Pharmacist who allegedly committed suicide. Wife's family release press statement | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 30 April 2015

Pharmacist who allegedly committed suicide. Wife's family release press statement

The family members of Busayo Olafare nee Taiwo (the wife of late Paul Olafare), the award winning pharmacist who allegedly committed suicide (read here) have released a press statement on the issue. Recall that Paul's family is alleging that his wife knows more about his death than she's letting on. Read Busayo's family's press statement below...
This is a press statement issued by the family of Mrs Busayo Olafare nee Taiwo, (whom we will from now on refer to as Busayo), on the unfortunate suicide of her husband, Oluwaseun Paul Olafare, (whom we will from now on refer to as Seun), on Sunday, 12th of April, 2015.

               I.            We kept quiet out of respect for the memory of the deceased.
            II.            We kept quiet out of shock.
         III.            We kept quiet out of consideration for the feelings of our daughter whose grief was compounded by the fact that she was taken into custody by the Police.
         IV.            We kept quiet out of the belief that the marriage produced two children (out of three confinements) who are still infants, and who deserve a better memory of a father they will grow up without knowing.
            V.            We also kept quiet out of the belief that we should not issue any statements in order not to prejudice Police investigations into the matter in any way.

Busayo is the first child of the family, she is thirty-one years old, has three siblings - an immediate younger brother and a pair of twins one male and the other female. She is a double graduate of Accountancy of the Yaba College of Technology and the University of Lagos. She holds a Higher National Diploma and Bachelors Degree respectively of the two top higher institutions in Lagos. She works in one of the top financial institutions in Lagos. Raised in a solid Christian home, her passion for God is not in question, and as said earlier, she has two children, who are infants, a male and female, with her late husband.

On getting to the late Seun and Busayo’s residence, we asked if his family had been informed, and the neighbours confirmed that Seun’s family had been informed of his death. Specifically, we were told that his father had been informed but that he said he did not believe them, and that they couldn’t be talking about his son. Right there in our presence, his father was called again severally without any positive response from him. Whilst we appreciate that shock could have made him act strangely - he was obviously in a state of denial - it is certainly not true that he was not informed of Seun’s death! He was informed immediately it happened!

The neighbours who helped to rush him to the hospital were the ones who took his body from the hospital where he died to the mortuary at Gbagada General Hospital, which was the sensible thing to do. It is a fact that he did not die in the house; that was why he was rushed to the hospital in the first place. The neighbours were with the corpse in the mortuary premises all this while; the body was in the vehicle that took it there and had not yet been deposited in the morgue.
Back in the house, Busayo and members of our family waited for Seun’s family who did not show up, to the extent that the neighbours who were with his body started fretting and calling for members of the family to come to the mortuary to take possession of his body. Their landlord came back from the mortuary, and being an old man needed to rest and take his drugs, he did all this in the house, and still held on to the death certificate without which the body cannot be accepted in the mortuary. We waited and waited but no one from his family showed up. As time wore on, ambient temperature was rising and everyone started worrying that the body by now ought to have been deposited in the morgue, still not one of his family members had shown up.
Finally, we all moved to the mortuary where we were told that there was no longer space for the body. Their neighbours naturally were no longer prepared to go further and insisted that the body be transferred to another vehicle. One of Seun’s friends offered his car and we all made our way to the Mainland Hospital Yaba. Even here we waited for members of his family to show up. The body was not brought down from the car though we were not comfortable with the rising temperature. Finally, we heard that members of his family were on the way, and when they arrived, they saw the body which was still in the car that took it to the mortuary. After the protocols for admitting the body was completed, one of Seun’s siblings, Babalola, signed the papers to admit his corpse to the morgue. Seun’s father and a host of his family members and friends were present in or around the morgue!

Nothing could be more ridiculous than suggesting that she tried to run away! After leaving the mortuary, knowing that suicide is reportable, she was accompanied by her uncle, siblings and other members of her family to voluntarily report the incident at the Oworonsoki Police Station. We made it clear to the Police that we were taking her to our family house, the address and phone numbers were supplied.
It was AFTER reporting at the Police Station that we went back to the house to pick her clothes and some of the things needed by her infant children. This is because she and her children had nothing else except what they were wearing. Being bereaved in such a sudden and tragic manner, it was inconceivable to leave her alone in their rented apartment, with two infants, (one barely a year old and the other just over two years old). Considering the emotional trauma she was going through, it was more convenient to take her away to her family house. Objective members of the public should ask themselves whether it would make sense to leave her alone in her state of mind.
As we write, Busayo is in her third week in Police custody instead of mourning her husband; her two infant children who have lost their father are now being denied of motherly comfort and love.
Where would Busayo have run to? She has a career job and two infant children. Her maternal and paternal family houses are both located in Somolu, and it was one of these addresses that was given to the Police at Oworonsoki. Suggesting that she would run away is suggesting that her whole family, her uncles and aunts and their families who live in that house would run away.
1.         The family stands by Busayo’s story and we have no reasons whatsoever to doubt her.
2.         Busayo did not attempt to escape and will not under any circumstances do so as there is no reason to do so.
3.         We are waiting for the Police to conclude their investigations as quickly as possible.
4.         We will take any and all steps necessary to protect her rights and interests, and those of her infant children.
5.         We thank everyone who has stood by us and Busayo all this while and we know that by the Grace of God, this storm will blow over. This is a dark period in our daughter’s life; we know it will be morning yet.
6.         We pray for the repose of Seun’s soul and plead with almighty God to forgive him his sins and grant him eternal grace.
7.         It is well with his soul, it is well with us all!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Taiwo Family
                                                                           0803 859 7944 and
                                                                           0809 859 7944


Davido's driver said...


AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

May his soul rest!

Unknown said...

Too long fa!

7F098C19 said...

This end time, I mean time with no end. Engr Emy.


***explicit comment***

I stand to be corrected, are they suppose to detain her for more than 48 hours...

Anonymous said...

That number 6 though---------- It is usually better for the family members of the woman to come and stay with her in her house. Instead of taking her away, they should have stayed with her---- her sisters, cousins, aunts, friends, brothers even . Then later, they can take her to their house. Na so I think o.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm, is well

Anonymous said...

Where else would the Family stand? On whose side? Tell me? Unfortunately,dead body cannot come and narrate what went down...don't take advantage of social media and blogs in everything...let investigations b complete and face d consequences of d outcome either good or bad...I'm sick of people trying to defend a woman sometimes when some of them r devils

Zamani said...

It is well

Unknown said...

Only in africa... May his soul RIP....

eka said...

Good lord;
these sad marriage tales are really scaring;
but why has she not been granted bail..
by now d forensic reports should be out 2 ascertain d true cause of death...

Unknown said...

They shud let the dead soul to rest in peace.

kanma said...

I totally feel for dis widow. Nigerias backwardness is indeed appalling. D wife should be set free pending d autopsy investigation n if den proven she's responsible she should be arrested. It's totally unfair to detain her dis long if she's actually innocent

Unknown said...

Africans and their mentality, is autopsy not there if they are convinced about their sons death? Na wa o

Spontaneous. said...

Errmmm... Owk toh

Anonymous said...

Now,this is more like it.Its really sad especially in Africa,a man dies and his family immediately blames the wife.The society also blames the wife.even fellow wives,blame the wife.

Its well.

Unknown said...

Kpele God will see her through, joy comes in thy morning.

Udybabes said...

Is it possible to narrate how Busayo's husband died ? Is it possible to Let the public know all efforts Busayo made to let both families know that their son / husband had attempted sucide ?
I as a woman sympathize with her and all what she is going through , but what efforts did she make , even when I try my husband's number and I don't get him , I start calling his brother or whoever am close to .
Even if you have issues with his family , sometimes you need to play the fool in this climes .
Do member of the family of the late man not know the truth of course they know , were they not aware of his financial situation of course they were , did they assist of course they did not .
They are just punishing his wife , for past beef , attitude and her perceived arrogance .
But finally they should remember he has kids and this kids are being punished for their mother's sin . Leave the matter to God , I pray he fights for you .

Anonymous said...

It's a sad case.

ogeee said...

So sad

Anonymous said...

What do we believe now


NIGERIANS for ever in denial. ANYONE CAN COMMIT SUICIDE. His father should stop putting this woman through this double pain unless he has reasonable grounds and sufficient evidence to show she killed him. Ignorance

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmm,this only happens if the wife is not fully welcomed in her husband faimly.too bad

Unknown said...

O ga, dis is so pathetic, police shd investigate d matter n b fast abt it

Unknown said...

O ga, dis is so pathetic, police shd investigate d matter n b fast abt it

Unknown said...

They sud leave the poor lady alone.

Anonymous said...

My sincere condolences to the Taiwo and Olafare families. I think the Taiwo family erred by asking that their daughter should pack a few things and follow them home with her children immediately after her husband's death. The right thing should have been that a few of her family members should have come to stay with her in her marital home to mourn her husband appropriately. If it was the other way round, the Taiwo family would have felt agrieved too. We must be careful not to do to others what we will not have them do to us. The ages of her children is irrelevant. She should have stayed in her marital home!!!! However, this case is just the typical scenario in Africa, where if a man dies, it's the wife that killed him. This perception is so so so wrong. There is no marriage without problems either from couples or in laws as the case maybe. It is obvious that the two families did not get along. However, I think Busayo Olafare is being punished unjustly and it's unfair. Kindly let her go home to mourn her husband and take care of her children. May the soul of the dead rest in peace. Amen.

Anonymous said...

My sincere condolences to the Taiwo and Olafare families. I think the Taiwo family erred by asking that their daughter should pack a few things and follow them home with her children immediately after her husband's death. The right thing should have been that a few of her family members should have come to stay with her in her marital home to mourn her husband appropriately. If it was the other way round, the Taiwo family would have felt agrieved too. We must be careful not to do to others what we will not have them do to us. The ages of her children is irrelevant. She should have stayed in her marital home!!!! However, this case is just the typical scenario in Africa, where if a man dies, it's the wife that killed him. This perception is so so so wrong. There is no marriage without problems either from couples or in laws as the case maybe. It is obvious that the two families did not get along. However, I think Busayo Olafare is being punished unjustly and it's unfair. Kindly let her go home to mourn her husband and take care of her children. May the soul of the dead rest in peace. Amen.

Unknown said...

It is particularly more saddening, knowing that this country has laws, yet pple just choose when and which of the laws to obey. How will imprisoning a poor widow bring back to life the soul of a man who deliberately ended his own life? Gullible way of thinking of nigerians! And dis are d pple seeking change!

Unknown said...

This is so sad, I wonder why African women are always made a scape goat after the deaths of their husbands.... Is it now a crime to be a woman?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hmmm. Dere is always to sides of a coin. May his soul rest in peace.

yawanow said...

Waiting patiently for police investigation.

Unknown said...

God, where is the truth.

Anonymous said...

may his soul Rest in Peace.the truth is hidden somewhere

Unknown said...

Na wa oooo

m3star said...

Poor Widow detained without charge. The rule of Law seems not to be equally applied to all Nigerians.

Anonymous said...

I understand Busayo works with a financial institution,the husband was eminently qualified pharmacist- did she try to bail him out using her own values and advantage?. Off course i really dont subscribe to the idea that money troubles lead to suicide and many people including his fellow church absolutely agree with this.There possible was a homicide for some hidden reasons.

For Busayo to try packing out of their matrimonial home so quickly after the death of her husband was a terrible wickedness or oversight. There is no other way to understand such insensitive unafrican action. That was never a way to mourn the loss of a husband unless you have something to hide.Of course the police are not fools and they obviously will find out the truth.

Anonymous said...

Get an education!

Anonymous said...

I think maybe they took her home with them because of the manner in which the husband died, a lot of people are superstitious and may not want to be around where an unnatural death took place, many families hardly trust their son's wife even though their son may be a devil,they will still see him as an angel, sometimes it isn't good to go report your partner to your family or even discuss your marital woes because even if you later make up they will still hold grudges against your partner.
If she hadn't married this guy,she may be blaming God but now she may be regretting ever getting married. May Godvindicate her and may God be with her family because it is very painful to experience such.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe they took her home with them because of the manner in which the husband died, a lot of people are superstitious and may not want to be around where an unnatural death took place, many families hardly trust their son's wife even though their son may be a devil,they will still see him as an angel, sometimes it isn't good to go report your partner to your family or even discuss your marital woes because even if you later make up they will still hold grudges against your partner.
If she hadn't married this guy,she may be blaming God but now she may be regretting ever getting married. May Godvindicate her and may God be with her family because it is very painful to experience such.

tayo said...

pls kindly inform ngos abt this matter shikena!

Anonymous said...

You can imagine the memory of staying in the house she shared with her husband.. It won't be easy for her considering the circumstanced under which he died.

Subomi said...

God knows the truth

Oluwabukola A A O said...

It s a pity that a woman with so young children is being made to go thru such hell after loosing a husband! Its obvious this man s family never like d wife(may God help us women). D only part dt confuses me is dt there s not enough reason given to substantiate ds man sucide. He was a pharmacist for crying out loud. His future isnt so bleak as to commit sucide over some debts. He seem to come from an average family and d wife has a job too! So sucide for,,,,,,,or how much is d money he was said to have owed? Pharmacist aint ppl with such a bleak future as to commit sucide over a few millions. Unless he is depressed.#Linda's pal#

Anonymous said...

You don't ve to explain urself why it took long to issue a statement u don't owe no one any explanation no ur rite,it's a choose



Anonymous said...

it is wrong for the Police to have detained her more than 48 hours without charging her to court. This, is, however, not uncommon in homicide cases in Nigeria. It is a lingering problem in Nigerian legal world.

I think there are some questions to be answered. How can she be parking out of her matrimonial home (immmediately after her husband's death) without the consent of her husband family? Are her family members not africans? Where is it done that you mourn a husband in the wife's family house? Is there nobody in the husband's family that she is close to or likes her? Why not call that person? In any event, why did she not wait for her husband's family to arrive before moving out (if at all)? How about the husband's close friends (not neighbours)? How about their pastors or church elders? Were those not also picking their calls?

I think she has some questions to answer. The police should do thier work very well and if nothing is found, she should be released.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I pray such evil will not befall us. Amen.

Unknown said...

Geez! So what's really happening, who is telling the truth??? God help her. Linda take note!

Adetunji said...

The Busayo I know will not even hurt a rat not to talk of her husband whom for the past three yrs I knew her and. Her husband never had quarrel now fight @ any time. Come to think of it, Y will Busayo kill her husband? Is it for his wealth, which Seun didn't have, or for what? I am a colleague to Busayo and I know her well and I believe her part of the story

Unknown said...

All is well

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I share same view with you.That is the right thing to do.Taking her away was very very wrong

Chibest said...

It's a pity! RIP mr seun.

Anonymous said...

She works in a leading Financial Institution and her husband committed suicide beacuse of loan ?

Really ?

Unknown said...

Some intelligent thoughts over here.

Unknown said...

Eyah, may his soul rest in piece

Anonymous said...

I don't expect the family not to take side but my question is after knowing the man drank poison why did the wife not rush him to the hospital b4 their neighbors had to intervene? Why take him straight to the morgue after poisoning without an autopsy? And why not stay at your home even if you want to have your families around? Well I guess the guilty are afraid.

Ngee said...

i have never been so moved to tears reading this kind of brief. pls the should let her go. if she is guilty, time will tell. may the soul of the dead rest in peace amen

Unknown said...

i dont why people comment without using there brain..wats the brain for is it not to tink and make decisions..if you cant make a a good words from your brain..then you are totally useless..y would u people blame her for going to her family place..someones husband committed suicide and all yu pple could think of is y she went to family can she cope with the u tink at that moment she would be able to tink straight expecially wen shes it not glaring that the family members of the husband are not loving at all..and y would you detain a wudow for more than 48hrs without evidences..these country those not have a greater enemy than we ourselves..we judge,badmouth,kill,lie and cause confusion ourselves..the elderly ones criticizes our generations and the coming one..but they have forgotten they raised us..How can the beautiful ones be born wen the ugly ones r not dead...becareful the way u judge people coz it can happen to may such storm neva befall us and our family includind the widow..

Unknown said...

i dont why people comment without using there brain..wats the brain for is it not to tink and make decisions..if you cant make a a good words from your brain..then you are totally useless..y would u people blame her for going to her family place..someones husband committed suicide and all yu pple could think of is y she went to family can she cope with the u tink at that moment she would be able to tink straight expecially wen shes it not glaring that the family members of the husband are not loving at all..and y would you detain a wudow for more than 48hrs without evidences..these country those not have a greater enemy than we ourselves..we judge,badmouth,kill,lie and cause confusion ourselves..the elderly ones criticizes our generations and the coming one..but they have forgotten they raised us..How can the beautiful ones be born wen the ugly ones r not dead...becareful the way u judge people coz it can happen to may such storm neva befall us and our family includind the widow..

Unknown said...

i dont why people comment without using there brain..wats the brain for is it not to tink and make decisions..if you cant make a a good words from your brain..then you are totally useless..y would u people blame her for going to her family place..someones husband committed suicide and all yu pple could think of is y she went to family can she cope with the u tink at that moment she would be able to tink straight expecially wen shes it not glaring that the family members of the husband are not loving at all..and y would you detain a wudow for more than 48hrs without evidences..these country those not have a greater enemy than we ourselves..we judge,badmouth,kill,lie and cause confusion ourselves..the elderly ones criticizes our generations and the coming one..but they have forgotten they raised us..How can the beautiful ones be born wen the ugly ones r not dead...becareful the way u judge people coz it can happen to may such storm neva befall us and our family includind the widow..

Anonymous said...

I know the said Late Paul Olafare and Busayo Olafare. Paul Olafare was an easy-going gentleman, he was my teacher in the Sunday school teachings. He can never attempt to end his own and so also Busayo is a cool and down earth woman. I do not believe she killed her husband, for what reason? At this juncture, only God knows the truth. Rest on bro!

Anonymous said...

Do u read and understand the story at all.

Anonymous said...

U very right my dear. Ppl are quick to judge and conclude without thinking . if this happened to me I will do same as the woman cos I can't stay in that environment with my kids.

Unknown said...

If I didn't read the story why would I should be asking your self if you understand the story..cmon life is unfair so why should you blame her..can smeone just gve me a point to a reason why she's responsible for her husband death..tink..

Anonymous said...

I am afraid busayo hand was not clean, when her husband had issue with loan, and texting her about committing suicide which of the husband family did she tell. At least one out of all the family of her husband should know their son is having issue. I am sorry i dont buy her story.

Unknown said...

Lets wait for the test result

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