US Amb. to Nigeria holds Q&A with Nigerians on Facebook, evasive about $6bn stolen funds | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 31 July 2015

US Amb. to Nigeria holds Q&A with Nigerians on Facebook, evasive about $6bn stolen funds

US ambassador to Nigeria, James Entwistle had an interactive session with Nigerians on Facebook this morning where Nigerians asked him questions bordering on the Leahy law, same sex marriage, return of alleged stolen money stashed in US banks and other issues.

Ambassador Entwistle was asked about the controversial $6 billion a US official allegedly told the Buhari-led entourage that a minister in the last administration stole. His response and responses to other questions after the cut.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

lol this man head when be like mango!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

After all this P.stunt what else?
Does it change anything?

Unknown said...

After all this P.stunt what else?
Does it change anything?

Unknown said...

That's gud

Unknown said...

Choi! I never knew such a forum was open! I am so angry I missed it.

Bonita Bislam said...

I luv all the questions asked by these intelligent Nigerians.They hit the nail right on the head even though the ambassador's reply to Some of them is evasive esp on the looted funds.
Respect to these Nigerians!

Anonymous said...

Amazing idea and fantastic he's responding and not. Side stepping. Questions. I'm VERY impressed with the Ambassador and this idea

Unknown said...

Smartly done...constructive response!

Unknown said...

Smartly done....constructive response...

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Good for him and I wish them all d best.

Unknown said...

Intelligent man.
Nice answers.

Unknown said...

Dude was jst navigating thru those questions like a sailor who is reluctant to reach his destination.

Unknown said...

Would have loved to be a part of the discussion. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Would have loved to be a part of the discussion. Linda take note!

ary said...


Anonymous said...

What is ur concern there,Is Nigeria been American?,settle America problem with their gay matter dont put you eyes in Nigeria.fuck you

Anonymous said...

With the way he replied all the question,showed a very high level of intelligence of the US...He wasn't really answering the questions but he was actually giving reasons why those questions should not be asked at the first place...
My fear is this; PMB going all alone(forget the other govs,who are just there to shake hands and show)to talked about security,economical and corruption issues with US with experts in these fields it's worrying...
It's not about WHAT pmb is requesting from US but it's about HOW he is requesting.He needs experts to carry along when going for such trips, not governors who can't even manage their states.

Unknown said...

Am Glad Amb. Entwistle took his time to answer some questions since our government officials cannot come clean. But the issue and controversy concerning the $6 billion has not been answered. Why talk about it when you dont have the guts or intention of exposing them?

As for who received President Buhari, who cares? The main focus should be the reason behind his visit, was it successful? Are we going to see the 'change' that was promised anytime soon?

Anonymous said...

1.It was obviously an informal visit ,hence his travel to Kenya.Buhari was Packaged like geisha by his people. I m sorry APC is good with only photoshopped pictures and lies.
2.There was no mention of any minister stealing money or have stolen 6B dollars.Adams and his APC cohorts are bunch of old haggard liars.
3.yes the US made sure especially John kerry that GEJ loses his election based on the lies sold against him by APC.GEJ lost out of naivety. He was fighting with very desperate motor park people like Thiefnubu m,adams and criminal buhari.

Unknown said...

D man didn't say anytin like 6bn stolen...osho can liar...APC just want Nigerians 2 put lots of attention on PDP and less attention on APC so dat there can loot Nigerian money in secret...we no all their agenda...Buhari's son is 1 of d richest youths now in d north...Nigerians wise up o said...

Good question from brilliant Nigerians there. The US should go and link their ass in their country not Nigeria my beloved country. Mcheeeeew!

Anonymous said...

1.It was obviously an informal visit ,hence his travel to Kenya.Buhari was Packaged like geisha by his people. I m sorry APC is good with only photoshopped pictures and lies.
2.There was no mention of any minister stealing money or have stolen 6B dollars.Adams and his APC cohorts are bunch of old haggard liars.
3.yes the US made sure especially John kerry that GEJ loses his election based on the lies sold against him by APC.GEJ lost out of naivety. He was fighting with very desperate motor park people like Thiefnubu m,adams and criminal buhari.

Tochi Paul said...

Well said Hon Ambassador but my problem remains with the same sex marriage.
Not just that ooo, why would President Obama go on to crusade and make effort to convince other nations to imbibe by that. Can't he keep that just in his own sovereign territory?
Thanks God the God is watching...

Unknown said...

Ok! I just hope they will investigate more on it. And provide evidence for d allegations by governor oshomole.

Macdonald said...

This ambassador is not making sense although tries to be intelligent by half dogging every serious questions and answering them as pleases him.

Macdonald said...

I love all the questions asked but is unfortunate. This ambassador is not making sense although tries to be intelligent by half dogging every serious questions and answering them as pleases him.

Unknown said...

Intelligent man, highly diplomatic with his answers, Our public officers should take a cue from him and learn how to apply wisdom when making pronouncements.

Anonymous said...

He gave a good answer...a diplomatic one ,if that is what is required of him by his country,then he is on point!
Maybe oshiomole should have waited for the full evidence to come out...he should calm down a lil...fully in support of Buhari- he is a great man...
Igbos on lib..oya!!! Attack as usual..

Anonymous said...

How much you want to bet there's a nigerian in that facebook comment section begging for visa? smh

Anonymous said...

If that be the case Mr. Ambassador, since you people so much like freedom of speech and freedom of sexual orientation, then it fair to say, and I am sure you will agree with me that pedophiles should be allowed under the US laws to have the freedom to pursue and have sex with under age girls for their sexual pleasure because that is their sexual orientation. (Clap for you Mr Ambassador Freedom of My ASS***** Idiot people)If the US want to be our friend and partner it should be more concerned in the areas of Education and Economic Development and not same sex.

Unknown said...


Optimist said...

Hian ! I didn't c Patrick leahy's case here linda

Unknown said...

Nigerians asked intelligent questions and the Ambassador answer brilliantly

Unknown said...

The American embassador to Nigeria is just beating round the bush common YES or NO answer.who is fooling who

Anonymous said...

Meaning oshiomole dey misyarn. Lara white Pussy no make papa hear word well.

Unknown said...

The ambassador keep dodging the questions as how it should be answered. He wasn't really ready for the Q and A. He should have answered the questions as the situations really are. We are used the ways of our "yeye" leaders. But there is a limit to which we can take the BS of our corrupt leaders. Eyes are wide opened now.

Busy Fingers.

Sylvonce said...

Love the last question but that answer was very shady

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is Adams Oshiomole lied. And because he is a sitting governor, the U S ambassador cannot say outrightly that a sitting governor in Nigeria lied using US name. This is how they go around disgracing Nigeria with their lying tongue.

Anonymous said...

Adams Oshiomole the liar! See how our looter governors have added lying against the U.S. to their resume.

Anonymous said...

The ambassador cannot outrightly say Admas Oshiomole is a liar because of diplomatic things.but read in between the lines and you see that the ambassador is basically saying no such conversation took place. Shame on Admas.

Zinga. said...

Nawaaa...oh,then why Oshiomole come dey yan all those nonsense.

AliBaba DeKingMaker said...

There were flaws in our president's visit. But fruit is all we ask for

Unknown said...

Yea all the question speak our minds as Nigerians

Anonymous said...

Simple and shut Oshiomole is a liar till he produces evidence that $6billion was actually stolen and why has the presidency not published the names of the oil thieves. Why have they not convicted any body so far. Why do they talk so recklessly?. Spreading rumours without evidence. Yes we know that people stole money under the last administration but why is the government taking so long to bring them to book.

Anonymous said...

So basically all questions from Nigerians centred on petty gossip, rumours , sensible citizen would ask about Development , Economic trade , healthcare etc but no just idle chatter ... Nigerians need to wake up!!!!

Joe said...

Smart Answers, use ur tong and count ur teeth!!!1

Anonymous said...

Is this what they call International diplomacy?. All the questions are quite blunt and the answers dodgy and shady. Nawaoh! I wonder why the APC are taking theUSA as demi gods. At this moment they are like puppet masters controlling their puppets the APC.

Anonymous said...

Now US Ambassador is hosting online Q&A with Nigerians. Nawa. They must be up to some game plan. Is it not the same US embassy that has been treating Nigerians like animals and sub-humans since 1975 while at the same time exploiting us with the highest visa fees in the world. This one oga Ambassador has crawled out from his drawer to answer questions there is no doubt that the US has a bigger game plan to continue sucking our economy and citizens dry. Ndi ara.

Etsako Pearl said...


Anonymous said...

So what was the point of this Q&A if he will not answer direct questions with direct answers. This was a waste of time. I personally didn't get anything from this. However, the Nigerians that did ask the questions did a good job.

Unknown said...

To answer d last question properly, US presidents dont come ro the airport to welcome foreign leaders. it s like against tradition. It has happened only once - and Bush did it when pope Benedict came visiting. Thats d only time an exception has been made. So dont expect Obama to come and welcome Buhari at the airport ever! He wont even come to welcome more important leaders like the president of China or the president of France, not to talk of ours. LOL

Anonymous said...

Dude, do you understand! You're the only named commenter that has a brain. All others have block in their head

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