Diana Ross forces son to get a prenup to protect her $500m fortune | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 10 September 2014

Diana Ross forces son to get a prenup to protect her $500m fortune

Legendary singer Diana Ross is worth over $500m and she'll do anything to protect it. Her youngest son, Evan Ross, 26, married Ashley Simpson, 29, on Aug. 30th and according to reports, Evan had been planning to marry Ashley without a pre-nup...that's until his mother heard about his plans..

From Star Magazine

According to insiders, the legendary singer had her lawyers draw up a prenuptial agreement that was more than 300 pages long in order to protect her estimated $500 million net worth. “If Ashlee didn’t sign that document, the wedding was never going to happen,” says a source. “She’s far from poor, but her money pales in comparison to what Evan will inherit one day.” 
While the actor didn’t want a prenup, Diana, 70, who’s been married twice before, refused to take a chance.


Anonymous said...

Very important..... we know she went to the rich and married for love but Nne sign

Anonymous said...

if na me i would do the same... all this tear eyes babes.


Smart woman,good move coz these girls ain't loyal.


Unknown said...


Bishop Dammy said...

Diana trying to be wise and safe I guess.. It is well. Prov 12:27. BishopDammy#

Michael said...

good one

ILcity's Finest

Unknown said...

Kk next!!!!

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Their cup of beans !!

Anonymous said...

too much money

WARNING GUY: When A Woman Lays On Your Chest, this is what she is Up to (must See )

Anonymous said...

Good! Knock some sense into this little boys head. Oyibo dey only marry for money b4...not love

Unknown said...


I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

Unknown said...

Sharp woman
Prenup is the best, this guy is so in love.


Debbie Chelsea said...


Angels Mummy said...

Nice one Diana

Unknown said...

I lyk ds woman

Anonymous said...

Smart woman, the longest legs in the game.... She knows daz whatsup and she dosnt wnt her son to be another 'Tiger woods'..#cheEZyjayne

Daralohi said...

Lol Dianna is afraid she might divorce in future and cart away with all his wealth, nice move by his mother.

Unknown said...

I love this whole pre-nuptial idea, I its applicable here in Nigeria..

Bonita Bislam said...

Its always about the money! Vanity

Unknown said...

looool... $500million!! who will wanna take chances with such amount!! hell nah!!

Unknown said...

I would do the same thing too,she worked hard for that money.

Anonymous said...

I Dont blame her ..aint nobody gonna reap from her what they didn't sow...Go Diana..

#king said...

hw com she gat 500 milli..2 much moni..............................#KingOfKings

xtr112 said...

Right call,Diana.

Anonymous said...

Divorce is a sure thing,so,a stitch in time in this case,saves $500million.

ary said...

good idea, Hollywood marriages are business ventures and media flings.

Liflblog.wordpress.com said...

Can't say i blame her. Pls visit my blog Liflblog.WordPress.com & live your BEST life!

Olubukola Ozone said...

70yrs?? And she looks dis young and beautiful? Dis is realy nice

Anonymous said...

That's mother for you #bright bravo#

Unknown said...

I support the pre nup idea and think the son consider it too......

Anonymous said...

I dont actually blame her sha...thanks to the likes of kim kardashian

Unknown said...

smart black chica...if na u nko..
if u ain't no punk holla we want prenup.....-kanye west

Janelicious said...


Anonymous said...

In chris brown's voice **Diz hoes ain't loyal**

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Best decision before know it she will want a divorce.
Face of lib

tuffcookiey said...

Pls protect ur hard earned dols.. amaro ndi ana ezezi kitaa..

Naija babe said...

Eh hen! These gurls aint loyal. Grandma sef know. heehhehehehehehehe..... She no wan make dis gold digger on a mission clear everything she has worked very hard to achieve.

Well done granny!

Cynthia Iyede said...

Mama wey sharp! She knws what they do n her son is blinded by love n can't see so she's doing d seeing for him. Ki owo ma lo wo igbo (make money no go enter bush) lol

Aymii said...

Annnhhhh!! .......sharp Akata woman!!! ........she won't let no Anorexic white woman steal her life's sweat from her son the name of love! .....#Cool#

On 2 the Next!

Anonymous said...

Wise Mother protecting the pussy whipped son!!!

bone-straight said...

And what exactly does Evan Ross do for a living, besides being Diana Ross' son? Not much. Soon both egos will get in the way and the marriage will fall apart.

Anonymous said...

Dat is a wise woman nd a foolish son

aojin said...

Smart move. Before one gold digger will come from nowhere to steal the fruit of her labour

Anonymous said...

She's not taking chances cos she's experienced marriage. Lol oyinbo

Anonymous said...

Iya oni iya

Anonymous said...

Smart woman. She knows love is a fleeting thing.

Neks said...

Before nkor!

Mc Paul said...

Great move Diana. There are lots of desperate women out there who can't wait to get their hands on your fortunes and whisk it away.

Anonymous said...

Can't blame her...She worked hard for it so she shouldn't allow one dumb son let a girl take everything from her...
Good one.

Unknown said...

Yesssso! I agree. Gold diggers everywhere getting married in d name of love but all dat really matters to them is your fat pocket...Diana I respect your smartness...

APPLE said...

Ah yes o, all this marriages this days don't last.

Anonymous said...

OYO is dia case!!!

Tri. said...

Before nko! Thank God his mother is there to be a reality check for him cos personally, I don't believe their marriage is gonna last 5yrs.

hrm paul ojeih said...

smart woman infarct this woman na sharp igbo woman she did the right thing before her stupid son blows it away and his wife gets half of it kids don't no how hard their parents work only for them to piss it off white chicks are damn greedy

Anonymous said...

dats my diana, gud tinkin

Anonymous said...

lols...smart woman!....who wan work make another person chop?...way to go jare...via 79BBA6DD

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a huge amount of money we are talking about,wise one Diana Ross I no trust all this Oyinbo's their eyes no good,s.imoh@yahoo.com.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a huge amount of money we are talking about,wise one Diana Ross I no trust all this Oyinbo's their eyes no good,s.imoh@yahoo.com.

Anonymous said...

Sharp woman sense

Funso Samuel said...

See life.It is well o.If only Evans will decide not to depend on her mum's wealth and go ahead with the wedding.Buh i doubt if that is gonna happen.

Some mothers sha.Well,you cant blame her either.With all these celebrities divorcing themselves after a year of marriage.Nice move jawe.

Unknown said...

Mama trying to protect her son i can understand.

Jessica law said...

Wise woman.

Anonymous said...

Gold diggers everywhere looking 4 who 2 suck dry

Anonymous said...

Even Diana isnt sure of a lasting marriage. She knows as he dey be with all them celebrities.

Unknown said...

Wise woman and soooo lovely!!!!!

Unknown said...

No time for chances

Anonymous said...

I support D. Ross.
From me, Evans

Anonymous said...

Before nko. All this white girls are horrible when it comes to wrecking people financially

Anonymous said...

Good move!

jcdieli said...

What is her business? Life shouldnt be all about money. Love all the way.

Unknown said...

Gobe is wen u finally catch an oyinbo guy wit lot's of cash only for him to tell u to sign a prenuptial agreement b4 wedding or else no wedding ........chai ders God oooo

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Good thinking Diana. You go girl.

Anonymous said...

Where do all these stories come out from. Diana Ross is not work 100 Million talk less of 500 Million. so much hype

Tschewwwww Techceeeeeewwww

Omalicha Nwa said...

Correct woman. Excellent move.
What Would You Tell Your Younger Self If You Could?- Click my name to read more and share your thoughts.

Unknown said...

LOL! the mum though. Guys, Do you want a 'serious' relationship? Try
BV HookUps

Bokiluis said...

Diana has worked and continues to work for every cent she owns. Evan is her baby. But there are 5 siblings so at the very least, Evan could potentially inherit at least $100 million, in addition to the $20 million he inherited from his father's estate (check Celebrity Net Worth). While he and Ashlee seem genuine, Ashlee has had no less than 2 other relationships since her divorce....not exactly the most stable relationship-wise. Evan appears madly in love and that makes me uncomfortable for him. I wish them well. But, "The Boss" has always handled her finances with integrity.

Mikebuddy said...

Lol nne biko sign

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

September 10, 2014 at 5:28 PM AND WHO TOLD YOU THAT NANSESNE

Unknown said...

This story has been making the rounds, but it always fails to mention that Evan's late father was also very wealthy, so he has an inheritance from him as well that Diana Ross was savvy enough to protect in international courts. That is why Michael Jackson chose her as a guardian for his children. She's smart.

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