Rihanna goes to a restaurant in Rio, Brazil dressed like this...lol | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 28 September 2015

Rihanna goes to a restaurant in Rio, Brazil dressed like this...lol

Only Rihanna can do this....lol


Unknown said...

Hot girl

Unknown said...

But so much nakedness

Quiny said...

Lolz bad gal riri...

Unknown said...

Good for her

DeeD25 said...

She looks stupid!

Linda where's lib giveaway?

Juliet Iwobi said...

This is pure nakedness. Not only when u aren't wearing anything that u are naked

Unknown said...

OMG!!! Conji ree....

Anonymous said...

Riri baby,after u na u

Unknown said...


Blog It With Olivia said...


#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

Unknown said...

She's looking like a big fish,entrapped in a fishing net.

Blog It With Olivia said...


#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

AC£S said...


Juliet Iwobi said...

This is pure nakedness. Not only when u aren't wearing anything that u are naked

Unknown said...

never like her for once with all the rubish cloth she use to put on

Anonymous said...

Riri baby,after u na u

Unknown said...

Ajor nwa si owerri ba nne ya na afor. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Ajor nwa si owerri ba nne ya na afor. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Ajor nwa si owerri ba nne ya na afor. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Smh for her

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmmm 4 her mind now she's wearing clothe,is jst d same as goin naked...rihanna rihanna

Unknown said...

Rihanna... bad girl has gpne baddest


Unknown said...

Her biz

Your No. 1 DATA Vendor Call/WhatsApp 09028450336 (Get Your Cheap & Affordable DATA on All Networks) said...

Badgirl Riri. Lol

Unknown said...

Hmmm goddess in the world.love it sha....she make a mistake by wearing pant.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Hmmm goddess in the world.love it sha....she make a mistake by wearing pant.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Hmmm goddess in the world.love it sha....she make a mistake by wearing pant.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Hmmm goddess in the world.love it sha....she make a mistake by wearing pant.

#sad indeed


***adult content***

She's now a fisher woman

Unknown said...

She needs Jesus in her life, Rihanna please before it is too late

Anonymous said...

This one na correct Ashawo!!!!!!!!!

Adedox said...

She is confused n Traumatized, After subsequent Breakin of her heart by Guyz, She should be makin herself Happy..

Unknown said...

Lolz only her can do this....

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Nawa oh... e gud oh... Linda when yu go wear yur own.lolx. Na joke oh....

Unknown said...

Yes o! Riri temi ni Kan lol! I lur her too much!

Unknown said...

Lol... And she pulled it off! Bad biatch

Roseberry said...

Real definition of crazy

Unknown said...

I dey wait till wen Nigerian gals go copy her...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Linda ikeji please your e-mail add or Does any one else have it

ary said...

Eve wasted a perfectly good apple!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's Brazil, at least she covered up. Very soon Nigerian celebs will follow suit, then we will be able to judge who "rocked it better.." lol #Kukugonaked.

Anonymous said...

But it's rio baby!!! Nudity is nothing. Copacabana!!!

Anonymous said...



Riri all d way

Unknown said...

Shebi na swim she won go swim abi she go chop?! #lusifa😈 #ashawokobokobo

Jasmine Joseph said...

Rhihanna the badt girl

Anonymous said...

This is madness.Animals in human form.

Ijanyimitch said...

Na wa oo!! This gal sef smh

Anonymous said...

All ashawos for world dey wear am daily.
Rihanna wear am one time, e don become big deal.

kemikane said...

Ok that's a net. She's promoting her brand.

Unknown said...

Looking muaah.

Unknown said...

Yea only and maheeda

Anonymous said...

Dis lady is crazy
Ashawo beta pass her even

Anonymous said...

Not wearing bra n pant for better pass jhor... dee

Anonymous said...

Dis lady is crazy
Ashawo beta pass her even

Unknown said...


Dis is so wrong and...
Am so short of words bcos dis is d least expected of her and all dis boils down to self value and home training.

I pray d Lord touch her life so dat there wil b difference in her life. I wish her all d best.

Unknown said...

Exactly! The bae is just too much.

Unknown said...

Yea, only riri can do it

Anonymous said...


Peejay said...

I think a global nudity fee should be introduced. Imagine having a meal with your young kids, perhaps a teenage son, and then this woman walks in?!! If she had to pay a nudity fee at her destination though...

Unknown said...

This woman is too much mehnn, haters ll continue to hate buh it doesn't change a tin

Unknown said...

Ok seen

Lib freak

Bonita Bislam said...

Haha kaiiiiiiiiiiiii madness wears the face of Riri

Anonymous said...

Riri!!I Love This!!n Linda u're so right#only Riri can do this

Unknown said...


ogeee said...

Bad girl anytime anyday

liz swt 16 said...

Yes oo only my Riri baby can do ds. Oya naija celebs ur nx red carpet outfit is ready.

Anonymous said...


Dare said...

Slutty ibereoladare@yahoo.com.com

Unknown said...

lovely dress for a lovely lady

Unknown said...

Just a word...Awesome!


We love rihanna..........she keeps our eyes busy

Unknown said...

That's Rihanna for you.

Anonymous said...

Hope they will rape the hell out of her over there....nonsense.

teamchryz said...

is not a she a role modal?

Unknown said...

Linda you can also do it.

Rossyurch said...

Good girl gone bad!!!!!

Remyne05 said...

A no no for me.

Rossyurch said...

Good girl gone bad!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Really pretty...however it can only be done abroad

Unknown said...

Not too gud for a lady

Goziem Oh LORD said...

Nah her way

Rossyurch said...

Good girl gone bad....!!!!!

Unknown said...

Crazy gal.

Busy Fingers.

Anonymous said...

Total madness

Unknown said...

Celebrity olosho!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Haba babe u 4 comot d cloth na!

KWEEN said...

As if she'll die if she dresses properly. Msheeeew.

Hottest gists, gossip,news, fashion and healthy lifestyle said...

RiRi the bad girl

Unknown said...

Am not surprise she is possessed. TIMILEYIN BLESSING

M said...

Loooool.. No one else, but Ri baby!!! Hoping to see her on Yeezy Nude Bodysuits soon..

SMURF said...

Still tacky!!

Ella said...

Na wa

shescute said...

She should have simply gone without anything na! There is no difference with been Naked

Mz Lolo... said...

And miley cyrus

Unknown said...

I sincerely wonder what goes on on her mind of she truly has one

Unknown said...

Yes it's only her ooh no one as crazy as my riri

Unknown said...

I sincerely wonder what goes on on her mind of she truly has one

Unknown said...

I sincerely wonder what goes on on her mind of she truly has one

Temi said...

U no fit try dis 1 for naija oooo

Unknown said...

People are even snapping her

Unknown said...

Oh God,Riri won't stop making guys go crazy

MALACHY said...

She would have wear bra and pant only. End time

Anonymous said...

All becos of Fashion@ chiemelucollins@gmail.com

Ade said...

You're right...badgal riri...she care less

cindeesblog said...

I hope shes ok...

Unknown said...

Indecency of the highest order. femchel@gmail.com

Unknown said...

See as she hot abeg.... I need some of those juice though no doubt....

Unknown said...

Baby la hot

Unknown said...

Love it #commonitsrio #brazil #loveuriri

concerned said...

were buruku!! abi wat wld u call someone dat goes about naked!!

Anonymous said...

She looks gorgeous, one man's meat is another man's poison, she is already @ point of no return.

Rossyurch said...

Good girl gone bad....

aproko manager said...

Only riri d badest

Unknown said...

what is this one na all this American singers self this is nakedness na na swim she wan go swim God help us oh

ZIONGUYY said...

Nudity is now common..God save your people

Unknown said...

Chukwu di ooooooo

Unknown said...

Mtewwww nonsense!!!

Unknown said...

Only riri badgirl she will soon ban her like her BF

wiffy said...

Demon has taken over

Cheesom said...

Akwuna ndi Ocha!

joyous babe said...

Of course is only her can dress like dis,bad girlriri,may GOD save her soul

Anonymous said...

Ri Riiiiiiiiii but Why? why Ri Ri

Anonymous said...

The level at which Rihanna don't give a f**k these days is alarming

Anonymous said...

Ri Riiiiiiiiii but Why? Why Ri

Anonymous said...

She looks gorgeous, emejulu-uwa ( point of no return)

seyi crown said...

Riri no well again


Anonymous said...

She looks gorgeous, Emejulu-uwa (point of no return)

Mayberry said...

Nudity indeed

Mayberry said...

Nudity indeed

Unknown said...

Good girl gone bad...

Mayberry said...

God save her soul

Unknown said...

my goodness fr her mind nw na fashion olaniyidavid71@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Nudity sells like hot cake in Hollywood

Anonymous said...

Nudity sells like hot cake in Hollywood

Unknown said...

Brazil..home of d craziest nudist!

Unknown said...

sometimes i wonder if this girl is doing alright mentally

Anonymous said...

Go girl.

Anonymous said...

Go girl.

Lenient 55 said...


Lenient 55 said...

Noncence girl

Unknown said...

Dis is d height of ungodliness and I pray God change her inside out so dat she wil b BORN AGAIN.

Unknown said...

Dis is d height of ungodliness and I pray God change her inside out so dat she wil b BORN AGAIN.

Amycool cyril said...

hmmmm! na wha.......oooooo

Unknown said...

It got me laughing as well. Sister linda, biko does rihanna sniff a different kinda cocain? I tink she mixes it with camfor. She should get help before tins get outta hand o.... is until riri start picking comcom before d world will know she's gone nuts? Hian! Chukwu ekwena

Unknown said...

It got me laughing as well. Sister linda, biko does rihanna sniff a different kinda cocain? I tink she mixes it with camfor. She should get help before tins get outta hand o.... is until riri start picking comcom before d world will know she's gone nuts? Hian! Chukwu ekwena

Unknown said...

Idiot ride on

Anonymous said...

Return to nature and be free.
Who get that hello hand? Abi him no see that korofo muscle wey dey follow am?
Abi he wan fight?
Baby Riri, I prefer you to those burqah and hijab wearing suicide bombing slaves from the harem.

Anonymous said...

Why? Can't you see that someone has to counterbalance those Islamic masquerades?

Anonymous said...

@Royal Priesthood- you are a hypocrite and child molester. Were you born with a dress on your skin? She is leading us somewhere. That dress is affordable for everywoman. Stop having adulterous ideas.

Anonymous said...

Nope. She is perfectly ok

Anonymous said...

What's going on in your own mind, dude? Have you ever tried to mind your own business? This is her life and it's a free world.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

It's a free world, but not for evil dear, but to do What is right and pleasant to God and to man

MyCollege Nigeria said...

na wa oooooo....................all in the name of fashion

Unknown said...

Lol,Riri looking like Oluku

Unknown said...

Sure true! Ur very correct miracle

Anonymous said...

Lol...so true

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Dem go dress like dis come dey look shy wtf

Olaide Davies. said...

This is not right at all.

Unknown said...

I knew this would happen one day, when human beings will walk around public places nakedly. what the worst of the animals kingdom can not do.This is not fashion or civilization or free-worldlism.It is simply Devil Net dragging it preys to HELL! MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON ERRING SOULS

Unknown said...


Mhiz Ada said...

she's still flawless to me..period

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