Things are just going out of hand day by day in this country.....Thank God people's eye are now open. Apc are just full of scam I insist buhari shouldn't av join hand with APC .......Still pray God bless n strengthen our president who surround himself with the righteous thieves .
Now, one thing I hate is Nigerians in diaspora complaining about what they don't know about. This woman is enjoying life in America, and is spewing thrash on social media about what she is expecting from the president she hasn't been resident in for the last 10 years. Is Buhari the cause of the fighting in some parts of Lagos in the last couple of days? And she said she thought Buhari will crush Boko Haram. Hasn't he done that? That is obvious from the last couple of weeks. But ofcos, she is in America, and just living off second hand information of what is going on in Nigeria.
A tree doesn't make a forest this man buhari with a goood vision for this country has sounded himself with failed n corrupt politicians ....most of the time I wonder if there's any hope for this country,where's the place of youth in this country or is it that we d youth doesn't exist in this counrty... Our corrupt n greedy leaders 're only concern about themselves they ain't ready to sacrifice anything for this nation...whoever among the leaders hindering the success of this country will have no peace in he/her home. ..
Help me ask him. He condemned Objs traveling now he is in office he is doing the same. He promised to root out boko haram in less than year, it's almost 1 year. When will you all learn that all this old politicians will say & do any thing to get into office. Nigeria needs a young intellect with the fear of God to rule nigeria. All this old men & some women no b am.
Come to nigeria to help out in the change regime. Have u forgotten hw u left niggar? What impact did u mKe here in d movie industry but saga all way. U hv some many issue to sort out, dont ever interfer wit politics and governance.
Senseless bitch, the President is taming corruption on full force, boko haram have loss all his commanding territory's. Si it now the case of south against the north. Losers the shock of GEJ election is still in your hangover
"They say you did not send a condolence message to comfort the families but rather you are requesting for cattle routes for the herdsmen" END OF STORY.
Ms Regina, trust me on this one, he doesn't care about anything you have written down there......@@@@BiaBia 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
STFU....did u vote 4 him? Buhari is doing all things possible to fix the mess ur stupid ogogoro drinking president GEJ created and I bliv wit tym he would deliver ,Buhari is a pious man
Someone who has fallen from grace to a mere nurse, a failure who is ashamed to come home for, even, a brief holiday to criticise her president and country like that without offering some recommendations is suffering from bipolar disorder. Nonsense.
If Nigeria wants change the youths have to select a leader from among themselves and get more involved in politics. I don't think change will come from this old people. We the youths know exactly where the pinch is.
Abeg make she keep quite, no be US she dey dey enjoy? Make she she come come do nursing here is she wants to relevant!!!! Everybody just dey take naija situation shine, Abeg!!!! Mtchewwwwww
Tnk God smone z finally saying d truth...may d blessings of d lord showr on ur family for dis@rgina askia....dis country is upside down 4christsake..fuel z bn sold @140 per litr wit abeg o.naija dey 4beta pprsoup o
We should not expect a paradise in 9 months after a destructive 16 years of the last set of governments. There will still be negative effects of past misrules with us for many tears to come. We cant wish them away by a wave of hand.Two, we should be careful of hearsay 'they said you did not send condolences to the farmers....' when there are no evidence. The most important thing is that we have a president who is focused and determined to make positive change. As human, mistakes would be made and some expected outcome may not materialized due to unforeseen nature of life. But a consistent and repeated positive leadership over coming years will definitely have the desired impact and results.Thanks.
😑😑he is fighting a war with Boko haram & he is winning. Dis kidnapping girls issue came to light recently pls wait & see how he acts. On d fulani herdsmen issue, soldiers & mopol have being dispatched to d affected areas, what more do you want? We have over 180million people in dis country & less than 500k armed security forces. We have boko haram & biafra terorist, fulani herdsmen terrorists & niger delta millitants. The fall in price of crude oil isnt helping things. As you can see d man has alot in his plate & trying to solve all of them. Pls be a bit more patient , he is not a magician that can make such things eliminated instantly ☺
You fools who voted for change should bear the cross, I know Buhari had nothing to offer, I even preferred someone else from the same party, I don't mind someone else from apc even, Buhari had a history which was not a good one, our youths were very little then so they didn't know how this man ruled, he actually had nothing to offer except witch hunting, which was the first thing he started with stupidly
Regina, what are you talking about? There is no where in the world where pockets of problems don't arise. Do you mean to say no problems daily in America, UK and Europe or south Africa or North Africa. You mentioned Buhari as from the North and children from thhe south forced into marriage. So where Obama from? Where is Cameron from or Merkel? You see nobody says north or south east or west. We Nigerians have problems, first you see Buhari as a Northern, not as a Nigerian! Stop it, President Buhari is doing one of the best Presidential duties ever in Nigeria. Yes there are pockets of problems here and there. Remember the level of insecurities in nigeria before and level of illiteracy. Be factual. Our problems in nigeria is Illiteracy and curruption. Take this two out and you will be amazed. No cheating!
I still don't get it those who choose to have cows in abroad have ranches where they can feed their cartels, but in Nigeria you will take you heard of cows to another man's farm to feed on his produce and if he react you kill him and destroyed his village, why do all nigerian believe in blood money. Our family almost lost our lives when these people come to our farm the cattle destroyed the whole maize crops that took us months to cultivate, our saving grace was that we didn't go to farm that day, maybe I may not be alive typing this. To be honest am so disappointed in Nigeria as a country, we don't value human lives, we celebrate those who are stealing from us, we never protest against them but turn on the innocent and harmless people we either used them for ritual or kidnapped them for ransom. I used to wonder what will become of the country in few years time.
A huge part of the promised change is for Nigerians in the diaspora to come back home and contribute their quota, Regina Askia Williams, when do we expect you at the airport?
Madam Askia,I only agree with you on the child abduction and forcefully giving in marriage by the Muslim guys, but in the case of Boko Haram mr President has done justice to that we Nigerians appreciate mr President
She couldn't have asked any better? It is well. We are watching. Pls provide jobs for Nigerians. The rate of hunger is alarming and everyone says Buhari is the cause.
Please shut up ok.Did you cast your vote...what do you know about affairs of Nigeria.The man will kill his self for you.I don't know why we Nigerians are always want it hurry.Is just 7 or 8 months this man entered power n you are judging him already.please take it easy abeg....nuel
Abeg regina askia should shut up, when it took gej 6 years to sink us she never wrote open letters. Now someone is trying to work on the rot caused by her brother she cab become a social campaigner when shes not even in the country to observe first hand what is happening. Shes just a psycophant.
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We "the wailers" are increasing in numbers ooo. Everybody eye don dey clear. This is the change dear. This is what u get when u vote a man that has only self integrity to offer.
To be honest I don't understand what's going on in Nigeria anymore, every one just sit down crying and complaining and our so called senators and house of reps sits down doing nothing, can't they impeach this man or are they waiting for we all to die before doing anything, well lets wait till 2019 to know what apc will tell us to vote for them again
Tell dem ooh,all we hear everyday is fighting corruption while pple are losing their lives like chickens even the fuel and electricity issues we are facing today in the country yet they keep saying we are in change which kind of change us dat ?
Pipo with #madeinNigeria husbands hv nt spoken na this one dey talk. U like Nigeria well well na u marry foreigner? Abeg face ur America when u dey....d last time I checked, Americans have a bigger issue to contend with i.e. Donald Trump!
Hmmm interesting, wen d lyks of stefinie Linus,Rita Dominic n CO drove u out of nollywood, u couldn't stay n fight 4 ur place as a diva,u ran or rada fled,now Mr President us trying 2 rearrange dis nation, u self dy write open letter,
Madam, these things were happening when your brother was at the helm of affairs and what the president is trying to do is to bring it down in a democratic setting. He cannot just unleash the military on people just like that. The one he did on his fellow brothers that blocked the road attracted blames from people like you. You all look for a way to attack Mr President without giving genuine suggestions on the way out. If he arrests corrupt people, you will say he is one sided. Now you want him to use force, and if he does you will be the first to accuse him of something. What do you people really want.
So buari should get a visa for the change and bring it to america to show you.if u so much desire d change u wouldnt pack ur bags and ran to the u.s. Why are u seeking for change from america hyprocrite.come home and u will see d change.if u need a change now u go to obama office
I am utterly dismayed and razed with unequivocal strain of disapproval of your lopsided view about a government that is barely a year. While it is partly to note with concern some of the things you mentioned, I must within the ambience of patriotism put to you, that Bokoharam has been consciously degraded. This is happening within 9 months as against 6 years of the former administration. High-profile persons who ordinarily could have defiled arrest by the EFFC are being arraigned and a smirk of justice unleashed. Similarly, concerted efforts are under way to making sure that the savagery done to Nigeria's economy over the years by past administrations are fixed head on. On the other hand, Nigeria's international image is regaining strength and status among the comity of nations as these events are taking a paradigm shift. The CLEAN-UP of the Ogoni land is looked into etc. The issues of kidnapping, abduction of young girls and compelling them into untimely marriages are really disturbing, however, it is not a "northern affair" as you unwittingly put. I think, therefore, that while it is important to air our views and feelings, it is much more important if we do that within the prism of constructive and objective criticism.
OK well said, but I doubt if this will be on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow morning. If not,sorry madam only u go need waka come Ray Power on Tuesday com voice ur mind, make presido answer dat question...bcos I no sure if presido de come Linda Ikeji blog.
Dear Mrs Williams,in the country where you are a nurse;a country where things actually work.It took Obama 8 years to resuscitate America!In a country where all the institutions are strong!Even after his 8 year stint,there are still so many things left undone.So pls don't sit there,in "diaspora" and write letters that portray how poorly informed you are about where Nigeria was before Buhari,and where we are now.
Nnem if na calabar people them go talk say "e haruoooooooo" we are all tired of this called change ooooooh, waiting decades to see the positive change they promised, always have their reasons of justifying their actions, wish am not in these country cos this whole thing is becoming worse by the day, every young girl - child feared their lives cos of what may befall them, no peace, no security, no light, no money and lots of no no, it's only God that Wil save us cos that's where we draw our strength from. Well written my great actress, wish the person you addressed Wil read it
Nice message delivered with poor grammar. She could have employed the services of of proofreader. That said, miscreants from the North seem to be having a field day.
She should get a life and mind her business, where were all these hypocrites when GEJ and PDP were destroying this nation? Abeg, they should leave our President alone, we love him.
Buhari is a fraud!!! Yes, I am from the east, but I use to support him. But after watch his recent interview with aljazeere, I must say I regret ever supporting him. This guy has no plans. Why will somebody send Nigerian troops to Syria, backed by evil Saudi Arabia. For goodness sake, that is a pure invasion of Syria. And Nigerians must wise up. Saudi is only interested in Syrian resources. Nigeria is not a Muslim nation. And what will he have his kids abroad to study. How does he get fx to sponsor them. Our people wise up ooh. Before we are all islamized. Mr president, ur govt is a fraud and you are now a puppet to Saudi Arabia.
Hmmmmm. People should not live in the US & be writing trash.Herdsmen-farmers clash is as old as 30 years,kidnapping didn't start now.Honestly, I thought this chick was intelligent?
Regina shut up! Don't sit over there in the U.S. and talk shittt, please you know nothing about Naija', you don't leave here so pls don't judge anything by social media. You ran away to while your colleagues stayed home and grinded,the fuck you know about "change' leave Buhari be pls,,/// THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!
Tell him sister! Southerners have to learn to be strategic, is it just me or does it seem like there is a strategic plan to conquer all the peoples of Nigeria? What are Yorubas doing while they are being killed in their own land?
Hmmmmmmmm. Pastor Adeboye said things will get tougher to get better in Nigeria in this year. Guess these are the tough times, better things are coming this same year. I believe in God through the prophecy he made through is Servant(Pastor Adeboye). Let's continue to pray. Buhari is not the Messiah!
What the fuck is this bitch talking about. ? I mean I have questioned my vote for Buhari several times but the issues raised here show that u are pretty much clueless as to what is going on Mrs Askia Williams.
Resgina or whatever you called yourself should be ashamed or yourself. Firstly, you never encouraged people to vote for PMB, stop telling lies. Agreed, PMB is the President for all and he NEVER asked for the route where cattle will be following. We are all aware that a commission of enquiry has been setup to find the root cause. Whom have you ever assisted among your family? Better keep quite before Amadioha decend on you. Pot is calling kettle black.
mummy thank you one painter of wheat is #850 now but when Jonathan was at seat it is #450 one bag of rice is #15000 now but when Jonathan was at seat it is #7500 we don't want change any more.
Do you think people abroad are not interested in what is happening at home? We even know what's happening in nigeria more than some of please dnt say what you have no idea of.
The Fulani herdsmen are the latest version of bokoharam. What is mr president saying about this new outbreak in this country? Has he been informed about the recent killings in Benue an act carried out by bokoharam in Fulani's clothing?
The Fulani herdsmen are the latest version of bokoharam. What is mr president saying about this new outbreak in this country? Has he been informed about the recent killings in Benue an act carried out by bokoharam in Fulani's clothing?
Regina should mind her imported husband and her rn business over there .did she vote .ask if she has voters card .she ran away after otokoto husband .keep quite Regina.
If u no this woman u wount talk nonsense about her not noing anything about niger,what are u?5.u soo far away she nos thins u will Neva no about this country come years,soo watch ur words,linda some nasty comments about legends are not to be published pls.goshhhh
We all should understand that the worse is close,is all coming,noting is gonna stop it from happening,and noting is gonna stop it from coming untill#nnamdiisfreed
You are a typical black!! Jealous that she is in the U.S.
Be a bit objective judge her message objectively. Is she wrong? Am not Nigerian but most things she wrote are happening. If you would be given the chance to live aboard would YoU say NO?
a pilot was told to tranfer mad people from naija to u.s.a . he agreed and carried dem in his plane . every place was so noisy . leta one of de mad person approached de pilot and say pls can u teach me hw to drive the aeroplane . de pilot replied , i will teach u hw to drive if u will tell ur friend to stop making noise (knowing that he can't do it). de mad man went in . after some minutes ,everywhere was silent as if an angel entered de plane .after some minute de mad man came back and tell the pilot that everywhere is cool now . the pilot became happy and asked what did u do to dem that make dem to keep calm. de mad man replied , i opened the door for them to go and play outside. the pilot fainted
Thank u my sister, Askia, and I know some buhari goons will still come here and insult u but don't mind them, we will keep on asking the question, where is the change?
For the first time Regina, you made lots of sense.. But this idiots APC supporters will never agree. I totally agree with you. The supposedly change was nothing but a #Scam to get that old ailing uneducated Hausa man into power. Now he's so confused of what to do with it..😂😂😂
Please, help me ask madam Regina when she asked people to embrace Buhari!!! She was one of the strongest critic of Buhari and constantly reminded people how hausa's slaughtered the Igbos and Yoruba's were their accomplice.
Madam, change is not a one man agenda, with your nursing degree and your comfortable live in America, how can you come back home and contribute your quota to Nigeria?
You benefitted from the last administration that I know, I remember when you came back home and visited your state government.
Unless you show me one thing you have done for the good of Nigeria or Nigerias, Biko shut your mouth and stay glued to your American husband.
This lady might be enjoying life abroad but let's face fact, she has a family, she has her roots which would always lead her back to Nigeria... so if u Nigerians can't see beyond her location and see the reason in her open letter to the president, then i'm truly sorry 4 u. A-B
Ur statement speaks volumes of ur stupidity... A mere nurse u say... so u'll rather c her acting movies... please, this woman has gone ahead to use her brains instead of beauty. I suggest u give her a thumbs up wen ur brain re-boots cos she chose to help humanity rather than act. A-B
To mr. Kayode odusanya. Yes many of us live in the diaspora like Mrs R. Williams but we know if not more what you people who are living in Nigeria know. You can defend Buhari all you want but we see the great calamity happening in the country. The only pass mark of the Buhari administration is the tackling of the boko haram menace but left for that, he has failed miserably. All his election promises have not been kept. The greatest insult was when he refused to give the 5,000N stipends to poor nigeria youth. The army in conniving with terrorist groups like the fulani herdsmen that goes about destroying life and property all over the country with no response from Aso Rock shows the connection. There is a systematic genocide of the Christian race in Nigeria by the boko haram and hausa/fulani herdsmen and the federal government just turn a deaf ear about the plight of those who are at the receiving end. The battle is now spreading to lagos as it is believed boko haram is now there. Anytime these terrorist organizations start to commit their genocidal mission, the first people to defend themselves is the so called nigeria army. Millions of Nigerians have been displaced from their homes and livelihood by these raiding marauders. When will ENOUGH BE ENOUGH. People are fed up with this thing called nigeria and it is my utmost believe that every tribe in Nigeria should go to their tents.
Hmm,he is doing his best. Let's not sit down on our high horses and point fingers or criticise. Cos a lot of us will do much more worse things if we were President of Nigeria.
Bring Nuhu Ribadu back to head EFCC because of this "bucket full of gari finishing, raised to steal" people and their disguising progress rubbishing cronies.
That's trash talk from u, so u trying to tell me that obama I answerable to gang wars and serial killers in America? So wat happened to death rate in Mary land? What do u know beyond us who reside here? If u have information as u claim, u will know that bokoharam is getting their wipe by buhari and he is hitting them heavy, that corruption is being tackled and u are there blabbing trash on the man who have sanities public institution and give orderliness to the institutions, don't u know the current crude rate? Do u think jonathan can do the maths of handling Nigeria in these situation of our economical challenges? Give cudors to buhari and stop the baseless hate, he is doing good, just like he should swallow it like peels and look deep hater man
She sings the hate song all the time that's all she knows how to do best, nwanyi no na uno we Marra if afia zuru, don't mind those economical refugees my brother, she should come down home to split her nonsense venom
Regina the last movie i watched you were on is Full 🌕 Moon. Ma still since then nothing... What has bn your impact since you become nurse? Prolly you should try Bn a Doctor. I like you ma, but with this I'm so so disappointed. Continue the Prayer for the President and the Nation.
And remember you all against the Administration, you can always contest for presidency, when you know you got all it takes to be, and note you must WIN, if you don't win then you need the next Creation of Heaven and Earth to build your Loyalists. Instead for now pray for the nation and the President. We Are The Change not Them.
Regina Askia should come back home and feel the pulse of the Nation, it is not enough to be in America and do a write up like an arm chair journalist on issues based on mere speculation. Nigeria is working no matter how she views it. You can't fix a system that has been down with whole lots of rots for several years in a couple of months.If the country was ok why did she choose to relocate to USA? i guess she should know better.
@Kayode u have said it all, let her be in USA and speak nonsense, from her letter it is clear she doesn't even knw her way home and she lacks ideas of wat happening in nigeria! 2mor she will tel u she wants to contest at house of reps, when she is not wel informed
Nigerians pls be patient and stop exposing your nation's flaws for the world to see. This is not magic. If she can fix the problem then she should go into politics. Ah!
Lol, una never chee chumtin. * it's well*.
Things are just going out of hand day by day in this country.....Thank God people's eye are now open. Apc are just full of scam I insist buhari shouldn't av join hand with APC .......Still pray God bless n strengthen our president who surround himself with the righteous thieves .
Nice 1 for Mr president
She wants peeps to tell her as he dey do her abi?
You dey wright to mr president but my sister who you help or transform their lives?
We no hear any program you organize to change peeps life .
Abeg I no get power for talk
She wants peeps to tell her as he dey do her abi?
You dey wright to mr president but my sister who you help or transform their lives?
We no hear any program you organize to change peeps life .
Abeg I no get power for talk
As your horse-band or family first.
Dy wil ansa u
Enugu's second shoe designer
Good one from a good citizen, God bless u
Change ni balance ko
Exactly, abeg ask him o, where is d change ni? Linda observe!
Now, one thing I hate is Nigerians in diaspora complaining about what they don't know about. This woman is enjoying life in America, and is spewing thrash on social media about what she is expecting from the president she hasn't been resident in for the last 10 years. Is Buhari the cause of the fighting in some parts of Lagos in the last couple of days? And she said she thought Buhari will crush Boko Haram. Hasn't he done that? That is obvious from the last couple of weeks. But ofcos, she is in America, and just living off second hand information of what is going on in Nigeria.
Do You Have Problems Lasting Long in Bed?
Someone please help me Ask Buhari this change is affect so many Nigerian 😢. God help us
A tree doesn't make a forest this man buhari with a goood vision for this country has sounded himself with failed n corrupt politicians ....most of the time I wonder if there's any hope for this country,where's the place of youth in this country or is it that we d youth doesn't exist in this counrty... Our corrupt n greedy leaders 're only concern about themselves they ain't ready to sacrifice anything for this nation...whoever among the leaders hindering the success of this country will have no peace in he/her home. ..
God is d change Nigeria needs
...merited happiness
God is d change Nigeria needs
...merited happiness
Help me ask him. He condemned Objs traveling now he is in office he is doing the same. He promised to root out boko haram in less than year, it's almost 1 year. When will you all learn that all this old politicians will say & do any thing to get into office. Nigeria needs a young intellect with the fear of God to rule nigeria. All this old men & some women no b am.
Come to nigeria to help out in the change regime. Have u forgotten hw u left niggar? What impact did u mKe here in d movie industry but saga all way. U hv some many issue to sort out, dont ever interfer wit politics and governance.
Hmmmm no comment from me but let me sit back and wait for comments
My dear help me ask to foolish old man.
Senseless bitch, the President is taming corruption on full force, boko haram have loss all his commanding territory's. Si it now the case of south against the north. Losers the shock of GEJ election is still in your hangover
"They say you did not send a condolence message to comfort the families but rather you are requesting for cattle routes for the herdsmen"
Welcome to the Wailers club. We saw this coming but y'all didn't believe us. 3 more torturous years!
Ms Regina, trust me on this one, he doesn't care about anything you have written down there......@@@@BiaBia 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
The man is doing his best under the circumstances. I think he should be given more time. It's too early to conclude.
STFU....did u vote 4 him?
Buhari is doing all things possible to fix the mess ur stupid ogogoro drinking president GEJ created and I bliv wit tym he would deliver ,Buhari is a pious man
Help us ask him ooo... Modern day slavery in Nigeria where children are kidnapped and sold to northern elders...what a shame!
Be patient madam, 16 yrs of nonsense is been rewritten.
Someone who has fallen from grace to a mere nurse, a failure who is ashamed to come home for, even, a brief holiday to criticise her president and country like that without offering some recommendations is suffering from bipolar disorder. Nonsense.
Weĺl said Regina Askia. Mr President where is the change u promised u
If Nigeria wants change the youths have to select a leader from among themselves and get more involved in politics. I don't think change will come from this old people. We the youths know exactly where the pinch is.
Abeg make she keep quite, no be US she dey dey enjoy? Make she she come come do nursing here is she wants to relevant!!!! Everybody just dey take naija situation shine, Abeg!!!! Mtchewwwwww
Tnk God smone z finally saying d truth...may d blessings of d lord showr on ur family for dis@rgina askia....dis country is upside down 4christsake..fuel z bn sold @140 per litr wit abeg o.naija dey 4beta pprsoup o
Thank you Regina, Mr President should pls reply .we are tired of this Nonsense
We should not expect a paradise in 9 months after a destructive 16 years of the last set of governments. There will still be negative effects of past misrules with us for many tears to come. We cant wish them away by a wave of hand.Two, we should be careful of hearsay 'they said you did not send condolences to the farmers....' when there are no evidence. The most important thing is that we have a president who is focused and determined to make positive change. As human, mistakes would be made and some expected outcome may not materialized due to unforeseen nature of life. But a consistent and repeated positive leadership over coming years will definitely have the desired impact and results.Thanks.
Ppl, please give this man a chance. He's not even a year old on the job and trust me he isn't going to listen to you either. Yes o.
😑😑he is fighting a war with Boko haram & he is winning. Dis kidnapping girls issue came to light recently pls wait & see how he acts. On d fulani herdsmen issue, soldiers & mopol have being dispatched to d affected areas, what more do you want? We have over 180million people in dis country & less than 500k armed security forces. We have boko haram & biafra terorist, fulani herdsmen terrorists & niger delta millitants. The fall in price of crude oil isnt helping things. As you can see d man has alot in his plate & trying to solve all of them. Pls be a bit more patient , he is not a magician that can make such things eliminated instantly ☺
You fools who voted for change should bear the cross, I know Buhari had nothing to offer, I even preferred someone else from the same party, I don't mind someone else from apc even, Buhari had a history which was not a good one, our youths were very little then so they didn't know how this man ruled, he actually had nothing to offer except witch hunting, which was the first thing he started with stupidly
Regina, what are you talking about? There is no where in the world where pockets of problems don't arise. Do you mean to say no problems daily in America, UK and Europe or south Africa or North Africa. You mentioned Buhari as from the North and children from thhe south forced into marriage. So where Obama from? Where is Cameron from or Merkel? You see nobody says north or south east or west. We Nigerians have problems, first you see Buhari as a Northern, not as a Nigerian! Stop it, President Buhari is doing one of the best Presidential duties ever in Nigeria. Yes there are pockets of problems here and there. Remember the level of insecurities in nigeria before and level of illiteracy. Be factual. Our problems in nigeria is Illiteracy and curruption. Take this two out and you will be amazed. No cheating!
I still don't get it those who choose to have cows in abroad have ranches where they can feed their cartels, but in Nigeria you will take you heard of cows to another man's farm to feed on his produce and if he react you kill him and destroyed his village, why do all nigerian believe in blood money. Our family almost lost our lives when these people come to our farm the cattle destroyed the whole maize crops that took us months to cultivate, our saving grace was that we didn't go to farm that day, maybe I may not be alive typing this. To be honest am so disappointed in Nigeria as a country, we don't value human lives, we celebrate those who are stealing from us, we never protest against them but turn on the innocent and harmless people we either used them for ritual or kidnapped them for ransom. I used to wonder what will become of the country in few years time.
A huge part of the promised change is for Nigerians in the diaspora to come back home and contribute their quota, Regina Askia Williams, when do we expect you at the airport?
Straight to the point. I am also very dissapointed with the present government. But I won't say anything, I just supported Regina Askia
Askia. Why dont u come back from your high horse to nigeria to enforce some change, asslicker. People are talking, u too are talking joker
Good question
419 change
Buhari knows nothing my dear
What do u expect from an old man. What is ur problem. He will destroy the country soon
Sai bokoharam sorry I mean Sai baba dear tel am ooooo; U av spoken well buh hop say u no dey naija oooo? muslim ooooo; u knw wat meanz? Na die!
When he promised “change” ahead of March elections, Nigerians voted him.
Me excluded.....didn't vote
Dt is gud question. Really, were is d change he promise us?
Dt is gud question. Really, were is d change he promise us?
Pls ask him,Nigeria are all too sentimental, voted a weak and selfish man as their president. Only God can help us
Those that voted him in deserve it
Ask Him
Thank u mama,that's a good question where is d change Mr president promise us?baba go slow.
Madam Askia,I only agree with you on the child abduction and forcefully giving in marriage by the Muslim guys, but in the case of Boko Haram mr President has done justice to that we Nigerians appreciate mr President
What nonsense is she saying , please do not say what you do not understand. To destroy is easy but to rebuild? Is like hell, watch ur tongue.
Gbam!ask am o.
Sharap for dia joor
She couldn't have asked any better? It is well. We are watching. Pls provide jobs for Nigerians. The rate of hunger is alarming and everyone says Buhari is the cause.
Please shut up ok.Did you cast your vote...what do you know about affairs of Nigeria.The man will kill his self for you.I don't know why we Nigerians are always want it hurry.Is just 7 or 8 months this man entered power n you are judging him already.please take it easy abeg....nuel
My dear...I never voted so I'm definitely not ashamed. Our hope for 2019 is even shaky since he has put a daura man on the INEC seat.
He was handed over to with dollar 160
now it's 350 ovee
Buhari out
Does she even resides in Nigeria? Madam please shut the f**k up! If you truly want to have a say, come back to Nigeria if not zip it
Buhari idiot
Buhari is a terrorist
It's well
Hahaha good for u go and support him again
Buhari is a full no monkey
Abeg regina askia should shut up, when it took gej 6 years to sink us she never wrote open letters. Now someone is trying to work on the rot caused by her brother she cab become a social campaigner when shes not even in the country to observe first hand what is happening. Shes just a psycophant.
Buhari is a devil
Buhari knows nothing about development. Na only corruption him sabi.
Buhari should be impeached and let our Osibanjo rule. That is just our yoruba agenda
It is well.
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We "the wailers" are increasing in numbers ooo. Everybody eye don dey clear. This is the change dear. This is what u get when u vote a man that has only self integrity to offer.
Buhari Out Osibanjo in. Since hausa hav the guts to fight us in mile 12
Sai baba Sai bokoharam
Another word for buhari is failure
Another word for buhari is deciet
Well the truth is president Buhari have got no idea on how to rule... he was out for war but unfortunately the war was averted
To be honest I don't understand what's going on in Nigeria anymore, every one just sit down crying and complaining and our so called senators and house of reps sits down doing nothing, can't they impeach this man or are they waiting for we all to die before doing anything, well lets wait till 2019 to know what apc will tell us to vote for them again
Tell dem ooh,all we hear everyday is fighting corruption while pple are losing their lives like chickens even the fuel and electricity issues we are facing today in the country yet they keep saying we are in change which kind of change us dat ?
What's she saying. So them never contain BH shior. It's easy to say when u are over there watching CNN
Mrs please enjoy the CHANGE!
CHANGE is a Constant
Pipo with #madeinNigeria husbands hv nt spoken na this one dey talk. U like Nigeria well well na u marry foreigner? Abeg face ur America when u dey....d last time I checked, Americans have a bigger issue to contend with i.e. Donald Trump!
Ok Bye....
This ashewo needs to shut her trap in America!!
Let us hear word! You cannot live in the US and be asking about change in Nigeria.. If it's doing you like that - move back home!
God bless u for this open letter.
I will say it again.....Buhari is tribalistic. He just can't help himself.
Hmmm interesting, wen d lyks of stefinie Linus,Rita Dominic n CO drove u out of nollywood, u couldn't stay n fight 4 ur place as a diva,u ran or rada fled,now Mr President us trying 2 rearrange dis nation, u self dy write open letter,
Buhari has finished us in Nigeria its time to kick him out
Madam, these things were happening when your brother was at the helm of affairs and what the president is trying to do is to bring it down in a democratic setting. He cannot just unleash the military on people just like that. The one he did on his fellow brothers that blocked the road attracted blames from people like you. You all look for a way to attack Mr President without giving genuine suggestions on the way out. If he arrests corrupt people, you will say he is one sided. Now you want him to use force, and if he does you will be the first to accuse him of something. What do you people really want.
Siddon there dey write letter make u no face ur nurse work for there... dee
So buari should get a visa for the change and bring it to america to show you.if u so much desire d change u wouldnt pack ur bags and ran to the u.s.
Why are u seeking for change from america hyprocrite.come home and u will see d change.if u need a change now u go to obama office
Anybody that voted for buhari and now complaining about him is a bastard
I am utterly dismayed and razed with unequivocal strain of disapproval of your lopsided view about a government that is barely a year. While it is partly to note with concern some of the things you mentioned, I must within the ambience of patriotism put to you, that Bokoharam has been consciously degraded. This is happening within 9 months as against 6 years of the former administration. High-profile persons who ordinarily could have defiled arrest by the EFFC are being arraigned and a smirk of justice unleashed.
Similarly, concerted efforts are under way to making sure that the savagery done to Nigeria's economy over the years by past administrations are fixed head on. On the other hand, Nigeria's international image is regaining strength and status among the comity of nations as these events are taking a paradigm shift. The CLEAN-UP of the Ogoni land is looked into etc. The issues of kidnapping, abduction of young girls and compelling them into untimely marriages are really disturbing, however, it is not a "northern affair" as you unwittingly put. I think, therefore, that while it is important to air our views and feelings, it is much more important if we do that within the prism of constructive and objective criticism.
Regina Askia..Your Write up Shows urnot intelligent at all..Ur Biased..Please before u write such gain..Try and to consult
Regina pls ask him oh
My Sister, na so we see am o
OK well said, but I doubt if this will be on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow morning. If not,sorry madam only u go need waka come Ray Power on Tuesday com voice ur mind, make presido answer dat question...bcos I no sure if presido de come Linda Ikeji blog.
Dear Mrs Williams,in the country where you are a nurse;a country where things actually work.It took Obama 8 years to resuscitate America!In a country where all the institutions are strong!Even after his 8 year stint,there are still so many things left undone.So pls don't sit there,in "diaspora" and write letters that portray how poorly informed you are about where Nigeria was before Buhari,and where we are now.
Im surprised she can comment on affairs here whilst contributing to the growth of another!!!
Better to keep mouths shut than to ignorantly rant just to learn vocabulary!!!
Nnem if na calabar people them go talk say "e haruoooooooo" we are all tired of this called change ooooooh, waiting decades to see the positive change they promised, always have their reasons of justifying their actions, wish am not in these country cos this whole thing is becoming worse by the day, every young girl - child feared their lives cos of what may befall them, no peace, no security, no light, no money and lots of no no, it's only God that Wil save us cos that's where we draw our strength from. Well written my great actress, wish the person you addressed Wil read it
Stop complaining and blaming the president you elected. rather, pray for Nigeria for God's intervention
Stop complaining and blaming the president you elected. rather, pray for Nigeria for God's intervention
Nice message delivered with poor grammar. She could have employed the services of of proofreader. That said, miscreants from the North seem to be having a field day.
I regret too. I dont understand what's s going on. Nothing seems to to be working in Nigeria anymore .
Nice write up! Hope this piece gets to Bubu...
She should get a life and mind her business, where were all these hypocrites when GEJ and PDP were destroying this nation? Abeg, they should leave our President alone, we love him.
Buhari is a fraud!!! Yes, I am from the east, but I use to support him. But after watch his recent interview with aljazeere, I must say I regret ever supporting him. This guy has no plans. Why will somebody send Nigerian troops to Syria, backed by evil Saudi Arabia. For goodness sake, that is a pure invasion of Syria. And Nigerians must wise up. Saudi is only interested in Syrian resources. Nigeria is not a Muslim nation. And what will he have his kids abroad to study. How does he get fx to sponsor them. Our people wise up ooh. Before we are all islamized. Mr president, ur govt is a fraud and you are now a puppet to Saudi Arabia.
True talk
Some thoughts.
we are Pained too sister, buh let's gif this man a break, everything will b alrite, I can see a CHANGED Nigeria.
One chance bus, noway out.except god,
Well me I never voted him. Take it on beglamworld
Nne ifugo nu
He's a fulani man too, he's one of them
One thing I'm sure is that, God will continue to keep His children
... Peace...
Nne ifugo nu
He's a fulani man too, he's one of them
One thing I'm sure is that, God will continue to keep His children
... Peace...
Hmmmmm. People should not live in the US & be writing trash.Herdsmen-farmers clash is as old as 30 years,kidnapping didn't start now.Honestly, I thought this chick was intelligent?
ABeg ooo...thiS change no funny at. All
Every mallam with im own kettle. God help Nigeria. Linda take note!
Buhari in his mind will say wanah dambroba neh fah.lolzz
True talk
Reginaska you hv said it all
I ask same question everyday.
But my only joy is in the fact that I neither voted nor supported this tribalistic illiterate of a president.
Even my dad who once "carried his matter like a gala seller in traffic" is now speaking a different language.
By the time Buhari is through with Nigeria and Nigerians, y'll will understand how a leopard never looses it's spots.
<< LIB Addict >>
Regina shut up! Don't sit over there in the U.S. and talk shittt, please you know nothing about Naija', you don't leave here so pls don't judge anything by social media. You ran away to while your colleagues stayed home and grinded,the fuck you know about "change' leave Buhari be pls,,/// THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!
Pls my sister don't expect any good things from Mr President. They are all bird of the same feather .they always go there to enrich them self
Tell him sister! Southerners have to learn to be strategic, is it just me or does it seem like there is a strategic plan to conquer all the peoples of Nigeria? What are Yorubas doing while they are being killed in their own land?
hmmmm....another four years jus goin down the drain
Well said biko
Hmmmmmmmm. Pastor Adeboye said things will get tougher to get better in Nigeria in this year. Guess these are the tough times, better things are coming this same year. I believe in God through the prophecy he made through is Servant(Pastor Adeboye). Let's continue to pray. Buhari is not the Messiah!
indeed where is the change.
You are in America mouthing off. Everybody wan talk, shebi God gave all animals mouth ni
What the fuck is this bitch talking about. ? I mean I have questioned my vote for Buhari several times but the issues raised here show that u are pretty much clueless as to what is going on Mrs Askia Williams.
God bless her for d many questions in d letter. Am so gettin weary abt d situation of dis country.
Resgina or whatever you called yourself should be ashamed or yourself. Firstly, you never encouraged people to vote for PMB, stop telling lies. Agreed, PMB is the President for all and he NEVER asked for the route where cattle will be following. We are all aware that a commission of enquiry has been setup to find the root cause. Whom have you ever assisted among your family? Better keep quite before Amadioha decend on you. Pot is calling kettle black.
mummy thank you one painter of wheat is #850 now but when Jonathan was at seat it is #450 one bag of rice is #15000 now but when Jonathan was at seat it is #7500 we don't want change any more.
Christians shld better wake up.... tribulation is at hand.
Do you think people abroad are not interested in what is happening at home? We even know what's happening in nigeria more than some of please dnt say what you have no idea of.
Linda, please publish my comments and stop being selective.
The Fulani herdsmen are the latest version of bokoharam. What is mr president saying about this new outbreak in this country? Has he been informed about the recent killings in Benue an act carried out by bokoharam in Fulani's clothing?
The Fulani herdsmen are the latest version of bokoharam. What is mr president saying about this new outbreak in this country? Has he been informed about the recent killings in Benue an act carried out by bokoharam in Fulani's clothing?
This article/Writeup is so *Fickle*
Regina should mind her imported husband and her rn business over there .did she vote .ask if she has voters card .she ran away after otokoto husband .keep quite
If u no this woman u wount talk nonsense about her not noing anything about niger,what are u?5.u soo far away she nos thins u will Neva no about this country come years,soo watch ur words,linda some nasty comments about legends are not to be published pls.goshhhh
We all should understand that the worse is close,is all coming,noting is gonna stop it from happening,and noting is gonna stop it from coming untill#nnamdiisfreed
You are a typical black!! Jealous that she is in the U.S.
Be a bit objective judge her message objectively. Is she wrong? Am not Nigerian but most things she wrote are happening. If you would be given the chance to live aboard would YoU say NO?
a pilot was told to tranfer mad people from naija to u.s.a . he agreed and carried dem in his plane . every place was so noisy . leta one of de mad person approached de pilot and say pls can u teach me hw to drive the aeroplane . de pilot replied , i will teach u hw to drive if u will tell ur friend to stop making noise (knowing that he can't do it). de mad man went in . after some minutes ,everywhere was silent as if an angel entered de plane .after some minute de mad man came back and tell the pilot that everywhere is cool now . the pilot became happy and asked what did u do to dem that make dem to keep calm. de mad man replied , i opened the door for them to go and play outside. the pilot fainted
Nigeria was 1 dollar to 160 naira before buhari so where is it now ? Is it that you worship buhari that u can't see what is going wrong ?
But she said the truth why do you shy away from it
So its now buhari's turn to destroy the nation abi?
Which kind prayer abeg buhari out
Abeg we don't love him. Buhari must go. She voted for him so she still has the right to say buhari out
Where I she change please be factual
So bcos it's been there for 30 years then we should remain with it. You are very intelligent
You are very funny.suffer man. U can see ur change
Buhari out
Well said. She's actually oblivion of what's going on. Cos rome wasn't built in a day.
Thank u my sister, Askia, and I know some buhari goons will still come here and insult u but don't mind them, we will keep on asking the question, where is the change?
Brilliantly said. People expect Buhari to wave a magic wand and Nigeria will just become perfect. After all d years of corruption and mismanagement.
Nne m, ask him ooo
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
If u don't know wat to say about d present Nigerian, u keep quiet. U must not comment. And don't send rubbish 2 times again.
Can't u use ur head for once?
I totally agree with you dear.
Thank you for this post, God bless you.
@kayode you get sense jare
@Linda,I think there should be a 'like' button on ur blog.
@Linda,I think there should be a 'like' button on ur blog.
Why the hatred
For the first time Regina, you made lots of sense.. But this idiots APC supporters will never agree. I totally agree with you. The supposedly change was nothing but a #Scam to get that old ailing uneducated Hausa man into power. Now he's so confused of what to do with it..😂😂😂
Please, help me ask madam Regina when she asked people to embrace Buhari!!!
She was one of the strongest critic of Buhari and constantly reminded people how hausa's slaughtered the Igbos and Yoruba's were their accomplice.
Madam, change is not a one man agenda, with your nursing degree and your comfortable live in America, how can you come back home and contribute your quota to Nigeria?
You benefitted from the last administration that I know, I remember when you came back home and visited your state government.
Unless you show me one thing you have done for the good of Nigeria or Nigerias, Biko shut your mouth and stay glued to your American husband.
Look in the mirror and make that change.
This lady might be enjoying life abroad but let's face fact, she has a family, she has her roots which would always lead her back to Nigeria... so if u Nigerians can't see beyond her location and see the reason in her open letter to the president, then i'm truly sorry 4 u. A-B
Ur statement speaks volumes of ur stupidity... A mere nurse u say... so u'll rather c her acting movies... please, this woman has gone ahead to use her brains instead of beauty. I suggest u give her a thumbs up wen ur brain re-boots cos she chose to help humanity rather than act. A-B
To mr. Kayode odusanya. Yes many of us live in the diaspora like Mrs R. Williams but we know if not more what you people who are living in Nigeria know. You can defend Buhari all you want but we see the great calamity happening in the country. The only pass mark of the Buhari administration is the tackling of the boko haram menace but left for that, he has failed miserably. All his election promises have not been kept. The greatest insult was when he refused to give the 5,000N stipends to poor nigeria youth. The army in conniving with terrorist groups like the fulani herdsmen that goes about destroying life and property all over the country with no response from Aso Rock shows the connection. There is a systematic genocide of the Christian race in Nigeria by the boko haram and hausa/fulani herdsmen and the federal government just turn a deaf ear about the plight of those who are at the receiving end. The battle is now spreading to lagos as it is believed boko haram is now there. Anytime these terrorist organizations start to commit their genocidal mission, the first people to defend themselves is the so called nigeria army. Millions of Nigerians have been displaced from their homes and livelihood by these raiding marauders. When will ENOUGH BE ENOUGH. People are fed up with this thing called nigeria and it is my utmost believe that every tribe in Nigeria should go to their tents.
Yeah right! You probably know what is happening in my house than I do? Mtcheeeew!
Na story u dey find o regina.come home and knw if dr has bin change or not.
Hmm,he is doing his best. Let's not sit down on our high horses and point fingers or criticise. Cos a lot of us will do much more worse things if we were President of Nigeria.
Dey there dey find who go help u transform ur life.... Ode
Bring Nuhu Ribadu back to head EFCC because of this "bucket full of gari finishing, raised to steal" people and their disguising progress rubbishing cronies.
He heee God help us!
Buhari is confused, believe me,
Buhari change dey for him pocket.
That's trash talk from u, so u trying to tell me that obama I answerable to gang wars and serial killers in America? So wat happened to death rate in Mary land? What do u know beyond us who reside here? If u have information as u claim, u will know that bokoharam is getting their wipe by buhari and he is hitting them heavy, that corruption is being tackled and u are there blabbing trash on the man who have sanities public institution and give orderliness to the institutions, don't u know the current crude rate? Do u think jonathan can do the maths of handling Nigeria in these situation of our economical challenges? Give cudors to buhari and stop the baseless hate, he is doing good, just like he should swallow it like peels and look deep hater man
She sings the hate song all the time that's all she knows how to do best, nwanyi no na uno we Marra if afia zuru, don't mind those economical refugees my brother, she should come down home to split her nonsense venom
He never needed ur vote and he won't need it next too
Nnenne George. Did she mention APC or PDP? Lack of understanding is not good for peeps like you. Pray for your nation. That's the Best.
Regina the last movie i watched you were on is Full 🌕 Moon. Ma still since then nothing... What has bn your impact since you become nurse? Prolly you should try Bn a Doctor. I like you ma, but with this I'm so so disappointed. Continue the Prayer for the President and the Nation.
And remember you all against the Administration, you can always contest for presidency, when you know you got all it takes to be, and note you must WIN, if you don't win then you need the next Creation of Heaven and Earth to build your Loyalists. Instead for now pray for the nation and the President. We Are The Change not Them.
Regina Askia should come back home and feel the pulse of the Nation, it is not enough to be in America and do a write up like an arm chair journalist on issues based on mere speculation. Nigeria is working no matter how she views it. You can't fix a system that has been down with whole lots of rots for several years in a couple of months.If the country was ok why did she choose to relocate to USA? i guess she should know better.
@Kayode u have said it all, let her be in USA and speak nonsense, from her letter it is clear she doesn't even knw her way home and she lacks ideas of wat happening in nigeria! 2mor she will tel u she wants to contest at house of reps, when she is not wel informed
God bless you for this polite response.
Nigerians pls be patient and stop exposing your nation's flaws for the world to see. This is not magic. If she can fix the problem then she should go into politics. Ah!
Lol!this anonymous is right about ur volumes of stupidity. Lol,the comments on this blog is too funny
Thank you!please tell the truth
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