Some bloggers and activists have been tweeting about the arrest of social a media commentator named Ojo Emmanuel on Sat
evening by men of the Nigeria Police force allegedly on the order of the Ogun
State Governor, Ibikunle Amosun. The alleged crime against him was that
he made a Facebook post against the governor's wife. Below is what his friend sent in to LIB
He was arrested at Ibara in Abeokuta and taken to the Ibara Police
station. While there he was forced to write a statement and when he
remained adamant to do that he was beaten blue, black and the content of
the statement they desire dictated to him. All attempts to get his pregnant wife have access to him proved abortive and as at 9:40pm on Sunday he was transferred to the Eleweran prison. No one has been granted access to him till now. Not even his lawyer.
All these people thinking it's okay to arrest and brutalize people because of their opinion. OK!
Okokobioko! Yaga dey sleep trouble come wake am!
They should release him biko, or dem don forget the definition of democracy???
And they think by arresting him its gonna many of us who have opinion? Nah its way too late.Freedom of speech has come to stay & this is just the beginning of a new dawn.
This guy is about to become a hero.
is now time fr him to be using his power over the people abi
Hahahah change you asked for it and here it is. Pls nobody should disturb me.
Na wa o.
As a leader u should be open to constructive criticism. And u should put at d bottom of ur mind dat ppl are different, some ppl r harsh and some are simple with their comments. So Mr governor take it easy ok.
I don't believe dz
He should be released as fast as possible before it turns to something else...
That's so unfair, everybody is entitled to his/her opinion.
#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise
That's so unfair, everybody is entitled to his/her opinion.
#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise
This is so unfair.
If you can't handle public opinion both negative and positive, why hold a public office?
Impunity at d highest level
Imagine that rubbish.may God punish that incompetent governo,so he arrested and brutalize the dude for his opinion hmmmm yoruba governos.
He should come and arrest zinalima as well for exposing buhari's terrorist secret,daft and clowns every were.
#sad indeed
Imagine that rubbish.may God punish that incompetent governo,so he arrested and brutalize the dude for his opinion hmmmm yoruba governos.
He should come and arrest zinalima as well for exposing buhari's terrorist secret,daft and clowns every were.
#sad indeed
Change is here ooooooo! It's just the beginning! Hhahahahahhaha!
Oga Chinwe ona iga adi! Oga abalii...change De wanted, change De have gotten. Buhari come arrest me naa, ndaaaara!
Aunty linda in the name of God do anything you have in your power to help him out all this politicians wey being dey use power like say em no go die again God is watching!
Some people that thinks they can misbehave bcos they are on power.... May God punish them all... What nonsense.....
*stop*... smiles
*stop*... smiles
Haha Das really bad in dis democracy haha plz release him asap
If dis report is true dat its d governor dat is behind dis, he should sue d governor.
Freedom of speech is our right and am having dis second thought dat there is more to dis story dat we just read.
Let watch and see how it play out...
Now he is crying for help, When U pple will be insulting others anyhow, most especially here on LIB.... he deserves it
He should be released immediately and unconditionally and The Human Rights Commission should look into this immediately.
I tire o
He should sue the governor, his wife and the police. I will give him a SAN to take his case to court pro bono.
am shocked @ d way pple ar looking @ dis especially d ladies.
If d ladies in d house are now ok with a guy(social commentator) criticizing a them, then no wahala.
my point first is can we even see d post d guy made against d Gov's wife?
does it mean I can now call myself social commentator just to give d me xcuse 2 start attacking others(ladies)?
My opinion sha.
let see his comment.
This is crazy! So someone can not air their opinion without fear in a democratic dispensation? If GEJ were to do this, he would arrest almost the whole Nigerian citizens; because they gave him hell on earth.
Is this democracy??? Ouch! Denrele Edun falls off stage while dancing to Masterkraft’s song ‘Indomie’ with his abnormal heels (Photos, Videos)
Na wa oo
So we no longer have freedom of speech, eh kwa??? The Governor had better not be involved with this. Linda take note!
So we no longer have freedom of speech, eh kwa??? The Governor had better not be involved with this. Linda take note!
If he is not sacking teachers, he is arresting. What a governor, soon,your tenure will be over
Freedom of Speech? Yes but not anyhow speech, Most comments Can make someone Cry...
Ewooooo... Are LIBers safe? Arresting someone for criticism? Lord! Nigeria! Anything goes! Shamefull
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!!! This is democracy! Freedom of speech and criticism is a must!
some people are so stupid can you imaging the idiot because he thinks he is in power he can do anything to the people have you forgetting that it is the people vote that made you who you are today if you don't want GOD to punish you just go and make realize of him now you this he goat and what ever you do dont forget that you cant remain the government forever
Release him
Do u pple av sense at all? It's igbos like u dt mk dem abuse odas.
Nobody deserves to be bullied in a democratic sys of govt. The governor had better rethink cos if anything happen to dat man, God won't spare him!
Hmmm...Not nice at all.
The IGP should be informed of the instrument his boys has been turned to..bloodynaija
D change has 4rm presido to govs.nija am sorry ooo.
PDP People can try to give APC bad names...Mrfixnigeria is a strong PDP supporter,we all know PDP tell lies alot,like they have been telling us 16years ago...But if this is true i CONDEMN IT...
whatever happened to freedom of speech, this is an infringement of human rights esp in a democratic system of government. Its totally unacceptable.
I hope he sues the stupid governor!!! Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right!! I hope presidency takes a firm stand on this! This is not the way forward for our dear country! #change #freeojo're always biased with your comments and your hatred for buhari is known, wether you like it or not, he's your number 1 citizen and .. no wonder you're still a boy scout at 40.. Swine
I don't think u're well schooled nd if u are, I don't think u're well informed but if u re nd still talk like dis...then u're a wasted fertilised egg...ur mama should ve waited till next ovulation#straightface#
If this is for real, then something needs to be done about it ASAP. Cuz this Is serious abuse of power, useless APC politicians
Gov amosun you better counter this now. Or you release that guy immediately. If have a problem with the guy take him to court. Just like some said trouble dey sleep yanga go wake am. In case you forgetting you a public person so be careful the action you take or ordered.
SF Ojo wasn't arrested for criticising the government or the governor's wife. He was arrested for his post on the 26th of August for slandering the wife of the governor confirming the she was arrested overseas for money laundry running into hundreds of million of dollars giving the State 48hours to state otherwise. Subsequently he was reported to the State DSS and the police on the 31st of August putting to rest the rumor that the governor ordered his arrest. He was invited for questioning and tried to abscond and was arrested after assaulting the police officer that went to give the invitation.
Freedom to insult
Should leaders be open to insults also
They should release him #now now#
Dis is not fair at all, but hope is true ?
Dis is not fair at all, but hope is true ?
Who the hell is governor Amosun to do this,or isnt he also part of the constitution that says freedom of speech,huh???mtcheww may God judge him according to what he has done
My Year Of Linda's 100k
haba, you can imagine, what happened to freedom of speech?
it is well
And what do u think the Gov. Should do to over 1million I am a blogger in Nigeria all reposting rubbish,causing a lot more confusion in the nation ??? This is coming to d end of bloggers in Nigeria...
@ northen princess... Has any insult here killed anyone.. Stop thinking like ur people nah..
@ northen princess... Has any insult here killed anyone.. Stop thinking like ur people nah..
Lindoski sowi plss are we still in democracy the last time I checked.
I remain you Wilheminna or wetin your name be. Very soon you will find yourself behind bar with your verbal diarrhoea.
U can't type English. Thought u went to school? I u know how to do is swear and admire boobs and ass. Mtchew. It's in power not "on" power
Northern princess u are a realy big fool ni, come on go and milk cows jawe
This is so wrong! What's d essence of democracy then?
U r a big fool @Northern princess. Idiot like you. So he deserves being brutalised for expressing himself. U r not worthy 2 be educated... Infact am sure u aren't. ode.
U r a big fool @Northern princess. Idiot. So you feel it's okay 4 him 2 be brutalised for expressing his opinion. So sad 4 u.
Na Bcus hin b gov daz y,na God go fire am n his companys
And do you think heaven will fall if he should arrest you?.... Of what use will people like you be in detention anyway.... You people can not take law into your hands and be insulting and spreading falsehood in the name of freedom of speech. You should know that where your freedom of speech stops, that's where the next persons own begins.... I understand that most of you have no respect for anybody not even your biological parents!!...oloshi alakori!!!
What can it turn to?...what can you do coward!!
You a very big fool!...of what use will imbecile like you be in prison? People like you will just be killed by the road side....baba Iyala ya e! Were!
Just passing
nothern princess, you must b very stupid for saying that trash
@ Freeborn, you are a very fine fool! I will only take back my words if only you can defend what u meant by '' Yoruba Governors ''. Please pass reasonable comment and don't portray yourself as a very fine fool + racist . Thx
Do you lack the ability to read and understand? Pls don't come here to display stupidity!
Wow. .people are always quick to.jump to conclusion. Have you heard what the accused have to say. As if a political person will naive enough to jail a blogger that can make his live difficult.
What are you saying?
Amosu is a bully and a tyrant, he never takes criticism . Ugly man
Can't people just think before they type ? How shallow and daft can you people saying "change" be? Amosu has been there since Jonathan's regime so you people should just shut up and address the issue at hand.
Lol willie willie moses why would Buhari arrest a faceless bigot. You've got no identity..remain so pls
Lol willie willie moses why would Buhari arrest a faceless bigot. You've got no identity..remain so pls
God catch am!
Freedom of expression does not warrant freedom to assassinate people's characters and spin lies... you better learn when you get out of it!
lesson for all you people out there who would never write points but rather throw abuse on on people just because u hv freedom of speak.ur right ends at anothers door step.
But the truth is u r all blaming the Governor, none of u av asked what the story was all about and what prompted the arrest? I hope LIB can tell us the real story.
I want to blv der is more to dis story. Let's watch and see.
Did anyone know what story the guy wrote? He is a guru in writing lies against the Governor of the state because he belongs to the opposition party but the Governor . Nobody took any action against him till he went as far as posting a false allegation against d wife of the Governor on the 26th of August 2015 and categorically stated he is giving the first lady 48hrs to come and address the press of the story wasn't true. He absconded upon noticing the gravity of what he has done till dey got him arrested. It was even an invite and d way he and his cohorts conducted demselves led to his arrest....
If this allegation is true, Amosun is now turning to a Tyrant. Remember, how he ordered the sacking of some 10 secondary school teachers and education ministry workers over ordinary exam question.... The guy is coming out now to show the people his true colours...Meanwhile, this info giv have series of road projects abandoned across the senatorial districts within the state. He has deprived ogun citizens access to pipeborne water which the state is known for ever since he became Gov.. APC and PMB should call him to order because this is never the Change we voted for
I ignore asinine persons like you but I have to say you are an ignoramus ignominy...brainless person you are...
U can imagine
Aboki, royal priesthood, Linda 1st daughter, wilhemia nd other Linda wanna be celebrities or friends mayb I should say careless notice me pple... if only u follow up on daily news u'll know that wat he did is punishable by law...
Anyways jxt 4 ur info and dt of other LIBers it's been signed in2 law by d previous gov't.... that's 4 pple who use social media 2 abuse gov't officials...
4 crying out loud, Y would dis guy insult sum1's wife let's 4get d fact dt d man in question is a governor..... in our contemporary world, we all know that if u insult ur neighbor's wife and say shits about her in public whether true or false, ur neighbor can lock u up and if he's richer and more influential than u, u'll suffer d same fate as dis Emmanuel.
Come 2 think of it u should ask urselves Y Linda doesnot get 2 use abusive words on gov't officials even wen it's very very annoying, irritating and dehumanizing.. Instead she let's u guys do d insult...
So y'all LIBERS "Wisdom is Profitable un2 d direct" even d bible advices that we should be mindful of those higher than us....
No any court trials before dey throw dis guy into cell ,, if this how we treat corrupt cases in nigeria it would have been more better
U make me laugh...
There's freedom of speech....good...but have u been guaranteed freedom after speech?
Y do some LIBers sound so so much like pple of the 17 and 18th century...
Mayb u should ask an Ugandan 2 explain #freedom after speech 2 y'all...
Linda maybe u should also teach about history of different nations once in a while on dis platform
Am not suprised cuz Nigerian is a Zoo and baboons n monkies in it and Amosun is one of dem
So I no go talk again shey? Wen pple were ripping the hell out of GEJ he arrest them ni, crazy mofo #singinavemaria
#nanapearl so u think that's d best option to handle things? He's entitled to freedom of speech
Who are u? Who know u? Who's ur father? F u
That is APC for you. Change is here.
Idiotic gov won't u release d innocent man? Becs of woman u arrested ur fellow man woman wrapper #signs
Dis northern princess u be real mumu
Whatever happened to the fundamental human rights: Freedom of speech?
~D great anonymous!
Lindoski wia ma comments ni, u don burn am?
By Olusoji Zion Oseni
If the story was false, why didn't the Gov or his wife lay official complain with the right authorities?
Why didn't the police invite SF Ojo as obtainable by law?
When did the CSO to the gov become an arresting authority to arrest people?
The Story:
Some few weeks ago, there was wind of info about how the Ogun state gov's wife; Funso Amosun was involved in money laundering to UK, involving traveling/transfering an undisclosed huge amount of cash by her.
Few media people who still have intergrity and not in the pocket of APC reached out to the Ogun state gov's people to clarify the story before being published, which is the right way to go. "Tell us the true story". - SF Ojo was one of those that practically reached out to them.
He even made a post about it on facebook, giving the governor's team ample time to clarify the story.
They didn't, but instead threatened to deal with him if he ever let the story out.
After waiting 7days, he posted the story on facebook as he heard, which is not a crime under the FOI act.
Since posting the story, which went viral, SF Ojo's life has been under threat by Gov Amosun and his people. He rarely slept at home as his house was under watch by unidentified people.
On Saturday 26th Sept, while on a visit to his wife's grandfathers house at Lai Balogun street in Ibara, Ogun state, SF Ojo told his wife he had to go and charge his phone in his car outside.
5minutes later, around 6pm, there were shouts outside and people rushed out; including his wife.
An unidentified man was violently holding SF Ojo and making calls to people to come, that he had "gotten the idiot" telling SF Ojo his life is worthless.
When asked to identify himself, the man refused, but he was later identified as the CSO to gov Amosun
Within minutes, some unidentified police came to the scene and whisked SF Ojo away in commando style, like a common criminal.
He was taken to Ibara police station where he was locked up and was later transferred to Police Headquarters, Eleweran, Ogun State on the orders of Amosun and his Wife, who have threatened to deal ruthlessly with SF Ojo and show him who owns Ogun state.
This is the kind of situation we are now in Nigeria under APC where law and order, injustice and abuse of power/office have become the order of the day.
Instead of the gov and his wife to clarify the case/story, they chose to use their power to to hound intimidate and harass the messenger.
Let SF Ojo Adeniran be charged to court and let the court decide, not by using power to intimidate.
Back to the matter:
Mr Gov, is it true your wife laundered tax payers's abroad.
Answer the question and leave tyranny-
Let's assume he lied against the gov's wife, so the best the gov can do in a civil democratic setting is to take laws into his hands? Why not report him to the right authorities or sue him.
So the gov is the complaint and judge in his own case.
And who told U the story is false? Have U investigated?
Rubbish nonsense. The media guy no get family? What are they doing na?
In as much as brutality is condemnable, it must also be understood that democracy is not a license for indiscipline, nor does it confer anyone right to infringe upon other person's right through character assasination under the guise of freedom of speech or expression. Otherwise democracy becomes a recipe for disaster.
In as much as brutality is condemnable, it must also be understood that democracy is not a license for indiscipline, nor does it confer anyone right to infringe upon other person's right through character assasination under the guise of freedom of speech or expression. Otherwise democracy becomes a recipe for disaster.
@Aboki..In as much as brutality is condemnable, it must also be understood that democracy is not a license for indiscipline, nor does it confer anyone right to infringe upon other person's right through character assasination under the guise of freedom of speech or expression. Otherwise democracy becomes a recipe for disaster.
In as much as brutality is condemnable, it must also be understood that democracy is not a license for indiscipline, nor does it confer anyone right to infringe upon other person's right through character assasination under the guise of freedom of speech or expression. Otherwise democracy becomes a recipe for disaster.
In as much as brutality is condemnable, it must also be understood that democracy is not a license for indiscipline, nor does it confer anyone right to infringe upon other person's right through character assasination under the guise of freedom of speech or expression. Otherwise democracy becomes a recipe for disaster.
In as much as brutality is condemnable, it must also be understood that democracy is not a license for indiscipline, nor does it confer anyone right to infringe upon other person's right through character assasination under the guise of freedom of speech or expression. Otherwise democracy becomes a recipe for disaster.
I hope U don't die of hypertension over ur blind hatred for Buhari who doesn't even know U exist.
I hope U don't die of hypertension over ur blind hatred for Buhari who doesn't even know U exist.
Wailing wailer's comment.
@Ngene...In as much as brutality is condemnable, it must also be understood that democracy is not a license for indiscipline, nor does it confer anyone right to infringe upon other person's right through character assasination under the guise of freedom of speech or expression. Otherwise democracy becomes a recipe for disaster.
In as much as brutality is condemnable, it must also be understood that democracy is not a license for indiscipline, nor does it confer anyone right to infringe upon other person's right through character assasination under the guise of freedom of speech or expression. Otherwise democracy becomes a recipe for disaster.
In as much as brutality is condemnable, it must also be understood that democracy is not a license for indiscipline, nor does it confer anyone right to infringe upon other person's right through character assasination under the guise of freedom of speech or expression. Otherwise democracy becomes a recipe for disaster.
Amosun should pls release him.
Na so he take sack four teachers wey set exam say dem dey critise him. Useless Governor.
Na so he take sack four teachers wey set exam say dem dey critise him. Useless Governor.
Fuck u.
the truth shall reveal itself soon. God bless Sf, God bless Nigeria. I pity the people of Ogun state as a whole. #ibelongtoJesussf
the truth shall reveal itself soon. God bless Sf, God bless Nigeria. I pity the people of Ogun state as a whole. #ibelongtoJesussf
Idi Amin said " I guarantee u freedom of speech but freedom after speech I cant guarantee u"
Hahaha I dey laff o. Change changer changest AAAPPPCeeeee! Change. Goodluck Jonathan was said to be the most insulted president but he never cracked down on anyone for passing any uncomplimentary remarks about him or members of his family. APShiiiit! change them! .
you can imagine such injustice. this is crazy. the man must be out of his mind if this is true.
APC Change....APC Change...APC Change
Nigerians...When will we learn
This Governors action is nothing short of sickening
The day we allow this our fake ass leaders who think they are KIngs and Gods take away our freedom of speech is the day we return to being servants and subjects
Anyway sha by then i will be smoking my cuban cigar and sipping wine in some remote island with bikin clad honies saying "i told ya"ll so"
Fight you them you black,yellow,Skin bleaching vain ass Nigerians fight.
For once in your lives fight back
55 and still sleeping...
The guy gone sef...for they in own jeje...He just had to be a rebel
This is really dissheartening.
This ain't fair....
#CHANGE tins
Every day for the thief one day for the owner. Amosun should not forget that one day he will be out of office and this will come back to hunt him. He should look at what is happening to Saraki and remember that nothing lasts forever. As someone pointed out, Goodluck was abused in the press all the time, they wrote all sorts of stories about him and his family and nobody was arrested. A mere Governor's wife is written about and someone is locked up. Please tell me, does it not smack of desperation and guilt? They have not even bothered to answer the allegation and have brutalized the poor man. All they have succeeded in doing is calling attention to the allegation and all it takes now, is for the press to contact the British Police force and print their response to the question about whether or not she was involved in money laundering. Abi will he also arrest the British Police??
The IGP needs to look into this issue and most importantly, he needs to make it clear to his men what offences people can be arrested for and what they cannot be arrested for. Also he needs to make sure they are aware that even when they arrest someone they MUST charge the person to court. They cannot just arrest someone and throw the keys away, they need authorization from a court to keep someone behind bars whether in a police station or in a jail. He needs to start making surprise stops at police stations, either himself or send out spies and do an inventory of who they are holding, why and for how long. If they deny/delay in allowing him or his representative access, then they should detain EVERY single policeman at such a station as being complicit in some illicit activities.
Odikwa egwu
I have uploaded this story to
lets sit back and see if our IGP is really serious about things and if it gets a response.
This is the 'change' they were campaigning about... am very sure the man in question equally voted for the 'animal' in power that ordered his arrest and brutality! We have seen this kind of madness from Nasarawa State Gov. Umaru Tanko Almakura. Nigerians should still watch out for more these group of people that has succeeded in deceiving them with their campaign of 'change'
So many unthinkable things were written about GEJ and Patience, while in power, but not even one journalist, social commentator or citizen was maltreated.
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