"Beware of the coming! Be on the look out in this area. Property owners are coming anytime from now. The gate men you have are not our problem. Our problem is how many resources do you have for us? August visitor must visit whether you like it or not. So expect August visitor when you did not expect. Surely August visitor shall visit just like the second coming of Jesus. It is turn by turn."In the last line of the letter which is not clear, the armed robbers listed names of the street they plan to attack. They are Oseni street, Nkanna street, Odogbolu street, Ibiwoye Oba and Bode Thomas street.
Some residents in the area immediately contacted police and they sent some of their men to guard the streets for a few hours yesterday. The residents say they are so scared.
looooooooooooool this is too funny
Imagine... in a developed country lol
They dare not venture, else they'll all die.
Imagine the effrontery.
I think this is just a plan to destabilize people jare. I don't think they will eventually rob. It happens a lot over here in mushin
Sorry is thy case to the residents
They are really armed robbers. See their write up. Meanwhile this should be taken very serious and maximum security provided within these areas 24/7 of the day. Police men should not slack ooo. Now is not the time to molest ordinary civilian. Now is time to act and show yourselves..!!
Hilarious.is obvious dey don't wanna succeed,if not y would u announce to da world DAT u r coming to rob.datz crazy
I couldnt help but laugh.It's jst too funny
Face of lib
lol,it is not funny but i can"t resist laughing.I grew up in Palmgrove so this is not something new and i can bet you that this is an alliance of boys living in that environment and their pals from other areas but my prayer is that they will meet their waterloo in Jesus name
they shud reply deir letter tellin dem dat dey av rcvd d letter n r expecting deir comin. Dey shudnt panic.let d area b in prayers n fast until God intervenes for dem. D children of cn cn neva b attacked.dey shdnt fear
LMAO August Visitor is okay, Why can't they go to all this politicians awse Uhmmmm
Armed Robbers these days be getting creative, like they have a copywriter among them. The repititive and cryptic style of this message will definitely scare the Beejeezus out of any receiver. Ok, Lagos Police Department (LAPD) over to you!
Like Second coming of Jesus Christ?this is serious
Lol...this is very funny....what is this country turning into?
Lol !!!! Abi nah !!!! August Vistors ...I wan laff die
na wa oo, Nigeria is a failed state!
Pranks joor......why alert dem.?
Dey wud still come
They will not succeed in Jesus name. Awon Ogun orun ma Gbe ise nla le won lowo, Ara orun ma San won pa, ina orun a jo won pa, wherever they may gather Holy ghost Fire consume them
This might b a scam,bt I suggest than mobile police shud employ dea immediately
Lobatan...might jus be some silly teenagers pullin stunts
Hian.....oturugbeke!!!! armed robbers, una no go go find work?? When has robbery become a thing to be proud of?? By God's Grace u all will be caught n Killed on this mission IJN....Amen, unless u people have a change of heart n serve God. oh, so u armed robbers believe in d second coming of Jesus Christ?? That second coming shall hunt u people to death if u carry out ur threats IJN...Amen.
Looolz sounds funny tho,hope someone is not trying to play a fast one on them. Lol@ second coming of Jesus.
They should be on a high alert.
Na wa ooooo
LMFAO!!! Serzly?? Wah kinda stupid armed robbers r dese?? Wah kinda letter is dis biko?? They will not succeed! That is for sure! Besides, dat statement "Just lyk d 2nd coming of jesus" is wat will bring their downfall
This is serious oo,i live around that axis.i just moved in.no wonder anytime I walk pass those areas and seeing those street urchins my mind is not always at rest.jesus come to our rescue ooo.it is now the ember month.
A brazen challenge of order in Nigeria! This is really a bold move on the part of the armed robbers!
Spineless cowards!Why steal somebody's property?Are they so afraid to face life and struggle the way others do?I've always called robbers cowards
God help us in dz country oooooooo.Imagine
August visitor indeed,bt I tot we r in september,hw come the call them selves august visitor.
Hahahahaha this country is fill wit lots of funny people. D robbers are using a distraction techniques.
Lol,beta thieves.....dey even alert una
The letter was received last week.
Its a ploy...they want to size up another location close to that area...hope our police are intelligent enough...
Afi property owners naa! God will protect them
mehn see letter.....am even shivering
Yeyyy, am just moving in
No b small thing!!
This is Funny. May God arrest them b4 they reach there. *AMEN! #####QUEENMAYA#####
See how d letter be as if they are preaching gospel......O ga ooo
Nigeria,my beloved country where everything is funny.Imagine armed robbers writing letters to come and rob.Funnily enough,they would come,rob successfully and go scot free.My advice for people in Palmgroove is that they should be prayerful because Naija Police cant be trusted.
Same way boko haram operate in the North.Sending out flyers of their attacks and they will accomplish their mission.
God bless Nigeria
Cnt forget when they came to rob me and my neighbor this year I was so scared of death thinking how is my mum going to feel if this guyz shoot me they beat massively take away my property and 80,000 they are so heartless.
SEE from intelligence point of View That letter may not have come from the armed rubbers the security in that area must have written that to scare the residents of the listed streets for the following reasons (1) maybe they are not well paid.(2) not paid promptly (3)The listed streets don't pay security money at all.(4)They have refused to join the Landlord Association or they are not cooperating with the association (5) The OPC in that area want to take over the security job of the listed Streets. NB: The afore mentioned points is just a suggestion/assumption i might be wrong but if those in that area can reason those 5 points i mentioned above and NON of them(my 5 reasons) is Applicable the their area/street, then they should be expecting their August visitor then
Nawa ooº°˚˚°Âºo see confidence God will not let it happen.amen#iamswish#
This is absurd , robbers issuing letter of their coming .
May God be with them
This ain't funny
NA wah oooo imagine armed robbers writing letters to people before coming. Imagine wat nigeria is turning into! God help us
notin person no go see 4 dis country......abeg next
Iyaa! They will come wen they don't expect it. They might visit in two months or so when they must have gotten over the letter. Naija police na two minutes work them De do and eye service, after that moment dey don run... God is d only one who can protect them always.
There is no country in this world where robbers write letter before robbing the actual areas listed. Only in Naija.
For the records robbers wrote letters to residents in Nushin sometime last year and robbed successfully for 3 weeks.
that's serious
in a country where there's law and order?
Hahahaha.... so funny. they should take it serz
Could this be real? They shld just be prayerful.
Very funny. Very serious issue ooo.
I will join in prayers for God's intervention.
They even have the nerves!!! mtcheeeeew.
Do not let any man cause you fear - God is mightier than all of these... yes protect yourself but don't allow fear in you... the armed robbers shall get caught!
If they eventually comes and leave safely then the IG of police and Lagos police chief must be sacked not just sacked arrested n jailed.
Its not funny o, people are scared to death, confused and helpless and u think its funny. You are funny indeed.
Maybe its hust some area youths pulling some dirty stunts...However, strict security measures should be planted in those areas
Calling Nigeria a developed country? Really!!!
Coded 07.
Lola they really have the guts
What's the reason for this? writing a letter before going to rob? i don't get it?
Lol•••This thief are physco but in my own opinion!I quess they mention the names of that street to get people distracted and the call of ordinary police is senseless••they should invite Special Antirobbery Rapid Squad(SARS)God Help Us#GiftedDiva#
this is no scam!!! it has happened before in some areas in ilupeju and the so called police did nothing about it. the armed robbers raided street to street. So this had better be taken serious
God help us...dz letter might be Indirectly referring to other close streets around.. be ware of ndi obioma. Bia Linda biko post my comments.
Hahaha..this is too funny...sweardown
This had better been a joke! Nkanna, Odogbolu? These are some of the poorest streets in the area (compared with Palmgroove estate). If dem go rob here, na to find small change give most of the residents. Plus, there used to be an OPC Office in Odogbolu (not sure if it's still there).
Did someone just say they should not be afraid and fast until God intervenes?!! What the hell is wrong with Nigerians? How many tragedies will it take for you guys to realize that God does not intervene for people that do not help themselves. Stop crying and fasting, and get up and do something! This is why Boko Haram, the government and ebola are wiping us out by the thousands, because all we ever do is fast and pray and wait for God to come down from heaven in armor and battle them for us... Nigerians get it together
only in nigeria
Brilliant thought!same way my hubby analysed it.you must be intelligent
hahahaha..what actually got my rib crackinq is the last report there whre it said ''Some residents in the area
immediately contacted police and
they sent some of their men to
guard the streets for a few hours
So dat is to say the police only showed their presence for a FEW HOURS b4 leavinq for dia different pepper soup joint/beer joint..hmm,9ja police
Rolling my eyes. Your husband ko
They ll come police or not... they might take upto a month.
I can say this cos same ish happened to my street.. after a month of heavy protection they came. ADVISE KEEP MONEY FOR THEM. OR STAY AWAY.... only God protects sooo pray as well....The fear they leave behind is real.
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