According to reports, the victim was found semi-naked with a plastic bag over her head and her skull crushed in. Donald said he killed the woman in self defense after she attacked him with a pair of scissors in her home. Donald, who is homeless, claimed he met the victim on the morning of the incident and asked her for food; the lady asked him to follow her home with a promise to give him something to eat only to attack him but investigators believe Donald was trying to steal from the woman and when caught in the act, attacked and suffocated her with a plastic bag after beating her up. Police say some money and a phone was stolen from the deceased.
Donald is currently remanded in prison after a judge refused him bail...

In the news again for the wrong reason.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Using a BB10 device..this is definitely for you.. klick360.net
really sad!
Another igbo shitthead
2 BAD FOR NIGERIA. face covered.....
Chineke!!!!. What is really happening. Human's life worth nothing to some people. God please mercy.
Homeless? U for come bac naija come pick palm kernel naa...pls just fry his ass there or deport him to kirikiri.
Hmmmnnnn na wa ooooooooo!
Dat was too bad ..street life.
Short of words
Wow...! Another dent on our image!
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And when libers hear countries deporting nigerians, they curse and blame those countries..... exactly the same morale behind fasholas so called "deportation"
I know say na Igbo Boy mtcheww . They will always show their selves every where they Go.. May her Soul rest in peace..!
Choi! See my igbo brother.instead of u to come back home and hussle.idiot!
Ok. Guess am d first to comment. #Somersaulting 5times# merh....this boy's future is in a mess!
This guy deserves to die. He face look so hardened.
A 19year-old is not a man.
I feel bad when Nigerians are in the news for the wrong reasons
Good grief!!Who knows hw he even got to italy.He shd be severly purnished.if it were d germans,they wd have given him mercy killing!No story.
Where are his parents? How did he get to Italy in d first place. The things some Nigerians do abroad baffles me.
See what I must travel abroad dey cause if he in this country there's no way friends won't allow him to stay with them na wah o homeless in abroad!
Why do some freaky nigerians be so tribalistic why saying igbos are bad hmmm
cool this be real? See what this very old grandma is doing too bad.see pics
Ure stupid hez not igbo,I bet hez a yoruba guy dat just bears dat name....but C'mon Nigerians,,,Nawa o daz why we re being hated all over d world sha
Na only igbo dey there....u castrated gambian goat....this motherfuckers dnt like africans talk less of nigeria....its possible d mama attack am first...dumass
Na wao. So sad
Stop sayin ibo,yorubas are d one causin probs in uk, type woolwich killing and u wud c 2 yoruba names who killed a british citizen
Igbo kwenu, lol
Kwenu, lmao!
Igbo Kwenu, kwezenu! Lol
Hmmmm, and we were made superior to other animals.
Must they stay abroad? Can't they come back home than constituting nuisance in anoda man's country..
Y'll sud not judge him, he may b saying the truth. D police dt said he was tryna steal were they there? Just cuz they many bad eggs doesn't mean the good ones are finish. Wateva happens in there is known 2 God, d deceased and the accused.
Mumu u, must u bring tribe in here,
Mumu u, must u bring tribe in here.
Really sad
Its sad...
what a stupid, foolish boy!
homeless and now a killer.
Remind me again pls, the two muderers of police officer Rigby in london are Igbos right?not to mention hosts of other frauds. Seems its only the igbos that commit crimes. Your hatred for the igbos will keep you from moving forward! I have always wondered why the Yorubas won't give Igbo people a break! Maybe you should direct your hatred and anger towards your papa Awolowo,perhaps if he had let the Igbos seceed when de wanted to in 1967, igbos won't be such a heartache and nuisance(as you people and your leaders think)to you yorubas!Listen carefully you yorubas in your twisted minds,no tribe in Nigeria will be subsevient to another. Igbos have never controlled this countrys affairs and yet they continue to prosper and flourish why dont you people leave them alone!
Dey shuld not let him escape his purnishment****He deserves death!!*****NIGERIA's Integrity is gone and buried
Nigerians leave Igbo people alone! They wanted to stay on their own as Biafra una refuse! Why is it taunting you people now! Abi una Awolowo no knw say his greed and wickedness that made him fight Igbos and collect all they sweated for will continually haunt you people! Inspite of all the hatred towards the Igbos they continue to progress little wonder why you lots get intimidated! I suppose all the crimes in the whole world are commited by the Igbos! This seed of discord you yorubas have sown will continually taunt you!
Banker carry Magun. Oga go chook his tin inside. Wetin be the result?
Lida Ikeji you should moderate your blog or lose it to bigots and evil tribalist . i dont understand publishing all these ethnic hatred because a Nigerian killed someone in Italy. Some people has seen it as a reason to attack Igbos on Your blog and you help them publish their invectives and stupidity
I dnt know y linda let's idiots like keemzy write stupid tyns on ds blog.was it not a sick yoruba boy dt killed a soldier in public in london...rat head like u,like say u beta pass am!ozu wuranwu...iheoma nwogu
@queen hadassah, exactly ♏v̶̲̥̅ tot...Ђδω did he get there@19?...where Ǎ̜̣̍я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ his parents?....
Mtchwww...wat r dey goin 2 do 2 d young man nw?? Em 4 cum bk naija o instead of killin smbody grandmoda 4 italy
Na wao!. How did this dude get to Italy in the first instance?
stupid asshole... That guy looks like a gangsta jor...what does he mean by 'self defence'? Lol. Like someone's gon believe him or something
stupid asshole... That guy looks like a gangsta jor...what does he mean by 'self defence'? Lol. Like someone's gon believe him or something
na waoo!foolish fool.u manage enter italy ,u go dey fool urself.mumu.goat head.ram head.his hands need to b choppd off nd one of his eye balls rmoved.so dat he can live d rest of his life in penury.may be ds wll mke hm knw how to apreciate life.
Not trying to defend him but if you read the news you'll find such crimes is common place in the west, I'd rather live in Nigeria than some of this countries.
on d bright syd, he nw has a home
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Den drive u out 4 ur papa land?GOD have mercy...
U r very dull!! It cud b any tribe u tribalistic bigot. Oniranu oshi!! Any for d odas tryin to pin every evil tin to d igbos, every tribe has their fair share in ds speculated"evil". Mitcheeeeew
Who send u! Fashola's deprotation was wrong nd he ven dropped pple who where not from anambra in anambra.. He definitely had another motive for doin that
Pls, let's stop this tribal tagging. It is stupid to me and getting too much here that some times lead to tribal words fight. It can happen to anybody. He is a Nigerian and does that make you not part of it. Nigerians are plenty abroad, so we should expect some bad news like this.
Its not about a nigerian or an Ibo .some weeks back an American killed a 26yrs old Mechealla Obih ( Phd student).what was ur comment.
What's with that 'anonymous igbo shithead'? was it not a yoruba guy that killed a soldier abroad? Rubbish!
It can't compare to the incalculable atrocities of ur islam sects. Foolish nonentity
Homeless 4 yanki instead wey u go jst come back naija to hustle at lease u go see food chaw
This isn't a tribal matter! Make your comments maturedly and without sentiments!
Some idiot will soon start to say its government fault....
Many Nigerians abroad can not even afford to feed themselves.
They just stay there trying to rip people off their money,and keep answering Yankee boy.....
Swallow ur pride and Come home if there's nothing for you abroad oh.....
The laws states otherwise. He's over 18 and will be tried as an adult. He's old enough to kill so he's old enough to be tried. Period.
This is really bad, he may go for it. @Olalekan Quadri and Keemzy Lifals, when will you out-grow this your tribalistic sense and tackle the issue at hand rather than tribe? Awon ode oshi ti won o kuro nile Yoruba ri to know that humans have the tendency to be good or bad irrespective of their tribe. Retarded Brains!
Smh he's jst heartless mschewww
Typical of the igbo man, call them to come and eat, they take away your food, spoon, plate and house. In some cases they take away the giver. The unfortunate thing? He's not igbo to the outside world. He's NIGERIAN the shame of his act is on us all.
Nna ehn! See what planlessness is causing in this country. The young lad has been sent on his own to hustle and has had probably to fend for himself, just so his people at home can have a better life. If only Nigeria was better!!! If only
An example of the mannerless fools that make all these white monkeys insult Nigeria and Nigerians. Why wont dey insult us? Oloshi
IBO ni..
This is very unlike the Igbos, the Yorubas are the ones know for commiting this kind of attrocities. This Igbo boy must have been influenced by his Yoruba bastard friends
U be fool..u knw say na Igbo boi,dey write am fr him forehead say na igbo,idiot....learn to place ur gender well..its *his* nt *her* iti akwu
19 in Italy and homeless, when your mates are here in Naija hustling.. Self defence my arse.
This life is over before it even began.
They shld plz shut up! What of d nigerian girl dah was killed by a white? They refused to report it o! Not saying d guy is right cos every human deserves to live but why ar these foreigners always quick to report us as bad but when itz d reverse, they hush it! And for d bigots calling igbo, plz we shldnt remind y'all d number of yoruba guys dah we've bn seeing on this blog for violence!
He doesn't deserve to live. These r the pple who give our country bad name
He hs learn the white man culture,suffocating people to death
She probably invited him home for 'servicing'. That's wat they do. smh...
an you asking him to come home and pick palm kernel...you go pay for him ticket? Its not as though they dnt want to come back home. They dont have and can't get the money for a plane ticket. Its dat bad ehn.
Chai..he needs 2 be dealt with severly..some nigerians can be soo embarrasin..abi he tink sey na niger we dey..ur life don peme 4 dere..no mercy
Nawao! Not again na
There is probably more to this story than id being told. It is possible there was sex involved. She might have asked him to come home with her to service her in exchange for money or other benefits. Somewhere along the way, things went wrong.
Complete S.H.A.M.E!!!I thought some igbos said they want to dissociate themselves from Nigeria and form their Biafra.....Now is the best time.
Na wa o
I must live abroad!
So how did a 19yr old flee Nigeria to become homeleSs in Italy? Where in the world are his Parents? And how ever he got the nerves to commit murder????? Na wa o
onye iberibe
Another igbo again,just tarnishing our image abroad & making hell of noise at home,
na wa ooo.. Feel so bad abt dis
And another yoruba shithead commenting! I wonder why you morons have not started wiping the Igbo tribe off yet seeing that you despise them deeply or is it the usual yoruba cowardice playing out as usual!
Now will u all insulting igbos shut ur filty traps b4 I shut em up 4 u! Linda why do u post all this biased and tribalistic fools comments? The boy said he did that in self defence it culd be true,proly if he did not do that who knows wot wuld hv happened next? May be we wuld hv bn getting anoda report of a Nigerian murderded abroad like we hv been getting recently. Hv u 4gotten Adaobi Obihs case so soon and other ones? Ode's
Please follow and update this news it's a false accusation.
Ure a fool toluwalashe,ur generation is cursed...anoda name 4 crime z d yorubas u bastard
What we know now is that he killed the 60years old woman what we do not know is if he also raped her before he killed her. Which is even worst. Lets wait to see how the case will come out.
Oponu buruku
Hmm, I trust d italos, he'll spend an eternity in jail. Them go take prison tire am
Sad story! He was so lucky it wasn't Malaysia D shit happened.
Shit! A crime against Humanity. If it was Malaysia, he wouldn't be breathing by now.
Shit! A crime against Humanity. If it was Malaysia, he wouldn't be breathing by now.
Ugly money. That's why your men can't stop running to Igbo women (especially the fair ones)
bleach on yoruba hater oshi
Go and kill yourself. You go from post to post calling Igbos up and down. Did an Igbo man snatch your girlfriend or maybe he bought your land? LOL. Ndi ofe mmanu, go back to Nairaland. Bigot
How did he even get to Italy in the first instance? Begging for food to eat when farm full village. Igbo people ehn....
Anon2.53, 2.18, 2.54, 2.29, 5.00, 2.55 nd d rest of u tribalstc pits who wont sit nd fink of hw 2 develop d contents of ur ramshackled heads....U al r shit-stirrers.....Its Linda i blame nt u!!!Lets fashi ds blog fin nd com face-2-face nd lets c if u v a tongue...DUNG!!!
Nigerians think of what u will do to help this country nigeria, and stop gossiping 1 - if u stay and pay expensive rent in an expensive place think of those homeless and try to buy a cheap land in and ghetto or village to build an ok house with very low rent that the poor can afford, 2- if u drive an expensive car think of those that don't have TP go to one poor school in the village or ghetto provide and sch bus and subsidise TP at least let them pay half the normal prize 3- if you re working in a good firm and earning nice salary think of the unemployed try and create a little bizness and be a boss so the poor can be ur employees
Fellow Nigerians this is called sowing in a fertile land, I'm not advising u to throw away ur money but rather investing and also helping the needy. Leave the politician let them steal and win the wealth for themselves alone but let's try and start an individual race to kick poverty from our surroundings. With this steps and more I have in mind to share with u, I believe we can at least save a hungry and an angry man so the society can smile at our unborn kids in future.
This is a despicable act,we're talkin abt human life here.dis is man's inhumanity to man
Linda please moderate the comments on your blog. Don't make it a platform for tribalism. It's getting out of hand.
At the person saying yoruba men are running after Igbo girls in your dreams.who wants manly yellow woman with beards n hair on her chest? We stick to our Yoruba women a beg. I knew the criminal will be Igbo without opening the story, but I feel for the young boy inrespectivr of his tribe, I guess he misunderstood going abroad that the grass I not greener over there. He's meant to be in nigeraria in uni studying. Am sure he has a lot of potential in him. It's just circumstances I feel really sad because who knows what his good future holds but it's been cut down by mirage. I think it's best for the minister for youth to create an awareness for our youth to believe in themselves and look for the future in Nigeria. I really feel bad that we have lost another boy who would have had a promising career but cut short by the lure of western world. It's time we parents encourage our kids what is. A 19 yr boy going to.do abroad apart from studying.his mates are in the university at home. What he needs is rehabilitation and love and opportunity in life I guess it's too late. I am really sad. The boy is not a criminal.
U r a big fool 4 saying dat...u no go pass yoruba idiot.use ur real name na...coward like u...foolish ewu...ewure ni...instead of u to pray for asun to call off d strike so u can learn...u r spitting trash...nnama
Ewu...ola or watever,u r a monkey...ode.
Chai...u r a big fool 4 dat comment.dnt knw ur tribe so I will stop here...ewu nnama
Anon 5:56,E bu ewu...fool.@least we had d courage to try n leave u fools...u fools dnt av d balls to even tink bout it...nt to talk of doing it.
Chai...u r a big fool 4 dat comment.dnt knw ur tribe so I will stop here...ewu nnama
I never wanted to comment on this but this so called Olalekan actually pissed me off...You are just nothing but a big fool. Pls commenting on this blog is not by force, don't comment and cause chaos here... Because Fashola is yoruba, you r now supporting him for deporting people within the same country and infringing on their human right.... Let me just reserve my comment.....Idiot
Keemzy or whatever they call you, you are a big fool for calling igbo's in this matter......Its also free not to comment on this blog if you don't have reasonable thing to write......Retard
Naija na wa. 19 n homeless. Where r his parents? If only my country loves me. I feel bad for d guy n d deceased lady. There 3 sides to a story, his, d lady's n what really happened.
God purnish you fool......idiot, you ll never have a name....Whoever you are stop been tribalistic....You need to grow....Local entity like you
the boy was born a raised in italy the only thing Nigerian about that boy his is Name and parents
Anon 9:53 ure useless hu nid dose yoruba hungry taut like ursef...ur guys dey die 4 igbo babes cus dey re tyad of u dirty stinkin roten decayd,cancer dirty bleachin gurl like ursef pls go n get a life u all infact ur tribs re smellos dats y ur lola gum her sef to our igbo boi peter...get a life fool
Another young lad tarnishing Nigeria's image.
Igbo pple did wat,did u kno,Hw he got der,b careful,Hw u reply posts
Must u bring in tribe here,ur tribe isnt half beta dan odas FOOLllllll
Why Is everybody mentioning Igbos Again. The last time I check Farouk Abdul Mutalab isnt an Igbo dude,,nut heads
Lol, Igbo ppl sha....thm no dey carry last, yoruba ppl dnt hv mind 4 such nw, ( call it ben a coward) all join, but thr is jst dis smthg abt Igbo ppl shaaaaa, it is well
Igbos are too desperate!! They are the ones giving Nigerians bad names everywhere...from South Africa to UK, to America, to Spain to Italy....No igbo names you will hear in the news for crime!!!
That's why Yoruba men keep marrying Edo, Igbo, Efik, and other non Yoruba women. Its in trend if you haven't noticed. Look around you. Its no surprise that even the majority of Yoruba actresses bleach just to be beautiful. KMT. The average Yoruba woman looks like a frog, just like Funke Akindele.
That's why you people parade Omotola and Tiwa up and down because they are beauty queens in Yoruba land but go to many Igbo villages and see women more beautiful than them. Yoruba chicks are losing big time. We all know it. Just like the many Yoruba guys i know that date Igbo women and other African women exclusively.
Truth hurts. Hahahahaha
Oge mumu...it's Asuu and not Asun.I can c u truly love ewure.ode omo abipabe jatijati
he has now turned into a Nigerian but i can remember this same italy claiming Angelo Ogbonna becuase he is playing good football.also look at how they claimed balloteli,i know if this boy did well they would have called him the itallian.
Anon 9:39,u r a big fool,idiot...anu ewu,correcter...idiot.and again ewure.fool
Anon 9:39...u be real fool,stupid ewure...taaaaaaaaa commot...teacher
Idiot...name 2more igbos names dat u av heard.fool...who commits crimes in london?foolish yorubas.idiot.itk
Anon 9:39...u be real fool,stupid ewure...taaaaaaaaa commot...teacher
Anon 9:39,u r a big fool,idiot...anu ewu,correcter...idiot.and again ewure.fool
degrading our image
Igbo ppl r always the ones spoiling d image of 9ja even wit a gud religion like christianity u ppl are stil very bad, wat if islam was in the east we would v been finished in dis country... The problem of the hausas is islam nd it is bcus the ppl who brougth it came tru the sahara dats y dey got their way to d north if igbos wr frm d north dis country would v been finish I still prefer a hausa man100% than an igbo man smh
Anon 3.20pm u r a fool.igbo dis igbo dat.wat hav dey done to u fool.useless bastard.hit ur head on d wall or jump into d lagoon cos we igbos r hia to stay forever.kill ursef.nkapi
Who cares about you sef? Ugly bastard
So he run to Italy with no place to live. Why this constant running to strange people's land with no thought of how you will survive? No better be poor with a roof over your head and your family around you, than homeless in a strange place with all strange faces around you and so hungry so you can be tempted to do what you would have never thought before to do.
What now of this man's poor parents, who he probably lied to and made believe all was well with him. Now they see him on a site like this charged for murder, and murder of a 60yr old woman at that. This is any parent's nightmare.
When you all deciding to jump on that boat to go wherever you think the grass is greener, where you think that you must find job and will make money and help your families. Take a moment to think of the hundreds and thousands of Nigerians who thought just like you, but have ended up like this man, or executed, or living lives as prostitutes living on their knees and backs to make a living, remember you could end up just like any one of them, so think long and hard before you leave home.
That is why you have to train your children very well and stop complaining, do you know if he is a cult member and was smuggled abroad?
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