Emmanuel has been battling chronic kidney disease for a few years now. Both his kidneys are dead and must be replaced to keep him alive. He survives on dialysis three times a week, which cost almost N50k per session.
Emma's sister gave him one of her kidneys two years ago in India but the kidney failed due to complications. Emmanuel now has to undergo another transplant but this time he's doing it in Nigeria at St Nicholas Hospital, Lagos Island. He is awaiting doctors flying in from the UK to St Nicholas the first week in September. Wishing him a successful surgery this time.
The brother of a viper, Shirley! Get well sha.
I wish him a successful surgery.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
He will be fine.
Not such a difficult procedure.
Good thing is,he isn't soliciting here and there for funds.
Also good to know there's a health centre in Nig where he can have his transplant done.
Doesn't matter if the doctors are flying in from Venus or Mars!
May the lord see u thru,ijn... Amen
D transplant wud b a success by his grace.
May the good Lord see him through.
It is well with him.
hardluck bro, wish u well.
God be with him,will put him in my prayers.I'm actually close to his younger brother.linlin makesure u post my comment oooo
Wow! Didn't know the guy was battling CKD. Our prayers are with u dude, remember me n my cousin always takin the Mick out of him when he used to be on tv cos we thot he was always feeling like a bloke. Simpler times. God bless bro n get well soon if u're reading this.
Wait! Why is he smiling sef? Well woreva what doesn't kill you will just make u stronger.....I wish you well sha (kinda confused)
Wishing him a successful operation, get well soon bro!
the Balm of Gilead is with you.
Get well soon bro.
God will see u through.
linda..its very sad to see alot of Nigerians having kidney failures and kidney related disease of in recent times. this was not a common occurence some years ago(at least may be not publicised) the rate is quite alarming ..and these people are just the ones we know..what about those that just die in silence that we never get to hear? i dont have any medical knowledge or accumen but i think it would be better to have a good look into our diet or most especially the water we drink in Nigeria...i seriously believe that something is wrong somewhere or is ut just me overthinking?
It shall be Successful,IJN
Eyaah. Its a pity. Too much kidney issues these days. Wetin dey cause kidney failure sef?
By the power in the blood of Jesus, you are healed in Jesus name, Amen.. It is well with you.. Wish you a quick & blessed recovery
U shall live bro n u shall recover all u've spent kudos to u for not bringing urself low to ask artistes n nig's for funds.
May God heal him IJN
May you get well and even much better Emma. The good Lord will save you and mk d surgery go on well. Speedy recovery,we all should also keep praying for ourselves and living right, and most especially let's all give in our best shot in life just so we can count on fulfilment in our lifes journey.
I love that smile on his face in his situation. Dats determination to live & the Lord surely will see him thru.
Am undergoing chemotherapy in d UK for breast cancer.
You're healthy? All glory must go to Jesus.
Awwww I rem him back den.tall dude with a baritone voice.I had a crush on him den.I naturally love dem dark nigerian dudes sha.get well soon hon.God bless.xoxo
You will undergo a successful transplant ijn.cant naija doctors carry out this surgery?we have missisipi,oxford and toronto graduates in nigeria na?we also have private hospitals that have all this surgical equipment.so why do our elites always travel out of the country to bust common pimples and headache that can be cure by these professional doctors?
Wishing him well
I love dos smiles on ur face emma! Too bright,too postive n full of hope! U are already a winner dear! Go live ur life! Survivors kip smiling no matter what cos they ve already seen d end from d beginning n dats what I see in u. Have a successful surgery,God is wt u!
No shaking β̣ro,wishing u all d best.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
His smile alone are enuf 2 keep him goin, his hopefull nd God won't fail him. Wish u a successful surgery
He's cute. Lotsa kidney failure these days, be careful wa u consume folks
~D great anonymous!
God is wth u
You shall be a testimony Ijn
May God be with u
It's going to be a successful surgery in JESUS NAME.AMEN
Am simply amazed with his smile.unusual but inspiring. Pray for complete victory.
wishing him well...im sure there are nigerian doctora capable of operating him. when wud we start celebrating our own?
Wishing u a successful operation dear.
Emma for being able to cope for a long period....I know it will be possible for the Lord to keep you...you are in for a breakthrough, it shall be well with you, you will make it in Jesus Name. Pst. Richard
Awwww I remember him. He. Is so cute now. God bless and be with him. I am no millionaire but I wish I could pay for a few of his treatment. It would be painful to loose this guy.
Yea. Mbi top 10 shown. Naija shaaa. If this was Yankee , this guy would have been a legend. Nothing dry happen. He would survive it in Jesus name.
May God b wit u.
OMG not this guy again.what is with this disease abeg? Na epidemic abi ma wetin them dry call am? Wish him well o.
With those cute smiles on ur face,ur healed IJN.
Anonymous 5.46 you are simple the best you have commented for every1. Such possitive spirit. God bless you. Emma God has heeled you and God bless your sister the former donor and this new person.
God be with u my dear friend.. we r praying for u and wishing u d best~RD
My God is with u....may u av a successful surgery,we love u..
U ve always had this great smile Emma. Bn ur fan since MBI days as a kid. Ur smile heals.
All d best dearie and am sure its gonna b successful this tym around. The lord is with you
Wishing you a successful procedure. is he Related to evi Edna ogoli?
Emmalicious....nothing go do you my brother! God speed!
Emma, may this transplant b a success in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
Emma dear it is well with you.I can see it on your smile, full of hope and life,God is with you all the way.
Emma Emma,...you are healed in Jesus name! Amen. Your smile and determination are such an inspiration! N50k x 3 =N150k/week x 4 =N600k/month!!! OmG! Damn! God will keep providing for you Emma! He has brought you thus far and he will be with you throughout! This smile shall NEVER depart from your face! It is well with you! Amen.
Emma my very gud friend I cnt believ u r goin thru all ds without tellin mi ur lil friend.i cnt say much here but I want u o knw dat our prayers r wit u.dis sad news but d lord is ur strength n u wil win dis battle.get well soon my sexy voice prince....it's uche
I wish him success in his surgry.d lord wil see u thru.medley
did you guys notice the similarities with the previous kidney story....i am now 100% convinced that Women kidney no be am.....its as good as 2months,dnt be deceived hehe
Really sad to hear about Emmanuel, I worked with him on MBI years ago. He is a very creative guy. I pray his surgery goes well and a speedy recovery too.
Emma, this will definitely be for your own good at the end, Making you a stronger man.a trial you are sure to conquer. you are made whole by His grace.God is in control my friend..its Hassana
I'm with u bro/sis.
Even cancer seems to be on the rise and I can even say it is worse than AIDS.
Perhaps it has to do with technology...u know, our phones, ipads and stuff. We have it on our person all the time. Some ppl even sleep with these things right beside their ear so they'll hear once a mail drops or a ping comes in.
God will see us through sha...
Hmm Emma this is shocking,but I am certain you will pull thru by Gods grace,the few encounters I have had with you in recent years are unforgettable,always giving a helping hand,ever ready to bring out the best in your junior collegues! I would put in a prayer for you tonight! Healing is your bro.
Dnt no him n i've neva heard of him until now. My d grace of almighty GOD d creator of heaven and earth, d operation wil be successful,he will come out alive in perfect health,dey shall be NO complications n e wld live long in good health to see many many many many years. Amen amen amen n amen
I agree with his smile being infectious. Gods speed to you sweets
All the best...God is with you.....
I used to have a crush on this guy. His voice was the shit. Is he married? I go marry am ontop the kidney palaver. Lolz...quick recovery to you - Princess D
A secondary school mate. Super intelligent guy. My heart is broken.
This is sad. This would not be your end in Jesus name. Amen
Mbi top ten countdown. Who would ever forget that show and the sexy voice of this man . This is sure sad news to hear. God bless him and cure him.
Linda please my love to him. I know him too well but have been out of touch. Hurts to read this after so many years. Emmanuel Ugolee is not related to Evi Edna Ogoli. May Allah's mercy be abundant on him. Sule (smoba)
The Lord is your strength Emma, you have too many things to achieve. You shall live by His Almighty grace
Been crying all evening. I can't believe this. He is such a kind guy. Was so nice to me and my partners when we were looking for sponsorship 5yrs ago. He was so encouraging and inspiring. Is he at the hospital now?can we visit? Linda please let us know. It is well. Vicky Madu
All dis kidney n cancer problem, are they on air?, well bros l pray u had a safe surgery.
His surname is Ugolee. Linda inadvertently wrote "Ugoli", how is that same as "Ogoli"?
These illnesses r not on d increase, it's just a matter of increased awareness. A lot of people died in d past without being diagnosed I.e. 'after a brief illness'
May God give you grace to overcome IJN. Amen.
May the good lord grant him divine healing in Jesus name. Amen
We remember you emma in a our prayers. God will surely see u thru this procedure this time.
Emma get well soon. Ur healed IJN. Ur smiles have already won and triumphed over d illness.it can only get better my brother. Will remember u in my prayers.
God have heal u, let d Doctors do there earthly surgery, may d Lord see u tru and Be ur comforter Amen.
My darling friend and brother Emma, God will use your case as an example to show everyone that HE IS LORD. The devil is a big LIAR and you are already HEALED In Jesus' Mighty Name - AMEN. God bless your angelic sister too. God bless you and your family tons. You are my FIRST port of call as I land 9ja. Love you tons bro and Linda, thanks for posting. Emma is a top dude.
Much love,
My darling friend and brother Emma, God will use your case as an example to show everyone that HE IS LORD. The devil is a big LIAR and you are already HEALED In Jesus' Mighty Name - AMEN. God bless your angelic sister too. God bless you and your family tons. You are my FIRST port of call as I land 9ja. Love you tons bro and Linda, thanks for posting. Emma is a top dude.
Much love,
Hey bro your well ijn...... But nobody seem to be praying for the beautiful girl with a heart of gold that wants to donate this current kidney for him. I pray for both of them cos I know her personally . Linda post my comment cos this my first time here.
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