'Try before you buy’or wait until you walk down that aisle and say ‘I do’? Take the Christians.ng survey now and let us know your thoughts on the subject.
Sex before Marriage is a much debated question amongst Nigerians today. Participating in sexual activity outside of wedlock is seen by many in society as a taboo, because the Bible says sex before marriage is sinful. However, many consider it to be part of a normal, loving relationship between two people and shouldn’t be condemned. What do you think? Should we be saving ourselves for our wedding night or should we give into temptation and give in to sexual chemistry? What’s on-point for a good Christian? Tell us!
Christians.ng, Lagos’ number one online dating platform for Christians - is reaching out to Nigerians for real answers: Is sex before marriage acceptable? Vote here to tell Christians.ng what you think about sex before marriage. Facebook, Twitter
Sex before Marriage is a much debated question amongst Nigerians today. Participating in sexual activity outside of wedlock is seen by many in society as a taboo, because the Bible says sex before marriage is sinful. However, many consider it to be part of a normal, loving relationship between two people and shouldn’t be condemned. What do you think? Should we be saving ourselves for our wedding night or should we give into temptation and give in to sexual chemistry? What’s on-point for a good Christian? Tell us!
Christians.ng, Lagos’ number one online dating platform for Christians - is reaching out to Nigerians for real answers: Is sex before marriage acceptable? Vote here to tell Christians.ng what you think about sex before marriage. Facebook, Twitter
1 – 200 of 233 Newer› Newest»First to comment.. Yippee!
Well it shouldnt be acceptable becos of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases but......
Its is very difficult to abstain from sex before marriage but it totally unacceptable
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is this a trick question?
If they re really bible believing, then they should know that the Bible says heaven and earth will pass away but God's word will remain. The fact that society accepts it doesn't mean God does, GOD has always been against it and he still hasn't changed his mind
Its is very difficult to abstain from sex before marriage but it totally unacceptable, but the truth is that no matter how difficult it is, it can be achieved, one can abstain, from the bibles view point, which is also God's point of view, its is wrong, and the only way to abstain is to flee from it, fleeing from it means do not create a charged atmosphere for it, like partners always being alone, and also always engaging in sexually stimulated conversation
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The bible abhors unmarital sex, as christains we all know it buh d question is do we respect that portion of the scripture?
now to your question; i think its a very acceptable thing buh how manyof us can live up to it
I wouldn't say his good all bad, it as to do with feelings, agreement and personality Fidimaye Hassan
Under Normal circumstances and being a true Christian, should you have sex before wedlock?
Really? When ur fiancee wud force u into doing it.. Telling u she wana know if u'r capable. Besides, parents of nowadays force their children to do it in order to know if the guy is impotent or not. Sex b4 marriage isn't bad to me!
Biblically its wrong,but humanly speaking especially this days,I'd say testing before marriage has saved so many marriages.It is better to know who you are marrying sexually than to marry and later find out you are incompatible and divorce later
Let's put it diz way..what if after d wait u find out he cnt satisfy u n ur already married what wud b ur nxt play??itz either u wallow in an unsatisfactory sex life or u stat lukin 4satisfaction outside ur marrige
Sex before marriage is immoral & sinful. Our body is temple of the Holy Spirit (I corinthians 6 vs 15), we should avail ourselves in serving God & not engaging in unholy conducts. What is d need of fornicating when one will still do it whereever & whenever when he/she gets married. Its not chaste for a guy to indulge in sex with a girl he wants to marry simply bcos he wants to know if she can be able to conceive, that's from d pit of hell. 2641B970
Unacceptable, but body nor be Wood
EXPOSED---Chat btw Tonto Dike and Terry G...
To ensure that your partner have your size or the size that fits you makes a lot of sense.
The bible says NO....if we want to be Christ like we have to adhere to d doctrines 100% n nt fashion it to our comfort /desires/generation.
Heaven and earth wld pass away bt God's word remains.
theres nothing to debate, may God help us
Sex before marriage is fornication,and fornication according to my bible is a sin.
God standards can never be changed.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Ther iz notin tu debate der.its wrong tu hav sex b4 marrige b4 God despite d fact dt majority of us du it!dtz al suckers!
If u follow the Bible/Religion,it isn't good/right,but hey,in the present world,that's the best way to know ur partner and show intimacy,after spending time knowing each other,u need to know beyond what u see!
Sex can make u know what and what u are up against and the is what u want for live,the morning after,the smell from down there,how neat she is?can she even perform well that u will never wanna cheat?can she even give birth?do u still love her after having sex with her or not?
A lot u can address thru sex...
There are two arguments abt premarital sex..which are the traditional and the libertarian arguments.the traditional can be mainly said to be the biblical or christain view abt sex..since sex is seen as an act of love btwn two people then I see notin wrong with premarital sex as long as the two parties r in love but its just that to some people sex is just an activity....Diva
sex is a good medicine.Imagine you not have sex for a year and see how you will be getting regular wet dreams and horny.except an impotent man.pastors who condemn it in their pulpit has lots of concubine among their congregation.
It is wrong because it generally degrades a lot of the spirituality in the relationship...but it is key that kissing, responses and touch be noted on the side,carnal knowledge however ought to be avoided.it is imperative that couples talk about their sexual preferences, inhibitions and otherwise to avoid being caught short of certain desires in bed,if you are too shy to talk about it before marriage, you might suffer the consequences after,it is sometimes disastrous for couples after marriage when such desires are not even close to being met, hence if it weren't for the spiritual degradation of the relationship, it would have been safer to 'test' what you want to go into..get? THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!
I support sex before marriage, if you test each other before marriage you know if the two of you are compatible because some woman like to have sex almost every day ( some men too ) now if you are the type that can only do one round 3 mins you will never be able to satisfy a partner like that, what happen's??? cheating! what if the guy can not perform and you find out after marriage? Divorce! And what dose God say about divorce?..
What a stupid question. If the bible was clear on its stand then why debate it?
Is a sin and also 2 nature...
In 1st Thessalonians 4:3, Apostle Paul clearly tells us Gods will for Singles, in Hebrews 13:4, we are clearly told that Gods judgement awaits those who defile the bed before and after Marriage. Then From Luke 16:15, Jesus Said for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God, Which means in conclusion that no matter how much premarital sex is esteemed in this end time. it was, still is and will still be an abomination before God, for Gods foundation stands sure and cannot be lowered for any man no matter how advanced we become. It doesn't matter who is involved in it sexual immorality is still a sin and unacceptable to God.
The answer to abstaining from sex before marriage is self-control, which is also a fruit of the spirit. So as Christians, if we walk in the Spirit ( Self control) we will not fulfill the Lust of the flesh (Fornication)
Bible forbids it but for me I feel it is accepted becos u need to know if d woman can give birth,
Its funny how this question is always answered by the guys with this phrase: "sexual compatibility". Please ask these guys; If you two have sex the first time, and he finds that u two are sexually compatible, would he wait till you two are married before he touches you again? Afterall he is clear now that you two are compatible! Ask again if u two have sex and finds that he is the one with the problem, would he be nice enough to let you exit the relationship because of course heaven forbid you get married to someone who isn't sexually compatible with you. Guys mostly can't honestly answer yes to both questions. This is a cheap trick they use to get some. This is for those women who are pressured to have sex against their will in their relationship which is mostly the case. But if your relationship with God isn't important to you, well, be sure you use protection and you are consenting to it.
It is totally wrong
sex b4 marriage is sinful but it wud be better if the feelings for sex comes after marriage nt when humans are single
Linda to be candid, Sex before marriage in a christian way/pattern is not acceptable but..DIKWAYA, the society have changed the norms /values that goes with it.
FOR ME, I can't marry a man without testing him,who knows the guy's prick fit no function properly.
Dats my opinion.
Iont tink it's a gud idea bt d way dis world is turning in2, 70% of pple c such stuffs as a normal tin.
It seems to be d norm now but its not right if u fully want to obey God's commandment concerning it. The bible says flee from fonication!
its wrong no compromise
It happens... and people call it 'the necessary evil', norm, God wud understand etc. I'm not married & am not a virgin but it doesn't make it right.
It is a SIN. That hasn't changed.
If u think it has, imagine rapture takes place whilst u're in d act. Wetin u wan tell God?
Ask pple who r living with HIV, they'll tell you its worth waiting for...
N/B: There are still people out there who wait till they get married.
since dy Bible has condem it who are we to decide
For me, I have to taste what I am saying I do to. What if I get married to a half man (a man that cannot satisfy me sexually) I have to check him out on bed first abeg,because there are so many lazy men out there.
Sex before marriage is actually against the christian doctrine but It's so rampant now and I personally support the motion.During courtship,couples are meant to learn about each others and sex is part of what needs to be learnt about each other to avoid "had i known" I'm personally married but we courted for one year.we actually became friends for four years before courtship but through out all these periods we never had sex.Now we are married,sex has become a very big issue that keeps threatening my marriage.I disvirgined my wife after we married and now she's the type that dos nt like sex and even when I try and put her in the mood,she will keep complaining that my organ is too big for her.it frustrates me everyday as I love sex but cant get it no matter what I do to entice her even after we gave birth.I even give her oral sex to put her in the mood but she'll climax over and over again and then sleep off leaving me hard and mad with out even caring about how I feel.I have never cheated on my wife before but right now that's the only thing I think about and I'm afraid that I will do that if things don't change.I have tried discussing about it with her in diff ways and tones but it has never yielded anything the only thing I've not done.Is to tell someone else about my predicament so I will advise any intending couples to try everything and be sure you can bear your egdes knowing fully well that no one is perfect.I will appreciate it if I could get any other advise apart from the once I have tried.
Biblically its wrong to have sex before marriage but when looking at it from a lay man's view, its important because one has to know his/her partner in all ramifications so as to avoid some major marital issues.. Like we all would agree poor performance from either partner will be disastrous and can lead to a lot in marriage.. My TAKE! #Mr Lucky
Words in the bible are very easy to read and talk about it. but to practice it, is very hard. May God forgive us all. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Sex before marriage is actually against the christian doctrine but It's so rampant now and I personally support the motion.During courtship,couples are meant to learn about each others and sex is part of what needs to be learnt about each other to avoid "had i known" I'm personally married but we courted for one year.we actually became friends for four years before courtship but through out all these periods we never had sex.Now we are married,sex has become a very big issue that keeps threatening my marriage.I disvirgined my wife after we married and now she's the type that dos nt like sex and even when I try and put her in the mood,she will keep complaining that my organ is too big for her.it frustrates me everyday as I love sex but cant get it no matter what I do to entice her even after we gave birth.I even give her oral sex to put her in the mood but she'll climax over and over again and then sleep off leaving me hard and mad with out even caring about how I feel.I have never cheated on my wife before but right now that's the only thing I think about and I'm afraid that I will do that if things don't change.I have tried discussing about it with her in diff ways and tones but it has never yielded anything the only thing I've not done.Is to tell someone else about my predicament so I will advise any intending couples to try everything and be sure you can bear your egdes knowing fully well that no one is perfect.I will appreciate it if I could get any other advise apart from the once I have tried.
There's nothing to try before buy. That's the point. If the love comes from your heart during the relationship and He or she doesn't satisfy you very well after marriage,you guyz should work on it to work.Not sleeping around before marriage..
Waiting till u re married is d best
Its wrong its wrong even though we do it, nothing justifies it not even our conscience.
It will never be alright having sex before marriage.. That's the truth.. And its very possible to do. It just takes the will, Gods grace and discipline. I'm engaged to a very loving man, we'll soon become 1 by Gods grace and Sex was the first thing we talked about in the beginning of our relationship. It isn't an option for us until we're married. We are both Christians, it builds a very high level of trust, love and committment.
Waiting till u re married is d best
Waiting till u re married is d best
Sex outside marriage is wrng. No amt of debate will change that. Questn shuld be, how attainable is it?
Personally i recently decided to be celibate. And its not the easiest thing to do. Wait till honeymoon? Na wa . I keep asking myself what if i end up marrying sm1 that cnt satisfy me cos i love gd sex mehn! What happens? AnywY, i knw God willl sort me out with a nice package. No need bothering my lil mind
I jus want to wait...i knw it will be totally worth it.
It also helps u connect on a deeper level with ur partner. Sex causes release of oxytocin which creates a euphoria n temporary bonding btw 2 ppl. It creates a false sense of intimacy. Thats y many marriages r breaking ds days
U sex ur way into marriage thinking u knw ur partner, when reality of kids, money iss, and oda stuff kick u hv no clue who u r married to....
If u r determined enuf u cn do it....
Having sex is easy, try sth more challenging.
Sex before marriage is not acceptable. Why stealing what will eventualy be mine.
Sex before marriage is a sin before God and also kills trust in marriage.
This Christian singles website is crap...It neva opens, they Shud better work on it. Btw...is dis an obvious qstn, who doesn't know sex b4 marriage is a sin
Sex b4 is wrong period, though sometimes people have sex in relationships for different reasons:
1. To stop the guy from sleeping with other bitches...
2. To know if the guy can perform e.g check size of the john thomas to know if is long, fat, thick, slim...
Funny enough most girls get dumped after they have fucked the hell outta them. Ladies keep yourself till marriage is the best.
Sex before marriage is not acceptable. Why stealing what will eventualy be mine.
Sex before marriage is a sin before God and also kills trust in marriage.
Sex before marriage is not acceptable. Why stealing what will eventualy be mine.
Sex before marriage is a sin before God and also kills trust in marriage.
In this generation, it is acceptable because i dont like to deceive myself but i will say Make Sure You Use Condom.
Its totally wrong and not Biblical
WHAT IS THE CURE FOR OKE INYU ARU?...My own be say my bobo too dey mess mess oke inyu aru too much messim messim he likes fufu and beans too much......
Sex b4 marriage is totally wrong, d fact dat pple now take sex 2 be a priority in a relationship and a lot of pple re engaged in it doesn't make it right, sin is sin dere is no oda wrd 4 it, if a guy trully luvs u den he shld be able 2 wait 4 d ryt tym which is afta dey re married thnx, #MYVIEW*
Bible condems it, but remember the same bible Said that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Stil d old way mehn...yh dey say is d 21st century and sex is one f d tinz dat saves a rlshp buu hw come we av much hrt brks?,high rate of divorce?,pain?, distrust, and so many ish...dat stuff is sacred like d bible says..it is better enjoyed in marriage shikina!
Sex b4 marriage is abhored by Xtain teachings as well as culturally. Culturally speaking in days past, its a thing of pride for a lady to be disvirgined by her husband and it was celebrated, then d groom must have grown up in that vicinity where all his defects if any is known by all. So it is desirable to wait until u walk down d aisle. However these days u fall in love with anyone from d global village how would u tell of his/her defects b4 saaying I do? And if u don't sample and u get a 'dumb' package, what then? Its better u know how compatible u are b4 d 'I do' Xtainity or not!!! Lady
Sex before marriage (Fornication) is a sin and it's not up for debate! Period. Just as lying, killing, adultery,suicide, nobody asks if these are sins because society views it as wrong also. But when it's sex before marriage people want to give their own opinion. If you are a true Christian and a child of God you won't even be asking this question. God frowns at it, and it is for our own good.
Linda, this one na stale topic naw, this one we are battling with now na "Is getting pregnant before marriage acceptable" since couples now want to be so sure they can conceive. Smh #endtimeTins
I say a vehement no to sex before marriage. Its a sin, just dt civilzation has made certain sins to look lik norms in our society today. Also coupled to dt is education nd economic hardship. Many guys hav to get admission, graduate, get a good job, rent a decent apartment, possibly buy a car nd then save enough to support a family nd afford d expensive marital rites. This places d mrg age of an average Nigerian guy at at least 30 yrs. Not many ppl can exercise self control til then, but that doesn't mean dt pre marital sex is nt a sin. Then, ther re adverse effects lik stds, unwanted pregnancy, etc nd d spiritual confusion associatd wt it. Let's all pray for d grace of God to practice abstainance, Amen!
Linda, this one na stale topic naw, this one we are battling with now na "Is getting pregnant before marriage acceptable" since couples now want to be so sure they can conceive. Smh #endtimeTins
Anyhow they want it, The couple can start to be dis-virgined even after meno-pause,so that they can be righteous to born another Isaac. I think Nigerians should be concerned with things that concern realities of life such as empowerment of the able bodied persons to work , youth and widows instead of these nonsensense ideologies of sex and holiness. hypocrates.
the marriage bed is not to be defiled
Linda, my sis got married to a guy without testin the result was desaster. Oga no get prick, my sis run. Dec 25 she got married to anoda I'm sure say she "test-drive" this time.
Marriage is like a parcel,y peeping knwing fully well its urs and will be opened eventually? If u claim u luv somebody, wait till after wedding. U hv forever 4 d whole sex thing. Dat u tested something b4 buying isn't a guarantee dat it won't spoil 2moi and buying without testing doesn't mean it wnt last. My opinion....
Sex before marriage is wrong! On all accounts we all know.
Sometimes I feel u shud have sex b4 u marry that nicca, because too many shits are hapening afta d weddin night.
So sometimes its gud.
I know linda ikeja isn't a virgin.
And wudnt support this, LOL
haba Linda! the fact that alot of people today have sex before marriage does not make it right. what is even the debate here? i dont think there is one. the holy books that teaches us the way of the Lord, the right way, states that you should not, and if u do, dats a sin and it is on u. i am no saint, but one thing i know is true, alot of single ladies and even single men exist, all looking and praying for a spouse, the point is this, u want ur marriage or union to be blessed, u want God to lead u to the right one, well 've got news for u, "the moment u start having sex to a guy or a lady u meet before marriage, my darling ur carrying ur legs in there yourself without any guardian, whateva happens in there is on u." this is because u have disrespected God in the first place. well not in my place to judge, but this is deep people and it is going to be argued greatly because most people practice it today and will want to defend this act of which aint right. ADVICE!! there are teachings from the holy book, try at all cost to abide by most, although not easy sometimes, but try every little thing u can to be on the right part, coz at the end of the day, we all will be left alone with our deeds. we all know the magnitude of fornication, so may God help us, Ameen.
Wait until you are married cos the bible said it's a sin
Sex bfore marriage is nw what's cool nw dis days, whn I ws younger girl use to take bride in being a virgin till dey get married but dis days even most men don't wnt to marry virgins bcos they say it is too much work to teach d lady wht to do. May God hv mercy.
Oya relationship experts come and clear the air on this issue.
*clear throat*
Even in the olden days our parents never had sex before marriage so pls let's emulate them and one God cos the word of God calls it a sin
But seriously linda...this nah Advert naw! Shouldn't you make this clear???
These days virginity is nothin,
When u see a virgin instead of commending her, u insult her.
Evrythin has to do with sex,
Imagine my neice whoz just 20yrs went for a movie audition, and d director made moves on her, she told him shez a V and d man said, what are u doing here? Betta go to church, actresses aren't virgins, if u want to become one, loose ur virginity today.
Imagine? She was shocked for life.
Not onli there, evry interview she goes for they ask her abt her sex life, and she tels them shez a V, dey always make fun of her.
Such terrible pple.
Now to this ?
Its a matter of u using ur head.
U know bibically its wrong, bt ul stil go ahead and have sex b4 marriage, evryone says u shud test,
Bt u can actually go for all dese tests @ hospitals if u want to know ur partners status well.
God bless everyone.
Marriage is honorable and the bed must be undefiled.
Sex before marriage is sinful.
Its sooo hard not to have sex b4 marriage, even tho' I know its wrong :( So damn hard!
Even linda knows that's y she ddnt say anything abt it.
God is never wrong. If He asks us to wait till after marriage before we have sex, then we should know that we had better wait. He is the only wise God and He has a good reason for instructing us to wait. if u look around, you will notice that the major reason why most relationships do not last is because all they do is have sex. and then after the steam is let off and the sexual tension is off. There is nothing keeping the union together again. and then as a christian u ought to know that even though GOD is merciful and gracious, u cannot live in sin and ask that grace should abound. it also opens u to demonic attack n makes u vulnerable to the evil ones
Biblicaly it is wrong, it is called fornication, but on the flip side, it is good to know how active both partners are to avoid Barreness
Yes its acceptable but d kind of guys we have now can't do such! I mean most of them.... Sex after marriage is d best for me tho!
Sex before marriage is wrong in the sight of GOD as we all know, though we practice it before marriage but if you can mange to keep your self for your spouse it will be good #didi
I just voted. I think, it's not possible THESE DAYS.
nollywood news and gossip
The person that is asking this question is a political Christian... "is sex before marriage acceptable?" is a Biblical somersault. The right question should be, "is Fornication a sin?". when we ask the right question, we will surely get the right answer. All christians know that Fornication is a sin under Gods commandments - why the disorientation?
This so-called Christians.ng pushed the Bible aside and want to determine whether Fornication is a sin using opinion pull. *smh*
Nigerian youth i wonder when this was posted but just because its not a trend to abuse no one is commenting. O LORD HELP OUR YOUTHS THE TRUTH TO KNOW IN LOVE AND HONESTY.
To me we should wait till our wedding night.
Voting on what the Bible has given an answer on. Debating on what God in His word has spoken about. Christians.ng indeed. U people are pseudochristians.ng. Cos real Christians already know the answer to this one. And whether we choose to obey is another thing entirely.
Safe our selves 4weddn nite.
What if one didn't 'taste' the 'goods' before buying and when the person went home after 'purchase' one finds that the 'goods' is 'defective' and there's no waranty whatsoever; what can one do in this instance? If you ask me eh; we should 'taste' before we 'buy'! C'est fini!
This is my first time of commenting on your blog and I want to say well done dear. The nature of man as social being and a free moral agent ascribes him the responsibility to be accountable for his actions and inactions. Freedom in itself, is costly to manage and connotes responsibility.
In Christianity, God instructs that we abstain from sex before marriage. This is not because he wants to exercise his authority o er us but because the all knowing God loves us and see ahead of us. If God who created our sexual organs instructs us to abstain from sex before marriage don't we think that He has a reason for that? Or have we become so intelligent to.question God's right in regulating His creation? Was this not what Adam and Eve did and Landed us into the trouble we still face now? I know I do not sound trendy however, truth is not trendy, it is simply truth.
Secondly, one of our greatest heritage as Africans is our values. These values have shaped, preserved, protected a.d developed us. Our society, not the mongrealised society, forbids sex before marriage. And if u research on our ancestral society u would discover that things like abortion, STDs and others were either on unheard of, our were unpopular. I believe that values and ethics is for the greater good of the greatest number of people.
I am going on 30yrs and have not had sex and I do not regret it. This is because i love God and I want to be a role model to young people.
Thank you
Linda...this is going to form a very interesting discourse....
So busy right now, but I should say few things in passing:
Sex before marriage is by no means a sin, Biblically speaking.
It is however the ideal to reserve sex for the marital bed...
Regardless, if you have sex before wedlock you have not sinned...
There is nowhere in the Holy Scriptures where sex between unmarried boy and girl is described as sin...
The problem is that many take for granted that the word fornication as found in certain versions of the Bible practically means premarital sex...
However, a close look at the word fornication as rendered in the Bible shows the word is simply the umbrella lingo for sexual immorality between the opposite sexes, which includes incest, adultery, prostitution, among others...
I will address this issue comprehensively later in the day...
И̲̮̣̥̅̊Ơ̴̴͡ matter how civilized we claim 2 b, God cn neva compromise his standards, there4, sex b4 marriage stil remains unacceptable by children of God!
Sex after marriage is not acceptable. It's a triple no from me
Marriage is honored n bed undefy
Well,I strongly blv sex z a sacred act dt shld d done in d matrimonial bed..sex b4 marriage is nt advisable bcuz sumtymx sex z d reason mst r/ship crash..a guy cn gt sex frm anywia,wat makes a gal special to a guy is d guy knowin he cnt gt it frm ha unlyk oda gals..it brings abt trust in marriage,he knws hez d one dtz ha 1st nd so,hez gona trust ha wit evrytn he has.
Sex before marriage doesnt gurantee perfect marriage, marriage before sex is better.... Men use marriage to decieve so many girls and ve sex wit them... And @ d end u they will brk up....my opinion marriage before sex is better its only God who can give a perfect marriage...
Linda...this is going to form a very interesting discourse....
So busy right now, but I should say few things in passing:
Sex before marriage is by no means a sin, Biblically speaking.
It is however the ideal to reserve sex for the marital bed...
Regardless, if you have sex before wedlock you have not sinned...
There is nowhere in the Holy Scriptures where sex between unmarried boy and girl is described as sin...
The problem is that many take for granted that the word fornication as found in certain versions of the Bible practically means premarital sex...
However, a close look at the word 'fornication' as rendered in the Bible shows the word is simply the umbrella lingo for sexual immorality between the opposite sexes, which includes incest, adultery, and prostitution, particularly prostitution...
I will address this issue comprehensively later in the day...
Sex b4 marriage is bad dat mi own opinion.
linda you say you dont take posts down. what happen to the IG of police's son
its wrong but tell that to youth of this time and age, you get tagged as an old fashioned maid..... God help us
linda you say you dont take posts down. what happen to the IG of police's son
read ur bible and take a firm stand dare to be a daniel
what does the bible say?
read ur bible and take a firm stand dare to be a daniel
what does the bible say?
linda you say you dont take posts down. what happen to the IG of police's son
The bible says we shouldn't have sex before maRriage, but the truth is the best way to avoid sex before marriage is total avoidance of any form of relationship. Because sex sometime is a culmination of a relationship, some people will say we only kiss, but it only a matter of time before you want more. A total avoidance is better. Speaking as a human, who can say no to sex?
LiiLii Nwannem I like this topic.
I am a very decent girl from a strong catholic home.
its good to do as well as bad in God's eyes anyway
I am a victim to this n wish I can send u mmy full experience to this effect. im presently going through what the church call annulment for our church.
To make my story short, the guy I happened to marry, no fit do at all! how this marriage go work. he avoids me n sleeps separately saying he's tired, he has got work loads @the office(Hospital). and @the end I no fit bear. in such case will u tell me not to test the capability of a man who wants to spend the rest of my life with and @last see all these? just answer me...#your beautiful Sis#
What a question,it is bodly written in d bible dat its a sin,attention seekers evri were. Mtcwwwww
Sex before marriage is also known as premarital sex and biblically known as fornication.its a sin and shouldn't be done.read 1 Corinthians 6:18.
And may God be true and every man be a liar. God doesnt mince his words. And this is why those who indulge in it will forever remain cursed with marriage that will never work. You ppl act as though sex is air one breathes. Like I said let God be true and every man a liar, and if these premarital sex folks are not cursed that means excuse me to say God is a liar.
The bible is crystal clear on its position on sex before marriage. now we're opening it for debate because its convenient and most of us engage in it. Should we not grant the homosexuals same graces? This is hypocrisy.
Sex before marriage is unacceptable in the sight of God. Though we hadly keep to it.
Everybody with their own opinion but i feel if the scripture is against it we should be able to hold on until marriage.
The Bible says Marriage is honourable when the bed is un defiled meaning that God does not honour your marriage when you'v already defiled your bed
Its totally wrong,God's standard should be ours.we should celebrate sins cos its common
In Yoruba culture it is fully acceptable because they don't want any form of barrenness in the family just to be sure..But in other culture it might be wrong..But i don;t believe it;s bad or a sin depending on what you believe..
Best to answer the question objectively rather than subjectively. That eliminates all these 'for me', 'in my opinion'... Sex before marriage is unacceptable, against the maker's design!
I think there should be no sex b4 marriage..cause as a matter of fact what is going to be d joy of the first night? when u have already had sex..to me i say no to sex b4 marriage..
The bed should be made undefile before marriage.
The Bible already told us! It us wrong! It is unacceptable. But unfortunately this generation has decided to forget that Law and make their own law and adhere to their own law!
There should not be 1 person supporting this! Its the norm today but it is wrong! It just shows how we have moved far away from God! And disregard His ways and laws!
If you are interested in building a relationship with God, you will try to follow His laws!
WAIT!..God knows why, imagine if the whole world waited? there would be considerably lesser divorces cos most of us would have married our first love , remember the purity and earnestness and positive energy your first love had imagine if no one broke it off? bliss! now a broken heart is never mended before you reach ur ultimate man u must have been depleted perhaps damaged not to trust men or believe in love cos u were fucked and dumped, again your man respects that shit keep it real, THEN FINALLY HONOUR GOD....NO RUNS GIRLS GO FREE FORGET THEY MARRY RICH MEN, NO SIN GOES UN PUNISHED .....SO IF MONEY IS UR MOTIVE RETHINK!!!
BOTH FORNICATION AND HOMOSEXUAL AND BEASTALITY ARE ALL SIN BEFORE GOD.sin is sin just the same way a stain on white linen is a stain when it is a food stain or mud stain it still DEFILES!!Repent now and turn to the Lord there is no more time to waste
Look at this shameless old fashion whore
"NO" its nt acceptable, y ve sex wit ur partner if u'r goin 2 get married and ve it wen and hw ever u want, moreover wen u kip urself ur partner will ve more respect 4 u.
Prostitution and Fornication ARE TWO DIFFERENT WORDS.Search the scriptures
Hi, Linda u did not post my first comment. Why?
My people sex before marriage is nt good ooooo plz End Time is coming ( REPENT BEFOR IT TOO LATE ) !!! Tax
Kpele, take a cold sprite,your thirst is legendary. Pre-marital sex is a sin,bt how dare u say their marriage will nevr work?who now made u judge biko.abeg shift
Your a bastard. Go and test you sisters and future daughers to know if they can give birth. In fact bring ya mama i wan test if she CAN still give birth. Idiot
why are people these days finding a way to code sin and make it acceptable ehhn?to what end,so that you can benefit from of the pleasures of this world abi?. At least this one nobody can say Jesus did not state what he wants on this issue as they said he didn't talk anything about homosexuality,nonsense.Look im not condemning anyone,i am also guilty of doing the same thing when i was single but its wrong and its wrong fullstop especially if you want to work according to the mind of Christ and trust me you would enjoy it more if you wait,then you know you can give yourself fully to your spouse.please wait ooo and i pray the lord would give the youth of this age strength to do his will.its not easy,i know!!! lindoddo as usual #ignore
An the wages of sin is DEATH
Short story. There's a babe I've tried to sleep with over 20times. No joke. And belive me her vj is too tiny for my penis. We've tried everything possible, lubricants&all. But its just IMPOSSIBLE. now I wonder if I had married her? What will happen. My kini is just to big for her very tiny thing. She's over 25by d way.
Anony first to comment? Re U kidding me? Cnt see any comment from U here! Lol..linda its unacceptable...sex is fornication! Its a sin! Big one! So i say no sex!
What ever you do, pls don't give up, jst keep holding on to it I'm 23 as well and still a virgin. When temptation comes, I jst tell myself I've come too far to give it up cheaply.God will give u the strength to resist temptation and pressure
Get a life👎
Mumu, loosening up n Av fun..... Must every topic always be about serious issues of life, abt ow unemployed ppl should be employed?
it is wrong..... How many guys/ladies will you test before u know if u are sexually compatible.... As a lady before u enventually get married u would have been tested by 5or 6 guys... Haba... Be wise.... D bible condems it... Ur partner might not be good at first but as time goes on its gets better......
You are 1st to comment yet U said nothing.that's by the way, 4 me Sex b4 Marriage it wat I will do, maybe if I waz a Virgin I woulda stayed buh not wen I hv tried out a couple of D''k. Don't want the idea of me waiting until after wedding only 2 get disappointed @the guys performance or his size of Dick, Still remember when my big sist came informing my dad on her wedding plans and one of the question dad asked her was "Does the Man satisfy U" she acted like she didn't kw what daddy meant and dad asked again and this time in pidgin "The Man dey fuck U well?" I really didn't know why dad asked this question untim when I waz close 2 settling with guy whom we dated 4 1year 3months and 2weeks and the day we both choose 2 f""k I found out he got the shortest and the weakest d""k ever and culdn't even make use of it proper, I waz highly disappoited cuz I love 2 be satisfied in bed, if a Man can't satify his woman then he shuld hv it @the back of his mind that his Woman is getting the satisfaction elsewhere. So young lady, the only way I wuld advice U stay off sex until after wedding is if U stil have ur virginity intact buh it U'v tasted more than 3/4dicks, please dnt try so U dnt get disappointed in the end.
Thank you my sister... as u use bible back up everything.
Lindiway is this suppose 2 be a question or an alter call 4 ur bloggers??
its totally wrong... @4:02.... Pls dont take d decision of sleepin with the other women.... U can take ur wife to ur pastor so that they can talk to her.... Am not a sex person but my husband love sex.... But after counsellin i changed... And we ve regularly... Ur wife needs someone dat will advise her and tell her d consequences of her action...
@amaka chioma dada.na rili dada u b.how many guys prick u wan test?ode
Tank u for dis...
Tank u for dis...
Bonario thank you - God's standards can never be compromised indeed - As for the young lady who says its getting hard and its hard to have a relationship without sex these days- it's true. But I'd rather be alone than giving my morals up. One day a man will find me and be happy with me if he can't take the fact that I'm a virgin, then hes not meant for me anyway - we are already not like minded
Totally acceptable!
It is totally unacceptable. The word of God is FINAL! It's a sin and Dr's no two way abt it. SIN is SIN.
Abstinence is diff but it's attainable. I've been in relationship 2ce n never had sex, there where lots of touching n kissing which made me 2 leave d 2nd one cos I feared we wld have sex.
My wedding is in a few months time n I'm so happy I waited. My husband will be my match n I'll be d best 4 him. We'll teach each oda whatever we don't kw n I think that will be fun.
I'm in my late 20s n still a virgin. No regrets what so ever.
So u think u can't get sti's and unwanted pregnancies in marriage?
How will u know if u it's satisfactory or not when u haven't done it be4 and ur husband is the 1st. I think u'll learn to be satisfied with him becos u don't know if it could be better except you hear other people's experience and u sense dat hmmmn, it sounds better than what u av..
Jesus gives no instruction on premarital sex between consenting adults in relationships and neither does it anywhere else in the bible. Fornication aka the term now used by moralists to mean premarital sex was actually a term used in reference to prostitution not regular sex!
Unacceptable but body nor be fire wood n also is equally good know who you are getting married to in order not to be going outside your marriage to get satisfaction.
I am also 23 and still a virgin. Just keep praying for grace. The temptation comes but God just helps me. Sex before marriage is 100% wrong.
It's wrong sha...
Sally p said lindalicious y did u take down that post of the IG's son? Water don pass garri?hehehehehhehehhehe..aproko master...
Sex b4 marriage is absolutely wrong, but it takes the grace of God for us to abstain, especially wiv all dese timewasters nd deceivers roaming about looking for who to devour. But if we can stand our ground, pray nd fast towards sexual urge I believe God is faithful to grant our desires.
Sweetheart,i beg u dnt giv t up,dats ur greatest achievement,..atyms I wish I dint lose mine dats y av bin celibate 4 some yrs now,if u realise ur sin nd ur sorry u bcom a virgin againn n God's sight....uv kept t 4 23yrs,holdon tyt nd God wil continue 2strenten u,its harder 4 us who hav had sex b4 nd are abstainin now....d guy won't love u more, insted it's d oda way round, tanks...
Met with your Pastor if possible and let him invite both of you together for counselling. There is no regret in doing the right thing. Take it to the Manufacturer of the product with prayers and faith and watch him performs wonder. That voice telling u to cheat is from the devil. Be determined to save ur marriage. God bless u
@anonymous 6:12......thats not completely through i dont think you tried enough. The beauty of the vagina is how much it can expand...i mean a baby will eventually come out of that tiny hole. I dont think you are experienced enough
You're blessed. Say no more
Since I came to this World, I av never tasted Sex...it kinda cool to Abstain 4rm it..cus U will never get hurt.....Av got boyfriends...but I respect myself a lot....I won't Av Sex not until I'm married....
I'm young, Beautiful..and Attractive...I am also Proud to be a Virgin...
Hausa is my Tribe
Word! I seriously don't know why people waste time debating about things that are so clearly written in the bible! Sexual sin is totally forbidden! Whether it be fornication or adultery! Please let's stop deceiving ourselves 4 our own good and well being!
True!so that ultimately makes u a liar!their marriages will work you hear me?????take several seats abeg.
My dear, just continue 2 ask God 4 grace and strength! I'm 23yrs old also n I'm proud 2 say I'm still a virgin n will remain so till d day I say: I do! God helping me! It will b worth d wait! Trust me!
Sex b4 marriage is wrong....b4 I strted avin sex I rily wnted 2 no how dis tin(sex) rily fils lyk,d way pple tlk abt it wth xcitment,d undescribeable pleasure dey say dey derive 4rm it & so on....wen I finally had d sex I regreted,I rily wished I waited,dnt get me wrong sex is sweet bt dere notin so special abt it,if we rily wnt 2 sty away 4rm it we can.....& av come 2 realiz dt mst gals dt indulge in dis acts is bcoz dey wnt 2 kip dier man,dey dnt wnt him 2 av any rizon 4 chitin on dem & nt dt d guy satisfy dem sexually,sum evn fake organism........if I cld turn back d hands of tym I wil stil b a virgin....
God bless u dear 4 ur comment esp wiv d use of scripture 2 back it all up! When will Christians learn that there will always be fleshy desires but we have 2 stand strong because Christ has overcome the world n so can we! God will help us!
In all honesty,did you expect your parents to tell you they had premarital sex?dey there dey fool urself!abi u don see papa wey tell him pickin say him fail for school?instead he will say there was no money to pay his fees hence his present condition.Meanwhile na olodo him be way back.
True!so that ultimately makes u a liar!their marriages will work you hear me?????take several seats abeg.
My dear, just continue 2 ask God 4 grace and strength! I'm 23yrs old also n I'm proud 2 say I'm still a virgin n will remain so till d day I say: I do! God helping me! It will b worth d wait! Trust me!
Word! I seriously don't know why people waste time debating about things that are so clearly written in the bible! Sexual sin is totally forbidden! Whether it be fornication or adultery! Please let's stop deceiving ourselves 4 our own good and well being!
Sweetie, il be 23 in a few months too and im still a virgin. I know how difficult the road has been. If yoi've kept it this long, then don't give it away like that. You can hold on till marriage. You'll love yourself.
Ur facts are right...but you can't be smarter than God...marriage is suppose to be a package...when you open it,whatever you see is your...it could be good,it could be bad.if its good then you are lucky,if its bad,its ur cross and you have to carry it....if she is dirty,you teach her to be clean..if she can't perform,you teach her to perform..you can learn these tins and over time become an expert..but as for conceiving,you are not God..i have seen virgins stay 5 yrs in marriage to conceive..and there husband can't say anytin cos they met them virgins...pray to God and he will grant you ur heart desires...its not by ur power..
I see a lot of hypocrites out here. Is it because of sex befoee marriage that all of you came crawling out the woodwork. Im married and i had sex prior to marriage and i enjoyed it.it built a stronger relationship. Deal with it. Chidi
Easy na haba ur blood dey hot oooo.
Wait oh... why is she going round telling potential employers that she is a virgin?? Where is that done?? Biko prep her on how to answer questions.
How can they ask about sex life and she will open mouth an say "im a virgin" . Hian...
Apart from that being incredibly stupid... shes lucky she wasnt raped.
What shall it profit you to die a virgin and still go to hell? But still on the matter tho its unacceptable to God and to the society
With late marriage, no marriage, screwed up relationships n this uncertain world*hmm*dat world is nolonger famous.
clearly tells us in the book of Hebrews 13:4, we are clearly told that Gods judgement awaits those who defile the bed before and after Marriage. Then From Luke 16:15, Jesus Said for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God, Which means in conclusion that no matter how much premarital sex is esteemed in this end time. it was, still is and will still be an abomination before God, for Gods foundation stands sure and cannot be lowered for any man no matter how advanced we become. It doesn't matter who is involved in it sexual immorality is still a sin and unacceptable to God. So it's wrong.
Hypocrites , see them as if one virgin is even commenting here! LOL , You think you are suffering nigerians? You have just started, Our president is making silly moves, passing gay bills, when we have no jobs, no light, no security, please can someone tell me what is good in nigeria? yet you all come to linda's blog to praise him and say stupid things ! I have sex and i will continue to have sex if that a problem for you go and hug a transformer! your pastors are there using big cars, buying big houses, you all will wear your cloth on sunday like slaves going to church to worship that doesn't stop you from being an asshole , after church what do you do? drink, have sex , gossip , steal , scam.. so who are you decieving? Holy holy go kill una! maybe una don reach heaven before una go tell me, Life your life stop condemning others and be good to your fellow human being, have a good heart and do to others what you would want them to do to you.. Simple! But una no go hear, gay issue no concern nigeria at all there are better issues, obama is recently fighting to create more employment in america, a very good country still fights for such, nigerians we have no common sense.. when una die for poverty una head go correct actually most of you already accepted the fact that your being poor, when you are rich you won't be behaving like morons, talking shit here and there.. no be una fault na internet way una get, foolish useless people, hypocrites, white woman lose weight eh go concern una, white man na gay eh go concern una, everything concern una, u sit ur fucking ass there talking shit about other people and what they do with their life thats why many of you are backwards in life.. when una go yankee now una go turn to badooo! sufferness is real.
Lol sex don bcme garri wey Ʊ g̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊ market g̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊ taste b4 Ʊ buy smh na cheap cheap tinz sme guyz like nw. Make una g̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊ shoprite nau g̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊. taste b4 Ʊ pay mtchewww. g̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊ to d ospital do d necessary test stop Ǻƪƪ dis stupid comment ask each oda questions. Dose days wey our mother's b virgin wey dem g̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊ wait till d man do d tin, shey una hear say adam n james 2 dey marry? I Wȋ̊ℓℓ do wat Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇ rite dnt care Ȋ̝̊f Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇ 21st century i av d mind ☀̤̣̈̇f my own Ǎ̜̣̍м̣̣̥̇̊ no FOOL pipu cnt push me arund cus ☀̤̣̈̇f wat trendy.
Linda is not a virgin and she likes big penis and oral sex, so premarital sex is just cool with her. Linda, abi I lie?
people are funny sometime and hypocrites how many people marry as virgin ask your pastor if he or she marry as a virgin.
Some women just don't like sex, I mean normal sex, if a man with a huge libido marry a woman like that, he will end up frustrated. That frustration will eventually lead the man to have extra marital affair which is a sin and might lead to divorce. The same thing applies to women, some women have huge sexual urge, and if the man can not satisfy her, she might end up get getting 'some' outside, and when the man discovers, it might lead to divorce. When couples cite 'irreconcilable difference's ' as ground for divorce, they are not saying many things. If you know what I mean. Sexual compatibility is a key factor for a successful marriage.
And being a virgin before marriage does not mean you will make a good wife. Marriage is not ALL about sex, many things are involved.
Anyone care to provide a verse that defines premarital sex as a sin.
Note: fornication (as transposed in the bible) does mean pre-marital sex but sexually immoral acts as listed in Leviticus 18 so please do not quote it to support your argument.
Furthermore Paul on writing to the Corinthians (re: sex & virgins) said himself that he has no commandment from the Lord on the subject but writes based on his own opinion.
Where in the bible is pre-marital sex defined as a sin?
(ps Linda, your blog site would generate more traffic/hits & viewer duration if it had a forum format)
Please is masturbation a sin because it wsnt clearly stated in d bible. I'm tryin to avoid sex so am mastubating. Mastubating is my escape. I hav a bf, should I just hav sex instead. Or continuing to mastubate since its not a sin.
@Jennifer Jude. You dey look for husband here? Lol.
is sex outside marriage acceptable *pondering* the Bible is my ultimate wikipedia and the Bible clearly states not to, but i will not condemn anyone who did it, after all we are all sinners and in Gods eye every sin is equal so no one should think they are better. People are talking of temptations of course there are temptations that is why there is also sin, would you kill someone you don't like of course not at least if you are in your right mind you won't but the temptation is there. The fact is the world is so perverse now we make our own interpretation of the Bible and give ourselves excuses for everything we do that's why people don't see anything wrong with having sex before marriage and all this gay marriage chat. anyway if that is not good enough for you let me use this illustration. On Love & Hip Hop, the original New York edition there's this woman she was with a guy for 13 YEARS and they have 3 SONS "THEY ARE NOT MARRIED" so sha sha down the line the guy met a woman he knew for A YEAR and they got MARRIED. Women enough said it doesn't take a genius to imagine the drama going on on the show or how devastated she must be. Point is she had sex outside marriage, you guys might think but well the guy will marry me, he loves me, we are already practically married. Eerm news flash you are not and unless you guys also want to serve as moral lesson i advise you guys not to intentionally sin.
Love from Miami
Am so happy that we still have some few decent girls! Seriously it's worth the wait, if I could turn back the hands of time i would but I can't. Been married for six years now and some times when I think of when I was de-flowered and why I did it then it sounded so stupid cos at the end of d day you will get tired because u get to do even if it is a zillion times a day for the rest of ur marital life so just wait it's better for you
@apple lips January 29, 2014 at 3:26 PM
Please don't give up. U are already 23, will u let those years of keeping yourself go to waste? I have been there too. It was hard. Even my then boyfriend now my husband wanted it too but I stood my ground. Today, he respects me for that. Please keep yourself. The right man will wait but BE WISE
Question was asked to draw attention to this post and the website. It's a paid post, can't you guys get it?
Only the fools debate the word of God
We have plenty of surface xtians this days
Imaging what it means.about 250 men has slept with only you just because they are sampling you.
Do you know how many demons you have collected from them.
No wonders .women are so scarce in heaven
Continue to do it after all heaven will not fall.
But you must know that you are the one that kill yourself oh.
I and my wife did not sleep with yourselves before our wedding and we are humans like you .and we don't attend deeper life.
No sinner will go on purnish
Hey folks. Yes, it is hard...and I talk from experience. I turn 25 in a few hours and I haven't had sex before. It wasn't a religious choice at first, but just the way things were but as I got older I decided to just wait until marriage. Why give away this intimacy to just any man that hasn't earned me. So, IMO it's all about personal choice. You can hit it before marriage or you stay 'closed' until the ONE proposes to you. Dealer's choice :)
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