PETA calls for American dentist who killed Zimbabwean lion to be extradited, charged and hanged | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 29 July 2015

PETA calls for American dentist who killed Zimbabwean lion to be extradited, charged and hanged

Death threats have poured in after an American dentist killed a famous & protected lion in Zimbabwe named Cecil.

Tributes to the lion in one of the country's national parks have poured in at a location thousands of miles away, Dr Walter Palmer's office in Bloomington, Minnesota. Protesters dressed as 'dentist hunters' also threw stuffed lions at his house.

Palmer has said that he had trusted his local guides to meet legal guidelines on his trip to Africa, during which he shot Cecil the Lion with a crossbow before skinning and beheading him around July 6.
The hunter's office and practice website have become a target for animal rights activists disgusted at the dentist's actions, which saw Zimbabwe authorities look for him in connection with poaching on Tuesday.
One of the strongest denunciations came from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which said on its Twitter account that Palmer should hang for killing Cecil.
'If, as reported, this dentist & guides lured #CeciltheLion out of the park with food so as to shoot him on private property because shooting #CeciltheLion in the park would have been illegal, he needs to be extradited, charged, &, preferably, hanged.'
PETA continued, 'Hunting is a coward's pastime. To get a thrill at the cost of life this man gunned down a loved lion with a high-powered weapon'.
'All wild animals are beloved by their own, but to hunters like this overblown, over-privileged little man, they're merely targets.' 

'The photograph of this dentist, smiling over the corpse of another animal, will disgust every caring soul in the world'. 
The hunter allegedly paid $55,000 (£35,000) for a big game permit on the trip, and said that he did not know that the 13-year-old lion was protected. 
However, since his role in Cecil's death has been uncovered, animal lovers have laid siege to Dr Palmer's website, posting incredibly negative and abusive reviews. 

A memorial to the famous lion at a Zimbabwe national park who was shot by American dentist Walter Palmer has been set up outside of his office in Bloomington, Minnesota, along with a sign calling the hunter a killer
Some reviews on Yelp, which have been regularly deleted, have suggested violence towards Palmer and his business.
While outrage at Palmer's actions seethed through the Internet on Tuesday, those in the Twin Cities also disapproved.
Stuffed animals including lions were placed outside of his office, along with a a sign that said 'You are a coward and a killer!' 
'I think they should reconsider their dentist.' one woman said of people who go to Palmer to take care of their teeth. 'There are plenty of other dentists in the community who are animal advocates and good people.' 
Ire against Palmer first erupted when he was identified as the shooter on Tuesday. 
Emmanuel Fundira, the president of the Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe, confirmed at a news conference on Tuesday that Palmer is wanted for the death of Cecil.

Source: Daily Mail


Unknown said...

Gbam! Animal right on point

Unknown said...

That's madness. .. bt he was given the go ahead before right?

7F098C19 said...

Until the lion eats every one in your community. Lol. Engr Emy

SANDRA said...

Yes oo I agree, he killed an innocent Lion just to get fame

Anonymous said...


Eze said...

Na so person they take die for nothing

Eze said...

Na so person they take die for nothing

Jasmine Joseph said...

This dentist is sick in d head, for wat gain did he kill that animal

Jasmine Joseph said...

This dentist is sick in d head, for wat gain did he kill that animal

Aaliyah said...

All this 'cos he killed a lion? They should hang him bcos of that? Common, people should take a chill pill. He made a mistake and said he didn't know. Na wa o.


ary said...

He should! This is so bad, you can't kill an animal for game because you have the money.

Bonita Bislam said...

Nah death sentence for killing an animal is kinda harsh.A mild prison sentence would do

Unknown said...

They're not serious

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

they cant do him anything,he had licence and he paid before he killed the animal!

Unknown said...

Hanged because of a lion?
Unserious people
You support gay but want someone hanged for killing a lion. PETA sin is sin.

snowflix said...

They should forgive him #onelovefromsnow#

Unknown said...

He has killed many animals.He wont escape this time.

Business Barbie said...

Death sentence for killing an animal. Animal that God put on earth for us to eat. Una try. said...

They should Extradite him and let him face the full wrath of the law.

Anonymous said...

My friend will u shut up ur mouth there,what do u knw?this is a human. Being we re talkin about here.its. U that is sick in the head.mumu oshi

STERN said...

And if you just throw an ordinary stone at a bird in their country they will sue you...abeg deal with time

Unknown said...

Nawaaao! Nkea karikwaa mmadu

Unknown said...

Dude really needs to visit the jail nobi lie...

Unknown said...

I just knew dis case would be turned against him. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

I just knew dis case would be turned against him. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Don't mind the idiots

Unknown said...

They are taking it too far

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Anonymous said...

Na wa o,bcos of lion.rubbish

Unknown said...

Lock him up,d license he got was illegal,bt he's in real trouble I fear for him though

Unknown said...

Lol. Animal rights ehn?


aproko manager said...

Shoowwwww e neva reach so na

Unknown said...

Hang human being because of animal??? Ok, I can understand the anger cos I wasn't happy when I read about the lion's killing. It was cruel but then to hang a human being cos of an animal? Oh, get over it. There are many more lions out there. PETA should take several seats. Na today animals start to go into extinction? Mtchew

shescute said...

Hian for lion wey they kill people na him be this? Nothing wey person no go see

aproko manager said...

Cos of lion...nonsense

aproko manager said...

Cos of lion...nonsense

Anonymous said...

This is not just about killing a lion! a lot of americans are involved in poaching and killing animals in Africa ad this affects the ecosystem in case you're not aware. And most of these animals are endangered, If he killed because the animal attacked that would be a different case scenario

NaijaDeltaBabe said...


Black Belle said...

Wtf?! And lions can go around eating people..

Unknown said...

Forgiveness is a Sin if Gay right should be supported in Zimbabwe ! Where corruption is a thing of the Day! President Robert Mugabe who has been there il for many years and whom the suffering and poverty of his people is not asahmed of like some , Just like some of his follow Africans NIGERIA ,& So on! PETA should be probed because on what purpose should it have happened to kill CECIL! Because Money is Not Everything

APPLE said...

Hang a man because he killed an animal???!!!…That is going too far.

Marcus said...

Mtchewwwww next!!!!

Unknown said...

Indeed animal right on point...
Mayb d lion was meant 2b killed as long as not threat was pose.

Unknown said...

That dentist has no respect, regard and appreciation for nature. What was he thinking? If he thinks he has achieved anything, then he is the biggest fool walking. That lion though dead has better brains than he does.


For what? Y should u kill a human coz of an animal? Una no well, he should go to jail for it

@joeydapoet said...

i wish and pray dis jobless Animal right activists can show even half d Zeal dey show as regards mere animals wen it comes to Humans too tho....

Anonymous said...

One may query the dentist for all who cares, would 2 wrongs make a right when PETA calls for the dentist to be hanged- just curious with thier judgement?

Anonymous said...

These daft comments here are so annoying. Please read that story again and attempt to comprehend. He obviously knew what he was doing cos he lured the lion off the reserve before killing it. Nazi bastard. I agree with PETA.

Anonymous said...

Why is he being blamed? this would not happen in his country because his own country men would not take him there to slaughter their prize beast.
However as USUAL, the AFRICAN man will open their doors to any Tom, Dick and/or Harry to destroy whatever we have for a buck!

Aces said...

So he should be hanged for killing a lion he has license to kill when that lion that killed the lady the other day is still eating free food in his cage. We now favour animals over fellow humans or what?

Unknown said...

Why now?????

Unknown said...

Gosh! This is so hurtful.
He should have been more socially responsible.
This is a cheat. Really an act of coward.

KWEEN said...

Finally! Someone on the same page with me. I pray his business runs to the ground and his life is totally ruined for this meaningless act!

Unknown said...

Pls let that idiot go to jail or hang himself.....stupid animal killer...God punish am

Unknown said...

Shebi Cecil was a domestic cat? Nonsense.

Chioma Ijomah said...

Exactly Amara.. If they want him sued and hanged, they should also sue and hang whoever that released the atomic bomb that made the Dinosaurs go extinct..
Ira nsi!!

Unknown said...

Mmmm much ado about killing just one animal, ISIL, ALQUADA & BOKO HARRAM, TAKE NOTE

Anonymous said...

I haven't Obama and his Secretary of State calling for severe punishment for this guy. If it was someone from another country, they would be screaming on top of their lungs and asking the world community to join them in condemning the person.

Anonymous said...

Better pikin, you talk well. This is at the heart of this matter. Even more, the ease with which some of these foreigners poach/kill animals in Africa, also, extends to the utter disregard they have for African humans, whether on the continent or in Europe or in America. This too must be constantly monitored.

Unknown said...

YEAH! "TAKE NOTE" I would be BOKO HARAM & ISIL biggest fan, if they redirect target and lure this SOB out of hiding. Paying to shoot wild animals and track it for 40 hrs is cruel and sick. Harsh punishment is a must!

muobs said...

are these PETA group okay? can the life of an animal be equated with that of a human being. what a perverse group. before the dentist went on such expedition, he must have gotten approval from appropriate authorities. so let him be jor. mtchew!!!!!

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