Yesterday K
im Kardashian showed off the Christmas gift
she got from Kanye West on her instagram page. It's a tan Hermes Birkin leather handbag (pictured above).. You would think it's not a big deal because Kim has lots of Hermes bags which retails for around $10,000 to $30,000, but...this bag is different. After buying the bag, Kanye commissioned legendary American
contemporary visual artist George Condo to hand-paint a nude on the front of the bag. The design features several nude
female figures and a bare-chested monster.
George Condo's paintings are sold for hundreds of thousand of even recently sold for $1.3
million. Now ladies and gentlemen, you may be looking at one of the most expensive bags ever made! Kanye don't play! See more photos after the cut...
1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»This dude is crazy abt Kim n I like...
Baba God gv me my personal Maga for life n he must cme as my husband too! Amen
D painting is even ugly sef
Lmao wat a drawing!!!! For dat amount....
Ok.For their pocket
They need Jesus
This celebs self! how is this painting one of a kind??
Wat knda drwing is dt sef..sum look like human beings odas like demons...illuminati! Chai! Hell is real o..
Yea,d bag z kul like everyoda hermes bag we knw,buh dat painting defaced it,d painting z *throwsup* 1da wats S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ special abt it.....its stupidly horrid!!!
Dis bag tho.......kanya..lips sealed..
choi!! see kanye doing 'husbandly' duties....
Bag wt d price of a house **inLindaIkeji'svoice**
C loveee....all I got for xmas was a big fight wit ma bf*sobs*God dey
KimK is in for a big shit!I hope she'll b able to get her life back after kanye...Wot kind of devilish painting is this...Plus I've noticed it's only Kim that makes him smile...He jst doesn't on a normal day!But I've seen various pics of him and Kim and he was all smiles..Prolly Kim is d queen of d underworld! hiannn..
So what's up with the nudes? This fella should join chris brown in the rehab already.
~~Success Has No Limitations~~
His alwys carring bags 4 her while shez left wit nothing senior houseboy
Expensive but Ugly
Indeed that Condo painting has shot up the value of that bag by 250 percent! Liking Kanye's get up tho... that jacket!
You are so in love with tis lady, what hv she done 2 u? Na wa o
Wonderful! Pure artistry!
I don't like this Kim girl, she's just all about the Money. she couldn't even help kanye carry at least one of the bags.Mscheww
Even if it costs a billion dollars doesn't change the fact that its ugly as hell, heck, my £60 zara bag looks better. Imo
What is so special abt dis kim k sef.#flipmyhair#
Lucky una! Nwada linda gives us anoda gist/gossip.#xmasmoodactivated#
Looks like a scene from 'I hit it first'.
They just destroyed the bag. Way better without the hideous painting
Hmmm nude painting! Is dt not offensive to d Public? Carry such around! Kanye is rili outa ds world wit his Craziness!
OMG!!! Dats a lovely and well-customised birkin!!!
Kanye only sees this girl as a sex object... when he is done they gonna break up.
Love me some Kim
Okay.. That's cool.
Ugh..ugly and devilish...he just spoilt that bag..
Her own beta
Nice ☀f him, good for her. @ Zenki brown
This guy is simply demonic!!...union made in hell!....atleast they look happy and satisfied together
Oboi yeeeeeeee... this is the life money talks and life goes on
The bag is damn ugly and too big, it's almost a luggage bag! Who wants to be lugging that about?! Women I guess. *sigh
Ok, spend d money...dnt lyk d bag dou plus it luks develish
That's an ugly painting.
Yea dats really nice, nija big men learn and calabar canival or oniru things
The ugliest bag! Why didn't he just get a plain Hermes bag?
Very ugly bag.
Wow!me likey..God ll surely do it for my hubby..I knw am gonna be getting expensive gifts very soon...
Me like
Ok. this is a scary looking picture.
So ugly... Pretty Anonymous
hahahaaahaaa see loads o
house boy..... kenye yeezy u soak.
Kim bad o she jst turn my guy into house boy carry bags for madam
Bros Kanye she desire a Car durr...
Don't like it self!
I'd like the bag without d painting. The painting looks DEMONIC.
Hmmm! That painting though...God help us all in these last days
Ojuju painting!!! Lol. I dey laugh.
Even me sef draw pass d guy....looks like primary schl painting.
Sometimes both artists and the people who buy their arts come from a different planet_lol! Woris dis? Looks like something a 3years old did_but then what do I know bout FINE art? Loool
Evil handbag can't it b anode drawing.rubbish
She's unbelievable! Vain n dumb,her mate got a bentley convertible,n dis mumu dey shout!
....and Kanye is holding the plastic 'nylon' bags Kim got for
Nice...... My blessing is on d way
Wasting of hard earn money for nothing. Credit card dey sha. Dont like the look.
Kanye don turn house boy,she'll pick,u pay then carry the bag for her.......Lord i beg for such a man so my own money will be reserved for future purpose Choi!
Children of the devil
Kanye na houseboy jareh
Good for her.
and that painting tho.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
which kain devilish bag be dis naa. celebrities and their vain lifestyle.
The bag best describe the both of them. Kim k a nudist, Kanye a monster. Shio, silly people.
Kanye. Ashawo united
which kain devilish bag be dis naa.
Ugly painting...the comments on this bag is Jst so..;;
seriously?? i jst died n woke up !!! stale !
D painting looks evil..hence evil bag...
Ok. this is a scary looking picture.
Kanye is a correct guy man.....Me likey d bag
She couldn't even help him carry one of the plastic bags in her 2nd hand. Smh
Wats special,mtcheww
Seen. #gugurumida#
That's an ugly painting
That's an ugly painting
Tacky. I wish people would understand that there's more to life than clothes,bags and shoes!!
#Ugly bag#.... Not interested!
beautiful curse. holy demon. dats what dat bag is. nude ladies and a monster??? #hmmmmmm......(cekzzy1)
Gud 4 dem
Kim K is too materialistic abeg...good one sha
Very ugly looking painting
Now my okrika handbag feels inferior
Fine though
Luv d concept
Is there a way I can marry kanyeeeeee! Me too sef I want a bagggggggg like that.
Truly ugly.
Can actually paint something better!
Too much money!
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Hideous!kanye west is demonically sick!!!!!!jst ruined d bag!!!
__̅_̅̅_̅̅̅Ω̴̩̩̩̥kA̶̲̅y. Sis lind Nxt
Gosh.God u have seen a lot in ds life.Am sure by now u will be asking why u created ds damn world.
Huh! Looks lyk a psycho wit a color pencil doing rough sketch.
Na so moni dey miss road na...
So happy for her! I pray they last!
Kanye is demonic n pple wey dey follow am dey go hell wit am.. "coverface"
Shame upon d two of dem. Are they promotn nudity or wat? D drawing on d bag is rubbish
Lovely gesture....happy for kim... pray for a love like this.... But the bag is Ugly sha for that price. # Nohating#
Alas Kanye has gotten the attention he's been seeking.
Dis relationship will be a first in d kardashian family cos kanye west will ruin kim's life&nt d oda way round!and d evidence won't be long comin!
All I see is a gentleman hlpyn his baby mama wit d shopyn bags......d bag 4 fine if nt 4 d monster
The things they do to a hermes bag? *sighs*
Such a vain disgustin piece of shitty bag...mscheww!
Well I don't tink I like d painting on d bag.. It looks somhow..morelike demonic.. Smh.. I love d hermes bag tho!! Not bad
What is the meaning of this bag?
This kanye sha.. wtf?
Linlin U̶̲̥̅̊ sabi hype pple eh....abeg e no go too cost like dat amt U̶̲̥̅̊ said
This kanye sha.. wtf?
Hmmm...I like!! Bet Kim K would be feeling like 'the only gal in the world' right might be a loud mouth Kanye,buh you mosdef know how to treat your baby mama.really wish they'l last.God,still waitin on you for my own man.
Linda,I didn't see my last comment on your blog...mke I no find dis one o.
Kanye West if u keep going like dis....this morney go finish o
Linda merry christmas..I happy for u as u see christmas gifts collect.....for this end me no see anytin o n still got d Greatest gifts...JESUS,Sound health,peace of mind, and above all I was just happy for no reason...*shines teeth*
#Dat angry sister!
True talk my sister.
End tym tyns,lols I trust naija. Babe na,all dis na attention seeking motive,"yarns" I dey purge
Puhleeeez..... Wey T.I dey giv tiny bentley. D ugly paintin sef
The painting on d bag makes it look strange.
Kanye is trying to be a good father and fiance by helping kim with carrying the bags the bag looks cul buh the obscene art is what I hate its too dirty and it doesn't make the bag look classy
Dats an ugly painting
The mistress and her houseboy
Abeg next
Linda all is VANİTY, i don't trip over worldly things. God should be our focus at this time.
Linda u shud be grateful that pple come to ur blog to comment yet ur ungrateful and nonchalant to post their comments cz u maybe u feel u have arrived. Rubbish!!
D painting is horrible, d price doesnt mean nuffin and she no even help am carry 1 bag
Crinkum crankum
No wonder if their babygirl will cry anytime she sees that horrible painting...
Money showing it self
Really hideous
Whr ma hubby dey wnt smtin lik dis 4 our anniversary ooo. Linda post ma comment oooo *YK*
Anonymous - 5:31 PM
Totally agree with U: he just ruined that bag.... In the name of fashion. Rubbish.
So Just for bag you want to marry Kanye?...Razz cheap golddigging goat like u ,no nothing but materialism, 9ja slut frm a 9ja failed environment. Shebi una dey see dia mentality for anonymous forums....ewu!
That bag is sooo word for that bag....demonic!
Dats an ugly bag,don't really care hw much it cost.mtcheeeeeeeeewwwwww
Nigerian men,have u guys seen?the lady just goT her hand bag n the guy carried all the shopping bags even as he paid for all
Can't really see anything special about the painting,it's vanity to me.
-Blunt Ibo boy-
#Seriously# Wats correct about dis.Dis is extravagant spending asin materialism @ it's peak.Notfin really bad in spendn 4 ur woman.My opinion, don't xpect any hater 2 accept it!
Very ugly thing, d drawing on it looks like wen a 2year child is playing wiv colours.... I donno wats special o. ok Linda we don hear. Next
Very ugly!!!!
I dnt like these two .
I dnt why Linda loves them so much.
Two crazy couple.
Well, if she isn't an art lover then she might not totally appreciate it. She'll only know d worth by looking at it from the 'money value' point of view, not the point of view of an art lover... Nice tho'. When a man isn't stingy it adds to his value *shines teeth*
Crying for the diminished Anonymous Clan. Linda, you caused it with your monetary gift.
Soon, I will be singing a dirge for them. Lol.
@Anonymous 6:22 PM. Your comment is silly. Must we be like them?
That bag discreetly explains who both of them are..KIM..NUDIST.....KANYE....MONSTER.....aside from these,the bag is not something I would like to own with those hideous paintings.
end time is near beware
#GodBlessUrIntellect......oshey jare
This is the prayer mehn. Loool.
Amen to that. Amen! Stupid love, crazy in love.
Must there be nudity on d bag!! So d painter Culdnt paint anything else besides boobs and ass. KMT
Says d quiet LIB reader
na wa o.d painting ugly sha well,there is always a deeper meaning to a painting
Silva says it's so romantic!!!
Lol....o girl, I'm praying that prayer with you o. but make my own get plenty sense like Solomon and tons of self control like Jesus. Amen. :-)
Loving Kanye's outfit. I still remain my humble self *UDOR*
Money talking. The bag is ugly
Na so life be ooo. Where some dey get gud love na him others go dey get Gus beating of their life. Nobody's fault anyway......gud girls always like d bad guys, hence they get good
beating as presents all the time.
I love the gesture, I also love that he's being a gentleman. Buh the bag is nice and different in a ugly way. Artists and art lovers are weird
Hmmm nd all I ask for is jst 50k to go shopping fr skul,,chineke butter my bread,if butter no ready put tooth paste
Lucky 4 her
Yeeaaaa Very Ugly and stupid!!! The annoying thing is,, the shiii aint cheap... *sigh*
Love the Jacket
Hmmm Kimye I love this couple, love u Kimberly muahh... but d painting on d bag though now dats an expensive disaster,looks demonic from my view*
Beauiful indeed,pls kim y r u karin paintin shld be hang or kept in a musuem.senseles idiots tufikwa
No go fin work. Na man be ur visa for better future, ode. King gidigbamgidigbam.
So awesome.. Sexy gift for sexy kim... Raw couple.. Miguel likes
The guy is just crazy abt kim just hope he gets same in return becos I don't trust these K women.
Dat is lovly God give me a guy lyk dis ooooo
He gone ruin her! Recipe for disaster. He comes in controling what she wears and no telling what else. Despite her wealth, I kinda feel sorry her. All her beauty and drive to succeed yet she seems weak in the mind when it comes to men. Praying no harm will come in the future from this relationship.
Linda you mean ugliest bag even made... these fools just destroyed a Birkin.
the paiting spoilt the beauty of the bag, it looks demonic.
Hermes must be vexing o all these celebrities buying the bag and then trashing it up to show status #NotCool
Love from Miami
My tots exactly. Mtcheeew
Not a good idea jor....spoiling a whole Hermes bag!! ...if you are going to hand paint,,why not something that's nice...why nude and dragon?....these people feel they r invincible till God put them straight....
May they find God before they are called....
Mumu people! What's romantic about dis stuff?
Wats romantic about a demon(berphomet) hving a threesome with three women? Is dat wat u wnt for ur kids? Is dat wat u wnt for ur sister or ur selfs? Stupid people, vain n blind people
Lip sealed
Obviously demonic
Me too! Amen!
The artist in Kanye. He proclaims himself to be Yeesus. By the way, some people paint with feces and call it art. so,.........!
LOL....Kanye is crazy abt this bitch sha!..and the bag, Lord Have mercy, what a horrible art work on the nicely-designed bag.
U just took d words 4rm my mouth..ugly painting..
Ure so intelligent, I think dis ur coMment was a revelation from God..the ugly painting just describes d both of dem..demonic people..
U just took d words 4rm my mouth..ugly painting..
Kanye problems is just fame and u know what? The fame is driving him crazy and although I like kim but that painting on d bag is wacky for real
The picture looks like semi-gay, demonic porn.... How horrible to hv to carry that bag out in public.
Of all the paintings in the world? It has to be that??..
I guess they are all continuing the theme from their demonic christmas card.
Arrant nonsense.
Shurrup Anon 9:21. Is Kim not workin? What's wrong wt ur man spoiling u silly. Body dey catch u indeed. Goat!
After one daughter ( who came abt as a result of alot of sex (in every imaginable position if i may add) ) he's still so smitten.. Wat oda sex r u talking abt? Pls get wisdom !
Wat is special abt u dear?
Hehehehehe. I key into the prayer too. Amen to that.
U r so bitter, ur bile has flooded ur tinking faculty! Wats wrong if her fiance carries their grocery bags? Is he not the man? Did kanye complain 2 u? N wat if shes all about d money? Is it ur money? Pls get a life !
Its LOVE darling... Yep it actually exists.. n its still as blind as ever! Get wit d program..
Hellooooo she carried his baby for 9 months so if all he has 2 carry (for a couple mins till they get to the car or house) are grocery bags, i tink he got the easier end of the stick !
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