Oh and he's written a few of articles about the Igbos and the Yorubas that I am sure some of you have read elsewhere. I deliberately didn't bring it here because, well, we shouldn't be focusing on tribe and writing long articles on it. We should focus instead on things that will move Nigeria forward.
Back to the matter, when did the long standing, intimate and beautiful relationship take place?
1 – 200 of 270 Newer› Newest»And so fucking what? Nonsense !!!. We need good governance and not dating he or she Biko
If you ask me, na who I go ask? Linda, iwo na la ma send si FFK, to know when him be date Bianca.
FFK just loves so much attention, the recent issue he started with tribalism and Igbos is still fresh and hot and now he is onto more touchy issues like this, well, nothing comprehensive or tenable from his claims, so that's by the way!
Hmmmm....just passing oh. And what does this man want to achieve? Mtsxheeeew
So wetin make we do.rubbish
That he typed Miss Bianca Onoh, I guess it was when she was single.
I guess not only"wannabees" are into the"claiming" buisness......
He shud stfu.ewu gambia
Linda, u want to start another Civil War because of this? What is your business? Is it paining u? #justasking
Oh! Who showed this man how to tweet?!
Excuse me, but is dat d real twitter handle of femi fani kayode? *SHOCKED* I can't believe a grown man wiv such accomplishments as his wud write somefin so trivial as dat.'Is it paining u'?? Prat kwa??? Hmmm... how can it pain anybody dat u dated bianca??? na wa ooh, all dese old men sef. Grow up plsss!!
I'm beginning to dislike this fellow called Fani. Must he kiss and tell?. Always wanting to open his mouth in issue.
This man just likes to talk sha! Smh
Why didn't he say that when Ojukwu was alive? He should say that to the Birds!
I've always known that this guy is on 'cheap drugs'!!!
Whether he dated her or not, its his cone of ice cream... Can you please give us something more Linda?
hmmmmm what a crazy tin
this guy must be on some hard ganja
what a gangster
he shdnt have mentioned d women's names
real men don't kiss & tell
Shameless ex-minister that should be in kirikiri for corruption. Shameless tribalistic homo-sapien. I pity ur followers
Big mouthed fool!
Imagine The Waste Pipe!!!
What does he want to prove? Interesting!!!
In his article,he said,it was b4 she gt married to Ojukwu,so dts a long tym ago and we cldnt careless if it was yterday
Lol now wetin dis niqqa want make we talk now??!
Sorry Linda, I think something. Is wrong with this man. Maybe depression. He should get checked out
No need for ur question. If u read the article u will know it was.before she married Ojukwu. Meanwhile how is that an issue for u Linda?
He dated Bianca before she married Ojukwu. Or so he says
He didn't have to mention name nor insult the lady.are lawyers realy this insultive?he does this a lot.
None of my business
Fani kayode has always been a loquacious person and he talks out of point most times, who cares if he dated agballa the goddess?
Linda Ikeji. Loooool. You're such a drama queen.
But who cares about a Bianca who abandoned his bed ridden spouse in the hospital to go pick up Ambassadorial appointment in a foreign land? The woman is irresponsibilty personified and for sure we haven't heard the last about a woman who could dishonour her husband even at point of death.
This ex -minister acts like an area boy. see him exchanging words with people. No good example. I guess his story would be I was once an area boy until I encountered OBJ who elevated me into becoming someone. This Ex-Minister should find something doing with his life. too much drama around him. He should look at the lives of his follow colleagues. So what he had a cling with Bianca and so. he should be lucky she accepted cos I bet she just needed a pet around and he made himself available.
Dis guy is behaving like a child...bitter idiot! Nawa o...kiss n tell overblown baby lizard
Linda abeg I no this comment does not concern this issue but it is about the afe babalola university stuff, biko post am na
In his dream lol
He's just an attention seeking dweeb!
How does it affect the price of okpa nite mile??? Mtshew .pls spare us your shenanigans,we already know ure a HATER!!!
Ojukwu will be turning in his grave now!! Na wai 4 som ppl o. Y is he telling us.
This man is a very big fool,tomorrow u'll see him correcting GEJ and his government.
Looking for cheap publicity with his fake theories.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Is he capable of maintaining talkless of dating an igbo beauty like bianca. In his dreams.mschew
Lindy I think its before his (husband) death or rather a framed story. Post ma comment o
When i did not see you posted the first article in the first place, i knew definitely the reason why u did not want to post it on your blog and i commend you for that bcos Nigeria is melting now and we don't need to bring anything that can add to what is on ground.
I love you Linda, keep it rolling!!
He said Miss, not Mrs and the Surname was Onoh not Ojukwu.
He said Bianca Onoh not Bianca Ojukwu, it should be before Ojukwu I assume.
Who wants to know. Abeg stale gist joor
This man is a very big fool,tomorrow u'll see him correcting GEJ and his government.
Looking for cheap publicity with his fake theories.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
He is clearly a jack ass…socially-insecure and attention-seeking scallywag. I’m starting to think that he is a grown man stuck in a child’s world or just high on some cheap drugs.
Hmmmmm...... Notn wee pesn no go hear... Ma lips sealed.. DIDI
Maybe in his dreams...
He is soooo childish! Who kisses and tell. Mshweeeeee
The guy has issues. Y d insult on a fan.abi na old man.make he act him age
guy watch your mouth oooo,u shud have claimed dis earlier b4 now wots stops u(logged in as ella-john)
Nice suit dude's got on!
Linda if u ask me, na who I go ask. These kinda issues are best enjoyed leaning back, with all ears open for the next reply....
Obviously in their youth. Your ex can become anything tomorrow but doesn't mean he/she did not have a life like everyone else
Hmmmmmm..... haaaaa...... heeeeeeehn... If u ask mi, na hu I go ask? D Mata wey u see so, e tey wry e start. Linda abeg dig deep 4 more.
He stated Miss Biancah Onoh and not MRs Biancah Odimegwu-Ojukwu.
Now dis guy,I can confirm,is a child,n u r a lawyer n stil seekin attentn?goes 2 show u r so irresponsible n an adulterer.
Yess we have read it else whr,dnt say u delibrately didn't post it here on time.u just got the news.shikena
Linda it's obvious that you just want to make it a news in your blogg cos everywhere is dry FFK for your information came from a rich home so him dating miss bianca onoh is not a big deal he has been enjoying wealth and fame from cradle ask any Yoruba man that was born in the 40s - 60s about his father FANI POWER you will be amazed or read history of western region so he had all the means to date all hot Nigerian misses then most of them schooled together abroad UK in particular so flip over if you don't ve better news Linda
Hmm,somethang aint right here. I wonder if odumegwu was alive
Fani is an idiot, a very foolish man.
Hey y'all from East of the Niger calling me FFK a tribalist: I'm a tribalist all right, but I shagged the best of your women. #DealWithIt
Finally am the first to comment, so happy for Femi at least I guess its an acheivement,having intimate relationship with the warlord's wife its a great achievement. Congrats bro
This is what happens when everyone feels the need to be heard,not just heard but heard louder and clearer. Elders begin to exchange childish rapport with youths they should be mentoring. As far as am concerned,this second write up......"the bitter truth....." is just an attempt to save face,so that no one would say FFK speaks from both sides of his mouth if he decided to retract his first reaction to the deportation incident. He needed to create stronger grounds so he dug up history. As much as we all have been educated through this,the key effect is the damage to tribal unity.
INSANITY is knocking at this man's door..n he's about to open d lock. Dis man is a THOROUGHGOING TRIBALIST, too talkative, a chatterbox n talks more than women...Infact, he talks like a child. Av lost every possible respect for him. Look at you, filth- can you date Bianca? COWARD!
i thnk is lie.but this kayode is a talkative just like most women.he is too arrogant.and tribalistic
The last time I checked Gentlemen don't kiss and tell.....
Miss Linda, it's clearly stated:"Miss Bianca Onoh" not "Mrs Bianca Ojukwu"...do d maths babes!
Mr Femi fani, if not dat I want 2 respect myself I should have used dis medium 2 insult d hell out of u, if u dated her y mention it, or is it becos her hubby is dead? U should be talkign something more important and meaningful @ dis stage of ur political ambition instead of talking of something from d past whether truth or not. Abi u don ever hear where I get am b4 na my property?
When you were taking a swipe at Ibadan the other time,you didnt think it was anti-progressive.
Better believe it, FFK Hit It first before Ojukwu.
No vex
What point are u trying to trying to sell by writing this piece? Should we not write with common sense anymore?
he should'nt be bringing this up.wether he dated her or not.i think he is just an ex minister that has gone oblivion and wants to say hey guys "am still alive" mtcheww
This man get time sha,does he reply everyone.if he did it must before Ojukwu,he refered to her as Miss,and long standing shd b before ojukwu,well my thoughts sha
Na I really belve dat this guy is on drugs! Their said it, but I tut it was a joke. Na I belve it. Oga u need 2 check into a rehabe ooh
Hey Linda, I just wanted to commend you on the wonderful job you are doing - very professional. You are able to separate the wheat from the chaff. I'm glad you are leaving out all the sordid tales from Mr. Kayode's writings. No one wins.
Yes we are all here for gossip and some. I am interested in hearing from Mr. Kayode when the long standing, intimate and beautiful relationship took place? smh..
this man is a crackhead..pls get him a job...not just any..a meaningful one
Sorry to say this, this man is just a mistake to Yoruba land and Nigeria as a whole, cant he respect his old age and be matured for once. Kai!! Smh
Fucking racist cunt nw claiming my igbo queen..FOOL!!!!!
The way forward for Nigeria is disintegration. I know Linda would cowardly omit this comment till later. At least you don read am.
Loooool! Help me ask LIbers
Thanks for not bringing that stupid article dat was a direct attack on d igbo's.we shud promote unity and not tribalism...its no news that he loves dating igbo babe..like father like son
I kind of knew Femi Fani, is a loud mouth, but never took him for a loafer.
Linda the APROKO international!!! Nah the straffing related aspect sweet you pass not the ethnic aspect. Nah you biko
Linda u r olodo o. Didn't u see miss bianca onoh which means it was be4 she got married.
Can anything good Ever come out from this faceless so called ex_minister.u are not ashamed of yourself.you are Proud of dating a married woman... Evil man
Don't mind d dude seeking 4 unnecessary attention
~D great anonymous!
dis fani yoruba dog again??!wot wud even make him look at an igbo woman?oh i 4got dia is no goodlookin gurls in d entire yoruba land...past and present.linda,d vulture dated her in his dreams.
It was way before Ojukwu.....I think it was during his Uni days in England.
Poor nigeria, See the problem this country's got? Mr. ex-minister doesn't sound the least matured ....yo mean to tell me this guy was on the (FEC)
Wow and why bringing this up now????? Not funny at all!!!!!! Linda post my coment thank u
He should start counting all d women has dated not only bianca
Na wah oo make this man take am easy oo
You would have said it when ojokwu was still alive,if Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊r teeth nogo finish from blows see Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊r head
Coded tinz na
And So what?? why didn't you marry her after dating? You should have married her to cement the relationship and the inter-tribal unity you singly want to destroy. Less I forget, learnt you have not started taking cocaine then
Kayode the mad is suppose to be in jail even before now. EFCC take note.
Thank you Linda for not bringing his long senseless article to ur blog the way that tribalistic Ladun did. We have more important issues to deal with in this country and not debate on articles been written by a shameless nicompoop called Femi. Mr Femi, dating Bianca and all those women u listed is ur greatest achievement in life as I can see. U re such a miserable man from a miserable father. A disgrace to ur tribe and ur family. Curse be upon u. Hopeless man. Linda Pls post my comment. This is my second time of commenting here, Thank you.
This guy Fani Kayode or what ever be his names......is a big goat o. He was a minister & what he now found time for is writing rubbish on social media. He is beginning to sound like Tonto Dike or some lonely house wife. Anyways what more can he do now with his time, after idling about on a public seat without a single achievement to his name. He is a fool to boast with dating another man's wife. So nigerian politicians have started attention seeking things like rihanna & lady gaga abi? Very soon goodluck will post a poor street boy picture on twitter with, "vote for me bcos then I was like him & didn't have money to date anybody's wife". As for u..this Kayode guy, u r just old man wit little goat brains. & such a misguided squirt mistakenly poured on d screen of our phones. Bianca!? U wish! Hahaha u can say that now that Ojukwu is gone. #u 4 talk am since wen u were still looting naija. oh..u dey fear old soldier#
I think he said it was before she married Ojukwu. Linda, allow poor Ojukwu sleep o!
Sage...this man is a ToTo man nau, evrybody knows it...shebi bcos ojukwu don die..why u know talk am since nau,"biafra" will just carve outthose ur saggy balls....all hail falana for 4king Bianca....mpam
I so dislike dis man! Lousy goat! Rough Diamond
U dey mind dat two tongued mofo.
This idiot will say anything to remain relevant, u sound like a child. Blanca send u message? Something that allegedly happened years ago, u had to bring it up to defend yourself so people won't call u a racist. Shame on u FFK, continue to teach your children rubbish. Baba ti o loju ti.
Most u talk, big people dey make noises mteeeeeeeeeeeeew
This is guy sounds so childish.
@ We should focus instead on things that will move Nigeria forward.
Sum tyms i que u intension/s,2mao u go bring nude pic n package balls here 4 ppl to comment on
Useless Anofia man, any body wey do anything with yoruba people make e ready for the whole world to hear. Idiot he wants to tarnish the woman,s image by force, smh. So if he dated her nko, can he not move on. At his age he dey talk about woman wey him don date when his mates are talking about latest innovations to move forward. This goes to show who he is, a backward loud mouth, imbecile polluting the face of the earth.
@ We should focus instead on things that will move Nigeria forward.
Sum tyms i que u intension/s,2mao u go bring nude pic n package balls here 4 ppl to comment on
Its ur job as an amebo to tell us na.aproko!
There goes FK again! Why can't this guy just shut his trap?
He is becoming an embarrassment and a big nuisance.
I knew Linda left out those articles about tribe intentionally. LIBers would also appreciate you stop reporting about this man Kayode. He z an educated wack #justsaying
See your mouth like focus on wat keeps us united....Becos u are Igbo and u know he was stating the obvious truth dat u guyz are tenants in Lagos, dat was why u did not post it...FACT: IGBOS ARE AT THE MERCY OF THE YORUBAS IN ANY SOUTH WESTERN STATE...I LOVE FFK.....ourlagos is given many igbos like u job opportunities sha....@9ja_Stalker
I have always known that Femi Kayode is mentally ill and its high time he is taken into rehabilitation
This man talks a lot.I wonder how ur children feel when they read your articles.
This man's Cambridge education is a total waste of resources! Linda if u nor post my comment this time I go bone ur blog!
He can start f****** her right now! who cares? I dont need a contaminated news to awake the hungry worms in my belly. next pls
He can start f****** her right now! who cares? I dont need a contaminated news to awake the hungry worms in my belly. next pls
he's such a Classless man. What kinda respectable man speaks like that on twitter. SMH!
seriously why d mention
This guy talks tooo bleeding much! jeez
hey all you jokers on twiter etc cos you have access to fani kayode through this mediums doesn't mean you should be talking any how about my ex minister, he is a man of class and who else do you think will be with an ex beauty queen if not someone like him? well dressed tall dark and handsome, silver spoon etc.... but i tink the ex minister needs someone like me to help manage his publications etc
Linda, if u read his article; he said before she got married to Ojukwu. Are u satisfied now? I have told u people before, bcos u were born and raised in Lagos does not make u a Lagosian. All it does is to confer NIgerian citizenship on u. U are still from where u came from: Anambra, Abakaliki etc. U are not a Lagosian.
Fani Kayode spoke the truth and d truth hurts. If we allow Ibo to claim Lagos very soon they will be talking about Ogun , then Ibadan and what shall d Yoruba have? u were ggiven 5 states go and develop them and stop talking about developing other people's states. During the war they tried to claim PortHarcourt and the people from Rivers state were up in arms against the Ibos. So, Ojukwu abandoned the idea of claiming PortyHarcourt. OLE. They try to claim other peoples property.
Nwanne ewu (broda to a goat).
This man is an attention whore,just trying to b up there 4 everyone to see.He has not recognised his talent,I believe he is good in fake stuffs like acting, not being a legal luminary.This guy sucks,he better come to terms with that.#idiot#.linda post my comment oh.
WE took u in after the war,to keep your forefathers from starving to death and also when kidnappers were threatening your lives. Is this how u are going to repay us. We gave u jobs and everything else that u need. U ppl are very ungrateful.
U ll not kill me wt laughter," laffin in arabic =))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº=)) "
U ll not kill me wt laughter," laffin in arabic =))º°˚˚˚°ÂºÐ½aĦaнaº°˚˚˚°Âº=)) "
I think Femi Fani Kayode has succeeded in attracting your attentions to himself and that was his main objectives.We should try to ignore any issue we considered unimportant in future.
I think Femi Fani Kayode has succeeded in attracting your attentions to himself and that was his main objectives.We should try to ignore any issue we considered unimportant in future.
You didn't post his earlier writing but you posted the outcry of your Ibo brethren over a non issue of deportation. Now you talk about focusing on things that would move Nigeria forward...yeah right!! How does Fani dating your Biafra first lady move Nigeria forward. You are just a big bigot like your Ibo folks. Bunch of cry babies.
One day, I pray tribalism will end in 9ja....I am half yoruba and also married to a wonderful ibo man. If we as a people are so hateful towards eachother because of tribal differences, why then do we lament when the white man does such based on racial differences. Most of my friends are ibo, my uncle is married to a wonderful ibo woman too. As for Mr. Fanny Kayode, you're a disgrace to men at large. Now sit down in the corner and suck on your thumb like the baby you are. Adult my foot.....
This FFK dude is just an attention seeking idiot. You need to see his Racist remark about the Igbo race. Linda, u should tell him.....who cares????
Seriously, who cares??? Date miss world and I still won't give a hoot. This FFK dude is a racist. You guys need to see his racist remark about the Igbo race. He's just seeking for attention and maybe trying to get into Gov. Fashola's good books
Linda I do not care if you post this comment or not, but you claim you do not want to focus on tribe, yet you are so quick to post those hate filled tribalistic comments on your blog.
Oh! I forgot its your money maker, I am not going to tell you how to run your blog but if you are going to focus on moving Nigeria forward then you might need to think twice before approving and displaying those negative comment.
If not don't take your blog too seriously, it's a gossip blog, go ahead and post all, everything, no need to filter, or did Femi hit a nerve???
I thought the same thing. That was very childish of him.
what if u dated her?who cares?u dont even respect the fact that she was a married woman,a widow, to be precise....i must say that u re disrespecting her late husband by that statement which is uncalled for.who else did u date,Mr handsome?I expect u to say things that will add value to this country not abt how successful u were dating beautiful ladies from diff parts of Nig #shakes head n walks away#
Shut the fuck up u flabby abi na flobby moron. U re not ashamed to mention Femi 's shameless father here. He's just like his dad. U re talking about his dad been a rich man, don't u know that Bianca's dad was and is still wealthy. Ask ur useless elders who C.C Onoh is.
Leave ffk alone joor, how can Orji Kalu claim Lagos is a no man's land? It clear belongs to d yorubas, can any1 say dat bout onitsha? He only brought Bianca in to buttress d point dat he is not tribalistic cos he dates ibos. Is his mention of bianca d bone of contention now? Mind u bianca is not a saint,having dated and married her father's friend(Ojukwu) leading to her father disowning her for years does not mean she didn't date Ffk. And even abandoning ojukwu in a London hospital is not xter of a good wife. Why fight for her when u don't know how and who aided her appointment and what went behind. The truth is Nigeria is not united and never will be. Thanks
To all the Yorubas saying that Igbo's are claiming Lagos, I have news for you, we are not claiming your land, but we are saying we own the wealth here, and those of you saying if another war comes, that the Igbos will lose, I pity you, cuz you survived the first one because the Russians and British fought for you, if it happens again they won't, cuz they know better now, and the Ogbunigwe we manufactured during the war is a childs play to what our boys can produce in Aba now, we have locally made missiles that have a 2000km range, and for your information, we Igbos are blessed specially by God, we can go to a desert and in few years make it a city, but you Yorubas can't, after the war you stole all our properties and money, and gave every Igbo man no matter what he had in the bank just 20pounds, but less than 10 years after that, we bacame and still the richest tribe in the country. If any wars happens Yorubas will lose, cuz we will bomb lagos flat, including our own property, because we know we can make it anywhere, but you cowards Yorubas can't do that.
The drug can't be cheap. He loaded some cash out of office. Sorry.
Whats the bif deal, she come from heaven? On top of that , FFK has always been a name that rings bell. Hate him or not, the guy is one of the privileged few in naija.
When there are issues, no limit to a fight ajd the tactics.
Commot, wetin him for do? Abeg FFK na one of them.
Shut the f up.
Like how many people wey una put their.
Your opinion, which by d way does not matter.
Linda has successfully painted the picture she wants pple to see from this topic and tried to shy away from the origin of this trivial topic of dating Bianca.
In as much as I saw and still see publicizing FFK dating Bianca as being a sign of immaturity, I think Linda should have done better in shedding more light on what this guy was discussing that led to dating Bianca.
Like I said, I think Linda is being sentimental as a result of what Femi said that she claims nt to discuss on here.
I am a reader of ur blog and I have seen u put up more irrelevant but sensitive issues on this blog.
Btw Linda u re doing a good job. Big hug for U.
Of cos he dated Bianca while ikemba was still alife. Bianca na igbo money looking chick.
Bianca'sbills needs to be paid.
Femi, this is coming from someone as jobless as you! (Game recognise Game) whilst your mates are in Abuja busy "working" hard stealing money etc youre here dropping names. DUDEEEEEEE get busy already! Get a job...any job!!!!! milk a cow, go swimming, go on holiday, eat a dick, go fishing.... Anything really!! Just GET A JOB. Please!!!!
He want to tell d own world dat Bianca is HOT!!!
Bros, are u sad because she dumped u then or jealouse because of her ambassadorial appointment?
Linda thanks for disregarding FFK's earlier tribal write up. we really need things that will move nigeria forward not things that will create division. you actually spared us tribal fight in this forum. you are a role model.
My tots exactly! Its possible they dated while she was still in her father's house except if Ojukwu met her a virgin!
Some people are becoming MAD in this country. Surely, Fani-Kayode is one of them. He should see a psychiatrist. I know a good one at the UCH, Ibadan.
@Immaculate! So true...& f**k wat...so we should that he dates whoever...smh..
Una pack shit wey Una shit Una still dey complain, if U no know history go ask ur elderly ones, Awolowo was the brain behind the Nigeria civil war starvation
My broda! Well said! Who gives a f**k? There is no power, no education, no roads, NOTHING THAT CAN MAKE YOU SAY NIGERIA AND NIGERIANS ARE PART OF THE HUMAN RACE! Yet people in this country persist in spreading rubbish everywhere! Stupid people! DO SOME F**KING WORK!!!
Linda my dear, just because you're igbo and all Femi said about igbos trying to claim lagos is true, you now refused to blog about it. My dear, you are allowing sentiments cloud your judgement and you are the one who is a tribalist. Lagos belongs to the yorubas, you guys either accept it or go back to your villages and farm. Haba!! If you like don't post my comment, atleast you would have read it.
Tribal heads including Linda, stop talking rubbish! What's the big deal if Femi Fani Kayode dated Bianca? Femi is a man and Bianca is a woman. Was the Ikemba the first man in her life? And for those of you talking about ''MAINTAINING' her Igbo woman, Femi is from an aristocratic family, money is not an issue to them, his grandfather and father attended Cambridge University, Femi also attended the same school.
Linda's crush...passing
That's how he dated those ibo gals that spent all his money.chioma anasoh and co.
Later he started posting their semi nude pics and how he loved then,bla blaaaaa.
Used and dumped by Igbo Aristos
Now crying wolf
When u were enjoying pudsey,u no know sey u go deport them.
He doesn't need your respect. You are angry because he went ''there'' before Ojukwu. Oya kill yourself. Femi Fani Kayode, thank you so much for sharing this information with us. I hail you.
I've never seen a guy that talks as much as this guy..anytime I see his name I just skip. #NEXT!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't mind me Prince Charming I'm just lauging at your english. :))! So there's nothing "comprehensive" about his claims right?? Heheheheh!! Where did u go to school kid, ikot ekpene? Hehehehe #retard!
Hehehehehe!!! See as Igbo people dey vex because Femi Fani Kayode said he dated the wife of the late Eze Igbo Gburugburu. Una never see anything, una go vex and craze!
If You read the article he wrote very well, you will see that he was only trying to say that he's very close to the Ibo's.....If he date the Woman what's the Big deal about that....Who no get the person wey ihm don date before..Habi Linda no get?
Mr man before you married your wife someone shagged her, so what's the big deal about shagging some else?.
Yes dear. Midlife crisis,I. Guess. Loooool
Femi said Miss Bianca Onoh not Mrs Ojukwu, so he never dated Ojukwu's wife, so stop talking rubbish. ''Nor be only fear old soldier' Ojukwu was a coward, he went into exile when defeat was obvious. He should have been brave enough to commit suicide like Hitler. When he was asked why he abandoned his people, he said ''he who fights and runs away, live to fight another day''. And he came back only to start an affair with C.C Onoh's daughter- Bianca, Onoh was a very close family friend. It just goes to show his level of moral bankruptcy. Chief Onoh was obviously upset. Why wont he? How many of you guys who 'worship' Ojukwu will be glad to see your friend having an affair with your daughter?
I like dating Igbo women, their pussy sweet me well well!
He is just an attention seeker and and i pray that soon a long list of guys/men that has dated his wife before and after marriage will surface and he will feel how is it when the table turns,,,
FFK is a loser
Abeg, Bianca for marry Femi, Ojukwu was too old for him, I even heard he was a very good friend to her father. Na wa for this Bianca self!
Her husband's death biko. ... Sigh
Gbooooosh! * posting
Don't mind linda,ashawo things full her coconut head...
I dont blame him but out country couse somebody like him surpose to be cooling off in Kirikiri by now.
The guy replied you guys o...LMAO.. He said he shagged your(igbos) beauty queen and so what???? Hahahahahahahaha. What an ex-minister.. *singing* I hit it first" by Ray J. Looooool
I was wondering too! He is too old ☺
My guy, nor vex, Femi only tasted it before the war lord. Nothing spoil.
Calm down na! Wetin she 4 dey chop nw dat d man is dead? She is a smart ibo lady, lol
And this post of urz abt wanting to knw wen/b4 or after is going to move Nigeria forward? Linda try fink before u talk okay
Femi Fani Kayode, I never liked you, but thanks for this WONDERFUL piece of in formation. There is anger every where because of this. The wife of the IKEMBA, a demi god!!! Impossible? I seriously think there is SOMETHING wrong with your guys. Femi is a handsome dude and from a rich home, and Bianca is an Igbo lady. Anything is possible.
Are you pained?
Thanks darling. I tire for Linda Ikeji.
I think its high time bloggers disregard every tweet from this man. Am sure when no one reports or re-tweets his tweet and when he is not getting the attention he seeks he will grow up!
Agbaya Oshi!!
Kiss and Tell oshi!
I dont blame him cuz Igbo ladies of nowadays are cheap to any tribe. Very painful,
i Alwz feel bad hearing such Things about Umunwanyi ndi Igbo.
Linda biko be different
What a country!!!! Ex-minister of federal republic of nigeria taking such issue to social media and calling someone "PRAT" "POOR THING" hmmmmmmmmmm
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