"Late #NelsonMandela is somewhere weeping for our people, I can't believe my eyes,how do you fight against apartheid and end up with this years later?if it's not boko haram in Nigeria,it's Al-Shabaab somewhere in Kenya or Somalia and I can go on and on.What happened to just loving one another?what is my beloved continent,mother Africa turning into? Where did parents go wrong with their kids?That's when a South African came on Dencia's page to call her out for condemning the act, saying she should face her cream business. Trust dencia, she dragged the South African through hot coals..
Dencia continues...
Last week I told Nick cooper who told me his friends where trying to move to S.A that he might not believe it but America as bad as it is might be safer for a black man than S.A then this happens smh.Who starts this nonsense?why oh why,lord Jesus where thou art?please heal our land,hear our cry,lord we need your mercy &I we need your grace today,hear us as we pray,we pray for world peace,we pray for love,we pray for our brothers and sisters,we pray for unity #Xenophobia #SouthAfrica #love #peace"Below is the response from the South African...
Dencia's reply to the South African below
In my previous post,as an African and as a human being who feels the pain and suffering of others,I put up my previous post about what's happening in S.A & the postπΌ is @sanzkiddiesparties (she changed from @zonacath to
πΏhere's the meaning of xen·o·pho·bi·a - intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. It's funny how the same reason why people are getting killed is her excuse she used under my post.I had to put her on blast because she clearly has the mentality of the people who are killing others in S.A as I type.Incase u didn't know miss thang let me school u,don't let the glitz and glam fool u,I am very much an African who was raised in an African country not as developed as S.A,I moved to America in Dec 2006 for college and yes I do reside in America & I am a naturalized citizen of America from the day I came here but I am still an African Queen,I don't have to be a South African citizen or live in South Africa to be worried about what's happening there,My mom who is a UN worker works in that country every now and then,my brother lived there for years and guess what,these people losing their lives could have been my direct family members but because they aren't doesn't mean I can't speak of the issues happening in my continent,don't think because u live in Africa makes u more of an African than I am or will ever be.i studied enough about SA history when I took African history classes,I probably know more about sA than ur dumb ass. I travel to African countries for work and charity purposes (something u might not know about because u could never do it in other countries because it's not SA) I hope u raise your kids to think better and be better individuals.Until then bitch have a seat on a volcano in Mandela square
#YouJustGotServed P.S I am definitely facing my creams cuz chile they millions I get from it
u might need to face ur wack life,we all know how hard it is out there 4 a bitch like u.
She shud have a sit
She shud have a sit
South africans are useless people
And Dencia nailed it!
This south Africans have always been weak people easily intimidated...
How did foreigners take over ur economy if u aren't lazy assholes
From my little experience, they have never liked nigerians espercially
Oh no! Dencia calm on her pleaseeeeeeeeee, but this Babe no dey take shiiiit oooo always giving them back.
This won't happen if we sit our ass back home and develop our country....
Buhahahah! Her mouth sharp shaaa. She no send
For all I care South Africans are barbaric and hard-core ingrates
Dis is really great, and nice. Tell d idiot wht he of she wants to hear.
Jesus Christ, is dancia this heartless, see d way she was throwing d girl like a football and kicking her back up before she lands...Dancia u do well o, u just made DAT lady suicidal....
lmao! no mercy. the babe get mouth shall.
I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Ds Babe mouth badt gone
"we all know how hard it is our there 4 a birch like u", that got me reeling. The idiot got served. Lmao
The South Africans have forgotten so quickly the support that the rest of Africa gave them during their fight for freedom. Its a pity!
The South Africans have forgotten so quickly the support that the rest of Africa gave them during their fight for freedom. Its a pity!
Thumbs up dencia...serves her ryt!
Hahahahaha....Dencia ooooo. Epic answer. I love her more for this.
Nice response from her
Now I love this babe
Lmao dancia ma new fav celeb!
Choi! Dencia gave it to her. People get bad mouth sha.
Well deserved.
She really got served!
For once I support dencia. She said the right thing and I love her response to the south african.
Hahahhah drama
Well said!
Photo of Oyo governor, Ajimobi French-kissing his daughter sparks outrage(See Photo)
Weird Couple! Meet Denrele's wife-to-be
Leaked: Video of a slim Warri babe in hot sexcapade with three guys (Fast Download)
'Until then bitch have a seat on a volcano in Mandela square' Dencia is BOSS!!!!
I'm just concerned that these yeye igbo's that will leave there will start trooping to lagos once again. Smelly nitwits. Always causing trouble wherever they go. They are the reason ghananians no longer get to UK visa free with the rubbish they were doing with ghananian landlords to claim them as their children. They made the rent in accra high for other Nigerians. Fucktards! Every where they go, people complain. Igbos need to check demselves. They better not stop over in lagos. Head straight to the east. We will no longer tolerate your crap here anymore.
Well said!
Photo of Oyo governor, Ajimobi French-kissing his daughter sparks outrage(See Photo)
Weird Couple! Meet Denrele's wife-to-be
Leaked: Video of a slim Warri babe in hot sexcapade with three guys (Fast Download)
Well said!
Photo of Oyo governor, Ajimobi French-kissing his daughter sparks outrage(See Photo)
Weird Couple! Meet Denrele's wife-to-be
Leaked: Video of a slim Warri babe in hot sexcapade with three guys (Fast Download)
Best response ever. #stopthekilling#love #peacefulcoexistence.
Officially in love with Dencia. A dumb zulu woman just fot served. I love you baeπππππ
Dont i just luv Dencia.South africans are a complex lot.Dunno where to classify their stupidity sometimes.
Nice reply!! Lazy bunch south Africans who forgot how other countries fought against the apartheid regime.They seat at home doing nothing and are jealous of others who wake up 5am daily doing legitimate businesses. They are reaping fruit of hard labour, then comes the lazy SA Zulu guys who are interested in collecting where they didn't sow. GOD will punish these lazy bunch.Tim28
Yea he told dencia d bitter truth! Biko libers wat's d religion of d zulu boys again?? Just asking,
Very good reply dearie..xx
the most sensible thing Dencia ever Instagramed..
Epic reply from an intelligent lady. #Godblessafrica.
Your also a problem to the society... ppl like you sud be sent on exile
And that's how I fell in love with dencia!
All said, and done. God wil come to our rescue.
DSTV, MTN and other exploitative South African businesses strive in Nigeria and these uneducated ratz have the guts to spill blood of hard working Nigerians? Seriously?!
Dacia you really finish does SA fools
Are you stupid????? If you have nothing appropriate to say,in line with the discussion,go face your studies.
Crazy SA
For once Dencia u nailed it!
For the first time in a very long while, u r finally making sense
Am so proud of u Dencia , wat a great reply ππππ she finsh her lifeless life π ππ
go girl..#teamdencia
Epic slaughter
The curse no be here oooo. Dancia 4 me. Well I feel pple shuldnt criticize oda's 4 tryn 2 share dia sympathy 4 a partcular country.
That's how all of them think. Senseless people. They removed the statue of a dead white man, but can't even attempt to slap one alive. Almost of all of them were born out of wedlock. So they don't fear God and no respect for humanity. 70% doesn't knw their father. It's either Her father died when she was born, when she was growing, or a soldier who died in a war, or married to another woman, or in prison, dramatic ones will burst into tear when u ask abt her father, based on the storyline they grew up believing. Thumbz up Dancia. Make she go chill with 1 bag of wonga
Lmfao oya mr. Judge, give am bra as surprise !
Have you ever imagined what the population of Nigeria would be if everyone living outside the country should come back and live here? Think it over before dropping this kinda comment
Choiii she indeed served her well. But come to think of it how many South African have you seen speaking about this killings? No statement from their government self, this is very disappointing
Why don't you just leave him alone!
Develop ur home wil evrybody live in nigeria..dey well jor
Dencia don't mind those racists.
SA shud wake up and realize they are BLACK.
U must be high on somfin...hw old are u sef! Wat has igbo got 2 do with dis issue @ hand..can u even read? Tribal bastardd!!
Aboki- you're so senseless the word Stupid has to be reinvented to accommodate the class of your dumbness.
My gurl dencia took that bitch round the globe and served her right back to her kwazukunatal roots.
***mynameisSkelewu ***
@anon 9:09 AM ..... every curse word, every insult you wrote down is definitely sticking to you and your next generations to come and mark this: you will regret it every single negative word you typed. you shall know no peace ever again. you go online typing under anonymous, cursing and abusing with the belief you wont be found out, oh yes, we cant see you but the One who see all that you do will definitely make sure you pay.
to think that a religious, learned & prolly exposed one like you has so much venom of evil in you. forward never, backward ever.
@ Aboki. Have u not heard of Google..ah know it answers alot
From your little brain (considering you can't spell especially or be bothered to use autocorrect) , you have spoken well!
***mynameisSkelewu ***
PS I have never liked you!
OMG!! Dencia, you are great..that was a big BOMB on @zonacath I wish you can go on and on with the words. I guess @zonacath is crying now....hahaha
Still senseless, Americans leave their developed country. It's called hustling or being international dumb asses.
*** mynameisSkelewu ***
She's your mummy!
*** mynameisSkelewu ***
Shame on south africa.
Now I'm starting to think they should had never been liberated from the Brit. What a useless country... I don't blame them, Only if other African leaders had developed their countries, rather than embezzled and even go to his so called South Africa to invest e.g. Nigerian Politician... Who will go to that stupid racist country to settle down? Well our brothers should pls come back home... Not worth it
Dear #Dencia, you spoke well. God bless your soul.
lOL@ bitch have a seat on a volcano in Mandela square
hard to see any sane person support such barbaric act
I don't want google answer biko,i want libers answer,wen I tell some dumb heads that every region has weak point dey disagree, if na terrorist, shey u will trow shades at Muslims, learn not to generalize issues,focus on d people behind d act not d religion, tank u.
I don't want google answer biko,i want libers answer,wen I tell some dumb heads that every region has weak point dey disagree, if na terrorist, shey u will trow shades at Muslims, learn not to generalize issues,focus on d people behind d act not d religion, tank u.
U this person de breath from anus!
Go Dencia.......!!!, you have really made us proud gal #TeamDencia!
fuck naija artist always running to shoot video n record music in S.A at the expense of naija economy.sit ur dumb ass here in naija.
If the south african govt can't condemn such act. Then, its a shame on the whole country.
I am not a fan of Dencia but she nailed it here. South Africans are so wicked.SMH.
Africans have a very big problem, only God can deliver us. Linda take note!
Dencia is my girl. People should listen to this chick, who always seems to make a lot of sense. I don't agree with all she says and does but out of all the celebrities, girl is on point.
The messenger gets in the way of the message. If she has such pride in her Africanness, why does she go around looking like Casper the ghost's twin sister? Pride in her heritage is an action that isn't reflected in her line of work. She's just using this crisis to do what she does best, brag and self promote to show she has American citizenshp with a UN worker mother. There's nothing to see here, folks.
That's a good one. I love Dencia for that. She really got served biatch!!!!!!!!
At the one who insulted Igbos... it's not our fault for always looking for ways to better our lives. We go to various states and countries because there is always an opportunity...
Now for the matter at hand, I totally condemn these killings. Having said that, I also highly condemn our brother's who go there as illegal immigrants, those who sell drugs, those who rape and etc. Now the solution would have been to use your hate positively. How about seeking the non-immigrants out and handing them over to the govt? Except they have an insider in the govt who is on their payroll.
It is really shocking that such is happening and yet the govt is mute. Who the he'll is the ambassador to S. A for Naij and S. A
Mummy indeed
Iamskelewu... I just think, you must be stupid. lazy bone south african. And yes, no wonder foreigners could take over your lives and even give your passbooks... Robots.
God bless S.A
My message to the South African govt"We hold that foreign nationals have a right to all the same protections under the law as South Africans. We reject any and all attempts to undermine the dignity and human rights of foreign nationals. We consider xenophobic violence to be a direct attack on the freedom we struggled for so many years in this country and an antithesis to our democracy"... Send your voice to your govt...the killing must stop. Africa for Africans! Viva Africa....Teekay
Go Dencia!!!!!!
Ok now I Love this gurl.
lwtmb...choi dencia has no chill oooh!..dont i just love this babe?..serve it like its hot bebe. glad u schooled her n put her in a place meant for idiots.shez def no diff. just like her family killing foreigners. okponu ode
This Fuck Head South africans are all retards . How can you say foreigners are taking your jobs hence we must kill them . They come here selling Drugs yet who buys this Drugs ? On the news this morning there are 18 most Wanted men in South africa , 14 of them are nationals while the other 4 are foriegners . HIV is killing them everyday , shey na foreigners dey bring that one come sef ? All this lazy fuck heads should get a life and quit blaming their problems on Foreigners . The Locals are just jealous of Black Foreigners . Why can't they go on a rampage against the Chinese nationals and other European nationals in their country . They are still very back ward and they angry that the whites still rule and control their economy directly or indirectly and are just taking their frustrations out on Black foreign nationals .
Go to hell. igbo people are here to stay. all hail biafra. Hater
God pls protect our brothers and sisters in diaspora ooh...imagine we started killing SA'ns all over the world how e for be una?
Lobatan! End of discussion!
Your also a problem to the society... ppl like you sud be sent on exile @ ANON 9;09
Aboki u are a foolish nitwit..nice one dencia..u finished d broke bitch
No they are not.
Dis babe has a foul mouth oh..but it good..teach dem neva to take u for granted just becos u re nt a SA citizen...asin south Africa has just made an enemy out of oda african countries...dey hv bitten more dan dey cn chew
Dancia actually knows how to give it back
when you come for
For these SA we fought apartheid with you guyz why this now
Better wise up
Dancia actually knows how to give it back
when you come for
For these SA we fought apartheid with you guyz why this now
Better wise up
@anon. Truth. I heard some of them have started claiming they were part of the aboriginals here in d US when theyre having their ndigbo meetings. I dont know where they ever saw aboriginals in d history of america. They will grab at any straw to claim other peoples land. Just cos theyre making illegal money in america theyve started substituting australias history for it. LMAO!
Hehehe. Theyre lazy abi. You pple shld start telling urselves d truth rather dn calling others envious & lazy. If u ask an SA person abt nigerians, they will say very arrogant, 419 people. We all in Nigeria know who theyre talking about. All these talk about jobs being taken is just a front so pple think they have a legitimate reason.
Truth is u disgust them & dt is why all d educated south africans wt very good jobs & the SA leaders support what is going on. When d clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves.
I'm very sure those xenophobic bastards were not born at the time..I'm also sure they failed to take history lessons...
He's jst a bloody damn fool. While nt concentrate on ur waec, instead of cumn here 2 constitute nuisance. Stupid He-Goat. What hav u evn contributed 2 Lagos state? U are a disgrace 2 ur prents nd 2 dis nation.
Linda pls have u got info about what the government is doing concerning this attack? Is it just me feeling that the government doesn't send us?
Robert Mugabe hasn't spoken...Jona should do something na
@aboki you don't have a point at all mallam, i think its you who need to go sit on that volcano in mandela square mtewww!!!
Your heart is really bitter like onugbu. If you carry on with this so much bitterness about people who have done nothing to you, am sure your life will be a mess.
Dear Dencia, thanks.
Beht why re they threatened by Nigerians? ??
Unlike me, some people don't need to think about what to say when it comes to insulting people. Wow! Lmao @ "Until then bitch have a seat on a volcano in Mandela square"
Chio, this is just too much. Dencia, you get mouth o.
Chio, this is just too much. Dencia, you get mouth o.
Dencia 99% For you. Love every single words.. I agree with her for the first time
....Dencia.....if only you know how much i want to hug you right now.....Nice response!!!
Dear Ezekiel Obielum,
Your dumbness (glo)s with pride!
1. Get my signature right, it's *** mynameisSkelewu *** na your type go copy for exams copy name join!
2. I'm very Nigerian, it's your paternity that should be in question as you don't even critique constructively.
3. You need English Lessons.
4. Your Father!!!
*** mynameisSkelewu ***
is it not clear that dencia just jumped into conclusion? By hoodlums the lady most likely meant the xenophobes. with that in mind, re-read her comment and see who the real dumbass is... ede.ozed@yahoo.com
I rather give a stronger condemnation of the Oba ji's statement against the Igbos than SA xenophobic attacks
.SA can be a dangerous unstable place,are the black south Africns the only marginalized people in Africa?is it not more of their rracial, lazy, drug addiction tendencies that made then even more marginalized?, the HIV capital of Africa, the rape capital of Africa , the murder capital of Africa, Haba???
I rounded up my first degree in Durban, SA in 2007 and i must say that this attacks have been happening a long time coming. I was tops in my class and when they convocation date was set, i was to travel back to SA for it. A white South African called me to say i should not show up cos there were plots to kill me. He said i should ask them to send my awards back to Nigeria. I shared it with all my Nigerian course mates back then and all but 1 person still went. And he was killed. I wont mention his name here for respect of the dead and cos i don't know if any of his siblings visit this blog. May God help Africa/Africans!
The Lord will heal our land
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