I don’t believe in gender equality. I do not believe that God made man and woman to be equal in any way. I believe that in every organised institution, there is always a head and an assistant. It doesn’t mean that one should take the other for granted, or disrespect the other. I believe the husband is the head of the home and the wife is an assistant. My husband is a pilot, I have flown with him several times and I understood that here is a captain and a co-pilot. They are both responsible for the passengers’ lives. But when there is a final decision to make, it is up to the captain to make it. He is more experienced and the one with the responsibility. But any mature captain will not ignore his co-pilot because the co-pilot is not a cabin attendant. He is there for a reason. It just depends on how you understand and play your roles. I believe women should understand this. When a woman starts a struggle for power tussle with him, it tends to cause friction in the home. The woman should give the man the respect as the head of the home and also prove herself as a worthy co-pilot. He needs to see you as a reliable co-pilot. Continue..
Sometimes, he may not be the one running the house day-to-day, you are the one to take decisions but you have to do it in such a manner that he is comfortable enough to see you as someone he can rely on. When you have a proud and egocentric husband, hand him over to God. If you feel like your life is being threatened, or that of your children, get yourself out of that situation. You owe your children that. Try separation for a while, but before that, you must have tried other things. I do not believe that people should throw in the towel in their marriage at every flimsy excuse. You must have been a diligent wife and tried prayers and intervention. If all those fail, then you can remove yourself from that situation. Also, couples should be friends and communicate. What we call love sometimes fizzles out. True love comes from friendship. When you don’t feel those initial sparks, friendship is what keeps you together, until when the spark comes again.
What was the initial attraction?
Matthew: She was beautiful, fresh and untouched. I decided to start with someone who hadn’t seen the world yet.
Omotola: He was good looking but
basically, it was his sense of humour and sense of responsibility. He is
God-fearing too and a serious-minded person.
When did you propose to her?
Matthew: We didn’t court. I met
her when she was 16 and I was 26. We got married when she was 18. She
clocked 36 recently. We were family friends and I met her through my
elder sister. She used to come around the house and when she turned 18, I
decided she was ripe. I told her I would marry her and she didn’t
believe. I went to tell her late mother, who said I should wait till
after four years because Tola had just gained admission to the
university then. I told the mother that I couldn’t wait because I didn’t
trust the guys in the university.
How did he propose?
Omotola: That was when I turned
18. We had been friends for about two years. He was like a family friend
then but I knew he had some plans. He didn’t say anything serious and I
was somehow underage. When I turned 18, on my birthday, he jokingly
said, ‘babes you don grow o.’ He told me his plan.
Were you scared of getting married then?
Omotola: I wasn’t. I have always
been very mature for my age. But otherwise, I had already known him for
so long and was very comfortable with him. I just knew that life with
him would be comfortable and easy. I didn’t know I would conform to a
marriage setting because my mother used to tell me that I was very
headstrong. I just thank God that I found someone who could understand
How has the journey been for 18 years?
Omotola: Nothing has changed
really. It is still the same relaxed, easy-going relationship. There are
times when we have misunderstandings but it is never anything serious
or unbelievably scary. It has been the grace and fear of God. Everything
results in what God thinks about the situations and we pray about it.
Everyone is conscious of the fact that we must respect God in the
relationship and then your spouse. We don’t just do things. Secondly, we
are very grounded and real. We try the best we can to make everything
natural. We don’t stress ourselves.
How did you manage the fame?
Omotola: It is just by God’s grace. If a couple cooperates with God, then He gives them the grace to tolerate each other.
How do you react to alleged scandals about your wife?
Matthew: I have heard and seen a
lot that were untrue about her. I trust her. I know they will always
write a lot of nonsense, why should I bother myself?
How do you feel when she plays romantic roles in movies?
Matthew: They are all
make-believe. They are not real and most of her movies are pecks and not
kisses. I told her not to cross that boundary.
What are the secrets of your successful marriage?
Matthew: It is God’s grace. We are disciplined and prayerful.
Omotola: It has to be God. There
is no other strategy. One person can be perfect and the second person
can be nasty. On our part, I’d say also that we don’t look at the
relationship as something we can walk away from. We look at it as a life
commitment. When you parents upset you, you cannot divorce them. Even
the bible says you will leave your father and your mother and cleave to
your spouse. Luckily, he doesn’t drink or smoke or abuse me. I don’t
have any major thing to complain about, and I hope it is the same thing
for him.
Do you quarrel?
Matthew: Yes we do. A lot. She is
very argumentative. She always wants to be right. You can never win an
argument with her. But she is the first to apologise.
Omotola: When there is a quarrel, I
usually apologise first. He doesn’t say sorry. Overtime, I have come to
realise that it is an ego problem. Even when he knows he is wrong, he
will rather do every other thing or buy things for me than say, ‘I’m
sorry.’ Fortunately, the ‘sorrys’ are not too many. He is very
responsible and more hardworking than me. By God’s grace, we have been
able to understand our routine.
What is your advice to celebrity couples?
Matthew: Foundation really
matters. Some people get into the relationship for one wrong motive or
the other. Most of them live false lives. Couples that are in the same
profession hardly last in a marriage. There is always competition. The
best thing is to marry someone that is compatible with you.
What are the reasons for break up in celebrity marriages?
Omotola: It is really hard but you
both have to feel extremely secure. You have to be extremely confident
and trust each other. There are so many things to deal with, especially
in this environment where some people just thrive in hurting other
people. The weird part is that you cannot believe that people are
capable of such wickedness. You are sane and cannot believe other people
are insane. These are the things that cause break up in celebrity
marriages. A lot of people are talking and saying nasty things that are
not true. It is just as if there is a gang up to break you up once they
know you are a celebrity or in a relationship. Most times, they are all
lies! Celebrity lifestyle gossip is getting to a point where they are
getting close to your kids and family. They try to put your relationship
in jeopardy. Then, petty things that wouldn’t cause any problems become
issues. I hope there would be legislation that will protect families.
Have you ever felt threatened by her success?
Matthew: There is no reason or
room for it. When I met her, she was just Omotola Jalade, and she had
done just one movie. I am happy for her. When I met her, she was just
getting into the movie industry. I always encourage her and hope for the
best. I don’t feel threatened in any way.
How do you switch from the lifestyle of a celebrity to that of a wife?
Omotola: It is easy for me. It
starts with who you truly are. The real me is not very glamorous. People
may not believe it. I know what people’s perception can be. I am a
homely person. If I had my way, I wouldn’t go out. When I am at home, I
am Omotola. When I am with my close friends, we don’t impress each other
and we try to keep it very real.
With the children, who is stricter?
Matthew: She is. We are blessed with kids that behave themselves. We do not have children that are into all sort of funny things.
How about the recent warning to bloggers about your daughter’s pictures?
Matthew: I do not know why they
would do that but it is just another lesson for the kids to be very
careful about what they put out there. Actually, she did it with the
intent of exchanging with her friends, not knowing that people will get
into her private business. We have told her to take down all the
pictures and leave only one.
How do you handle finance in your marriage?
Matthew: When we first started, we
had one account. We had goals and things that we wanted to do. Whatever
we earned had to be in one purse. Then, we sat at the end of the month
and drew a budget. We did that for so many years and were successful
until she started her own company and we decided she needed to have her
own account. In most marriages, the man goes into the marriage with the
mindset that he will be the sole provider even when the wife is working.
That does not make any sense. He uses his money to pay bills while the
woman will use hers to buy only make-up, clothes and shoes. If the
couple is one, they should join resources together to move ahead. Money
causes problems in a family when one person is being selfish. It doesn’t
matter who earns more or less. They should have a common goal. Save
together and accomplish things together.
Omotola: When we first started, we
used to have a joint account and I was in charge of the finances. But
as time went on, he started expanding. He has his own businesses and I
have my own too. It is very difficult keeping a joint account. One of
the things that scare couples about finance is trust. Luckily for us, we
do not have vices. The trust is intact and I know how he spends money.
He is more organised than I am. He has his budgets and it is always
open. Sometimes, he even tells his kids to go and look at his budget
because he is trying to teach them how to make budgets. Pilots are every
meticulous about schedules. For that reason, his life is almost boring
because everything is to the letter. I am the one who never has a budget
because I am a spontaneous person. But he knows I am not a trivial
person. I don’t just go about buying jewellery. That’s why I don’t have
many girlfriends because I don’t talk about those things girls talk
about. I am like a dude. I am always checking out cars or properties. He
knows the kind of things I would invest my money on.
Read the rest of the interview on Punch
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»Super story....9ce 1 Omosexy.....the dude is kinda scared....pls dnt pass ur boundaries O......U inspire me a lot
-Beautiful lopez-
Hmm! Linda, sharp guy. I just finished reading dis in punch newspaper, as in now now now
Hw cute!
That's how a real woman should behave no wonder her marriage is still going strong. One of the best celebrity couple ever if u ask me
Linda! I'v been aving problm commenting wit opera buh I jst used UC browser!
Ok oo,dats a 9ice one Omo sexy
Copy copy from Beyonce. Abeg talk ur own mind
a real african woman i love u omosexy keep it up
#milito da great#
Am proud of them #bright bravo#
Is she seriously stupid or painly naïve?
I hrd celebs are kinda scared of linda..fr xample...Wizkid:why d f**k did u do dat Skales:criosli I dnt realise wat I was doing Wizkid:jst pray linda doesn't find out
Wow! When jesus is in a family happy happy home.Man is the head n the woman is the neck.
I jus lov omotola so much dat i can take a bullet for ha,we even look alik sef.
Nice Stuff here……But many of our 21st century women don't view themselves as assistant to any man.
Nice Stuff here……But many of our 21st century women don't view themselves as assistant to any man.
Wonderful! I would have called this man a paedophile...but, well, it's Omotola. ({})
may God bless this woman... its little understanding like this that has kept her marriage irrespective of career...i hope other women can understand this
Am not a fan xo I didn't read all...
Gr8 couple
Nice one.
From Aesop.
She couldn't have said it any better. I too do not believe in gender equality. Even d bible said dt just as Christ is d head of d church, a man is d head of his wife nd family. I love this interview. Goes a long way to guide couples into peaceful co-existence
Hw I wish evry single man and woman is opportuned to read this! This is amazingly amazing,inspiring. Linda keep feeding us with info like this. Thank u
Other celebs should take a cue from these duo. I hope the hapiness between them continues!
V funny! Lindz abeg let's hear word!
~D great anonymous!
That's my lady! Man is the head of the family......Chike Martin
God! This couple really stunned me with their interview. I can feel true love, trust, sincerity, understanding and maturity in them. I love you so much Omotola and Mathew God will keep your home.
God! This couple really stunned me with their interview. I can feel true love, trust, sincerity, understanding and maturity in them. I love you so much Omotola and Mathew God will keep your home.
Please I need your advice here, I'm a man of 38 years of age from the middle belt and married to a woman of 37 years from same zone just five months ago. Few days back we had an argument about how a woman is not suppose to pick her man s calls without his consent, then the following day before I could come back from work along one of the nigeria border, my wife parked all her belonging and left my house to an unknown destination. She had 2 kids earlier from her ex husband and I also had a child in london before comming home to joined this parastata. I contacted the family yesterday but they are not helping matter so what should I do here because the five months marriage is about to crash.
Well said... She just said it... What a Good advice for all these Indomie and Z10 babes... Marriage is not like going to Ozone... Lols..
Wow...lovely advice here.
awww... Dis is just too cute. Thank u omotola n matthew 4 helping me blive more in luv n marriage. God bless ur union/bond!
Something about this interview seems so contrived and fake.
God Bless Motola,shout out to all our Mumu Feminist! i totally support Motola, im not saying we arent strong or powerful, but Biko, Man be Man, Woman be Woman. Women are not weaker, we are just women. The way we are wired is to help and make better. Not to rub shoulders. Part of why thing go wrong in houses where mum is the dad and vis-visa. God bless women!
Well said...
Wow!!!!! Dis is lovely, learnt alot ........thanx 4 d advice
Wow! I'm so impressed... What a wonderful family!
I agree with you totally!! This is my 9th year in marriage and us sounds so much like mine!! My friend looks at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I have a joint account with my hubby. It was just last year that he came up with the idea that we open a another savings account In my name. I haven't had any reason to doubt him. We talk about our needs openly, surprisingly, he shops do me more than I ever do for myself. And he always brags to his friend that he's wife knows how to take care of his needs. I am so proud of om oral a and her hubby!!
Wow! Dis is so inspiring. I guess dis inteview has answerd de question of de lady dat doesn't love her husband after many years of marriage and is asking for an advice. Kudos to Omotola
I agree with you totally!! This is my 9th year in marriage and urs sound so much like mine!! My friends looks at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I have a joint account with my hubby. It was just last year that he came up with the idea that we open a another savings account In my name. I haven't had any reason to doubt him. We talk about our needs openly, surprisingly, he shops for me more than I ever do for myself. And he always brags to his friend that he's wife knows how to take care of his needs. I am so proud of omotola and her hubby!!
Omotola is the reason why men mistreat women. With a heading like that she'll give some brutql ideas
I like Omotola.. And I am really impressed.
Waooo I rilly envy dis couples,God bless my union INJ amen,dis is rilly an examplary relatnship.linda post my comment ooooooo.
wow... i also like her for not being sentimental
Nice one if D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ are sincerely doing all dat.
Dats wondaful n interesting
More reason she has a blissful wedding ever! It is no doubt you have to recognise his superiority and be submissive to have a long lasting marriage
Bravo!!!!!!!! Captain n mrs Ekeinde.......... Keep it up. If really wot u guys said here are true, den May God be d bedrock of ur marriage. Men are d head n women are d neck...... D both cant do with each other. Lets be wise. Our marriages can be wot we want it 2 be. Our kids are watching us. Heaven is watching us. I love my hubby till 2mrw nothing can come btw us.
Bravo!!!!!!!! Captain n mrs Ekeinde.......... Keep it up. If really wot u guys said here are true, den May God be d bedrock of ur marriage. Men are d head n women are d neck...... D both cant do with each other. Lets be wise. Our marriages can be wot we want it 2 be. Our kids are watching us. Heaven is watching us. I love my hubby till 2mrw nothing can come btw us.
Couples shld learn from this o. Not just celebrities as most of them will begin to envy this writeup now.
Omotola is an example of a married woman. in fact she is a bench mark to be looked at, for every career woman.
I know she is born again I often see her and her children in church. dressing is modest. not exposing anything. God bless her and her family. preserve her husband and kids. They will see good old age together for others to learn.
Whts dis one jabbering?
Mrs Omotola Jalade Ekeinde aka Omosexy, I love your brilliant analogy.
Colossians 3:18-19.''Wives, SUBMIT to your husbands, for that is what you should do as Christians. Husbands, LOVE your wives and do not be harsh with them''.
Emphasis on the words 'Submit' and 'Love'. It works both ways. You cant fight your husband all the time and expect him to love you. Also, if you don't love your wife and deal harshly with her, don't expect her to be submissive.
When God created Eve, He referred to her as HELPER- Genesis 2:18-25.
Before Eve, there was Adam.
Women, help your husbands, don't put them down, even in times of difficulties.
Wow, true love. They are what I call power couple
Naija's Version of JaY Z n Beyonce..
Wonderful Piece ma'am
Pls tell them Oo. Bcos they go school person no go hear word, tell them. Mrs I kNOW MY RIGHT. This is Africa all you Mrs better understand that & know ur position in the house.
Tell em gurl ! Nice one 'motola
Don't come here and hate on her because of petty jealousy. She said the truth.
If you are single and searching, pray to God to give you something good. Bad words will not help you.
Nice one Mr and Mrs Ekehinde.May God continue to keep and bless your marriage.Keep on showing good example to to the couples out there.I also support Omotola on Gender EQUALITY.somebody gatts to be the head!
Cote Couple......just hope all dose other celebs will learn
Wow...lovely family,
God Pls Kip On Blessin Dem Amen.
To an extent, I agree with her. There. Can only be gender equality at the workplace and not at home. IAI
Fact and true love in the air. .
what a woundaful family.may ur marriage continue to be a tin worthy of emmulation by other celebrity
Omotola's analogy about women being the co-pilot makes no sense at all considering in reality a co-pilot's goal and aspiration is to one day rise and assume the captain's position. What I was basically able to deduct from her comment is: women because they are different from men do not deserve equal treatment and should always play 2nd fiddle. Wow! There I was thinking all human were born equal. Someone gets this girl an education about gender equality fast because gender quality is not about highlighting our uniqueness and differences. It is about being seen and treated equally regardless of them.
She is right. I agree with all she is saying. People should take notes from this couple.
Omotola, my respect for you just increased to over 110%. Rarely have I heard a Nollywood actor speak so intelligent and prudentm Indeed you have earned the right to advice on what would make a marriage work having being married for that long yourself. And using your husband's career path as a pilot to illustrate your point was nothing short of genius. You are indeed a woman of substance and a pride not only to Nollywood but Nigeria and Africa as a whole. Am truly impressed. Thank you Linda for this well thought out article. Well done. Cece
D guys pay all d bills n d ladies use their money for makeups n shoes n some of them earn more than d guys...... This ladies r so wicked. I love this couples they understand themselves
WOW WOW WOW WOW,,,,,seriously after going through this, at my young age now i feel like getting married immediately only if i can find an understanding wife like her,,,,jezzzzzzz, i love this couple
OmoT u just impressed am motivated. Loving u gurl keep keeping it strong.
I admire this couple a lot
Omotola is right, in as much as men should treat women with respect, women ought to submit to their husbands. Even the bible says we should BE SUBMISSIVE.
I believe the reason why most marriages break up is because of women trying to prove that they are equal to the men in all ramifications. Marriage is not for every one, therefore it is not for the ones who love to be in control and not take advice/suggestions from their partners.....if you must be married, you should be able to sacrifice some of your life Styles to keep strife away from your family.
I like her husband's sense of humor @ I couldn't wait because I didn't trust the guys in the university. Lmao
wow Omotola you really sound like a wonderful woman..I respect your behavior..keep it up..happy family home till eternity i pray for you..You are the best couple ever...
i luv u omotola for being real is true dat a wife is like grown to her husband buh a digraceful wife is a deases in his bone #THAT AKWA IBOM BOY
Very encouraging and so not like my espectations from a woman like omotola! Keep it up!
The man is always the head anytime
They both make a lot of senses
Wow perfect any thing good is God I really enjoyed every part of the advice thanks to the perfect couples.it is good to be a good wife also my own is going to be superb and sweeter.....happy marriage life oooo
Wow this awesome anything good is God I am happy for the both of u I gain alot from what u both said mine is going to be superb no doubt....happy marriage life
Lovely couple. Wish dem a long n successful marriage. Just sayin...D Curious1
Omo sexy true talk. Hope others go learn frm u
Hmmmmmm! So interesting!!!wot a couple n so real.
This lady has always been my role model and am not disappointed at all.
May God continue to bless ur marriage.
How sweet....interesting interview dt i read it twice...well spoken omo sexy
She is correct
Her opinion
Nice one coming from our big sister, u just hit the nail @ appropriate position, the earlier women understands this the better for the generality of the families.True talk.
Wowoowowow!! I can't believe I read all that!!b I've really learnt a lot from this couple!! God Bless Ur Union Omosexy!!b
Wooooow_Woman,you are well grounded joo,I love that. May God continue to keep your home intact.
My Pastor Sarah Omakwu has also said women should stop all these equality nonsense...a good man knows what to do,so does a good woman know what to do inorder to keep the engine of the home running fair n square. Let's stop this bloody unnecessary competition.
I understand what she is trying to say which I also support but I think she does not understand that Gender equality means men and women should have equal opportunities and treatment, and should not be discriminated against based on gender. Gender equality does not stop you from deciding to be submissive to your husband.
smart guy
smart guy i like ur style
What Omotola said is true, for rhe marital home.
However, gender equality usually refers to work place treatment of women. It means that if a man and a women both have accounting degrees and are in the exact same position, they should get paid equally. I'm sure no one can disagree with this. I mean, she would not send her daughter to an expensive school, that'll give her the best education, just for her to earn less money than a man, would she?
Bullshit.omotola it's women like u that make men use use like rags.u have a fish brain.
Huh Omotola...no comment.
Gbamu!. Anty mi tell dem. The 3 characteristics of a successful marriage; Love, Trust & Commitment whch mst married woman nwadays lack. Dis impoortatn of western culture is d bedrock of dis problem of failed marriage mke una learn frm una big anty.
I'm happy for them, cus there's no marriage without problems, thank God they pass over it, especially her affair with Desmond, thx God she didn't leave her family and Desmond didn't his family too cus their affair was stronge and lasted for 3-4 years.
Wow! That was very Interesting. No wonder keep it up dear, love u omosexy.(Me chibaby)
lol..4 real??
This is it. Friendship and communication is very essential for the survival of any relationship or marriage. Well noted Omosexy...
This is it. Friendship and communication is very essential for the survival of any relationship or marriage. Well noted Omosexy...
Nice one omosexy, great woman
Woman arrested for stabbing a Teddy Bear
OKAY!!! Unto d next!!!!!!
Lmboooo! May u not die in vain Amen!
Hmmmmm! I took my time to read every words carefully! Omotola u can't be any true! Just last week sunday, some church members were discussion hw nigeria men dnt act like uk men, dat in uk d men takes care of kids and d rest of it, and all I culd say is man is d head n nt d tail! Myself n my husband are doing d exact thing omotola pointed out in her interview n it really helped us wen were faced wit challenges, I do event n I'm also ave a white collar job n before we knew wot was happening, d wind blew n we survived it 2geda n was able to pik up very quickly! All my husband culd say is Lord I thank You for giving my divine woman for a wife, n behind every successful man dere's a great woman! May God continue to bless our homes in Jesus namean amen!
Ahh, correct person, the tittle is really misleading, thanks for telling us what Gender equality really mean...I believe in gender equality, any decision made in marriage should be made out of love, and not out of a sexist mind.
What were we expecting to hear from a girl who her husband has always dictated and planned her life for?
The tittle of her interview is misleading oh, What is gender equality? Equal opportunity in life, job, education, e.t.c.
Everybody please face your own marriage. What works for some may not work for others. No point admiring only what you are told. If youre not in their marriage, then you know nothing about them. I'm glad they are happy but doesnt mean that advice will work on another
This is just public show. They are just like so many other couples that are suffering and smiling.
Oh how beautiful their interview went, I love this couple they inspired me and becos of this I'm gonna get married soon :;) ladies winkzzz
Learnt a lot from this write up.
Peeps will say anything to make others believe their marriage is d best......so fake. gender equality in marriage or generally? Let's be real pls.
Men n women re equal n equality doesn't me being disrespectful or competitive wit ur spouse. Inshort it has absolutely Notin 2 do wit dat. It means makin joint decisions, being allowed to have a say and a voice. Omotola said it wrongly dis tym. I guess she has no idea Wats Shez talkin abt. Mind u it's hard equality dat breaks marriages. It's lack of trust, unfaithfulness, lack of understanding and love. So ladies dnt get in2 marriage n start actin lyk a dummy tinkin dat wud kip ur man. B4 I 4get d most imp tin in a marriage is lots of prayers.
Lovely article. I love their kind of life, you could evidently see 'GOD' in virtually every question. GOD'S Presence is evidently in their lives because in the society we live in celebrity marriages don't last, but theirs has stood the test of time. More grease lovely couple AND MORE OF GOD'S PRESENCE!!!
A Lot of peeps don't know d meaning of gender equality...
Like omotola n oda peeps dt r dropping their comments
This story of her at home head bent acquiescing to her husband doesn't ring true to me. In one of the last interviews given by her husband posted here on LIB, he admitted to sometimes taking the back seat to let her drive. She must have been trying the submissive wife thing recently, lol, because the captain said they switch roles in the relationship as needed.
And so what if she copys from Bey? So long as she aint copying the wrong things...we all learn from people and yes,copy what we think will help us! #RubbishCommentFromYou
She makes sense!
Omotala, I just love u the more...u are the real omosexy
Linda shey u dey hear so? Na una type she dey folo tlk. Gucci dis Chanel dat. Invest ur moni on better things. Having millions of properties isnt too much for u. Even ur grandchildren will benefit from them wen the time cums. #Nuffsaid
Inspiring.....may God continue to keep ur marriage
So bloody what? Who cares about d browser you use? Why you no go cyber cafe?
Cute couple........they are different from other celebs
Pastor Caught in Adultery with his Friend’s Wife
See what this Naughty Tailor from Angola is trying to do to a Woman
Crazy Things Uniport Babes Do in their Room when they ‘re Bored.
See what this Dog is trying to do to a drunk girl on the floor
Omotola will always be my number 1!!!! her intelligence baffles me. Love the captain nd co-pilot scenerio easy to relate to....I know some hard headed fellow wont take dat wch dey need frm al of ds instead al dey do is find a fault, start wagging der tongues sigh...I pounder at the accuracy of this interview not sure if I even have any reservation....Now u wonder y our grannies marriages lasted 50-70yrs nd our generation 2yrs its over...All this I know my right folks u r my partner not my head, we ve the same education or mine even higher than yours u cant talk to me like that blablabla ....do urself a favour dont even go to that institution called marriage bcos the rules nd regulations that guides dat institution wl always b against urs nd the result, its either u drop out, u re expelled or if u re lucky enough u may b suspended ..smh...The scene of the world is indeed changing no matter what u say many wont still get it...I fear for the future generation.
n.b. It takes two sane committed folks to make a marriage work. If u r doing al u should on ur side nd ur partner not getn it all no matter what well, unfortunately u may b in wrong hands. God's grace thats all it takes..ask for it!
I understand and agree with this sweet Mrs very but I think the term “gender equality” was used in the wrong context here. Gender equality is not a domestic or marriage right, it’s not intended to be used in this context of marriage.
I believe that the United Nations do not make individual/family human rights, the objectives of gender equality is to create equality in law and in social situations example would be;
1) Receiving equal pay for the same job
2) Having equal exploration opportunity: admitting both male and female in university
Shut up and get a life! God never made man and woman equal. All she said is d truth and nothing but the truth. Mumu! Am sure u r an impossible woman.
Shut up and go get a life! God never made man and woman equal. All she said is the truth and nothing but the truth. Mumu! Am sure u r an impossible woman.
Shallow interview, poor English.I really don't expect them to wash their dirty linen outside.
Gender equality does not apply to domestic issues, true! But people (Esp women) use the term, whenever they are trying fight for equality in the marriage, so Motola has done nothing wrong using the term... she only used it the way the masses have been using it.
Don't distract us abeg....... Carry ur matter to a prophet
How she take copy from Beyonce? Which day Beyonce marry?
I don hear.
Anonymous 1:06 PM. That is because your mind is fake.
Ayomide I agree with you jare , what is a grown 26 year old man looking for in a 16 year old girl . He even said someone who was fresh , untouched and hadn't seen the world yet . Captain did catch them young ..... *side eye*
Okay. Why is everybody saying this woman said the right thing when she is plainly WRONG. Gender equality has nothing to do with marriage. You can be submissive to your husband, man is the head and bla bla bla but that ain't what gender equality means. Gender equality means a woman shouldn't get paid less than a man just because she's a woman (as long as they do the same job) A woman should be allowed to run for any office, and shouldn't be stopped because she's a woman. Those are what gender equality stands for...
Liberated women, keep doing gra gra and see when it will land you. If you want to copy white women-I say sorry. The main reason why marriages in the Western world don't last is because their woman are not submissive.
Man na man.
Woman na woman.
Probably to "parasite controllers" too. Abeg commot!
Biblically the man is the head of the household for a "purpose" and that purpose is not because of that 'rocket' dangling in between ur legs.....No!! It is because a man have the huge responsibility to shoulder his family,provide and protect them from harm because he is the stronger vessel..#winkzz#.....We have to follow the Bible to the core if we r all gonna get religious: which means you are gonna be the head of the family and provide for us just as the "Bible" instructed while me would just be chilling with the bacons that you bring home and be receiving instructions frm you since am the weaker vessel,hahahah.....Nonsense!!!! African men wants to eat their cake and have it....Genevieve and funmi iyanda redeem us from ds emasculating piece#Cheezyjayne
Besides isn't it gender equality beyonce has been talking about
People, I'm really disappointed that most of you are responding without understanding the position she holds. Does gender equality start and end in the home front? You all fail to realize that the term 'gender inequality' is used as regards the society as a whole. So if you are a more qualified candidate for a job, you shouldn't get it because you are woman so it's given to the next person because he is a man though less qualified? People please think first before you type rubbish to post. You are all applauding shallow talk. SMH!
Mind blowing couples.... Well Attracted to each other, base on what distraction has given birth to!.
Jay Z and Beyonce are the American version of Captain & Omotola. These ones are older in it. The American couple are still budding.
Gender equality is very necessary but I understand she is using it in the way naija people use it. Woman, you are not below a man o so he should not feel he can discipline you. Also, when you are getting ready to marry,marry a man that is worthy of submission. Most men shouting that women are not submissive are usually not worth the stress. Guys step away from,yourself, would you say your daughter should submit to your type of person? What do you bring to the table character wise that makes you worthy of the head title. Just like you shout wife material, half of you are not husband material. You can not expect someone that has worked hard to build her life to then hand all that to you and your careless, indisciplined self. So please before you shout women shoule be like her, check and make sure you are like the Captain.
Tola ur simply lucky to have a man without complex...simple!
Yep. While I was reading the whole thing all I kept saying was " perve, perve" so hm he had seen d world n used n dumped girls. Now hs lookn fr a naive 16yr old to marry. Smdh smtyms men dsgust me.
Lol ouch so mean
Ur an ignorant ass. This z africa so? Go fuck urself
Excellent! This is widely the reason the rate of single people around the world continues to swore record high. Especially in the West where women seem to be having more economic opportunities than men. I think the larger question for strong women is how to still recognize their significant other as the head when they are more successful. This imbalance I think is the main problem. Women will naturally submit to the leadership of a providing man but when this roles change it becomes difficult.
Yeah, but she is talking strictly in the context of marriage.What about in the workplace or politics or other areas of life? The problem with Nigerians is that we never seem to take discussions about gender roles out of the realm of the domestic.
That's a testimony of what marriage is all about, and its a breath of fresh air from all the negative stories we have been hearing about marriage on this blog, "dear LIB readers, my husband is this, my wife is that, my marriage is that" at least this is a different angle and its a positive that there are still working marriage and at least some persons who are beginning to think marriage is all sour, will have a rethink, and know marriage still has the joy its known for and can still work if we don't have misplaced priorities and also always put God first
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Mathew is saying she has her limits which is pecking, spear me biko... Ramsey Noah kiss her and pressed her booty in a movie ft John dumelo. Oga gerrout n stop saying thrash!
Y'all supporting omotola are dumb! Madam shift Biko, na you know pass.
Can you imagine! Wtf! And you are 38yrs old huh? Kill yourself then. Hisssss
Nigerians like lies and Nigerian men like to hear lies from women Omotola may be submissive at home but who controls what she gets up to outside? That said she married him as a child so whats to be expected? He made her what he wanted. I wont say more. And am i the only one who found the things her husband said perverted? What would a 26 year old want with a 16 year old? How can you describe her as untouched and/or ripe. That says too much.
lecture dem my dear.they are now behaving anyhow, bcos i go school dem go,i get money dem get,i wear trouser dem wear
Gender equality does not mean submission to ones hubby. Its ok to be submissive but that's not what gender equality is about. Sorry gal u missed it besides I don't think its all rosy as u paint it sis. Thank God 4 ur marriAge but don't be like all knowing.
Agunna, na d kain thing wey u dey like nah
well said
Dis is jst so intrestin omosexy kip it up
Na one couple Dem be o.
I doubt if the man was joking.he's a cradle snatcher.
Thank you for the unsolicited info.well,they got past it and probably they even became more into each other.amebo
Gender equality is very necessary but I understand she is using it in the way naija people use it. Woman, you are not below a man o so he should not feel he can discipline you. Also, when you are getting ready to marry,marry a man that is worthy of submission. Most men shouting that women are not submissive are usually not worth the stress. Guys step away from,yourself, would you say your daughter should submit to your type of person? What do you bring to the table character wise that makes you worthy of the head title. Just like you shout wife material, half of you are not husband material. You can not expect someone that has worked hard to build her life to then hand all that to you and your careless, indisciplined self. So please before you shout women shoule be like her, check and make sure you are like the Captain.
baby girl u said it all!! these days u see men who bring nothing to the table acting like they deserve a queen. only a king deserves a queen. if u aint no king u aint getting no queen. only a king can make a woman a queen so men work on your self.
personally i think most women are submissive. its just most men make it possible for the men to be submissive. a man doesnt have to be agressive for his woman to submit to her husband.
also any woman who wants her marriage to work has to take the back sit in some things. and for those forming feminist my advice to u is to train ur sons right so ur daughters wouldnt be stuck with egocentric men.
i look forward to a world whereby a man would not get home from work before his wife but still wait for her to prepare dinner.
i look forward to a day whereby a husband wouldnt leave all the tending to the kids and taking care of the home to his wife.
i look forward to a day whereby a woman doesnt expect her husband to pay for every single thing in their home while she uses her salary to buy clothes and makeup.
i look forward to a day whereby men and women expect the same level of loyalty and faithfulness from each other.
hubby doesnt cheat. wife doesnt cheat!
i look forward to a day where we dont carry unrealistic expectations from our spouses. where a man doesnt feel less of a man because he earns less than his wife.
or a woman begins to feel like the boss or would have to lie about her income because she earns more than her man.
i do hope one day i would see that day
She's indeed a great woman and a role model.
Shut up Elle.
Being mean is pathetic.
God bless u,jare!
i didn't read more than three lines but the bit i saw was making too much sense .... go girl
Omotola is sounds like a house girl.
Omosexy, you hit the nail on the head. Any woman who understands this will win the heart of her husband. You don't win by fighting a man but bend to conquer.
May God bless this marriage the more.
I love this woman. My dear I can't call u omosexy because is d name called by ur husband. Pls dwar try to travel less. Pls spend more time with ur family because the rate I heat ur traveling is so much and I begin to pity ur children and even ur husband. Pls try to spend more time and travel less
Beautiful words by a beautiful person. Those are the words of a real woman, I conquer - not all teh rest that slap their husbands and do all sorts
Not superioty, headship,as in different job titles or assignment
Nice one.
Man shouting wife material are YOU husband material?
i am very happy with his couple, they real inprest me am very happy with them
True that
True that
Meaning say she dey inferior or say female no be person abi
Too insecurity/ inferiorty complex filled men nowadays who crave the need to make another( human being) look or feel small so that they can feel big
Many people don't reason for themselves. They only need a famous or popular person to speak and they all concur. Superiority does not lye in sexes! It lies in individuals. In a marriage everyone should leave their ego at the door and study one another and learn who has what strengths and weaknesses. Your gender does not make you intelligent or smart or wise in a particular thing. Each individual has their strengths and weaknesses. Who is stronger in each facet of the marriage should be in charge of that area. That is how to make a happy home. Being a woman doesn't automatically make you a good cook or good child care taker. Being a man doesn't automatically make you a good provider or money handler. Now what sense is there in leaving money matters to man who is an empty head financially? And what sense is there in leaving the raising of kids to a morally bankrupt woman? Everyone should have a assigned role and responsibility in a marriage to produce the best possible home. Not let the man be in charge just because he is a man. Some men have led their families into the fire. If there is love and understanding in a marriage there will be no need for one overall head. Shared responsibilities according to individual strengths. Some women have led their families to great places. A leader is a leader. This sex war needs to stop. It doesn't make sense. Your sex is never the reason why you are superior to another. Your brain is.
Ok, so Im disappointed in this interview. It lacks substance. And gender equality isnt the same argument as being submissive!!!
If they paid her less than what they paid men for doing the exact same job with equal results would she be offended? If she says no, then I would believe she doesn't believe in gender equality. If she says she would be, then she needs an education.
Lovely family
Happy couple
It is disgusting that many people on here consider Omotola's view as credible or a shining example. I really shouldn't be surprised but I am. I'm once again reminded that my people are so narrow minded and can't think outside of the box to improve their quality of life. Gender equality encompasses all aspects of life and not just marriage. As the few intelligent readers on here have pointed to equality in the workplace. It also includes equality on how society treats you. It baffles me that some women are comfortable and accept being treated as 2nd class citizens or less than human. I seriously hope and pray that women know their self worth and should demand and require equal treatment in all regards.
Na wa o. She defined gender equality in a marital situation. There are different ways of explaining what gender equality is. However, in this context,I mean marriage and according to the word of God,a man is placed spiritually above the woman,therefore a woman should submit herself to her own husband. Note that spiritual controls the physical. There can never be two heads in a house. Just like you cannot have two chairmen in a company.
Na wa o. She defined gender equality in a marital situation. There are different ways of explaining what gender equality is. However, in this context,I mean marriage and according to the word of God,a man is placed spiritually above the woman,therefore a woman should submit herself to her own husband. Note that spiritual controls the physical. There can never be two heads in a house. Just like you cannot have two chairmen in a company.
Omotola. I'm not sure there is any co-relation between gender equality and what you are talking about. I thought gender equality was about women receiving same treatment in the workplace and freedom from all forms of discrimination. What does that have to do with pilot and co-pilot?
I get what you're talking about, but don't confuse that with gender equality. This is what happens when women refuse to go to school and instead, get married at 18!
Before nko? The man go lie now. What did you expect? Omotola wey all those men in the industry don squeezed finish lol!
The man spoke like someone who grew up from a garage..
@Staff. That is because you reason like a house boy.
I see so many frustrated single ladies here, spewing bitter comments. Change your headstrong ways and you will get a man.
i dont agree with the part where she said the men are always more experienced
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