that's her attitude she will insult u more n more and God help u u push her she hits her head in a wrong place and something happens

Osasemma said...

Some women can push a man to d wall often at times. You shouldn't have slapped her though but I bet u, next time she will think twice before talking to u. I insulted my bf once, but d kind of look he gave me cautioned me. said...

Do you know emotional abuse is as bad as a physical one. She was wrong on so many levels, but u should have kept ur normal cool. She needs to admit she was VERY! wrong too or you will never win the battle.

Anonymous said...

just apologize for slapping her and make it clear that u wouldn't tolerate any insult for her any longer and if your wife LOVES you she might be d first to apologize for calling brainless .But guy your wife is manner-less can she insult her colleagues like that? .....xoxox peggylicous

Unknown said...

Your wife does not have regards n respect for u. Quite a shame. It is unfortunate dat she pushed u this hard to react in such a manner. U need to check urself to know where the disrespect is coming from, are u a jobless husband Or is she d bread winner of the family? If u don't sort this out first, am afraid u have been initiated into d club of wife beaters association. U both owe each other apologies.

Anonymous said...

Well done man!!! You're a true African man. She deserves to be kicked in the womb. Leave her to cry, don't say sorry cus it will make do it next time.

Dezmondation said...

So sad, you did slap your wife bro!
I am married so I understand how it feels.
My Advice: Relax. Don't do anything stupid again like going on your knees or begging her or apologising just yet. There will be time for those. But for now, just relax and keep to yourself and watch her. She'll come to you. Let her realize that she crossed her lines. She'll apologise if she is the type or she'll try to make it up to you in kind. Then you can open up, apologise to her and spoil her with a gift or treat, tell her you wont do that again and mean it.


Unknown said...

Big ups bro... relax and v a bottle of Orijin

Anonymous said...

Why is this even a discussion? Maybe you are brainless like your wife has said. You know she has a mouth...if that's something you cannot handle...why did you marry her?

Anonymous said...

I pray that God helps you to continue to get a hold of your emotions and not allow it to result into hitting a woman or anybody for that matter. Does she deserve the slap? YES. Is it the right thing to do? NO.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you were wrong.

The same way you walk away when a male folk insults you should be the same when your wife does.

There is no excuse for hitting an adult or a woman for that matter.

Going forward, work a strategy that enables you avoid getting physical with your wife.

Anonymous said...

my guy, u didn't do any thing all..she's a bitch to call her husband a brainless man..atleast small slap was needed in dis situation to correct her..

Unknown said...

Yeah. U shud apologyz 2ha 4 slappng ha. Nxt tym u ignore ha n walk away. She wil km bk 2ha senses n apologyz 2u.Its nt gud 4 a man slap or beat a woman. U v bn tryng,kip it up. Dnt b temptd again.

Anonymous said...

I think you should both see a shrink. But for the a while pls stay apart. I didn't say pray or go meet your pastor. See a professional shrink.

mariamah said...

She deserves it. some times we blame the man without knowing how bad the woman is. FYI I am a woman.

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