Anyhoo, TMZ has obtained an exclusive pic which shows the singer and one of his best pals, rapper Khalil Sharieff sucking on a strippers nipples - one breast each - during a recent party.
TMZ reports that the stripper was hired to 'perform' for Justin and his pals during a party at an L.A. recording studio and she came with fully-loaded giant fake breasts & rainbow-colored Playboy tattoo.
During the party, Justin and Khalil decided to suck on the strippers boobs at the same time and even allowed a photo to be taken. See the pic after the cut *Adult Content*...
I hate 2 say dis...justin mite end up lyk michael jackson.his so kialess...oh yeah oh yeah hope am d first 2 comment.hahahahahahahahhaahhaah
This world is really turning into something else. So we celebrate immorality. Mt chew
Dis kid is getting out of hands jst like Britney did, I jst hope he is as lucky as her and come out of dis alive cos I'm sure he is already taking cocaine
LOOL! Why do I find this picture funny? He's on a friggin roll!
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Lmao @ the way their eye's r shut.. Like its a romantic kiss.. Hahah.. Fella's. Do ya'l shut ur eye's when u suck on a Tit Too ?! #MSM
See as beiber Neck Long.. White Ode!
he is sick
No comment
this boy no well,he is always known for bed attitude.may God help him.
Chai !!! He is really goin out of control, but...... I stil love his music, *wink*
This Quixotic act can actually help dwindle his musical career that's if he still has any.This is hogwash
abeg its his time let him enjoy jor
U can imagine
Hahahaha...this is just funny,the girl sha she is trying, c their greedy mouths...lol
Lol,sucking boobs that has no nafdac number,odikwa very risk lol.
spoilt children! May God DEliver them
See the video of sec school students having sex in an open class room
Ds ones don't knw wot life is all abt jare, so m not suprised @al
too young I guesz
Its noting na...even me I want 2suck Linda's BOOBS and suck her PUSSY untill she say stop
@ cintetic hey hey hey hw many times did I say dat? don't try it I read ur msg on dis blog dat u want 2 sale ur father house 2 send ur boyf 2 USA do u no what u re talking about? Ur father house even dose ur father is no more don't try it ooooooooooh hmmmmm I don't no u be 4 but pls infat if u want 2 no me go 2 facebook search (akpos the Comedian) click like write dis on akpos the comedian wall were he post look @ what maheeda tell d word about her etc. (u make me smile) I'll add u.
And to think onli A̶̲̥̅ few yrs ago, he ws A̶̲̥̅ poor lil kid abandoned by hz dad &livin wth hz mom n grandmum in A̶̲̥̅ shack in canada. Thot tht would hv shaped his future decisns#sad! --N.I.C.E
Hope he won't suck wat will kill him.
Killer sucks.
This kid is outta control, he definately needs help
Their life their Rules #belieber............@swagzkidie
Abeg u should allow dis young boy enjoy his life. When I was like him, I did lots of dis, evn til now when I go 2 ocean blue I stil have a taste of milk from the sexiest of them. Life is to ephemeral and temporal.
Engr E
Njoy d Juicy of life jor.
Dis boy go soon craze!!!am sure 2much money Is making him go bananas .
Lol@ "one breast each"
Show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are...!!!!spoilt brats...mtsheewww
Make dem deport the boy go back canada jooooo...the fame and wealth got into his head,pray he doesn't end up broke or killing himself!
I pray Wizkid and Davido too don't become like this someday!
This don't prove anything to me justin bieber,you're still GAY.
LMAO! Usher Raymond is supposed to be this kid's mentor but d guy seems to be quite a handfull...stupid boy =))º°haha°Âº=a&a=aº°haha°Âº =)) =))º°haha°Âº=a&a=aº°haha°Âº =))
His mom was worried about his going to Hollywood because of thesse lifestyles...she must be heartbroken to see what her young son has turned into
Justin you're a lesbian.
Entertainment bullshit
Omo dnt fuck oooo!!!!!Omg
@ d fmer post who he's hbby is Gay, hmmmm is only God will save u draw him 2 church both of u should also go 4 a text 2 no if he has infected in any diseases always observe him more nd ur son then u will make sure u hv police phone no on ur phone don't save d no wit police names so dat he won't no its police no in case of anything u should also let ur parent no what u experience about him nd if u no u can't bear it just run wit ur son 4 ur life, may God help u out dis is a big disgrace 2 family who is Gay nd lesbian oooh hmmm.
@ d fmer post who he's hbby is Gay, hmmmm is only God will save u draw him 2 church both of u should also go 4 a text 2 no if he has infected in any diseases always observe him more nd ur son then u will make sure u hv police phone no on ur phone don't save d no wit police names so dat he won't no its police no in case of anything u should also let ur parent no what u experience about him nd if u no u can't bear it just run wit ur son 4 ur life, may God help u out dis is a big disgrace 2 family who is Gay nd lesbian oooh hmmm.
Hmmmmm.he is having his fun jare&he is still young.
These boys must have habit of doing threesomes and orgies. Na life dem think say them dey chop!
Wow,this guy has totally lost it.
Na him time
Wow.. Its Hot
Boo*B Sexy
I fink this guy has gone crazy. Wat!!! #NewsBlist
wow he sure enjoyed it
rememberin dos tyms wf my ex,he was so gud @ it.CHAI!!
He's such a nauhgty idiot painting his life αηδ career BLACK!! But he shd have sucked those boobs alone rather than sharing wt somebody else..Well,not a selfish guy at that â„“̊ think!
I stil wonda wat his mother is doing.frm one wahala to anoda..he nids srios coaching n counselling
I stil wonda wat his mother is doing.frm one wahala to anoda..he nids srios coaching n counselling
Water do past garri
Ds boi needs helps,chiaaaaa
He's jst being d teenager dat he is
Too much $ don enter his head
Niggers is chilling, his got one life to live.... Its Entertainment Industry, paparatzis love this kind of stories
Fake boobs indeed... See his long neck! Immatured spoilt lil brat..
@ d fmer post abt d woman who is hubby is Gay u can poison him is nt a sin read. Leviticus 20:13 4 more about Gay nd make sure u run a text (std hiv etc.) pray 21 days fasting nd payers wit pastors or u run wit ur son 4ur life... Mike say so
livin the life justin.......bt that is jux ridiculous,love u tho
those are balloons not breasts.
Where is Bonario luv??? Please mix enough palm oil in the vaseline..ha ha ha.
Abegi make una free dis boy jor. #Haterz
Linda I dislike.. If you like post, if you like don't post.
@ d fmer post who he's hbby is Gay, hmmmm is only God will save u draw him 2 church both of u should also go 4 a text 2 no if he has infected in any diseases always observe him more nd ur son then u will make sure u hv police phone no on ur phone don't save d no wit police names so dat he won't no its police no in case of anything u should also let ur parent no what u experience about him nd if u no u can't bear it just run wit ur son 4 ur life, may God help u out dis is a big disgrace 2 family who is Gay nd lesbian oooh hmmm.
i think it might be photoshopped, he has a neck tattoo, it doesnt show here. anyways hes 19 and i was beginning to think he was gay,this is a relief
This is serious...
So Aunty lindiway u refuse to sleep this night abi? #odinma. And pls try not to post this my comment as usuall.
I'll check 2moa
Jesus Christ !!!
Its his life.no matter aw mny zillion opinion or hate u share,he still gon love it like he want
breast milk thingssss
#Too bad#
Hehehehehehehe! Lmao see groove.....
Whaat do you meaan?? And hw does dis concern MJ???
why will i be sucking fake boobs and be happy with myself... dang! how does she carry those things
@anony 12:27 he's a lesbian abi na wetin u talk? Na waOooooo lesbian is 4 ladies while gay is 5 guys thank me later ko!
Nothings private anymore....SMH
my dear cossy where art thou o???...see enjoyment thingzz!!!
Lmao,no mind dem by d time they wake up wt blisters on their mouths,they wl knw hw far. Stupid boys.
Justin bieber na perve abeg
Hot Entertainment Gist
shameful that with all the money he an only afford fake boobs and not real boobs. This was how that boy actor who acted in the movie, "Home Alone" ended up ruining his own life, career and future with too much enjoyment. (Mc...something is his name). A life without Christ is like a ship without a compass.
Americans won't rest until this guy's career is in the toilet! He has retired, hasn't he.
I wasn't sure I wanted to see this, not seen something so disturbing since I watched 12 years a slave...
Kanye west and justin bieber are public enemy number one. Tabloids will say/do anything to ths 2 guys. Linda, ths pictures are questionable but then TMZ is a very reliable source . I'm confused .
Kanye west and justin bieber are public enemy number one. Tabloids will say/do anything to ths 2 guys. Linda, ths pictures are questionable but then TMZ is a very reliable source . I'm confused .
Silicon boobs tho..eww!!!
Like seriously pple can be crazy sometimes ,wa da fuck
Eyyahh people should leave dis boy alone nw..atleast he is not married yet. Bt I gotta say dats one hell of a perfect boobs,Bieber run 4rm LA 2 a hidden ranch cos th paparazo are gettin big bucks 4rm ur pics.
Dat boobs is nt even enticing! E jus dey lik 'Calabash' wey dem turn d back...it looks hard! Irris wa oo!
Is dis piece actually wat I should be reading on your blog Linda? You should be posting sensible things like u used to post before! Is dis news? Becky
JB is young, if he doesn't do dis stuffs who will, with his money some old men will do more so free dey boy
You guys are so blind, cant ya all see dat some guys r working round the clock to bring justin bieber down, dude disappointed alotta people on his way up, and the american music industry always have a way to come after you....at dis very moment they are on biebers neck n they wont stop until they bring him down..law of gravity.
W̶̲̥̅̊Ñ’A̶̲̥̅t kind ☀̤̣̈̇Æ’ breast ÈŠ̝̊̅§ D̶̲̥̅̊at?
Lol...the guys no well sha
you two-faced, double mouthed hypocrites,if d'banj presses yansh on stage, you guys hail him, but its justin bieber and so automatically criticism follows
and i don't know what category you all belong to
haters or
especially the women, not like i support his actions,but you need to check yourself, if the ideals that govern you are bias
Na the girl give them nah.
The babe give them nah
The babe give them nah
I see him ending like d kid who acted home alone. Money,Fame,Childhood don't go 2geda. Dis is reckless living, junky remains its case soon...#rehabsoon#
Am not pissed his sucking a strippers boobs, am only pissed he choosed silicon boobs.
Is it that my phone's browser has expired? I don't just understand d damn thing bn said here.
Well, you are
U beta re enrol into pry school u crazy twat!olodo upon 40
Lol. The downfall of yet anoda cute kid. Too bad their custom ain't like ours. Cos he won't try dat shit in naija. Leave ma country for me. God help him and others like him.
Babe no be by force to compress grammar na, simple tenses no go kee u!
U̶̲̥̅̊ all should wakeup its a fake breast, So no big deal.
LMAO! LWKMD! See monkey de carry baboon climb tree! Lesbianism is for Two females, guys are homosexuals,both still fall under being gay! Thank me now abeg!
Yes we do. It's such a sweet sweet experience. Especially of it's the right size.
I can see say u don crase or u don crase before. Na so dem dey take suck woman where u from come? Fucking retard like you!
Yes we do. It's such a sweet sweet experience. Especially of it's the right size.
Bia @meetdrealEvans its chose not choosed.thank me later
Nothing wrong with what he is doing....he is 19 and has d money...and he paid for her service....
Any different from a lot of thesenpeople who gets
Escorts services...ashewos etc...even those that commit adultery or having sex before marraige? So almost everyone on this blog if not all is as guiltily as Justin Bieber! We can't get to choose which "sin" is better or worse...No Sir!
So il let him be....
Wetin b una own na? If una c breast shey una no go suck. Mtcheeeeeeeew
wah iz wrong wif diz justin idibia(bieber) sef...frm drugz to boobs sucking..#waiting 4 him to deny d pix#
Few say so*via B.A.G*
she has lost sensation on her breasts due to her breasts implant.These guys are just wasting their time licking and nibbling her nipples.she will never feel the vibes up there.
Nothing new....just because he's a Celeb...u guys should let the kid be....xoxo flynnrules
U really nid 2 start frm d scratch Cuz u knw nothing of English...#eyeblinding English
Damn.. that girl's boobs though..
let the little boi enjoy himself
Try harder
Dis pikin own its getting tooMuch.
Bonita,na your picture be dis,you ugly o ! No wonder you dey use Oyingbo person face.
Na laugh I dey laugh oh hahaha which guy don't like sucking boobs/nipples lol me sef likey :) winkzzz @ linda
This too bad. Two guys to one stripper. Wht a mess.
Cant blame d boy..His mom neva gabe him enough boobs naaaa....
end tym tns...
Exactly my thought. He will get over it in time. I'm just sooooo thankful to God that he isn't gay.
@Headshrinka, u r on point......*wink*
Dats cos deir silicon
Mehn.....headshrinka..4 ur mynd now u correct person...homosexuals is wen a guy or a gal dos both sex...guys Are gays while d ladies are lesbians....alto u rite bout one tyn...u culd call. All dem gay...xcept d homos
U knw dat dnt wrk in nigeria....xo no mata how many of dis pix we see ....if he releases hit tommorow nd nigerians can dance to it,relate to it or love it....dey xo buyin it.xo stop takin panadol for d gys headache
Mehn.....headshrinka..4 ur mynd now u correct person...homosexuals is wen a guy or a gal dos both sex...guys Are gays while d ladies are lesbians....alto u rite bout one tyn...u culd call. All dem gay...xcept d homos
Justin is loosing control, the side effects of fame. I hope he doesn't go the way of wacko jacko. Pulling a sad face and walking away whistling
He needs to grow up
What do you expect from a teen with so much fame, power and money
The boobs way them dey suck on self na fake. Make em suck poison die self. Stupid kid
Silicon boobs? Yak !
after you read most of the comments on this post,you'd think everyone in Nigeria carries a padlock on their genitals. Well goodluck to all the pretentious comments & their posters.
He is so careless
that's the problem with being famous too early in life. at that early stage, there's no ability to control all the attention and as a result, they spin out of control. it's crazy.
Small boyz things.
The end is nearer than we think.....run to Jesus Christ the son of God for your salvation!!!
bloody ass juvi...
What nonsense!!! This world don spoil finish, see this small boy oh
Let him suck his mothers breast. BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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