The bill which is called the Cyber Crime bill 2013 and currently before the House of Reps, seeks to address all forms of criminality within the cyberspace and also proposes a life sentence for anyone who uses any computer network to carry out terrorism acts. In a case where there is no loss of life but the offender causes grave bodily harm, the bill recommends a prison term of not less than 15months.
A 10 year jail term or a fine of N20million or both is been proposed for anyone who engages in child pornography..
The bill defines Critical National Information Infrastructure as 'certain computer systems, networks information infrastructure vital to the national security of Nigeria or the economy & social well-being of its citizen'.
gudluck, ure getin evil evryday ooo,ar u getin mad?wiz kind useless new law is dis?hope am d first 2 comment
omgoshhhhh lord Jesus Christ Jona Jona HAHAHAH okay oh 1st to comment
omgoshhhhh lord Jesus Christ Jona Jona HAHAHAH okay oh 1st to comment
Jona don vex sha
Good work mr president
I take it that its all in good faith for 2015.
Good job anyway...
Lets just hope u do same for those that loot our national treasury....
Hehehehe in OBJ's voice "I just dey laugh"
I guess if those engaged in cyber crime are to be sentenced to death,corrupt politicians should be sstoned to death or burnt alive.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
*facepalm* The bill doesn't make sense ....cyber crime that leads to death is just an issue of causation. Any crime that causes grievous bodily harm or death already has a death or life imprisonment penalty
Nice work Gej
i think they should also seek death penalty for embezzlements and misuse of government funds!!!!
Dis guy wahala don dey 2much
He shld take a chill pills abeg.
Way to go Mr President. I'm fully in support. If there is no deterrent, ppl won't be careful with their actions. Now, if u re against ds bill, it means u can commit cyber crimes if u hav d opportunity, else pls applaud him
Anybody eating nigeria,money death by hanging too I have spoken
I don't even know what to say self yahoo boys this aint good #bright bravo#
Hacking into our criminal national information database is a treasonable offence.Edward Snowden will be lucky to get a life sentence if he is caught by the American authorities.However,I prefer life sentence to death sentence.On the other hand,I am fully in support of the sentence,with respect to the child pornography aspect of the law.
Chaii! That's kinda harsh! God help us. What they are suppose to face&fight more on they won't!
Why cyber crime only why not for corrupt leaders and any public servant that has stolen form public funds.
I am waiting for the day he will pass a bill on looters.
What of Corrupt Politicians and Government Officials?
Mr president,Wat of corruption and embezzlement of public fund that would lead to starvation,poverty and eventual loss of lives?
It's about time! Smh - tiny
Penalty is too harsh, but I wonder what penalty he will seek for those involved in corruption? And beside Linda, Shouldn't we have also a bill against corruption with stiff penalty as well in this country?
But we already know that will never happen in this administration...Yeye
What about Public Office holders that squander/mismanage and or Steal Public funds? Somtimes Naija issues get to me so bad that I almost want to take the law into my hands and kill those fools that steal funds and think they're sacred cows. But then again I'll just be like them if I do. Jonathan, is it so hard to do the right thing? Just quit if you cant pls.
H̲̅m̶̲̥̅̊m̶̲̥̅̊m̶̲̥̅̊m̶̲̥̅̊m̲̅, wats d penalty for embezzlement?
Drunk presido
Okay let's see how this one goes
Mr presido that's too much now
I like this idea,nice work president Jona.
What exactly is this man doing? Am forced to comment for the first time,ere.he has many issues to address,for God sake..why is he hellbent on leading dis country towards destruction?women,gals,children get raped avryday in nigeria, 99%of the men get out on bail..why can't he put a bill for death sentence for rapists,or death sentence for corruption, or anyone caught stealing government funds..this man needs. To set his priorities right..na wa oo
Mstchewwwww..........abeg next!
What about those in power that are busy criminalising? What a clueless president!
Oga joe
Really??? What's the punishment for stealing government money, manipulating the system and and having his mama peace waste all the money that ought to go into building a better Nigeria on stupid things. Stupid president. Die!!!
How about death penalty for boko haram members first? then he can talk of other crimes
He who has no sin, cast the first stop. Stealing government money is no better
i hope they pass death penalty for corrupt government officials too
welldone Jona
This is NSA and Snowden. They want to spy on us now and they don't want any Wikileaks Julian Assange or NSA Edward Snowden. I hail!
This is NSA and Snowden. They want to spy on us now and they don't want any Wikileaks Julian Assange or NSA Edward Snowden. I hail!
Jona no do that one ooo,... How u want make we chop....as u no gree provide job for us...
how about for rape?? wont dey do somthing about it?
SMH for NIGERIA. Jail sentence for child pornography but infant marriage/sex is not a crime. Mehn! I no dey come back to that Nigeria come stay again. I have found peace and rest of mind here.
Hissssssn is dat goin to solve poverty in d country...abeg mk him go look bush...wil dat solve d boko killing...
What will now be penalty for the looters they should talk and debate on that as well.
This is part of our problem in this God own country...
Oga Jona face priority...
What will now be penalty for the looters they should talk and debate on that as well.
This is part of our problem in this God own country...
Oga Jona face priority...
This man is choosing the wrong bills to sign now! He should some other bills that will cripple some thieves in this country.
Why would anyone hack such info in the first place? To before warned is to before harmed
Yahoo Boyz beware
Dis is serious
This GEJ has totally lost it! No death penalty for corruption?? Our biggest problen? Instead stella oduah and co get national honours cluelessness
What of corrupt politicians?
Let's seek death penalty for the looters of this country first. Death penalty for all the corrupt leaders!!!
The Child Pornography, does that include senators marrying 13 year old girls?
is that our priority now?
what about Death sentence for any corrupt leader found guilty......Rubbish
Can this man Pls Focus on Key Issues Like "Power, jobs and Good Roads.. Leave al the Passing of Bill.. Solve Important things that would better Our Lifes, not all this.. If Someone is hacking into National Information Online, then get a Good IT team to Guard it well.. SIMPLE.....
Funny enof.....bastards, wat about you top politicians who loot our money..was gon b d penalty?you only give penalty to the mass bt u guys aint giving your self...country full of shit!!!
Let us start with a life jail term for those looting our wealth and resources and jeopardizing the future of our children.
Naija govt can like to concentrate on trivial issues
Its a welcome idea.. If only the appropriate agency will stick to the rules.
Besides I'm very sure most of these cyber crimes is been sponsored by top government officials by so doing, they should be put on check too #Mr Lucky
How about LOOTING CRIME? ndiara
And what is the sentence for people who steal government or national fund. You people will keep pushing shodows leaving the main object.
10 yrs for chid pornography! We shld a life sentece or death sentence for our corrupt govt offcials
Mr. President what good are all these bills even if they are made laws. We all know our elite will never face the punishment even though the are the biggest offenders
He will have to start from himself and all those thieves he calls ministers.
never ! that sudnt be...pls i was a virgin wen i got married...if u cant wait then tell the husby to fasten the trad rites so u can live together and strt bearing kids...pls it sudnt be sex bfor marriage..thank u...
Nor be for mouth.
Make he go lick stew. He no go talk how the country go move forward. Mptcheew woman wrapper of a president.
GOOD! also Mr. President seeks death penalty for corrupt practice too, such as money embezzlement of public funds and other.
oga Jona!..na just to dey kill u want?...all the BH killings never do u?...oya....eyin yahoo boys and girls...over to una biko!
Jonathan need to suffer his miserable life in hell he is destroying Nigeria that is why Nigeria will never progresse if he keeps making this inhuman laws. Taking away Nigeria humans right is not fair
GOOD! also Mr. President seeks death penalty for corrupt practice too, such as money embezzlement of public funds and other.
The bill still states dt security agencies shd b granted access n permission to record phone calls,BBM chats, SMS', MMS', e-mails etc, n depending on d urgency, a court warrant MAY NOT need to b obtained hmmmmmm. I find dt strange, bt let's c whr dis leads
then he should also seek same for money laundering
then he should also seek same for money laundering
then he should also seek same for money laundering
then he should also seek same for money laundering
Shey you people see this guy is going crazy...I'm sure half of the people who will comment on this post don't even realize they are the target.
then he should also seek same for money laundering
I hope my ex so called boyfrd we read dis, stealing people's money #princess#
This is pure madness what abt public office holders involved in corrupt practices
We hear you Uncle Jona,What is the price to pay for corrupt practics...especially political office holders in your dispensation who steal with impunity...Are you aware of the numerous cases of corruption, how come you are not concerned about this..
G. boys in GIDI becareful, GEJ is watching y'all with EAGLE EYE.
9ice development. but is dat wat we need now??? ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Bullshit , there are so many important issues to tackle and your telling me about cyber crime, talk about health, education, social amenities and other things.
Please let's start with death penalty for corruption . Then we can take him serious.
Bullshit , there are so many important issues to tackle and your telling me about cyber crime, talk about health, education, social amenities and other things.
why jona dey fall my hand like this na?What about corruption?
This has to be the most stupid bill ever...!...It is highly insidious and will lead to entrapment and a way to settle scores. You have to understand how cyber criminals operate..It is a crime based on me implicating the person who knows nothing about the actual crime. I am a security professional and I fear for you
This man needs to focus on more pressing issues...
What about rapist?
Let's go presido..... *Cagey*
So what is the penalty for those politician stealing and looting our money and resource? This man called Backluck Ebele Jonathan is confirm imbecile and a fool, in as much as I feel the law is a good move even tho some of the consequences are extreme I still feels he's an idiot and a passive president because he hasn't made any law for our political thieves like him. I propose death sentence for any politician that found guilty of stealing public fund, 25years in imprisonment for those that aid and cover any politicians found guilty also. I rest my case. *ThatFunctionGuy*
Well, I think He's just trying to protect our cyberspace or world...child pono, hen? That hen I support.I think both sef..I support cos enough of tagging Nija!
Lol..lobatan! No words 4u man
I don't support cyber crime as it called/ fraudulent acts, Mr president u should have look into corruption that's almost ruling out the name of this county called Nigeria and subjecting people to abject poverty.
My question is,when will the government slam the death penalty on corruption and financial crimes.
heheheheheh yahoo guys don here am ooo, oga Jona na wen yahoo business don retire, they collect pension you come out with a law #confused guy
He is insane,give us good road and steady electricity first.
What will happen to those that steal millions and billion dollars from different government accounts oga GEJ? Na majority punishment regime we dey now! This president is clueless and unimaginative at all. May God save the masses and may d poor be blessed thru d rigth ways.
Mr President sir, wat abt any politician dt embezzle I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ one way or t̶̲̥̅̊ђε̲̣̣̣̥ other? Find solution τ̲̅ȍ dat too
linda,this is my ist time to comment. i want to know wat this clueless president plans to do wit tose who stole from fuel subsidy and those who steal frm govt.
Lemme sit /_______here and wait 4 comment.
This is a good one... Naija dont have cyber laws... This will help a lot to cub cyber insecurity.
Mr. President please seek death penalty for politicians who loot money and also BOKO HARAM; Leave unimportant matters like cyber scam...
Oga jona has come again oooooh ...God help us all
Stupid president
Gbam!!! Well said
Why must u support this?what did you think about those that steal our money?
WTF this idiot should be shot. You let terrorist yet away and death penalty for cyber crimes. Idiot of the century.
Nice, but in my opinion I believe this should also apply to those politicians but I guess the senate will ignore it and the bill will not pass first reading. Let's keep purnishing the masses who have resought to their evil side due to corruption, they have seen go unpunished. God help Nigeria
Funny how,boko haram members were given amnesty. For their crime and sent to school to become even more knoweledgeable and a steady threat to the students.Mr president set your priorities. Straight.don't you have to. Flush corruption from the System first,all. Your bill is gonna do is increase the cash for bribery
Commendable! But we are waiting for them to pass the bill against corrupt leaders and looters!
Jona is jezt a Mad. COW.............GEORGIA LLOYD
While he's at it, can he include his fellow politicians and corrupt government officials too?
I hope d's dry brain jona knws hw many innocent nigerians the govt lead to death as a result of resource mis-apropriation,people die of hunger evryday,pregnant women die as a result of poor medical treatment,citizens die of ailments as little as malaria cos of lack of finance,poverty here and there courtesy our useless govt.this man shud jst shut up already cos he doesn't evn knw the meaning of death,death doesn't av to b the usual "eating the ground",anyone living without any hope of present and future is already dead.and d death penalty must start with him and h's paraga seller wife.linda wassap.
And Politicians that loot the countries wealth and cause death and bodily harm to poor people should be stoned to death and sent to hell
One hate bill after the next....at first it was the gay and lesbians community. Now na yahoo boys next e go be young boys who drive cars....shey all of una dey clap for am during the gay issue....na from clap them dey enter dance hahahaha hypocritical nigerians
Hahaha Gay people go dey laugh now, shey una dey happy say he criminalized homosexuality, now he's gonna kill ur yahoo boyfriends. Hehehe karma is a bitch
U can take a man out of the village but u cannot take the village out of the man 'GEJ ur unbelievable. Senate is not even gonna read the bill talk more of passing it sef
@anonymous 3:42, u get sense... simply as dat!!!
Okay,nice! So where's the bill for "political theft", "public office irresponsibility, "public office theft" etc?
As much as this bill makes sense, if president Jonathan doesn't see the need to also draft a bill punishing his likes & all these thieving Nigerian politicians, then it's almost as good as nothing.
What is the fucking penalty for chopping all our billions?
Like u just read my mind.
Yea they hv to start frm d politicians
Annonymous 2.45 wt ur litle emty mind lk that of a chicken did u ask what abt them that embessel money?I would hv given u an aplus if u hv asked him to create job opportunities to prevent all dis.
This same bill should be passed upon those embezzeling the masses funds,misappropriation and diversion of funds experts.
10 year penalty for viewing child porn but no penalty for marrying/sleeping with said child. smh
Yeye! Let people who are convicted of corruption face the death penalty instead... *hisses*
Jona arrange ur bill passing in order of thier relative importance. Thank me later (HVRH)
Just like that bros... kilode it means plenty people go die o...
Our politiffcians that are stealing public money..wats the penalty for them???xoxo flynnrules
Jona and our governors should be stoned to death for not repairing Nigerian roads hence the incessant accidents that has led to many deaths of hapless Nigerians....fool
Pls ask him again. People r suffering n being killed everyday n he's busy talking of cyber crime. What of d ones being committed with their biros n papers?? Gej needs to sit up.
Is this a joke? GEJ never stop to amaze me? What is d difference? Our corrupt politician nd a yahoo boy?? Coming from sum1 who is surrounded by thieves, have u done anything abt stella, the missing NNPC money??? This present govt is experiencing fraud in the highest order of fraud nd corruption. u wat people who are taking after you to be killed?unemployment rate doubled in ur regime, what do u expect then to do(am not justifying cafe fraud but angry @ d fact that, GEJ hasn't done anything reasonable to address the issue) GEJ just go nd sleep.....You not only failed u r a failure
We all watching
What abt corrutp politicians who still nigeria money? Boko haram? rape? U must sign death penaity 4 dat
Is GEJ thinking @ all? To me u r too dump to head a nursery schOol not to talk of a country. U keep, encourage corruption. If people were to be killed for been stupid, I think u wd already be dead. Do you think Nigerians are fools? Start by killing stella first
I am actually extremely happy to hear this news. For the past month i have watched different shows on television here in the US(MTV, comedies, even movies) and one statement i keep hearing is about a Nigerian prince and how they want your bank account details and all sorts of embarrassing things. Thank you Mr. President!!!
that is what drinking ogogoro every turns a man into..
My 10 year old niece has more sense than this president. so what punishment did u seek for thief oduah Mr I had no shoes? I think you should learn the act of silence cos each time you open your mouth, you say things that puts a big question mark on your intelligence.
funny presido.what about oduah,olabode george,alamiseigha.oga your head no correct
funny presido.what about oduah,olabode george,alamiseigha.oga your head no correct
jonathan na God go punish your generation if you sign that bill, waiting you wan come do those stupid politicians wey they steal our money, jona you be bastard
He is willing to fight gays, yahoo boys(face it, thousands of graduates have no jobs) and everything else except the big elephant in the room (Corruption). Why does stella Oduah still have a job after falsifying her resume.
Up up up Jonathan heeeehaaaaa!!!! That's the spirit niguuh ... Keep bit up man. But that one no mean say u go win the next election oh
after graduation no work, rich man fix there wards in as soon as they graduate, poor man pikin too no go chop? is the country name not already spoiled, when people like stella is still in government,
I'm not reading any comment, but I tell every1, dis president of ours is seriously loosing focus.
Death penalty is never good. We don't have right to take another's life.
Would you please click my name?
Hahaahh politics don start again Oga Jonaa want to distract our attention not see when he want to divert another money as usual is better think before we youth will starting killing your people. In my state can you imagine my State Governor has 12 houses in Dubai 7 houses in Doha also same in Cuba not even talk about what he has in Nigeria is this not a crime more then cyber crime by the time our eyes open we are going to wipe all of you away
Wow bravo....and what does a public office holder get for stealing billions in office? A pat in the back!...MR president should just bow when the music is loud!..there is frustration in the country! And I think Nigerians should be judged separately on the judgement day cos frustration has led many innocent souls to commit or get involve in crimes just to survive.
Indirectly this law will incriminate all those that are hiding under Boko Haram and are perpetrating evils. Both funding and communication.
This man is slowly turning into a tyrant... Anoda gadaffi like person...please lets remove him during the next elections
na waoooooo
Buahahahahhaaa!!!! I thought I was the only one that had a "WTF???!" Look on my face when I read that. I'm not a lawyer or political scientist but this sound like the dumbest thing I have ever read in a while. Why is an anti-corruption bill not enforceable when it comes to your peers. I have also wondered why Governors, Presidents et al, have immunity while you are in office.
what is the penalty for the aviation minister for lying about her university 2. the money embezzled on her amour-ed bmw cars....the rest of the foolish, God forsaking politicians that steal the national cake, GOD WILL KILL JONATHAN AND THE REST OF THIS AIDES
This dude is just a clueless mongoloid! Death penalty for computer espionage while oil and subsidy thieves are dining in Aso rock with presido? 2015, we need to vote out this nonsense called goodluck!
Mr. President. You. Are very. Sick and off point. For this. And if u also. Support this then you are. Also very. Mad too, if our. Govts are not greedy, selfish and. Useless, all of this would. Not be rampant, create. Job employments and. Spend the country money. To th rightful places and. All of this would not. Be available. If u. Fools supporting. This think people are. Happy and glad been criminals then you are. All wrong, most people do it to. Make earns meet and. Survive.Think well before. You post shit on blogs..
No! Capital punishment for corruption related offences first!
how about a death penalty for govt officials who loot our tax payers money!!!
Tell this Man to Go to Hell
Cyber crimes is that what is important? OMG
Mumu,wetin go be penalty for you and you corrupt politicians,how many job you created?
Pls,u wanna explain how yahoo is an act of terrorism?
For him mind now, his fighting corruption abi? lol. Jonathan what about the 50 Billion US Dollars lost in CBN and you Mr. President telling Sanusi Lamido to forget about finding it and never to let Nigerians know about the lost. Anyway no be him sha, some people dey push ham and he no get sense to know say na his down fall them they look for. fool drunker. I believe he must have got drunk before the announcement
For him mind now, his fighting corruption abi? lol. Jonathan what about the 50 Billion US Dollars lost in CBN and you Mr. President telling Sanusi Lamido to forget about finding it and never to let Nigerians know about the lost. Anyway no be him sha, some people dey push ham and he no get sense to know say na his down fall them they look for. fool drunker. I believe he must have got drunk before the announcement
Lol. Women! Uv been slyed jor. I feel ur pain.
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