Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR
Agbe L’Oba House, Quarry Road,
Ibara, Abeokuta.
Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR
Agbe L’Oba House, Quarry Road,
Ibara, Abeokuta.
Before It Is Too Late
I wish to formally acknowledge your
letter dated December 2, 2013 and other previous correspondence similar to it.
You will recall that all the letters were brought to me by hand. Although both of us discussed some of the issues in those letters, I had not, before now, seen the need for any formal reply since, to me, they contained advice from a former President to a serving President. Obviously, you felt differently because in your last letter, you complained about my not acknowledging or replying your previous letters. Continue...
You will recall that all the letters were brought to me by hand. Although both of us discussed some of the issues in those letters, I had not, before now, seen the need for any formal reply since, to me, they contained advice from a former President to a serving President. Obviously, you felt differently because in your last letter, you complained about my not acknowledging or replying your previous letters. Continue...
It is with the greatest possible
reluctance that I now write this reply. I am most uneasy about embarking on
this unprecedented and unconventional form of open communication between me and
a former leader of our country because I know that there are more acceptable
and dignified means of doing so.
But I feel obliged to reply your
letter for a number of reasons: one, you formally requested for a reply and not
sending you one will be interpreted as ignoring a former President.
Secondly, Nigerians know the role you
have played in my political life and given the unfortunate tone of your letter,
clearly, the grapes have gone sour.
Therefore, my side of the story also needs to be told.
The third reason why I must reply you
in writing is that your letter is clearly a threat to national security as it
may deliberately or inadvertently set the stage for subversion.
The fourth reason for this reply is
that you raised very weighty issues, and since the letter has been made public,
Nigerians are expressing legitimate concerns. A response from me therefore,
becomes very necessary.
The fifth reason is that this letter
may appear in biographies and other books which political commentators on
Nigeria’s contemporary politics may write. It is only proper for such
publications to include my comments on the issues raised in your letter.
Sixthly, you are very unique in terms
of the governance of this country. You were a military Head of State for three
years and eight months, and an elected President for eight years. That means
you have been the Head of Government of Nigeria for about twelve years. This
must have, presumably, exposed you to a lot of information. Thus when you make
a statement, there is the tendency for people to take it seriously.
The seventh reason is that the timing
of your letter coincided with other vicious releases. The Speaker of the House
of Representatives spoke of my “body
language” encouraging corruption. A letter written to me by the CBN
Governor alleging that NNPC, within a period of 19 months did not remit the sum
of USD49.8 billion to the federation account, was also deliberately leaked to
the public.
The eighth reason is that it appears
that your letter was designed to incite Nigerians from other geopolitical zones
against me and also calculated to promote ethnic disharmony. Worse still, your
letter was designed to instigate members of our Party, the PDP, against
The ninth reason is that your letter
conveys to me the feeling that landmines have been laid for me. Therefore,
Nigerians need to have my response to the issues raised before the mines
The tenth and final reason why my
reply is inevitable is that you have written similar letters and made public
comments in reference to all former Presidents and Heads of Government starting
from Alhaji Shehu Shagari and these have instigated different actions and
reactions. The purpose and direction of your letter is distinctly ominous, and
before it is too late, my clarifications on the issues need to be placed on
Let me now comment on the issues you
raised. In commenting I wish to crave your indulgence to compare what is
happening now to what took place before.
This, I believe, will enable Nigerians see things in better perspective
because we must know where we are coming from so as to appreciate where we now are,
and to allow us clearly map out where we are going.
You raised concerns about the security
situation in the country. I assure you that I am fully aware of the
responsibility of government for ensuring the security of the lives and
property of citizens. My Administration is working assiduously to overcome
current national security challenges, the seeds of which were sown under previous
administrations. There have been some
setbacks; but certainly there have also been great successes in our efforts to
overcome terrorism and insurgency.
Those who continue to down-play our
successes in this regard, amongst whom you must now be numbered, appear to have
conveniently forgotten the depths to which security in our country had plunged
before now.
At a stage, almost the entire
North-East of Nigeria was under siege by insurgents. Bombings of churches and
public buildings in the North and the federal capital became an almost weekly
occurrence. Our entire national security apparatus seemed nonplussed and unable
to come to grips with the new threat posed by the berthing of terrorism on our
But my administration has since
brought that very unacceptable situation under significant control. We have
overhauled our entire national security architecture, improved intelligence
gathering, training, funding, logistical support to our armed forces and
security agencies, and security collaboration with friendly countries with very
visible and positive results.
The scope and impact of terrorist
operations have been significantly reduced and efforts are underway to restore
full normalcy to the most affected North Eastern region and initiate a
post-crisis development agenda, including a special intervention programme to
boost the region’s socio-economic progress.
In doing all this, we have kept our
doors open for dialogue with the insurgents and their supporters through
efforts such as the work of the Presidential Committee on Dialogue and the
Peaceful Resolution of the Security Challenges in the North-East. You also know
that the Governor of Borno State provided the items you mentioned to me as
carrots. Having done all this and more, it is interesting that you still accuse
me of not acting on your hardly original recommendation that the carrot and
stick option be deployed to solve the Boko Haram problem.
Your suggestion that we are pursuing a
“war against violence without understanding the root causes of the violence and
applying solutions to deal with all the underlying factors” is definitely
misplaced because from the onset of this administration, we have been
implementing a multifaceted strategy against militancy, insurgency and
terrorism that includes poverty alleviation, economic development, education
and social reforms.
Even though basic education is the constitutional
responsibility of States, my administration has, as part of its efforts to
address ignorance and poor education which have been identified as two of the
factors responsible for making some of our youth easily available for use as
cannon fodder by insurgents and terrorists, committed huge funds to the
provision of modern basic education schools for the Almajiri in several
Northern States. The Federal Government under my leadership has also set up nine
additional universities in the Northern States and three in the Southern States
in keeping with my belief that proper education is the surest way of
emancipating and empowering our people.
More uncharitable persons may even see
a touch of sanctimoniousness in your new belief in the carrot and stick approach
to overcoming militancy and insurgency. You have always referred to how you hit
Odi in Bayelsa State to curb militancy in the Niger Delta. If the invasion of Odi by the Army was the
stick, I did not see the corresponding carrot.
I was the Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State then, and as I have always told
you, the invasion of Odi did not solve any militancy problem but, to some
extent, escalated it. If it had solved it, late President Yar’Adua would not
have had to come up with the amnesty program. And while some elements of the
problem may still be there, in general, the situation is reasonably better.
In terms of general insecurity in the
country and particularly the crisis in the Niger Delta, 2007 was one of the
worst periods in our history. You will recall three incidents that happened in
2007 which seemed to have been orchestrated to achieve sinister
objectives. Here in Abuja, a petrol
tanker loaded with explosives was to be rammed into the INEC building. But
luckily for the country, an electric pole stopped the tanker from hitting the
INEC building. It is clear that this
incident was meant to exploit the general sense of insecurity in the nation at
the time to achieve the aim of stopping the 2007 elections. It is instructive that you, on a number of
occasions, alluded to this fact.
that incident failed, an armed
group invaded Yenagoa one evening with the intent to assassinate me.
Luckily for me, they could not. They again attacked and bombed my
home on a night when I was expected in the village. Fortunately, as God
have it, I did not make the trip.
I recall that immediately after both
incidents, I got calls expressing the concern of Abuja. But Baba, you know that despite the apparent concern
of Abuja, no single arrest was ever made. I was then the Governor of Bayelsa
State and the PDP Vice-Presidential candidate. The security people ordinarily
should have unraveled the assassination attempt on me.
You also raised the issues of
kidnapping, piracy and armed robbery. These are issues all Nigerians, including
me are very concerned about. While we will continue to do our utmost best to
reduce all forms of criminality to the barest minimum in our country, it is
just as well to remind you that the first major case of kidnapping for ransom
took place around 2006. And the Boko Haram crisis dates back to 2002. Goodluck
Jonathan was not the President of the country then. Also, armed robbery started
in this country immediately after the civil war and since then, it has been a problem
to all succeeding governments. For a
former Head of Government, who should know better, to present these problems as
if they were creations of the Jonathan Administration is most uncharitable.
Having said that, let me remind you of
some of the things we have done to curb violent crime in the country. We have
reorganized the Nigerian Police Force and appointed a more dynamic leadership
to oversee its affairs. We have also improved its manpower levels as well as
funding, training and logistical support.
We have also increased the
surveillance capabilities of the Police and provided its air-wing with thrice
the number of helicopters it had before the inception of the present
administration. The National Civil Defence and Security Corps has been armed to
make it a much more effective ally of the police and other security agencies in
the war against violent crime. At both domestic and international levels, we
are doing everything possible to curb the proliferation of the small arms and
light weapons with which armed robberies, kidnappings and piracy are
perpetrated. We have also enhanced security at our borders to curb cross-border
We are aggressively addressing the challenge
of crude oil theft in collaboration with the state Governors. In addition, the
Federal Government has engaged the British and US governments for their support
in the tracking of the proceeds from the purchase of stolen crude. Similarly, a
regional Gulf of Guinea security strategy has been initiated to curb crude oil
theft and piracy.
Perhaps the most invidious accusation
in your letter is the allegation that I have placed over one thousand Nigerians
on a political watch list, and that I am training snipers and other militia to
assassinate people. Baba, I don’t know where you got that from but you do me
grave injustice in not only lending credence to such baseless rumours, but also
publicizing it. You mentioned God seventeen times in your letter. Can you as a
Christian hold the Bible and say that you truly believe this allegation?
The allegation of training snipers to
assassinate political opponents is particularly incomprehensible to me. Since I
started my political career as a Deputy Governor, I have never been associated
with any form of political violence. I have been a President for over three
years now, with a lot of challenges and opposition mainly from the high and
mighty. There have certainly been cases of political assassination since the
advent of our Fourth Republic, but as you well know, none of them occurred
under my leadership.
Regarding the over one thousand people
you say are on a political watch list, I urge you to kindly tell Nigerians who
they are and what agencies of government are “watching” them. Your allegation
that I am using security operatives to harass people is also baseless. Nigerians
are waiting for your evidence of proof. That was an accusation made against
previous administrations, including yours, but it is certainly not my style and
will never be. Again, if you insist on the spurious claim that some of your
relatives and friends are being harassed, I urge you to name them and tell
Nigerians what agencies of my administration are harassing them.
I also find it difficult to believe
that you will accuse me of assisting murderers, or assigning a presidential
delegation to welcome a murderer. This is a most unconscionable and untrue
allegation. It is incumbent on me to remind you that I am fully conscious of
the dictates of my responsibilities to God and our dear nation. It is my hope
that devious elements will not take advantage of your baseless allegation to
engage in brazen and wanton assassination of high profile politicians as
before, hiding under the alibi your “open
letter” has provided for them.
Nevertheless, I have directed the
security agencies and requested the National Human Rights Commission to carry
out a thorough investigation of these criminal allegations and make their
findings public.
That corruption is an issue in Nigeria
is indisputable. It has been with us for
many years. You will recall that your kinsman, the renowned afro-beat maestro,
Fela Anikulapo-Kuti famously sang about it during your first stint as Head of
State. Sonny Okosun also sang about corruption. And as you may recall, a number
of Army Generals were to be retired because of corruption before the Dimka coup.
Also, the late General Murtala Mohammed
himself wanted to retire some top people in his cabinet on corruption-related issues
before he was assassinated. Even in this
Fourth Republic, the Siemens and Halliburton scandals are well known.
The seed of corruption in this country
was planted a long time ago, but we are doing all that we can to drastically
reduce its debilitating effects on national development and progress. I have
been strengthening the institutions established to fight corruption. I will not
shield any government official or private individual involved in corruption,
but I must follow due process in all that I do. And whenever clear cases of
corruption or fraud have been established, my administration has always taken
prompt action in keeping with the dictates of extant laws and procedures. You
cannot claim to be unaware of the fact that several highly placed persons in
our country, including sons of some of our party leaders are currently facing
trial for their involvement in the celebrated subsidy scam affair. I can hardly
be blamed if the wheels of justice still grind very slowly in our country, but
we are doing our best to support and encourage the judiciary to quicken the
pace of adjudication in cases of corruption.
Baba, I am amazed that with all the knowledge
garnered from your many years at the highest level of governance in our country,
you could still believe the spurious allegation contained in a letter written
to me by the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and surreptitiously
obtained by you, alleging that USD49.8 billion, a sum equal to our entire
national budget for two years, is “unaccounted
for” by the NNPC. Since, as President, you also served for many years as
Minister of Petroleum Resources, you very well know the workings of the
corporation. It is therefore intriguing that you have made such an assertion.
You made a lot of insinuations about oil theft, shady dealings at the NNPC and
the NNPC not remitting the full proceeds of oil sales to the of CBN. Now that
the main source of the allegations which you rehashed has publicly stated that
he was “misconstrued”, perhaps you
will find it in your heart to apologize for misleading unwary Nigerians and
impugning the integrity of my administration on that score.
Your claim of “Atlantic Oil loading about 130, 000 barrels sold by Shell and managed
on behalf of NPDC with no sale proceeds paid into the NPDC account” is also
disjointed and baseless because no such arrangement as you described exists
between Atlantic Oil and the Nigeria Petroleum Development Company. NPDC
currently produces about 138, 000 barrels of oil per day from over 7 producing
assets. The Crude Oil Marketing Division (COMD) of the NNPC markets all of this
production on behalf of NPDC with proceeds paid into NPDC account.
I am really shocked that with all avenues
open to you as a former Head of State for the verification of any information
you have received about state affairs, you chose to go public with allegations
of “high corruption” without offering
a shred of supporting evidence. One of your political “sons” similarly alleged recently that he told me of a minister who
received a bribe of $250 Million from an oil company and I did nothing about
it. He may have been playing from a shared script, but we have not heard from
him again since he was challenged to name the minister involved and provide the
evidence to back his claim. I urge you, in the same vein, to furnish me
with the names, facts and figures of a single verifiable case of the “high corruption” which you say stinks
all around my administration and see whether the corrective action you advocate
does not follow promptly. And while you are at it, you may also wish to tell
Nigerians the true story of questionable waivers of signature bonuses between
2000 and 2007.
While, by the Grace of God Almighty, I
am the first President from a minority group, I am never unmindful of the fact
that I was elected leader of the whole of Nigeria and I have always acted in
the best interest of all Nigerians. You referred to the divisive actions and
inflammatory utterances of some individuals from the South-South and asserted
that I have done nothing to call them to order or distance myself from their
ethnic chauvinism. Again that is very untrue. I am as committed to the unity of
this country as any patriot can be and I have publicly declared on many
occasions that no person who threatens other Nigerians or parts of the country
is acting on my behalf.
It is very regrettable that in your
letter, you seem to place sole responsibility for the ongoing intrigues and
tensions in the PDP at my doorstep, and going on from that position, you direct
all your appeals for a resolution at me. Baba, let us all be truthful to
ourselves, God and posterity. At the heart of all the current troubles in our
party and the larger polity is the unbridled jostling and positioning for
personal or group advantage ahead of the 2015 general elections. The “bitterness, anger, mistrust, fear and deep
suspicion” you wrote about all flow from this singular factor.
It is indeed very unfortunate that the
seeming crisis in the party was instigated by a few senior members of the
party, including you. But, as leader of the party, I will continue to do my
best to unite it so that we can move forward with strength and unity of
purpose. The PDP has always recovered from previous crises with renewed vigour
and vitality. I am very optimistic that that will be the case again this time.
The PDP will overcome any temporary setback, remain a strong party and even
grow stronger.
Instigating people to cause problems
and disaffection within the party is something that you are certainly familiar
with. You will recall that founding fathers of the Party were frustrated out of
the Party at a time. Late Chief Sunday Awoniyi
was pushed out, Late Chief Solomon Lar left and later came back, Chief Audu
Ogbeh and Chief Tom Ikimi also left. Chief Okwesilieze Nwodo left and later
came back. In 2005/2006, link-men were sent to take over party structures from
PDP Governors in an unveiled attempt to undermine the state governors. In spite
of that, the Governors did not leave the Party because nobody instigated and
encouraged them to do so.
The charge that I was involved in
anti-party activities in governorship elections in Edo, Ondo, Lagos, and
Anambra States is also very unfortunate. I relate with all Governors
irrespective of political party affiliation but I have not worked against the interest
of the PDP. What I have not done is to
influence the electoral process to favour our Party. You were definitely never
so inclined, since you openly boasted in your letter of how you supported
Alhaji Shehu Shagari against Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Chief Nnamdi Azikiwe and
others in the 1979 presidential elections while serving as a military Head of
State. You and I clearly differ in this regard, because as the President of
Nigeria, I believe it is my duty and responsibility to create a level playing field
for all parties and all candidates.
Recalling how the PDP lost in states
where we were very strong in 2003 and 2007 such as Edo, Ondo, Imo, Bauchi,
Anambra, and Borno, longstanding members of our great party with good memory
will also consider the charge of anti-party activities you made against me as
misdirected and hugely hypocritical. It certainly was not Goodluck Jonathan’s “personal ambition or selfish interest”
that caused the PDP to lose the governorship of Ogun State and all its
senatorial seats in the last general elections.
You quoted me as saying that I have
not told anybody that I will seek another term in office in 2015. You and your
ambitious acolytes within the party have clearly decided to act on your
conclusion that “only a fool will believe
that statement” and embark on a virulent campaign to harass me out of an undeclared
candidature for the 2015 presidential elections so as to pave the way for a
successor anointed by you.
You will recall that you serially
advised me that we should refrain from discussing the 2015 general elections
for now so as not to distract elected public officials from urgent task of
governance. While you have apparently moved away from that position, I am still
of the considered opinion that it would have been best for us to do all that is
necessary to refrain from heating up the polity at this time. Accordingly, I
have already informed Nigerians that I will only speak on whether or not I will
seek a second term when it is time for such declarations. Your claims about
discussions I had with you, Governor Gabriel Suswam and others are wrong, but
in keeping with my declared stance, I will reserve further comments until the
appropriate time.
Your allegation that I asked half a
dozen African Presidents to speak to you about my alleged ambition for 2015, is
also untrue. I have never requested any
African President to discuss with you on my behalf. In our discussion, I mentioned to you that
four Presidents told me that they were concerned about the political situation
in Nigeria and intended to talk to you about it. So far, only three of them have confirmed to
me that they have had any discussion with you. If I made such a request, why
would I deny it?
The issue of Buruji Kashamu is one of
those lies that should not be associated with a former President. The allegation that I am imposing Kashamu on
the South-West is most unfortunate and regrettable. I do not even impose Party officials in my
home state of Bayelsa and there is no zone in this country where I have imposed
officials. So why would I do so in the
South West? Baba, in the light of
Buruji’s detailed public response to your “open letter”, it will be charitable
for you to render an apology to Nigerians and I.
On the issue of investors being scared
to come to Nigeria, economic dormancy, and stagnation, I will just refer you to
FDI statistics from 2000 to 2013. Within the last three years, Nigeria has
emerged as the preferred destination for investments in Africa, driven by
successful government policies to attract foreign investors. For the second
year running, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Investments (UNCTAD)
has ranked Nigeria as the number one destination for investments in Africa, and
as having the fourth highest returns in the world.
Today, Nigeria is holding 18 percent
of all foreign investments in Africa and 60 percent of all foreign investments
in the ECOWAS Sub-Region. Kindly note also that in the seven years between 2000
and 2007 when you were President, Nigeria attracted a total of $24.9 Billion in
FDI. As a result of our efforts which
you disparage, the country has seen an FDI inflow of $25.7 Billion in just
three years which is more than double the FDI that has gone to the second
highest African destination. We have also maintained an annual national
economic growth rate of close to seven per cent since the inception of this
administration. What then, is the justification for your allegation of scared
investors and economic dormancy?
Although it was not emphasized in your
letter of December 2, 2013, you also conveyed, in previous correspondence, the
impression that you were ignorant of the very notable achievements of my
administration in the area of foreign relations. It is on record that under my
leadership, Nigeria has played a key role in resolving the conflicts in Niger,
Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Guinea Bissau and others.
The unproductive rivalry that existed
between Nigeria and some ECOWAS countries has also been ended under my watch
and Nigeria now has better relations with all the ECOWAS countries. At the African Union, we now have a
Commissioner at the AU Commission after being without one for so long. We were
in the United Nations Security Council for the 2010/2011 Session and we have
been voted in again for the 2014/2015 Session. From independence to 2010, we
were in the U.N. Security Council only three times but from 2010 to 2015, we
will be there two times.
This did not happen by chance. My Administration worked hard for it and we
continue to maintain the best possible relations with all centres of global
political and economic power. I find it hard therefore, to believe your
assertions of untoward concern in the international community over the state of
governance in Nigeria
With respect to the Brass and Olokola
LNG projects, you may have forgotten that though you started these projects,
Final Investment Decisions were never reached.
For your information, NNPC has not withdrawn from either the Olokola or
the Brass LNG projects.
On the Rivers State Water Project, you
were misled by your informant. The Federal Government under my watch has never
directed or instructed the Africa Development Bank to put on hold any project
to be executed in Rivers state or any other State within the Federation. The
Rivers Water Project was not originally in the borrowing plan but it was
included in April 2013 and appraised in May. Negotiations are ongoing with the
AfDB. I have no doubt that you are
familiar with the entire process that prefaces the signing of a Subsidiary Loan
Agreement as in this instance.
Let me assure you and all Nigerians that I do
not engage in negative political actions and will never, as President, oppress
the people of a State or deprive them of much needed public services as a
result of political disagreement
I have noted your comments on the
proposed National Conference. Contrary to the insinuation in your letter, the
proposed conference is aimed at bringing Nigerians together to resolve
contentious national issues in a formal setting. This is a sure way of
promoting greater national consensus and unity, and not a recipe for “disunity, confusion and chaos” as you
alleged in your letter.
Having twice held the high office of
President, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria, I trust that you will understand that I cannot possibly find the time
to offer a line-by-line response to all the accusations and allegations made in
your letter while dealing with other pressing demands of office and more urgent
affairs of state.
I have tried, however, to respond to
only the most serious of the charges which question my sincerity, personal
honour, and commitment to the oath which I have sworn, to always uphold and
protect the interests of all Nigerians, and promote their well-being.
In closing, let me state that you have
done me grave injustice with your public letter in which you wrongfully accused
me of deceit, deception, dishonesty, incompetence, clannishness, divisiveness
and insincerity, amongst other ills.
I have not, myself, ever claimed to be
all-knowing or infallible, but I have never taken Nigeria or Nigerians for
granted as you implied, and I will continue to do my utmost to steer our ship
of state towards the brighter future to which we all aspire.
Please accept the assurances of my
highest consideration and warm regards.
1 – 200 of 506 Newer› Newest»and he wants me to read this
No b small ghen ghen.
Abati wrote most of this if not all. That is all.
New movie on. Air title oga jonah vs obj @ war.............
Lindodo u n gist oooooo!!!!!! Me go read am later cos e 2 long!!! Lol
Crap Letter *Sar'Kin Yar'Kin*
he better pas obj
Omo linda ah no fit use my hungry belle read dis one o....till 2mao gudnyt n make sure u slip now o*cheers*
Na real Ghen Ghen! GEJ whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy did u hav to reply na? #Okbye
I reserve my comments and watch as the drama unfolds. But one thing is clear, all this accusations and counter accusations is just a plot by both parties to have an edge come 2015..
place hold on...I'm still reading.
Bullshit...an aide wrote this, abati modified & gej vetted it
plsooooo my neck is paining me........i read no more........lol
#phew# abeg some1 shud summarize d whole letter n explian it.
How many Pages is this letter now ?
Thank God he replied that yeye obasanjo
Why do they all write long letters? Can't they just make their point in two or three lines like twitter?
I'm sure Goodluck himself didn't finish reading this one.
They should relax SEE ENOUGH LETTERS
Oh lord.my eye oh.this is damn long.may God help nigeria.
Too long. My candid opinion is OBJ was a better president. Jonathan has not displayed that he is in control or that he can manage this country successfully.
Empty head(s) response! Not impressed with these media aides on the president's pay roll... So sad!!!
Seriously, firstly-tenthly.....dis is ridiculous!!! Someone actually wrote this for the president
Lol...lemme take my tym to read the response,am sure it's full of bullshits
Omo this letter is long. Can some1 pls summarise it for me.
All na politiks. I wondered who helped jona to write dis. Subtle insults on baba
I like the tone of this letter and this is the first time the response of Mr president fits into the subject if discussion.its ok,God will save Nigerians.
ghen ghen o............
Matured n humble response frm GEJ.D man is seriously treadin wit caution coz he knws wat Baba can do n undo.Politricks sha
Ghen ghen! Let za action begin.
Oya Baba Iyabo write another one
One question_how come JEG fit write dis kind english b tpatience nw mama peace aka iya salima na gbagaun mistress? ~edelweizz~
Enof of dz obj letter abeg
Enof of dz Obj letter jare
Ghen ghen... Lobatan!
This is d best response to Obj's letter ! I took my time to read everything. I have always prayed for GEJ and I believe in him as my leader!
Wow...this our country sef
I've never been so proud of GEJ. Thumbs up Oga Jona
I think we shud encourage more open letter 'cos d open frm OBJ to GEJ has actually made GEJ give a report on his successes,Challenges and Failures....which he hasn't given since d commencement of his reign
Ghen ghen ghen... This is super story
I don't have time to read this letter cos I have better things to do in my kitchen.
Bonario read and get back to me pls
Quite a lenghty letter. Got tired of reading it mid way. But from the much I read it shows a reply written with caution and decency. www.gentletee.blogspot.com
shekpe man vs mbe
Typical...comparison....and passing the buck! idiot...childish leaders...! what a dumb people to lead! lets kick them out of power forever.
Bekee!!! Goodluck sabi english o.
What a long story...
Best response ever! Btw,i read everything meticulously. I still believe in u GEJ! These problems didn't sprout out with u n I knw things r getting better... Iphie
Hmmmm... #myah
Jonathan is highly unintelligent in his response, he did not respond to issues objectively. In act of war you don't fight your enemy cowardly. Jonathan is the current president as such what Nigerians are concerned about is the present situation not obasanjo' s government. The letter was a bait and a distraction to president Jonathan's lack of foresight but jonatha's response has shown that he is totally oblivious of what governance is. Our president response is devoid of wisdom . Obj personally wrote the letter but His advisers couldn't even respond intelligently . He is unfit to rule Lagos talk less of nigeria. I rest my case.
Jonathan is highly unintelligent in his response, he did not respond to issues objectively. In act of war you don't fight your enemy cowardly. Jonathan is the current president as such what Nigerians are concerned about is the present situation not obasanjo' s government. The letter was a bait and a distraction to president Jonathan's lack of foresight but jonatha's response has shown that he is totally oblivious of what governance is. Our president response is devoid of wisdom . Obj personally wrote the letter but His advisers couldn't even respond intelligently . He is unfit to rule Lagos talk less of nigeria. I rest my case.
Did Jonathan write this??? Or his Aides
Maleek Elias
Too long.. No time to read anything these two idiots av to say.
obj is fucked see kettle callin pot black
Abeg,make una stop dis season of open letter nah,why u want blind me cos of dis long reply,una kuku be masquerade wey open sardine dey chop,una be same
God save us in Nigeria,this is a moment of truth. We need more open letters
Abge e too long I no fit continue reading na them sabi looking for xmas money biko.
If people would talk self, not OBJ! OBJ you self! You want children to disrespect you so that all manner of curses will start flying abi? I am disappointed in a lot of recent occurrences. My take is the old men should back down. They do not own Nigeria. Nigerians need to step up and realize that the APC we see now will def be worse than PDP. Greed! Greed! Greed! It is well!!! "Port Harcourt Girl"
Mhen I didn't read errything..who can summarize it ah beg
Wait Linda. ....so am suppse to read all dat? Mo raye shit mehn!
#yawns# too long....
I'm speechless ! Whoever wrote this on Jonathan's behalf must be applauded! I honestly didn't see this coming.... Everything here is so on point! I rest my case ... Let the drama unfold
Ermmmmm... Do I smell war? Pls where is my ghana must go? Time to board the next available bus to my village... *running and sweating to d park"
geggegegne,let the comments roll on ,where is my alomo,
I read every thin,is the handwork of Ruben abati.jonathan is just a fool
Only GOD knows The Truth between Both of you?.
Meanwhile mr Presido I voted for you and Truely expect more from you..I would like to honestly see your words matched wit action...
Nigerians are tired of growth without development,motion without movement..
We need to see physical evidence of democracy compared to the money we hear you spend...
Let me break it down I mean we need genuine value for our money..no gud roads ,hospitals no jobs etc pple are suffering wats the proceeds of democracy ...
History will judge all our past and present president I wish you all would learn from Mandela dat all things are but for a while and dat a good name is better dan gold and silver...y can't presidents and governors b like Mandela do your one term and do your best while you are there,it's not how long but how well.......
Bt criously, this pple really think we r fools? The response is all about abuse and not facing the facts mentioned by obj. So,our mr president is telling me that not one of the allegations mentioned by obj is true? That's a f*cking lie. Me I no b Mumu. This letter is rubbish and it's not written by jonathan, it's written by one of his so called aides. Wateva. Fck them al
I read every thin,is the handwork of Ruben abati.jonathan is just a fool
Only GOD knows The Truth between Both of you?.
Meanwhile mr Presido I voted for you and Truely expect more from you..I would like to honestly see your words matched wit action...
Nigerians are tired of growth without development,motion without movement..
We need to see physical evidence of democracy compared to the money we hear you spend...
Let me break it down I mean we need genuine value for our money..no gud roads ,hospitals no jobs etc pple are suffering wats the proceeds of democracy ...
History will judge all our past and present president I wish you all would learn from Mandela dat all things are but for a while and dat a good name is better dan gold and silver...y can't presidents and governors b like Mandela do your one term and do your best while you are there,it's not how long but how well.......
This people will just settle down and just write a movie script or novel and give it one name and call it a letter! Who has time to read all this their mud slinging letters! Sote Mbadinuju, the worst governor in Anambra's history don lend credence to all the bruhaha! Make them dey fool themselves no be me! I am preparing for xmas, make una dey throw una portor-portor dey go! Crazy grumpy old men!
Only GOD knows The Truth between Both of you?.
Meanwhile mr Presido I voted for you and Truely expect more from you..I would like to honestly see your words matched wit action...
Nigerians are tired of growth without development,motion without movement..
We need to see physical evidence of democracy compared to the money we hear you spend...
Let me break it down I mean we need genuine value for our money..no gud roads ,hospitals no jobs etc pple are suffering wats the proceeds of democracy ...
History will judge all our past and present president I wish you all would learn from Mandela dat all things are but for a while and dat a good name is better dan gold and silver...y can't presidents and governors b like Mandela do your one term and do your best while you are there,it's not how long but how well.......
Mature response but ha e too long nah can't read it all...chomy
Gbam, well said!!
uncle Jojo don tear baba wrapper oh! But it came too late...all the same well said
An advice for you mr president plsssss watch keeping it real on sahara reporters it will help guide you.....
Real talk true talk...
Well said GEJ. What I think Nigerians should focus on rather than taking sides is the country's status quo. Our judgements should be based on that.
nsg blog too hilarious
They should stop this letter writing. We need action for God sake....They should change Nigeria and stop behaving like sick people. Looks like child's play to me
Dont trust any of them. Nigerians should learn not to trust any politicians. Jonathan claimed he has the best interest of Nigerians yet he went abroad for minor check while our own medical system is in decay from years of neglect.
Great intelligence from a serving president.... This was the best, passionate and transparent letter coming from a serving president... Am humbled
Two jobless people....... Abeg park well make I see better post joor
Now all we need is evidences of alligations and prove of sincerity.
Hmmm..Our Presido is a scholar indeed!
The President of Nigeria has replied Obasanjo's letter.I believe he addressed all the salient issues raised in Obasanjo's thought provoking .Anybody who thinks otherwise,should furnish us with evidence, rather than resorting to name callings.
Reading through the reply of Mr. Ebele Jonathan, i cannot but weep for Nigeria.
He knows nothing about what happens on the streets to the common man.
He writes of a country in a far away land of which i know nothing about.
The country he just described can not be Nigeria or can it?
I will ask Mr. Jonathan to wake up.
While i agree with some of his defense that some people are "at the heart of all the current troubles in our party and the larger polity is the unbridled jostling and positioning for personal or group advantage ahead of the 2015 general elections", if Mr. Jonathan had achieved a third of the things he claimed in this letter, the ordinary Nigerians will be all out in support of him for second term.
If Mr. Jonathan thinks that Chief Obasanjo signed questionable waivers as he alleged and he has not deemed it fit to hand him over to the EFCC then it just confirms what everyone is saying that he lacks the will to fight corruption.
Finally if Mr. Jonathan thinks that there is no high corruption in his Government then i rest my case because that proves beyond doubt that he has lost all touch with the common man. You don't need a soothsayer to tell you that corruption stinks in Nigeria, all you have to do is to take a walk down a street and see the difference between the masses and the "vagabonds" who rule us. All you have to do is to sit down and wonder why the refineries and the Power generation companies have been moribund, why roads have remained unrepairable and why bridges collapse months after building them, why contracts are awarded at over ten times the cost they are awarded in other countries. My dear president, corruption sits across you every week at the FEC meeting and every time you look on your desk at the report of the House of Reps concerning your "Honourable" Minister.
In fact Sir, the only reason why anyone will say he cannot see corruption in high places in Nigeria is if he is part of the corruption himself. Are you Mr President?
In conclusion Sir, the indices by which growth is measured in the classroom is by GDP and FDI but in real life sir, it is not. Real growth will be measured by the number of children who now have shoes because you are president, by the number of kids who receive decent world class education , by the number of people who have access to good roads, electricity , water and good health. If your measure of growth sir is by the FDI, then it is no wonder that we are still at the same point that we are when you took over almost 6 years ago
I agree with you sir that you have done your part and if this is the best you can do (which looks like it), it just might be time for you to allow someone else to take the mantle of Leadership.
NB: When next one of your aides writes a letter for you, please be kind enough to read through it before sending it to the press, some of the words used are not befitting for the office of the president.
Thank you
Nice recipracation but they ar politicizing
Just finished reading every single word of that letter. I don't know who is lying or who is saying the truth but one thing is sure; 2015 will either break or make Nigeria.
This letter is too intelligent coming from jonah!
This letter too long oo, abeg make somebody read and tell me wetin he write???
story yii ti fe ma long ma se bayi now...i'll read it when im ready to sleep!
gbj you are the greatest president we have ever had in this country.may the lord be with you in jesus name amen
Thats too long but my concern is Let corruption, poverty and terrorism be eliminated in our country.
The president has spoken, Obj u v been served wat next? Anoda letter? oh plz its xmas already can you thiefs spare us d drama...
What a robust reply.
Mr President, why is Fele described as Obasanjo's kinsman in your letter. Fele is a great Nigerian! I am really ashamed of you and Obasanjo.
Thank you for exhibiting maturity and not joining issues with Baba...
Jonathan is the best president naija av ever had' fuck u OBJ.
Wetin. Dis tin 2much ni
Its funny how 2 'supposed' adults are washing their dirty linen outside... SMH vigorously.....
I persnonally didnt expect this grade of response from President GEJ, anyway may God Almighty guide him.
OBJ we all know had done and harbor corruption in his time as president BUT that is not an excuse for GEJ to do the same with corruption. we the Nigerian youths are tired and fed up of the level of corruption that have and is still perpetuated in this country especially in this administration. we struggle to go to school but at the end no jobs for us, if it is true that there have been so much investment in Nigeria for the past three years, then where are the resulting jobs and economic upliftment? Again corruption answers for that. we still remember the 450million euro mansion dezieni allison-madueke bought in Austria, an Austria newspaper reported it,but it was swept under the carpet after GEJ said he will set a committee to look into it.
What about the subsidy scammers? Where is Farouk Lawal today? we read daily on the pages of UK newspapers how Otedola and other oil scammers and their family are living lavisly in UK more than the UK prime minister. They have extravagant houses, private jets and cruise in customized cars. whereas we are here in Nigeria paying more for fuel because subsidy have been removed. What have been done with the subsidy money since?
Mr president you have been travelling around the world, in sincerity how many of our airports can you boast of as equal in standard as the ones you see in these countries you have traveled to?, yet Stella Oduah says she is modernizing them, and after the peoples' representatives have found her guilty of the corruption you still kept her on as minister. She was not referred to in your letter.It is obvious she will go the way of dezieni and others. It appears that you have recruited them to siphon the nation's wealth for your 2015 ambition.
Tompolo and Asari have become very wealthy, oweing various private jets and universities because you made them controllers and guards of Naija delta waters and creeks where the nation's oil are been stolen from. Now asari have been threatening fire and brimestone if you are nor re-elected in 2015.Am not in support of OBJ,but in support of a better Nigeria. we are tired of reading about economic growth on the pages of Nigerian newspapers, we want to be reading about the economic growth on the faces of all Nigerians, politicians or not.
Season of Letters
aswear,if na me i no go answer baba.The silence of gej dey pain am wella.shey him listen to anybody advise when he be president?The man suppose dey prepare for his last supper.
I wouldn't even read this political bruhaha for the life of me! Coz when they'll go behind closed doors to have tea together,them no go send our rants *rme*
Abeg linda dis post too long joor
My conclusion... Enough of curses to our President, what he need now is our Prayers for a better country... Its nt easy to b a leader nt to talk of being a President...
What a robust reply.
Hmmm,reading continues today,bt if I shud say,obasanjo is kickin an empty air.
Too long *whew*
Mhen am really confused and some how releived right now. #Letpeacereign.
Dis is call gobe,lol
Havin read 2ru, I tink d President tried his best @ traversing OBJ's claims, tho I still feel dre is more d Jona adminstrtn cn do.Gus we jst av 2 kip prayin 2 get it rght in ds country smeday. Yanz says so!
Our dear president, dnt mind OBJ & co who want to undermine ur successes as president, ride on, solidly behind u.
Walahi.. I cnt finish dis!!!
Lol someone pls summarize.
Then do not comment.Outright dullard.
iPhone 6 will launch soon
Ode! but if its abt toto or sprokos u wud read all thru
Ghen ghen..... This is just too long to read, but I read half of it... I think that's a matured response from GEJ!
Ghen ghen.....when two Elephants fight, the grass suffers... But not in this case, Nigeria as a nation will gain from this.. God will continue to expose all una secrets.
I can't believe I read all dat....*faints*
#Dat angry sister!
Its a well constructed response and it's only the wise would understand that this President is the best man at this time for this nation and not the likes of power drunks baba who are the architect of the hardship,injustice and oppresion Nigeria faces.
Linda pls r many page is uncle Jonathan reply.if e no reach 16 page I go vex with am.n I can't read dis letter.I v to set up committee to read it later my fellow Nina
JJ babe
Kia I can't read dis its too much abeg...
No be only see am my brother.One area the president needs to sit up and address is on the issue of corruption.Agreed that the economy is growing,however,it is only a few that are filling the impact of that growth.
Na real ghen ghen
Excellently written, my dear President! I read every single line of this letter, and I support you wholeheartedly! You may not have the bragadociousness that Obasanjo has, but the sincerity and humility with which you responded despite the insulting and inciting letter that was targeted against you is legendary!! May God continue to support you and give you wisdom to govern this country, Amen!
I soooo wish for another civil war, blood has to be shed for love to reign, fucking greedy political juggernuts
You should have asked if OBJ wrote his own letter, cos the last time I checked, GEJ had a doctorate degree
It's funny OBJ accusing GEJ of not signing the FID for OK LNG and BRASS LNG. The ONLY thing we didn't do in 2006 was to prostrate and beg OBJ to sign the same FID. Nigeria politics.
And u shuld
After d 20th paragraph i lost interest in ds sermon...av nt even read mi bible so much like ds...na dem sabi..all I was seeing was. baba baba...mtchew.....Nigerian Youths make una continue to sleep...dese old fools will stop at nothing to milk naija dry...old thieves!
Hmmmmmmmmm no b small matter,hw I 4 wan read all ds....I jst tire,pls sum1 should summarize in 2 sentences
Very well written.
For your Luxury Xmas chocolates, call 08080989978.
Open letter era..looks more like a debate its time our leaders admit their fault and seek redress and not try justifying their actions
President Jonathan ,from the tone of the letter obviously doesn't have anything to offer Nigeria.He should stop looking at the letter from obasanjo perspective.Nigeria is bigger than them and there is great problem in the land.Our future is very bleak.Sometime I wonder if we actually need democracy,what we need is just a very disciplined authotarian to cleanse Nigeria of all these problems .
Nigerians should please let Jonathan be, for all the noise APC n others criticising him are making, none has come up with a single policy or suggestion as to how this country can move forward. The saddest thing is that most of this politicians attacking had at one time or the other held political positions, what did they do then? Nigerians be smart, there is progress, might be slow but atleast its happening.
U ar right my dear, the old men should take several seats cos they do not own Nigeria. Btw APC is PDP cos it's same old men who ruined this country under PDP that are now running to APC
Open letter era..looks more like a debate its time our leaders admit their fault and seek redress and not try justifying their actions
Did anybody notice that word sixtly? Lolzzz. Na wa 4 our ogas @ d top sha
Now this is what you call a HEART-FELT reply. President Goodluck has just upped his game with this response. Well structured, conscience pricking, soul searching response. I believe OBJ and other Nigerians would sit down and for once appreciate GEJ... I also hope there will be no further public letters. Rather than sit down idle and condemn GEJ & our leaders; why dont we all try to make a positive impact in our own little ways?. Kudos Mr President, may GOD continually give you the wisdom & discretion to lead this great nation. All you have to do is to hold on tight to GOD, because the bible tells us that nothing is impossible with GOD and that HE can cause all men even your enemies to be at peace with you. As a people, we will continually pray for our beloved Country Nigeria. God bless NIGERIA.....
Nawa oooooo
Too many kids are coming to this blog.
Shii just got real...
All this is because of 2015. Obj has another candidate but if I may ask. Who make him d king Solomon of Nigeria? As far I am concern, all this problems started in his tenure. Obj cold not finishe benin ore road for 8years. And he is hete talkn. This is not a call for Jona to start sleeping but fir goodness dt guy shld be left alone. He I workinobj and co plz give him space .
Even if na 50 shades... Well @least tmrw vendors hav a source 4mkn money.
~D great anonymous!
Linda i still believe in Jonathan His response are very mature like that of a democratic president Kudos to him and shame to Obasanjo
This GEJ na mugu ooo. How can he send his aid to write this crap since he became. C-in-C what has he done to change the life of an avrage nigerian? I'm from the south south he has done noffin and he wants to come back in 2015. God de see una
Linda nwa ikeji oya read n summarize it for us biko.... Nwa Nkala.
matured tone from, GEJ
GOD Bless u GEJ. I jst shared some tears after I read d letter. U have shown Nigerians u deserve ur PHD Am proud of U. OBJ is a pity u av lost all d respect I had for u! I will Support GEJ more than ever b4
President Drunk fisherman Jonathan... you got a bunch of rhetorics here... you are the dumbest of all Nigeria leaders... Just state facts and not refrence inconclusive statements that sounds like two market women fight..
Linda pelebe... publish my comment oooooo
When two elephants are fighting the grass suffers. Plzzzzz make una leave my presido alone to conscentrate. Plzzzzz oooooooo. Political distractors
A good reply coming from his excellency. OBJ is far from the person who should point out loop holes in the Nigerian system...his administration was worse.
Very well written!
Its only in Nigeria people like Obj, ibb and their ilk have to clout to talk in public
Buhari that started this boko crisis as he claim nigeria will be ungovernable, same goes for atiku, are serialy disappointed as Jonathan has kept it together. Shame on apc, the desperate seekers of power and shameless politician that will do anything to get power! I spit on you! May the blood you shed, directly and indirectly make your dead body unfound and unburied! The earth filled with blood you spilt curses you! The sun, blinded by your wickedness curses you! The elements crazed by the terror, sorrow and pain you cause curse you!
From what I have read which are denial of real issues and comments of people mesmerized by the use of english language. It is sad that our presodent is busy fighting criticism and not the issues. There is no power yet ,no jobs or enabling enviroment etc. The problems were not created by u we agree. However issues raised should not be turned into a mere soap opera.
STORY..... Even though am nt siding OBJ, guy do n dust ur butt off dat presidential seat cos am voting u out, if u want paint anoda letter bt i aint buying it..
Do all thay necessary to restore back Nigeria . Nigerians are not happy with the way things are
for those who think GEJ is clueless and he did not write the letter,who wrote Obasanjo's own?
That is what he is paid to do.Even Obama's speeches are written by a 31 year old white boy (can't remember his name)
There is a saying, from one of my lecturers back then in unec, that if you want to hide something from a black man you put in a book because he will never open it and as old as you look here you typify this saying
Our president isn't cerebral enough to write this.
Can't see clearly. Epistle. Linda this one na work. *cagey*
Very well constructed reply. I commend gej for finding time for this long epistle. I read every word, sentence and paragraph. Is a pity the custodian of nigeria problem can turn around and accuse another person. Obj is Nigeria's problem.
Okay,so Am in love with Jonathan or who ever wrote this for him. My first thought when I read obasanjo's letter was like,'seriously no good talk or praise for the little he has actually achieved,com'on'. Mr president I am praying for you. APC I detest,PDP I don't trust. But you are my leader for now and I really hope you don't run in 2015,do Mandela's style and leave but please fight for a young Academician to take this counry to the next level. Not these old fools fighting just for power and wealth. Whatever you do,am sure you will make the right decision. I have been in a position of leadership before and I know it'd not easy. Do take care Mr President and stay in peace.
Idiot, fool
No Comment plz. The whole stuff Is very montainius for an ordinary nigerian like me to hv a comment. I just dnt understand, bcus I wasn't dere
Hain i was not able to read all, too long for me to read. But all this open letter won't make nigeria better will need positive change for the betterment of our country.
Jonathan is working, d blind just can't see it coz they are disgruntled. Respect authority; it's even in d bible.
this is just the begining... Watch out for part 2.. Coming soon!!!
Abeggi linda dis story is too long I no fit 2 read plenty...all we nid 2 hear is dat boko haram is history,electricity is perfectly stable,educational sector is growing strong and poverty is at itz minimum...anytin apart from dis is tales by moonlyt
this is just the begining... Watch out for part 2.. Coming soon!!!
Mr President u must not always reply criticisms! Let ur achievement speak for u if truly u r working! Criticism shud b seen as a yardstick to measure d achievement of set agenda n not to b seen as a hindrance to ur duties.
For a president wiv so many issues bothering d nation u only focus on replying anythng negative said abt ur govt!
Cutieylicious via bb10
A reply indeed......... well structured. Nice one Mr president
Y do all Afrrcan leaders want to always stay permanently in office and still yet not having any good to offer their citizens or pple who voted dem..
I should think dey need to have der heard examined ,no good performance yet they want second and third term ,
.this men are evil evil men...
2015 Nigerian plsssssss let's all vote wisely and stay united and say no to corruption,bad road,lack of good health care joblessness etc and vote out the wrong pple wit immediate effect no matter the political party...
A corrupt leader is a time waster to our future...
We need leaders we can trust with our security and future.....
Hmmmm! Jesussssssss! Let the peace of your season reign, Baba has had too many opportunities to change this country to what his dream of it should be, but he hadn't why won't he let someone else be... He believes in jungle justice and I don't believe that's the best approach, look at what he did to Fela through which Fela's mother died, look at the invasion in odi, soldiers shooting in to the air at random and killing the guilty anbd non guilty, is that a better approach, baba rest please.
This shits only happens in Nigeria; a country where everything goes. The giant of Africa!
Y do all Afrrcan leaders want to always stay permanently in office and still yet not having any good to offer their citizens or pple who voted dem..
I should think dey need to have der heard examined ,no good performance yet they want second and third term ,
.this men are evil evil men...
2015 Nigerian plsssssss let's all vote wisely and stay united and say no to corruption,bad road,lack of good health care joblessness etc and vote out the wrong pple wit immediate effect no matter the political party...
A corrupt leader is a time waster to our future...
We need leaders we can trust with our security and future.....
Hmmmmmmmm....baba (#in GEJ's voice) hope u af heard now o
this is a very good response , the president addressed key factors such as Boko haram, insecurity ,PDP, economy and corruption. the blood of those in ODI will continue to hunt obasanjo. i think the next step is for OBJ to give evidence of his accusations
Tankyu Mr President. Well spoken!
Your comment shows that you are an empty vessel.For crying out loud,this is the President of Nigeria, and when writes or speaks,he has sound calm, comprehensive, analytical and presidential.He took his time,one after the other,to address all the issues raised in OBJ's letter.He was writing to a former president,and as such,does not have to sound combative or confrontational.
Very true
All I know is that GEJ didn't write this letter...and whether he likes it or not..his regime is the worst so far..a regime where we negotiate with terrorists!!!all this one nah long story!!!truth can't be hidden...this war is just being to brew...
No stone was left unturn, GEJ take my advice continue your Good works and let OBJ's letter not decive you. You are far better than OBJ. OBJ was talking about snippers he raised to kill key politicians. What happen to marshall Harry of rivers state OBJ?. Dubious formal president. Opening his own ass. Meritus say so.
Great reply GEJ. OBJ is a moral leper. Sir you have my support all the way.
Why are most people saying 'the letter is too long',and these are the youths and so called leaders of tomorrow. Jonathan can't do it all, the changes starts from you. .....#really pissed#
GEJ should free OBJ, d old man iS just trying to be relevant again, see kettle calling pot black
Dosnt matter who wrote it. Even talkin as if gej no go sch. Pls save ur breath. Facts is wat we want. N it was stated clearly. Na obj write him own?
Obj. Leave dis country alone it should not revolve around you and your opinion don't count. Stop causing war let Jonathan rule in peace and stop distracting him. I'm so sure Jonathan does not pay monthly due to you cas if he does...... no one would hear u talk
AaaaaaaauuuuH how touching....... Jona made me almost cry @ d last paragraph........hahahhahahha dis evil men, y shld I weast my tym listening to dis beast in human form? So I can do d dirty jobs for dem wia dey eat millions? God pass devil...... My dad has applied over 50tms for government help but dem dey do liek dem no dey see d letter......idiot
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