1. Simdul Shagaya: Tech Entrepreneur and Founder of Konga.com and DealDey.com (pictured right)
2. Chinedu Echeruo: Tech Entrepreneur & Founder of Hopstop.com and Tripology.com (pictured left)
3. Kola Karim, Nigeria, Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Shoreline Energy International.
See the others after the cut...
4. January Makamba, Tanzania, Deputy Minister of Communication, Science & Technology and Member of Parliament
5. Ashish Thakkar, Uganda, Founder and Managing Director of Mara Group, Mara Foundation and Mara Online
6. Mamadou Toure, Cameroon, Founder and Executive Director of Africa 2.0
7. Amadou Mahtar Ba, Senegal, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the African Media Initiative
8. Ben Magara, Zimbabwe, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Lonmin
9. Komla Dumor, Ghana, Lead Presenter on “Focus On Africa” and BBC World News’ European morning segment
10. Mohammed Dewji, Tanzania, Group Chief Executive Officer of Mohammed Enterprises Tanzania Limited
Well deserved,congratulations to all of them.
Our dear president Jonathan is not on this list why na? #NewsBlist
Powerful in what sense? Business world or what? Coz if its in the general sense,some big names are conspicuously missing
nice post linda
Sexy SEO
Powerful men based on what exactly? Cos these people don't even look d power part. But then its my opinion.
I don't know them here in 9ja, so what made them powerful? Naija i hail thee
Is any of them single cos mi likey.
Inspirin.there's still hope for me then.
Wow... That's good to hear!
I will make that list some day, there is no two ways about it....Signed, sealed and delivered...
Forbes is beginning to "water" down all these their so called list this,list that...how did a public servant-Member of parliament make it to this list(what's the basis?) i can understand the net-worth of the entrepreneurs on the list.
Where my names @ on this list?..Maybe ℓ̊ gat to work harder to make d next list.Oluwa must be involved,with ǤÕ̳͡D̶̲̥̅̊ all things are POSSIBLE!
Please oo what criteria wer usd cos I can't see my Linda ikeji on the list. --N.I.C.E
First to comment... Yayyyy, naija top 3 mice
Naija no dey carry last.
So wrong...
RIP komla ..#sad face#
great...money n power
And Komla Dumor died. May his soul rest.
And Komla Dumor died, may his soul rest.
ndi nku
Chinedu created hopstop and sold it to Apple for a lot of money. The website is widely used abroad. It tells you how to get from one place to another with public transportation instead of driving. So it gives you directions sha using train, bus, taxi, walking,etc.
Rest in peace Komla.
This list makes no sense. I don't see the name of CEO of MicoSatr Mall,CEO of ShopRite, and other more influential companies in Nigeria and Africa.
who made the list sef?
Gonna make that list very soon!!!
hmmmm...funny,cant find Olusegun Obasanjo's name on the list
RIP komla dumor ,but naija carry last mehn
Hot Entertainment Gist
But this is old news, this was even before Dumor died
Wow! Nigeria is on the up
Nice one.caleb Ajuzie
''That's nice''
your a monkey,cant you read.
I luv the names on dis list dey deserve it.
Most powerful bawo? I'm confused.
~~Success Has No Limitation~~
Komla Dulor just died may his soul rest in peace but why wasnt that fractioned into their analysis, These days forbes to me seems like an avenue for cheap publicity. Obi Jake
Which mumu list? Forbes abeg park well. List list list.
I would like to know the criteria used to judge them
#ScratchesHead# ok let's agree u don't have time read the post,you were just looking 4 linda's name but @least you 4 try read the title nah, its the list of 10 Most Powerful Men in Africa 2014
@Anonymous 12:59 AM
#ScratchesHead# ok let's agree u don't have time read the post,you were just looking 4 linda's name but @least you 4 try read the title nah, its the list of 10 Most Powerful Men in Africa 2014
Ηєνєя heard †̥ђǝ̥̥ names σƒ †̥ђǝ̥̥ guys taught dangote §ђoûld ┌b┐┌e┐ among
Sooner Linda u gona be listing my name here as well
Sooner Linda u gona be listing my name here as well
See naija people, they are expecting the usual thieves and government patrons on d list abi, sorry these are powerful people who have made changes despite all d challenges in Africa
Good list.
Shit I can't see my name.
Komla Dumor is dead...
Which country president Name did u see, stupid idiot. Stop talking like sum 1 who has no brains and give ur president sum respect
Maybe I should say congrat to the 3Nigerian. But am as usual curious to ask what is Forbes's yardstick and why Komla Dumor now that he's dead. I mean why wasn't included when alive?
U whore, let me catch u stalking HIM, I'll bathe u with acid. Try me.
R.I.P Komla Dumor, Ghana, Lead Presenter on “Focus On Africa”
Y was our dangote nd our adenuga's nt there on d list, or I dn't understnd d criteria with which they were chosen
aahn aahn were is Dangote
Konga is the worst on-line shop in nigeria so why is this guy on this list, he should just close Konga and Face dealdey cos that seems to be better off than Konga. Yes I say so and if anybody has a problem about my comment then go jump inside Orzala river. I HATE Konga I will rather go to eko market than waste my time shopping with Konga.mtsheeeeeeewwwww. Linda u berra post this comment except say u dey like to dey support rubbish for this naija
Congrats 2 them,but forbes should have said list of powerfull upcoming entreprenuers in Africa Cos powerfull men are people that control power(govt) like GEJ,Obama,Jacob Zuma etc bt its all gudnews anyway.
That's good
RIP Komla
C ur conspicuous forehead.
Congrats to them
Congrats to them
Congrats to them
Then Linda is most powerful woman of 2014
surprising Komla Dumor made dis list in death na wa o.... we are proud of them anyways.
Nice 1
Is it №†̥ rather too early 2 conclude on τ̅hξ most powerful man in 2014, dis's J̲̣̣̣u̶̲̥̅̊§τ̲̅ february #WasJustSaying....
Lmao @ ur conspicuous forehead, Bonita FUTY abi na Mautech don get mouth for lib, see ur goshi
It's hight time forbes magazine be telling us what it means by most powerful men.Is it to fight like mayweather or to influence or bribe policy makers to favour the businesses?come to think of it.This is bonita sha!
Stupid Linda stupid Nigerians, u changed that list..on the forbes page January is no. 1 and Mohammed dewji no 3... stupid stupid
Where are the Jumia CEOs Mr Tunde and Raphael. I guess they are still doing boy boy for those foreigners (Egyptians) who call themselves the N0 1 online retailer in Nigeria.
They had better wake up and see what SIM shagaya is already doing and Achieving
Guys dis lst na joke, I knw off dat guy on nber 3my fmer employer, office I lupeju, dont let me say much, but I, m sure he no dey top 40 for lagos
Loooooooooool @conspicuous foreheaD. Babe biko change this ur dp,na only forehead we Dey see true true
Guys dis lst na joke, I knw off dat guy on nber 3my fmer employer, office I lupeju, dont let me say much, but I, m sure he no dey top 40 for lagos
Dats the Spirit
Shagaya still looks like a serious hemp smoker with all d stolen money
Dealdey is just a nuisance,sending stupid mails even after one has complained n unsubscribed to their nonsense service.
Why is Dangote's name,and my name not on the list lol.On a seriuos note,what criteria was used,because I am well informed,but I haven't heard most of the name on the list.
Since this is Linda's blog, you people should help me tell Shagaya to tell his people to deliver my water dispenser which I ordered on Konga and returned cos when it arrived, it wasn't working, its past the seven working days they asked for to deal with the issue. So much for Konga being a powerful business if they deliver faulty items. Smh. Linda post this o.
O di egwu....most powerful indeed..Linda if u like no post my comment.
what influence do they have?
Make I just nab one of dem marry ! #GOBE#
some names are missing
u guy shud shut uppppppppp. So annoyin
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Congrats to them.....My name will be on this list within the next 10 years in Jesus' name, Amen.
Where is Dangote?
Thats good
nice!!!!!!! @Simdul Shagaya, your lips are too black jor, buh i'll pass #winks#
inspiring...RIP Komla
so nigerians dnt hav much mouth******** i pray oooo
Congrats to the boss himself @ Sim Shagaya.
The only guy worth naming there is Chinedu Echeruo,just sold his application,map application to apple corporation for $1.1billion,and he's bearly 40yrs old.
Before this,he had already sold his tour app,tripology for hundreds of millions of dollars at 33yrs of age,to american tour company.
i know one day i will be listed too
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