As Quiana is working the camera, Dr James appears out of nowhere and tells the stunned model;
I want to tell you something. I want to tell you that you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I love you with all my heart. Your compassion, your kindness to others. God truly sent me an angel. Quiana Nicole Grant, will you marry me?A very happy Quiana accepted the proposal and Dr James revealed to her that the whole photo shoot was fake. The best part? It's all on video. See the adorable proposal after the cut...
The proposal
Wow..... God bless their union.....
So lovely..
Linda yu cause gobe nw.... Bcos some ladies will be on the look out nw. I bet yu, any action a man takes during valentine the single ladies will think they are trying to propose... Watch and see...
But this Dr sure knws hw to propose..... Nice one man, na yu celebrate this valentine pass.....
am smiling and crying for her
me love that.
Ii lov tht her fiance is A̶̲̥̅ medical doctor. He must rili love her for hm to be goin 4 A̶̲̥̅ wife in the entertainmnt industry, knwin hw volatile thgs are in tht industry.
wow, thats Amazing.
OMGoist! I almost cried.......superb mhenn
I know some illiterates will come n comment that d ring is on d wrong finger *eyelashes*
Nice packaging, but why is the guy dressed like that?
SNOWYTE SAY S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡
Linda love this one small na, way me dey plan to propose to YOU on NTA 9 o'clock network news.
Omg !!!got tears in my eyes... soooi romantic!! filled wit love.... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwew !!
Awwwww! So lovely
I could do more than that. The way I presented Val gift to her last year lays credence to that
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
waaaoooww!!! this is sooo sweet. I wish....
Ewwwwwwwww........nwoke oma....,I wish them the best oh....
Wowwwwww bless them.
wao.....love the surprise !
This is so so romantic! I am so happy for them. But wait a minute why is it that some ladies get so surprised when they are being proposed to, is it that they don't expect the guys to be married to them?
Dt is so romantic, It moves tears in my eyes.congrats to dem
Miss Jade said... See her mouth in the third photo. hahahaha
Wow. I love dis. Sooo cute
Ds is beautiful
Hmmmm. Nice
They are going to have very very cute kids! He looks like the younger version of Denzel and she is just waoooo...Wish dem more love,happiness & peace in their union
Wow. I love dis. Sooo cute
But I have to ask oh, was there any reason why Dr James is in his scrubs? Abi, e no get day wear? Or he wore it so there isn't any doubt say him be doctor? Okay.
Wait oh, why dem dey everly cry when dem see say na proposal?
Is this for real?fairy fairy fairy
Linda I hope you aint waiting for this kinda proposal...cus our nijah men never think reach like this
Now this is lovely!
I can't aswell stop screaming omg here!!! I love dis!
Omg!!!! I luv this... Where is the guy???
Perfect proposal but i doubt this can come from a Nigerian guy
makes me wanna fall in love
Awwwwwwn*crying*.......how romantic......jo
Woooooow she looked genuinely surprised.Me like that
Awwwwwww! Dis got me crying.
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! This is super lovely! Couldn't stop da tears! Wow! I love this! Dear God! Pls visit me soon. *Suzielicious*
wow!wow!!wow!!! i pray to God their marraige last forever.
Blood of J!! Soooooooo adorable!! Was smiling all d way thru. God o! She gets 2 marry a hot doctor n I'm here struggling 2 be one....shebi I for don drop out n start modelling, see if I can get me a hot doctor 2 take care of me ;)
Linlin pls B.U.M.P
Wow! Amazing!
beautiful,so romantic
I had sum tears on my eyes, aawww so amazing! Love is a beautiful tin, wen u re in it wit d right one... Lily
This is Beautiful.
I also wanna love more than Anything.
my -o- my....dis is breathtaking!
Awwwwwww!that's like d sweetest way to propose!
Thts so romatic.vry kul proposal 4 a kul chic.
O God when will my own come?dis is so sweet. May God Bless them
See as she spoil mouth for the last picture.
Oh dear!
This proposal,eh,eh,eh,I want to see who will beat it.I am speechless!LatinoPINKY.
Wow!just took ma tym to watch this,it was so emotional,found tears streamin dwn ma eyes,this is real lov,God bless n keep dia lov forever,d guy is cool and gentle and d lady is a beaut,she looks lyk agbani,Dear God pls make me feel dis kind of love plsss,bey and jayz need to watch diz,dey tink dey ar d only young couple in love,oH no dis is some real dope lu?,am tapping into this IJN amen!fine couple,dear Heavenly father pls send me a fineman,above all Godfearing/knowing Amen
Is this for real?fairy fairy fairy
Oohhhh... #short of words#
Watched this video where this guy performed an R Kelly song and proposed to his girlfriend in front of friends and family. Liked it
Awwww... this is super cute.
OMG! This is awesome!
So wow ,I love this.
Scrubs has never looked so sexy ; They are so happy together and I can't stop smiling from ear to ear. My cheeks are starting to hurt.
so sweet
Awwwwwwwwww. I feel sooo touched! Sweet!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :')
Adorable!!!linda ur tym dey come
Ok i almost cried!...no im crying OMG!!!
Fake people.
If you want to propose to your woman, why not do it privately. Why all the highly charged and unnecessary publicity.
Too much drama. Every thing must be done publicly,
Let's give them 10 years and let's see whether they will still be together.
Too much public display of affection but inside it's nothing but cheating and sleeping with every thing that moves.
Nigerian men no go see dis one watch nah?
That's so sweet.... Congrats dear
Sincerely i watched this video before now 30times...Love IT!!
Omg!!!! Wonderful but y do ladies cry when they are bring proposed to na
I just had goosebumps watching this video. Every man sure needs that special someone to go the extra mile for.nice!
Hmmm I hp my bby daddy is watchn...ds is d kind of will u marry u I wnt..cnt wait to gt married smday...
Wow, dis is lovely. Hmmmmmm I just wish (winks)
Wow! This is soo beautiful!! Couldn't help but shed a tear.
Oh my GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is Love ooooooohhhh!!! Am lust in thought... May mine be more amazing..
Epic!. Just had goosebumps.
That was so sweet!!! Congrats to them #hugs
Awww some men can be so romantic. I luv surprises; future hubby take note.
Wow! That's so sweet and emotional..
Awwwww! #sheddingtears# will love ma boyfrnd to propose to me like this. Can't wait
Wow soooo lovely
I love................... so love love dis proposal. Naija guys make una dey learn ooo.
Lolz..some day ua gonna hear of a guy called orstin dat proposed 2 his gf while they both sky-diving..#crazy ideas
Anyone *tissue pls* love is a very sweet sometin
#That happy sister!
Linda, dis is really sweet !!!!
Urs will be better and its soon girl.
It reminds me of my proposal Romantic
This is so sweet God bless dem money good oh chai
Money good oh
Linda, dis is really sweet!!!!!.
Yours will be better and its soonest girl.
Awwww.... Dis has 2 b d most romantic proposal av ever seen. It was so obvious deir so much in luv.
This is toooo cute. I cried
Awwwwwwww. So so sweet nd romantic
Money good oh
She was just shouting OMG omg omg although the proposal looks real, #supercute
Toooo cute! I cried, awwww
So Romantic , i like it
dat was one amazing proposal. #concept
The best and so adorable,God bless dis union and mine too
A masterpiece wow! If na me be that girl i go kill am with love o chai! Oya our african brothers you people should learn stuff like this & up ur game small #runsaway, i know say them go kill me with insults today.
That's so so lovely.
see her mouth like monkey own.
It's called tears of joy!
That's so so lovely.I love his style wow.
Very romantic.
My kind of man. James I love everytin abt dis guy
A masterpiece wow! If na me be that girl i go kill am with love o chai! Oya our african brothers you people should learn stuff like this & up ur game small #runsaway, i know say them go kill me with insults today.
hhhmmmmmm love it!I never had a proposal...i dreamed of a unique one,but am married to a sweet African man and I love him. That i think, is better than the proposal i wished for.
seee love ooooooooooooooooo
Yes very romantic...! I cried wished mine can b as romantic as ds..wish them all d best
Gosh dis is sooo romantic I wish my hubby were dis romantic, I wish I could have the joy of dis experience. I wish o how I wish. God pls make my man romantic.
I literally cried...too sweet abeg
So romantic, mine is gonnna be super better Dan dis...
So romantic
Even if dis was all she had to get in d LOVE ma dear its worth it, sooooo wonderful, was smilin all tru
Rily??? I think u should have gone for "awwwwwwww". Saying "ewwwwwww" makes it look like he proposed to her in ur street gutter
Even if dis is all she had to get in d LOV,,ma dear its worth it,,, gosh dah was sooooo wondaful.. Naija men whr r u?
Fine geh, better pikin.... She's HAUTE!
Rily??? I think u should have gone for "awwwwwwww". Saying "ewwwwwww" makes it look like he proposed to her in ur street gutter
Even if dis was all she had to get in d LOVE ma dear its worth it, sooooo wonderful, was smilin all tru
the proposal is in doubt wow!!!!!!!!!
its amazing, I really like it.....
Amen. But Naija guys make Una dey copy all dis kind tin. To be to dey see girl wey buy guy car.Lord pls direct my bf to do somtin beta. Amen
Dats his unifrm/theatre wear.. as a Doc.
Can't help d tears.... I love ds.... ds is so lovely.....
If n naija guys dem go carry ice cream carry everytin.
Woww this is so sweet! God bless your union
Awwwww! This man is so sweet.
Dis is wow oooooooh, I read many of ur comment here all d girls who comment on dis model nd d Dr guy, u see wen u keep ur self every body no u as a cam responsible girl no any guy dat will leave u as a good home training girl wen I mean good home training girl u must listing 2 ur parents or if u don't hv parents learn frm ur good frnd no hw 2 cook-respect no hw 2 maintain be truthful wen u do d rite thing as a responsible girl etc. u see in many marriage 2 day in nigeria some of d girls don't want 2 hear I mean they don't want 2 listing 2 their hubby or 2 boyf all what they do is 2 wear transparent pants. Then start waiting 4 who is driving Range Rover. SUV. All what they do is 2 sleep around wit rich men then u nw expect a guy 2 com dis way nd propose 2 u, u must learn all dis thing is a must 2 make ur dreams com true, even wen u re married there re some close u will stop wearing dat u use 2 wear be 4 etc. pple always say charity begins @ home is what u learn in ur house u will display outside dat what I hv 4 u...
Dis is wow oooooooh, I read many of ur comment here all d girls who comment on dis model nd d Dr guy, u see wen u keep ur self every body no u as a cam responsible girl no any guy dat will leave u as a good home training girl wen I mean good home training girl u must listing 2 ur parents or if u don't hv parents learn frm ur good frnd no hw 2 cook-respect no hw 2 maintain be truthful wen u do d rite thing as a responsible girl etc. u see in many marriage 2 day in nigeria some of d girls don't want 2 hear I mean they don't want 2 listing 2 their hubby or 2 boyf all what they do is 2 wear transparent pants. Then start waiting 4 who is driving Range Rover. SUV. All what they do is 2 sleep around wit rich men then u nw expect a guy 2 com dis way nd propose 2 u, u must learn all dis thing is a must 2 make ur dreams com true, even wen u re married there re some close u will stop wearing dat u use 2 wear be 4 etc. pple always say charity begins @ home is what u learn in ur house u will display outside dat what I hv 4 u... Sorry o u fit say waiting I day talk no correct bt try am.......
Awwwww. I really cried. This is soooooooooooooooooooooo romantic. Beau, take note ooo. I want my proposal captured. No small time bedroom proposal. Rme
This is lovely...........God bless your union. The best part of it was that she was not expecting. The surprise face was flawless
This is lovely...........God bless your union. The best part of it was that she was not expecting. The surprise face was flawless
This is lovely...........God bless your union. The best part of it was that she was not expecting. The surprise face was flawless
sweet all the best to them
Awwww congrats to dem 2, all the best on this journey.
The babe need to eat some more sha.
Every girl's dream
Because you are effeminate by nature lol.I was only being diplomatic dude,you are GAY.
angelic couple. Happy married life. if you find an angel keep him or her.
angelic couple. Happy married life. if you find an angel keep him or her.
Wow, this is so cool,got me wishing things though this my Isoko bobo is not romantic at all. I love him like that sha so even though i know he won't be so romantic, make him sha propose on time cos na dis year o...
OMG!!!wow i soooooooo much LOVE this,it's vry romantic,i pray my boo proposes to me with something close to this....tears of joy 4 her
OMG!!!wow i soooooooo much LOVE this,it's vry romantic,i pray my boo proposes to me with something close to this....tears of joy 4 her
Awwwwwww... this had me blushing too -it's very sweet, Lord make mine and Linda Ikeji's proposals better IJN
within the next couple of weeks now you go hear say na another TV prank to see people's reaction to the video.
Michael Licky-Licky Isimeme
Awwwwwww.. so nice *wipes tears* Dear future hubby , I hope u 're learning.
Ma future husband, shey u dey ? Learn o, no cum put ring 4 inside ice-cream 4 me 2 swallow o
OMG!!!wow i soooooooo much LOVE this,it's vry romantic,i pray my boo proposes to me with something close to this....tears of joy 4 her
Oh God pls give my boo the grace nd wisdom to do this. AMEN.
Cant believe am actually crying, this is the best thing that can ever happen to anyone
AZin eh,gosh.....ewwwww
Spunky ITK! Some bush gurls b doin over sabi
AZin eh,gosh.....ewwwww
Most beautiful thing ever.
@swaggs isimemen... Na wa for ya English statement ooooo. Choi!!! Your spelling grammar is heavy o... No be here at all. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
He's not a stupid judgemental nigerian man.
What's your problem with his dressing. Hes a doc now. They are both in professional wear.
:) I cried too..... :)
Highly Romantic
Time to start toasting my male doctor friends.This is romantic
Why u wan know...lol
Awwwwww! S̲̅o sweet! Congrat 2 them
So romantic......awwwwwww
Love is beautiful...
QUEEN OF XXX: Maheeda Releases More Raunchy Photos To Rival Afrocandy [18+ ONLY]
Lovelllllllllly I must say!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i go love ooooh.guys pls learn,his the real master.
Olu@atlanta shut up your dirty tramp mouth, everybody has a right to display their love in whatever way they feel like. Is it their fault that your wife proposed to you as you couldn't afford a ring, or cos your used to following sugar mummies in 9ja you don't know what true love Is. Thank God your now a house husband in Atlanta behave like a wife that you are.
yeah...thats some lovely shit right there...nicely done bro!
this is by far one of the best proposals iv ever seen!! wow! FUTURE Hubby, you get work to do o!Hehehehehehe
Awwwwww.....awwwwwwwww...best I've Eva seen,obvious d gal is a nice chic n d guy is so in luv....wish dem d very best in their journey...
Read n get learned.......he's a doc n scheduled to be @work
Seeing as uv alredy noticed, n uv commented on that...
What are you?
awwww!!!!that's so so cute....really happy 4 her...
awww how cute....fantasy!!! this here is real life. I am not moved one bit its like watching the movies fake fake fake!!. Olu Atlanta I can feel u bro for most of us married here in the US (real people). Doctors here in US make one of the worst husbands...u ask me why?...long work hours, always on call, and they are too absorbed with their books and money. I tink a couple of them are borderline insane.
Sorry if they didn't do the whole Christian courtship and all I give the marriage 5years tops!! come back and tell me.
The proposal was too over the top using her job and all? not cool!. Sorry y'all can curse me out for all I care . I'm talking out of experience, I am married to an MD here in NJ been there, done that. MOST A DEM ARE DIFFICULT MEN!! PERIOD!
wish them luck!
super amazing....wow!
linda please post this, i actually found this annoying, fine nice surprise,cute i agree,but why was she crying like that,is she grateful to be engaged,she should calm down jere.
I love the simplicity and genuineness of the proposal , the lady was really surprised. Doctors can be romantic sha. 9ja guys don't go out of their way to give their fiancee a befitting proposal, they always believe their cheap ring is so important to her than how it's being given
I love the simplicity and genuineness of the proposal , the lady was really surprised. Doctors can be romantic sha. 9ja guys don't go out of their way to give their fiancee a befitting proposal, they always believe their cheap ring is so important to her than how it's being given
Whaow!!!! I so love this. Make the marriage last oh. Congrats to them and may God bless their union
awwwww so sweet..i love every bit of it
See your mouf like "oh my GOD!" All along that u have been dating him what were u expecting?
May God bless their union in JESUS name Amen. So sweet
This is so romantic, may their union be blessed and may it know no sorrow. Amen
Even me as a guy trip........ Nice one Doc
Soo beautiful! :-)
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