North West is giddy as her mum Kim K takes her toy shopping | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 6 March 2016

North West is giddy as her mum Kim K takes her toy shopping

Kim Kardashian took her overjoyed daughter North West on a shopping spree at Toys R Us in Woodland Hills, California on Saturday. The 2+ year old couldn't seem to contain her excitement as she nearly raced to the entrance doors of the toy department store. More pics after the cut...


AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

She's so cute,Kim wan teach her how to wear black 247 morning the unknown!

Unknown said...

Beautiful baby

Unknown said...

Beautiful baby

Unknown said...

Nori is so cute.

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Tayhur said...

North is super cute

Unknown said...

Poor girl, the toys looks more colourful than her. 24 hrs dressed in black.

Unknown said...


eunymz said...

Sweet Nori

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Cute north

Unknown said...

Aww she's having fun yeah.. Have fun boo boo

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Happy girl she gat nothing to worry about now.

chommy said...

Cute. Linda observe!

Unknown said...

North is beautiful

Unknown said...

Smilin......beautiful! Smilin.....

Unknown said...

Lol kids and toys


Unknown said...

Cute lil ting

Unknown said...

She was full of joy it was written allover her faces.

Lee said...

Dis North is cute sha

gentle said...

She's so cute!

Unknown said...

Noted, good for her

Unknown said...

She neva see to before ni..
Abi na dick toy she run come collect.

Enugu's second shoe designer

Unknown said...

Joy of shopping

Anonymous said...

9ice 1, Living life to d fullest
Dey should enjoy while it last

Unknown said...

Cool. What would life be without children

Anonymous said...

Happy child.

Unknown said...

Lolz....I know that kinda feeling.

OSINANL said...

Cute Lil girl

Unknown said...

Lucky child! Linda take note!

Unknown said...


Please visit my blog

Unknown said...

As a child she deserves all the love she's getting that's OK but let the parents train her in the way of the Lord that's if they know the Lord themselves

chyyy said...

#That's so nice from mummy#

Unknown said...

She's so cute..


Chimaeze500 said...

Beautiful baby but her name...... Nawa o

Unknown said...

a pilot was told to tranfer mad people from naija to u.s.a . he agreed and carried dem in his plane . every place was so noisy . leta one of de mad person approached de pilot and say pls can u teach me hw to drive the aeroplane . de pilot replied , i will teach u hw to drive if u will tell ur friend to stop making noise (knowing that he can't do it). de mad man went in . after some minutes ,everywhere was silent as if an angel entered de plane .after some minute de mad man came back and tell the pilot that everywhere is cool now . the pilot became happy and asked what did u do to dem that make dem to keep calm. de mad man replied , i opened the door for them to go and play outside. the pilot fainted

African foodstuff and Raw Materials said...

Wow, pretty girl

junia said...

Lovely Nori so full of life

Blessraheem said...

Why is kim always hiding her bumbum dis days nau? Is like sometin has gone wrong wit ur butt

Unknown said...

Happy soul

Pretty face said...

See how the girl is soo excited.

Unknown said...

So how is this one news ehh..LINDA OBSERVE CAREFULLY

SNAP said...

Cute lil princess!!,Way finer than that Jay z look alike called blu ivy

Anna CK said...

Nori is so pretty

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

North is cute

Anonymous said...

I so love North west. Full of life

Femi-nist said...

Just off to buy toys in the Rolls, nothing too fancy

Unknown said...

Not interested.. Next!!!

Anonymous said...

Cutie North!

Beautiful wifey said...


Luciana Chinda said...


Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Pretty and cute girl acting like a spoilt brat.



This child is cute for century...... cute nori

gentle said...

What is Ur business with the bumbum of a post pregnant woman? Are you lesbian or a pervert?

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

She's such a big girl now

... Merited happiness

Unknown said...

Seriously that babe is dope very very cute compare to this ivy blue abi werin b her name .

KWEEN said...

Same way I feel anytime I'm shopping for clothes or shoes. Hehehehe

Unknown said...

Some Days are like that

bibi said...

Very sweet gal!

junia said...

Not interested but u took time 2 type. Who cares if u're not interested? Hateful being.

Anonymous said...

She is so cute.

Anonymous said...

cute smile...Want A Natural Way To Lose Weight in 30 Days Click Here To Read

Unknown said...

Beautiful happy kid
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

She's so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Sweet girl

Anonymous said...

How is this news plssss???

Anonymous said...

It is a shame how much of a fool u r at ur age!

Anonymous said...

The rate at which people hate is so disgusting! Can u even draw a human eye? Not to talk of creating a human being. Who r u to say who is beautiful and who is not? I don't even want to imagine what ur face looks like cos i know it would b a nightmare. Hater Oshi!

Unknown said...

Beautiful girl!

Yetty k said...

Fine girl

Unknown said...

Hahaha, quite hilarious

Unknown said...

How can you contribute this concerning a little girl, you're to be pitied

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hear ursef talk,like a fool...mtchew

Unknown said...

Pretty Nori!!!

Bad_girl_riri 4 life said...

U are a big fool for saying dat abt little Nori....ode oshi..agbaya hati jati

Bad_girl_riri 4 life said...

But it's true ivy is ugly jare..let's call a spade a spade...

Unknown said...


pamz said...


Unknown said...

Woman of easy virtue, afta callin me a fool... U now turn around to concur, we dont need piple lik u... Go wank on your stupidity

Charles said...

And.....the Junia Kardashian strikes again, mumu, someone will think that Kim knows you with how much you fight for them, but she doesn't. So so sad.

Blessraheem said...

Am not a lesbian or a pervert Studity of the highest order

Unknown said...

Kim should stop wearing black for this girl

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