Muslim man, Asadullah Khan, strangled his own 19-year-old daughter to
death with his bare hands after learning from police she had been caught
shoplifting condoms to have sex with her forbidden boyfriend. He and his wife Shazia then dressed the dead girl named Lareeb (left), a dental technician, in her clothes, wheeled her in a wheelchair from their high-rise apartment to the
family car, drove to a secluded embankment in their home city of
Darmstadt in Germany, and tipped the corpse down it.
51, with tears streaming down his face, admitted the killing because in
his eyes she had brought 'dishonour' on the family with her love for a
boy he didn't approve of. He and his wife were wed in an arranged
marriage and he wanted the same for her.
Khan and his
wife, originally from Pakistan, are on trial for murder at the State
Court in Darmstadt. Shazia, 41, described how she was a downtrodden
woman, totally in the thrall of her husband, and unable to save her
The court heard how the parents sent Lareeb's sister Nida, 14, to a relative on the evening of the murder in January this year.
Nida gave evidence against both her parents, saying her mother was as strict as their father, often striking both of them.
The mother held out her arms to Nida when she appeared in court on Friday but Nida refused to acknowledge her.
Nida said: 'My Mama was not suppressed, she could do what she wanted. She used to hit me with a stick.
'We were never allowed to talk about her boyfriend. My father used to say my sister should be forcibly married in Pakistan.'
The court heard Nida is now in therapy and has nothing more to do with her parents.
said that on the night of the murder Lareeb had quarelled again with
her father and hit him. He later crept into her room as she slept, knelt
astride her and strangled her.
couldn't stop him,' the mother said in a statement read by her lawyer.
'I have rheumatism and didn't have the strength to fight him off. I
wanted to scream, but I couldn't.
stayed away from the home for several nights in a row and stopped
wearing the headscarf. One day we received a letter from the police
saying she had been caught trying to steal condoms.
'At this point it became clear that there was sexual contact. When I showed the letter to my husband he snapped.'
Killer Asadullah, who speaks no German, said he 'loved' his daughter.
The trial continues.
Culled from UK Daily Mail
Why now... Smh .. Your own daughter
Na wa o! Which kain honor be that wan na?
Na wa o! Which kain honor be that wan na?
Why are they hiding their mumu face?
These are the ppl giving Islam a bad name
Face of evil! Why cover their face
Taa lekwa ha. Muslim Ndi ala nwuru awu.
Heartless parents.
Hope they rot in jail.
Is the idiot covering his face.. .. Animal
Murder for Honour? Honour indeed.
Muslim stupid religion
all sort of abnormalities these days>>> maybe a religion fanatics any way
I am so baffled at the way these people reason, na wa o! Linda take note!
I am so baffled at the way these people reason, na wa o! Linda take note!
I am so baffled at the way these people reason, na wa o! Linda take note!
Now did is quite appalling! Honor killing indeed! D man deserves a honor killing too as d Nigerian law says. OMG!
Ehennnnm. Can you imagine! Your own daughter for that matter!! What a disgrace!!!
Ehennnn. Can you imagine! Your own daughter for that matter!! What a disgrace!!!
I hear d motive for murder and i shake my head... Pathetic pple everywhere
Hmmmmm. Speechless. May her soul RIP
"if your brother entices you to commit idolatry, thou shall not consent nor hearken unto him, your eye should not pity him, your hand must be on him first to put him to death and afterwards the hand of all the people"
NO, it's from the bible not the quran; DEUTERONOMY 13:8-9.
Religion fundamentally is the same, which is why Christ came to replace Mosaic law, the law of remission by the shedding of blood. "FOR THE LETTER KILLETH BUT THE SPIRIT GIVES LIFE"
Bet condom been no expensive ni
Useless man.muslims is one of the worster thing that ever happen to the mankind.
#sad indeed
Why does it have to be published as "Muslim" in quote. Why can't it be just "Father kills". Not only Muslims commit crimes u know! I didn't expect this from u Linda! I tot u were not a biased blogger.
Murder your own daugher like chicken..nawaoh. stealing condoms,,, meeeen dat girl wicked sha. Rip.
Useless man.muslims is one of the worster thing that ever happen to the mankind.
#sad indeed
Useless man.muslims is one of the worster thing that ever happen to the mankind.
#sad indeed
Wot is it with muslims and killing?
#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise
story too long,but rip to d girl,she fine sha.
Why can't you use another head line, like putting a "A father strangled daughter, 19, to death.... Must u put Muslim father, you r one of the main reason people come here and insult Muslims , it's not OK
Na wa o
Hypocrites!!! Why didnt they remain in pakistan & bring up d kids so they wldnt be exposed to western life? Arrant nonsense. Send both of them to jail,let d mom with rheumatism have enuf energy there. Nonsense
how do you kill your own blood?
Crazy religion with stupid teachings
Shameless people.. hiann
~D great anonymous!
Shameless people.. hiann
Really bad. What Anger can cause. RP to the deceased.
Why blot out these murderers faces? These people are cursed to high heaven. All these stupid 'honour' killings are not practiced as severely as these idiotic Pakistanis living abroad who want to eat their cake and have it too. Let them rot in Prison and in hell. Who is the disgrace now?
When your fellow Christians commit murder I don't hear you emphasising on "christian"
akuko!,u loved your daughter but you strangled her,story for the gods. ndi muslim na ajo obi, nawa o. your own daughter kwa!
Useless man, "u love yur daughter" but yet yu hav the guts to kill her. He shuld be hanged flogged and hanged again.. Onu'ra...
Oh no
Is this man really 51 or he reduced his age to gain asylum in Germany? May his evil hands continue to lead him to hell.
Muslims! Very wicked people! They are only nice to people of their religion. I am sadly married to one!! If u are not Muslim, they don't interact with u. I'm a Christian, so my inlaws are partial about everything. The idiots!
Muslim are the problem we have in this life, they are threat to the world @ large.
Killing is in their DNA....f**kin' idiots!
Both should be hanged. Religious hypocrisy
Killed his daughter wit his bare hands dats madness
Oh! Muslim father should b punished accordingly so dat dis wil serve as deterrent to others. Wht a shame.
I hope Germany now knows what they are inviting into their country by accepting immigrants.
Am sorry to say..bt its a only a Muslim dat can do dis to his own daughter...wat a religion..can ppl be dis blind..aside religion even animals don't kill dere own offspring..its such a pity...
Linda u neva no dis Muslims, so heartless humans tht has sold their spirit soul nd body to the devil no more conscience Kai Islam a religion of wickedness violence and pain pls u guys shud throw away tht religion nd accept Jesus Christ Ok why is it tht all the bad news evil nd wicked things emanates from Muslims return to Jesus b4 it is too late
Hmmm, fanatics.
Na wa ooooo
F...king Animals in human form
Rip. The man should be charged for man slaughter, 😔 sad, just cut short her destiny.
Its so sad that parents can do that to their own child! The girl too no try,she had to steal condoms!choiii.rip
This is so sad.
Everything killing always has to do with some muslims...too bad sha!
How can a father and mother kill there owe daughter .evil word
Na so...the "whole" Nigeria don die finish be dat both papa, mama & pikins.
Stupid parents, this world is moving on. Things can't be the same all the times. Different generation, different ideas, inspirations and understanding.
Sad news sundayinnocent774@yahoo.com
Muslims are the worst religion in this world. Why did God create this heartless animals in the first place?.
Nawa. Can u imagine?
Both parents shld be tried 4 murder...
She is of legal age and have the right 2 live her life or freedom of worship
Only a lawless and corrupt country wld let dis slide un attended
Both the father and mother should be sentenced to death. Bastards. They deserve to burn in hell. Thank God the younger daughter is no longer with them.
Bia Aunty Linda why blur the eye wicked man. TIMILEYIN BLESSING
Moslems the world over are murderers. They don't value life.
Force marriage? And anyone who does not agree with their child-girl marriage is killed in 'honour killing' dead to moslems, dead to allah and dead to mohammed pervert!
RIP young lady, you didn't force yourself on this moslem family.
Stupid religion
Haaa wht a wicked father
Crazy couple
Sick people
Sick people
They should be handed life sentence! Or they should be thrown back to Pakistan after serving their jail terms! They are not worthy to live among sane people!!!
So sad.
Wonders shall never end,how can a parent killed there own child? Honour killing my foot
Europe has just started...They will see much more of this with those bloody muslims they took in. Dem never see anything! Animalistic people dem!
Blessed lord!!! Why Na?
Look I'll still ask this question again(... Even tho I know I might be attacked by those in the belief)... Why does Islam go with so much violence?
They can deny it, defend it or reconstruct their argument all they want... But Islam always begs the question of its violent tendencies.
Lord have mercy!
Up islam
Muslims are evil everywhere. Simple
Foolish fools....
Lindah please mention d country, not the religion! There's nothing Islamic or Muslim about killing pple!
Is it a taboo??? Question to my Muslim brothers and sisters
Islam, islam, religion violence and problems !!!
this is unthinkable... he has brought shame to his name and family.
this is really strange.
Islam, islam, religion violence and problems !!!
Islam, islam, religion of violence and problems !!!
They are both mad I'm in shock right now, I can't believe a father will strangle his own daughter to death because she is sexually active, and his wife the mother will stand and watch her husband kill her child she carried in her womb for 9month OMG what a strange world we live in. May God rest her young soul hmmm!!!
They are both mad I'm in shock right now, I can't believe a father will strangle his own daughter to death because she is sexually active, and his wife the mother will stand and watch her husband kill her child she carried in her womb for 9month OMG what a strange world we live in. May God rest her young soul hmmm!!!
They are both mad I'm in shock right now, I can't believe a father will strangle his own daughter to death because she is sexually active, and his wife the mother will stand and watch her husband kill her child she carried in her womb for 9month OMG what a strange world we live in. May God rest her young soul hmmm!!!
I don't understand Muslims at all. There are really warped. How can you kill your own child and call it honour killing. Its just annoying how they think. They always want to fight for their god as if he's handicap and can't do it himself. Creating problems everywhere. Everywhere they are is full of problems created by them. I wonder what father Abraham was thinking when he slept with Hagar.
Islam, islam, religion
of violence and problems !!!
Why do Muslim love violence? They so much enjoy killing
Honour killing is imbedded in tradition were the family involve hold precious to things of value like lands,gold 'jewellery' and women
Killing d Muslim identity. Linda take note. #manofthepeople#
they are just wasting there self life with nothing olaniyidavid71@yahoo.com
Shut the hell up...ur religion is barbaric,here in the north Muslim boys sleep with Christian girls but a Christian guy dare not talk to ur Muslim sisters....
Murder and fornication, which is accepted by God... Pretenders
God pls rest her soul
Yours Words are meaningless can't understand what you are trying too say...
rot in hell! wicked parents! http://www.bummyla.com
Up ur nyash
Does she need to mention the country before we can point out how violent muslims are. World terrorists r Muslims, Nigeria we have Boko Haram( bunch of muslim illiterates) , europe we have ISIS, AL Sheba. Muslims are wicked, heartless bunch of animals who shd be put out frm the surface of this earth... Its dat simple. Country or no country , muslims are violent all over the world. Honor killing unah nyash
Killer father
Muslims, everyday wahala Don become una name.
When one Muslim go wrong, then u attack all Muslims. And even the post is tag Muslim father bt if it has not been Muslim father, it would have just been 'father' may God forgive us all
When one Muslim goes wrongs u attack all Muslims. And even the blog is tag Muslim father bt if it had been someone else it would have been just 'father', may God forgive us all
When one Muslim goes wrongs u attack all Muslims. And even the blog is tag Muslim father bt if it had been someone else it would have been just 'father', we all know atrocities are committed everywhere in the world, even most in the free countries in America and Europe, may God forgive us all
When one Muslim goes wrongs u attack all Muslims. And even the blog is tag Muslim father bt if it had been someone else it would have been just 'father', may God forgive us all
When one Muslim goes wrongs u attack all Muslims. And even the blog is tag Muslim father bt if it had been someone else it would have been just 'father', may God forgive us all
When one Muslim goes wrongs u attack all Muslims. And even the blog is tag Muslim father bt if it had been someone else it would have been just 'father', may God forgive us all
When one Muslim goes wrongs u attack all Muslims. And even the blog is tag Muslim father bt if it had been someone else it would have been just 'father', may God forgive us all
This stupid Ola gbenro. I second u anonymous. You Muslims are wicked and heartless and love to kill. Your quran permits killing and u keep saying the rubbish of 'when one Muslim goes wrong bla bla bla. Park well gbenro
But he is a Muslim though. Not sure what she said that was wrong.
It s ok my friend, I understand Islam as a religion of peace and I don't totally blame you for your ignorance because you only judge Islam by the people that claim to be practising it. I am sure you never try to learn abt Islam. One pastor's selfish act is not enough for me to judge all Christians.
But Ola, he is Muslim though. Not sure what your point is. He is not Hindu or Christian he is Muslim. And did the killing to honour Islam. So what is your point?
But he is a Muslim and did the killing to defend her honour as a Muslim. So not what sure what your point is. Should show write Hindu or Buddhist? Sigh. You guys are always so quick to pick fights
Smiling! U don't understand anything about Islam, Islam says if u kill and an innocent soul it is assumed u av killed d entire humanity and if u save an innocent soul u av save the entire humanity. Pls u don't av to b rude. It s a matured world. Study d Quran very and stop living under the misconceptions of others
Hmmm, my brother, you see the wicked people like using the media against Islam. 80% of the atrocities in the world are done by non Muslims bt d moment a Muslim is involved in one.....
We all Muslims have to be careful.
My point is if the man had been from any other religion, u wouldn't av have knwn, you wil just heard 'father strangled daughter'
This ola dude, don't you have a job or something? You've been responding to almost every comment here. You say islam is a religion of peace but you can't blame people when your actions or that of your people say the direct opposite.
Please go find something to do already.
well i respect ola gbenro s views , and i dont believe it is right to judge a religion which personifies the all mighty . the matter of violence being co related to religion well , violence has been part of human nature and it is not something u can deny . now coming back to what happened this f..king asshole of a father and mother should stop the feeling srry act be hanged to death , freedom to love, freedom to live your life the way you want to is a gift from god and no one has the right to take it away from you.
His daughter was wise to go get a condom but her father was very foolish
Nigerians like coayting bitter truth with sugar,is the man not a Muslim his actions are as a result of his religious believe
Too many fucktards everywhere.
Another fucktard is here!
Islam is the problem of the world. That is why the devil stoned them hard when they tried to stone him there in mecca. Wipe out Islam and the world will be in peace
Aboki da warri boy...where u dey?fanstic
Guy shut up...quote ur reference where u got the 80%...
Oga Ola may I ask u?do who does Islam considers"innocent"...y should a religion prescribe death to anyone for that matter
Islam is evil
@Ola Gbenro,do u think is justify to kill any soul weather innocent or not?
Thanks you @Tassallah, well said
Exactly what I said.. linda obviously has issues with muslims
Ola Gbenro please shut the fuck up!!!
Shut up!!!!!!!!!!
All over the world Islam is a problematic inhuman sect! The only sect that can justify taking human life with their holy book!
Fuck U Ola Gbenro for not condemning ur brothers! But coming on here to try and justify it .
All over the world all terrorist sects are of ISLAMIC foundation! What the fuck kind of nonsense are u trying to justify?????
Because you haven't lost anyone by it yet?
Condemn this shit and don't tell us " by some people who don't understand it"
May you be a victim of Islamic extremism!
Shut up Ola Gbenro!
Then by your stupid write up Muslims are 'professional humanity killers'
Heartless,blood thirsty,delusional Inhuman sect.
So Linda is the reason why we condemn BOKO Haram and Al Queda and el shabaab?
My friend,take several seats
And stay seated!
Islam is fucked up!
Abeg remove your picture from this blog before your father will kill you too for your 'indecency'
Please ehn.
Because e no dey hard una.
Because Christians cannot and do not justify murder with the holy bible!
The doctrine of Christianity is fundamentally " turn the other cheek"
Also,There are no terrorist groups in the world that have been formed by the wordings in bible!
But Islam???
You know the answer by yourself.
Bye Felicia
Or should I say
Bye Fatima.
Salihu may life bring you many successes for being objective.
May you know peace.
Because Christians cannot and do not justify murder with the holy bible!
The doctrine of Christianity is fundamentally " turn the other cheek"
Also,There are no terrorist groups in the world that have been formed by the wordings in bible!
But Islam???
You know the answer by yourself.
Bye Felicia
Or should I say
Bye Fatima.
Una be basted n murderers
What kinda parents re these? May God rest her soul....
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