Overfine they worry this girl. Thank God for women like Tiwa who said no to bleaching creaming, and are still as beautiful as ever. #TeamILoveDarkSkinGirls
Hey BVs, my friend is a very smart and intelligent woman. I persuaded her to start her own blog because I know people would love what she has to say. It is still in its early stages but please visit http://onegeria.blogspot.com/?m=1 to take a peek inside her beautiful mind. Thank you
Na im be sey I no go buy be that. Why recycle old faces. ThisDay has lost it patapats. Go and check all their old magazines, you will think they are all the same with these new ones. Gradually getting dry.
Enugu's second shoe designer
She looks gorgeous!
Overfine they worry this girl. Thank God for women like Tiwa who said no to bleaching creaming, and are still as beautiful as ever. #TeamILoveDarkSkinGirls
Do You Have Problems Lasting Long in Bed?
Hey BVs, my friend is a very smart and intelligent woman. I persuaded her to start her own blog because I know people would love what she has to say. It is still in its early stages but please visit http://onegeria.blogspot.com/?m=1 to take a peek inside her beautiful mind. Thank you
Tiwa Savage.
She fine
She cute
She beautiful.
She tried, Olajumuke looked better on the cover.
Fine mama
I swear I thought I saw Tiwa savage disgrace the cover of this day style magazine...and I believed it
I'm coming to resque her
Seen. Linda observe!
Lady of many face.
Looking good
Money is everything!!!
Good for her
Beautiful and sexy mama
Beautiful and sexy mama
This is d real Tiwa,and not all doz over edited covers we see
LIB ADDICT#just passing#
Pretty woman
Beautiful tiwa... So cute
Fine mama
She looks like someone practising voodoo in d first picture.
#Somebody must to love me tonyt!!!
More dough for her.
She is so beautiful! Love it
Tiwa baby! You look amazing here. This is the best I have ever seen her. But Aunty Linda there are many more photos from this shoot. Show them pls
TY Bello nailed it again!
Beautiful, congratulation to them
Beautiful as always
Good for her
She's worth it...a celebrity who doesn't bleach her skin!!!
Bewrifu! Linda take note!
Na im be sey I no go buy be that. Why recycle old faces. ThisDay has lost it patapats. Go and check all their old magazines, you will think they are all the same with these new ones. Gradually getting dry.
Madam concentrate on ur baby. Funfoju akpa ajoka.
Don't like it jor.... Prefer Olajumuke's.
Stunning woman
Cool, pretty, sexy, savy tiwa savage.
Linda mkn money snc 2000
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Beautiful lady
Tiwa is beautiful sha.
Jus splufik.....stunning👍👍👍👍👍
Jus splufik.....stunning����������
Is dis This Day or American Vogue?
Let's buy the paper to get the magazine
Fine lady
What's with the nose ring
Mrs sensational
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