RIP to Whitney Houston and her daughter... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 27 July 2015

RIP to Whitney Houston and her daughter...

So sad how these two died young. Makes you want to cry looking at the photo. RIP Bobbi Kristina...

Cissy Houston must be devastated. She's lost both her daughter and granddaughter


Unknown said...

Wat a pity! RIP

TheRealAkon said...

Too sad for words.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

This is heartbreaking ...RIP to the dead.*sad*

Unknown said...


Karlsson said...

She's been confirmed dead?


Anonymous said...


fumi said...


Quiny said...'s really sad

Unknown said...

Nawa oo. So Bobbi Kristina is gone... She will just say Hi to her mum

Eze said...

Death why.........but how come the two them died in a bathtub

Eze said...

Death why.........but how come the two them died in a bathtub

Anonymous said...

May theirs souls RIP amen

Ashanka said...

Na wa oo R.I.P

Unknown said...

Words can't express how sad this is right now.... RIP

Unknown said...

So sad......

Unknown said...

Really sad

Unknown said...

This isn't a good one, Rip Bobbi Kristina.

Nky said...

Awwh, so sad.. RIP to them

sophieluv said...

So sad.

B Ud said...

So devastating! May their Beautiful young souls rest in peace...

Jasmine Joseph said...

RIP so sad

Jasmine Joseph said...

RIP so sad

Jasmine Joseph said...

RIP so sad

Adeoluabiodun8 said...


Unknown said...

Too bad.. I hope Bobby is now happy for destroying them , let's how his life will be

Unknown said...

Hmmmm this life....may their souls rest in peace amen!

Adeoluabiodun8 said...


Lily of Nigeria said...

This is too sad..May God grant them eternal peace in Heaven.

ola said...


mikkyjanec said...

RIP. So sad

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Linda, my heart is heavy seeing dis and I wonder wht d family members wil b feeling now. God pls grant their family d fortitude to bear their loss. RIP to them.

Unknown said...

It's so sad......

Meanwhile Whitney's mom is still alive

Juliebabe said...

Ah! So sad and extremely awful

Riketoke said...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

It's so sad

WeALTHY ChIC said...

Really sad

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sad for her though she watched them spiral.

That is what Linda fails to either realize or deliberately doesn't add when she's bashing certain parents especially parents abroad.linda still called out a parent publicly embarrassing his daughter yesterday.While that might look extreme,we really have no clue how frustrated the man was at that point.
I'm sure people will wonder why I keep harping on it.but I will keep doing so.if a kardashian or Jenner had over dosed or lived Bobbi kristinas kind of life,Linda would say it was how Kris did this or that,But look at it,the supposed good ones are the drugged up ones.while the girls you so hate for reasons best known to you aren't as you make them out to be.May Whitney and Bobbis soul RIP.

Unknown said...

RIP to their souls though....

Unknown said...

Too sad...I feel for her

Unknown said...

Bevy of beauties... may their souls continue to rest in peace n may God grant Cissy fortitude to bear d loss. Same nose they've got. It is well.

Unknown said...

So peace may their souls continue to rest.

Anonymous said...

They do more harm than good
Our Destinies lie in our hands
God only directs
We make the choices and take decisions
RIP Bobbi

Unknown said...

So peace may their souls continue to rest.

Unknown said...

So peace may their souls continue to rest.

Unknown said...

Like mother like daughter


How sad!! May their souls rest in peace

Gabby said...

RIP to them. Such is life.


Anonymous said...

Its a pity...Rip

Unknown said...

So dis girl finaly died!! May her soul RIP...dat stupid bf of hers shud be jailed for life, goal digger

Unknown said...

It's really heart breaking

Prostrate Care said...

RIP Whitney!!!

Anonymous said...

very sad...

see what hard drugs does to ones life... hope u drug addicts can take a lesson from dis two...

meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...

very sad...

see what hard drugs does to ones life... hope u drug addicts can take a lesson from dis two...

meenah_wakil on instagram

Unknown said...

It's really heart breaking

Anonymous said...

Bobby was so beautiful. I'm so sad

Unknown said...

So unfortunate. History keeps repeating itself, but the sad part is that humans refuse to learn. RIP.

Unknown said...

So sad!!!!!

Unknown said...

That's what drug overdose can lead to. Mother child dead, in similar circumstances. RIP Bobbi K. May ur soul find rest.....Amen.


Unknown said...

I'm dumbfounded and still in shock....*tearsdrop*

Unknown said...

Verry sad.. Chai... Painful.. Hope Bobby brown can live with himself

Liddieberry Daramola said...

Linda, honestly, i will blame her mother for this.... What do we expect from this young girl who grew up in a messy environment with drugs and all.. the pressure from fame alone is enough to make someone go out of his or her mind. She totally lost it. She was close to her mum, her mum was her best friend and all she had, she saw it all, when she was high from drugs, when she was struggling with addiction, she wasnt close to the father as such. We are lucky we gre up in a home where we were taught how to live right, how to pray, fast, give and work for God. It's a privilege honestly and i will always be grateful for that.

It's really sad. I prayed for her buh i guess God has his own way. If only she had gotten help. If only she had chosen the right path. If only Whitney had raised her well chosen the right husband cuz apparently bobbi brown was the wrong man for her, he destroyed her. PARENTS, YOUR CHILDREN SEES WHAT YOU DO.

Honestly, this has taught me a great lesson. Whoever you end up with wlll determine how you life will be.
And if God closes a door and a relationship ends, be wise enough never to open it again cuz sometimes God sees the future and he tries to prevent us from future disaster. Especially if you are someone God cherishes a lot.

Unknown said...

Useless man... Lets see how he will live..

Unknown said...

It's a pity..

Unknown said...

Too sad rest in peace...

Unknown said...

Too sad rest in peace...

Okowright Balaxy said...

Condolence to the Houston family. It's sad that both Whitney and her daughter met men that are into drugs. Girls need to be careful with the kind of guys they follow and hot such guys influence their behaviour. Learn to follow people that will teach you to form the right habbit

Unknown said...

Too sad rest in peace...

Anonymous said...

Kai may they RIP. this is what selling their souls to the devil did.

Ikuku AmStrong said...

So so sad:-(

ella-b said...

Lord have mercy. Rest in peace Bobbi

Unknown said...

I dnt even knw wa to say *rip

Unknown said...

drugs is too bad. so sad to say good bye

Unknown said...

Its very important for all GOOD parents to teach dia children how to stay away from drugs no matter how small its drug is drug, I believe they die young cos drugs.

Anonymous said...

Damn illiterate! Maybe if u watched the news more often or read about wot happened den u'll knw the true story. U must not comment u knw? Just say "rest in peace" it's as simple as dat

Unknown said...

Rip,dis is tragic,haaaa said...

RIP mothers precious jewel - thoughts and prayers are with the family and I cannot imagine what they are going through especially Cissy. Oh, the pain of losing both your daughter and grand daughter in such a short period of time

ary said...

Whitney Houston's story should make everyone looking to get into a relationship to choose their partners wisely. Nothing should ever be left to chance.

Unknown said...

hmmmmmmm #IT IS WELL!!

Anonymous said...

So sad!...RIP

Anonymous said...

How did bobby brown destroy them.?Please go and research.

Anonymous said...

This is really so sad, may her soul RIP

Anonymous said...

Oh liddieberry,thank God there are still a few people with working brains.I commented above stating same.

Unknown said...

This isn't the time to shift blames on family members or close relations. Instead, we should pray for God's mercy on the departed soul...Rip bobbi k.

Unknown said...

Crying RIP

Unknown said...

Death really is inevitable, all we can say now is "lord do ve mercy on the departed soul"...Rip bobbi K.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmm right words @balaxy, may we n our children nt meet d wrong person in life IJN. D 2 met wrong guys n dey died @ der prime so sad, RIP 2 dem

Anonymous said...

So true.

Anonymous said...

May her soul rest in peace. I am Angry. A family that disobey Christ, they end up like this. First , Whitney Houston was a good Christian girl and fell in love with a famous guy who is not a Christian, Bobby brown. Where did it take her, a life of drugs and confusion which led to her mental breakdown. NOW Fast Forward To Her Daughter. She was having an Incestuous relationship with her brother. Even her father and family members told her to stop it, she refused. Where did it end? I am not a judge but these are the facts. Many a people admire families of the RICH , if you know what is going on behind the curtains, you won't even come close to them. How can a mother and daughter die such a horrible death in similar circumstances within the space of 3 years?

Anonymous said...

So sad....RIP to them both,rily painful

Chikaka said...

Okowright Balaxy - you do know Whitney was a heavy drug user before she met Bobby. She enabled him more like. He was smoking weed and she came to him as a weed and crack smoker. The Houstons are well known drug addicts

Poor BK. She didn't stand a chance with the parents she had. Rest in peace.

abisoye said...

So sad

Anonymous said...

Bobby is innocent without was doing drugs before they got married

Anonymous said...

Nobody is to blame, they made their choices.

Unknown said...

What a tragedy in d family.God have mercy on us all

Unknown said...

What a tragedy in d family.God have mercy on us all(Amen).

Anonymous said...

To L. Daramola, Thank you for sharing this timely message. That is the reason why in the Bible, the only people that a Christian should get married to are Christians. Once you go against that, There would be crisis. Take for example, Toke Makinwa, I assume she is a Christian and getting married to the wrong man based on lust and fame and not on a good Christian foundation, i assume he is not a Christian only end in disaster. So timely advice to christians, don't have a relationship with somebody who don't share the same faith with you because of fame or money, if you do, you are disobeying Christ and the end won't be nice and your soul is in danger of hell fire

TheRealAkon said...

I understand what you are saying but please refer to Ophtah Winfrey 's Intervirw with Whitney's mum where she sat with Oprah & Whitney brother Michael. Her brother Michael confessed that he first introduced Whitney to drugs. That clarified the speculation about BobbyBrown.

claris Davids said...

@balaxy my thought exactly.

Casey DM said...

People thinks it because of fame and money buy I want to disagree. The Genesis of it was Bobby Brown. The combination of Bobby and Whitney was a terrible one from the start. Shaky foundation can't stand test of time. RIP Bobbi. Bobby Brown, no word for u yet. Whitney my Love, she touched your daughter. It's all well. Don Casey

Anonymous said...

Onyx, leave Bobby at of these. It is what the women chosed for themselves. Whitney Houston was a good Christian girl and sang in the choir, because of the pursuit of lust and fame, she decided to fall for bobby. Were there no good Christian men where she was attending church, I believe there were. So we should not really blame others for our mistakes. Was the father in support of Houston daughter incestuous relationship with her brother, NO. So blame the man a bit, the rest of the blame goes to them. May their souls rest in peace

Anonymous said...

What a sad end? May their soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

Wish u cn read this reply, Daramola. I appreciate the wisdom in u and I knw well that is the power of the Holyspirit. I pray, He'll gv u more. And I pray, everyone will read this piece uv written wt utmost wisdom of God. God bless you.

Oby said...

So heart breaking. Rest in Peace. I supposed this should serve as a deterrent to other American families who gives kids so much freedom. Its just soooo sad and there's no way the hands of time could be turned. It should have been done as this girl deserves to live and finished up from where the Mama stopped.

Anonymous said...

Whitney had beautiful lips!! So sad to see them gone just like that!

Unknown said...

My dear, life goes on for Bobby Brown. I say he's the Genesis of it all. Drug and abuse and all forms of irresponsible acts came from him then to Whitney and then Kristi didn't learn from their mistakes but also went that same line. I am very sad for them. BB already has a substitute family but Whitney's generation is over. I wish I could hear it's a rumor.

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtful title, Linda. That fsmily line is done because both Whitney and daughter are dead.

Anonymous said...

Words @ okowright balaxy. U nailed it.

Anonymous said...

Rip christy

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Very true my dear. You have said it all.

Anonymous said...

So sad. There is no guarantee for a Life without Jesus. It can be cut short any time.Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour? Tommorrow might be too late.

Anonymous said...

So sad. There is no guarantee for a Life without Jesus. It can be cut short any time.Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour? Tommorrow might be too late.

Unknown said...

Really sad rest in peace dear

Unknown said...

Really sad rest in peace dear said...

Girls if u love ur life bewhere of bad friends who deal on drugs#

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Enderline Ambi said...

Sorrowful, RIP

Anonymous said...

very parthetic may their soul rest in perfect peace

Unknown said...

So sad*teary eyes*her mum's death broke her down bcos she is her best friend,her notorious boyfrnd destroys her completely,I feel for her,she is so young$ full of life,thou she didn't enjoy life to the end,she didn't even enjoy all the money her mum left for her,what a sad story.RIP Bobbi Kristin$Mum.Miss u both.
Linda look alike

Jules said...

So sad...RIP to both of 'em

Unknown said...

Linda, my heart is heavy seeing dis and I wonder wht d family members wil b feeling and passing thru now.

God pls grant their family d fortitude to bear their loss. RIP to them.

Unknown said...

Linda, my heart is heavy seeing dis and I wonder wht d family members wil b feeling and passing thru now.

God pls grant their family d fortitude to bear their loss. RIP to them.

Ese kenora said...

Oh God , she didn't make it . My heartfelt condolence. . This is one sad news indeed

Unknown said...

True talk God bless u for this!

Opeyemi said...

its so sad......may her soul rest in peace

Toronto Finest said...

RIP. Ladies, when you are choosin a partner pls choose wisely. Never date a man who will introduce you to drug or who will watch you smoke and wont say anything. This is the side effect!

femmyedward said...

Very sad,may her soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

@okowright, it has been confirmed by all involved that it was Whitney who introduced Bobby to hard drugs. Apparently he was a learner compared to her. Once they divorced he became clean and took control of his life. So tragic that she couldn't do the same.
Such a sad story.

Unknown said...

Very sad news...😭. They both should rest in d lord..🙏

Unknown said...

Just too sad! RIP to them

Anonymous said...

JESUS, but how come ? I feel for the Family!

Anonymous said...

Bobby is doing fine. His hands are clean. So much hatred from ignorant people too lazy to research.

Unknown said...

Bible's morals will always be the best and for our own good. Stay away from drugs. Cherish your God given body

Anonymous said...


uwakwe Esther said...

Can't say a word,

Unknown said...

what a sacrifice........................This people are wicked ooo

Numerouno Princess said...

@ Balaxy,true words,may God give us nd our children, wisdom,2 choose d right partners..
RIP. Bobbi

Bado744 said...

Letz not get it twisted here Balaxy and blame paths you took on other people. Agreed Whitney was into drugs but it wasn't Bobby dat got her into it..she was already into drug use before she met Bobby. He was jst a catalyst in her life into her spiralling down the drug lane

Numerouno Princess said...

Whitney u had a Godly background ,but decided 2 get distracted by d world, nd u married Bobby Brown,who made it easy,nd she where it landed u nd ur only child
See ur cousin Cece Winans, she remained in d. Fate,nd H's not regretted it.
RIP Bobbi

REAL. PIKIN said...


Beauty said...

Dis is too painful mother and duagther suwey may thier soul continue 2 rest in peace

Unknown said...

So it wasn't Bobby Brown that introduced here to drugs after all. It was her brother, Michael, that introduced her to wa o.

Unknown said...

Greatness comes with a price-tag, drugs, lust for worldly affairs, disbelief in religious faith, bobby brown wasn't a good father and husband, he should have supported his wife and daughter out of the addiction, but then he was and addict too so it's makes it hard for him to stop the drug addiction, the grandma or close relatives that knew they were into addiction could have supported them, at least sign them up for rehab, but that didn't happen as well... too bad the story went this way, I wish everyone who weren't there for them to kick-out addiction would be able to live with a clean conscience, I wish it had a happy ending... may god forgive all our sins, and may God grant the souls of the departed rest. R.I.P Whitney Houston and Bobby kristiana.

Anonymous said...

pls people Whitney's brother taught her how to use drugs but bobby didnt do a good job.Rip Girl she missed her mum lots and fell into d arms of a wicked adopted bro who became husband and come to think of it d boy saw bobby asault whitney that was only what he understood and treated d young lady in such manner never ever go to d devil for fame he uses ur weak point and destroys u he is not wise so he cant make u do otherwise but ur weakness illuminati yes if u are a deep thinker they give fame and money and destroy these people whitney,micheal jackson,beyonce,nelly name them all started at d church what was d last sond whitney sang d night before she died Jesus loves me dis I know she knew she was dieing and d party holding downstairs, d devil owns d world read ur bible very well and ask God questions and answers will be revealed u will know d truth and be set free, but God gave man d earth and d world will b destroyed not d earth vanities occupy d world so b wise and never take a penny from d devil.Rip Bobby.

Unknown said...

Rest in peace...

Unknown said...

Oh! Whitney ..I pray u rest in d lord wid ur daughter ..oh..dis is soo heart wrenching

Unknown said...

God.dis is soo sad n heavy 4mi
Rip dearest

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

May their souls rest in peace.AMEN

Carina Kikelomo Jacob said...

Tragedy. RIP

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace

Unknown said...

This is a lesson to every parents......say NO TO DRUGS......May their souls rest in peace

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