Waoo congrat to you my dear,is better to come out an say who you are than hidden your identity foling your self dying mysteriously,i support you dude goodluck. Don't mind what africa we say why the are living in bondage of heartless government pursueing shadow instead of the main thing.
Waoo congrat to you my dear,is better to come out an say who you are than hidden your identity foling your self dying mysteriously,i support you dude goodluck. Don't mind what africa we say why the are living in bondage of heartless government pursueing shadow instead of the main thing.
Is he doing this in Kenya or is he living abroad? All these brave Africans who flirt with sexual taboos do so from the safety of their bedrooms somewhere in Paris, London, New York and so forth. Shit would go down in Africa.
Men will be transitioning,this one too go follow. U don't even look good as a man,i can only imagine what u will look like as aa woman. See head. Abeg comot for road. Mtcheeeewwwww
Linda pls stop promoting homosexuality/transsexuality on ur blog. I hope you know ur opening the eyes of our youths to dis devilish act, before you know it they start getting ideas abt becoming trans also, d seed will start growing in dere minds. on a daily basis you must post these kind of things. I know its funny and entertaining to some ppl, but for kids dat are easily influenced pls stop this, this is Nigeria not America, we have values plsssss.
You have so Murdered the English Language!!!!! #you should be so Sad that you are paving your Eternity to.............................# Seek yea the kingdom of God first
Caitlyn Jenner has more questions to answer before his maker on the day of reckoning cos I know more men will come out to say they are women thanks to him/her.
In as much as I don't support this devilish transgender nonsense, but come to think of it how come so many men want to change to women? Aren't there enough women in the world already??? so many w/o husbands, some playing 2nd, 3rd wives and others concubines yet these sick men want to add to the multitude. When will women too start changing to men? The devil has really eaten deep into our today's world. God please help and save the rest of us who are still sane and help us to discourage this shameful act, as you trought it wise to create ADAM and EVE and not ADAM and ELIJAH to be one!
Chei, Did Obama not see you?, he would have given you automatic citizen of US, the land of evil. enter Kenyans, no food for this man for the next one month. he is looking for celebrity status ne.
Hahahsha. Cant stop laughing... Watin we no go c? ur so ugly as a man....u will even look worst as a woman....lol u should be tamed in a private zoo..... Just saying....but mummy y u like this kind gist self...interesting shaa...lol
Are you single because of personal reasons and dont mind having your own biological children?have you considered intrauterine insemination? Lets chat on whatsapp 0809 562 7137
Darm!! I wish I can just see dis gorilla, ,,,,,wounld just slap d foolish outta him, oh is it him or her? Gust somebody should. Pls help##### can't laugh enough, so disgusting
Linda, please could the media stop its reporting of transgender or gay issues, its becoming old. They are out there and in the closet. So let them stay in the closet and not infect young and clean minds
Just negodu!
Nekwuonu ma oke rie onwuo! I hope de give u ur menstrual cycle too...
Very f'ugly
Lol good4him
Ugly shit.
Am the first! Yaaaaaaayyyyyyy #tongue out#
Waoo congrat to you my dear,is better to come out an say who you are than hidden your identity foling your self dying mysteriously,i support you dude goodluck.
Don't mind what africa we say why the are living in bondage of heartless government pursueing shadow instead of the main thing.
#sad indeed
Waoo congrat to you my dear,is better to come out an say who you are than hidden your identity foling your self dying mysteriously,i support you dude goodluck.
Don't mind what africa we say why the are living in bondage of heartless government pursueing shadow instead of the main thing.
#sad indeed
hahahahahahahaahahaahahaahahaahahaahahaahahaaha..................dey deceive yourself
Ok #onelovefromsnow#
Very stupid idiot. Oshisco
I am sorry. You look horrible as a lady
Wetin be dis?
Chai!he wud be such a ugly woman!
Haaa!!! This world should please come to an end... imagine this one with Adam apple sef. Lols
Yes, woman indeed, with his gogogongo, wrong body my foot!
*singing* "Na Godwinoo!, na Godwinoo! Na Godwin"
He should remain a man, he looks so ugly a lady.
very soon now onyx too would say he is living the wrong life....
Ah......They have invaded Africa.We may soon have to ask people what gender they are B4 talking to them.
Yeye dey smell
Different types of mental illness
End time is near
Looking Like That ONYX ! haha ...Waiting For Onyx Godwin To Announce His Own Trasitioning Aswell!! #Haha
See what Bruce Jenner has caused,people are becoming more foolish everyday and they now have an excuse 4 their stupidity.
Just a feeling to change your God given body.
Abeg wat is dis??? Ugly as hell
Fish bone
The end time is really near
WTF is wrong with all these men sef???? Do they think being a woman is that fun?
What about his Adam apple in his neck will him it too? End time
Lol,,,,she is lookin like a woman already,,,,,,,
***odikwa risky nd tyt***
All i see is onyx replica
I don't understand your flair for LGBT
I gather hope in terms of body structure for this man side...see me complaining that I am thin mtchwww man woman I pity for the guy that will do you.
How come women are not transitioning into men.O ma gaaa ooooo.Who owns the worlds !!!! girls!!!! sig along
He is an idiot
He is definitely going to be the ugliest transgender..........Kenyans can be bony and ugly dou
He is definitely going to be the ugliest transgender..........Kenyans can be bony and ugly dou
Another story of "jesus wept".
So ugly!! Gerrahia mehn!!! Sh*t!!
I wish to read that you have been caught and dealt with seriously. A*****E
Guy u can't look good being a woman
Still waiting for onyx to come out eeee....
Nice Adam apple.
The guy dey find asylum for USA
Mumu man u wnt to try God
you must really think Obama is Kenya's president for doing this!
I see a dead man walking...or should i say 'posing'?
Ijoro meets woowor= Urgliness!
Very ugly! Looks like Aids itself! Disguusting!
Mtchewww.. see the ugly mucheche
Lupita brother?
Most men r jealous of women. Jealous dat they were heels, makeup, hair etc. lol
Is he doing this in Kenya or is he living abroad? All these brave Africans who flirt with sexual taboos do so from the safety of their bedrooms somewhere in Paris, London, New York and so forth. Shit would go down in Africa.
See as he carry face like one cartoon character..... Foolish fool....
Nezianu ka odi ka onwu. Onu tolotolo. spits!
Is he alright? He looks sick and kinda resembles Obama! @least Obamas visit there was not a waste
Na wa o.nothing person no go see for this life wey we come
Men will be transitioning,this one too go follow. U don't even look good as a man,i can only imagine what u will look like as aa woman. See head. Abeg comot for road. Mtcheeeewwwww
Suffering and smiling
Lozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... See neck?
I sorry for you
very ugly devil
Holy! He should pls join d track and field event and make his country proud and not waste d rest of his life....
Obama inspired! Looks so much like Onyx.
Nonsense! Ode
Lol, I guess he is preparing to die now! That's if he is in Kenya.
See as he resemble ostrich. Nywaz na im sabi biko. Linda take note!
See as he resemble ostrich. Nywaz na im sabi biko. Linda take note!
See as he resemble ostrich. Nywaz na im sabi biko. Linda take note!
his he ok looking sick
Ode buruku
Lolz africas are learning oooo. Ugly man
mumu his face is vixing me
Well, he does look happy...sigh. this new trend is just disturbing
Linda pls stop promoting homosexuality/transsexuality on ur blog. I hope you know ur opening the eyes of our youths to dis devilish act, before you know it they start getting ideas abt becoming trans also, d seed will start growing in dere minds. on a daily basis you must post these kind of things. I know its funny and entertaining to some ppl, but for kids dat are easily influenced pls stop this, this is Nigeria not America, we have values plsssss.
Why do you think "Africa" is this one giant homogeneous place? Stop taking about the rest of the continent like you've been outside your village.
Mba nu! Abeg this one no follow.
See his adam's apple.... things Bruce jenner dey cause
Spoken intelligently....
so when are u transitioning?
Ha! It's fun o, am enjoying womanhood I beg.
He looks unhealthy lol u go just kill yourself
He looks like he's been pursued by the spirit of death..😭
Hahahahahah dis is funny
Goodluck ,wish it goes well .............hmmmmmmm
Soon now denrele and onyx will say na inside wrong body dem dey live all dis time
Laugh won finish me,,guy ur new lool wowo Sha; so far dis d most ugly transgender I hv seen.
Seriously man!
Idiot, cracked head@the freeborn zina
And you must be sad
Fool of the century
Linda if you be guy u fit take dis one with $1b as bonus?
You have so Murdered the English Language!!!!!
#you should be so Sad that you are paving your Eternity to.............................#
Seek yea the kingdom of God first
the guy should please park well, look at his long ostrich neck, we don't need you in women folks. stick to your gender. gosh !!!!
it is well
Women don suffer...
Hahahhaha madness! This one wants to be lupita
He look's like a cock.
Ol boy see adam apple.....Thats got to be the biggest i have seen ever. Guess adam apples re ment for women hahahahaha
Don't you know that linda ikeji is a lesbian
You can't even pull of "female" with that face so just remain what God made you.. Ostrich neck.
Interesting. ISOKAY NAAA
Zoo man
Ugly thing
Ekwensu aputago ife!
God will help us.
Na me talk am with my Galaxy Note 4
Idiot you are so gat
@freebornZina Gay alert!!
Please leave Onyx alone. He has done nothing to throw words at.
Agama lizard, dry nyash, dry prick, dry body. Anumpama!!!
You need to go back to school. Fool
Who cares, he can turn into a baby or a whale for all I care.
i thought Jenner was the ugliest this is a disaster
See this Kenya goat
This man idle. Can someone help him out
Caitlyn Jenner has more questions to answer before his maker on the day of reckoning cos I know more men will come out to say they are women thanks to him/her.
Is he suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome?
Look sick & disgusting
Good for you
Na him cup of tea,y linda dey tell us nah,mk him transition.
Trangender is nw becoming trendy lol, God save us
Mumu!!! Ugly tin. He be like the one wey dem take settle evil spirit
You would have to be d ugliest transgender that hv ever lived!!! Ewu Gambia......................
In as much as I don't support this devilish transgender nonsense, but come to think of it how come so many men want to change to women? Aren't there enough women in the world already??? so many w/o husbands, some playing 2nd, 3rd wives and others concubines yet these sick men want to add to the multitude. When will women too start changing to men? The devil has really eaten deep into our today's world. God please help and save the rest of us who are still sane and help us to discourage this shameful act, as you trought it wise to create ADAM and EVE and not ADAM and ELIJAH to be one!
Even as a guy he luks horrible set, he thinks makeup and weave will help his case
Is he still living a life? He looks like a walking-dead
Come to an end? Have u prepared to meet Satan? Mtchew!
Say wah????? Nnem its fun! My next 30 world, amma come a woman! Maybe afufu akpugo GI Isi .
Na death be dis
Its God that can save us ooo
Na woman he transformed to?This one na bone oo,E for transform to antelope or grasscutter........Nonsense
Dah fuck
End time wahala, overflow and celebration of iniquity. Disgusting stuff!
End time wahala, overflow/celebration of iniquity, disgusting stuff.
Chei, Did Obama not see you?, he would have given you automatic citizen of US, the land of evil.
enter Kenyans, no food for this man for the next one month. he is looking for celebrity status ne.
very ugly man,he can be like we lady,na fake woman
Hahahsha. Cant stop laughing... Watin we no go c? ur so ugly as a man....u will even look worst as a woman....lol u should be tamed in a private zoo..... Just saying....but mummy y u like this kind gist self...interesting shaa...lol
Lol dem no fit try am here na
Ndi ara everywhere.
He doesn't know what he's doing... all
Bia! Who's this bony tilapia bikonu? Transition quietly joor, wth cares...Mtcheeews!!!
Beautiful lady in the making.
Mr X Magicblackxxl@gmail.com
His prob jare
This guy looks like death with lipstick on
Linda you see wetin Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner don de cause for Africa Abi?
Go buddy go! i know what you can do. Lead the light. for sure, Nigeria and rest of Africa will follow suit! we're waiting...
Are you single because of personal reasons and dont mind having your own biological children?have you considered intrauterine insemination? Lets chat on whatsapp 0809 562 7137
The Dude kinda looks like u.
Check out the eyeballs.
Don't mean no disrespect Son.
Fucking gay ass with your irritating bad English! Mscheeeewww!
Freeborn is Gay. And onyx, stop deceiving urself. Come out of ur fucking closet. Awon adofuro oshi. Shior!
He is very ugly as a man maybe he will be finer as a woman. Let's watch n see
Firstly class ugly idiot
Lol he is gonna be one hell of an ugly bitch, Obama wil be proud of him.
o gini bu ihe nka bikonu.,na wa oooo. silly disgusting things everywhere.
@Freeborn zina did u attend any school at all,do u speak ENGLISHHHHH?
Your english no be here o!
Darm!! I wish I can just see dis gorilla, ,,,,,wounld just slap d foolish outta him, oh is it him or her? Gust somebody should. Pls help##### can't laugh enough, so disgusting
Hahahahaha I love this reactiong.
Na really negodu nkapi
Such a gory sight...
Linda, please could the media stop its reporting of transgender or gay issues, its becoming old. They are out there and in the closet. So let them stay in the closet and not infect young and clean minds
Abeg my grandmother has hope.. ...
Stupid fucker gtfo idiot
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