Popular comedian and OAP Iruvwe Okeremute aka De-Don donated his kidney to his ailing elder brother, Morris Okeremute, who urgently needed a transplant to survive. De Don traveled to India a few weeks back to donate his kidney. He explains why he did it in a new interview
"My brother started having this kidney problem in 2009. My elder sister donated her kidney to him at the time but unfortunately in January 2013 the kidney failed because he didn't take his drugs for some weeks because the drugs he ordered from India arrived late. Se when he needed another kidney it was natural that I donate to him. It wasn't difficult making up my mind because I needed to save his life. I equally had a proper awareness about kidney donation and also the fact that nothing happened to my sister who had donated before. She even had another baby boy after the donation.
Very Admirable thing to do, and spreading the awareness about organ donation especially in Africa....
Very Admirable thing to do, and spreading the awareness about organ donation especially in Africa....
Heart of gold,God will bless u
Wow,very nice....true family love
awwwwww! quite lovely and thoughtful of him.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
God bless u
May God bless and keep you, ur sister and brother. You have a kind heart and deserve to live. God will perfect all that concerns you in Jesus Name, Amen! Speedy recovery to your bro.
Nice one, that's the right thing to do, it would only seem strange if you can't do that to save the life of a sibling.
What a kind and loving family, all you people need to do now is to keep praying so that there won't be any delay in drugs or anything that can make the kidney fail again. God will reward you and your sister De-Don. *ThatFunctionGuy*
d lord is their strenght,tnk God for d both dem. (logged in as ella john)
Nice One,Visit Inspiration Blog Angel Maryjane David Blog.
Blood is thicker than water. What brothers does for each other when u have a happy and united family.
God Bless De Don, I'm a regular listener of his radio programme: comedy happy hour with De Don. Thanks for the donation, and for bringing smiles to the faces of Nigerians via your programme. God bless De Don, God bless Nigeria
if you no donate am, who else go do am? me? well, nice one man. http://www.omobar.blogspot.com
blood tiz
Nice one, nice family. I bet some other families won't be willing to do this. Family is everything
No one takes care of u beta than family. Bless ur soul broda
Whaoh! What a brotherly love!
God bless ur hrt man.
Very kind of you!!!
God bless your self, your elder sister your elder brother infact your family... May the Good Lord grant your brother a speedy recovery! Now, this is a typical example of Agape love... I love your family!
True brother.
What greater love is there?
Bless your heart,Don!
How nIce oF HIM
Wish u both safe recovery
This kidney wahala God help us. Just lost a friends mum she had her first transplant 8 years ago, it failed and she was going for a second transplant but died. May your brother live long and be healed permanently.
May God bless u
So kind of u de don. God bles u.
what a wonderful family. LOVE IS THE WORD HERE
Brotherly love,very amazing...
Congrats bros u r one in million.
Dats wonderful
God bless D Don for saving a man's life na so God will save you too
God grant him quick recovery nd i pray dis wil b d last donation
What you did for your brother is highly commendable. Well done!
Nice one bro. God Bless ur family
May the good Lord bless you
Just imagine dis story, dey were all careless and its v annoying cs dey wasted d lady's kidney! Wch 1 is d drugs arrived late frm india??? Smh! Wat an xcuse! Y u no carry am com bak?? And if u didn't hv enuf money den, y didn't u follow up d shipment via a faster route? Now its simply penny wise pound foolish! Cs prolly tryna save money and spent twice! #not funny!
~D great anonymous!
I could do so for my parents or siblings anyway, thanks for helping ur bros, God will see u tru
such a giant feat...i wuld av find it hard to donate....hope de drugs arrive early dis tym arnd, to0 much love bro
eyaa the last time i saw de-don he was looking so goood,thank God for him o not all brothers can do this.
Awwww.............this is nice. May God continue to bless D-Don
Wat a strong bonded family:) ur parents raised you guys well :)
God bless ur heart, this is rare.
Blood is thicker than water they say...God go make u bigger
U guys re d opp of cain nd abel
gud 4 u
Wat a broda u truly r,God will replace d donated kidney 4 u with some of our Nigerian politicians own......can I please get a very loud Amennnnnnnnnnnnn..............
God bless you
i salute ur courage
God bless ur kind heart. Because dats u true love- queen
True BLOOD!!! God bless u immensely
Eyaaaaaa,wonderful guy wonderful family. They've got eachoda's back.
datz gud brother of d don so lovely keep it up
Blood they say is thicker than water! Hmnn,I must say that they really love each other in that family O°˚˚˚ . I wish him a speedy recovery.
Isorait,so by d time he also orders for his drugs nd it comes late,plz let me knw so I can sell my kidney to him,rubbish tins
may god reward u bauntifuly
I love u. God bless u
U don collect all ur family kidney finish nw all of una get 1 kidney
Thumbs-up Bro. Very very noble. May God preserve your only kidney and may your brother not need anymore kidney for good.
At the same time it means you may have to be very careful about what you eat and drink so as not to risk the health of your remaining kidney.
awww God bless u. thngs we do for family.
Oh this is so sweet of you and upsetting at the same time.Don't get me wrong,i'm happy for you and your brother,you've got a heart of GOLD but wish it was that easy to save my Dad from cancer,you see......i was willing to give my life in place of his but that's not remotely possible,we take things for granted on the daily because we always think it will be there forever but life throws you curveballs and sometimes canon balls that changes things for as long as you live! I'm currently in a dark place,loosing a loved one is the most distressing thing to ever happen to me,maybe i will find happiness some day but right now it's hard to dance with the devil on my back.
-Warriboi in London holidaying in North America
you did wel bro thats is a big love to brotherhood i love that this world is a small world God bless u
Blood is thicker than water PLS desist from alcohol. To be able to maintain the remaining one
*In D-Don's Voice* Whoever says ur water no go boil he own no go hot...ur ministry will keep moooving! Nobody told us where he went, we missed him on Comedy Happy Hour With D-Don! God bless u bro for this great feat of urs! Love u more.
U did so well bro. But going to India? I have my fears.
God bless u! Please spread the word, a kidney is as good as two. Help people who need it.
Ooh my God. I love this family
U have done well. The Lord will keep u safe. Pls, avoid alcohol
Indeed u re a real brother, hapi for both of u ok. U wil live long n see ur gr8 grund grund children
May GOD bless u richly and wishng u guys speedy recovery.
luv covers & heals all wounds. 4 luvin ur brother dis much, God's luv will neva end in ur life. Well don D. Don.
God's love will always b urs 4 doing dis great tin.
Family is important dear. They always there for you. You did the right thing.
i can only say GOD bless D-DON. its not an easy thing to do.
Awesome dat love for family
Awesome dats love for family
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