Robert Smith, 52, is one of the richest black men in the US. He's a billionaire venture capital tycoon and over the weekend he married Playboy
model Hope Dworaczyk, 30, in a lavish ceremony that held at a spectacular villa in Italy and featured performances from Grammy
winners John Legend and Seal.
There aren't that many black billionaires in the US and some black women seem mad that one of the few they have chose to marry a white woman. Their comments are hilarious. Anyway see more pics from their wedding. The couple already have a seven-month-old son named Hendrix Robert.

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Some of the couple's guests managed to capture the truly intricate detailing featured on the dress, which had crystal embellishments across the whole design |

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The bride's Naeem Khan gown featured an impressive train that was covered with glittering beads |
Grandma tins
All I think they need is "happy married life " let God iron out any wrong in them... Eph 5:24-25
The heart wants what it wants
Money is good
Blacks are the real racists here! If it was a white billionaire that married a black woman will they complain? And if tge whites dare complain bout a white billionaire marrying a black woman, social media will know no peace.. Bunch of hypocritical racists... Rubbish.. Sadly most pple can't see through their pretense
The guy knows alot about them black sisters. Is just to enjoy your sweat, cheat on youand make you a miserable dude. Too bad. I hope them black girls learn from this. Be nice to us. It's all we ask.
Well he had enough BS From the black girls already,they are not to be wifed jare!
Cashing out for life.
Well, we black women r known to be a bit troublesome sha. And he's in love. At least he didn't marry a Caitlyn.
When is my billionaire coming?
More so, I can bet his 1st wife was black n maybe he's just wanted a new flavor. When u r a billionaire, you can do as you please jare.
Linda where are d black women comments! Girl u lack news oh
Rotf* gosh our parents lied... being a good girl is over rated. . The prostitutes are winning. .. smdh
The son doesn't look half caste but white, the man should get a Dna.
She's 30? She needs to stay away from them doctors mehn.
well...d hrt want wat it want even that which is worst for it!
***adult content***
But whites can marry black ladies rite? Women re d problem of this world, always making noise.... If a white lady get mad DAT a white man married a black woman now, hell will be loosed...
I don't think it's anyone's business who a person chooses to marry. There's no written rule that says a black man must marry a black woman, or a white man must marry a white woman. Their arguments are stouts and I'm not even interested in seeing what they were.
Choi! Dis is money speaking. I'm happy for them . Linda take note!
Choi! Dis is money speaking. I'm happy for them . Linda take note!
Choi! Dis is money speaking. I'm happy for them . Linda take note!
Choi! Dis is money speaking. I'm happy for them . Linda take note!
Ok nice
I wonder what first attracted her to the billionaire, Robert Smith...
@52 and he is just getting married, blacks shld stop this race thing, we are always play it victim
@52 and he is just getting married, blacks shld stop this race thing, we are always play it victim
Choi! This is really painful o! Lol. Is it that black women aren't marriageable? What exactly is the problem?
Money is good
Money is good
Congratulations to them.
It pays to be a ho
Mr X
His choice
That baby looks fully Caucasian to me. The baby doesn't look mixed. You can see the black in North West. This one... Hmmm
I don't see anything wrong in marrying a white Woman.
If it's the other way round, black will start screaming racism!
Linda all our comment ure eating, ah ah what happin since morning no comment to read.
Many successful black athletes , entertainers in show business are married to white women. I believe due to inferiority complex & insecurites couple with the need to be accepted in the elite world - predominantly privilege exclusive white background , they tend to move in this circle and use marriage to accomplish their goals. Sad though.
Na wa for black women, she is good as a baby mama but not wife? #StoryForTheGods
His choice and it's nobody's bizness....lucky girl tho........
We blacks with insecurity if it is a white man getting married to a black woman and the whites discriminating against it we will all be shouting racism. Bytheway happy married life to them
What is their own with his choice of a bride? Where were they when he got her pregnant? Congratulations to the newly wed.
Busy Fingers.
Its his choice.
That wedding dress is everything!!! Lucky girl.
All these blessed blacks never think of father land Africa, helping build schools, hospitals, investing in hitec etc etc....for African peoples
The next things they all ( footballers, artists...) do , is : enjoy white women, buy expensive cars, expensive Mansions. They end poor with huge justice issues.
Aaah it's not easy to be Black!
All these blessed blacks never think of father land Africa, helping build schools, hospitals, investing in hitec etc etc....for African peoples
The next things they all ( footballers, artists...) do , is : enjoy white women, buy expensive cars, expensive Mansions. They end poor with huge justice issues.
Aaah it's not easy to be Black!
All these blessed blacks never think of father land Africa, helping build schools, hospitals, investing in hitec etc etc....for African peoples
The next things they all ( footballers, artists...) do , is : enjoy white women, buy expensive cars, expensive Mansions. They end poor with huge justice issues.
Aaah it's not easy to be Black!
She's pretty tho!
Congratz to the lucky lady
This woman can't be 30 - she looks old as f**k!! Anyways, she did well - BABA GOLD DIGGER!!
She is pretty!!
Blacks are more racist
Nice one. Bt she shld hv wrapped her hair. D whole thing looked too busy. #mathotssha#
One mistake and a divorce and this guy is no more a millionaire
Discover the ground-breaking therapy that has been deliberately kept from the public.
And many more.
One thing those blk women don't seem to get..any blk successful man,be it showbiz,sports or corporate American, goes a longer way..wit a white woman beside him, but if he messes up wit the white woman..u will notice dat he isn't making head way.. e.g Terrence Howard. He should be on d level of Denzel, but for where..the moment he divorced his white wife and got into domestic dispute. He jus got a role in empire..scandal after sandal. Dats all folks.
Oriegwu! ...
I hope that this Nwanna didn't sign a pre-nuptial, or else he is a goner. Lindiwe don't forget to post d divorce forms when they come out in 6months time
So because he's black anr rich he can't marry a white? Blacks r d real racists. HmL to them biko.
Black women no dey easy to live with. Their focus is only on the money or material gain. I've lived in the U.S. and know the difference between dating a black woman and a white woman. White women have a whole better understanding of how to keep a man happy. I'm not talking about sex here.
I come back here to Nigeria and I'm still seeing the same sort of behavior from Nigerian women. You all are looking for a life raft. A lazy bunch.
That's why he married a white woman. With the type of work he does and the money he has, he doesn't need any drama in his life from a black woman.
I don't really like her dress, I feel its too busy......but hey happy married life 2 them and those my black sisters, love doesn't recognise colour, so make them no vex.
I feel their pain...
Blacks too get wahala
And that is why people bleach..just kidding...I wish them all the best..It's very unfortunate that the color of ones' skin plays a vital role in societal acceptance..
Na wa sha I have neva noticed a white successful man get married to a black girl or lady or woman its always the other way round.... Don't no y its like this oooooo....but I hope this woman enter marriage 4 love not 4 money .. HML to. Them
U are a big fool 4 dt ur senseless comment. I pity d unfortunate black babe dt pick u as a husband. Msheew
It is pathetic to see colonized people seeing themselves thru the lens of the colonizers. Everything you stated here is a lame excuse. Matter of fact, how many times have you heard the same espoused about black men? Steorotypes still cast you as a lazy bunch, devil-incarnate creatures, only good to be shot-at-sight, as in a hunting game, whether in Zimbabwe or South Carolina. Yet, we as your sisters, mothers, aunts and daughters know most of these misrepresentations are just that. Nothing could be further from the truth. However, even with the Black woman by your side, esp during the toiling and hardship times or raising you inspite of the odds, once you've made it, particularly with respect to material acquisitions, you come out and repeatedly despise her: the real love, that nurtured you into becoming who you think, you are now. Why, is it the White girls end up marrying mostly these rich black men? If love is actually love, regardless of economics, how is it same white girls are not running in droves to marry poor, black men? Have you asked yourself these questions, at all? Besides, when you decide to make another your wife, and imbue her all the privileges of the institution, who do you want to marry your African sister, aunt or daughter? Is it the White, Indian, Chinese or Pluto man? You could care less, just as long as, you get yours. Fact is: the number of White men for instance, who marry African/Black women is negligible versus the number of Black men who marry White girls. Why, the huge inbalance? Bcos, love is not blind, afterall. Except, of course, for dimwits and visionless African men of your ilk. On the other hand, God bless the likes of President Obama, who makes me hopeful that all is not lost on this front, by bringing on his arms and to the world stage, a beautiful, fabulous, brilliant, queenly and genuinely loving Black woman, Michelle. To have done otherwise, is: goodcause4trouble
Happy married life to them.
My dear, i am here and believe me, most all Africans here see and have experience how racists african-americans are. You are so right o jare
Which part of her is 30 though.
Divorce soon. Then she will sign for prenup to collect half of his money
I'll bet if this were a Nigerian billiomaire marrying an outsider and Nigerian women complained of the loss, Onyx would understand and keep his piehole shut. Dude, you need to get over your obsessive hatred of blacks in America. They don't know your scrawny ass exists.
Though few, there are a number of hugely successful white men who are married to black women, for example the A-List actor Robert De Niro and New York City Mayor DiBlasio. While De Niro's missus is extremely gorgeous, the bride of DiBlasio can't in all honesty be described as anything approaching gorgeous.
Another young, African-American (AA) man was gunned /hunted down today on the streets of Cincinnati following a very minor traffic infraction. Why, you ask: does this keep happening to mostly AA men even in modern-day America? Well, in part, bcos your personal decisions, esp, whom you choose to marry, has a direct bearing on the political, economic, religious and criminal justice experiences of a given people @ the end of the day. So, when Black/African men only yearn, dream, seek and actually marry fair-skinned, white women 4 concocted reasons, this is one of the results. Why, do increasing numbers of AA men like to run away from their shadows and natural responsibilities? What ever informs these AA men that another aka foreigner or Western system will wash your back even leading to your anuses? Where is your confidence, trust, respect and love of what is divinely yours to make better? How come, the Marsians, with just one head like Black/AA men, dream and aspire to make only Mars & theirs the best, even were, the exchange value of their offerings is below par? Look around you, matured folks know, love ain't blind. To think otherwise, is: goodcause4trouble.
Good for him
Maybe when you become a millionaire
I hope they both signed pre-nuptials agreement for his sake!
Someone sounds pained. As you do to others so shall be done to you....good or bbad
Girl!!!!! You ain't never lied! Good is so overrated. I'm almost on the verge of becoming a ho! These damn morals just keep getting in the way. Hoes STAY winning
Marriage no be by force. The article says black women in America are upset because one of the very few succesful black men in America went ahead and a married a white woman.
Again, their focus is only on the material gain they feel has be transferred to the white woman. Like I said previously, the black woman's focus is on what they can get from the man. They can't see beyond their nose, so to speak.
There is a reason why successful black men in America, even the not so rich ones are marrying out of their race. They want a woman, who has an understanding and can help them realize their dreams, not a drama queen, who sees them as an ATM machine.
75 percent of black American women of marriageable age have children out if wedlock. Do I need to say more.
In the context of Nigeria, the women here are also looking for a windfall. The Nigerian woman wants a boyfriend or husband who will give then monthly allowance they can spend as they wish before they can agree to a relationship. I'm talking anywhere from N10 ,000 to N100,000 or more per month. Are you looking for a boyfriend/husband or an employer, who will pay you money for services rendered?
If a man can give a woman that type of money on a monthly basis to keep her happy, what type of relationship is that. Na ashawo dey demand that type of arrangement.
You said in your response that the black man leaves the black woman once they are successful to go marry a white woman. Not so. What black woman would stand by your side when a Blackman is still struggling? That never happens. A black woman will not give a black man a time of day if they are still struggling. Go ask any young man in Nigeria who is just starting out after college without a job. They will tell you their bitter experiences with Nigerian women.
Well said. You're one of the most balanced and bright souls on this blog.
The hypocrisy of black people: alarming
Plus they play the race card way too much!
Love her gown
I dey tell u
Shut up!! Its not just because she's white....
George Lucas of Star Wars fame, billoniare married to a black woman . Google it.
Hmmmmm... I tink I will support u on dis, been tinkin abt it dis days, but all is well..
Black sisters in the US should learn the right attitudes. they are too forward, whorish behaviors, speak the most raw language every heard on the planet, ever ready to fight or burst someone open, looking for ways to spend more money than they make through child support, bad at bringing up their children, support their kids in every wrong thing they do, and the list goes on. Summary is, the black multimillionaire knows what he likes and saw in the white lady that you black sis don't have. When you learn to be humble despite all, your black brothers will trust you with all they have. You will control their empire wisely.
My dear o different formula for different generations but trust me the hoes might get the money but the modest ones get the love so choose for your selves bitches
George Lucas and Robert de niro married black women. My sisters no need to fear. You too when u gt tired of these poor ungrateful unromantic black men, then get u a white or Latino man. No lele. Eesh
Your mind is remotely controlled by your former slave masters and you don't even know it. You need a rethink, asap.
The outbursts by Black women whether in Naija/America, comes from years of over-load: taking care of you, your children and everything else, in-between, without support, care nor validation from brutes like you. Go and learn your history if you've forgotten it. While at it, remember, for all these labels you place on a Black woman, there are even more stereotypes on you as a Black man, but mostly, by the Marsian order: the same one you desire to placate and please, while, it spits on your face @ every chance. Why, do you keep abdicating @ your duties? Bcos, in truth, men like you lack confidence and trust in their abilities.
thats his choice
Most black men are self hating. That is a fact. For him to marry a white woman he sees himself as stepping up
Well dear onyx, it's true, blacks these days have become racist. But you have to have experienced racism on this side of the world to understand why being racist as a black person has become a necessary evil.
Where I live in the middle east, I simply winked at an Indian tot, and he made faces at me. Told his mum I winked, even though she tried to salvage the situation, telling him it's OK (to downplay the obvious fact that they've trained their kids to be racist behind closed doors) I couldn't get behind the ridiculousness of the whole idea. Same repeated itself even though I didn't even wink or smile at this other girl. She actually was aggressive in her disdain for the black man.
So you see its better experienced, don't judge these people from there.
Janet jackson's husband is a middle eastern billionare. Iman's husband is a white millionare. Naomi campbell once dated a white billionare. There are other white millionares/billionares married to black women, but are usually low key.
She's just lucky. Being a ho isn't easy ooooo lol. You need to be friends with hos to know. Lol
Mr X
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