See what this Oyibo man tweeted about #bringbackourgirls hashtag | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 14 April 2015

See what this Oyibo man tweeted about #bringbackourgirls hashtag

He calls it pointless. *sigh*


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Davido's driver said...

Oh well

Unknown said...

Can u imagine...pointless?

Unknown said...

Nobody asked for ur opinion or asked u to join in.

Anonymous said...

But he's saying the truth, the HASHTAGGING is pointless, and tweeting about it is not doing stuff about it

Unknown said...

Thank u very much nwoke onye ocha.....pointless it is cus am sure no one is missing.

Anonymous said...

Fool idiot bastartd in fact am out of insult

Unknown said...

His life is already pointless so no need worrying about his hopeless being....

Unknown said...

His opinion

Tendency oby said...


Being Tochi said...

But it is true now...the #bringbackourgirls hashtag is pointless

Unknown said...

It appears so na..

How To Get A Girl To Fall Deeply In Love With You

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Smh..... I'm just lost of words to describe this sick individual.!

SANDRA said...

He's right

SANDRA said...

He's right

Hypertek IshOlawale said...

His opinion doesn't count......Eleeribu somebody he's.

blvck Sahara media said...

That dude is a Racist #period

Unknown said...

His opinion, his business

Unknown said...

His opinion, his business

Unknown said...


Alexy Shehu said...


That Function Gurl said...

Dude!!!!! You don't wanna do this. Seriously....

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Dis guy is really confused, and out of weed.

Anonymous said...

He's a dunce.

Linda's Intern said...

I think that hashtag is not only pointless but useless. The terrorists with these children do not even tweet- they aren't educated.
Trending that hashtag would never yield to the return of those girls. It all depends on actions (intelligence reports, military combats etc). Some ppl have said the hashtag motivates the military and my simple response has been that an improved welfare would be all the men need to boost their morale

Unknown said...

U r mad ooo senseless fool

Unknown said...


Alloy Chikezie said...

I think I see reasons with him, social media activism isn't enough. Tweeting stuff isn't equal to doing stuff

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Subomi said...

True, tweeting does not result to action sometimes but considering the sensitiveness of this issue as it affects families and so many lives of terrorized innocent people, this mumu should have refrain from injecting himself with whatever substance that got him so high and made him flaunt his stupidity

Unknown said...

Linda remember say no b all oyinbo get brain ....

Unknown said...

You spoke my mind oyinbo you got my vote !!!!

Unknown said...

Well, he's entitled to his opinion. I'll like to remind him that our govt never took the abduction serious until the hashtag went viral n it also took the presence of Malala (A 17yrs old girl) at aso-rock before our dear president finally agreed to find the chibok girls n meet their parents.


Is hard to say but he is right. We dont kw if our politicians are playing with our head. Gej didn't get the girls in his tenure and Gmb is not assuring us of there return.

H S C said...

Check it, a lot of people actually make this mistake. Tweeting stuff is not, can never be = doing. Think it depends on the context under which you view the statement. #jessaying


Buh its true
People keep talking n writing about it, but in the end it doesn't change anything if no actions are taken. Tbh, m also tired of reading about this ishh

Celebrities saw this as a way of feeling relevant again, in the end none of this people came together to see if they can come up with strategies to even help d parents of this girls

How many of this people have contributed to the chibok community since this incident and they keep blabbing online

What this oyinbo is trying to say is, u might all keep tweeting about it, if no practical steps are taken to bring back d girls, we are still gon remember several yrs to come

Anonymous said...

Y evn bother bout sm1 hu can't simply #BringBackHisLips ?!?

Unknown said...

He said pointless since after a year there is still no visible result

Anonymous said...

Isn't he right Linda? What's the point of tweeting it every minute when your clueless brother (Jonathan) has completely forgotten about them? We are just praying and hoping that the new government will bring those girls back to their parents.

Anonymous said...

Do you understand English Linda? He means a year after the # has still not brought back the girls that action should be taken instead of the #
Im sure your unlearned readers would come and insult him

Timi Da Uyi said...

His main message here is that tweeting stuff doesn't equal doing stuff as it renders the hash tag useless and pointless if no one is doing anything about it. Its been a whole year for pete sake! Whose doing what about it?

Anonymous said...

linda thank you for his twitter handle. am going for him. MAD OYIBO BOY.


Unknown said...

I think he called it pointless because nothing has been done (i.e the hashtag is making more noise without result). #mythinkinganyway


I don't blame him.
I won't be shocked if a lot of NIGERIANS now start to agree because he's White. Smh

Unknown said...

Don't blame him tho....
If you have a pointless face
everything becomes pointless to you.

Unknown said...

the hashtag is not the solution!

adesina bukola said...

I also think it is pointless...with all the hashtagging the girls are still missing..more should be done and less hashtagging

Anonymous said...

He's right.

Anonymous said...

He is right, though

Anderson FOX said...

Ye he is right. everyone is just tweeting, even Boko Haram members go up there and tweet #bringbackourgirls. then what? we go and continue drinking , blogging, gossiping and fucking. yeye people like us.

Unknown said...

well to an extent he is right...

Unknown said...

But he is ryt....its quite pointless..I mean d hashtag...when all d actions made cnt bring back d girls...but its now like oby ezekwesili and her counterparts hv turned it into a money making venture...tweeting it won't bring d gals back..action I totally agree with d guy

Alexis said...

He's referring to the hashtag. Coz tweeting is a really not doing anything.

optimisticlady said...

Who is he?

Tweeting stuff= creating awareness=attracting helpers.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

It's pointless replying his thoughtlessness. Ignore his Insensitivity

Unknown said...

Exactly...he is so right.. nothing like missing chibok girls, we should stop deceiving ourselves

Unknown said...

#sighs# buh

Paul Newton said...

You know these white folks can be naturally high at times...if it were his sisters that were kidnapped by now he would have gone to join the military in fighting BH.

Unknown said...

He looks sick in the Head. Like a mental patient.

Anonymous said...

He has a fair point. Tweeting stuff doesn't = doing stuff.

Unknown said...

He is right..tweeting about it wont bring them back..tweeting it is just an abuse to ones guilt..just like ritualising it.will tweeting it make BH release them? Will it make world powers who are riddled with racism act? Social media is making us more lazy..especially we Nigerians..we bite and kill on social mwdia but cant take to the streets to make our points known..Its its just like saying if you reboradcast this bc God will hurt someone told me ,so Rawz you didnt use your moms picture on ur dp for mothers day, where is your love for her ?i got furiouse on him, first of all my mom is not on bbm so how cud she see i celebrated her,i call my mom always to care andbi celebrate her always..most ppl that use their mom as dp hasnt called their mom in weeks,send her food stuffs or medication bills..
In all justification the white dude is right is his word..he is a real human.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm. Somepeople shaa

King Jaja said...

The guy is making some sense. he's simply saying we can not bring back the girls with an hashtag but by taking actions.

Anonymous said...

I agree with u my brother!

Unknown said...

he kinda made sense tho

Unknown said...

Maybe he put it the wrong way,.. but I think his point is that, more action should be put towards bringing back our girls rather than the band wagon social media participation. people should reall care and act and not just hashtag , for instagram and twitter sake. For example How many people who hash tag #bringbackourgirls# have actually gone down on their kneea to pray to GOD on behalf of those girls?

Molurlah's MakeOver said...

He's quite right if u think of it. Tweeting hashtags without action is pointless.

Unknown said...

Lolz but its true naa

Unknown said...

I don't see anything is wrong in what he said.
He's just trying to say, we always tweeting about it! Yet nothing has been done.
Instead of hastag and tweeting let the real action of bring them back back be done.

Anonymous said...

Seems this guy is familiar. I collected some dolls from him late lastyr or happy to see him again

#My client wey de obey

Anonymous said...

He has a valid point. Some people think it's enough to tweet everything with hash tag like it equals a solution

Anonymous said...

He actually made sense though. Hashtagging #bringbackourgirls doesn't actually bring them back

Unknown said...

His not in his right senses ! *sigh*

Anonymous said...

He just said my mind....he has a point

Anonymous said...

But hes right though. What have the hashtags done really? Those behind it know themselves

Anonymous said...

But hes right though. What have the hashtags done really? Those behind it know themselves

Anonymous said...

Linda it's you that doesn't understand what he wrote, he is saying that tweeting doesn't amount to doing something to actually bring back the girls.

Unknown said...

Who him help? Mtchewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Olumide said...

Even though I disagree that the #bringbackourgirls hashtag isn't pointless, tweeting stuff is never equal to doing stuff. Our people need to understand this!

Unknown said...

There's nothing wrong in what he said. He only says it's pointless canvassing for their freedom or release by putting signs and posts all over d social media, when those whom are meant to sacrifice for their freedom are sitting ducks cowering in their chambers. No offence but whites are usually more reasonable than us. Gbam!

Anonymous said...

I think he doesn't mean bad..he is condemning d hashtag tweet and not d idea of bringbackour girls..i get what he means nd I agree with him..stop tweeting about it but rather do something about it.

Unknown said...

You no see as him be like gay!!! Baga ,

Anonymous said...

isnt it pointless? said...

hmmm Oyibo people and Nigeria wetin concern them with my country

Anonymous said...

It is pointless. I totally agree. Secondary school boys were slaughtered in their hostel that same period no one made noise. The Chibok girls campaign crossed a line, it will be a shame to stop. I understand their seeming "sincere" persistence

Juleslouis said...

Well, its no news that most whites wish blacks could be raptured off this earth. Mumu!

gozzy said...

He's absolutely right...some people and celebs used that to gain attention to themselves..hashtags won't bring back the girls but action will.So he's jst right

Unknown said...

See his ugly face

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

linda read and understand what he is saying and stop insinuating... I thought u studied English. Looking at it now isn't it pointless if tweeting ,meant action as in doing stuff those girls would have been found... a year after and we are still at square 1 ..

Teggie said...


Anonymous said...

It is because of people like this guy, this was written.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we like to hear the bitter truth, but what he has said is 100% accurate.
When something doesn't produce the effect that it's supposed to, don't we call it pointless?
It has been 365 days wince these girls were kidnapped. We've had thousands, if not millions of tweets about it. Yet, what has happened? Absolutely nothing! We gave Boko Haram a whole year to kill, rape, impregnate, marry, traumatise and throroughly disperse these girls.
Only a deluded person will imagine that it's still possible to save ALL these girls as though they're still in one location.
I'm not saying we should't do anything to find these girls. I'm just saying that this guy is right. tweeting isnt the same as actually doing something. so mere tweets are completely ineffective.let people actually go out and do something about it rather than just make noise on twitter from the comfort of their bedrooms.

Blessing said...

Linda, why bother? Can you not see from his face that he is a troubled youngster?? We know what the likes of him get up to!!!......yeye dysfunctional boy!!

Anonymous said...

Linda, are you going to do a story on the deadly attacks on immigrant businesses in Durban, SA? Aren't Nigerian immigrants there highly affected?

Unknown said...

I agree with him. I was thinking about it this morning...what actually is the action plan of #Bringbackourgirls group. To me, they're jst getting noticed.

UK-Based Liber said...

He's saying the hashtag was pointless as it did nothing to help find the girls, not that the issue itself was pointless

Anonymous said...

He's right..
It's indeed pointless.
You just created a war now, because the arse lickers on your blog, who do not have a mind of their own and can't read to understand will start hurling insults at him.

If you understand his tweet, not just reading, you would see that that he made a good point.
After the whole hashtag, where the girls brought back?


You just need traffic, and you don't care how it's gotten.
Change Linda.
Don't be a BIMBO

Anonymous said...

But he is saying the truth... It's pointless at the moment...,, we should be thinking of how to move forward in life and think about our future

dr_dozie said...

I agree with him. The whole hashtag inasmuch as it creates the awareness, it does not equate to tackling the issue at hand. We need to do sth, not just a hashtag and that's all. I think he was being too critical though.

Ziggyflex said...

Linda biko forget that yeye oyibo man. He don smoke cocaine.

gossip girl said...


Unknown said...

See his devilish eyes.

Anonymous said...

The guy, @tommartynryland is far more serious minded and more objective than most of the people promoting the #bringkbackourgirls hashtags. Simply put, the #bringbackourgirls is like constant cry without enough effort on a solution. It is more of a committee of 'criers' than a committee of planners.

Unknown said...

his tweet is rude but has a lot of truth.

so today i have a picture of the bringbackourgirls campaign on my dp. it could make a few of my contacts remember but does not do a lot. I'm at work will have lunch, same ol'day like any other.

until we decide to take aggressive steps in our protest like the orange revolution, the berlin wall protest, the march on washington by Martin Luther King etc. UNTIL we protest in that manner NOTHING will happen.

17 people get killed in France and I see world leaders go there to stage one of France's largest rallies/protest but we have about 15,000 killed here and I haven't seen a protest from a former President in this country. or we as Nigerians say look we ain't going to pay our tax until the govt. sorts this shit out and get those girls back. or shut down major highways when our corrupt, greedy, randy, evil, selfish, leaders are driving through with their over zealous trigger happy escorts who can only show they have guts when facing unharmed civilians.

Linda yo have a pretty decent website with high traffic, I know you've been paid to roll out some ads but shut your site down and have the fact that one year later these girls are no where in sight. no news, no gossip just that. see what traction it gets

Anonymous said...

He has a point in what he is saying though. All the tweets by Americans and Michelle Obama has done nothing substancial in bringing back the girls. I only think as a white man, he shouldn't have typed that Cuz people will see it differently

yawanow said...

With his pointless head.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,

It is indeed pointless.
This is a generation where we only make noise and do drama on social media as against doing the actual work.

Unfortunately i agree with him.

it is pointless.

Unknown said...

I don't blame him, he just displayed how stupid he is. Anuofia somebody. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

See how he looks like mashed potatoes.

Anonymous said...

WORD! you type something on a keyboard and do nothing, changes nothing. back up words with action

Kyke said...

He is right thou #linda's favorite

Unknown said...

I don't blame him, he just displayed how stupid he is. Anuofia somebody. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

I don't blame him, he just displayed how stupid he is. Anuofia somebody. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

I don't blame him, he just displayed how stupid he is. Anuofia somebody. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Obviously, he has no clue, without #bringbackourgirls this situation would have been swept under the carpet. So, young man, am not sure what your intentions were, but this is too important for anyone to use as a means of getting some attention!!

fresh emmy said...

Ur the mumu. After tweeting for quite a while now, have they been brought back? That isn't a racist comment and I totally agree with him. Read his last statement.

Anonymous said...

But I tot Linda is a linguistic graduate

Smh* Ifeoma Ikeji but y

Mr Barns said...

First white guy i am ever going to agree with on any issue.

Anonymous said...

Thank you ooo...
I doubt if Ifeoma Ikeji really graduated...

Even an okro seller wil interprete this fine

Unknown said...

Linda na u no dy understand english

NOORDEAN said...

He's right to an extent. Actions should rather be taken instead of tweeting

Unknown said...

True talk!

Anonymous said...

the guy is right.....they should go and act not tweet or carry plakards designed with #bringbackourgirls...smh

@Lifematician said...

He is kinda right.

Anonymous said...

U re just too sense of reasoning at all.
All u re after is for Linda to take note in the name of 100k

Akin' Odunsi @gr8akin said...

The boy is right! It's pointless, they won't do anything!

Anonymous said...

You are on point.

Unknown said...

To an extent he is right bcos they seem to b searching wit words, and nothing is b done as in action as such.

Unknown said...

White Berry what you understood isn't even what he meant. What makes you so sure there are no missing girls.. ----C21

Anonymous said... meaning into what he's trynna say and not just the simple words that sunk into ur head. People like u will never pass any Logical reasoning test

Anonymous said...

Yea u are right. Tweeting abt it without doing any physical thing in the real world is pointless

Anonymous said...

U are the fool Cuz u failed to reason

Anonymous said...

Chai, lots of dumb Nigerians too dey read this blog site oh. People like u shud read their books, solve maths, test ur brain in reasoning through task, after then u will understand statements like these

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I have always known u don't reason properly from ur comments. pls learn to use ur brain properly to understand statements like what the White dude said

Unknown said...

i dont blame him sef. everytime they are parading about it but nothing has been done about it. A whole year.

Anonymous said...

Mayb, mayb not. But I doubt it. Try to understand his point pls

Anonymous said...

Oge, u actually don't have sense oh. I pity ur husband or future husband. Naa mumu wey im marry bring com house. So u no fit reason that small statement wey d oyibo make. Smh

Anonymous said...

Yea, u also don't have ur forebrain reasoning properly

Anonymous said...

U are a mumu. The Nigerians that reason and understand statements would..... Pls go back to school and solve maths

Unknown said...

Wht he is implying is more of actions than words.

Anonymous said...

This guy is brainless......

Anonymous said...

It's not pointless, they may still be alive married to those terrorists, we must keep the hash tag on until such time as when they're rescued or found, dead or alive then we can officially end the cause, but for we can't afford to go silent and abandon them, it's not right, put yourself in their situation

Deedee said...


MYS fabric bags lagos 08134794565, D60E8C4D said...

Lol d person wey post am nko she sef no understand dats why people re thinking in dat direction

Jeni_zee said...

U r too pretty not to understand wat he wrote, he meant that no need tweeting the hashtag when nothing will be done about it nd as u can see,it's a year now nd no girls has bin brought back, do u get it now darl?

Anonymous said...

U are daft nd senseless not to understand the tweet

Anonymous said...

Olodo read nd understand

Unknown said...

True talk....its really pointless.

Anonymous said...

U are d dysfunctional one here because u dnt understand wat he wrote mumu

Anonymous said...

If I c dis oyiboo boy I go F**K am 3x aday.d guy make sense. there are no girls to bring back .no girl is missing.inshort I don start to dey imagine d F self

Pointless my dear.Oby ezekwesil ugly woman go collect ministerial job from Buhari do am 2yrds come rest joor . mumu woman

Anonymous said...

U r de mumu , go to school nd get sense idiot

Anonymous said...

Another goat who can't reason

Anonymous said...

Yea, I agree with you cos it's pointless when there's little or no action being taken towards bringing back the girls."RUBBISH" now even the president is promising us absolutely

Anonymous said...

Yea, I agree with you cos it's pointless when there's little or no action being taken towards bringing back the girls."RUBBISH" now even the president is promising us absolutely

Anonymous said...

Yea, I agree with you cos it's pointless when there's little or no action being taken towards bringing back the girls."RUBBISH" now even the president is promising us absolutely

Anonymous said...

Yea, I agree with you cos it's pointless when there's little or no action being taken towards bringing back the girls."RUBBISH" now even the president is promising us absolutely

Anonymous said...

Yea, I agree with you cos it's pointless when there's little or no action being taken towards bringing back the girls."RUBBISH" now even the president is promising us absolutely

Anonymous said...

U dnt even understand what he was trying to say, d hashtag was everywhere but actions to bring back the girls were less

Anonymous said...

It is a pointless hashtag if there's less action to bring back our girls

9ja Parrot said...

Linda, I think you should slap the man. He too talk!

Cutemumm said...

You,are wise!

Anonymous said...

I fink if d missing girls could connect with d govt there msg will be abt rescuing dem, as it is now dey literally dnt have a voice,i fink d idea behind the #BBOG is to lend a voice to tis missing girls until something is done by the authority.

Unknown said...

True @royalpriesthood but now is not d time to act funny.


Nky said...

I don't blame him, our so called government has failed us.

Anonymous said...

He's right tho!

Barbara's Blog said...


Unknown said...

Yeah dis guy earns a follow on twitter...well said bro.

Anonymous said...

Linda try to read btw the line... he is so right... all the time d Obamas and the rest of d world were busy carrying ply-cards and tweeting, they wud have simply deployed a special team and drones here to help and the girls wud have been back long ago... No amount of hashtags will make a terrorist repent.

- Words From D WISE ONE

Innocentia Annie said...

That wasn't nice tweet
But made loadz of sense

leema said...

Yes he is right , I agree with him, the harsh tag is pointless. Action needs to be done not Harshtaging on social media.


But he's not completely pointless. Check it now

Anonymous said...

But the level of ingnorance it would amount to if the hash tag is taken off and they're abandoned is far worse, if anything it should remain to remind the govt of its failures and encourage them to find the girls dead or alive so their loved ones can finally have closure and be at peace

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he can say that. Doesn't he look like a terrorist himself?

Unknown said...

For once I agree with you. I don't believe anyone is missing cos of the silence from the parents. Imagine if you were missing.

Unknown said...

For once I agree with you. I don't believe anyone is missing cos of the silence from the parents. Imagine if you were missing.

Anonymous said...

Too many illiterates here!!! He's right the hashtag was pointless. They haven't been found!!!

Anonymous said...

How is he sick?? You just don't understand english

Unknown said...


Zeme said...

Well you can't really blame him! Why won't he call it pointless when after 1year we still haven't found them. But we will not give up until they #BringBackOurGirls

Anonymous said...

Bc ur country is always headed in d wrong direction

Anonymous said...

Man you have said my mind. GOD BLESS YOU. Oby Ezekwesili should go to Chibok or Sambisa to find the missing girls if their is any. Who are they asking to bring back our girls? I am not sure they know what they are doing. This is very childish NIGERIAN MAKE UNA OPEN UNA EYES

Prince Chinedu said...

This guy is so onpoint, nija likes to dramatize everything that happens. Do something not acting!

Anonymous said...

Mayb we shud wait 4 president- elect 2 do sumtyn

Unknown said...

He has a point - The hashtag created an awareness but did not actually help find a solution.

What are we supposed to do with these influential people's hashtags? Nothing. Like they say: ACTION speaks louder than WORDS.

Anonymous said...

You must be a foolish idiot that goes around abusing everybody who don't share your opinion, you don't have manners at all, asss

Unknown said...

heartless raciest......

Teddy said...

I don't agree with him calling it pointless. Still he is right "Tweeting stuff does not equal to doing stuff". How come with all the recapture of various towns these girls are still gone. The logistics of running and fighting with does number of girls aint easy.

John said...

See his yoroyoro useless eyes.

Anonymous said...

don't blame us please its our leaders that this should be directed at....They are even worse (leaders)they are not even hashtagging or tweeting
this is all the parents can do...thay have tried everything else

Anonymous said...

Its totally pointless. If this girls went missing in a Western Country , they would have been found by now . IF the MH370 AIRPLANE WAS FOUND in the DEPT of the Oceans how much more over 200 girls ? Africa Unite . Backwardness I refuse . Kill an enemies before they grow in numbers and gang up on you .

John said...

So, those girls that were not able to escape from their captors will have their destinies changed for life! Just like that. It's unfortunate. Bad luck.

Liv said...

I am glad for the people who understand what the guy is saying. For those who don't and go ahead to insult him, I can only wonder how you passed your exams in school since you lack the ability to read between the lines.

Anonymous said...

Common now guys. I understand what it is. It is pointless because nothing has been really done about it.

TUL said...

He only meant tweeting it is pointless, not the cause. Talking about it is not the same as doing something about it. Get the meaning before attacking!

Anonymous said...

The dude made sense

Anonymous said...

He is actually right.

Anonymous said...

Linda, I fail to see your point? The tweet that you tweeted, what did it do? We are pretending that that hashtag did anything. In my books he is right because those girls are still missiing

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