He's now so broke, that he's been reduced to making ends meet by selling tons of Beyonce, Destinys Child and Solange's souvenir in a garage sale outside his Houston office.
According to TMZ, he's selling this giant Beyonce poster for $200, old tour books for $20, a Solange CD for $1.96 and various pieces of House of Dereon clothing. He's also selling office furniture. His daughter is worth about $500m. Feel sorry for him. See pics from the garage sale after the cut...

1 – 200 of 241 Newer› Newest»Never be too quick to judge.
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
Lmao...funie and at d same time sad... hez virtually selling them all... eyahh.. Beyonce shld jst try help him tho..
It serves him right, what an irresponsible father and husband.....l
Bend down select!
Wow.... I will forgive him and call him back ASAP
Charity begins at home.
Lmao Good for him....next tyme he won't cheat again
Crazy Things Uniport Babes Do in their Room when they ‘re Bored.
Village Girls dancing while bathing in the river
She should have considered him even though the man hurt their mum which will definitely jury her, but two wrongs don't make a right
Some folks will be quick to blame Bey but some parent/relatives aren't making things easy on their celeb kids.Coz you're a child doesn't mean you're drained of all emotions.I dunno what I can do or not do until I've been in her shoes
I don't pity the cheating bastard.this would teach him a lesson so DAT in his next world he wouldn't be tempted to cheat on his wife
Serves him right...maybe in his next world he wld keep his dick in check...but Americans get mind sha....Beyonce pity him small abeg
Serves him right...maybe in his next world he wld keep his dick in check...but Americans get mind sha....Beyonce pity him small abeg
So sad...Everyone makes mistakes..No matter what...Her father had her back through it all...
She is an unforgiving feminist and so i'm not surprised.
This is so not right. Beyonce shld have a heart. The fact that her father is instrumental to her success shld count for something. Na wah!
destiny's child is the best-selling girl group of all time, so it's surprising that their manager would be broke.
he probably overspent his own share of the loot.
hmmm......dis is unbelievable. She deservs some spanking.
Na wa ooo..
Beyonce get mind o!.
That's all I can say.
If na me, my vex no go reach dis level.
No be blood again, I ask???
haba! me ooo I cnt bear it! no mata ow grave his offence, she shld learn to forgive n morova he didn't cheat on ha bt ha mum who was also hiz wife! a father wil alwyz b one no mata wat!
There must be something happening we don't know about.
Well, I can't do dat 2my dad..... pple shud expect disappointment from pple. d problem Wif dez white pple is dt dey expect too much, as such, dey re easily disappointed! I can't do dat to my dad! No matter what.... it's called LOVE!! love conquers all...
Dis made me cry I swr no mttr wht he has done!!! It's not fair! Feel so sorry 4 d man
seen.....na wa ooooo
So much for being the Royal hip-hop couple. That's mean yo. Beyonce is evil
he must be really broke, he hurt Bey and Solange when he cheated on their mom, serves him right anyways, but hey he is the father of a super start, i wonder how Bey will feel seeing all these.
Well he has to make ends meet somehow, but it's not fair at all for beyonce to treat him that way.. If anyone knows about husband hurting wife, it's Beyonce, but does it mean he was a bad father? Not necessarily. A lot of children including myself experienced some wrongdoings to our mother but it doesn't mean I will cut my father off. He was a good father, supported her career, managed her very well too, she's an adult now and her mother has since moved on and is happy. No matter what she should take care of her father.
Well no matter what his still her Father and like you said he was instrumental to her success
What an irony! She should just try to help him a bit.@least secretly. *sigh*
If he works really hard and shows diligence , she may still support him financially.
Erm that's bad o if truly that's her reason. She should please forgive him.
Hard to believe tho, they know best. This is a family issue so they know better I won't say what I don't know #onelovefromSnow#
Lols. Poor man .
Eehhmmm....maami Beyonce, itaff now do ooo!! Enuf is enuf! Forgive him and tush his life.
Americans and their weird ways. The father self, why not safe since all these days. Enjoying women up & down forgetting his future.
He should have respected himself. Foolish man, one minute pleasure ruined him. Others learn.
Though the man made his own problems, I think father is still father nothing can change that, He tolerated you when you were young, I think it's time to reciprocate.
Ifeonyenwetalu onwe ya, ya buru nisi.
Serves him rhy, beyonce should take pity on him tho... @least he still remains her pop man
He deserved it but i wont let dat happen to him....my own dad did notin for me not even d least primary education buh i love him still...
Biko.. Make una forgive the man; just for christ's sake!
I hate when people try to capitalize off someone else. Someone should please tell this man to get a job like the rest of Americans and stop tryna buy pity vote. For every action in life, there is consequences. You made your bed so please lie in it
Sad life. Shit happens. He should take care of himself.
Serves him right. Do you know how it hurts to cheat on one's spouse with not one, two but so many women? That's his punishment. Even if she has to forgive him, let him bask in the sweet smell of failure while it lasts
If Matthew Knowles was my father I'd not only let this happen to him but I'd also confisticate all these goods. Let his baby mamas feed him.
I won't hv a relationship with him but will send monthly checks to him.......something huge.....he screwed up,i get....but he needs help.she should help him.
Yes I will do it hundred folds..that man doesn't deserve sympathy or pity from anyone xcpt from his multiple baby mommas. Rubbish.
Are u seriously asking if she shld be giving her father money so dt he can use it 2 pay 4 multiple baby mamas child's support? If dt is d question then NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Am in support of her cos it will be a lesson to some guys dt are fooling themselves thinking they re fooling d GF or wife, so continue bey
Eyah! No matter what he is still their dad now.
Are u seriously asking if she shld be giving her father money so dt he can use it 2 pay 4 multiple baby mamas child's support? If dt is d question then NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Am in support of her cos it will be a lesson to some guys dt are fooling themselves thinking they re fooling d GF or wife, so continue bey
It serves him right I would do d same
Yard Sales doesn't mean you are broke. Linda onto the next one #Gbam
You forgot to include he got one of Solange's friend pregnant. This Garage sale is an example of why Bey doesn't mess with him. He keeps looking for media attention. He gave interview after the elevator fight like he was there, no this. Actions have consequences and this is the consequence of his action. I can really relate to this cuz i'm in the same situation except i'm not worth 500 Million LMAO
I don't feel sorry for him, if she gives him money, he will think it's his right, and he list the right.... #justsaying
Serves him right! That is what happens when you want to eat your cake and have it. Men don't know the sacrifice and papain women go through during pregnancy and childbirth, sleepless nights, wrecked body etc. then they have a beautiful family and still want to go out there and chop fresh chick. Hope this serves as a lesson to nigerian men cos even the bible recognizes adultery as the only reason for divorce. That being said, a father will always be a father so I will bail him out. Hehehe!!!!! This is even better than giving him rat killer.lols
Na wa oo
He should get a job, why does he want to live off his daughter or expect her to support him.
If he is healthy enough to have affairs with multiple women, then he is healthy enough to get a job.
He was Beyonce's manager and he got paid while he was her manager, now he no longer manages her so he should get another job.
Are u seriously asking if she shld be giving her father money so dt he can use it 2 pay 4 multiple baby mamas child's support? If dt is d question then NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Am in support of her cos it will be a lesson to some guys dt are fooling themselves thinking they re fooling d GF or wife, so continue bey
I'm glad Bey took the right decision. For too long a time we have lived with the evil men do, particularly fathers in the name of marriage. All this impunity we see in the public space today originates from the family unit where a man thinks he can do and undo because he is head.
I hope other men are watching and LEARNING. Nothing will change unless examples are made of some.
- AE
I'm glad Bey took the right decision. For too long a time we have lived with the evil men do, particularly fathers in the name of marriage. All this impunity we see in the public space today originates from the family unit where a man thinks he can do and undo because he is head.
I hope other men are watching and LEARNING. Nothing will change unless examples are made of some.
- AE
Let him meet those women he spent Bey and her mum's sweat on to bail him out. Some pple have only one way to learn. The hard way. Besides d garage sales may jus b cos he wants to dispose old stuff, nt necessarily cos he's dt broke.
Wud hv tot of dat! Wen e was sleeping arund!metchwww serves him right!
Queen b should forgive him
Lib ugegbe
Maybe that'll teach other husbands a lesson....DO NOT CHEAT
Beyonce has a very strong heart..she should forgive her dad already,if not for him she wouldn't be where she is today..it's your Dad come on Beyonce forgive!
No I won't, no matter what....I won't let him be reduced to that level#Bey should please come to his aid
Linda you can adopt him. You're well off.
Americans don't take cheating lightly at all!! If this is applied in Nigeria ehn,our men brain go reset!! Nice one.. He Shud b forgiven sha
Abeg Beyonce should stop that nonsense and take care of her dad. She will not be were she is without her dad. He quit his high paying job to support her career. Beyonce makes mistakes too. Abeg take care of your Dad. Nuff said!!:
He sure deserves it , when you are irresponsible you will be treated as such.
Abeg Beyonce should stop that nonsense and take care of her dad. She will not be were she is without her dad. He quit his high paying job to support her career. Beyonce makes mistakes too. Abeg take care of your Dad. Nuff said!!:
Dats bad
The wickedness in this world will never cease to amaze me.
Where is the spirit of forgiveness?
Honour your father and mother also includes forgiveness, please hide your father and mother from the cloak of despair and darkness..
Is he a murderer or a paedophile?
Let he who has no sin cast the first stone..
I know once oyibo man makes up their mind they don't always wanna go back on their words.but if I were beyounce and the rest,i'd forgive him
I feel for him.
Serves him right. Idiot cheat
Good for him. Idiot cheat
The struggle is real
That's good for him!! A man that cheats on his wife deserves to be poor....i love my bey,pls don't pity him o,let him die in poverty,cos I don't knw Wht he wants,he hhas beautiful,rich daughters and a loving wife,wht else could a man ask for?? karma should always catch up like this to Men that cheats.
I feel so sad for him right. Queen bey shld just try and forgive him.
Plz wat is she doing to him? Think b4 u post tins linda
she might be angry , which is right .... but that doesn't mean she should punish him forever , she should still consider him as her father who brought her to this world ,,, becos without him banging his mum that day , allowing biological effect of her coming to this world , she wouldn't be beyonce we all know today... so i think she should do things right and stop making her father unhappy because of just simple human nature,, who are bond to make mistake
What did she do plz? Think b4 u post things linda
Serves him right, when he's done he can sell his house too, anuofia
Awww!! Forgive him BEY!!!
Awww!! Forgive him BEY!!!
he may be clearinq out his office cuz he want to relocate
I ve neva been a fan of beyonce,he's still her father by the way..wtf
I will so so it to him!
Hmmm. Smh.
Jesus is Lord.
Wow, what ever happened to the word love and forgiveness
so, all the money he made off her over the years, where did he put it? dude should check himself....
I think his grand father must have been an igbo man. Nice business strategy
so, all the money he made off her over the years, where did he put it? dude should check himself....
Beyonce and her sister should let go of the past...They have been so favored by God. They cannot continue to recollect the past with bitterness. For the sake of Christ, they should forgive their dad and show some care..
So he even has stuff to sell...useless man!
I don't believe this one bit..tmz posts lots of crap nd dis is one of them
Man must survive
He brought it on himself and it is not for his child to bail him out . Consequences of his adulterous money loving irresponsible father ways.
I feel sad for him
He deserves it. When men mess up they don't think there are consequences until they begin to manifest...then BAM!!!ntor to him
Too bad... yemightbabe@yahoo.com
Nice O
I think they should forgive him because he is still their father no matter what and it is a shame really.
Too bad I hope they reconcile back
Meanwhile email me to knw how you can enlarge your joystick
Chai! E don worst reach dis?
Feel sorry for him for what! Hisss
Let him go and pay child support to all his baby mamas
In Olamide's voice, story for the gods.
Blackberry gives you the best and make you forget the rest.
David (dave_gino)
»Commenting from my BLACKBERRY 9900«
Yes I would, he is a trifle in no good man. Let him earn a living and go for his baby mamas
They aint srs by letting that happen to their father, no matter what he has done, he is stil thr father
They should all reverse their decision. How do you go about life happy when your father is hurting. Not making sense at all.
The old man has forgotten he lives in America where there's no "oju Aanu".
He should have saved up when d going was good, too bad. I propose we take contributions for him.
Serves him rit 4cheatin n hurting her moda.if I was bey,I will allow him suffer small den help him later
She should forgive his father. His current state does not speak well of her.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
What a world, better reconcile with your daddy pls
Sorry man
Beyonce and her sister no try at all irrespective of whatever their dad might have done, he's still their father o
Noo I would never allow this to happen to my dad
sales job available for Port-Harcourt residents. Minimum qualificatn is S.S.C.E.Send your c.v to ceeveeroom@gmail.com immediately.
What he did is painful. But I feel family and blood ties are meant to be considered in any circumstances. Beyonce and Solange should act mature as the adults they are and help their dad. This will even cause embarrassment for them.
sales job available for Port-Harcourt residents. Minimum qualificatn is S.S.C.E.Send your c.v to ceeveeroom@gmail.com immediately.
Bey shud jst 4giv d man he is still d father
Iya Ati baba onjewo. ..awon werey
Shame on Beyonce..no matter wat .he is ur dad..u ar a fvckin disgrace...........................#KingOfKings #6God
Well, he laid his bed! Actions have consequences!!! Pple need to remember that! Now dis is his consequence!
I feel sorry for him tho
He just need a new pin.
I feel terribly sad for him but honestly, he so deserves it. Why will she give him any money? Is he a good role model for his grand children? He'll prolly use the money he gets off her to carry more women.
Na, I won't be involved in this.
na wa Oooo!!! d dad 4ck up,bt popsy na still popsy,abi she want mke he beg 1st??? if he begin beg,na her name dey spoil Oooo....mke she giv am small bread na....oyibo and dia wahala...
Linda extend Ur giveaway to him now...seeing u feeling sori for him....
Too bad.... Parents should always be careful with d way d treat their families
I pray the forgive him
so all d money which he had during destiny's child days what did he do with d money.
Let this be an example to you fellas...See what his rambling scrotum has reduced him to! Randy niggur! Best believe, I will take my mother's side any day. No question! Would I let him get to the puts like this? Probably not. I will throw him a bone...he doesn't necessarily have to know it's from me.
If u can't take the heat don't go near the flames. Wait what did he think was Gona happen when his cheating lying ass was caught.. Did he think e wld gt a divorce with half of beyonces weAlth? Nonsense ! Serves him right!!!
at least he s mekin ends meet...d place luks ok.
Nope. I don't feel an iota of remorse for him. This is what he deserves for having a wandering dick and breaking hearts.
Any rich kid who watches her dad languishing in poverty is poor.
Damn Beyonce should forgive her father ...this is way too much...we sin and all and the lord forgives how much more ur own daughter
Eeeee yaaaa. I pity him sha. But he cheated on d mum na. Well what can I say
This is very horrible! No matter what has happened in the past we are to honour our Parents and this is no way to honour your parents when you are worth half a billion. No matter what her dad has done he definitely contributed to her successes in one way or the other. I will be ashamed if I were the one.
i feel sorry for him. i pray they resolve whatever their problem is.
Fuck him, he just mismanaged millions of dollars he made over the years and lived irresponsibly to be in his current pitiful situation.
Why should I pity him or blame Beyonce for not coming to his rescue? Bcos he's her dad? Well, Linda, if u've lived in America, u'll know the American culture better
Dats good for him .. perfect lesson for a cheating husband
If only I lived in Houston.
I don't feel sorry for cheats read proverbs5 that is what you reduce yourself to when you leavee wife of your youth to attach yourself to strange women
They should forgive their father and move for reconciliation. The man needs help - not just financial.
Serves him right, in his next life, he would respect his wife, and keep his dick in his pants
Oh mine! Too bad. I wouldn't let my dad go thru dis no matter wat. Wat happens to forgiving d old man? Sad.
No I wouldn't even though my dad has hurt me in more ways...
Serves him right I think but he,s still her dad tho. She shld reconsider her decisions
The punishment is too much for the crime naw. Haba!
Payback is a bitc#!
Its not fair now, haba. She should at least forgive him and take care of him.nawa oo
Really linda, see how you are making her look bad, why was her father cheating? Why did he squander his money.
Women are so petty.
Yes is good for him and those gold digger baby mama's, since his broke lets see how they get support???because of Beyoncé they were getting pregnant up and down with the man???
Thats what cheating men deserve when their wives are loyal.. Lol..
What tha fuckery thing is dis wow
Really bad, i can't do that to my dad.
He was beyonce's manager for over 2 decades during which he was getting 10% of all her earnings so unless he dug a grave and threw the money in, he should be living like a king!
As u make ur bed so shall u lie on it!
He made his bed
He is an entrepreneur.
They say the rain falls on the wicked and righteous.
He is making good use of what's in his house to make ends meet.
Some people with poverty mindset will stay with this clutter.
Now the feud between the children and parents they know what's going on.
I would handle it differently. Bearing in mind his vision and drive led these kids to where they are. the hand of selfishness has a way of biting you back. Be careful what you breed. Destiny's Child.
We all learn from our choices.
I pray he makes tonnes of sale and manages the money well.
God will bless him for using what's in his house to generate income.
Good for him
chai.......bad man receiving bad treatment
#Linda's give away.
Nah, just forgive and forget. Afterall God gives. So who am I?
Awwwww....I feel for him. His past came hunting him.
Yes o Linda dear. Any man that cheats on his wife deserves this. If you are a woman, u will understand that some stupid men have constant urge when they have money. In order for them to be useful and think properly without following anything under the skirt, they should remain broke. Cheating dad's take a cue from this.
Shame on Beyonce...Queen of the evil (iluminati)
Eyaaaaaa. Feel sorry for him.
Its hard to forgive but im sure bey ll come around with tym
Please the lady (Beyonce) should not be blackmailed into feeling guilty. The reason she is soo successful is because she worked really really hard for her money, her father if not cut off as manager would have ruined her by impregnating all the women in America, I don't know why men can't be satisfied with the jewel (wife) they have at home, not only did he cheat on her, he dey sow his seed up and down town.
I don't feel sorrry for him one bit, he can cut off his dick and hang for sale if he wants to ( as per d dick that brot queen bey) to the world. Clare
The Man no Sharp joo! He would have cornered 10% of her worth when he was managing her!
I feel lyk crying for him....he caused it
Beyonce shuld place her dad on a monthly allowance d punishment don do...
Gives new meaning to the phrases: 'you reap what you sow' and 'grass to grace'
I will leave him to God
He is an adult and is only paying for the consequences of his actions. If he choose to live an irresponsible life that leads to women squandering his money, he should live with the status of being broke.
I'm not making light of wat he did but, 2 wrongs do not make a right. A father is a father regardless of wat he has done. There are other ways to make him understand and pay for wat he's done but not dis.
I always pride women for being soft hearted and warm towards their family but in recent times, Beyonce has proven me wrong. Take for instance her baby half brother who's almost destitute like her dad...
Well, they say he/she who wears d shoes know where it pinches...I hope they all (including Beyonce) get d help dey need, to heal every hurt
Is nt only broke people dt do garage sales, even d Kardashians do it.
People do it mainly to get rid of old stuffs dey no longer hav use for.
Whats he using all these for? N if he can make a few thousands, y not?
Dis is bad o! He must have really crossed the line n angered them all.since I have no idea what d real details are,I can't rili say if he deserves it or not!
I ll forgive him, I cnt let my father suffer. Blood is thicker than water. His stl their father.
dis is bad .. buh d man no try shaa
No matter what happen it gone too xtremed haba hw can,we are not white,for me no,I cannot abandone my farther ooooooooo.
Shows how mych of a good child u are so she loves her mum over her dad?? This man quit his job and invested his money and life to make sure beyonce is who she is today, regardless of the fact that she was not even has talented as kelly or the other 2 original destiny's child members. Mattew knowles always made beyonce shine more than the rest he made her career. Sebi she has a child lets see what blue ivy will do to her. Wealth doesnt last forever if micheal jackson and whitney Houston could be broke any musician can. Your parents should always be taken care of i am not saying have a relationship with dem, but always provide my dad's father never did anything for him he was a drunk and still is at age 94 yet my dad still takes good care of him. Karma is a bitch the bible says honor thy parents so ur days shall be long so far ur dad did not try to kill u dres is nothing he can do that shud make u make him starve
>>>>> Nice way to disgrace Bey, i guess she and and sister would reconsider him now, he is still their father, nothing will change that. <<<<<
At least na human being na,she no try to forgive
Who are we to judge if u were judged for ur sins trust me u wnt be alive.. So dnt judge anyone , beyonce's dad was a manager when he quit his job to help her career they were very comfortable he made sure they had the best, they had a maid in those days only well to do people had live in maids. Kelly's mum was dre maid so beyonce came from a well to do background who did that? Her dad he gave up his career for hers if he should curse her she will be reduced to nothing!! She should better ask God for forgivenesses
I concur, if she gives him money he would use it to pay his baby mama's and child support with working hard anymore. Lesson to other cheating fathers
Linda, the problem is that if Beyonce takes custody of her father, her money becomes easy prey to the women who claim they had babies for him. Now, that is a NEVER NEVER NEVER, HELL FUCKING NO. Sometimes, people dig themselves so deep in shit it is hard to help them in a litigious society. I tell you the minute she can be proved to provide support for him, its going downhill for her money. The hole in the hedge opens. He can find other work and stop dicking around.
Who knows what their mum did behind his back. Leave matter for God
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