I'm sure you all have seen the photos...they were all over the internet last week. They were pictures of the flashy lifestyle of Ugonna Madueke, the step son of Dieziani Allison-Madueke, the Minister of Petroleum. Private jets, limousine rides, hobnobbing with the rich and famous, showing off cash etc etc. The response from the public have been incredibly negative. I guess people were angry that he was basking in luxury while millions of Nigerians suffer, especially after the increase in fuel prizes...partly blamed on his step mum, Dieziani.
Well, Ugonna is distraught about the photos and finally decided to respond. Read his response after the cut...

Re: A wicked attack on my person via internet photographs. - Ugonna Madueke
It was with great dismay that I awoke a few days ago to see the pictorial publications being circulated about my family and me by the on-line media. It has stirred up a great deal of controversy and has portrayed our family in a negative light.
The pictures posted were taken over a period of time, some before my mother left the private sector as an ED at Shell to work for the Nigerian government. Although I benefited from a comfortable upbringing I was raised in a fairly strict environment by a military father who insisted that we worked to support ourselves whilst in school. He ensured that we had the basic minimum to support us covering tuition food and transport only.
We were all compelled to work to support ourselves and at the same time excel academically. I am a fully qualified engineer who has worked in my area of expertise for the last 2 and half years. I work very hard at my job and like many people across the globe I also party hard.
The pictures of my brother with Neyo and Dbanj are typical of the way any young man or woman will react getting somewhat excited when they run into stars whether they be home grown or international. Most people will be more than happy to have their photograph taken with them.
As far as the limo ride goes, they are commonly used as airport taxis overseas. Occasionally myself along with my friends and family chip in to pay approx $100 from the airport to our destination. To put this in context it is approximately N16, 500. There were 6 of us in the limo ride, which worked out to be roughly N2000 per head.
With regards to the picture of me in the airplane, which by the way was shot almost 2 years ago, the explanation is really quite simple. I was in America to attend the wedding of an old classmate whose parents had chartered a small aircraft to take some of the bride's closest friends and family to the destination. I did what anyone in my shoes would do and took a picture, Facebook is a testament to that.
It has been alleged that my family flew to America to attend a party, The event we attended was the Chris Aire event for the unveiling of NIGERIA’S GEM STONES with my Mother in her capacity as the then Minister of Mines & Steel. It was an event designed to promote Nigerian Gem stones.
The picture of us on the Red Carpet as we attended the event has also being published. I struggle to fully understand how something that was intended to showcase Nigerian talent and products is now seen as wrong. She also honoured an invitation at the London Stock Exchange to make a presentation; a clear indication that the Gemstone event at Los Angeles had started attracting foreign investors.
The picture showing members of my university fraternity and I holding some money was taken several years ago, while I was an undergraduate. It was a requirement of the society that we documented our fund raising success for a charitable course on behalf of the society I belonged to in the university. The society is called Alpha – Phi – Alpha University of Maryland Chapter.
Like any young man, I have had my fair share of fun, hanging out and partying I am grateful for the upbringing that I have had. This does not however mean I am immune from the realities of the plight of millions of Nigerians living at or below the poverty line. If the pictures (published out of context) were intended to portray me or my family as insensitive to the plight of millions of Nigerians I can honestly state that this is by no means who we are.
What this has taught me however is that, with positions of privilege and leadership come humility and responsibility not only by those in leadership but members of their extended family also.
I sincerely apologise to my family and the Nigerian public for any hurt, anger or embarrassment that might have been caused by these pictures, which were taken completely out of context. I will endeavor to ensure that all my actions in future will be sensitive to the plight of all.
However I have absolutely no control over this well orchestrated smear campaign, which is mainly directed at my mother, I therefore appeal to Nigerians not to take everything they see or read at face value.
bullish blab blab excuses ................ very soon enough is enough for all these thieves.
y d explanation? r u a kid? mtchewwwwwwwww
He dint hv to explain anythn tho...
I sincerely wish u didn't respond, it would ve been better......all u wrote is utter rubbish and be aware that everyone reading it is really enlightened and not illiterates...Deola
Nicely said, and witout malice..like a true gentleman...Honestly speaking, I don't understand y nigerians are bitter.
What an idiot!!! You must think Nigerians are just as foolish and idiotic as you and your family members have portrayed yourselves...Nope...we don't believe you...you need more people you glutton!...It's a New year...hit the gym okay? Fat mugu
Wareva....nxt pls..
oops! he flopped by explaining himself buh itz aiit sha...i wonder how it s paining 9ja pple...he is a grown man old enuf 2 work n take care of himself. why must they(9jerians) always think its their parents money...see wot poverty has caused.
You need more people....BITCH
Abeg leave d guy! If yall were in his shoes,yall wuld live lik he does! Mschew!
do you think we are fools, ode
Chai, Linda don add one picture join. Ur own don finish.
errmmm...well, from the pictures all i can say is that here in the uk even people that there parents are nothing do these things, all they have to do is contribute money with their friends...the drinking picture c'mon normal club pictures u would see guys like dat...and for d limo..lol...its not expensive to hire a limo...Finally, guy u do not owe no one an explanation.
A plane was sent to carry some pple but he was d only one on d plane....VIP indeed.
Who is this fat fool trying to fool? Or does he think all Nigerians are illiterates, may God in heaven punish ur fatness and all your family cos that's Nigerians money that's wastefully been spent, who is he trying to deceive that the pictures were taking long ago, everybody its a big lie, this is the kind of like he lives every weekend, seen him in club few times and he's an arrogant bastards, spraying money on girls, buying all sorts of drinks, some may say am jealous but your opinion, cos when I remember how pple back home are suffering to make money fools like his mum and other politicians only think of what will benefit them and not the masses, ode oshi trying to fool himself, don't believe any of that crap he calls a statement, as in who does he think he is releasing one at first, fat bastards there are more pics of him doing d same thing, maybe if dey all got released he will hold a press meeting, mshwww rubbish
although anyone could smell the bull crap a mile off i respect his style of writing .
his record was devoid of arrogance,and any unnecessary trivialities and he addressed every point intellectually fair play to him
omo boy although your step mum is a wicked witch and GOD will reward her appropriately if i were in your shoes me too i ll enjoy myself after all if your mother was a pepper seller in oshodi and your father was a retired sergeant and mai guard you ll be stuck with him
u r bound to be abused like ny other people in public office =, however i salute ur courage to respond to all d allegations but at any any rate ensure in ur future activities to be conscious of ur mother position.oneluv.
He actually made a lot of sense.
Not all that glitters is gold guys! *rme*
Really?did he have to explain?its alright I'll do worse if my mama was GEJ's squeeze...hehehe
Shut up abeg, its pple like you he's trying to get with his statement, dumb ass
Well,Mr ugonna madueke we Nigerians re no fools. Its either u shut up or u cont opening that ur mouth bugger. were u not d same guy accused of ordering ur security guards 2 beat one helpless girl in a club. Don't worry one day monkey go go market, e no go return. Very soon very very soon,it will happen.
Dude, nicely orchestrated writeup. Still...it stinks.
u Nigerians need to learn to calm the heck down...if use parents were there they would have chopped money too..some of these people too were in the private sector before they ventured into government and they may have had money before getting there...inequality is everywhere in the world..lets all just stop hating on people cos of their lifestyle..let them leave and breathe and we leave ourselves to GOD...
Nigerians just looking for where to lay their frustrations on! He is a rich kid and I don't see any crime he committed for coming from a rich family!! U all should go and tell paddy adenuga he shouldn't enjoy his fathers money because their are poor and frustrated people in nigeria! SMH
Thank God for stepmums like Diezani who accept and treat the children they inherit well. Not many step children will call their fathers wives 'mother'.
I tried to call my father's wife 'mother', but kiakia, the woman showed me the stuff she was made of and now she is aunty for life.
Very well done Diezani you must have done something good. I am very happy for you all.
I don't think it fair to attack this young man personally. He has made his point, n he did that reasonably. His mother has always been rich and I think it is both irresponsible and hypocritical for anyone to blame the young man for taking pictures with Neyo or Dbanj; or taking pics of himself while he flies on a private chartered jet.. Whatever issues Nigeria has is with the mother, and until she is proven guilty we can all respect ourselves n rest or case.. In a nutshell, Ugonna didn't have to respond but now that he responded, I have an overwhelming great deal of respect for him.
Atleast, the oga we all voted in as president in April 2011, has not deemed it fit to address the country over 24 hrs after 215 ppl n counting where wiped out from one start.. He said a report indicating that he is 'saddened'...
Dear friends, tone down the hypocrisy and address the main issue on board..
Linda, nice one.. Thanks for posting this news, its good people have a fair hearing..
This explaination is highly unneccessary, he owes us no explaination. It doesnt really change nyfin. I dnt understand y nytime nigerians c a rich dude home or abroad dey start ventin thinking itz their money. He is quite humble up to even xplain sef, most rich dudes wont. Susan
Why are the pictures seen in another context? I dont even know this guy but I think he is just enjoying his life and is he GoodLuck ? #this yeye people sha...How many people una don donate to this year?...Nigerian's ar suffering, we know that but his spending doesn't change anything with the thieves up there.
Well at least this one talked like a gentleman even though the statement must have been written by a PR agent. Go and check the rubbish Otedola's daughter is tweeting. She was wishing hell and damnation on fuel subsidy protesters.
As for this one with his being father a retired senior military office and the mum being a multiple times minister and a former oil company director,what else do we expect? I dont want to hate on him but it kinda feels wrong sha
In my opinion, u dont have 2 defend urself as regards,d way u celebrate a life u were born into,lest u get trapped in a web. Besides u shld know by now that pple would always find a way 2 jealously attack their betters.That is life.I am not a millionaire 2 defend u but just someone who is realistic. Just chill, who God has blessed no man can curse.
I don't believe the story one bit. If you claim to have so much, why not donate to charity. There are people suffering in this country. The least you can do is to help them. But what most of you do is to flaunt your ill-gotten wealth up and down and be stingy with it. I bet you would have some extended family members who are still in the village who need help but you would just simply ignore them. That's VERY BAD!!!
the boy did not owe anyone an explanation.
i know boy men children in yankee and UK wey dey do worse.
D Boy was born into a very rich family...If u don't like it go and hug d transformer...Nonsense
I think nigerians are just waking up but it is still early morning, by the time it gets to noon, all you money leeches in government and some private sectors (involved with gov officials) will be wiped out.
Not everyone wants to steal nigeria's money when they get there, some of us just want the right things done for the good of our children.
This boy actually did nothing wrong,is it his fault that he was born into a rich family? If you don't like it go and hug a transformer! If most of You where in his shoes, You would have done worst things! Nonsense!
Seen him out n about esp. clubs or whatnot ..hes an obnoxious pig.
Might be cool, but generally tries to hard to be seen.
Only god knows where his real mum is. He is a shameless fat dude. Do us a favour, go and diet rather than risk health problems associated with obesity.
big lie!!! i have paid 60 dollars from the airport to my destination in a raggedy assed Taxi so i wonder which Limo service would charge 100 dollars with food and wine and God knows what else. Get real Bruv!!!!
well said i hope nigerians will see ur side of the story.quite unfortunate bros
Abeg what is his name on facebook. i want to add him
If this is a picture of enjoyment in yankee then bros is suffering compared to those in Lagos o! Just go to Marquee or AutoLounge. Abeg...on to the next...
Oh boy, I want to know the airport where you hired a strech limo for $100. Common yellow cab costs me more than 100 bucks from George Bush Airport to SW Houston everytime.
I will like to know the family friend that hired the aircraft and you had such freedom of posing with no decency.
I will only advice that you ask God to forgive your family if they have in any way contributed to the plagues of Nigeria(ns) through corruption.
This is my coin and God bless you.
my friend sharrrap that ya dirty mouth before i shut it for u. which well stocked limo will carry u from airport to ur destination with 100dols? just kip shut cos u are not talking to fools ok. wen i visited america, the cheapest cab conveying me from d airport to a short distance was 50/60 dols.
wat u r trying to do is damage control n its not working cos every nigerian knows u and ur sluty mother n family are a bunch of arrogant thieves.
***c ur mouth like "i work hard n party hard"**very big hiss. where r u working if i may ask???? who do u think u are decieving? my friend knows u well and u are best described as an arrogant, spoilt, fat-faggoty young man who looks down on people n like to be known as d big boy around esp in clubs.
Whats the point of his explanation, no body will buy such excuses joor
Ask me? I honestly have nothing against the person of ugonna but failure to carry self properly on the internet; nettiquette. His facebook page is so loose I visited it same day the picture news broke and its a shock reading through his wall posts over many years. I'm not surprised he is making this public apology. He is a learned illiterate.
Hopefully he's been cautioned over this incident and will make amends going forward.
Y blame this guy for using a limo or being on a private jet, will you guys be happy to see him in a bathroom slippers on your street? Limo hire is btw £70 - £120 here in the U.K many people can afford it, usually friends chip in £10 - £15 each depending on the group. And the private jet was just for taxi not that he bought it. Common guys he is an engineer and he is working..... most of you would have bought a Blackberry of N10,000 for your gal/guy or yourself...... And for you Ugonna, some people are meant to stay of social network, I think you fall into that category. Safe
My brother it is not your fault if your mother and the rest of your family are thieves.It can happen to anyone. you dont choose the family that you are born into. But you do not need to lie to yourself and the rest of the world.
Believe it or not the money that you are spending is cursed blood money and i need you to pray that the sins of the fathers will not be visited on you.
Nigerians are not fools. The publicist you paid to write up your defense did a poor Job and should be fired....
I really think the guy did what was right by releasing a statement... He's not his mother, if your mother was world bank governor, would you ask her to quit and you lot be poor??
Those pictures were put online, to tanish what is supposedly the image of his mother not going down well, but this young man did nothing wrong, like he said, he took pictures, whoeouldnt take pictures if you met dbanj or on a private jet?? Many of y'all take pictures visiting ordinary KFC, and you make sure the logo is in full view...
As a Nigerian living abroad, this kind of statement/ press release isn't uncommon, he simply think it'll be more rude not to say anything.. Which is true.. Nigerians at home need to grow up!! You guys wanna be western in some ways,but the ones that you don't like you reject... Make up your Mind though...
And before anyone asks, no, I don't know him and I wasn't paid to write this long a comment!
righteous boy ...
Deepi_ugkUgonna Madueke
"@Iseowei: "@KingMeric_: #HowToKeepaRelationship If u really love her, fuck her like u hate her"-< bt what if u hurt her<-Hve make up sex!!
O boy you are a silver spoon and no body can take it away from you. It is a privilege, is your luck. You have done well explaining to us the behind the scenes of the pictures. Now any one who fails to understand is just worrying himself for nothing. You have conscience , you have feelings, rock your life it is your luck to have come from a wealthy family. nothing do you bro.
And Linda... Biko.. Publish my comment this time.. You never do, you tend to publish those you aggree with... Not so cool!
You owe nobody an explanation, if you like be a druggie sef. I have an issue with your mom that parades herself like her being a minister, is a favor 2 Nigerians.
I hope she get fat, then obese and slowly live with all its health complications.
Oni Iranu!
Laff wan finish my fuel o..........lol
I never got to see these pix b4 now, so his rejoinder will bring more fire to him. Losing ur privacy is a high cost u pay if u r in d eyes of d public or ur family is. Mr ugonna, nigerians have nothing against u personally, but by virtue of ur family's public position, get ready for more attacks.
But nigerians never cease to amaze me, I mean the comments I've read so far shows that lot of pple r being swayed by this reply from a very good PR agent just to save face.
Humility is inborn, wealth or no wealth. Pls help us tell ur 'mum' dat d moni u allegedly spend on a Limo ride is just about d minimum wage of some pple. Blowing dat amount in a less a day and odas manage it a month. Dats hoping u have such excellent relationship with her as u portray. I don't hate u, no, but ur 'mum's govt
'As far as the limo ride goes, they are commonly used as airport taxis overseas, - Say whaaaaaaat ? lol dunno wat western countries he goes to but limos are a luxery.... Other than that who cares let the guy n his family be.... he doesnt owe anyone any explanation
this is no surprise...the child will be answerable to the parent's evil deeds.really u dont have to explain but still a good move that u did.u dont av to apologise to ur step mum cuz she brought the show of shame to ur family.nigerians are really angry and if care is not taken we will occupy ur lives so y'all beta do what is just.
This is what i hate about Nigerians....You can tell by the comments why Nigeria is in the hell hole it is in today....I mean, can you imagine people actually defending this boy!!! People saying crap about inequality in all parts of the world...half of Nigeria's population live in poverty and you are talking about inequality?...A country where hard work does not pay but corruption is the order of the day! and you are on here chatting nonsense...i remember when America first went into recession and pictures of AIG execs were released with them chilling in resorts...Americans went ballistic and called out to stop the government bail out...But look at Nigerians actually supporting this idiot while millions of hardworking Nigerians languish in poverty...I give up on Nigerians and their idiotic mentality...at this stage it is what it is
Abeg is it his fault that he was born into a rich fam?
All of you who have met him in the club spending money, what were you spending there?
Were you all spending sand or drinking water?
He's just a young guy having fun which whole load of Nigerians do even in lagos.
Plus renting a limo here in UK no be big deal at all biko
nawa o. Have some of you signed a bond with poverty?
All you do is hate on people
The pple talkn down on dis dude whether u knw him or not are bitter! These are the things u can even do in abuja. When they jst hear UK or US even if its kafanchan dier eyes wld be red n ears wld be like rabbit! Its jst beef! Ur parents wld do worse if they were in d shoes. This boy even took his tym to write to u and all u can do is insult him! I well appreciate him wether his mom is stealn or not! By d way no one shld take d sins of d father to d son!
Stupid shallow mind nigerians insulting pples parents! Use their money as point of contact!
Haters go and DIE. Go home and ask ur parents where they were when the mum n others were making moni. U pple r all losers. Better go and find a means n get rich bcos u pple wont n would never see political post. Nonsense. Wait make i enter there, i go live for sky n deal with u pple. IDIOTSSSS. guy u get time to answer them.
He may not have owed anyone an explanation, but I'll bet if he hadn't responded someone would have made a comment about him enjoying himself too much to care what the rest of the country thinks. Based on a few of the comments here you'd think the main issue was his weight. Honestly speaking, unless you have proof that what he's saying is a lie it may be nice to give him the benefit of the doubt (I know why I say this and no I'm not his PR officer). I'm also pretty sure he wrote this himself (I know why I say that also). Rich kids can speak English too. Anonymous 12:11pm his mum passed away when he was younger and I have a feeling he must miss her from time to time. Disclaimer: I am very much against subsidy removal and think that the petroleum minister's arguments make no sense at this time considering the state the country is in (to put my opinion politely).
The point is that we should try not to let our obvious anger with the country's leaders turn us into a bunch of bad belle humans. I read the article about Abacha's son being shot and at first I wanted to say "good for him", but honestly, you can't stoop to their level and lose your humanity over this kind of thing *dodges with good humour the barrage of insults that will be thrown at me after this and deflects them all in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS*
@anony 12.20pm: Obviously you are not well travelled. a stretch limo costs $100 dollars in Vegas. It's not big deal. Just saying.
Does anyone has proof that he is lying? if yo do please publish and if not please shut up and leave the young man alone. It is not his fault that his parents (stole) money and gave him a good life. I would have wanted that life @ his age, heck i still do.
Blame the parents who are the ones doing the stealing and leave the poor boy alone. Regardless of how big he is , he is still s kid
I kinda respect the guy for that statement...all the people abusing him will do much more than he is doing if they were in his shoes.. No big deal jare in watever are in those pictures...Tessy!
You Nigerians Know how to be Jealous, I hope it kills all you lazy MF's. Idiots! Ode's! I know they young man and he is as humble as they come. if una want Jump into Stream and drown, he will still be from a rich family. Oloshi's! Go and work hard and earn your own money stop looking at oher people's wealth.
someone asked why he replied? he replied because the guilty wl always be afraid....all ur cooked up stories no work...u all r THIEVES!!!
This is peanuts compared to what his mom and other ministers and house of whatever have all stolen..boko harem is getting real close..deal with them or face the consequences!!..most would be living in exile with their stolen loot..
Can we view things objectively without using the words..hate and jealousy..
You just saw 4 Quads get their Masters..we are very intelligent people..just like Okonjo..Sanusi..Madueke found out..its common knowledge that almost all in Govt enriched themselves..and please..being part of Shell..doesn't equate to millionaire status!!..except if you on the board..which is pretty difficult even for oyinbo people of any class!!
Am so appalled. Wen I first read the story, I knew frustrated nigerians have come again. Y'all accusing him of beating up gals at clubs Wey evidence? Am ill bout angry ppl venting they anger at a rich fat boy. Shud he put a gun to the presidentz head so he wud revert petrol price? Dis is 4kin ridiculous! POVERTY NA REAL DISEASE!
Pure damage control crap! The boy just dey piss me off, God purnish him and his entire family on behalf of all the Nigerians that are suffering, amen.
His biological mum is late. She was a gentle and classy woman. Please have Some respect.
dis guy fink say we b mumu oh...Fat stupid akpa fufu..! go hwat bread make u reduce..who need ur xplanation sef.....#afam!!!
Let he who has no sin cast the first stone...
His family may or may not have stolen money, but please regular people who party in Naija even do worse!Abeg free the boy!
If he wrote this himself I'd lile to believe he has a concience and will appeal to him to put it to good use by giving back to the poor.
Wow!!! Most of these comments shows you cant please people especially nigerians,i cant believe this guy humbled himself to apologise to nigerians of which we dont see everyday and this is all we can say.God forbid!! people are wicked and inconsiderate,and what does being fat got to do with what he did and who are you to call someone fat?can you create a humanbeing? this is really bad,i'm sure if some of us were in his postion we will do worse and will not apologise......ugonna pls save your apologies for reasonable people(dnt even know why you had to apologise to nigerians of all people) Rubbish.
Mschew. this people sha think we are 5 year old kids sha.
Lmfao to "now she is aunty for life" too funny
what!! plz is dis boy 16yrs old..who askd for ur explanation biiko? mchew
attention attention seeker..he just wants 2 b heard
Dis boy must really tink Niherians av doughnut for brains...imagine d N2000 comment....Abegiiii...._ n'ur mother go n'mand ur crooked ways!mscheeeeeew...
nigerians are just bitter jealous ppl. i'm so shocked by most of your comments. plz let the man be jor. as if most you talking are not a'won ole
Suffer will kill all Nigerians....I nor de swear for una but jut the fact that you all foolishly condone this nonsense all the way from IBB children till date, you all will never see good!!! You will continue to be 2nd class citizens everywhere you go untill you stand up against these bastards and say enough is enough! see what this idiot too did in canada the other day and is proud of it, na suffer go bend una neck occupy my ass! Special adviser daughter in deed!
watch this and tell me how you will ever recover from suffer!
The bitterness from most pple here is appaling. Question, will you do better if it were you?
All explanations given by him r absolutely possible (except the one of him holding money).Even that could hv bn done by any "young man"
Smh at all you hypocrites
The bitterness from most pple here is appaling. Question, will you do better if it were you?
All explanations given by him r absolutely possible (except the one of him holding money).Even that could hv bn done by any "young man"
Smh at all you hypocrites
The pics have nothing..I repeat nothing to do with the problems in Nigeria. Bringing the family into this is totally nonsense. I know the Nigerian people including me have been fed up with the govt. for awhile now, so we will believe anything. We want the truth but we don’t like hearing it. I thought that one of the main issues is that we want the govt. to be truthful, correct? Honestly, the young man didn't need to explain, the people that stole his photos and lied about it should apologize. Like someone said here, the Nigerian people are getting out their frustration but at the same time, telling lies about photos will not, I repeat will not solve anything.
Ugonna,I hav nothing against u and I'm sure half the curses or insults u hav received on this blog is as a result of Nigerians disappointment with those in charge at the helm of affairs.But I will tell u one thing,talk to ur stepmom,tell her to try to leave a positive legacy.Advice her to try to make a change using her position.If u don't do this,then all the curses will indeed follow u.No amount of money stolen will save u from certain destruction if u don't do this.U hav been dragged into this matter either by fate,fortune or mishap.Now stand up to the occasion or fall by the peoples wrath.
Make una free this guy naaaa. If na u, u no go flex? Jooorh ooo. Na bad belle go kill una. My broda, anywia u dey, enjoy. Whether stolen, borrowed or earned; i don't care.
Sup Frat boy, guess u kappas @ Maryland flash money raised 4 charities. I'm a KAppa and the flashing of money is wrong. Cheap lie
You are a born bastard for even replying... who ask you?? All of una go kpeme!
This was 100% not writted by him. His mother's PR person or someone else put it together and published it on his behalf.
The giveaway? The reference to the frat.
NO ONE FROM the Infamous IZ would refer to it the way it was here..
Either way, he owes no one an apology...
This one na step-son pictures... I wonda how una go react when i upload some pics of how some ministers and presidents kids are spending money like it is a competition.
Hey, stop the hating and beefing. Let the young gee enjoy. How many of you guys came out on the street to protest against bad spending by Leaders?
Abeg. It is everywhere. You complain and say Nigerians are suffering but Nigerians pay 25,000 for a THISDAY MUSIC SHOW ticket. Some pay WIzKID 3,000,000 for 1hr performance, some spend 3billion on feeding.
Make una forget this guy jorr, he is probably the poorest of them rich kids and you'll worrying yourselves.
Stupid guy.He is high life engineer.
chief, stupid ogbonna madueke,u claimed to have work ur way through school, were u cleaning toilets, washing dishes or sweeping the street. foolish boy, who do u think u are fooling,ur father cater for ur basic necessities, which i guest runs into several millions.if u had really sweated in ur life, you wont have spend it of frivolous thing, you would have no wat money meant. just go tell ur story to fishes not to nigerian cos it would bave been better u let things rest.
This article was written for him and his family by an over paid public relations company to cover up the money his step mum has Bering thieving for far too long. He and his family must think Nigerians are fools. This pr thrash is a cover up and a failed damage limitation exercise. Shame on you and your thieving step mum. You, your step mum and your whole family deserve to be jail. You are a thieving and fraudulent family. Many days for a thief, one day for the owner of the house. Very soon your thieving step mum shall be disgraced and jailed. Hers shall be worse than Mrs Ibru.
Hahaha. Yeah...excuses. I'd have said the same things if I were him. It would have been better to have said nothing.
Limos are not that expensive, its big enough to take 10 people and when u split it, it is sometimes cheaper than taking a cab. they usually charge 100 box per hour which is 10 box per person in the limo. please which metered cab will cost you 10 box for one hour?
people should cut him some slack for caring enough to explain himself. there are many people that do worse. and then even the people who are not from rich homes that buy fake designer items and spend their school fees partying are constantly chopping insults. what must you do to not chop insults from fellow nigerian?
all that glitters is really panda among you people. you can never be pleased
People are so gullible. Of course it must be Diezani's pr are people who wrote the rejoinder for her fat oaf stepson.
He's talking a load of crap. I'm not buying his story. What "he's" written even sounds like something he and his mom sat down to write on his behalf.
Free the guy..Even fraudsters in London live this kind of life and take pictures and post them of fb..All u haters chatting shit im sure if he invites u for a night out u will jump on the opportunity.Haters KMT
lol@ his limo explanation! You also want us to bielive that the dollars you were showing off with was money raised for charity...loool! So full of shit! Judgement day is looming for you, ur family and ur likes!
very disapointed with ur comments..so as long as a tiny Igbo minority are chopping don't mean sh*t..probs explains the non-protest abi..not even against Boko-Haram!!
The poverty is def more than 50%..just move outside Lagos and Abuja!!..
Some of us can never ever be jealous of any Senatorial/Ministerial son/daughter..look at that one that carried bomb!!..u telling me his banker dad genuinely earned all that money??..Tinubu..Dagote..Odetola..to name a few..don't be frigging ignorant!!
So this fucking guy is a Nigerian..I never knew..I thought he was a Ghanian..Fucking Los Angeles Pig..Always spreading dollars on dirty Bithes all over California dirty night clubs..so disgusting to know the motherfucker is a Nigerian..gush..I hate seeing him and his terrible lifestyle especially at fun places..
I've gt just dis to say to u, "behind every successful man, is a pack of haters".....so do nt mind d haters, d ignorant, d judgmental or d accusers, fact is most of dem r worse. As far as i'm concerned u owe no one any explanation aw u live ur life,dey dnt account to u aw dey live deir lyf or spend evry penny dey av so y shld u? U r a grown man who is responsible for his own life, so aw eva u live ur life (gd or bad) is ur responsibility, so "IF" ur step mother is stealing public funds, she shld b d 1 facin d music nd nt u gtin fried for tkin pictures while avin fun. The events of ur lyf will only answer to u nd no one else, so b responsible for ur lyf nd tk charge of ur destiny nd leave the haters to kip hating(dats wat dey do bst).........shikena
mehn see hypocrites oh!, haters nd hypocrites......shame on u all.
Guy u dnt av to explain urself to ani1, especially wen most of dem steal d most!
continue livin ya lyf jare, whether it is stolen money or hrd earned money.......lyf goes on!
I think its highly commendable that he explained himself and apologised. Even though he doesn't owe it to anyone. The pictures were taken off face book and taken out of context to aid a smear campaign against his mother. I think children should be left out of politics.
There would always be rich people and there would always be poor people. That's life.The funny thing is Nigerians don't want equality, they just want their own turn at living the good life.
If you want to come to the guys defense i am fine with that but i do not appreciate comments that belittle Nigerians. Nigerians will not die of poverty.. things will get better.
For those saying asking if we[Nigerians} will do any better in the Madueke's shoes insinuating that all Nigerians are thieves, i would like to ask..if Martin Luther did not stand up for what is right and challenge the status quo would there be an Obama today?
Believe it or not there are many Nigerians who would not soil their hands with ill gotten wealth. My father was killed by his collegues because his position denied them access to loot. If i bend and compromise would i not be doing the memory of my father a diservice? Wouldnt i have brought shame to his struggle and made nothing of his sacrifice. there are many like me out there,walking the streets of Nigeria,hoping one day the sacrifices of our fathers will not be in vain. We are not thieves in Nigeria.
Those that are not stout in their resolve,bend because of the weight people like Ugonna's stepmom impose on them and they do what is not right to survive,obeying their basic instinct.
Ugonna,i have nothing against you but like someone commented,Fate by crook or design has brought you into this matter and i hope that you will communicate to your stepmom that Nigerians are suffering and people are dying because of the decisions her Government is making. Let them be humane and imagine themselves walking in the shoes of Nigerians.Hope this meets you well....
This is just unfair why all these harsh comment,is ok wish u all the best and thread softly omo mummy all the best
oh!boy, nothing do you, kudos for taking time to respond, thats a show of decency and humility. regardless, ur mama na thief and it would have been dignifying to have accepted that fact rather than defend her. enjoy ma guy....
This link takes you to Mrs Diezani Madueke's page. The blatant corruption! Its too much!
HEhehe! so sorry for the fat kid! His step mum must be feeling bad right now. Well, he's not the first and won't be the last.Truth be told, he didn't have to explain sh*t! just saying! yawn, everybody is just fed up with our givt.
He is an innocent victim to media's maliciousness! That is the honest truth. People need to relax.
Also, he really doesn't need to explain himself to anybody. Nobody should have to make excuses for being brought up NOT-Poor abeg.
Shut the f*ck up. Overweight moron.
I think the too much explanation made me feel he's guilty.Well guy remove the hand of a monkey from the soup b4 it changes to a hand of a human...(Igbo Proverb),,,I'm still puzzled why we kept fighting corruption but our Gov still remains adamant.
Am sorry but I'm not buying what he is selling!! Everything is is saying in BULLSH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thats all I am saying bout that! Mschewwwwwwwwwwww idiot!!
he should have just kept quiet.
Pls refrain from all the insults. I am not a fan of Diezani but I have to say this: the maduekes have been wealthy since childhood, before they lost their biological mom n before their father married diezani. Pls spare him abeg ahn ahn
Good of you to have come up with all those explanations.But can you ask your mum why she cried on the Lagos - Benin - Ore road at the plights of Nigerians and promised with tears in her eyes that in her capacity then she would ensure the completion of the road,but then some half hearted attempt was made and till today the road is still a nightmare of accidents, robbery etc.She now want Nigerians to have faith in her judgment as the now minister of petroleum,I think that's going too far.Don't you?
I wish i could "like" some comments here.....anyways anyone that is jealous of their wealth should GO AND DIE because as a Shell ED she could afford all that luxury!
Bla bla bla, his mum is one of the most corrupt ministers in this regime. I have solid facts to prove this . She should resign honourably.
abegi shut up that your rotten mouth nonsense yeye dey smell who asked you for any explanation and the crap you are explanaing. this would teach you a lesson that next time you would mind how you spend money whether you are rich or not especially when your mother is part of the nigerian palava....
Na wa oh! Nigerians una sabi abuse oh! And you get to see all these insults simply because you are writing as anonymous. If this story was on FB the insult no go reach like this oh! And he really didn't have to explain him self
Can he pay for my school fees?
*yawnnnnnnnnnn* Next..........
Nobody work hard to earn his money and spend it lavishly. It's only the stolen nigeria's money stolen by there parents that can be spent in such manners.
okay first of all that u work in the nigerian government does not make u a thief. And it is quite normal for young adults to want to enjoy life our parents can attest to this. This guy was just having fun so u cant blame him let him be. do not blame ur poverty or rather plight on his way of life which i am sure most people will indulge in if they had d opportunity so once again just live ur life and just hustle #cleanly# for the Benjamins aite
if he has to explain in that long epistle, then he obviously is a joke. abeg they shld spare us
who are u deceiving?
I think Nigerians would have felt better if the explanation had come from your snobbish Mum.Why is she mute?It's not your fight man.
the guy was just been a guy honest all u haters shall. lol!! but am upset he apologized it wrong!! u dont have to be sorry to where u were born into. sorry if it affected ur family but u NO apology
pls, let me hear word....how much did his father steal as a military gov/administrator thet is affording this lifestyle? she wasn't the head of shell europe or shell middle east(where the oil is 4 dat matter) dat would afford this lifestyle. God will judge us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pls, let me hear word....how much did his father steal as a military gov/administrator thet is affording this lifestyle? she wasn't the head of shell europe or shell middle east(where the oil is 4 dat matter) dat would afford this lifestyle. God will judge us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any person attacking this guy should with fact contradict him. In the absence of such contradiction all ya comments against him is fueled envy and to that extent amounts to foolish talk. poovety don lay egg for all of una head.
But Serzly, does dis boi owe anybody a single explanation. People can say woreva they like. Just live right, if u were modest enought, no one would av pointed ur family out amongst all d government officials, abi Ngozi Okonjo no be person?
LOL...this is simply an instrument of PR. Come on, look at the words carefully...LOL. It got me going anyway, but still, it's PR-image repair
i really don't know why this guy bothered apologizing to anyone. Whoever its paining should go and jump off a cliff or better yet go hug transformer. Rich people need to stop apologising for being rich, we all have the same head if ur own is not making money for u to live the lifestyle then go talk to ur God about it. He entered private jet, so what! u ppl r there donating money for ur pastors to buy private jets and ur here wilding out on the guy. Abeg all u haters need to go and find a job so that ur kids can enjoy and live lavish. I do understand that not everyone will make it and be rich as not all fingers are equal SO KINDLY FREE HIM and go face ur problems.
Nigerians will never cease to amaze me. Most of the people on this blog spitting trash about Ugonna are simply envious and bitter. How many of you are honest on your everyday jobs and don't demand kickbacks or some other form of gratification? How many of your children who are aspiring beyonce and neyo wannabes don't hit the clubs every wkend where they spend more money than you earn? d reality is this; until we can prove Ugonna's claims to be false, everyone take a chill pill! Y'all know u do worse in your closets!by the way, the young man owed no one an apology. that he was able to humble himself and do so shows he has got what most of you dont; class!
Is this not the same dude that was reported on gistmaster early last year for slapping a girl who was leaning on his car outside a club? YUP, it is him.
It seems dudes family members and friends have moved into the comments section of this post.How convenient is it that he has an explanation for every alleged extravagance?His is a well cooked statement, and whether or not he wrote it himself or it was drafted for him, we Nigerians know the truth about these kids of Elite public servants.I honestly can't believe a statement was all it took to blindfold some of you lot.I may not know him personally,but i've been around enough of these kids to know that his stories are complete and utter bullshit
Honestly.....d reply is pointless.. He didn't have to speak and if his body was scratching him dt bad a 2line reponse would av bn perfect! Now wiv all d epistle dt clearly doesn't add up I wonder wot he has achieved! If I were in his shoes I would av said, "If he had said.....before my parents got into politics....we were well of...and I like to enjoy life, I work hard and I party hard! If u av an issue......I apologize!
Pple need to chill abeg. Ahn ahn, this is the lifestyle of anyone who goes to sch in America and lives here. He tried to be as polite as possible to enlighten pple who don't know. Jesus, how is this a big deal????? This is not even flashy. wtf? All these things combined do not cost as much as ur Brazilian hair.
@ASA would you shut that you yeye mouth you are using to defend this recklessness. where were you when his mother was transport minsiter what did she do in the position? nothing did you not see her cry for the benin and ore road? after that did she do anything NO and now again she is petrol minister and has now even become worse and you are hear yaning nonsense = rubbish please close that you mouth if you have nothing tangible to contribute.
as for the boy, who asked you to explain abi na guilty conscience dey worry you i think so.... just learn to use your sense in that big head of yours well as all that glitters is not gold am sure your mother knows that mschew!!!
Ʊ pipo shud freEe d boy his not ur prob neither his is mother..pray 4 a better nig..mtcheeeew
Yea right! Blab on. Should have kept your trap shut instead of yapping such stupid stuff.
Nigerians are merely looking for SCAPEGOATS for their miserable predicaments or hardship and will always be quick to blame those at the helm of affairs for their predicaments.
Its easy to play the blame game but the truth is you're responsible for your future and no one owes you anything. If you really wanna succeed in life despite all the problems and challenges we see everyday, then its really up to you and if you don't its still your fault. Blame no govt. - cos its U.
Anyone who believed this guy owes a private jet of his own wud be a dumb idiot. When I heard the story, I didnt ave to read it to know its a very big lie wen a friend told me. As Nigerians, we are better than sharing hate and false news just becos we hate the face of certain people.
I lov this guy cos he was down to earth in his explanation even though he owes no one anytin lyk dat. Stop the hate cos so many of U critics wud do much worse if given the chance to be in their shoes!
Lies, lies and oh yeah, more lies!
well, all u pple judging and criticizing this boy, i'll just ask 4 questions.
1. if u see a limo, wont u enter?
2. if u see dbanj wont u take a pic with him?
3. if u see NEYO wont u take a pic with him?
4. if u see Chris Aire wont u want a free diamond?
if u answered Yes to any of these questions, i think u need to sittyoassdown and stfu. leave the guy alone.
Asshole! go fuck yourself with your fucking tired lies like mother like son, you thieving liars will soon be history
Let them free this guy jor..his's done nothing wrong...renting a limo here in the UK is just £100, which can be split between friends.I've done that too and that doesn't mean I'm rich or wasteful...The dude is just having fun and doesn't owe us any explanation!
comon pple, dont be haters. you ll will do worse if u were in his position. he even replied, explaining. i can bet if you all had half that cash, we no go hear word. stop thinkn like poor men. leave the dude alone oooo. a good number of nigerians are corrupt not just the leaders, it just happens to be there turn today, u sure wont do any better wen its ur turn. oshiskoss. kmt
no wahalla una cup go soon overflow the upcoming revolution will kill all looters uw parents included and the ill gotten asset burnt the rest frozen in the spirit of true 9ja
Niggu... By explaining ur self.. U fucked up.. Indication that ur conscience is against you.. All in all I see no wrongs in the pics.. Ur mom's the target inni.
Mtcheewwwww!!! Read two lines and was bored already. Whatever u say,we don't care.Its still our money. Phat soul.Go do liposuction with some of our money
same woman supposedly purchased 20million euro mansion in austria last year...
please view the link for details on the 20million euro mansion
This your response would have been directed to your Mama, a well trained individual would not exhibit such flambouyant lifestyle. if you thought abt where you come from, and how the suffering is killing people in your country, you would not do this.
you can do this with style, if you wanna flex, flex with the poor or needy and you will have their sides cos you will apppear to the world that you just gave them a hand & you8'll be a hero!!!
dumb ass, if d money was not too much you would not do such spendings...watch ya back dude...help the poor to redeem yourself UGO!!!
I hope your mum reads all these cos we all see her as the head criminal in charge!!!
i have always know loads of Nigerians are illiterates. First the big is her step son, second the boys father is wealthy third his step mom was an ED @ SHELL! didn't you read that ED @ SHELL!!! do you know what that means? a normal guy working in an oil company see do you know how much the guy earns. the truth is empty barrels make the loudest noise!
like the story of the prostitute in the bible, all this without sin cast your stones! and let Gods judgement be upon you!
I am tired of Nigerians looking for who to blame! every single person is corrupt, if one of you was given the chance to become minister, you will chop for ur pocket ...its unfortunate that thats the Nigerian Dream.
pick out the dirt in ur eye before u pick anothers.
why the hating people? and why the explanation "rich kid"?
Too bad I just got to read this piece... Now, Ugonna or whatever you call yourselve, writing series of crap behind anonymous and fake IDs totally negates the honesty of your apology. Thieves claiming rich, you're not ashamed you're feeding on bloody and illegal money(our wealth) meant for the national welfare. In most of your guilty rants(disguised under the numerous anonymous and fake IDs), you called us poor. Well, the likes of your family are the cause, blocking the circulation of our national wealth. Rich my foot... More like thieves. You all are in the same cadre as the highway robbers, scammers, 419ers,etc. Just like you, they also claim rich, hardworking, etc. Choke on your stolen and illegal wealth. Everyday is for the thief, but one day is for the owner. Enough said.
There really was no need for all the justifications but anyways, it's a pretty good write-up.
Yea, its a really good write up written by the family publicist or lawyer .....dont tell me you all believe he wrote this....
Watev! When you Get there Do You Too... Y'all Need to Lay OFF My Teddy Bear!
DP, No mind them.... Guy u don Big more... Take am easy ooo... As for somebody that knows Ugonna, the guy is a humble guy. He was not a noise maker like some kids here in the states...
Mehn! Nigerians you guys are mean! Why attack the poor guy. Someone complained that taking the limo cost about the same as minimum wage. i'm sure everyone here owns a bb...most cost more than that. Dont hate the player. Let the guy be man!
You will die for this statement. Cut its only when you die that God can judge you
08099762556 call and ask Him. Better go and look for money. The world.is a jungle
And then?? Where is your money??... Oga shut up and hustle. Na jungle we dey. Stupid boy
U dumb
If there mother can rob us blind with the help of badluck Johnathan, they now spending it like they earn it, sick people
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