Abeg make una no vex for me o...abeg! I'm in Dubai and I'm here just for the weekend so I want to see and feel as much as I can here instead of sitting in my hotel room and blogging. I'm on my knees abeg...will try and blog as much as I can..and upload comments fast!...:-)
OK...so who likes Genevieve's matching yellow dress & shoes which she wore to the Lagos Fashion and Design Week yesterday? I love it. Not because it's Genevieve wearing it o..I just love matching ensembles..:-)
Yup. Its cool
Me likey
Its not nice on her o. Colour is not nice for her skin tone and the dress completely drowns her. Joan Rivers. : )
Nice one!!!
Linda I dy vex for u seriously.. of all weekends to go Dubai na d weekend wey mi fone spoil and I no fit chat with friends I come manage get ds yeye pad to browse thru ur blog..u dy jollificate..mtchew..and i don't like gennys ensemble.. * in a foul mood* Monday should quick come na..
I dnt care what she wears, I love her
Its too matchy matchy joor. She's sooo blinding. Looks like one with an attack of yellow fever. Lolz
My model Genevieve nnaji
Tres chic.......
Weda we vex or not shey na u get ur blog. Since mrn u av refuse to post peoples comment and u r even shooting tabor in ur write up' I jst loving matching es.....' If u lyk dnt post
Linda I ws bginin 2get upset wit ma comments nt uploaded n ur invisibility dis dys.we'll hop u'r havin fun.tek kia
Linda abeg Njoy U̶̲̥̅̊я̩̥̊ ♍☺П̥̥̲̣̣̣ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥, Genny dress make brain scarra,♍ε̲̣̣̣ like kam
D dress is just there ,nothing fantastic. It suits her though.
Na so
Linda I jst knw it ur kind of busy in dis dubia.cos since morn u neva post most plpp comments on issues.genin is always on point.me likee
I tink it's nice on her u knw
I love it....very nice and cos it is Genny,makes me love it even more.
Post wizkid joor
The gown isn't working for me. Not to be mean but what if there is a great gust of wind? Hehehe #justsaying
I love this dress. Beauty on its own.
Na so, no time
Linda ur work is 2 blog n keep us entertaind.we don't cia whr u r.b in afganistan I dnt freakn care...well genny is d babe.she looks hawt
i luv it too linda...gorgeously worn
i luv it too linda...gorgeously worn
My Genny baby, u too fine jor, muaaaaaah. I jus love love love ds look 2 bits, well ensembled my dear Genny. Haters can go die #Team Genny# 4 lyf.
Me likey nd love it!!! Linda chopping money ikeji we no dey or I no dey vex... Ur free to flex is ur time... Bck to cooking my stew b4 it burns *fabulous cynzi*
Hmm.abeg no blog again untill u come Niger cos ur English alone show say u no dey settled true true.wetin b I just loving Matching ensembles.tank me later
On point- for a fashion show!
Gene always looking Good
It's beautiful!
I love it too...Gene looking as beautiful as ever. Linda enjoy small Small o
Okay Linda :D..I totally Love the outfit,very trendy and decent..Genny just screams 'CLASS' Dang!!!
Lol!!!linda!linda!linda!linda!! Ok ooo!she looooks super gorgeous by d way!! Loveeee*ONYX GODWIN*
i luv it too.gorgeously worn
Don't worry linda, take as much break as you can and come back when you're done
Me likey. And I just added a yellow blazer to my closet... My love for yellow.
say you love @genny
Stop sayin is d ''yellow'' that u love
Genevieve too much yellow for me. I dont like same colour shoes & dress. She should have worn diffrent colour shoe. Linda you should have at least one understudy to blog for you when you are busy & upload comments
Stunning? I wouldn't attach that word to Genevieve this time around.
Stunning? I wouldn't attach that word to Genevieve this time around.
Luv it too
Looking hot like seriously i gabadto dis girl make she marry dbanj na
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Stunning? Joke... Her people her really trying to get her into the TIME100 after Omotola and it's never gonne happen. Secon class much
Buy kwilikwili wen coming pls
As long as its genny, i love it
Genny my sweetheart can not get it wrong.
Nt sooo much for me!
Good for u Linda, enjoy yourself Bo. But buy sumfin come o.
yellow gown n yellow shoe, dats a No for me, yellow is a shouty colour.
It's rilli kul nd am loving it....Madam Linda abeg enjoy urself jare
Nice one..
Blind much?
Dont like it. .. bleh
Don't like. Not Genny-like abeg. Mtschewww
Its a no for me.
Looks like a lingerie
I really do not like the outfit.
Linda,to make ur absence bearable,y nt post pictures of u in dubai.mayb shoppn or wateva it is u r doing der?giv us sumtin 4rm ovas 2 feast our eyes on,k?
Lili where u dey for dubai make I come snap pix with u
Hhhhmmm @ linda carry me along when next u r flyinq out
Hhhmmm @ linda carry me along wen nxt u dey travel out
U luv Genny ds girl and neva c anytin wrong abt her. She wore rubbish ds tym!!.u shd b honest wit ur blog pls..don't have any favourite..inbtwen tk style tell us u go dubai..post mu comment or!
Pple cn so hate..smh!
Abeg her outfit make sense die.@tyms u need 2 look different dts wat I tinkshe did.she musnt wear yellow dress n probably red shoe cos odas wear such.dts 1 good tin I like abt genny.she screams "CLASS" jare.love her 2 bits #nohomo#
I luv the dress but the shoes is a no-no for me. Abeg lindus enjoy yaself. Life's short.
In other news, libers pls visit dis blog esamade.blogspot.com. It's got interesting stories and content.
Anty Linda,Apology not accepted..Geny is always cute even if she is naked
sQo do you want to use wizkid's pic to masturbate, na man like you o, them put fine girl picture you de ask for man picture, i am suspecting you.
Linda get an assistant to help out when ur not available
There's no hating here. D dress is like a nite dress. Not gud fr an event. U guys shd b honest. U refused to post my other comment bah?
Linda, u dey waka o.
linda ikeji wtf is wrong with your page?!! my mouse cursor is a fucking Guinness bottle... shuooo?
Ok nneka ur a bitter human being nd u need to die
@ nneka wats is ur problem U re jus beggin for attention in d blog! Is she not better dan u dat aborted 5 Kids. Fool Go get a life n name instead of busy bodying around! Devil.
Ohk. You that has achieved all these things, who are you again?
U need to get a life @Nneka.
Nneka u ar a fool how is dst ur buss jees u ar such a hater can u pls read chaly boy aticles on haters she is an achiver nd there is ntn u can do abt that silly
Nneka, your own fellow nigerian o and even igbo sister is who you are insulting like this
Kai kai kai, if God was sopozd2 judge you for all you do behind close doors, shey ud be asking for forgiveness
But u can't let some1 enjoy her life cus of the HATE in you
And do you know that even if you are very good and holy that if you die now, I mean ryt now...you'd go to hell for judging gene
Thank God you aint God or else no one would have a second chance
@nneka ur a bitch.how can u say dat abt ur fellow woman.u ar a disgrace to women.kip dying while she makes her money and fame.YEYE GIRL
@ Nneka,ur a big fool,guess ur d first standing @ d gate of heaven.how many backyard boys have slept wit u.buh jenny is waxing stronger and stronger each day.swiming in money.GO AND DIE BITCH
Sometimes I tink genny is still in her 20s,so young,love me some genny,simple classy chick
I don hear cos i have been vexing since o! It's ok!
But na wa o! When genny wan marry sef???
nneka, just shut up, you are calling her child a bastard. im sure that child is better than you in many ways. genny may b fuckin atiku but is stil beta than u, richer than u and will always be finer than u.
Ugly girl
Anon 6.41pm u are a stupid goat,who told u genny wants dat,omot pays 100times we all knw dat and moreover 100tims can be bribed,but not elle and forbes and dey hv both shortlisted genny so deal wit dat
Nneka the pretty serpent you are a cow
NNeka,may u die bitter,till u go die u no fit match d sand wen comot for genny shoes,wicked soul
Love Geny no matter what she wears.so I love dis too!!
I hope she get savings for the rainy days? Make she no end up on the shelf like former raves of the moment.
Mumu she jst corrected her self
She corrected her english mr blind much
What shit of a dress is she putting on! I just dnt feel this babe
What shit of a dress is she putting on! I just dnt feel this babe
Dear Nneka,do not let the poison in you kill you ok let it out.Genny is a Fighter Obviously and a winning one at that,cause its not easy coming from nowhere and being at the top.Learn to be Happy for others ok.
Or ....we Ban you from Here*laffn*.
JESUS lvs u ok Nneka.
@nneka, u r very very backward. Grow up and stop being a sadist. Maybe u still do not know she's a graduate, must she announce it to u. Get a life girl.
Nneka God kws were u do hv ur own copulation frm?
Mayb ur rubish ass is evn lickn folish bitch if u dnt no u bera no it nw dat geny is ur beta fool
You mean water tank? Lol
Its a pity dat people have such venom in them.hope u remember she did all dat at 14 and 15?she was a child for christ,s sake and didn,t know any better.but at least she raised d kid instead of aborting it.and about d Atiku stuff,were u there when he was having sex with her anally?do u tink dat all u read in magazines are true?give d girl a break,not so many girls would be able to rise above all that has happened to her.tink about dat for a second nneka
I don't knw why its news when celebreties wear clothes like dey r not supposed. Its better news when dey don't wear clothes lol. Anymore news on RiRi!!!
Buy our own designers bag o, fendi, prada, miu miu, no thnx to ur gbazaquin sis, dnt post my comment o! *tongueout*
i just love the dress
Nneka na wa 4 you. Wat kinda bitterass shitz r going on ur lyfe dat got u all worked up to write dat crazycomment. Abeg o it's not dat serious, we are only yaying or naaing ol girl's yellow combo
Kai! Una comment dey make u roll 4 bed.lwkmd.kip it up
@ nneka who made u a jurge over other pple,u hv personal hatred over God creature Y all ds insult on geny,if confronted,sure u ii not come up wt evidence 2 support ur allegation.pls let's mind d language we use on order pple.pls retrieve ur statement.
Hmmm see as she small inside the dress,smallie #didi
But Nneka said the truth, Nigerians celebrate mediocrity.
Linda went there to buy designer bags das all.
I don't support nneka b cos we all know these stories u ve talked abt. However, I will say that life is NOT all about fame and fortune.
@Nnenka miss university degree,whr has ur degree taken u 2? poverty is a disease it has blind ur eye dat u dnt reconige good tin, poor gal! u wil die in povety. zee
Hmm,LIBERS. I greet una o! Una too like partial,I'm demn sure if it z Tonto,Chika or Karan wearing dis una go do use mouth design dem,una go 1st analyse d make up to d hairdo infact to d panties,but na mummy Genny na 'ArA' she do
To end d mata,E nor fyn#gbam#
Lol at her pple trying to get her to time100 comment excuse me time is a news mag not halloffame or anything worth that too much beef pls stop already abeg
I love the dress.... The colour is bold and it only takes the courageous ones to rock this colour... It's a thumbs up for me
For me Genney is always on point anytime nd anyday.
I love Genny
Whr d Nneka comment naaa?? *confused face**
Gorgeous dress! Luv it! But not with those matchy shoes. A different colour ankle strap high heels in my opinion would have been dope! But elegant look still! U rock Genny!! Classy babe!
Na wa o,wer d nneka comment nao.....ahn ahn,ahn ahn what hapen.....ok i ve seen it.....nneka is a binch,kaaki is a minch,na una biz.me i sha know er1 is allowed to air their views here on lib except if she no post am.kus wen u dey coffin na only bargain with maggot and ant u go they do,no talking 4there.lib who cari u go dubai,ehem my prayer wariors are coughin o.....gennys wear is nice btw.ok bye
Nneka u r a Fool for dat comment
Innocient odinkemere
Genny is always on point...d dress fits her...nd to Nneka..ur such an ass hole..damn uv got so much venom in u.."Obago!!!"..
Whether we like it or not, Nneka is right, later we would say rihanna is not a good role model to our children. And aside all the things nneka stated above, her public relation is the worse I've ever seen from any celeb, she has zero tolerance for her fans. Rubbish. Madam linda + all you oda genevive ass kissers, continue worshipping her. Mtcheeew
Linda, everybody just dey "STUNS" in whatever they like.
I actually believe Nneka is a man hiding behind a woman's name. A female hater would have left it at anonymous. Chauvinists are the worse haters women can have.
Cool but she shuld av worn cobalt blue shoes as dat wuld av gone better with d yellow dress&made it more classy&too matchy matchy!
My Dear follow mi ask oooo,bn lookin fr d Nneka'z comment buh frm IJ Ogbonna'z reply,d Nneka said somuch dt she ought nt to say.
Even me,I can't see d comment.Linda did u remove it?
Nice package
Abeg,I agree with nneka. Dint geneveve get pregnant @ 14 for her school teacher? Soesnt she have anal sex with atiku? Doesn't she sleep with politicians? When was the last time she acted a movie or got an endorsement? Is she not still single @ almost 40? Where is all the money coming from? Why celebrate mediocrity ?its just our nature in naija. Adaugo.
Way d nneka comment na?? 4 me its just yellow dress and yellow shoes! She's classy and stylish, so evertin she wears looks as such..
My dear e reach to ask ooooo, I no see d so called nneka comment
I love Genny dieee and how she ensembles her outfits but this one????
Abeg I don run. E no follow.
I am not a fan but she is looking really good here.
She is looking lovely.
Georgio Akisa......rags!
Me sef find the nneka comment, seems like it was deleted ...chai
doz wey dey carry genny case for head like pure water hawkers, how una mkt dey flow*waving*
Genny, abeg bring your small breast make I suck!
unless she is pregnant, that dress is not the business
Rough diamond or rough whateva, see u picking on haters on charly boy's write up, now u re here commenting nonsense, aint u d hater? What's ur bloody business with wen Genny will marry? Is she ur mother, sister or relation? Abeg u ds idiot, go get a life.
I bow o! Can't find Nneka's comment!!! What went down guyz? What is d Nneka girl's comment?
Anon 6:41pm, dumb ass, that's what u are. Ur comment is so pathetic.
See ur gutter mouth like she wore rubbish! Idiot, do u have this kind of rubbish stached somewhere in ur Ghana must go? Idiot, anunpama.
Tanxx 4 dat comment love, #Team Genny# 4 lyf.
Shut up Mrs honest wit her!! What do u evn know? Mtchewww!
I wonder oh
Where is this nneka's comment nah? Linda repost am nah! Kilode?
@jehovanni my sister I tire ooo.I dey find am
Pretty tricky
@jehovanni my sister I tire ooo.I dey find am
Pretty tricky
Iaaaa begoooooo this one nooo goooood oooooh
where the nneka comment na
Shut ur gutter u call a mouth dere.wat do u know abt fashion any way,u think its all abt colour blocking.am very sure ur d type dat wud match red,yellow nd pink and expect to get a kudos.monkey.
I tire oo! Tell them jare. Wats special or fine in this yellow fever tin? Gosh...I don't and will never love grandmother genie! And u Linda,kip worshiping her all times if na dem rest,u know how u attack them bt it's genie now and u'll always praise her. Stupid girl. If u lik nor post my comment at least u read it
your pix cool and beautiful dis is my contract Genevi Nanaji 08062573420
lovely dress.million kisses for jeny
is she wearing rag or what
I love genny,any day,anytime. She's just never wrong in my eyes.
Gennie ur to divalicious mehn! May God give you a fantastic husband that will luv and cherish u.
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